
89 lines
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// Name: wx/os2/checklst.h
// Purpose: wxCheckListBox class - a listbox with checkable items
// Note: this is an optional class.
// Author: David Webster
// Modified by:
// Created: 10/13/99
// Copyright: (c) David Webster
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_CHECKLST_H_
#define _WX_CHECKLST_H_
#include <stddef.h>
#include "wx/defs.h"
class wxOwnerDrawn; // so the compiler knows, it is a class.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxCheckListBox : public wxCheckListBoxBase
// Ctors
wxCheckListBox( wxWindow* pParent
,wxWindowID vId
,const wxPoint& rPos = wxDefaultPosition
,const wxSize& vSize = wxDefaultSize
,int nStrings = 0
,const wxString asChoices[] = NULL
,long lStyle = 0
,const wxValidator& rValidator = wxDefaultValidator
,const wxString& rsName = wxListBoxNameStr
wxCheckListBox( wxWindow* pParent
,wxWindowID vId
,const wxPoint& rPos
,const wxSize& vSize
,const wxArrayString& asChoices
,long lStyle = 0
,const wxValidator& rValidator = wxDefaultValidator
,const wxString& rsName = wxListBoxNameStr
// Override base class virtuals
virtual void Delete(unsigned int n);
virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont &rFont);
// Items may be checked
bool IsChecked(unsigned int uiIndex) const;
void Check(unsigned int uiIndex, bool bCheck = true);
// Accessors
size_t GetItemHeight(void) const { return m_nItemHeight; }
// We create our items ourselves and they have non-standard size,
// so we need to override these functions
virtual wxOwnerDrawn* CreateItem(size_t n);
virtual long OS2OnMeasure(WXMEASUREITEMSTRUCT* pItem);
// Pressing space or clicking the check box toggles the item
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& rEvent);
void OnLeftClick(wxMouseEvent& rEvent);
size_t m_nItemHeight; // height of checklistbox items (the same for all)
}; // end of CLASS wxCheckListBox