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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2023 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "GS/Renderers/HW/GSRendererHW.h"
#include "GS/Renderers/HW/GSTextureReplacements.h"
#include "GS/GSGL.h"
#include "GS/GSPerfMon.h"
#include "GS/GSUtil.h"
#include "Host.h"
#include "common/BitUtils.h"
#include "common/StringUtil.h"
#include <bit>
: GSRenderer()
m_mipmap = (GSConfig.HWMipmap >= HWMipmapLevel::Basic);
g_texture_cache = std::make_unique<GSTextureCache>();
// Hope nothing requires too many draw calls.
memset(&m_conf, 0, sizeof(m_conf));
void GSRendererHW::SetTCOffset()
m_userhacks_tcoffset_x = std::max<s32>(GSConfig.UserHacks_TCOffsetX, 0) / -1000.0f;
m_userhacks_tcoffset_y = std::max<s32>(GSConfig.UserHacks_TCOffsetY, 0) / -1000.0f;
m_userhacks_tcoffset = m_userhacks_tcoffset_x < 0.0f || m_userhacks_tcoffset_y < 0.0f;
void GSRendererHW::Destroy()
void GSRendererHW::PurgeTextureCache()
void GSRendererHW::ReadbackTextureCache()
GSTexture* GSRendererHW::LookupPaletteSource(u32 CBP, u32 CPSM, u32 CBW, GSVector2i& offset, float* scale, const GSVector2i& size)
return g_texture_cache->LookupPaletteSource(CBP, CPSM, CBW, offset, scale, size);
bool GSRendererHW::CanUpscale()
return GSConfig.UpscaleMultiplier != 1.0f;
float GSRendererHW::GetUpscaleMultiplier()
return GSConfig.UpscaleMultiplier;
void GSRendererHW::Reset(bool hardware_reset)
// Read back on CSR Reset, conditional downloading on render swap etc handled elsewhere.
if (!hardware_reset)
void GSRendererHW::UpdateSettings(const Pcsx2Config::GSOptions& old_config)
m_mipmap = (GSConfig.HWMipmap >= HWMipmapLevel::Basic);
void GSRendererHW::VSync(u32 field, bool registers_written, bool idle_frame)
if (GSConfig.LoadTextureReplacements)
if (!idle_frame)
// If it did draws very recently, we should keep the recent stuff in case it hasn't been preloaded/used yet.
// Rocky Legend does this with the main menu FMV's.
if (s_last_transfer_draw_n == s_n)
for (auto iter = m_draw_transfers.rbegin(); iter != m_draw_transfers.rend(); iter++)
if ((s_n - iter->draw) > 5)
m_draw_transfers.erase(m_draw_transfers.begin(), std::next(iter).base());
// Don't age the texture cache when no draws or EE writes have occurred.
// Xenosaga needs its targets kept around while it's loading, because it uses them for a fade transition.
GL_INS("No draws or transfers, not aging TC");
if (g_texture_cache->GetHashCacheMemoryUsage() > 1024 * 1024 * 1024)
fmt::format(TRANSLATE_FS("GS", "Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling."),
static_cast<float>(g_texture_cache->GetHashCacheMemoryUsage()) / 1048576.0f),
GSConfig.TexturePreloading = TexturePreloadingLevel::Partial;
m_skip = 0;
m_skip_offset = 0;
GSRenderer::VSync(field, registers_written, idle_frame);
GSTexture* GSRendererHW::GetOutput(int i, float& scale, int& y_offset)
int index = i >= 0 ? i : 1;
GSPCRTCRegs::PCRTCDisplay& curFramebuffer = PCRTCDisplays.PCRTCDisplays[index];
const GSVector2i framebufferSize(PCRTCDisplays.GetFramebufferSize(i));
// TRACE(_T("[%d] GetOutput %d %05x (%d)\n"), (int)m_perfmon.GetFrame(), i, (int)TEX0.TBP0, (int)TEX0.PSM);
GSTexture* t = nullptr;
GIFRegTEX0 TEX0 = {};
TEX0.TBP0 = curFramebuffer.Block();
TEX0.TBW = curFramebuffer.FBW;
TEX0.PSM = curFramebuffer.PSM;
if (GSTextureCache::Target* rt = g_texture_cache->LookupDisplayTarget(TEX0, framebufferSize, GetTextureScaleFactor()))
t = rt->m_texture;
scale = rt->m_scale;
const int delta = TEX0.TBP0 - rt->m_TEX0.TBP0;
if (delta > 0 && curFramebuffer.FBW != 0)
const int pages = delta >> 5u;
int y_pages = pages / curFramebuffer.FBW;
y_offset = y_pages * GSLocalMemory::m_psm[curFramebuffer.PSM].pgs.y;
GL_CACHE("Frame y offset %d pixels, unit %d", y_offset, i);
if (GSConfig.DumpGSData)
if (GSConfig.SaveFrame && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN)
t->Save(GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_fr%d_%05x_%s.bmp", s_n, g_perfmon.GetFrame(), i, static_cast<int>(TEX0.TBP0), psm_str(TEX0.PSM)));
return t;
GSTexture* GSRendererHW::GetFeedbackOutput(float& scale)
const int index = m_regs->EXTBUF.FBIN & 1;
const GSVector2i fb_size(PCRTCDisplays.GetFramebufferSize(index));
GIFRegTEX0 TEX0 = {};
TEX0.TBP0 = m_regs->EXTBUF.EXBP;
TEX0.PSM = PCRTCDisplays.PCRTCDisplays[index].PSM;
GSTextureCache::Target* rt = g_texture_cache->LookupDisplayTarget(TEX0, fb_size, GetTextureScaleFactor());
if (!rt)
return nullptr;
GSTexture* t = rt->m_texture;
scale = rt->m_scale;
if (GSConfig.DumpGSData && GSConfig.SaveFrame && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN)
t->Save(GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_fr%d_%05x_%s.bmp", s_n, g_perfmon.GetFrame(), 3, static_cast<int>(TEX0.TBP0), psm_str(TEX0.PSM)));
return t;
void GSRendererHW::Lines2Sprites()
ASSERT(m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS);
// each sprite converted to quad needs twice the space
while (m_vertex.tail * 2 > m_vertex.maxcount)
// assume vertices are tightly packed and sequentially indexed (it should be the case)
const bool predivide_q = PRIM->TME && !PRIM->FST && m_vt.m_accurate_stq;
if (m_vertex.next >= 2)
const u32 count = m_vertex.next;
int i = static_cast<int>(count) * 2 - 4;
GSVertex* s = &m_vertex.buff[count - 2];
GSVertex* q = &m_vertex.buff[count * 2 - 4];
u16* RESTRICT index = &m_index.buff[count * 3 - 6];
// Sprites are flat shaded, so the provoking vertex doesn't matter here.
constexpr GSVector4i indices = GSVector4i::cxpr16(0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0);
for (; i >= 0; i -= 4, s -= 2, q -= 4, index -= 6)
GSVertex v0 = s[0];
GSVertex v1 = s[1];
v0.RGBAQ = v1.RGBAQ;
v0.XYZ.Z = v1.XYZ.Z;
v0.FOG = v1.FOG;
if (predivide_q)
const GSVector4 st0 = GSVector4::loadl(&v0.ST.U64);
const GSVector4 st1 = GSVector4::loadl(&v1.ST.U64);
const GSVector4 Q = GSVector4(v1.RGBAQ.Q, v1.RGBAQ.Q, v1.RGBAQ.Q, v1.RGBAQ.Q);
const GSVector4 st = st0.upld(st1) / Q;
GSVector4::storel(&v0.ST.U64, st);
GSVector4::storeh(&v1.ST.U64, st);
v0.RGBAQ.Q = 1.0f;
v1.RGBAQ.Q = 1.0f;
q[0] = v0;
q[3] = v1;
// swap x, s, u
const u16 x = v0.XYZ.X;
v0.XYZ.X = v1.XYZ.X;
v1.XYZ.X = x;
const float s = v0.ST.S;
v0.ST.S = v1.ST.S;
v1.ST.S = s;
const u16 u = v0.U;
v0.U = v1.U;
v1.U = u;
q[1] = v0;
q[2] = v1;
const GSVector4i this_indices = GSVector4i::broadcast16(i).add16(indices);
const int high = this_indices.extract32<2>();
GSVector4i::storel(index, this_indices);
std::memcpy(&index[4], &high, sizeof(high));
m_vertex.head = m_vertex.tail = m_vertex.next = count * 2;
m_index.tail = count * 3;
void GSRendererHW::ExpandLineIndices()
const u32 process_count = (m_index.tail + 7) / 8 * 8;
const u32 expansion_factor = 3;
m_index.tail *= expansion_factor;
GSVector4i* end = reinterpret_cast<GSVector4i*>(m_index.buff);
GSVector4i* read = reinterpret_cast<GSVector4i*>(m_index.buff + process_count);
GSVector4i* write = reinterpret_cast<GSVector4i*>(m_index.buff + process_count * expansion_factor);
constexpr GSVector4i mask0 = GSVector4i::cxpr8(0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 5);
constexpr GSVector4i mask1 = GSVector4i::cxpr8(6, 7, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 9);
constexpr GSVector4i mask2 = GSVector4i::cxpr8(10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 15);
constexpr GSVector4i low0 = GSVector4i::cxpr16(0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1);
constexpr GSVector4i low1 = GSVector4i::cxpr16(2, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1);
constexpr GSVector4i low2 = GSVector4i::cxpr16(2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3);
while (read > end)
read -= 1;
write -= expansion_factor;
const GSVector4i in = read->sll16(2);
write[0] = in.shuffle8(mask0) | low0;
write[1] = in.shuffle8(mask1) | low1;
write[2] = in.shuffle8(mask2) | low2;
// Fix the vertex position/tex_coordinate from 16 bits color to 32 bits color
void GSRendererHW::ConvertSpriteTextureShuffle(bool& write_ba, bool& read_ba, GSTextureCache::Target* rt, GSTextureCache::Source* tex)
const u32 count = m_vertex.next;
GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
const GIFRegXYOFFSET& o = m_context->XYOFFSET;
const GSVertex first_vert = (v[0].XYZ.X <= v[m_vertex.tail - 2].XYZ.X) ? v[0] : v[m_vertex.tail - 2];
// vertex position is 8 to 16 pixels, therefore it is the 16-31 bits of the colors
const int pos = (first_vert.XYZ.X - o.OFX) & 0xFF;
write_ba = (pos > 112 && pos < 136);
// Read texture is 8 to 16 pixels (same as above)
const float tw = static_cast<float>(1u << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW);
int tex_pos = (PRIM->FST) ? first_vert.U : static_cast<int>(tw * first_vert.ST.S);
tex_pos &= 0xFF;
// "same group" means it can read blue and write alpha using C32 tricks
read_ba = (tex_pos > 112 && tex_pos < 144) || (m_same_group_texture_shuffle && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xFFFF0000) != 0xFFFF0000);
// Another way of selecting whether to read RG/BA is to use region repeat.
// Ace Combat 04 reads RG, writes to RGBA by setting a MINU of 1015.
if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS == CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT)
GL_INS("REGION_REPEAT clamp with texture shuffle, FBMSK=%08x, MINU=%u, MINV=%u, MAXU=%u, MAXV=%u",
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU,
// offset coordinates swap around RG/BA.
const bool invert = read_ba; // (tex_pos > 112 && tex_pos < 144), i.e. 8 fixed point
const u32 minu = (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU & 8) ^ (invert ? 8 : 0);
read_ba = ((minu & 8) != 0);
if (m_split_texture_shuffle_pages > 0)
// Input vertices might be bad, so rewrite them.
// We can't use the draw rect exactly here, because if the target was actually larger
// for some reason... unhandled clears, maybe, it won't have been halved correctly.
// So, halve it ourselves.
const GSVector4i dr = m_r;
const GSVector4i r = dr.blend32<9>(dr.sra32(1));
GL_CACHE("ConvertSpriteTextureShuffle: Rewrite from %d,%d => %d,%d to %d,%d => %d,%d",
static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.p.x), static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.p.y), static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.p.z),
static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.p.w), r.x, r.y, r.z, r.w);
const GSVector4i fpr = r.sll32(4);
v[0].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX + fpr.x);
v[0].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY + fpr.y);
v[1].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX + fpr.z);
v[1].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY + fpr.w);
if (PRIM->FST)
v[0].U = fpr.x;
v[0].V = fpr.y;
v[1].U = fpr.z;
v[1].V = fpr.w;
const float th = static_cast<float>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH);
const GSVector4 st = GSVector4(r) / GSVector4(GSVector2(tw, th)).xyxy();
GSVector4::storel(&v[0].ST.S, st);
GSVector4::storeh(&v[1].ST.S, st);
m_vertex.head = m_vertex.tail = m_vertex.next = 2;
m_index.tail = 2;
bool half_bottom_vert = true;
bool half_right_vert = true;
bool half_bottom_uv = true;
bool half_right_uv = true;
if (m_same_group_texture_shuffle)
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW != rt->m_TEX0.TBW && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW == rt->m_TEX0.TBW * 2)
half_right_vert = false;
half_bottom_vert = false;
// Different source (maybe?)
// If a game does the texture and frame doubling differently, they can burn in hell.
if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block())
// No super source of truth here, since the width can get batted around, the valid is probably our best bet.
const int tex_width = tex->m_target ? tex->m_from_target->m_valid.z : (tex->m_TEX0.TBW * 64);
const int tex_tbw = tex->m_target ? tex->m_from_target_TEX0.TBW : tex->m_TEX0.TBW;
if ((static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW * 64) >= std::min(tex_width * 2, 1024) && tex_tbw != m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW) || (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW * 64) < floor(m_vt.m_max.t.x))
half_right_uv = false;
half_right_vert = false;
half_bottom_uv = false;
half_bottom_vert = false;
if ((floor(m_vt.m_max.p.y) <= rt->m_valid.w) && ((floor(m_vt.m_max.p.x) > (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 64)) || (rt->m_TEX0.TBW != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW)))
half_right_vert = false;
half_right_uv = false;
half_bottom_vert = false;
half_bottom_uv = false;
if (PRIM->FST)
GL_INS("First vertex is P: %d => %d T: %d => %d", v[0].XYZ.X, v[1].XYZ.X, v[0].U, v[1].U);
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i += 2)
if (write_ba)
v[i].XYZ.X -= 128u;
v[i + 1].XYZ.X += 128u;
if (read_ba)
v[i].U -= 128u;
v[i + 1].U += 128u;
if (!half_bottom_vert)
// Height is too big (2x).
const int tex_offset = v[i].V & 0xF;
const GSVector4i offset(o.OFY, tex_offset, o.OFY, tex_offset);
GSVector4i tmp(v[i].XYZ.Y, v[i].V, v[i + 1].XYZ.Y, v[i + 1].V);
tmp = GSVector4i(tmp - offset).srl32(1) + offset;
v[i].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(tmp.x);
v[i + 1].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(tmp.z);
if (!half_bottom_uv)
v[i].V = static_cast<u16>(tmp.y);
v[i + 1].V = static_cast<u16>(tmp.w);
const float offset_8pix = 8.0f / tw;
GL_INS("First vertex is P: %d => %d T: %f => %f (offset %f)", v[0].XYZ.X, v[1].XYZ.X, v[0].ST.S, v[1].ST.S, offset_8pix);
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i += 2)
if (write_ba)
v[i].XYZ.X -= 128u;
v[i + 1].XYZ.X += 128u;
if (read_ba)
v[i].ST.S -= offset_8pix;
v[i + 1].ST.S += offset_8pix;
if (!half_bottom_vert)
// Height is too big (2x).
const GSVector4i offset(o.OFY, o.OFY);
GSVector4i tmp(v[i].XYZ.Y, v[i + 1].XYZ.Y);
tmp = GSVector4i(tmp - offset).srl32(1) + offset;
//fprintf(stderr, "Before %d, After %d\n", v[i + 1].XYZ.Y, tmp.y);
v[i].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(tmp.x);
v[i + 1].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(tmp.y);
if (!half_bottom_uv)
v[i].ST.T /= 2.0f;
v[i + 1].ST.T /= 2.0f;
// Update vertex trace too. Avoid issue to compute bounding box
if (write_ba)
m_vt.m_min.p.x -= 8.0f;
m_vt.m_max.p.x += 8.0f;
if (!m_same_group_texture_shuffle)
if (read_ba)
m_vt.m_min.t.x -= 8.0f;
m_vt.m_max.t.x += 8.0f;
if (!half_right_vert)
m_vt.m_min.p.x /= 2.0f;
m_vt.m_max.p.x /= 2.0f;
m_context->scissor.in.x = m_vt.m_min.p.x;
m_context->scissor.in.z = m_vt.m_max.p.x + 8.0f;
if (!half_bottom_vert)
m_vt.m_min.p.y /= 2.0f;
m_vt.m_max.p.y /= 2.0f;
m_context->scissor.in.y = m_vt.m_min.p.y;
m_context->scissor.in.w = m_vt.m_max.p.y + 8.0f;
// Only do this is the source is being interpreted as 16bit
if (!half_bottom_uv)
m_vt.m_min.t.y /= 2.0f;
m_vt.m_max.t.y /= 2.0f;
if (!half_right_uv)
m_vt.m_min.t.y /= 2.0f;
m_vt.m_max.t.y /= 2.0f;
GSVector4 GSRendererHW::RealignTargetTextureCoordinate(const GSTextureCache::Source* tex)
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_HalfPixelOffset <= 1 || GetUpscaleMultiplier() == 1.0f)
return GSVector4(0.0f);
const GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
const float scale = tex->GetScale();
const bool linear = m_vt.IsRealLinear();
const int t_position = v[0].U;
GSVector4 half_offset(0.0f);
// FIXME Let's start with something wrong same mess on X and Y
// FIXME Maybe it will be enough to check linear
if (PRIM->FST)
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_HalfPixelOffset == 3)
if (!linear && t_position == 8)
half_offset.x = 8;
half_offset.y = 8;
else if (linear && t_position == 16)
half_offset.x = 16;
half_offset.y = 16;
else if (m_vt.m_min.p.x == -0.5f)
half_offset.x = 8;
half_offset.y = 8;
if (!linear && t_position == 8)
half_offset.x = 8 - 8 / scale;
half_offset.y = 8 - 8 / scale;
else if (linear && t_position == 16)
half_offset.x = 16 - 16 / scale;
half_offset.y = 16 - 16 / scale;
else if (m_vt.m_min.p.x == -0.5f)
half_offset.x = 8;
half_offset.y = 8;
GL_INS("offset detected %f,%f t_pos %d (linear %d, scale %f)",
half_offset.x, half_offset.y, t_position, linear, scale);
else if (m_vt.m_eq.q)
const float tw = static_cast<float>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW);
const float th = static_cast<float>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH);
const float q = v[0].RGBAQ.Q;
// Tales of Abyss
half_offset.x = 0.5f * q / tw;
half_offset.y = 0.5f * q / th;
GL_INS("ST offset detected %f,%f (linear %d, scale %f)",
half_offset.x, half_offset.y, linear, scale);
return half_offset;
GSVector4i GSRendererHW::ComputeBoundingBox(const GSVector2i& rtsize, float rtscale)
const GSVector4 offset = GSVector4(-1.0f, 1.0f); // Round value
const GSVector4 box = m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p) + offset.xxyy();
return GSVector4i(box * GSVector4(rtscale)).rintersect(GSVector4i(0, 0, rtsize.x, rtsize.y));
void GSRendererHW::MergeSprite(GSTextureCache::Source* tex)
// Upscaling hack to avoid various line/grid issues
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_MergePPSprite && CanUpscale() && tex && tex->m_target && (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS))
if (PRIM->FST && GSLocalMemory::m_psm[tex->m_TEX0.PSM].fmt < 2 && ((m_vt.m_eq.value & 0xCFFFF) == 0xCFFFF))
// Ideally the hack ought to be enabled in a true paving mode only. I don't know how to do it accurately
// neither in a fast way. So instead let's just take the hypothesis that all sprites must have the same
// size.
// Tested on Tekken 5.
const GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
bool is_paving = true;
// SSE optimization: shuffle m[1] to have (4*32 bits) X, Y, U, V
const int first_dpX = v[1].XYZ.X - v[0].XYZ.X;
const int first_dpU = v[1].U - v[0].U;
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_vertex.next; i += 2)
const int dpX = v[i + 1].XYZ.X - v[i].XYZ.X;
const int dpU = v[i + 1].U - v[i].U;
if (dpX != first_dpX || dpU != first_dpU)
is_paving = false;
#if 0
const GSVector4 delta_p = m_vt.m_max.p - m_vt.m_min.p;
const GSVector4 delta_t = m_vt.m_max.t - m_vt.m_min.t;
const bool is_blit = PrimitiveOverlap() == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO;
GL_INS("PP SAMPLER: Dp %f %f Dt %f %f. Is blit %d, is paving %d, count %d", delta_p.x, delta_p.y, delta_t.x, delta_t.y, is_blit, is_paving, m_vertex.tail);
if (is_paving)
// Replace all sprite with a single fullscreen sprite.
GSVertex* s = &m_vertex.buff[0];
s[0].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>((16.0f * m_vt.m_min.p.x) + m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX);
s[1].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>((16.0f * m_vt.m_max.p.x) + m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX);
s[0].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>((16.0f * m_vt.m_min.p.y) + m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY);
s[1].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>((16.0f * m_vt.m_max.p.y) + m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY);
s[0].U = static_cast<u16>(16.0f * m_vt.m_min.t.x);
s[0].V = static_cast<u16>(16.0f * m_vt.m_min.t.y);
s[1].U = static_cast<u16>(16.0f * m_vt.m_max.t.x);
s[1].V = static_cast<u16>(16.0f * m_vt.m_max.t.y);
m_vertex.head = m_vertex.tail = m_vertex.next = 2;
m_index.tail = 2;
float GSRendererHW::GetTextureScaleFactor()
return GetUpscaleMultiplier();
GSVector2i GSRendererHW::GetValidSize(const GSTextureCache::Source* tex)
// Don't blindly expand out to the scissor size if we're not drawing to it.
// e.g. Burnout 3, God of War II, etc.
int height = std::min<int>(m_context->scissor.in.w, m_r.w);
// If the draw is less than a page high, FBW=0 is the same as FBW=1.
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& frame_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM];
int width = std::min(std::max<int>(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, 1) * 64, m_context->scissor.in.z);
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW == 0 && m_r.w > frame_psm.pgs.y)
GL_INS("FBW=0 when drawing more than 1 page in height (PSM %s, PGS %dx%d).", psm_str(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM),
frame_psm.pgs.x, frame_psm.pgs.y);
// If it's a channel shuffle, it'll likely be just a single page, so assume full screen.
if (m_channel_shuffle)
const int page_x = frame_psm.pgs.x - 1;
const int page_y = frame_psm.pgs.y - 1;
// Round up the page as channel shuffles are generally done in pages at a time
width = (std::max(tex->GetUnscaledWidth(), width) + page_x) & ~page_x;
height = (std::max(tex->GetUnscaledHeight(), height) + page_y) & ~page_y;
// Align to page size. Since FRAME/Z has to always start on a page boundary, in theory no two should overlap.
width = Common::AlignUpPow2(width, frame_psm.pgs.x);
height = Common::AlignUpPow2(height, frame_psm.pgs.y);
// Early detection of texture shuffles. These double the input height because they're interpreting 64x32 C32 pages as 64x64 C16.
// Why? Well, we don't want to be doubling the heights of targets, but also we don't want to align C32 targets to 64 instead of 32.
// Yumeria's text breaks, and GOW goes to 512x448 instead of 512x416 if we don't.
const bool possible_texture_shuffle =
(tex && m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS && frame_psm.bpp == 16 &&
GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM].bpp == 16 &&
(tex->m_32_bits_fmt ||
(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() && IsOpaque() && !(m_context->TEX1.MMIN & 1) &&
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK && g_texture_cache->Has32BitTarget(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()))));
if (possible_texture_shuffle)
const u32 tex_width_pgs = (tex->m_target ? tex->m_from_target_TEX0.TBW : tex->m_TEX0.TBW);
const u32 half_draw_width_pgs = ((width + (frame_psm.pgs.x - 1)) / frame_psm.pgs.x) >> 1;
// Games such as Midnight Club 3 draw headlights with a texture shuffle, but instead of doubling the height, they doubled the width.
if (tex_width_pgs == half_draw_width_pgs)
GL_CACHE("Halving width due to texture shuffle with double width, %dx%d -> %dx%d", width, height, width / 2, height);
width /= 2;
GL_CACHE("Halving height due to texture shuffle, %dx%d -> %dx%d", width, height, width, height / 2);
height /= 2;
return GSVector2i(width, height);
GSVector2i GSRendererHW::GetTargetSize(const GSTextureCache::Source* tex)
const GSVector2i valid_size = GetValidSize(tex);
return g_texture_cache->GetTargetSize(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, valid_size.x, valid_size.y);
bool GSRendererHW::IsPossibleChannelShuffle() const
if (!PRIM->TME || m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM != PSMT8 || // 8-bit texture draw
m_vt.m_primclass != GS_SPRITE_CLASS) // draw_sprite_tex
return false;
const int mask = (((m_vt.m_max.p - m_vt.m_min.p) <= GSVector4(64.0f)).mask() & 0x3);
if (mask == 0x3) // single_page
return true;
else if (mask != 0x1) // Not a single page in width.
return false;
// WRC 4 does channel shuffles in vertical strips. So check for page alignment.
// Texture TBW should also be twice the framebuffer FBW, because the page is twice as wide.
if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW == (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 2) &&
GSLocalMemory::IsPageAligned(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p))))
return true;
return false;
bool GSRendererHW::NextDrawMatchesShuffle() const
// Make sure nothing unexpected has changed.
// Twinsanity seems to screw with ZBUF here despite it being irrelevant.
const GSDrawingContext& next_ctx = m_env.CTXT[m_backed_up_ctx];
if (((m_context->TEX0.U64 ^ next_ctx.TEX0.U64) & (~0x3FFF)) != 0 ||
m_context->TEX1.U64 != next_ctx.TEX1.U64 ||
m_context->CLAMP.U64 != next_ctx.CLAMP.U64 ||
m_context->TEST.U64 != next_ctx.TEST.U64 ||
((m_context->FRAME.U64 ^ next_ctx.FRAME.U64) & (~0x1FF)) != 0 ||
m_context->ZBUF.ZMSK != next_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK)
return false;
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::IsSplitTextureShuffle(u32 rt_tbw)
// For this to work, we're peeking into the next draw, therefore we need dirty registers.
if (m_dirty_gs_regs == 0)
return false;
if (!NextDrawMatchesShuffle())
return false;
// Different channel being shuffled, so needs to be handled separately (misdetection in 50 Cent)
if (m_vertex.buff[m_index.buff[0]].U != m_v.U)
return false;
// Check that both the position and texture coordinates are page aligned, so we can work in pages instead of coordinates.
// For texture shuffles, the U will be offset by 8.
const GSVector4i pos_rc = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p + GSVector4::cxpr(0.5f)));
const GSVector4i tex_rc = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.t.upld(m_vt.m_max.t));
// Width/height should match.
if (std::abs(pos_rc.width() - tex_rc.width()) > 8 || pos_rc.height() != tex_rc.height())
return false;
// X might be offset by up to -8/+8, but either the position or UV should be aligned.
GSVector4i aligned_rc = pos_rc.min_i32(tex_rc).blend32<12>(pos_rc.max_i32(tex_rc));
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& frame_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM];
const GSDrawingContext& next_ctx = m_env.CTXT[m_backed_up_ctx];
// Y should be page aligned. X should be too, but if it's doing a copy with a shuffle (which is kinda silly), both the
// position and coordinates may be offset by +8. See Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy.
if ((aligned_rc.x & 7) != 0 || aligned_rc.x > 8 || (aligned_rc.z & 7) != 0 ||
aligned_rc.y != 0 || (aligned_rc.w & (frame_psm.pgs.y - 1)) != 0)
return false;
// Matrix Path of Neo draws 512x512 instead of 512x448, then scissors to 512x448.
aligned_rc = aligned_rc.rintersect(m_context->scissor.in);
// We should have the same number of pages in both the position and UV.
const u32 pages_high = static_cast<u32>(aligned_rc.height()) / frame_psm.pgs.y;
const u32 num_pages = m_context->FRAME.FBW * pages_high;
// If this is a split texture shuffle, the next draw's FRAME/TEX0 should line up.
// Re-add the offset we subtracted in Draw() to get the original FBP/TBP0.. this won't handle wrapping. Oh well.
// "Potential" ones are for Jak3 which does a split shuffle on a 128x128 texture with a width of 256, writing to the lower half then offsetting 2 pages.
const u32 expected_next_FBP = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP + m_split_texture_shuffle_pages) + num_pages;
const u32 potential_expected_next_FBP = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP + ((m_context->FRAME.FBW * 64) / aligned_rc.width());
const u32 expected_next_TBP0 = (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 + (m_split_texture_shuffle_pages + num_pages) * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE);
const u32 potential_expected_next_TBP0 = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 + (BLOCKS_PER_PAGE * ((m_context->TEX0.TBW * 64) / aligned_rc.width()));
GL_CACHE("IsSplitTextureShuffle: Draw covers %ux%u pages, next FRAME %x TEX %x",
static_cast<u32>(aligned_rc.width()) / frame_psm.pgs.x, pages_high, expected_next_FBP * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE,
if (next_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 != expected_next_TBP0 && next_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 != potential_expected_next_TBP0)
GL_CACHE("IsSplitTextureShuffle: Mismatch on TBP0, expecting %x, got %x", expected_next_TBP0, next_ctx.TEX0.TBP0);
return false;
// Some games don't offset the FBP.
if (next_ctx.FRAME.FBP != expected_next_FBP && next_ctx.FRAME.FBP != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP && next_ctx.FRAME.FBP != potential_expected_next_FBP)
GL_CACHE("IsSplitTextureShuffle: Mismatch on FBP, expecting %x, got %x", expected_next_FBP * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE,
return false;
// Great, everything lines up, so skip 'em.
GL_CACHE("IsSplitTextureShuffle: Match, buffering and skipping draw.");
if (m_split_texture_shuffle_pages == 0)
m_split_texture_shuffle_start_FBP = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP;
m_split_texture_shuffle_start_TBP = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0;
// If the game has changed the texture width to 1 we need to retanslate it to whatever the rt has so the final rect is correct.
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW == 1)
m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw = rt_tbw;
m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
if ((m_split_texture_shuffle_pages % m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw) == 0)
m_split_texture_shuffle_pages_high += pages_high;
m_split_texture_shuffle_pages += num_pages;
return true;
GSVector4i GSRendererHW::GetSplitTextureShuffleDrawRect() const
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& frame_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM];
GSVector4i r = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p + GSVector4::cxpr(0.5f))).rintersect(m_context->scissor.in);
// Some games (e.g. Crash Twinsanity) adjust both FBP and TBP0, so the rectangle will be half the size
// of the actual shuffle. Others leave the FBP alone, but only adjust TBP0, and offset the draw rectangle
// to the second half of the fb. In which case, the rectangle bounds will be correct.
if (m_context->FRAME.FBP != m_split_texture_shuffle_start_FBP)
const int pages_high = (r.height() + frame_psm.pgs.y - 1) / frame_psm.pgs.y;
r.w = (m_split_texture_shuffle_pages_high + pages_high) * frame_psm.pgs.y;
// But we still need to page align, because of the +/- 8 offset.
return r.insert64<0>(0).ralign<Align_Outside>(frame_psm.pgs);
u32 GSRendererHW::GetEffectiveTextureShuffleFbmsk() const
const u32 m = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk;
const u32 fbmask = ((m >> 3) & 0x1F) | ((m >> 6) & 0x3E0) | ((m >> 9) & 0x7C00) | ((m >> 16) & 0x8000);
const u32 rb_mask = fbmask & 0xFF;
const u32 ga_mask = (fbmask >> 8) & 0xFF;
const u32 eff_mask =
((rb_mask == 0xFF && ga_mask == 0xFF) ? 0x00FFFFFFu : 0) | ((ga_mask == 0xFF) ? 0xFF000000u : 0);
return eff_mask;
GSVector4i GSRendererHW::GetDrawRectForPages(u32 bw, u32 psm, u32 num_pages)
const GSVector2i& pgs = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[psm].pgs;
const GSVector2i size = GSVector2i(static_cast<int>(bw) * pgs.x, static_cast<int>(num_pages / std::max(1U, bw)) * pgs.y);
return GSVector4i::loadh(size);
bool GSRendererHW::TryToResolveSinglePageFramebuffer(GIFRegFRAME& FRAME, bool only_next_draw)
const u32 start_bp = FRAME.Block();
u32 new_bw = FRAME.FBW;
u32 new_psm = FRAME.PSM;
pxAssert(new_bw <= 1);
if (m_backed_up_ctx >= 0)
const GSDrawingContext& next_ctx = m_env.CTXT[m_backed_up_ctx];
if (next_ctx.FRAME.FBW != new_bw)
// Using it as a target/Z next (Superman Returns).
if (start_bp == next_ctx.FRAME.Block())
GL_INS("TryToResolveSinglePageWidth(): Next FBP is split clear, using FBW of %u", next_ctx.FRAME.FBW);
new_bw = next_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
new_psm = next_ctx.FRAME.PSM;
else if (start_bp == next_ctx.ZBUF.Block())
GL_INS("TryToResolveSinglePageWidth(): Next ZBP is split clear, using FBW of %u", next_ctx.FRAME.FBW);
new_bw = next_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
// Might be using it as a texture next (NARC).
if (new_bw <= 1 && next_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 == start_bp && new_bw != next_ctx.TEX0.TBW)
GL_INS("TryToResolveSinglePageWidth(): Next texture is using split clear, using FBW of %u", next_ctx.TEX0.TBW);
new_bw = next_ctx.TEX0.TBW;
new_psm = next_ctx.TEX0.PSM;
if (!only_next_draw)
// Try for an exiting target at the start BP. (Tom & Jerry)
if (new_bw <= 1)
GSTextureCache::Target* tgt = g_texture_cache->GetTargetWithSharedBits(start_bp, new_psm);
if (!tgt)
// Try with Z or FRAME (whichever we're not using).
tgt = g_texture_cache->GetTargetWithSharedBits(start_bp, new_psm ^ 0x30);
if (tgt && ((start_bp + (m_split_clear_pages * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE)) - 1) <= tgt->m_end_block)
GL_INS("TryToResolveSinglePageWidth(): Using FBW of %u and PSM %s from existing target",
tgt->m_TEX0.PSM, psm_str(tgt->m_TEX0.PSM));
new_bw = tgt->m_TEX0.TBW;
new_psm = tgt->m_TEX0.PSM;
// Still bad FBW? Fall back to the resolution hack (Brave).
if (new_bw <= 1)
// Framebuffer is likely to be read as 16bit later, so we will need to double the width if the write is 32bit.
const bool double_width =
GSLocalMemory::m_psm[new_psm].bpp == 32 && PCRTCDisplays.GetFramebufferBitDepth() == 16;
const GSVector2i fb_size = PCRTCDisplays.GetFramebufferSize(-1);
u32 width =
std::ceil(static_cast<float>(m_split_clear_pages * GSLocalMemory::m_psm[new_psm].pgs.y) / fb_size.y) *
width = std::max((width * (double_width ? 2 : 1)), static_cast<u32>(fb_size.x));
new_bw = (width + 63) / 64;
GL_INS("TryToResolveSinglePageWidth(): Fallback guess target FBW of %u", new_bw);
if (new_bw <= 1)
return false;
FRAME.FBW = new_bw;
FRAME.PSM = new_psm;
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::IsSplitClearActive() const
return (m_split_clear_pages != 0);
bool GSRendererHW::IsStartingSplitClear()
// Shouldn't have gaps.
if (m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xFFFF || (!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK && !m_vt.m_eq.z) || !PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps())
return false;
// Limit to only single page wide tall draws for now. Too many false positives otherwise (e.g. NFSU).
if (m_context->FRAME.FBW > 1 || m_r.height() < 1024)
return false;
u32 pages_covered;
if (!CheckNextDrawForSplitClear(m_r, &pages_covered))
return false;
m_split_clear_start = m_cached_ctx.FRAME;
m_split_clear_start_Z = m_cached_ctx.ZBUF;
m_split_clear_pages = pages_covered;
m_split_clear_color = GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearColor();
GL_INS("Starting split clear at FBP %x FBW %u PSM %s with %dx%d rect covering %u pages",
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, psm_str(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM),
m_r.width(), m_r.height(), pages_covered);
// Remove any targets which are directly at the start.
if (IsDiscardingDstColor())
const u32 bp = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block();
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, bp, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, bp, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::ContinueSplitClear()
// Should be a mem clear type draw.
if (!IsConstantDirectWriteMemClear())
return false;
// Shouldn't have gaps.
if (m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xFFFF || (!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK && !m_vt.m_eq.z) || !PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps())
return false;
// Remove any targets which are directly at the start, since we checked this draw in the last.
if (IsDiscardingDstColor())
const u32 bp = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block();
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, bp, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, bp, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
// Check next draw.
u32 pages_covered;
const bool skip = CheckNextDrawForSplitClear(m_r, &pages_covered);
// We might've found the end, but this draw still counts.
m_split_clear_pages += pages_covered;
return skip;
bool GSRendererHW::CheckNextDrawForSplitClear(const GSVector4i& r, u32* pages_covered_by_this_draw) const
const u32 end_block = GSLocalMemory::GetEndBlockAddress(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, r);
if (pages_covered_by_this_draw)
if (end_block < m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block())
*pages_covered_by_this_draw = (((MAX_BLOCKS - end_block) + m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()) + (BLOCKS_PER_PAGE)) / BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
*pages_covered_by_this_draw = ((end_block - m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()) + (BLOCKS_PER_PAGE)) / BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
// must be changing FRAME
if (m_backed_up_ctx < 0 || (m_dirty_gs_regs & (1u << DIRTY_REG_FRAME)) == 0)
return false;
// rect width should match the FBW (page aligned)
if (r.width() != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 64)
return false;
// next FBP should point to the end of the rect
const GSDrawingContext& next_ctx = m_env.CTXT[m_backed_up_ctx];
if (next_ctx.FRAME.Block() != ((end_block + 1) % MAX_BLOCKS) ||
m_context->TEX0.U64 != next_ctx.TEX0.U64 ||
m_context->TEX1.U64 != next_ctx.TEX1.U64 || m_context->CLAMP.U64 != next_ctx.CLAMP.U64 ||
m_context->TEST.U64 != next_ctx.TEST.U64 || ((m_context->FRAME.U64 ^ next_ctx.FRAME.U64) & (~0x1FF)) != 0 ||
((m_context->ZBUF.U64 ^ next_ctx.ZBUF.U64) & (~0x1FF)) != 0)
return false;
// check ZBP if we're doing Z too
if (!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP != m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP)
const u32 end_z_block = GSLocalMemory::GetEndBlockAddress(
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM, r);
if (next_ctx.ZBUF.Block() != ((end_z_block + 1) % MAX_BLOCKS))
return false;
return true;
void GSRendererHW::FinishSplitClear()
GL_INS("FinishSplitClear(): Start %x FBW %u PSM %s, %u pages, %08X color", m_split_clear_start.Block(),
m_split_clear_start.FBW, psm_str(m_split_clear_start.PSM), m_split_clear_pages, m_split_clear_color);
// If this was a tall single-page draw, try to get a better BW from somewhere.
if (m_split_clear_start.FBW <= 1 && m_split_clear_pages >= 16) // 1024 high
TryToResolveSinglePageFramebuffer(m_split_clear_start, false);
SetNewFRAME(m_split_clear_start.Block(), m_split_clear_start.FBW, m_split_clear_start.PSM);
SetNewZBUF(m_split_clear_start_Z.Block(), m_split_clear_start_Z.PSM);
GetDrawRectForPages(m_split_clear_start.FBW, m_split_clear_start.PSM, m_split_clear_pages), GSVector2i(1, 1));
GL_INS("FinishSplitClear(): New draw rect is (%d,%d=>%d,%d) with FBW %u and PSM %s", m_r.x, m_r.y, m_r.z, m_r.w,
m_split_clear_start.FBW, psm_str(m_split_clear_start.PSM));
m_split_clear_start.U64 = 0;
m_split_clear_start_Z.U64 = 0;
m_split_clear_pages = 0;
m_split_clear_color = 0;
bool GSRendererHW::IsTBPFrameOrZ(u32 tbp) const
const bool is_frame = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() == tbp);
const bool is_z = (m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block() == tbp);
if (!is_frame && !is_z)
return false;
const u32 fm = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK;
const u32 zm = m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE == 0 ? 0xffffffff : 0;
const u32 fm_mask = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk;
const u32 max_z = (0xFFFFFFFF >> (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM].fmt * 8));
const bool no_rt = (m_context->ALPHA.IsCd() && PRIM->ABE && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM == 1))
|| (!m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE && (fm & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk) == GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk);
const bool no_ds = (
// Depth is always pass/fail (no read) and write are discarded.
(zm != 0 && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST <= ZTST_ALWAYS) ||
// Depth test will always pass
(zm != 0 && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST == ZTST_GEQUAL && m_vt.m_eq.z && std::min(m_vertex.buff[0].XYZ.Z, max_z) == max_z) ||
// Depth will be written through the RT
(!no_rt && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP == m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP && !PRIM->TME && zm == 0 && (fm & fm_mask) == 0 && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE));
// Relying a lot on the optimizer here... I don't like it.
return (is_frame && !no_rt) || (is_z && !no_ds);
void GSRendererHW::InvalidateVideoMem(const GIFRegBITBLTBUF& BITBLTBUF, const GSVector4i& r)
// printf("[%d] InvalidateVideoMem %d,%d - %d,%d %05x (%d)\n", static_cast<int>(g_perfmon.GetFrame()), r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, static_cast<int>(BITBLTBUF.DBP), static_cast<int>(BITBLTBUF.DPSM));
// This is gross, but if the EE write loops, we need to split it on the 2048 border.
GSVector4i rect = r;
bool loop_h = false;
bool loop_w = false;
if (r.w > 2048)
rect.w = 2048;
loop_h = true;
if (r.z > 2048)
rect.z = 2048;
loop_w = true;
if (loop_h || loop_w)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(m_mem.GetOffset(BITBLTBUF.DBP, BITBLTBUF.DBW, BITBLTBUF.DPSM), rect);
if (loop_h)
rect.y = 0;
rect.w = r.w - 2048;
if (loop_w)
rect.x = 0;
rect.z = r.z - 2048;
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(m_mem.GetOffset(BITBLTBUF.DBP, BITBLTBUF.DBW, BITBLTBUF.DPSM), rect);
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(m_mem.GetOffset(BITBLTBUF.DBP, BITBLTBUF.DBW, BITBLTBUF.DPSM), r);
void GSRendererHW::InvalidateLocalMem(const GIFRegBITBLTBUF& BITBLTBUF, const GSVector4i& r, bool clut)
// printf("[%d] InvalidateLocalMem %d,%d - %d,%d %05x (%d)\n", static_cast<int>(g_perfmon.GetFrame()), r.left, r.top, r.right, r.bottom, static_cast<int>(BITBLTBUF.SBP), static_cast<int>(BITBLTBUF.SPSM));
if (clut)
return; // FIXME
auto iter = m_draw_transfers.end();
bool skip = false;
// If the EE write overlaps the readback and was done since the last draw, there's no need to read it back.
// Dog's life does this.
while (iter != m_draw_transfers.begin())
if (!(iter->draw == s_n && BITBLTBUF.SBP == iter->blit.DBP && iter->blit.DPSM == BITBLTBUF.SPSM && r.eq(iter->rect)))
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(m_mem.GetOffset(BITBLTBUF.SBP, BITBLTBUF.SBW, BITBLTBUF.SPSM), r);
skip = true;
if (!skip)
const bool recursive_copy = (BITBLTBUF.SBP == BITBLTBUF.DBP) && (m_env.TRXDIR.XDIR == 2);
g_texture_cache->InvalidateLocalMem(m_mem.GetOffset(BITBLTBUF.SBP, BITBLTBUF.SBW, BITBLTBUF.SPSM), r, recursive_copy);
void GSRendererHW::Move()
if (m_mv && m_mv(*this))
// Handled by HW hack.
if (m_env.TRXDIR.XDIR == 3)
const int sx = m_env.TRXPOS.SSAX;
const int sy = m_env.TRXPOS.SSAY;
const int dx = m_env.TRXPOS.DSAX;
const int dy = m_env.TRXPOS.DSAY;
const int w = m_env.TRXREG.RRW;
const int h = m_env.TRXREG.RRH;
if (g_texture_cache->Move(m_env.BITBLTBUF.SBP, m_env.BITBLTBUF.SBW, m_env.BITBLTBUF.SPSM, sx, sy,
m_env.BITBLTBUF.DBP, m_env.BITBLTBUF.DBW, m_env.BITBLTBUF.DPSM, dx, dy, w, h))
m_env.TRXDIR.XDIR = 3;
// Handled entirely in TC, no need to update local memory.
u16 GSRendererHW::Interpolate_UV(float alpha, int t0, int t1)
const float t = (1.0f - alpha) * t0 + alpha * t1;
return static_cast<u16>(t) & ~0xF; // cheap rounding
float GSRendererHW::alpha0(int L, int X0, int X1)
const int x = (X0 + 15) & ~0xF; // Round up
return static_cast<float>(x - X0) / static_cast<float>(L);
float GSRendererHW::alpha1(int L, int X0, int X1)
const int x = (X1 - 1) & ~0xF; // Round down. Note -1 because right pixel isn't included in primitive so 0x100 must return 0.
return static_cast<float>(x - X0) / static_cast<float>(L);
void GSRendererHW::SwSpriteRender()
// Supported drawing attributes
ASSERT(!PRIM->AA1); // No antialiasing
ASSERT(!PRIM->FIX); // Normal fragment value control
ASSERT(!m_draw_env->DTHE.DTHE); // No dithering
ASSERT(!m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE); // No alpha test
ASSERT(!m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE); // No destination alpha test
ASSERT(!m_cached_ctx.DepthRead() && !m_cached_ctx.DepthWrite()); // No depth handling
ASSERT(!m_cached_ctx.TEX0.CSM); // No CLUT usage
ASSERT(!m_draw_env->PABE.PABE); // No PABE
// PSMCT32 pixel format
ASSERT(!PRIM->TME || m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM == PSMCT32);
ASSERT(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM == PSMCT32);
// No rasterization required
|| ((PRIM->IIP || m_vt.m_eq.rgba == 0xffff)
&& m_vt.m_eq.z == 0x1
&& (!PRIM->TME || PRIM->FST || m_vt.m_eq.q == 0x1))); // Check Q equality only if texturing enabled and STQ coords used
const bool texture_mapping_enabled = PRIM->TME;
const GSVector4i r = m_r;
#ifndef NDEBUG
const int tw = 1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW;
const int th = 1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH;
const float meas_tw = m_vt.m_max.t.x - m_vt.m_min.t.x;
const float meas_th = m_vt.m_max.t.y - m_vt.m_min.t.y;
ASSERT(!PRIM->TME || (abs(meas_tw - r.width()) <= SSR_UV_TOLERANCE && abs(meas_th - r.height()) <= SSR_UV_TOLERANCE)); // No input texture min/mag, if any.
ASSERT(!PRIM->TME || (abs(m_vt.m_min.t.x) <= SSR_UV_TOLERANCE && abs(m_vt.m_min.t.y) <= SSR_UV_TOLERANCE && abs(meas_tw - tw) <= SSR_UV_TOLERANCE && abs(meas_th - th) <= SSR_UV_TOLERANCE)); // No texture UV wrap, if any.
GIFRegTRXPOS trxpos = {};
trxpos.DSAX = r.x;
trxpos.DSAY = r.y;
trxpos.SSAX = static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.t.x / 2) * 2; // Rounded down to closest even integer.
trxpos.SSAY = static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.t.y / 2) * 2;
ASSERT(r.x % 2 == 0 && r.y % 2 == 0);
GIFRegTRXREG trxreg = {};
trxreg.RRW = r.width();
trxreg.RRH = r.height();
ASSERT(r.width() % 2 == 0 && r.height() % 2 == 0);
// SW rendering code, mainly taken from GSState::Move(), TRXPOS.DIR{X,Y} management excluded
const int sx = trxpos.SSAX;
int sy = trxpos.SSAY;
const int dx = trxpos.DSAX;
int dy = trxpos.DSAY;
const int w = trxreg.RRW;
const int h = trxreg.RRH;
GL_INS("SwSpriteRender: Dest 0x%x W:%d F:%s, size(%d %d)", m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, psm_str(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM), w, h);
const GSOffset spo = m_mem.GetOffset(m_context->TEX0.TBP0, m_context->TEX0.TBW, m_context->TEX0.PSM);
const GSOffset& dpo = m_context->offset.fb;
const bool alpha_blending_enabled = PRIM->ABE;
const GSVertex& v = m_index.tail > 0 ? m_vertex.buff[m_index.buff[m_index.tail - 1]] : GSVertex(); // Last vertex if any.
const GSVector4i vc = GSVector4i(v.RGBAQ.R, v.RGBAQ.G, v.RGBAQ.B, v.RGBAQ.A) // 0x000000AA000000BB000000GG000000RR
.ps32(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00AA00BB00GG00RR
const GSVector4i a_mask = GSVector4i::xff000000().u8to16(); // 0x00FF00000000000000FF000000000000
const bool fb_mask_enabled = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK != 0x0;
const GSVector4i fb_mask = GSVector4i(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK).u8to16(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00AA00BB00GG00RR
const u8 tex0_tfx = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TFX;
const u8 tex0_tcc = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TCC;
const u8 alpha_a = m_context->ALPHA.A;
const u8 alpha_b = m_context->ALPHA.B;
const u8 alpha_c = m_context->ALPHA.C;
const u8 alpha_d = m_context->ALPHA.D;
const u8 alpha_fix = m_context->ALPHA.FIX;
if (texture_mapping_enabled)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateLocalMem(spo, GSVector4i(sx, sy, sx + w, sy + h));
constexpr bool invalidate_local_mem_before_fb_read = false;
if (invalidate_local_mem_before_fb_read && (alpha_blending_enabled || fb_mask_enabled))
g_texture_cache->InvalidateLocalMem(dpo, m_r);
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++, ++sy, ++dy)
u32* vm = m_mem.vm32();
const GSOffset::PAHelper spa = spo.paMulti(sx, sy);
const GSOffset::PAHelper dpa = dpo.paMulti(dx, dy);
ASSERT(w % 2 == 0);
for (int x = 0; x < w; x += 2)
u32* di = &vm[dpa.value(x)];
ASSERT(di + 1 == &vm[dpa.value(x + 1)]); // Destination pixel pair is adjacent in memory
GSVector4i sc = {};
if (texture_mapping_enabled)
const u32* si = &vm[spa.value(x)];
// Read 2 source pixel colors
ASSERT(si + 1 == &vm[spa.value(x + 1)]); // Source pixel pair is adjacent in memory
sc = GSVector4i::loadl(si).u8to16(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00aa00bb00gg00rr
// Apply TFX
ASSERT(tex0_tfx == 0 || tex0_tfx == 1);
if (tex0_tfx == 0)
sc = sc.mul16l(vc).srl16(7).clamp8(); // clamp((sc * vc) >> 7, 0, 255), srl16 is ok because 16 bit values are unsigned
if (tex0_tcc == 0)
sc = sc.blend(vc, a_mask);
sc = vc;
// No FOG
GSVector4i dc0 = {};
GSVector4i dc = {};
if (alpha_blending_enabled || fb_mask_enabled)
// Read 2 destination pixel colors
dc0 = GSVector4i::loadl(di).u8to16(); // 0x00AA00BB00GG00RR00aa00bb00gg00rr
if (alpha_blending_enabled)
// Blending
const GSVector4i A = alpha_a == 0 ? sc : alpha_a == 1 ? dc0 : GSVector4i::zero();
const GSVector4i B = alpha_b == 0 ? sc : alpha_b == 1 ? dc0 : GSVector4i::zero();
const GSVector4i C = alpha_c == 2 ? GSVector4i(alpha_fix).xxxx().ps32()
: (alpha_c == 0 ? sc : dc0).yyww() // 0x00AA00BB00AA00BB00aa00bb00aa00bb
.srl32(16) // 0x000000AA000000AA000000aa000000aa
.ps32() // 0x00AA00AA00aa00aa00AA00AA00aa00aa
.xxyy(); // 0x00AA00AA00AA00AA00aa00aa00aa00aa
const GSVector4i D = alpha_d == 0 ? sc : alpha_d == 1 ? dc0 : GSVector4i::zero();
dc = A.sub16(B).mul16l(C).sra16(7).add16(D); // (((A - B) * C) >> 7) + D, must use sra16 due to signed 16 bit values.
// dc alpha channels (dc.u16[3], dc.u16[7]) dirty
dc = sc;
// No dithering
// Clamping
if (m_draw_env->COLCLAMP.CLAMP)
dc = dc.clamp8(); // clamp(dc, 0, 255)
dc = dc.sll16(8).srl16(8); // Mask, lower 8 bits enabled per channel
// No Alpha Correction
ASSERT(m_context->FBA.FBA == 0);
dc = dc.blend(sc, a_mask);
// dc alpha channels valid
// Frame buffer mask
if (fb_mask_enabled)
dc = dc.blend(dc0, fb_mask);
// Store 2 pixel colors
dc = dc.pu16(GSVector4i::zero()); // 0x0000000000000000AABBGGRRaabbggrr
GSVector4i::storel(di, dc);
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(dpo, m_r);
bool GSRendererHW::CanUseSwSpriteRender()
const GSVector4i r = m_r;
if (r.x % 2 != 0 || r.y % 2 != 0)
return false; // Even offset.
const int w = r.width();
const int h = r.height();
if (w % 2 != 0 || h % 2 != 0)
return false; // Even size.
if (w > 64 || h > 64)
return false; // Small draw.
&& ((PRIM->IIP && m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xffff)
|| (PRIM->TME && !PRIM->FST && m_vt.m_eq.q != 0x1)
|| m_vt.m_eq.z != 0x1)) // No rasterization
return false;
if (m_vt.m_primclass != GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS && m_vt.m_primclass != GS_SPRITE_CLASS) // Triangle or sprite class prims
return false;
if (PRIM->PRIM != GS_TRIANGLESTRIP && PRIM->PRIM != GS_SPRITE) // Triangle strip or sprite draw
return false;
if (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS && (PRIM->PRIM != GS_TRIANGLESTRIP || m_vertex.tail != 4)) // If triangle class, strip draw with 4 vertices (two prims, emulating single sprite prim)
return false;
// TODO If GS_TRIANGLESTRIP draw, check that the draw is axis aligned
if (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS && (PRIM->PRIM != GS_SPRITE || m_vertex.tail != 2)) // If sprite class, sprite draw with 2 vertices (one prim)
return false;
if (m_cached_ctx.DepthRead() || m_cached_ctx.DepthWrite()) // No depth handling
return false;
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM != PSMCT32) // Frame buffer format is 32 bit color
return false;
if (PRIM->TME)
// Texture mapping enabled
if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM != PSMCT32) // Input texture format is 32 bit color
return false;
if (IsMipMapDraw()) // No mipmapping.
return false;
const int tw = 1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW;
const int th = 1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH;
const float meas_tw = m_vt.m_max.t.x - m_vt.m_min.t.x;
const float meas_th = m_vt.m_max.t.y - m_vt.m_min.t.y;
if (abs(m_vt.m_min.t.x) > SSR_UV_TOLERANCE ||
abs(m_vt.m_min.t.y) > SSR_UV_TOLERANCE ||
abs(meas_tw - tw) > SSR_UV_TOLERANCE ||
abs(meas_th - th) > SSR_UV_TOLERANCE) // No UV wrapping.
return false;
if (abs(meas_tw - w) > SSR_UV_TOLERANCE || abs(meas_th - h) > SSR_UV_TOLERANCE) // No texture width or height mag/min.
return false;
// The draw call is a good candidate for using the SwSpriteRender to replace the GPU draw
// However, some draw attributes might not be supported yet by the SwSpriteRender,
// so if any bug occurs in using it, enabling debug build would probably
// make failing some of the assertions used in the SwSpriteRender to highlight its limitations.
// In that case, either the condition can be added here to discard the draw, or the
// SwSpriteRender can be improved by adding the missing features.
return true;
template <bool linear>
void GSRendererHW::RoundSpriteOffset()
//#define DEBUG_U
//#define DEBUG_V
#if defined(DEBUG_V) || defined(DEBUG_U)
bool debug = linear;
const u32 count = m_vertex.next;
GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i += 2)
// Performance note: if it had any impact on perf, someone would port it to SSE (AKA GSVector)
// Compute the coordinate of first and last texels (in native with a linear filtering)
const int ox = m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX;
const int X0 = v[i].XYZ.X - ox;
const int X1 = v[i + 1].XYZ.X - ox;
const int Lx = (v[i + 1].XYZ.X - v[i].XYZ.X);
const float ax0 = alpha0(Lx, X0, X1);
const float ax1 = alpha1(Lx, X0, X1);
const u16 tx0 = Interpolate_UV(ax0, v[i].U, v[i + 1].U);
const u16 tx1 = Interpolate_UV(ax1, v[i].U, v[i + 1].U);
#ifdef DEBUG_U
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "u0:%d and u1:%d\n", v[i].U, v[i + 1].U);
fprintf(stderr, "a0:%f and a1:%f\n", ax0, ax1);
fprintf(stderr, "t0:%d and t1:%d\n", tx0, tx1);
const int oy = m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY;
const int Y0 = v[i].XYZ.Y - oy;
const int Y1 = v[i + 1].XYZ.Y - oy;
const int Ly = (v[i + 1].XYZ.Y - v[i].XYZ.Y);
const float ay0 = alpha0(Ly, Y0, Y1);
const float ay1 = alpha1(Ly, Y0, Y1);
const u16 ty0 = Interpolate_UV(ay0, v[i].V, v[i + 1].V);
const u16 ty1 = Interpolate_UV(ay1, v[i].V, v[i + 1].V);
#ifdef DEBUG_V
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "v0:%d and v1:%d\n", v[i].V, v[i + 1].V);
fprintf(stderr, "a0:%f and a1:%f\n", ay0, ay1);
fprintf(stderr, "t0:%d and t1:%d\n", ty0, ty1);
#ifdef DEBUG_U
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "GREP_BEFORE %d => %d\n", v[i].U, v[i + 1].U);
#ifdef DEBUG_V
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "GREP_BEFORE %d => %d\n", v[i].V, v[i + 1].V);
#if 1
// Use rounded value of the newly computed texture coordinate. It ensures
// that sampling will remains inside texture boundary
// Note for bilinear: by definition it will never work correctly! A sligh modification
// of interpolation migth trigger a discard (with alpha testing)
// Let's use something simple that correct really bad case (for a couple of 2D games).
// I hope it won't create too much glitches.
if (linear)
const int Lu = v[i + 1].U - v[i].U;
// Note 32 is based on taisho-mononoke
if ((Lu > 0) && (Lu <= (Lx + 32)))
v[i + 1].U -= 8;
if (tx0 <= tx1)
v[i].U = tx0;
v[i + 1].U = tx1 + 16;
v[i].U = tx0 + 15;
v[i + 1].U = tx1;
#if 1
if (linear)
const int Lv = v[i + 1].V - v[i].V;
if ((Lv > 0) && (Lv <= (Ly + 32)))
v[i + 1].V -= 8;
if (ty0 <= ty1)
v[i].V = ty0;
v[i + 1].V = ty1 + 16;
v[i].V = ty0 + 15;
v[i + 1].V = ty1;
#ifdef DEBUG_U
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "GREP_AFTER %d => %d\n\n", v[i].U, v[i + 1].U);
#ifdef DEBUG_V
if (debug)
fprintf(stderr, "GREP_AFTER %d => %d\n\n", v[i].V, v[i + 1].V);
void GSRendererHW::Draw()
if (GSConfig.DumpGSData && (s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN))
std::string s;
// Dump Register state
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_context.txt", s_n);
// Dump vertices
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_vertex.txt", s_n);
static u32 num_skipped_channel_shuffle_draws = 0;
// We mess with this state as an optimization, so take a copy and use that instead.
const GSDrawingContext* context = m_context;
m_cached_ctx.TEX0 = context->TEX0;
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP = context->CLAMP;
m_cached_ctx.TEST = context->TEST;
m_cached_ctx.FRAME = context->FRAME;
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF = context->ZBUF;
if (IsBadFrame())
GL_INS("Warning skipping a draw call (%d)", s_n);
// Channel shuffles repeat lots of draws. Get out early if we can.
if (m_channel_shuffle)
// NFSU2 does consecutive channel shuffles with blending, reducing the alpha channel over time.
// Fortunately, it seems to change the FBMSK along the way, so this check alone is sufficient.
// Tomb Raider: Underworld does similar, except with R, G, B in separate palettes, therefore
// we need to split on those too.
m_channel_shuffle = IsPossibleChannelShuffle() && m_last_channel_shuffle_fbmsk == m_context->FRAME.FBMSK;
if (m_channel_shuffle)
if (num_skipped_channel_shuffle_draws > 0)
GL_INS("Skipped %u channel shuffle draws", num_skipped_channel_shuffle_draws);
num_skipped_channel_shuffle_draws = 0;
if (m_channel_shuffle)
GL_PUSH("HW Draw %d (Context %u)", s_n, PRIM->CTXT);
GL_INS("FLUSH REASON: %s%s", GetFlushReasonString(m_state_flush_reason),
(m_state_flush_reason != GSFlushReason::CONTEXTCHANGE && m_dirty_gs_regs) ? " AND POSSIBLE CONTEXT CHANGE" :
// When the format is 24bit (Z or C), DATE ceases to function.
// It was believed that in 24bit mode all pixels pass because alpha doesn't exist
// however after testing this on a PS2 it turns out nothing passes, it ignores the draw.
if ((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM & 0xF) == PSMCT24 && m_context->TEST.DATE)
GL_CACHE("DATE on a 24bit format, Frame PSM %x", m_context->FRAME.PSM);
// skip alpha test if possible
// Note: do it first so we know if frame/depth writes are masked
u32 fm = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK;
u32 zm = m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE == 0 ? 0xffffffff : 0;
const u32 fm_mask = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk;
// Note required to compute TryAlphaTest below. So do it now.
const GSDrawingEnvironment& env = *m_draw_env;
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& tex_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[context->TEX0.PSM];
if (PRIM->TME && tex_psm.pal > 0)
m_mem.m_clut.Read32(m_cached_ctx.TEX0, env.TEXA);
// Test if we can optimize Alpha Test as a NOP
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE && !GSRenderer::TryAlphaTest(fm, fm_mask, zm);
// Need to fix the alpha test, since the alpha will be fixed to 1.0 if ABE is disabled and AA1 is enabled
// So if it doesn't meet the condition, always fail, if it does, always pass (turn off the test).
if (IsCoverageAlpha() && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST > 1)
const float aref = static_cast<float>(m_cached_ctx.TEST.AREF);
const int old_ATST = m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST;
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST = 0;
switch (old_ATST)
if (128.0f < aref)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
if (128.0f <= aref)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
if (128.0f == aref)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
if (128.0f >= aref)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
if (128.0f > aref)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
if (128.0f != aref)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK = fm;
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK = zm != 0;
// It is allowed to use the depth and rt at the same location. However at least 1 must
// be disabled. Or the written value must be the same on both channels.
// 1/ GoW uses a Cd blending on a 24 bits buffer (no alpha)
// 2/ SuperMan really draws (0,0,0,0) color and a (0) 32-bits depth
// 3/ 50cents really draws (0,0,0,128) color and a (0) 24 bits depth
// Note: FF DoC has both buffer at same location but disable the depth test (write?) with ZTE = 0
const u32 max_z = (0xFFFFFFFF >> (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM].fmt * 8));
bool no_rt = (context->ALPHA.IsCd() && PRIM->ABE && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM == 1))
|| (!m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE && (fm & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk) == GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk);
const bool all_depth_tests_pass =
// Depth is always pass/fail (no read) and write are discarded.
(!m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST <= ZTST_ALWAYS) ||
// Depth test will always pass
(m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST == ZTST_GEQUAL && m_vt.m_eq.z && std::min(m_vertex.buff[0].XYZ.Z, max_z) == max_z);
bool no_ds = (zm != 0 && all_depth_tests_pass) ||
// Depth will be written through the RT
(!no_rt && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP == m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP && !PRIM->TME && zm == 0 && (fm & fm_mask) == 0 && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE);
// No Z test if no z buffer.
if (no_ds || all_depth_tests_pass)
if (m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST != ZTST_ALWAYS)
GL_CACHE("Disabling Z tests because all tests will pass.");
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST = ZTST_ALWAYS;
if (no_rt && no_ds)
GL_CACHE("Skipping draw with no color nor depth output.");
const bool draw_sprite_tex = PRIM->TME && (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS);
// We trigger the sw prim render here super early, to avoid creating superfluous render targets.
if (CanUseSwPrimRender(no_rt, no_ds, draw_sprite_tex) && SwPrimRender(*this, true, true))
GL_CACHE("Possible texture decompression, drawn with SwPrimRender() (BP %x BW %u TBP0 %x TBW %u)",
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW);
// GS doesn't fill the right or bottom edges of sprites/triangles, and for a pixel to be shaded, the vertex
// must cross the center. In other words, the range is equal to the floor of coordinates +0.5. Except for
// the case where the minimum equals the maximum, because at least one pixel is filled per line.
// Test cases for the math:
// --------------------------------------
// | Position range | Draw Range | Size |
// | -0.5,0.0 | 0-0 | 1 |
// | -0.5,0.5 | 0-0 | 1 |
// | 0,1 | 0-0 | 1 |
// | 0,1.5 | 0-1 | 2 |
// | 0.5,1.5 | 1-1 | 1 |
// | 0.5,1.75 | 1-1 | 1 |
// | 0.5,2.25 | 1-1 | 1 |
// | 0.5,2.5 | 1-2 | 2 |
// --------------------------------------
m_r = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p) + GSVector4::cxpr(0.5f));
m_r = m_r.blend8(m_r + GSVector4i::cxpr(0, 0, 1, 1), (m_r.xyxy() == m_r.zwzw()));
m_r = m_r.rintersect(context->scissor.in);
// We want to fix up the context if we're doing a double half clear, regardless of whether we do the CPU fill.
const bool is_possible_mem_clear = IsConstantDirectWriteMemClear();
if (!GSConfig.UserHacks_DisableSafeFeatures && is_possible_mem_clear)
if (!DetectStripedDoubleClear(no_rt, no_ds))
DetectDoubleHalfClear(no_rt, no_ds);
const bool process_texture = PRIM->TME && !(PRIM->ABE && m_context->ALPHA.IsBlack() && !m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TCC);
const u32 frame_end_bp = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, m_r);
const bool tex_is_rt = (process_texture && m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 >= m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() &&
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 < frame_end_bp);
const bool not_writing_to_all = (!PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps() || AreAnyPixelsDiscarded() || !all_depth_tests_pass);
const bool preserve_rt_rgb = (!no_rt && (!IsDiscardingDstRGB() || not_writing_to_all || tex_is_rt));
const bool preserve_rt_alpha =
(!no_rt && (!IsDiscardingDstAlpha() || not_writing_to_all ||
(tex_is_rt && GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM].trbpp != 24)));
bool preserve_rt_color = preserve_rt_rgb || preserve_rt_alpha;
bool preserve_depth =
not_writing_to_all || (!no_ds && (!all_depth_tests_pass || !m_cached_ctx.DepthWrite() || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE));
// SW CLUT Render enable.
bool force_preload = GSConfig.PreloadFrameWithGSData;
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_CPUCLUTRender > 0 || GSConfig.UserHacks_GPUTargetCLUTMode != GSGPUTargetCLUTMode::Disabled)
const CLUTDrawTestResult result = (GSConfig.UserHacks_CPUCLUTRender == 2) ? PossibleCLUTDrawAggressive() : PossibleCLUTDraw();
if (result == CLUTDrawTestResult::CLUTDrawOnCPU && GSConfig.UserHacks_CPUCLUTRender > 0)
if (SwPrimRender(*this, true, true))
GL_CACHE("Possible clut draw, drawn with SwPrimRender()");
else if (result != CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw)
// Force enable preloading if any of the existing data is needed.
// e.g. NFSMW only writes the alpha channel, and needs the RGB preloaded.
force_preload |= preserve_rt_color;
if (preserve_rt_color)
GL_INS("Forcing preload due to partial/blended CLUT draw");
if (!m_channel_shuffle && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 &&
// Special post-processing effect
GL_INS("Possible channel shuffle effect detected");
m_channel_shuffle = true;
m_last_channel_shuffle_fbmsk = m_context->FRAME.FBMSK;
else if (IsSplitClearActive())
if (ContinueSplitClear())
GL_INS("Skipping due to continued split clear, FBP %x FBW %u", m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW);
m_texture_shuffle = false;
m_copy_16bit_to_target_shuffle = false;
m_same_group_texture_shuffle = false;
const bool is_split_texture_shuffle = (m_split_texture_shuffle_pages > 0);
if (is_split_texture_shuffle)
// Adjust the draw rectangle to the new page range, so we get the correct fb height.
const GSVector4i new_r = GetSplitTextureShuffleDrawRect();
"Split texture shuffle: FBP %x -> %x, TBP0 %x -> %x, draw %d,%d => %d,%d -> %d,%d => %d,%d",
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_split_texture_shuffle_start_FBP * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE,
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0, m_split_texture_shuffle_start_TBP,
m_r.x, m_r.y, m_r.z, m_r.w,
new_r.x, new_r.y, new_r.z, new_r.w);
m_r = new_r;
// Adjust the scissor too, if it's in two parts, this will be wrong.
m_context->scissor.in = new_r;
// Fudge FRAME and TEX0 to point to the start of the shuffle.
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 = m_split_texture_shuffle_start_TBP;
// We correct this again at the end of the split
SetNewFRAME(m_split_texture_shuffle_start_FBP << 5, m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
// TEX0 may also be just using single width with offsets also, so let's deal with that.
if (m_split_texture_shuffle_pages > 1 && !NextDrawMatchesShuffle())
if (m_context->FRAME.FBW != m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw && m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW == 1)
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& frame_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM];
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& tex_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM];
// This is the final draw of the shuffle, so let's fudge the numbers
// Need to update the final rect as it could be wrong.
if (m_context->FRAME.FBW == 1 && m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw != m_context->FRAME.FBW)
m_r.x = 0; // Need to keep the X offset to calculate the shuffle.
m_r.z = m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw * frame_psm.pgs.x;
m_r.y = 0;
m_r.w = std::min(1024U, m_split_texture_shuffle_pages_high * frame_psm.pgs.y); // Max we can shuffle is 1024 (512)
//Fudge the scissor and frame
m_context->scissor.in = m_r;
SetNewFRAME(m_split_texture_shuffle_start_FBP << 5, m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
const int pages = m_split_texture_shuffle_pages + 1;
const int width = m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw;
const int height = (pages >= width) ? (pages / width) : 1;
// We must update the texture size! It will likely be 64x64, which is no good, so let's fudge that.
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW = std::ceil(std::log2(std::min(1024, width * tex_psm.pgs.x)));
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH = std::ceil(std::log2(std::min(1024, height * tex_psm.pgs.y)));
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW = m_split_texture_shuffle_fbw;
if (!GSConfig.UserHacks_DisableSafeFeatures && is_possible_mem_clear)
GL_INS("WARNING: Possible mem clear.");
// We'll finish things off later.
if (IsStartingSplitClear())
// Try to fix large single-page-wide draws.
bool height_invalid = m_r.w >= 1024;
if (height_invalid && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW <= 1 &&
TryToResolveSinglePageFramebuffer(m_cached_ctx.FRAME, true))
const GSVector2i& pgs = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].pgs;
GetDrawRectForPages(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, (m_r.w + (pgs.y - 1)) / pgs.y),
GSVector2i(1, 1));
height_invalid = false;
const bool is_zero_color_clear = (GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearColor() == 0 && !preserve_rt_color);
const bool is_zero_depth_clear = (GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearDepth() == 0 && !preserve_depth);
// If it's an invalid-sized draw, do the mem clear on the CPU, we don't want to create huge targets.
// If clearing to zero, don't bother creating the target. Games tend to clear more than they use, wasting VRAM/bandwidth.
if (is_zero_color_clear || is_zero_depth_clear || height_invalid)
const u32 rt_end_bp = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, m_r);
const u32 ds_end_bp = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM, m_r);
// If this is a partial clear of a larger buffer, we can't invalidate the target, since we'll be losing data
// which only existed on the GPU. Assume a BW change is a new target, though. Test case: Persona 3 shadows.
GSTextureCache::Target* tgt;
const bool overwriting_whole_rt =
(no_rt || height_invalid ||
(tgt = g_texture_cache->GetExactTarget(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW,
GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, rt_end_bp)) == nullptr ||
const bool overwriting_whole_ds =
(no_ds || height_invalid ||
(tgt = g_texture_cache->GetExactTarget(m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW,
GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, ds_end_bp)) == nullptr ||
if (overwriting_whole_rt && overwriting_whole_ds &&
TryGSMemClear(no_rt, preserve_rt_color, is_zero_color_clear, rt_end_bp,
no_ds, preserve_depth, is_zero_depth_clear, ds_end_bp))
GL_INS("Skipping (%d,%d=>%d,%d) draw at FBP %x/ZBP %x due to invalid height or zero clear.", m_r.x, m_r.y,
m_r.z, m_r.w, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block());
GIFRegTEX0 TEX0 = {};
GSTextureCache::Source* src = nullptr;
TextureMinMaxResult tmm;
// Disable texture mapping if the blend is black and using alpha from vertex.
if (process_texture)
GSVector2i hash_lod_range(0, 0);
m_lod = GSVector2i(0, 0);
// Code from the SW renderer
if (IsMipMapActive())
const int interpolation = (context->TEX1.MMIN & 1) + 1; // 1: round, 2: tri
int k = (m_context->TEX1.K + 8) >> 4;
int lcm = m_context->TEX1.LCM;
const int mxl = std::min<int>(static_cast<int>(m_context->TEX1.MXL), 6);
if (static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_lod.x) >= mxl)
k = mxl; // set lod to max level
lcm = 1; // constant lod
if (PRIM->FST)
ASSERT(lcm == 1);
ASSERT(((m_vt.m_min.t.uph(m_vt.m_max.t) == GSVector4::zero()).mask() & 3) == 3); // ratchet and clank (menu)
lcm = 1;
if (lcm == 1)
m_lod.x = std::max<int>(k, 0);
m_lod.y = m_lod.x;
// Not constant but who care !
if (interpolation == 2)
// Mipmap Linear. Both layers are sampled, only take the big one
m_lod.x = std::max<int>(static_cast<int>(floor(m_vt.m_lod.x)), 0);
// On GS lod is a fixed float number 7:4 (4 bit for the frac part)
#if 0
m_lod.x = std::max<int>(static_cast<int>(round(m_vt.m_lod.x + 0.0625)), 0);
// Same as above with a bigger margin on rounding
// The goal is to avoid 1 undrawn pixels around the edge which trigger the load of the big
// layer.
if (ceil(m_vt.m_lod.x) < m_vt.m_lod.y)
m_lod.x = std::max<int>(static_cast<int>(round(m_vt.m_lod.x + 0.0625 + 0.01)), 0);
m_lod.x = std::max<int>(static_cast<int>(round(m_vt.m_lod.x + 0.0625)), 0);
m_lod.y = std::max<int>(static_cast<int>(ceil(m_vt.m_lod.y)), 0);
m_lod.x = std::min<int>(m_lod.x, mxl);
m_lod.y = std::min<int>(m_lod.y, mxl);
TEX0 = (m_lod.x == 0) ? m_cached_ctx.TEX0 : GetTex0Layer(m_lod.x);
// upload the full chain (with offset) for the hash cache, in case some other texture uses more levels
// for basic mipmapping, we can get away with just doing the base image, since all the mips get generated anyway.
hash_lod_range = GSVector2i(m_lod.x, (GSConfig.HWMipmap == HWMipmapLevel::Full) ? mxl : m_lod.x);
MIP_CLAMP.MINU >>= m_lod.x;
MIP_CLAMP.MINV >>= m_lod.x;
MIP_CLAMP.MAXU >>= m_lod.x;
MIP_CLAMP.MAXV >>= m_lod.x;
for (int i = 0; i < m_lod.x; i++)
m_vt.m_min.t *= 0.5f;
m_vt.m_max.t *= 0.5f;
GL_CACHE("Mipmap LOD %d %d (%f %f) new size %dx%d (K %d L %u)", m_lod.x, m_lod.y, m_vt.m_lod.x, m_vt.m_lod.y, 1 << TEX0.TW, 1 << TEX0.TH, m_context->TEX1.K, m_context->TEX1.L);
TEX0 = m_cached_ctx.TEX0;
tmm = GetTextureMinMax(TEX0, MIP_CLAMP, m_vt.IsLinear(), false);
// Snowblind games set TW/TH to 1024, and use UVs for smaller textures inside that.
// Such textures usually contain junk in local memory, so try to make them smaller based on UVs.
// We can only do this for UVs, because ST repeat won't be correct.
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_EstimateTextureRegion && // enabled
TEX0.TW >= 9 && TEX0.TH >= 9 && // 512x512
((m_vt.m_max.t >= GSVector4(512.0f)).mask() & 0x3) == 0) // If the UVs actually are large, don't optimize.
// Clamp to the UVs of the texture. We could align this to something, but it ends up working better to just duplicate
// for different sizes in the hash cache, rather than hashing more and duplicating based on local memory.
const GSVector4i maxt(m_vt.m_max.t + GSVector4(m_vt.IsLinear() ? 0.5f : 0.0f));
MIP_CLAMP.MAXU = maxt.x >> m_lod.x;
MIP_CLAMP.MAXV = maxt.y >> m_lod.x;
GL_CACHE("Estimated texture region: %u,%u -> %u,%u", MIP_CLAMP.MINU, MIP_CLAMP.MINV, MIP_CLAMP.MAXU + 1,
bool rt_32bit = false;
if (!no_rt && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() != m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 && GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].bpp == 16)
// FBW is going to be wrong for channel shuffling into a new target, so take it from the source.
FRAME_TEX0.U64 = 0;
FRAME_TEX0.TBP0 = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block();
FRAME_TEX0.TBW = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
FRAME_TEX0.PSM = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM;
GSTextureCache::Target* tgt = g_texture_cache->LookupTarget(FRAME_TEX0, GSVector2i(m_vt.m_max.p.x, m_vt.m_max.p.y), GetTextureScaleFactor(), GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, true,
if (tgt)
rt_32bit = tgt->m_32_bits_fmt;
tgt = nullptr;
const bool possible_shuffle = ((rt_32bit && GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].bpp == 16) || m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0) || IsPossibleChannelShuffle();
const bool req_color = (!PRIM->ABE || (PRIM->ABE && m_context->ALPHA.IsUsingCs())) && (possible_shuffle || (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & (fm_mask & 0x00FFFFFF)) != (fm_mask & 0x00FFFFFF));
const bool req_alpha = m_context->TEX0.TCC && ((m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST > ATST_ALWAYS) || (possible_shuffle || (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & (fm_mask & 0xFF000000)) != (fm_mask & 0xFF000000)));
src = tex_psm.depth ? g_texture_cache->LookupDepthSource(TEX0, env.TEXA, MIP_CLAMP, tmm.coverage, possible_shuffle, m_vt.IsLinear(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), req_color, req_alpha) :
g_texture_cache->LookupSource(TEX0, env.TEXA, MIP_CLAMP, tmm.coverage, (GSConfig.HWMipmap >= HWMipmapLevel::Basic || GSConfig.TriFilter == TriFiltering::Forced) ? &hash_lod_range : nullptr,
possible_shuffle, m_vt.IsLinear(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), req_color, req_alpha);
if (unlikely(!src))
GL_INS("ERROR: Source lookup failed, skipping.");
// We don't know the alpha range of direct sources when we first tried to optimize the alpha test.
// Moving the texture lookup before the ATST optimization complicates things a lot, so instead,
// recompute it, and everything derived from it again if it changes.
if (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[src->m_TEX0.PSM].pal == 0)
CalcAlphaMinMax(src->m_alpha_minmax.first, src->m_alpha_minmax.second);
u32 new_fm = m_context->FRAME.FBMSK;
u32 new_zm = m_context->ZBUF.ZMSK || m_context->TEST.ZTE == 0 ? 0xffffffff : 0;
if (m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE && GSRenderer::TryAlphaTest(new_fm, fm_mask, new_zm))
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE = false;
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK = new_fm;
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK = (new_zm != 0);
fm = new_fm;
zm = new_zm;
no_rt = no_rt || (!m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE && (fm & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk) == GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk);
no_ds = no_ds || (zm != 0 && all_depth_tests_pass);
if (no_rt && no_ds)
GL_INS("Late draw cancel because no pixels pass alpha test.");
// Estimate size based on the scissor rectangle and height cache.
const GSVector2i t_size = GetTargetSize(src);
const GSVector4i t_size_rect = GSVector4i::loadh(t_size);
// Ensure draw rect is clamped to framebuffer size. Necessary for updating valid area.
const GSVector4i unclamped_draw_rect = m_r;
// Don't clamp on shuffle, the height cache may troll us with the REAL height.
if (!m_texture_shuffle && m_split_texture_shuffle_pages == 0)
m_r = m_r.rintersect(t_size_rect);
float target_scale = GetTextureScaleFactor();
// This upscaling hack is for games which construct P8 textures by drawing a bunch of small sprites in C32,
// then reinterpreting it as P8. We need to keep the off-screen intermediate textures at native resolution,
// but not propagate that through to the normal render targets. Test Case: Crash Wrath of Cortex.
if (no_ds && src && !m_channel_shuffle && GSConfig.UserHacks_NativePaletteDraw && src->m_from_target &&
src->m_scale == 1.0f && (src->m_TEX0.PSM == PSMT8 || src->m_TEX0.TBP0 == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()))
GL_CACHE("Using native resolution for target based on texture source");
target_scale = 1.0f;
GSTextureCache::Target* rt = nullptr;
if (!no_rt)
// FBW is going to be wrong for channel shuffling into a new target, so take it from the source.
FRAME_TEX0.U64 = 0;
FRAME_TEX0.TBP0 = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block();
FRAME_TEX0.TBW = m_channel_shuffle ? src->m_from_target_TEX0.TBW : m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
FRAME_TEX0.PSM = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM;
// Normally we would use 1024 here to match the clear above, but The Godfather does a 1023x1023 draw instead
// (very close to 1024x1024, but apparently the GS rounds down..). So, catch that here, we don't want to
// create that target, because the clear isn't black, it'll hang around and never get invalidated.
const bool is_square = (t_size.y == t_size.x) && m_r.w >= 1023 && PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps();
const bool is_clear = is_possible_mem_clear && is_square;
rt = g_texture_cache->LookupTarget(FRAME_TEX0, t_size, target_scale, GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, true,
fm, false, force_preload, preserve_rt_rgb, preserve_rt_alpha, unclamped_draw_rect, IsPossibleChannelShuffle(), is_possible_mem_clear && FRAME_TEX0.TBP0 != m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block());
// Draw skipped because it was a clear and there was no target.
if (!rt)
if (is_clear)
GL_INS("Clear draw with no target, skipping.");
const bool is_zero_color_clear = (GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearColor() == 0 && !preserve_rt_color);
const bool is_zero_depth_clear = (GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearDepth() == 0 && !preserve_depth);
const u32 rt_end_bp = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, m_r);
const u32 ds_end_bp = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM, m_r);
TryGSMemClear(no_rt, preserve_rt_color, is_zero_color_clear, rt_end_bp,
no_ds, preserve_depth, is_zero_depth_clear, ds_end_bp);
rt = g_texture_cache->CreateTarget(FRAME_TEX0, t_size, GetValidSize(src), target_scale, GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, true,
fm, false, force_preload, preserve_rt_color, m_r, src);
if (unlikely(!rt))
GL_INS("ERROR: Failed to create FRAME target, skipping.");
GSTextureCache::Target* ds = nullptr;
if (!no_ds)
ZBUF_TEX0.U64 = 0;
ZBUF_TEX0.TBP0 = m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block();
ZBUF_TEX0.TBW = m_channel_shuffle ? src->m_from_target_TEX0.TBW : m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
ZBUF_TEX0.PSM = m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM;
ds = g_texture_cache->LookupTarget(ZBUF_TEX0, t_size, target_scale, GSTextureCache::DepthStencil,
m_cached_ctx.DepthWrite(), 0, false, force_preload, preserve_depth, preserve_depth, unclamped_draw_rect, IsPossibleChannelShuffle(), is_possible_mem_clear && ZBUF_TEX0.TBP0 != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block());
if (!ds)
ds = g_texture_cache->CreateTarget(ZBUF_TEX0, t_size, GetValidSize(src), target_scale, GSTextureCache::DepthStencil,
m_cached_ctx.DepthWrite(), 0, false, force_preload, preserve_depth, m_r, src);
if (unlikely(!ds))
GL_INS("ERROR: Failed to create ZBUF target, skipping.");
if (process_texture)
const GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
if (rt)
// Hypothesis: texture shuffle is used as a postprocessing effect so texture will be an old target.
// Initially code also tested the RT but it gives too much false-positive
const int first_x = ((v[0].XYZ.X - m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX) + 8) >> 4;
const int first_u = PRIM->FST ? ((v[0].U + 8) >> 4) : static_cast<int>(((1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW) * (v[0].ST.S / v[1].RGBAQ.Q)) + 0.5f);
const bool shuffle_coords = (first_x ^ first_u) & 8;
const u32 draw_end = GSLocalMemory::GetEndBlockAddress(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, m_r) + 1;
const bool draw_uses_target = src->m_from_target && ((src->m_from_target_TEX0.TBP0 <= m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() &&
src->m_from_target->UnwrappedEndBlock() > m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()) ||
(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() < src->m_from_target_TEX0.TBP0 && draw_end > src->m_from_target_TEX0.TBP0));
// copy of a 16bit source in to this target, make sure it's opaque and not bilinear to reduce false positives.
m_copy_16bit_to_target_shuffle = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() && rt->m_32_bits_fmt == true && IsOpaque()
&& !(context->TEX1.MMIN & 1) && !src->m_32_bits_fmt && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK;
// It's not actually possible to do a C16->C16 texture shuffle of B to A as they are the same group
// However you can do it by using C32 and offsetting the target verticies to point to B A, then mask as appropriate.
m_same_group_texture_shuffle = draw_uses_target && (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM & 0xE) == PSMCT32 && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM & 0x7) == PSMCT16 && (m_vt.m_min.p.x == 8.0f);
// Both input and output are 16 bits and texture was initially 32 bits! Same for the target, Sonic Unleash makes a new target which really is 16bit.
m_texture_shuffle = ((m_same_group_texture_shuffle || (tex_psm.bpp == 16)) && (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].bpp == 16) &&
(shuffle_coords || rt->m_32_bits_fmt))
&& draw_sprite_tex && (src->m_32_bits_fmt || m_copy_16bit_to_target_shuffle);
// Okami mustn't call this code
if (m_texture_shuffle && m_vertex.next < 3 && PRIM->FST && ((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & fm_mask) == 0))
// Avious dubious call to m_texture_shuffle on 16 bits games
// The pattern is severals column of 8 pixels. A single sprite
// smell fishy but a big sprite is wrong.
// Shadow of Memories/Destiny shouldn't call this code.
// Causes shadow flickering.
m_texture_shuffle = ((v[1].U - v[0].U) < 256) ||
// Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness relies on this behavior to produce a fog effect.
// In this case, the address of the framebuffer and texture are the same.
// The game will take RG => BA and then the BA => RG of next pixels.
// However, only RG => BA needs to be emulated because RG isn't used.
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 ||
// DMC3, Onimusha 3 rely on this behavior.
// They do fullscreen rectangle with scissor, then shift by 8 pixels, not done with recursion.
// So we check if it's a TS effect by checking the scissor.
((m_context->SCISSOR.SCAX1 - m_context->SCISSOR.SCAX0) < 32);
GL_INS("WARNING: Possible misdetection of effect, texture shuffle is %s", m_texture_shuffle ? "Enabled" : "Disabled");
if (m_texture_shuffle && IsSplitTextureShuffle(rt->m_TEX0.TBW))
// If TEX0 == FBP, we're going to have a source left in the TC.
// That source will get used in the actual draw unsafely, so kick it out.
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block() == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(context->offset.fb, m_r, false);
if (src->m_target && IsPossibleChannelShuffle())
GL_INS("Channel shuffle effect detected (2nd shot)");
m_channel_shuffle = true;
m_last_channel_shuffle_fbmsk = m_context->FRAME.FBMSK;
m_channel_shuffle = false;
#if 0
// FIXME: We currently crop off the rightmost and bottommost pixel when upscaling clamps,
// until the issue is properly solved we should keep this disabled as it breaks many games when upscaling.
// See #5387, #5853, #5851 on GH for more details.
// Texture clamp optimizations (try to move everything to sampler hardware)
if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && MIP_CLAMP.MINU == 0 && MIP_CLAMP.MAXU == tw - 1)
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS = CLAMP_CLAMP;
else if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS == CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT && MIP_CLAMP.MINU == tw - 1 && MIP_CLAMP.MAXU == 0)
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS = CLAMP_REPEAT;
else if ((m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS & 2) && !(tmm.uses_boundary & TextureMinMaxResult::USES_BOUNDARY_U))
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS = CLAMP_CLAMP;
if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && MIP_CLAMP.MINV == 0 && MIP_CLAMP.MAXV == th - 1)
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT = CLAMP_CLAMP;
else if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT == CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT && MIP_CLAMP.MINV == th - 1 && MIP_CLAMP.MAXV == 0)
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT = CLAMP_REPEAT;
else if ((m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT & 2) && !(tmm.uses_boundary & TextureMinMaxResult::USES_BOUNDARY_V))
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT = CLAMP_CLAMP;
const int tw = 1 << TEX0.TW;
const int th = 1 << TEX0.TH;
const bool is_shuffle = m_channel_shuffle || m_texture_shuffle;
// If m_src is from a target that isn't the same size as the texture, texture sample edge modes won't work quite the same way
// If the game actually tries to access stuff outside of the rendered target, it was going to get garbage anyways so whatever
// But the game could issue reads that wrap to valid areas, so move wrapping to the shader if wrapping is used
const GSVector2i unscaled_size = src->m_target ? src->GetRegionSize() : src->GetUnscaledSize();
if (!is_shuffle && m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS == CLAMP_REPEAT && (tmm.uses_boundary & TextureMinMaxResult::USES_BOUNDARY_U) && unscaled_size.x != tw)
// Our shader-emulated region repeat doesn't upscale :(
// Try to avoid it if possible
// TODO: Upscale-supporting shader-emulated region repeat
if (unscaled_size.x < tw && m_vt.m_min.t.x > -(tw - unscaled_size.x) && m_vt.m_max.t.x < tw)
// Game only extends into data we don't have (but doesn't wrap around back onto good data), clamp seems like the most reasonable solution
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS = CLAMP_CLAMP;
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU = (1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW) - 1;
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU = 0;
if (!is_shuffle && m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT == CLAMP_REPEAT && (tmm.uses_boundary & TextureMinMaxResult::USES_BOUNDARY_V) && unscaled_size.y != th)
if (unscaled_size.y < th && m_vt.m_min.t.y > -(th - unscaled_size.y) && m_vt.m_max.t.y < th)
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT = CLAMP_CLAMP;
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV = (1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH) - 1;
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXV = 0;
// Round 2
if (IsMipMapActive() && GSConfig.HWMipmap == HWMipmapLevel::Full && !tex_psm.depth && !src->m_from_hash_cache)
// Upload remaining texture layers
const GSVector4 tmin = m_vt.m_min.t;
const GSVector4 tmax = m_vt.m_max.t;
for (int layer = m_lod.x + 1; layer <= m_lod.y; layer++)
const GIFRegTEX0 MIP_TEX0(GetTex0Layer(layer));
m_vt.m_min.t *= 0.5f;
m_vt.m_max.t *= 0.5f;
tmm = GetTextureMinMax(MIP_TEX0, MIP_CLAMP, m_vt.IsLinear(), false);
src->UpdateLayer(MIP_TEX0, tmm.coverage, layer - m_lod.x);
// we don't need to generate mipmaps since they were provided
m_vt.m_min.t = tmin;
m_vt.m_max.t = tmax;
if (rt)
// Be sure texture shuffle detection is properly propagated
// Otherwise set or clear the flag (Code in texture cache only set the flag)
// Note: it is important to clear the flag when RT is used as a real 16 bits target.
rt->m_32_bits_fmt = m_texture_shuffle || (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].bpp != 16);
// Do the same for the depth target. Jackie Chan Adventures swaps from C32 to Z16 after a clear.
if (ds)
ds->m_32_bits_fmt = (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM].bpp != 16);
// Deferred update of TEX0. We don't want to change it when we're doing a shuffle/clear, because it
// may increase the buffer width, or change PSM, which breaks P8 conversion amongst other things.
const bool can_update_size = !is_possible_mem_clear && !m_texture_shuffle && !m_channel_shuffle;
if (!m_texture_shuffle && !m_channel_shuffle)
if (rt && (!is_possible_mem_clear || rt->m_TEX0.PSM != FRAME_TEX0.PSM))
if (rt->m_TEX0.TBW != FRAME_TEX0.TBW && !m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xFF000000))
// Alpha could be a font, and since the width is changing it's no longer valid.
// Be careful of downsize copies or other effects, checking Z MSK should hopefully be enough.. (Okami).
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0x0F000000)
rt->m_valid_alpha_low = false;
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xF0000000)
rt->m_valid_alpha_high = false;
rt->m_TEX0 = FRAME_TEX0;
if (ds && (!is_possible_mem_clear || ds->m_TEX0.PSM != ZBUF_TEX0.PSM || (rt && ds->m_TEX0.TBW != rt->m_TEX0.TBW)))
ds->m_TEX0 = ZBUF_TEX0;
else if (!m_texture_shuffle)
// Allow FB PSM to update on channel shuffle, it should be correct, unlike texture shuffle.
// The FBW should also be okay, since it's coming from the source.
if (rt)
rt->m_TEX0.TBW = std::max(rt->m_TEX0.TBW, FRAME_TEX0.TBW);
if (ds)
ds->m_TEX0.TBW = std::max(ds->m_TEX0.TBW, ZBUF_TEX0.TBW);
// Figure out which channels we're writing.
if (rt)
rt->UpdateValidChannels(rt->m_TEX0.PSM, m_texture_shuffle ? GetEffectiveTextureShuffleFbmsk() : fm);
if (ds)
ds->UpdateValidChannels(ZBUF_TEX0.PSM, zm);
if (rt)
if (ds)
const GSVector2i resolution = PCRTCDisplays.GetResolution();
GSTextureCache::Target* old_rt = nullptr;
GSTextureCache::Target* old_ds = nullptr;
GSVector2i new_size = t_size;
// We need to adjust the size if it's a texture shuffle as we could end up making the RT twice the size.
if (rt && m_texture_shuffle && m_split_texture_shuffle_pages == 0)
if ((new_size.x > rt->m_valid.z && m_vt.m_max.p.x == new_size.x) || (new_size.y > rt->m_valid.w && m_vt.m_max.p.y == new_size.y))
if (new_size.y <= rt->m_valid.w && (rt->m_TEX0.TBW != m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW))
new_size.x /= 2;
new_size.y /= 2;
// We still need to make sure the dimensions of the targets match.
const int new_w = std::max(new_size.x, std::max(rt ? rt->m_unscaled_size.x : 0, ds ? ds->m_unscaled_size.x : 0));
const int new_h = std::max(new_size.y, std::max(rt ? rt->m_unscaled_size.y : 0, ds ? ds->m_unscaled_size.y : 0));
if (rt)
const u32 old_end_block = rt->m_end_block;
const bool new_rect = rt->m_valid.rempty();
const bool new_height = new_h > rt->GetUnscaledHeight();
const int old_height = rt->m_texture->GetHeight();
pxAssert(rt->GetScale() == target_scale);
if (rt->GetUnscaledWidth() != new_w || rt->GetUnscaledHeight() != new_h)
GL_INS("Resize RT from %dx%d to %dx%d", rt->GetUnscaledWidth(), rt->GetUnscaledHeight(), new_w, new_h);
rt->ResizeTexture(new_w, new_h);
if (!m_texture_shuffle && !m_channel_shuffle)
const GSVector4i update_rect = m_r.rintersect(GSVector4i::loadh(new_size));
// Limit to 2x the vertical height of the resolution (for double buffering)
rt->UpdateValidity(update_rect, can_update_size || (m_r.w <= (resolution.y * 2) && !m_texture_shuffle));
rt->UpdateDrawn(update_rect, can_update_size || (m_r.w <= (resolution.y * 2) && !m_texture_shuffle));
// Probably changing to double buffering, so invalidate any old target that was next to it.
// This resolves an issue where the PCRTC will find the old target in FMV's causing flashing.
// Grandia Xtreme, Onimusha Warlord.
if (!new_rect && new_height && old_end_block != rt->m_end_block)
old_rt = g_texture_cache->FindTargetOverlap(rt, GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
if (old_rt && old_rt != rt && GSUtil::HasSharedBits(old_rt->m_TEX0.PSM, rt->m_TEX0.PSM))
const int copy_width = (old_rt->m_texture->GetWidth()) > (rt->m_texture->GetWidth()) ? (rt->m_texture->GetWidth()) : old_rt->m_texture->GetWidth();
const int copy_height = (old_rt->m_texture->GetHeight()) > (rt->m_texture->GetHeight() - old_height) ? (rt->m_texture->GetHeight() - old_height) : old_rt->m_texture->GetHeight();
GL_INS("RT double buffer copy from FBP 0x%x, %dx%d => %d,%d", old_rt->m_TEX0.TBP0, copy_width, copy_height, 0, old_height);
// Invalidate has been moved to after DrawPrims(), because we might kill the current sources' backing.
g_gs_device->CopyRect(old_rt->m_texture, rt->m_texture, GSVector4i(0, 0, copy_width, copy_height), 0, old_height);
preserve_rt_color = true;
old_rt = nullptr;
if (ds)
const u32 old_end_block = ds->m_end_block;
const bool new_rect = ds->m_valid.rempty();
const bool new_height = new_h > ds->GetUnscaledHeight();
const int old_height = ds->m_texture->GetHeight();
pxAssert(ds->GetScale() == target_scale);
if (ds->GetUnscaledWidth() != new_w || ds->GetUnscaledHeight() != new_h)
GL_INS("Resize DS from %dx%d to %dx%d", ds->GetUnscaledWidth(), ds->GetUnscaledHeight(), new_w, new_h);
ds->ResizeTexture(new_w, new_h);
if (!m_texture_shuffle && !m_channel_shuffle)
// Limit to 2x the vertical height of the resolution (for double buffering)
ds->UpdateValidity(m_r, can_update_size || m_r.w <= (resolution.y * 2));
ds->UpdateDrawn(m_r, can_update_size || m_r.w <= (resolution.y * 2));
if (!new_rect && new_height && old_end_block != ds->m_end_block)
old_ds = g_texture_cache->FindTargetOverlap(ds, GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM);
if (old_ds && old_ds != ds && GSUtil::HasSharedBits(old_ds->m_TEX0.PSM, ds->m_TEX0.PSM))
const int copy_width = (old_ds->m_texture->GetWidth()) > (ds->m_texture->GetWidth()) ? (ds->m_texture->GetWidth()) : old_ds->m_texture->GetWidth();
const int copy_height = (old_ds->m_texture->GetHeight()) > (ds->m_texture->GetHeight() - old_height) ? (ds->m_texture->GetHeight() - old_height) : old_ds->m_texture->GetHeight();
GL_INS("DS double buffer copy from FBP 0x%x, %dx%d => %d,%d", old_ds->m_TEX0.TBP0, copy_width, copy_height, 0, old_height);
g_gs_device->CopyRect(old_ds->m_texture, ds->m_texture, GSVector4i(0, 0, copy_width, copy_height), 0, old_height);
preserve_depth = true;
old_ds = nullptr;
if (src && src->m_shared_texture && src->m_texture != src->m_from_target->m_texture)
// Target texture changed, update reference.
src->m_texture = src->m_from_target->m_texture;
if (GSConfig.DumpGSData)
const u64 frame = g_perfmon.GetFrame();
std::string s;
if (GSConfig.SaveTexture && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN && src)
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_itex_%05x_%s_%d%d_%02x_%02x_%02x_%02x.dds",
s_n, frame, static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0), psm_str(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM),
static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS), static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT),
static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU), static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU),
static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV), static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXV));
if (src->m_palette)
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_itpx_%05x_%s.dds", s_n, frame, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.CBP, psm_str(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.CPSM));
if (rt && GSConfig.SaveRT && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN)
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_rt0_%05x_%s.bmp", s_n, frame, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), psm_str(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM));
if (rt->m_texture)
if (ds && GSConfig.SaveDepth && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN)
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_rz0_%05x_%s.bmp", s_n, frame, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), psm_str(m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM));
if (ds->m_texture)
if (m_oi && !m_oi(*this, rt ? rt->m_texture : nullptr, ds ? ds->m_texture : nullptr, src))
GL_INS("Warning skipping a draw call (%d)", s_n);
if (!OI_BlitFMV(rt, src, m_r))
GL_INS("Warning skipping a draw call (%d)", s_n);
bool skip_draw = false;
if (!GSConfig.UserHacks_DisableSafeFeatures && is_possible_mem_clear)
skip_draw = TryTargetClear(rt, ds, preserve_rt_color, preserve_depth);
// A couple of hack to avoid upscaling issue. So far it seems to impacts mostly sprite
// Note: first hack corrects both position and texture coordinate
// Note: second hack corrects only the texture coordinate
if (CanUpscale() && (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS))
const u32 count = m_vertex.next;
GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
// Hack to avoid vertical black line in various games (ace combat/tekken)
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_AlignSpriteX)
// Note for performance reason I do the check only once on the first
// primitive
const int win_position = v[1].XYZ.X - context->XYOFFSET.OFX;
const bool unaligned_position = ((win_position & 0xF) == 8);
const bool unaligned_texture = ((v[1].U & 0xF) == 0) && PRIM->FST; // I'm not sure this check is useful
const bool hole_in_vertex = (count < 4) || (v[1].XYZ.X != v[2].XYZ.X);
if (hole_in_vertex && unaligned_position && (unaligned_texture || !PRIM->FST))
// Normaly vertex are aligned on full pixels and texture in half
// pixels. Let's extend the coverage of an half-pixel to avoid
// hole after upscaling
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i += 2)
v[i + 1].XYZ.X += 8;
// I really don't know if it is a good idea. Neither what to do for !PRIM->FST
if (unaligned_texture)
v[i + 1].U += 8;
// Noting to do if no texture is sampled
if (PRIM->FST && draw_sprite_tex)
if ((GSConfig.UserHacks_RoundSprite > 1) || (GSConfig.UserHacks_RoundSprite == 1 && !m_vt.IsLinear()))
if (m_vt.IsLinear())
; // vertical line in Yakuza (note check m_userhacks_align_sprite_X behavior)
if (!skip_draw)
DrawPrims(rt, ds, src, tmm);
// Temporary source *must* be invalidated before normal, because otherwise it'll be double freed.
// Invalidation of old targets when changing to double-buffering.
if (old_rt)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, old_rt->m_TEX0.TBP0);
if (old_ds)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, old_ds->m_TEX0.TBP0);
if ((fm & fm_mask) != fm_mask && rt)
//rt->m_valid = rt->m_valid.runion(r);
// Limit to 2x the vertical height of the resolution (for double buffering)
rt->UpdateValidity(m_r, can_update_size || (m_r.w <= (resolution.y * 2) && !m_texture_shuffle));
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(context->offset.fb, m_r, false);
// Remove overwritten Zs at the FBP.
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(),
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, m_texture_shuffle ? GetEffectiveTextureShuffleFbmsk() : fm);
if (zm != 0xffffffff && ds)
//ds->m_valid = ds->m_valid.runion(r);
// Limit to 2x the vertical height of the resolution (for double buffering)
ds->UpdateValidity(m_r, can_update_size || (m_r.w <= (resolution.y * 2) && !m_texture_shuffle));
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(context->offset.zb, m_r, false);
// Remove overwritten RTs at the ZBP.
GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM, zm);
if (GSConfig.DumpGSData)
const u64 frame = g_perfmon.GetFrame();
std::string s;
if (GSConfig.SaveRT && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN)
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_rt1_%05x_%s.bmp", s_n, frame, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), psm_str(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM));
if (rt)
if (GSConfig.SaveDepth && s_n >= GSConfig.SaveN)
s = GetDrawDumpPath("%05d_f%lld_rz1_%05x_%s.bmp", s_n, frame, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), psm_str(m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM));
if (ds)
if (GSConfig.SaveL > 0 && (s_n - GSConfig.SaveN) > GSConfig.SaveL)
GSConfig.DumpGSData = 0;
if (rt)
g_texture_cache->Read(rt, m_r);
/// Verifies assumptions we expect to hold about indices
bool GSRendererHW::VerifyIndices()
switch (m_vt.m_primclass)
if (m_index.tail % 2 != 0)
return false;
// Expect indices to be flat increasing
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_index.tail; i++)
if (m_index.buff[i] != i)
return false;
if (m_index.tail % 2 != 0)
return false;
// Expect each line to be a pair next to each other
// VS expand relies on this!
if (g_gs_device->Features().provoking_vertex_last)
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_index.tail; i += 2)
if (m_index.buff[i] + 1 != m_index.buff[i + 1])
return false;
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_index.tail; i += 2)
if (m_index.buff[i] != m_index.buff[i + 1] + 1)
return false;
if (m_index.tail % 3 != 0)
return false;
return true;
void GSRendererHW::SetupIA(float target_scale, float sx, float sy)
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_WildHack && !m_isPackedUV_HackFlag && PRIM->TME && PRIM->FST)
for (u32 i = 0; i < m_vertex.next; i++)
m_vertex.buff[i].UV &= 0x3FEF3FEF;
const bool unscale_pt_ln = !GSConfig.UserHacks_DisableSafeFeatures && (target_scale != 1.0f);
const GSDevice::FeatureSupport features = g_gs_device->Features();
switch (m_vt.m_primclass)
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Point;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 1;
if (unscale_pt_ln)
if (features.point_expand)
m_conf.vs.point_size = true;
m_conf.cb_vs.point_size = GSVector2(target_scale);
else if (features.vs_expand)
m_conf.vs.expand = GSHWDrawConfig::VSExpand::Point;
m_conf.cb_vs.point_size = GSVector2(16.0f * sx, 16.0f * sy);
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Triangle;
m_conf.verts = m_vertex.buff;
m_conf.nverts = m_vertex.next;
m_conf.nindices = m_index.tail * 6;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 6;
// Vulkan/GL still need to set point size.
m_conf.cb_vs.point_size = target_scale;
// M1 requires point size output on *all* points.
m_conf.vs.point_size = true;
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Line;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 2;
if (unscale_pt_ln)
if (features.line_expand)
m_conf.line_expand = true;
else if (features.vs_expand)
m_conf.vs.expand = GSHWDrawConfig::VSExpand::Line;
m_conf.cb_vs.point_size = GSVector2(16.0f * sx, 16.0f * sy);
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Triangle;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 6;
// Need to pre-divide ST by Q if Q is very large, to avoid precision issues on some GPUs.
// May as well just expand the whole thing out with the CPU path in such a case.
if (features.vs_expand && !m_vt.m_accurate_stq)
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Triangle;
m_conf.vs.expand = GSHWDrawConfig::VSExpand::Sprite;
m_conf.verts = m_vertex.buff;
m_conf.nverts = m_vertex.next;
m_conf.nindices = m_index.tail * 3;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 6;
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Triangle;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 6;
m_conf.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Triangle;
m_conf.indices_per_prim = 3;
m_conf.verts = m_vertex.buff;
m_conf.nverts = m_vertex.next;
m_conf.indices = m_index.buff;
m_conf.nindices = m_index.tail;
void GSRendererHW::EmulateZbuffer(const GSTextureCache::Target* ds)
if (ds && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE)
m_conf.depth.ztst = m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST;
// AA1: Z is not written on lines since coverage is always less than 0x80.
m_conf.depth.zwe = (m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK || (PRIM->AA1 && m_vt.m_primclass == GS_LINE_CLASS)) ? 0 : 1;
m_conf.depth.ztst = ZTST_ALWAYS;
// On the real GS we appear to do clamping on the max z value the format allows.
// Clamping is done after rasterization.
const u32 max_z = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM].fmt * 8);
const bool clamp_z = static_cast<u32>(GSVector4i(m_vt.m_max.p).z) > max_z;
m_conf.cb_vs.max_depth = GSVector2i(0xFFFFFFFF);
//ps_cb.MaxDepth = GSVector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
m_conf.ps.zclamp = 0;
if (clamp_z)
if (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS || m_vt.m_primclass == GS_POINT_CLASS)
m_conf.cb_vs.max_depth = GSVector2i(max_z);
else if (!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK)
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.z = static_cast<float>(max_z) * (g_gs_device->Features().clip_control ? 0x1p-32f : 0x1p-24f);
m_conf.ps.zclamp = 1;
void GSRendererHW::EmulateTextureShuffleAndFbmask(GSTextureCache::Target* rt, GSTextureCache::Source* tex)
// Uncomment to disable texture shuffle emulation.
// m_texture_shuffle = false;
bool enable_fbmask_emulation = false;
const GSDevice::FeatureSupport features = g_gs_device->Features();
if (features.texture_barrier)
enable_fbmask_emulation = GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit != AccBlendLevel::Minimum;
// FBmask blend level selection.
// We do this becaue:
// 1. D3D sucks.
// 2. FB copy is slow, especially on triangle primitives which is unplayable with some games.
// 3. SW blending isn't implemented yet.
switch (GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit)
case AccBlendLevel::Maximum:
case AccBlendLevel::Full:
case AccBlendLevel::High:
case AccBlendLevel::Medium:
enable_fbmask_emulation = true;
case AccBlendLevel::Basic:
// Enable Fbmask emulation excluding triangle class because it is quite slow.
enable_fbmask_emulation = (m_vt.m_primclass != GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS);
case AccBlendLevel::Minimum:
if (m_texture_shuffle)
m_conf.ps.shuffle = 1;
m_conf.ps.dfmt = 0;
bool write_ba;
bool read_ba;
ConvertSpriteTextureShuffle(write_ba, read_ba, rt, tex);
// If date is enabled you need to test the green channel instead of the
// alpha channel. Only enable this code in DATE mode to reduce the number
// of shader.
m_conf.ps.write_rg = !write_ba && features.texture_barrier && m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE;
m_conf.ps.read_ba = read_ba;
m_conf.ps.real16src = m_copy_16bit_to_target_shuffle;
m_conf.ps.shuffle_same = m_same_group_texture_shuffle;
// Please bang my head against the wall!
// 1/ Reduce the frame mask to a 16 bit format
const u32 m = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk;
// fbmask is converted to a 16bit version to represent the 2 32bit channels it's writing to.
// The lower 8 bits represents the Red/Blue channels, the top 8 bits is Green/Alpha, depending on write_ba.
const u32 fbmask = ((m >> 3) & 0x1F) | ((m >> 6) & 0x3E0) | ((m >> 9) & 0x7C00) | ((m >> 16) & 0x8000);
// r = rb mask, g = ga mask
const GSVector2i rb_ga_mask = GSVector2i(fbmask & 0xFF, (fbmask >> 8) & 0xFF);
// Ace Combat 04 sets FBMSK to 0 for the shuffle, duplicating RG across RGBA.
// Given how touchy texture shuffles are, I'm not ready to make it 100% dependent on the real FBMSK yet.
// TODO: Remove this if, and see what breaks.
if (fbmask != 0)
m_conf.colormask.wrgba = 0;
m_conf.colormask.wr = m_conf.colormask.wg = (rb_ga_mask.r != 0xFF);
m_conf.colormask.wb = m_conf.colormask.wa = (rb_ga_mask.g != 0xFF);
// 2 Select the new mask
if (rb_ga_mask.r != 0xFF)
if (write_ba)
GL_INS("Color shuffle %s => B", read_ba ? "B" : "R");
m_conf.colormask.wb = 1;
GL_INS("Color shuffle %s => R", read_ba ? "B" : "R");
m_conf.colormask.wr = 1;
if (rb_ga_mask.r)
m_conf.ps.fbmask = 1;
if (rb_ga_mask.g != 0xFF)
if (write_ba)
GL_INS("Color shuffle %s => A", read_ba ? "A" : "G");
m_conf.colormask.wa = 1;
GL_INS("Color shuffle %s => G", read_ba ? "A" : "G");
m_conf.colormask.wg = 1;
if (rb_ga_mask.g)
m_conf.ps.fbmask = 1;
if (m_conf.ps.fbmask && enable_fbmask_emulation)
m_conf.cb_ps.FbMask.r = rb_ga_mask.r;
m_conf.cb_ps.FbMask.g = rb_ga_mask.g;
m_conf.cb_ps.FbMask.b = rb_ga_mask.r;
m_conf.cb_ps.FbMask.a = rb_ga_mask.g;
// No blending so hit unsafe path.
if (!PRIM->ABE || !features.texture_barrier)
GL_INS("FBMASK Unsafe SW emulated fb_mask:%x on tex shuffle", fbmask);
m_conf.require_one_barrier = true;
GL_INS("FBMASK SW emulated fb_mask:%x on tex shuffle", fbmask);
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
m_conf.ps.fbmask = 0;
// Set dirty alpha on target, but only if we're actually writing to it.
if (rt)
rt->m_valid_alpha_low |= m_conf.colormask.wa;
rt->m_valid_alpha_high |= m_conf.colormask.wa;
// Once we draw the shuffle, no more buffering.
m_split_texture_shuffle_pages = 0;
m_split_texture_shuffle_pages_high = 0;
m_split_texture_shuffle_start_FBP = 0;
m_split_texture_shuffle_start_TBP = 0;
m_conf.ps.dfmt = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmt;
// Don't allow only unused bits on 16bit format to enable fbmask,
// let's set the mask to 0 in such cases.
int fbmask = static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK);
const int fbmask_r = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk;
fbmask &= fbmask_r;
const GSVector4i fbmask_v = GSVector4i::load(fbmask);
const GSVector4i fbmask_vr = GSVector4i::load(fbmask_r);
const int ff_fbmask = fbmask_v.eq8(fbmask_vr).mask();
const int zero_fbmask = fbmask_v.eq8(GSVector4i::zero()).mask();
m_conf.colormask.wrgba = ~ff_fbmask; // Enable channel if at least 1 bit is 0
m_conf.ps.fbmask = enable_fbmask_emulation && (~ff_fbmask & ~zero_fbmask & 0xF);
if (m_conf.ps.fbmask)
m_conf.cb_ps.FbMask = fbmask_v.u8to32();
// Only alpha is special here, I think we can take a very unsafe shortcut
// Alpha isn't blended on the GS but directly copyied into the RT.
// Behavior is clearly undefined however there is a high probability that
// it will work. Masked bit will be constant and normally the same everywhere
// RT/FS output/Cached value.
// Just to be sure let's add a new safe hack for unsafe access :)
// Here the GL spec quote to emphasize the unexpected behavior.
- If a texel has been written, then in order to safely read the result
a texel fetch must be in a subsequent Draw separated by the command
void TextureBarrier(void);
TextureBarrier() will guarantee that writes have completed and caches
have been invalidated before subsequent Draws are executed.
// No blending so hit unsafe path.
if (!PRIM->ABE || !(~ff_fbmask & ~zero_fbmask & 0x7) || !g_gs_device->Features().texture_barrier)
GL_INS("FBMASK Unsafe SW emulated fb_mask:%x on %d bits format", m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK,
(m_conf.ps.dfmt == 2) ? 16 : 32);
m_conf.require_one_barrier = true;
// The safe and accurate path (but slow)
GL_INS("FBMASK SW emulated fb_mask:%x on %d bits format", m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK,
(m_conf.ps.dfmt == 2) ? 16 : 32);
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
bool GSRendererHW::TestChannelShuffle(GSTextureCache::Target* src)
// We have to do the second test early here, because it might be a different source.
const bool shuffle = m_channel_shuffle || IsPossibleChannelShuffle();
// This is a little redundant since it'll get called twice, but the only way to stop us wasting time on copies.
m_channel_shuffle = (shuffle && EmulateChannelShuffle(src, true));
return m_channel_shuffle;
__ri bool GSRendererHW::EmulateChannelShuffle(GSTextureCache::Target* src, bool test_only)
if ((src->m_texture->GetType() == GSTexture::Type::DepthStencil) && !src->m_32_bits_fmt)
// So far 2 games hit this code path. Urban Chaos and Tales of Abyss
// UC: will copy depth to green channel
// ToA: will copy depth to alpha channel
if ((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xFF0000) == 0xFF0000)
// Green channel is masked
GL_INS("Tales Of Abyss Crazyness (MSB 16b depth to Alpha)");
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.tales_of_abyss_hle = 1;
GL_INS("Urban Chaos Crazyness (Green extraction)");
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.urban_chaos_hle = 1;
else if (m_index.tail <= 64 && m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT == 3)
// Blood will tell. I think it is channel effect too but again
// implemented in a different way. I don't want to add more CRC stuff. So
// let's disable channel when the signature is different
// Note: Tales Of Abyss and Tekken5 could hit this path too. Those games are
// handled above.
GL_INS("Maybe not a channel!");
if (test_only)
return false;
m_channel_shuffle = false;
return false;
else if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS == 3 && ((m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU & 0x8) == 8))
// Read either blue or Alpha. Let's go for Blue ;)
// MGS3/Kill Zone
GL_INS("Blue channel");
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.channel = ChannelFetch_BLUE;
else if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS == 3 && ((m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU & 0x8) == 0))
// Read either Red or Green. Let's check the V coordinate. 0-1 is likely top so
// red. 2-3 is likely bottom so green (actually depends on texture base pointer offset)
const bool green = PRIM->FST && (m_vertex.buff[0].V & 32);
if (green && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0x00FFFFFF) == 0x00FFFFFF)
// Typically used in Terminator 3
const int blue_mask = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK >> 24;
int blue_shift = -1;
// Note: potentially we could also check the value of the clut
switch (blue_mask)
case 0xFF: ASSERT(0); break;
case 0xFE: blue_shift = 1; break;
case 0xFC: blue_shift = 2; break;
case 0xF8: blue_shift = 3; break;
case 0xF0: blue_shift = 4; break;
case 0xE0: blue_shift = 5; break;
case 0xC0: blue_shift = 6; break;
case 0x80: blue_shift = 7; break;
default: break;
if (blue_shift >= 0)
const int green_mask = ~blue_mask & 0xFF;
const int green_shift = 8 - blue_shift;
GL_INS("Green/Blue channel (%d, %d)", blue_shift, green_shift);
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.cb_ps.ChannelShuffle = GSVector4i(blue_mask, blue_shift, green_mask, green_shift);
m_conf.ps.channel = ChannelFetch_GXBY;
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK = 0x00FFFFFF;
GL_INS("Green channel (wrong mask) (fbmask %x)", blue_mask);
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.channel = ChannelFetch_GREEN;
else if (green)
GL_INS("Green channel");
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.channel = ChannelFetch_GREEN;
// Pop
GL_INS("Red channel");
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.channel = ChannelFetch_RED;
// We can use the minimum UV to work out which channel it's grabbing.
// Used by Ape Escape 2, Everybody's Tennis/Golf, Okage, and Valkyrie Profile 2.
// Page align test to limit false detections (there is a few).
const GSVector4i min_uv = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.t.upld(GSVector4::zero()));
ChannelFetch channel = ChannelFetch_NONE;
if (GSLocalMemory::IsPageAligned(src->m_TEX0.PSM, m_r) &&
if (min_uv.eq(GSVector4i::cxpr(0, 0, 0, 0)))
channel = ChannelFetch_RED;
else if (min_uv.eq(GSVector4i::cxpr(0, 2, 0, 0)))
channel = ChannelFetch_GREEN;
else if (min_uv.eq(GSVector4i::cxpr(8, 0, 0, 0)))
channel = ChannelFetch_BLUE;
else if (min_uv.eq(GSVector4i::cxpr(8, 2, 0, 0)))
channel = ChannelFetch_ALPHA;
if (channel != ChannelFetch_NONE)
static constexpr const char* channel_names[] = { "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Alpha" };
GL_INS("%s channel from min UV: r={%d,%d=>%d,%d} min uv = %d,%d", channel_names[static_cast<u32>(channel - 1)],
m_r.x, m_r.y, m_r.z, m_r.w, min_uv.x, min_uv.y);
if (test_only)
return true;
m_conf.ps.channel = channel;
GL_INS("Channel not supported r={%d,%d=>%d,%d} min uv = %d,%d",
m_r.x, m_r.y, m_r.z, m_r.w, min_uv.x, min_uv.y);
if (test_only)
return false;
m_channel_shuffle = false;
return false;
// Effect is really a channel shuffle effect so let's cheat a little
m_conf.tex = src->m_texture;
// Replace current draw with a fullscreen sprite
// Performance GPU note: it could be wise to reduce the size to
// the rendered size of the framebuffer
GSVertex* s = &m_vertex.buff[0];
s[0].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX + 0);
s[1].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX + 16384);
s[0].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY + 0);
s[1].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY + 16384);
m_vertex.head = m_vertex.tail = m_vertex.next = 2;
m_index.tail = 2;
return true;
void GSRendererHW::EmulateBlending(int rt_alpha_min, int rt_alpha_max, bool& DATE_PRIMID, bool& DATE_BARRIER, bool& blending_alpha_pass)
// AA1: Don't enable blending on AA1, not yet implemented on hardware mode,
// it requires coverage sample so it's safer to turn it off instead.
const bool AA1 = PRIM->AA1 && (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_LINE_CLASS || m_vt.m_primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS);
// PABE: Check condition early as an optimization.
const bool PABE = PRIM->ABE && m_draw_env->PABE.PABE && (GetAlphaMinMax().max < 128);
// FBMASK: Color is not written, no need to do blending.
const u32 temp_fbmask = m_conf.ps.dfmt == 2 ? 0x00F8F8F8 : 0x00FFFFFF;
const bool FBMASK = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & temp_fbmask) == temp_fbmask;
// No blending or coverage anti-aliasing so early exit
if (FBMASK || PABE || !(PRIM->ABE || AA1))
m_conf.blend = {};
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = true;
// Compute the blending equation to detect special case
const GSDevice::FeatureSupport features(g_gs_device->Features());
const GIFRegALPHA& ALPHA = m_context->ALPHA;
// AFIX: Afix factor.
// Set blending to shader bits
m_conf.ps.blend_a = ALPHA.A;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = ALPHA.B;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = ALPHA.C;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = ALPHA.D;
static constexpr const char* col[3] = {"Cs", "Cd", "0"};
static constexpr const char* alpha[3] = {"As", "Ad", "Af"};
GL_INS("EmulateBlending(): (%s - %s) * %s + %s", col[ALPHA.A], col[ALPHA.B], alpha[ALPHA.C], col[ALPHA.D]);
GL_INS("Draw AlphaMinMax: %d-%d, RT AlphaMinMax: %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max, rt_alpha_min, rt_alpha_max);
bool blend_ad_improved = false;
const bool alpha_mask = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xFF000000) == 0xFF000000;
// When AA1 is enabled and Alpha Blending is disabled, alpha blending done with coverage instead of alpha.
// We use a COV value of 128 (full coverage) in triangles (except the edge geometry, which we can't do easily).
if (IsCoverageAlpha())
m_conf.ps.fixed_one_a = 1;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 0;
else if (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 1)
// When both rt alpha min and max are equal replace Ad with Af, easier to manage.
if (rt_alpha_min == rt_alpha_max)
AFIX = rt_alpha_min;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 2;
// 24 bits doesn't have an alpha channel so use 128 (1.0f) fix factor as equivalent.
else if (m_conf.ps.dfmt == 1)
AFIX = 128;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 2;
// Check whenever we can use rt alpha min as the new alpha value, will be more accurate.
else if (!alpha_mask && (rt_alpha_min >= (rt_alpha_max / 2)))
AFIX = rt_alpha_min;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 2;
blend_ad_improved = true;
// Get alpha value
const bool alpha_c0_zero = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 0 && GetAlphaMinMax().max == 0);
const bool alpha_c0_one = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 0 && (GetAlphaMinMax().min == 128) && (GetAlphaMinMax().max == 128));
const bool alpha_c0_high_min_one = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 0 && GetAlphaMinMax().min > 128);
const bool alpha_c0_high_max_one = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 0 && GetAlphaMinMax().max > 128);
const bool alpha_c2_zero = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2 && AFIX == 0u);
const bool alpha_c2_one = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2 && AFIX == 128u);
const bool alpha_c2_high_one = (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2 && AFIX > 128u);
const bool alpha_one = alpha_c0_one || alpha_c2_one;
// Optimize blending equations, must be done before index calculation
if ((m_conf.ps.blend_a == m_conf.ps.blend_b) || ((m_conf.ps.blend_b == m_conf.ps.blend_d) && alpha_one))
// Condition 1:
// A == B
// (A - B) * C, result will be 0.0f so set A B to Cs, C to As
// Condition 2:
// B == D
// Swap D with A
// A == B
// (A - B) * C, result will be 0.0f so set A B to Cs, C to As
if (m_conf.ps.blend_a != m_conf.ps.blend_b)
m_conf.ps.blend_d = m_conf.ps.blend_a;
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 0;
else if (alpha_c0_zero || alpha_c2_zero)
// C == 0.0f
// (A - B) * C, result will be 0.0f so set A B to Cs
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 0;
else if (COLCLAMP.CLAMP && m_conf.ps.blend_a == 2
&& (m_conf.ps.blend_d == 2 || (m_conf.ps.blend_b == m_conf.ps.blend_d && (alpha_c0_high_min_one || alpha_c2_high_one))))
// CLAMP 1, negative result will be clamped to 0.
// Condition 1:
// (0 - Cs)*Alpha + 0, (0 - Cd)*Alpha + 0
// Condition 2:
// Alpha is either As or F higher than 1.0f
// (0 - Cd)*Alpha + Cd, (0 - Cs)*F + Cs
// Results will be 0.0f, make sure D is set to 2.
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 2;
// Ad cases, alpha write is masked, one barrier is enough, for d3d11 read the fb
// Replace Ad with As, blend flags will be used from As since we are chaging the blend_index value.
// Must be done before index calculation, after blending equation optimizations
const bool blend_ad = m_conf.ps.blend_c == 1;
bool blend_ad_alpha_masked = blend_ad && alpha_mask;
if (((GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit >= AccBlendLevel::Basic) || (COLCLAMP.CLAMP == 0))
&& g_gs_device->Features().texture_barrier && blend_ad_alpha_masked)
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 0;
else if (((GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit >= AccBlendLevel::Medium)
// Detect barrier aka fbmask on d3d11.
|| m_conf.require_one_barrier)
&& blend_ad_alpha_masked)
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 0;
blend_ad_alpha_masked = false;
u8 blend_index = static_cast<u8>(((m_conf.ps.blend_a * 3 + m_conf.ps.blend_b) * 3 + m_conf.ps.blend_c) * 3 + m_conf.ps.blend_d);
const HWBlend blend_preliminary = GSDevice::GetBlend(blend_index, false);
const int blend_flag = blend_preliminary.flags;
// Re set alpha, it was modified, must be done after index calculation
if (blend_ad_alpha_masked)
m_conf.ps.blend_c = ALPHA.C;
// HW blend can handle Cd output.
bool color_dest_blend = !!(blend_flag & BLEND_CD);
// Do the multiplication in shader for blending accumulation: Cs*As + Cd or Cs*Af + Cd
bool accumulation_blend = !!(blend_flag & BLEND_ACCU);
// If alpha == 1.0, almost everything is an accumulation blend!
// Ones that use (1 + Alpha) can't guarante the mixed sw+hw blending this enables will give an identical result to sw due to clamping
// But enable for everything else that involves dst color
if (alpha_one && (m_conf.ps.blend_a != m_conf.ps.blend_d) && blend_preliminary.dst != GSDevice::CONST_ZERO)
accumulation_blend = true;
// Blending doesn't require barrier, or sampling of the rt
const bool blend_non_recursive = !!(blend_flag & BLEND_NO_REC);
// BLEND MIX selection, use a mix of hw/sw blending
const bool blend_mix1 = !!(blend_flag & BLEND_MIX1) &&
(features.dual_source_blend || !(m_conf.ps.blend_b == m_conf.ps.blend_d && (alpha_c0_high_min_one || alpha_c2_high_one)));
const bool blend_mix2 = !!(blend_flag & BLEND_MIX2);
const bool blend_mix3 = !!(blend_flag & BLEND_MIX3);
bool blend_mix = (blend_mix1 || blend_mix2 || blend_mix3) && COLCLAMP.CLAMP;
const bool one_barrier = m_conf.require_one_barrier || blend_ad_alpha_masked;
// Blend can be done on hw. As and F cases should be accurate.
// BLEND_HW_CLR1 with Ad, BLEND_HW_CLR3 Cs > 0.5f will require sw blend.
// BLEND_HW_CLR1 with As/F and BLEND_HW_CLR2 can be done in hw.
const bool clr_blend = !!(blend_flag & (BLEND_HW_CLR1 | BLEND_HW_CLR2 | BLEND_HW_CLR3));
bool clr_blend1_2 = (blend_flag & (BLEND_HW_CLR1 | BLEND_HW_CLR2)) && (m_conf.ps.blend_c != 1) && !blend_ad_improved // Make sure it isn't an Ad case
&& !m_draw_env->PABE.PABE // No PABE as it will require sw blending.
&& (COLCLAMP.CLAMP) // Let's add a colclamp check too, hw blend will clamp to 0-1.
&& !(one_barrier || m_conf.require_full_barrier); // Also don't run if there are barriers present.
// Warning no break on purpose
// Note: the [[fallthrough]] attribute tell compilers not to complain about not having breaks.
bool sw_blending = false;
if (features.texture_barrier)
// Condition 1: Require full sw blend for full barrier.
// Condition 2: One barrier is already enabled, prims don't overlap so let's use sw blend instead.
const bool prefer_sw_blend = m_conf.require_full_barrier || (one_barrier && m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO);
const bool no_prim_overlap = (m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO);
const bool free_blend = blend_non_recursive // Free sw blending, doesn't require barriers or reading fb
|| accumulation_blend; // Mix of hw/sw blending
const bool blend_requires_barrier = (blend_flag & BLEND_A_MAX) // Impossible blending
|| (m_conf.require_full_barrier) // Another effect (for example fbmask) already requires a full barrier
// Blend can be done in a single draw, and we already need a barrier
// On fbfetch, one barrier is like full barrier
|| (one_barrier && (no_prim_overlap || features.framebuffer_fetch))
|| ((alpha_c2_high_one || alpha_c0_high_max_one) && no_prim_overlap)
// Ad blends are completely wrong without sw blend (Ad is 0.5 not 1 for 128). We can spare a barrier for it.
|| ((blend_ad || blend_ad_improved) && no_prim_overlap);
switch (GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit)
case AccBlendLevel::Maximum:
clr_blend1_2 = false;
sw_blending |= true;
case AccBlendLevel::Full:
sw_blending |= m_conf.ps.blend_a != m_conf.ps.blend_b && alpha_c0_high_max_one;
case AccBlendLevel::High:
sw_blending |= m_conf.ps.blend_c == 1 || (m_conf.ps.blend_a != m_conf.ps.blend_b && alpha_c2_high_one);
case AccBlendLevel::Medium:
// Initial idea was to enable accurate blending for sprite rendering to handle
// correctly post-processing effect. Some games (ZoE) use tons of sprites as particles.
// In order to keep it fast, let's limit it to smaller draw call.
sw_blending |= m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS && m_drawlist.size() < 100;
case AccBlendLevel::Basic:
// SW FBMASK, needs sw blend, avoid hitting any hw blend pre enabled (accumulation, blend mix, blend cd),
// fixes shadows in Superman shadows of Apokolips.
// DATE_BARRIER already does full barrier so also makes more sense to do full sw blend.
color_dest_blend &= !prefer_sw_blend;
// If prims don't overlap prefer full sw blend on blend_ad_alpha_masked cases.
accumulation_blend &= !(prefer_sw_blend || (blend_ad_alpha_masked && m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO));
// Enable sw blending for barriers.
sw_blending |= blend_requires_barrier;
// Try to do hw blend for clr2 case.
sw_blending &= !clr_blend1_2;
// blend_ad_improved should only run if no other barrier blend is enabled, otherwise restore bit values.
if (blend_ad_improved && (sw_blending || prefer_sw_blend))
AFIX = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 1;
// Enable sw blending for free blending, should be done after blend_ad_improved check.
sw_blending |= free_blend;
// Do not run BLEND MIX if sw blending is already present, it's less accurate.
blend_mix &= !sw_blending;
sw_blending |= blend_mix;
// Disable dithering on blend mix.
m_conf.ps.dither &= !blend_mix;
case AccBlendLevel::Minimum:
// FBMASK or channel shuffle already reads the fb so it is safe to enable sw blend when there is no overlap.
const bool fbmask_no_overlap = m_conf.require_one_barrier && (m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO);
switch (GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit)
case AccBlendLevel::Maximum:
if (m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO)
clr_blend1_2 = false;
sw_blending |= true;
case AccBlendLevel::Full:
sw_blending |= ((m_conf.ps.blend_c == 1 || (blend_mix && (alpha_c2_high_one || alpha_c0_high_max_one))) && (m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO));
case AccBlendLevel::High:
sw_blending |= (!(clr_blend || blend_mix) && (m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO));
case AccBlendLevel::Medium:
// If prims don't overlap prefer full sw blend on blend_ad_alpha_masked cases.
if (blend_ad_alpha_masked && m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO)
accumulation_blend = false;
sw_blending |= true;
case AccBlendLevel::Basic:
// Disable accumulation blend when there is fbmask with no overlap, will be faster.
color_dest_blend &= !fbmask_no_overlap;
accumulation_blend &= !fbmask_no_overlap;
// Blending requires reading the framebuffer when there's no overlap.
sw_blending |= fbmask_no_overlap;
// Try to do hw blend for clr2 case.
sw_blending &= !clr_blend1_2;
// blend_ad_improved should only run if no other barrier blend is enabled, otherwise restore bit values.
if (blend_ad_improved && (sw_blending || fbmask_no_overlap))
AFIX = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_c = 1;
// Enable sw blending for free blending, should be done after blend_ad_improved check.
sw_blending |= accumulation_blend || blend_non_recursive;
// Do not run BLEND MIX if sw blending is already present, it's less accurate.
blend_mix &= !sw_blending;
sw_blending |= blend_mix;
// Disable dithering on blend mix.
m_conf.ps.dither &= !blend_mix;
case AccBlendLevel::Minimum:
bool replace_dual_src = false;
if (!features.dual_source_blend && GSDevice::IsDualSourceBlend(blend_index))
// if we don't have an alpha channel, we don't need a second pass, just output the alpha blend
// in the single colour's alpha chnanel, and blend with it
if (!m_conf.colormask.wa)
GL_INS("Outputting alpha blend in col0 because of no alpha write");
m_conf.ps.no_ablend = true;
replace_dual_src = true;
else if (features.framebuffer_fetch || m_conf.require_one_barrier || m_conf.require_full_barrier)
// prefer single pass sw blend (if barrier) or framebuffer fetch over dual pass alpha when supported
sw_blending = true;
color_dest_blend = false;
accumulation_blend &= !features.framebuffer_fetch;
blend_mix = false;
// split the draw into two
blending_alpha_pass = true;
replace_dual_src = true;
else if (features.framebuffer_fetch)
// If we have fbfetch, use software blending when we need the fb value for anything else.
// This saves outputting the second color when it's not needed.
if (one_barrier || m_conf.require_full_barrier)
sw_blending = true;
color_dest_blend = false;
accumulation_blend = false;
blend_mix = false;
// Color clip
bool free_colclip = false;
if (features.framebuffer_fetch)
free_colclip = true;
else if (features.texture_barrier)
free_colclip = m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO || blend_non_recursive;
free_colclip = blend_non_recursive;
GL_DBG("COLCLIP Info (Blending: %u/%u/%u/%u, OVERLAP: %d)", m_conf.ps.blend_a, m_conf.ps.blend_b, m_conf.ps.blend_c, m_conf.ps.blend_d, m_prim_overlap);
if (color_dest_blend)
// No overflow, disable colclip.
else if (free_colclip)
// The fastest algo that requires a single pass
m_conf.ps.colclip = 1;
sw_blending = true;
// Disable the HDR algo
accumulation_blend = false;
blend_mix = false;
else if (accumulation_blend)
// A fast algo that requires 2 passes
m_conf.ps.hdr = 1;
sw_blending = true; // Enable sw blending for the HDR algo
else if (sw_blending)
// A slow algo that could requires several passes (barely used)
m_conf.ps.colclip = 1;
m_conf.ps.hdr = 1;
// Per pixel alpha blending
if (m_draw_env->PABE.PABE)
// Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, Strawberry Shortcake, Super Robot Wars, Cartoon Network Racing.
if (sw_blending)
if (features.texture_barrier)
// Disable hw/sw blend and do pure sw blend with reading the framebuffer.
color_dest_blend = false;
accumulation_blend = false;
blend_mix = false;
m_conf.ps.pabe = 1;
// HDR mode should be disabled when doing sw blend, swap with sw colclip.
if (m_conf.ps.hdr)
m_conf.ps.hdr = 0;
m_conf.ps.colclip = 1;
m_conf.ps.pabe = !(accumulation_blend || blend_mix);
else if (m_conf.ps.blend_a == 0 && m_conf.ps.blend_b == 1 && m_conf.ps.blend_c == 0 && m_conf.ps.blend_d == 1)
// this works because with PABE alpha blending is on when alpha >= 0x80, but since the pixel shader
// cannot output anything over 0x80 (== 1.0) blending with 0x80 or turning it off gives the same result
blend_index = 0;
// For stat to optimize accurate option
#if 0
GL_INS("BLEND_INFO: %u/%u/%u/%u. Clamp:%u. Prim:%d number %u (drawlist %zu) (sw %d)",
m_conf.ps.blend_a, m_conf.ps.blend_b, m_conf.ps.blend_c, m_conf.ps.blend_d,
m_env.COLCLAMP.CLAMP, m_vt.m_primclass, m_vertex.next, m_drawlist.size(), sw_blending);
if (color_dest_blend)
// Blend output will be Cd, disable hw/sw blending.
m_conf.blend = {};
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = true;
m_conf.ps.blend_a = m_conf.ps.blend_b = m_conf.ps.blend_c = m_conf.ps.blend_d = 0;
sw_blending = false; // DATE_PRIMID
// Output is Cd, set rgb write to 0.
m_conf.colormask.wrgba &= 0x8;
else if (sw_blending)
// Require the fix alpha vlaue
if (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2)
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.a = static_cast<float>(AFIX) / 128.0f;
const HWBlend blend = GSDevice::GetBlend(blend_index, replace_dual_src);
if (accumulation_blend)
// Keep HW blending to do the addition/subtraction
m_conf.blend = {true, GSDevice::CONST_ONE, GSDevice::CONST_ONE, blend.op, false, 0};
blending_alpha_pass = false;
// Remove Cd from sw blend, it's handled in hw
if (m_conf.ps.blend_a == 1)
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 2;
if (m_conf.ps.blend_b == 1)
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 2;
if (m_conf.ps.blend_d == 1)
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 2;
if (m_conf.ps.blend_a == 2)
// Accumulation blend is only available in (Cs - 0)*Something + Cd, or with alpha == 1
ASSERT(m_conf.ps.blend_d == 2 || alpha_one);
// A bit of normalization
m_conf.ps.blend_a = m_conf.ps.blend_d;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 2;
if (blend.op == GSDevice::OP_REV_SUBTRACT)
ASSERT(m_conf.ps.blend_a == 2);
if (m_conf.ps.hdr)
// HDR uses unorm, which is always positive
// Have the shader do the inversion, then clip to remove the negative
m_conf.blend.op = GSDevice::OP_ADD;
// The blend unit does a reverse subtraction so it means
// the shader must output a positive value.
// Replace 0 - Cs by Cs - 0
m_conf.ps.blend_a = m_conf.ps.blend_b;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 2;
// Dual source output not needed (accumulation blend replaces it with ONE).
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = true;
// Only Ad case will require one barrier
// No need to set a_masked bit for blend_ad_alpha_masked case
m_conf.require_one_barrier |= blend_ad_alpha_masked;
else if (blend_mix)
// For mixed blend, the source blend is done in the shader (so we use CONST_ONE as a factor).
m_conf.blend = {true, GSDevice::CONST_ONE, blend.dst, blend.op, m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2, AFIX};
m_conf.ps.blend_mix = (blend.op == GSDevice::OP_REV_SUBTRACT) ? 2 : 1;
// Elide DSB colour output if not used by dest.
m_conf.ps.no_color1 |= !GSDevice::IsDualSourceBlendFactor(blend.dst);
if (blend_mix1)
if (m_conf.ps.blend_b == m_conf.ps.blend_d && (alpha_c0_high_min_one || alpha_c2_high_one))
// Replace Cs*As + Cd*(1 - As) with Cs*As - Cd*(As - 1).
// Replace Cs*F + Cd*(1 - F) with Cs*F - Cd*(F - 1).
// As - 1 or F - 1 subtraction is only done for the dual source output (hw blending part) since we are changing the equation.
// Af will be replaced with As in shader and send it to dual source output.
m_conf.blend = {true, GSDevice::CONST_ONE, GSDevice::SRC1_COLOR, GSDevice::OP_SUBTRACT, false, 0};
// blend hw 1 will disable alpha clamp, we can reuse the old bits.
m_conf.ps.blend_hw = 1;
// DSB output will always be used.
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = false;
else if (m_conf.ps.blend_a == m_conf.ps.blend_d)
// Compensate slightly for Cd*(As + 1) - Cs*As.
// Try to compensate a bit with subtracting 1 (0.00392) * (Alpha + 1) from Cs.
m_conf.ps.blend_hw = 2;
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 2;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 2;
else if (blend_mix2)
// Allow to compensate when Cs*(Alpha + 1) overflows, to compensate we change
// the alpha output value for Cd*Alpha.
m_conf.blend = {true, GSDevice::CONST_ONE, GSDevice::SRC1_COLOR, blend.op, false, 0};
m_conf.ps.blend_hw = 3;
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = false;
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 2;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 0;
else if (blend_mix3)
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 2;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 0;
// Only Ad case will require one barrier
if (blend_ad_alpha_masked)
// Swap Ad with As for hw blend
m_conf.ps.a_masked = 1;
m_conf.require_one_barrier |= true;
// Disable HW blending
m_conf.blend = {};
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = true;
replace_dual_src = false;
blending_alpha_pass = false;
// No need to set a_masked bit for blend_ad_alpha_masked case
const bool blend_non_recursive_one_barrier = blend_non_recursive && blend_ad_alpha_masked;
if (blend_non_recursive_one_barrier)
m_conf.require_one_barrier |= true;
else if (features.texture_barrier)
m_conf.require_full_barrier |= !blend_non_recursive;
m_conf.require_one_barrier |= !blend_non_recursive;
// No sw blending
m_conf.ps.blend_a = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_b = 0;
m_conf.ps.blend_d = 0;
// Care for hw blend value, 6 is for hw/sw, sw blending used.
if (blend_flag & BLEND_HW_CLR1)
m_conf.ps.blend_hw = 1;
else if (blend_flag & BLEND_HW_CLR2)
if (m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2)
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.a = static_cast<float>(AFIX) / 128.0f;
m_conf.ps.blend_hw = 2;
else if (blend_flag & BLEND_HW_CLR3)
m_conf.ps.blend_hw = 3;
if (blend_ad_alpha_masked)
m_conf.ps.a_masked = 1;
m_conf.require_one_barrier |= true;
const HWBlend blend(GSDevice::GetBlend(blend_index, replace_dual_src));
m_conf.blend = {true, blend.src, blend.dst, blend.op, m_conf.ps.blend_c == 2, AFIX};
// Remove second color output when unused. Works around bugs in some drivers (e.g. Intel).
m_conf.ps.no_color1 |= !GSDevice::IsDualSourceBlendFactor(m_conf.blend.src_factor) &&
// Notify the shader that it needs to invert rounding
if (m_conf.blend.op == GSDevice::OP_REV_SUBTRACT)
m_conf.ps.round_inv = 1;
// DATE_PRIMID interact very badly with sw blending. DATE_PRIMID uses the primitiveID to find the primitive
// that write the bad alpha value. Sw blending will force the draw to run primitive by primitive
// (therefore primitiveID will be constant to 1).
// Switch DATE_PRIMID with DATE_BARRIER in such cases to ensure accuracy.
// No mix of COLCLIP + sw blend + DATE_PRIMID, neither sw fbmask + DATE_PRIMID.
// Note: Do the swap in the end, saves the expensive draw splitting/barriers when mixed software blending is used.
if (sw_blending && DATE_PRIMID && m_conf.require_full_barrier)
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
DATE_PRIMID = false;
__ri static constexpr bool IsRedundantClamp(u8 clamp, u32 clamp_min, u32 clamp_max, u32 tsize)
// Don't shader sample when the clamp/repeat is configured to the texture size.
// That way trilinear etc still works.
const u32 textent = (1u << tsize) - 1u;
if (clamp == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP)
return (clamp_min == 0 && clamp_max >= textent);
else if (clamp == CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT)
return (clamp_max == 0 && clamp_min == textent);
return false;
__ri static constexpr u8 EffectiveClamp(u8 clamp, bool has_region)
// When we have extracted the region in the texture, we can use the hardware sampler for repeat/clamp.
// (weird flip here because clamp/repeat is inverted for region vs non-region).
return (clamp >= CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && has_region) ? (clamp ^ 3) : clamp;
__ri void GSRendererHW::EmulateTextureSampler(const GSTextureCache::Target* rt, const GSTextureCache::Target* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* tex, const TextureMinMaxResult& tmm, GSTexture*& src_copy)
// don't overwrite the texture when using channel shuffle, but keep the palette
if (!m_channel_shuffle)
m_conf.tex = tex->m_texture;
m_conf.pal = tex->m_palette;
// Hazard handling (i.e. reading from the current RT/DS).
GSTextureCache::SourceRegion source_region = tex->GetRegion();
bool target_region = (tex->IsFromTarget() && source_region.HasEither());
GSVector2i unscaled_size = target_region ? tex->GetRegionSize() : tex->GetUnscaledSize();
float scale = tex->GetScale();
HandleTextureHazards(rt, ds, tex, tmm, source_region, target_region, unscaled_size, scale, src_copy);
// Warning fetch the texture PSM format rather than the context format. The latter could have been corrected in the texture cache for depth.
//const GSLocalMemory::psm_t &psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM];
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[tex->m_TEX0.PSM];
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& cpsm = psm.pal > 0 ? GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.TEX0.CPSM] : psm;
// Redundant clamp tests are restricted to local memory/1x sources only, if we're from a target,
// we keep the shader clamp. See #5851 on github, and the note in Draw().
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr const char* clamp_modes[] = {"REPEAT", "CLAMP", "REGION_CLAMP", "REGION_REPEAT"};
const bool redundant_wms = IsRedundantClamp(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU,
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU, tex->m_TEX0.TW);
const bool redundant_wmt = IsRedundantClamp(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV,
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXV, tex->m_TEX0.TH);
const u8 wms = EffectiveClamp(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS, !tex->m_target && (source_region.HasX() || redundant_wms));
const u8 wmt = EffectiveClamp(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT, !tex->m_target && (source_region.HasY() || redundant_wmt));
const bool complex_wms_wmt = !!((wms | wmt) & 2) || target_region;
GL_CACHE("FST: %s WMS: %s [%s%s] WMT: %s [%s%s] Complex: %d TargetRegion: %d MINU: %d MAXU: %d MINV: %d MAXV: %d",
PRIM->FST ? "UV" : "STQ", clamp_modes[m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS], redundant_wms ? "redundant," : "",
clamp_modes[wms], clamp_modes[m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT], redundant_wmt ? "redundant," : "", clamp_modes[wmt],
complex_wms_wmt, target_region, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV,
const bool need_mipmap = IsMipMapDraw();
const bool shader_emulated_sampler = tex->m_palette || (tex->m_target && !m_conf.ps.shuffle && cpsm.fmt != 0) ||
complex_wms_wmt || psm.depth || target_region;
const bool trilinear_manual = need_mipmap && GSConfig.HWMipmap == HWMipmapLevel::Full;
bool bilinear = m_vt.IsLinear();
int trilinear = 0;
bool trilinear_auto = false; // Generate mipmaps if needed (basic).
switch (GSConfig.TriFilter)
case TriFiltering::Forced:
// Force bilinear otherwise we can end up with min/mag nearest and mip linear.
// We don't need to check for HWMipmapLevel::Off here, because forced trilinear implies forced mipmaps.
bilinear = true;
trilinear = static_cast<u8>(GS_MIN_FILTER::Linear_Mipmap_Linear);
trilinear_auto = !tex->m_target && (!need_mipmap || GSConfig.HWMipmap != HWMipmapLevel::Full);
case TriFiltering::PS2:
// Can only use PS2 trilinear when mipmapping is enabled.
if (need_mipmap && GSConfig.HWMipmap != HWMipmapLevel::Off)
trilinear = m_context->TEX1.MMIN;
trilinear_auto = !tex->m_target && GSConfig.HWMipmap != HWMipmapLevel::Full;
case TriFiltering::Automatic:
case TriFiltering::Off:
// 1 and 0 are equivalent
m_conf.ps.wms = (wms & 2 || target_region) ? wms : 0;
m_conf.ps.wmt = (wmt & 2 || target_region) ? wmt : 0;
// Depth + bilinear filtering isn't done yet (And I'm not sure we need it anyway but a game will prove me wrong)
// So of course, GTA set the linear mode, but sampling is done at texel center so it is equivalent to nearest sampling
// Other games worth testing: Area 51, Burnout
if (psm.depth && m_vt.IsLinear())
GL_INS("WARNING: Depth + bilinear filtering not supported");
// Performance note:
// 1/ Don't set 0 as it is the default value
// 2/ Only keep aem when it is useful (avoid useless shader permutation)
if (m_conf.ps.shuffle)
const GIFRegTEXA& TEXA = m_draw_env->TEXA;
// Force a 32 bits access (normally shuffle is done on 16 bits)
// m_ps_sel.tex_fmt = 0; // removed as an optimization
// Require a float conversion if the texure is a depth otherwise uses Integral scaling
if (psm.depth)
m_conf.ps.depth_fmt = (tex->m_texture->GetType() != GSTexture::Type::DepthStencil) ? 3 : 1;
// Shuffle is a 16 bits format, so aem is always required
if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TCC)
m_conf.ps.aem = TEXA.AEM;
GSVector4 ta(TEXA & GSVector4i::x000000ff());
ta /= 255.0f;
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.x = ta.x;
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.y = ta.y;
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.x = 0;
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.y = 1.0f;
// The purpose of texture shuffle is to move color channel. Extra interpolation is likely a bad idea.
bilinear &= m_vt.IsLinear();
const GSVector4 half_pixel = RealignTargetTextureCoordinate(tex);
m_conf.cb_vs.texture_offset = GSVector2(half_pixel.x, half_pixel.y);
else if (tex->m_target)
const GIFRegTEXA& TEXA = m_draw_env->TEXA;
// Use an old target. AEM and index aren't resolved it must be done
// on the GPU
// Select the 32/24/16 bits color (AEM)
m_conf.ps.aem_fmt = cpsm.fmt;
m_conf.ps.aem = TEXA.AEM;
// Don't upload AEM if format is 32 bits
if (cpsm.fmt)
GSVector4 ta(TEXA & GSVector4i::x000000ff());
ta /= 255.0f;
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.x = ta.x;
m_conf.cb_ps.TA_MaxDepth_Af.y = ta.y;
// Select the index format
if (tex->m_palette)
// FIXME Potentially improve fmt field in GSLocalMemory
if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM == PSMT4HL)
m_conf.ps.pal_fmt = 1;
else if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM == PSMT4HH)
m_conf.ps.pal_fmt = 2;
m_conf.ps.pal_fmt = 3;
// Alpha channel of the RT is reinterpreted as an index. Star
// Ocean 3 uses it to emulate a stencil buffer. It is a very
// bad idea to force bilinear filtering on it.
bilinear &= m_vt.IsLinear();
// Depth format
if (tex->m_texture->GetType() == GSTexture::Type::DepthStencil)
// Require a float conversion if the texure is a depth format
m_conf.ps.depth_fmt = (psm.bpp == 16) ? 2 : 1;
// Don't force interpolation on depth format
bilinear &= m_vt.IsLinear();
else if (psm.depth)
// Use Integral scaling
m_conf.ps.depth_fmt = 3;
// Don't force interpolation on depth format
bilinear &= m_vt.IsLinear();
const GSVector4 half_pixel = RealignTargetTextureCoordinate(tex);
m_conf.cb_vs.texture_offset = GSVector2(half_pixel.x, half_pixel.y);
else if (tex->m_palette)
// Use a standard 8 bits texture. AEM is already done on the CLUT
// Therefore you only need to set the index
// m_conf.ps.aem = 0; // removed as an optimization
// Note 4 bits indexes are converted to 8 bits
m_conf.ps.pal_fmt = 3;
// Standard texture. Both index and AEM expansion were already done by the CPU.
// m_conf.ps.tex_fmt = 0; // removed as an optimization
// m_conf.ps.aem = 0; // removed as an optimization
if (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TFX == TFX_MODULATE && m_vt.m_eq.rgba == 0xFFFF && m_vt.m_min.c.eq(GSVector4i(128)))
// Micro optimization that reduces GPU load (removes 5 instructions on the FS program)
m_conf.ps.tfx = TFX_DECAL;
m_conf.ps.tfx = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TFX;
m_conf.ps.tcc = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TCC;
m_conf.ps.ltf = bilinear && shader_emulated_sampler;
m_conf.ps.point_sampler = g_gs_device->Features().broken_point_sampler && !target_region && (!bilinear || shader_emulated_sampler);
const int tw = static_cast<int>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW);
const int th = static_cast<int>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH);
const int miptw = 1 << tex->m_TEX0.TW;
const int mipth = 1 << tex->m_TEX0.TH;
const GSVector4 WH(static_cast<float>(tw), static_cast<float>(th), miptw * scale, mipth * scale);
// Reduction factor when source is a target and smaller/larger than TW/TH.
m_conf.cb_ps.STScale = GSVector2(static_cast<float>(miptw) / static_cast<float>(unscaled_size.x),
static_cast<float>(mipth) / static_cast<float>(unscaled_size.y));
if (target_region)
// Use texelFetch() and clamp. Subtract one because the upper bound is exclusive.
m_conf.cb_ps.STRange = GSVector4(tex->GetRegionRect() - GSVector4i::cxpr(0, 0, 1, 1)) * GSVector4(scale);
m_conf.ps.region_rect = true;
else if (!tex->m_target)
// Targets aren't currently offset, so STScale takes care of it.
if (source_region.HasX())
m_conf.cb_ps.STRange.x = static_cast<float>(source_region.GetMinX()) / static_cast<float>(miptw);
m_conf.cb_ps.STRange.z = static_cast<float>(miptw) / static_cast<float>(source_region.GetWidth());
m_conf.ps.adjs = 1;
if (source_region.HasY())
m_conf.cb_ps.STRange.y = static_cast<float>(source_region.GetMinY()) / static_cast<float>(mipth);
m_conf.cb_ps.STRange.w = static_cast<float>(mipth) / static_cast<float>(source_region.GetHeight());
m_conf.ps.adjt = 1;
m_conf.ps.fst = !!PRIM->FST;
m_conf.cb_ps.WH = WH;
m_conf.cb_ps.HalfTexel = GSVector4(-0.5f, 0.5f).xxyy() / WH.zwzw();
if (complex_wms_wmt)
const GSVector4i clamp(m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXV);
const GSVector4 region_repeat(GSVector4::cast(clamp));
const GSVector4 region_clamp(GSVector4(clamp) / WH.xyxy());
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.x = (wms == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && !m_conf.ps.depth_fmt) ? region_clamp.x : region_repeat.x;
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.z = (wms == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && !m_conf.ps.depth_fmt) ? region_clamp.z : region_repeat.z;
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.y = (wmt == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && !m_conf.ps.depth_fmt) ? region_clamp.y : region_repeat.y;
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.w = (wmt == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && !m_conf.ps.depth_fmt) ? region_clamp.w : region_repeat.w;
else if (trilinear_manual)
// Reuse uv_min_max for mipmap parameter to avoid an extension of the UBO
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.x = static_cast<float>(m_context->TEX1.K) / 16.0f;
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.y = static_cast<float>(1 << m_context->TEX1.L);
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.z = static_cast<float>(m_lod.x); // Offset because first layer is m_lod, dunno if we can do better
m_conf.cb_ps.MinMax.w = static_cast<float>(m_lod.y);
else if (trilinear_auto)
// TC Offset Hack
m_conf.ps.tcoffsethack = m_userhacks_tcoffset;
const GSVector4 tc_oh_ts = GSVector4(1 / 16.0f, 1 / 16.0f, m_userhacks_tcoffset_x, m_userhacks_tcoffset_y) / WH.xyxy();
m_conf.cb_ps.TCOffsetHack = GSVector2(tc_oh_ts.z, tc_oh_ts.w);
m_conf.cb_vs.texture_scale = GSVector2(tc_oh_ts.x, tc_oh_ts.y);
// Only enable clamping in CLAMP mode. REGION_CLAMP will be done manually in the shader
m_conf.sampler.tau = (wms == CLAMP_REPEAT && !target_region);
m_conf.sampler.tav = (wmt == CLAMP_REPEAT && !target_region);
if (shader_emulated_sampler)
m_conf.sampler.biln = 0;
m_conf.sampler.aniso = 0;
m_conf.sampler.triln = 0;
m_conf.sampler.biln = bilinear;
// Aniso filtering doesn't work with textureLod so use texture (automatic_lod) instead.
// Enable aniso only for triangles. Sprites are flat so aniso is likely useless (it would save perf for others primitives).
const bool anisotropic = m_vt.m_primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS && !trilinear_manual;
m_conf.sampler.aniso = anisotropic;
m_conf.sampler.triln = trilinear;
if (trilinear_manual)
m_conf.ps.manual_lod = 1;
else if (trilinear_auto || anisotropic)
m_conf.ps.automatic_lod = 1;
// clamp to base level if we're not providing or generating mipmaps
// manual trilinear causes the chain to be uploaded, auto causes it to be generated
m_conf.sampler.lodclamp = !(trilinear_manual || trilinear_auto);
__ri void GSRendererHW::HandleTextureHazards(const GSTextureCache::Target* rt, const GSTextureCache::Target* ds,
const GSTextureCache::Source* tex, const TextureMinMaxResult& tmm, GSTextureCache::SourceRegion& source_region,
bool& target_region, GSVector2i& unscaled_size, float& scale, GSTexture*& src_copy)
// Detect framebuffer read that will need special handling
const GSTextureCache::Target* src_target = nullptr;
if (m_conf.tex == m_conf.rt)
// Can we read the framebuffer directly? (i.e. sample location matches up).
if (CanUseTexIsFB(rt, tex, tmm))
m_conf.tex = nullptr;
m_conf.ps.tex_is_fb = true;
if (m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO || !g_gs_device->Features().texture_barrier)
m_conf.require_one_barrier = true;
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
unscaled_size = rt->GetUnscaledSize();
scale = rt->GetScale();
GL_CACHE("Source is render target, taking copy.");
src_target = rt;
else if (m_conf.tex == m_conf.ds)
// GL, Vulkan (in General layout), not DirectX!
const bool can_read_current_depth_buffer = g_gs_device->Features().test_and_sample_depth;
// If this is our current Z buffer, we might not be able to read it directly if it's being written to.
// Rather than leaving the backend to do it, we'll check it here.
if (can_read_current_depth_buffer && (m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST == ZTST_NEVER))
// Safe to read!
GL_CACHE("Source is depth buffer, not writing, safe to read.");
unscaled_size = ds->GetUnscaledSize();
scale = ds->GetScale();
// Can't safely read the depth buffer, so we need to take a copy of it.
GL_CACHE("Source is depth buffer, unsafe to read, taking copy.");
src_target = ds;
// No match.
// We need to copy. Try to cut down the source range as much as possible so we don't copy texels we're not reading.
const GSVector2i& src_unscaled_size = src_target->GetUnscaledSize();
const GSVector4i src_bounds = src_target->GetUnscaledRect();
GSVector4i copy_range;
GSVector2i copy_size;
GSVector2i copy_dst_offset;
// Shuffles take the whole target. This should've already been halved.
// We can't partially copy depth targets in DirectX, and GL/Vulkan should use the direct read above.
// Restricting it also breaks Tom and Jerry...
if (m_channel_shuffle || tex->m_texture->GetType() == GSTexture::Type::DepthStencil)
copy_range = src_bounds;
copy_size = src_unscaled_size;
GSVector4i::storel(©_dst_offset, copy_range);
// If we're using TW/TH-based sizing, take the size from TEX0, not the target.
const GSVector2i tex_size = GSVector2i(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW, 1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH);
copy_size.x = std::min(tex_size.x, src_unscaled_size.x);
copy_size.y = std::min(tex_size.y, src_unscaled_size.y);
// Use the texture min/max to get the copy range.
copy_range = tmm.coverage;
// Texture size above might be invalid (Timesplitters 2), extend if needed.
if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS >= CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && copy_range.z > copy_size.x)
copy_size.x = src_unscaled_size.x;
if (m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT >= CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP && copy_range.w > copy_size.y)
copy_size.y = src_unscaled_size.y;
// Texture shuffles might read up to +/- 8 pixels on either side.
if (m_texture_shuffle)
copy_range = (copy_range + GSVector4i::cxpr(-8, 0, 8, 0)).max_i32(GSVector4i::zero());
// Apply target region offset.
// TODO: Shrink the output texture to only the copy size.
// Currently there's precision issues when using point sampling with normalized coordinates.
// Once we move those over to texelFetch(), we should be able to shrink the size of the copy textures.
if (target_region)
// Create a new texture using only the carved out region. Might save a bit of GPU time if we're lucky.
const GSVector4i src_offset = GSVector4i(source_region.GetMinX(), source_region.GetMinY()).xyxy();
copy_range += src_offset;
copy_range = copy_range.rintersect(source_region.GetRect(src_unscaled_size.x, src_unscaled_size.y));
GL_CACHE("Applying target region at copy: %dx%d @ %d,%d => %d,%d", copy_range.width(), copy_range.height(),
tmm.coverage.x, tmm.coverage.y, copy_range.x, copy_range.y);
// Remove target region flag, we don't need to offset the coordinates anymore.
source_region = {};
target_region = false;
// Make sure it's not out of the source's bounds.
copy_range = copy_range.rintersect(src_bounds);
// Unapply the region offset for the destination coordinates.
const GSVector4i dst_range = copy_range - src_offset;
GSVector4i::storel(©_dst_offset, dst_range);
// We shouldn't need a larger texture because of the TS2 check above, but just in case.
GSVector4i::storel(©_size, GSVector4i(copy_size).max_i32(dst_range.zwzw()));
// TODO: We also could use source region here to offset the coordinates.
copy_range = copy_range.rintersect(src_bounds);
GSVector4i::storel(©_dst_offset, copy_range);
if (copy_range.rempty())
// Reading outside of the RT range.
GL_CACHE("ERROR: Reading outside of the RT range, using null texture.");
unscaled_size = GSVector2i(1, 1);
scale = 1.0f;
m_conf.tex = nullptr;
m_conf.ps.tfx = 4;
unscaled_size = copy_size;
scale = src_target->GetScale();
GL_CACHE("Copy size: %dx%d, range: %d,%d -> %d,%d (%dx%d) @ %.1f", copy_size.x, copy_size.y, copy_range.x,
copy_range.y, copy_range.z, copy_range.w, copy_range.width(), copy_range.height(), scale);
const GSVector2i scaled_copy_size = GSVector2i(static_cast<int>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(copy_size.x) * scale)),
static_cast<int>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(copy_size.y) * scale)));
const GSVector4i scaled_copy_range = GSVector4i((GSVector4(copy_range) * GSVector4(scale)).ceil());
const GSVector2i scaled_copy_dst_offset =
GSVector2i(static_cast<int>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(copy_dst_offset.x) * scale)),
static_cast<int>(std::ceil(static_cast<float>(copy_dst_offset.y) * scale)));
src_copy = src_target->m_texture->IsDepthStencil() ?
scaled_copy_size.x, scaled_copy_size.y, src_target->m_texture->GetFormat(), false) :
scaled_copy_size.x, scaled_copy_size.y, 1, src_target->m_texture->GetFormat(), true);
src_target->m_texture, src_copy, scaled_copy_range, scaled_copy_dst_offset.x, scaled_copy_dst_offset.y);
m_conf.tex = src_copy;
bool GSRendererHW::CanUseTexIsFB(const GSTextureCache::Target* rt, const GSTextureCache::Source* tex,
const TextureMinMaxResult& tmm)
// Minimum blending or no barriers -> we can't use tex-is-fb.
if (GSConfig.AccurateBlendingUnit == AccBlendLevel::Minimum || !g_gs_device->Features().texture_barrier)
GL_CACHE("Can't use tex-is-fb due to no barriers.");
return false;
// If we're a shuffle, tex-is-fb is always fine.
if (m_texture_shuffle || m_channel_shuffle)
GL_CACHE("Activating tex-is-fb for %s shuffle.", m_texture_shuffle ? "texture" : "channel");
return true;
static constexpr auto check_clamp = [](u32 clamp, u32 min, u32 max, s32 tmin, s32 tmax) {
if (clamp == CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP)
if (tmin < static_cast<s32>(min) || tmax > static_cast<s32>(max + 1))
GL_CACHE("Can't use tex-is-fb because of REGION_CLAMP [%d, %d] with TMM of [%d, %d]", min, max, tmin, tmax);
return false;
else if (clamp == CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT)
const u32 req_tbits = (tmax > 1) ? (std::bit_ceil(static_cast<u32>(tmax - 1)) - 1) : 0x1;
if ((min & req_tbits) != req_tbits)
GL_CACHE("Can't use tex-is-fb because of REGION_REPEAT [%d, %d] with TMM of [%d, %d] and tbits of %d",
min, max, tmin, tmax, req_tbits);
return false;
return true;
if (!check_clamp(
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMS, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINU, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXU, tmm.coverage.x, tmm.coverage.z) ||
m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.WMT, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MINV, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP.MAXV, tmm.coverage.y, tmm.coverage.w))
return false;
// Texture is actually the frame buffer. Stencil emulation to compute shadow (Jak series/tri-ace game)
// Will hit the "m_ps_sel.tex_is_fb = 1" path in the draw
const bool is_quads = (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS || m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO);
if (is_quads)
// No bilinear for tex-is-fb.
if (m_vt.IsLinear())
GL_CACHE("Can't use tex-is-fb due to bilinear sampling.");
return false;
// Can't do tex-is-fb if paletted and we're not a shuffle (C32 -> P8).
// This one shouldn't happen anymore, because all conversion should be done already.
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& tex_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[tex->m_TEX0.PSM];
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& rt_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[rt->m_TEX0.PSM];
if (tex_psm.pal > 0 && tex_psm.bpp < rt_psm.bpp)
Console.Error("Draw %d: Can't use tex-is-fb due to palette conversion", s_n);
return true;
// Make sure that we're not sampling away from the area we're rendering.
// We need to take the absolute here, because Beyond Good and Evil undithers itself using a -1,-1 offset.
const GSVector4 diff(m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p) - m_vt.m_min.t.upld(m_vt.m_max.t));
GL_CACHE("Coord diff: %f,%f", diff.x, diff.y);
if ((diff.abs() < GSVector4(1.0f)).alltrue())
GL_CACHE("Sampling from rendered texel, using tex-is-fb.");
return true;
GL_CACHE("Coord diff too large, not using tex-is-fb.");
return false;
if (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS)
// This pattern is used by several games to emulate a stencil (shadow)
// Ratchet & Clank, Jak do alpha integer multiplication (tfx) which is mostly equivalent to +1/-1
// Tri-Ace (Star Ocean 3/RadiataStories/VP2) uses a palette to handle the +1/-1
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK == 0x00FFFFFF)
GL_CACHE("Tex-is-fb hack for Jak");
return true;
GL_CACHE("Triangle draw, not using tex-is-fb");
return false;
return false;
void GSRendererHW::EmulateATST(float& AREF, GSHWDrawConfig::PSSelector& ps, bool pass_2)
if (!m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE)
// Check for pass 2, otherwise do pass 1.
const int atst = pass_2 ? inverted_atst[m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST] : m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST;
const float aref = static_cast<float>(m_cached_ctx.TEST.AREF);
switch (atst)
AREF = aref - 0.1f;
ps.atst = 1;
AREF = aref - 0.1f + 1.0f;
ps.atst = 1;
AREF = aref - 0.1f;
ps.atst = 2;
AREF = aref - 0.1f + 1.0f;
ps.atst = 2;
AREF = aref;
ps.atst = 3;
AREF = aref;
ps.atst = 4;
case ATST_NEVER: // Draw won't be done so no need to implement it in shader
ps.atst = 0;
void GSRendererHW::CleanupDraw(bool invalidate_temp_src)
// Remove any RT source.
if (invalidate_temp_src)
// Restore offsets.
if ((m_context->FRAME.U32[0] ^ m_cached_ctx.FRAME.U32[0]) & 0x3f3f01ff)
m_context->offset.fb = m_mem.GetOffset(m_context->FRAME.Block(), m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_context->FRAME.PSM);
if ((m_context->ZBUF.U32[0] ^ m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.U32[0]) & 0x3f0001ff)
m_context->offset.zb = m_mem.GetOffset(m_context->ZBUF.Block(), m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_context->ZBUF.PSM);
void GSRendererHW::ResetStates()
// We don't want to zero out the constant buffers, since fields used by the current draw could result in redundant uploads.
// This memset should be pretty efficient - the struct is 16 byte aligned, as is the cb_vs offset.
memset(&m_conf, 0, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&m_conf.cb_vs) - reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&m_conf));
__ri void GSRendererHW::DrawPrims(GSTextureCache::Target* rt, GSTextureCache::Target* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* tex, const TextureMinMaxResult& tmm)
const GSVector4i area_out = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.upld(m_vt.m_max.p)).rintersect(m_context->scissor.in);
const GSVector4i area_in = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.t.upld(m_vt.m_max.t));
GL_PUSH("GL Draw from (area %d,%d => %d,%d) in (area %d,%d => %d,%d)",
area_in.x, area_in.y, area_in.z, area_in.w,
area_out.x, area_out.y, area_out.z, area_out.w);
const GSDrawingEnvironment& env = *m_draw_env;
bool DATE = m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM != PSMCT24;
bool DATE_PRIMID = false;
bool DATE_BARRIER = false;
bool DATE_one = false;
const bool ate_first_pass = m_cached_ctx.TEST.DoFirstPass();
const bool ate_second_pass = m_cached_ctx.TEST.DoSecondPass();
const float scale_factor = rt ? rt->GetScale() : ds->GetScale();
m_conf.cb_vs.texture_offset = {};
m_conf.cb_ps.ScaleFactor = GSVector4(scale_factor * (1.0f / 16.0f), 1.0f / scale_factor, scale_factor, 0.0f);
m_conf.ps.scanmsk = env.SCANMSK.MSK;
m_conf.rt = rt ? rt->m_texture : nullptr;
m_conf.ds = ds ? ds->m_texture : nullptr;
// Z setup has to come before channel shuffle
// HLE implementation of the channel selection effect
// Warning it must be done at the begining because it will change the
// vertex list (it will interact with PrimitiveOverlap and accurate
// blending)
if (m_channel_shuffle && tex && tex->m_from_target)
EmulateChannelShuffle(tex->m_from_target, false);
// Upscaling hack to avoid various line/grid issues
m_prim_overlap = PrimitiveOverlap();
EmulateTextureShuffleAndFbmask(rt, tex);
const GSDevice::FeatureSupport features = g_gs_device->Features();
// Blend
int blend_alpha_min = 0, blend_alpha_max = 255;
if (rt)
blend_alpha_min = rt->m_alpha_min;
blend_alpha_max = rt->m_alpha_max;
const bool is_24_bit = (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[rt->m_TEX0.PSM].trbpp == 24);
if (is_24_bit)
// C24/Z24 - alpha is 1.
blend_alpha_min = 128;
blend_alpha_max = 128;
if (!m_channel_shuffle && !m_texture_shuffle)
const int fba_value = m_prev_env.CTXT[m_prev_env.PRIM.CTXT].FBA.FBA * 128;
if ((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xff000000) == 0)
if (rt->m_valid.rintersect(m_r).eq(rt->m_valid) && PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps() && !(m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST != ZTST_ALWAYS))
rt->m_alpha_max = GetAlphaMinMax().max | fba_value;
rt->m_alpha_min = GetAlphaMinMax().min | fba_value;
rt->m_alpha_max = std::max(GetAlphaMinMax().max | fba_value, rt->m_alpha_max);
rt->m_alpha_min = std::min(GetAlphaMinMax().min | fba_value, rt->m_alpha_min);
else if ((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xff000000) != 0xff000000) // We can't be sure of the alpha if it's partially masked.
rt->m_alpha_max |= std::max(GetAlphaMinMax().max | fba_value, rt->m_alpha_max);
rt->m_alpha_min = std::min(GetAlphaMinMax().min | fba_value, rt->m_alpha_min);
else if (!is_24_bit)
// If both are zero then we probably don't know what the alpha is.
if (rt->m_alpha_max == 0 && rt->m_alpha_min == 0)
rt->m_alpha_max = 255;
rt->m_alpha_min = 0;
else if ((m_texture_shuffle && m_conf.ps.write_rg == false) || m_channel_shuffle)
rt->m_alpha_max = 255;
rt->m_alpha_min = 0;
GL_INS("RT Alpha Range: %d-%d => %d-%d", blend_alpha_min, blend_alpha_max, rt->m_alpha_min, rt->m_alpha_max);
// If there's no overlap, the values in the RT before FB write will be the old values.
if (m_prim_overlap != PRIM_OVERLAP_NO)
// Otherwise, it may be a mix of the old/new values.
blend_alpha_min = std::min(blend_alpha_min, rt->m_alpha_min);
blend_alpha_max = std::max(blend_alpha_max, rt->m_alpha_max);
if (!rt->m_32_bits_fmt)
rt->m_alpha_max &= 128;
rt->m_alpha_min &= 128;
// DATE: selection of the algorithm. Must be done before blending because GL42 is not compatible with blending
if (DATE)
if (m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM)
if (rt)
// Destination and incoming pixels are all 1 or higher, no need for DATE.
if ((rt->m_alpha_min >= 128 || (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0x80000000)) && blend_alpha_min >= 128)
DATE = false;
m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE = false;
else if (blend_alpha_max < 128) // All dest pixels are less than 1, everything fails.
rt->m_alpha_max = blend_alpha_max;
rt->m_alpha_min = blend_alpha_min;
if (rt)
// Destination and incoming pixels are all less than 1, no need for DATE.
if ((rt->m_alpha_max < 128 || (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0x80000000)) && blend_alpha_max < 128)
DATE = false;
m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE = false;
else if (blend_alpha_min >= 128) // All dest pixels are 1 or higher, everything fails.
rt->m_alpha_max = blend_alpha_max;
rt->m_alpha_min = blend_alpha_min;
if (DATE)
// It is way too complex to emulate texture shuffle with DATE, so use accurate path.
// No overlap should be triggered on gl/vk only as they support DATE_BARRIER.
if (features.framebuffer_fetch)
// Full DATE is "free" with framebuffer fetch. The barrier gets cleared below.
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
else if ((features.texture_barrier && m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO) || m_texture_shuffle)
GL_PERF("DATE: Accurate with %s", (features.texture_barrier && m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO) ? "no overlap" : "texture shuffle");
if (features.texture_barrier)
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
// When Blending is disabled and Edge Anti Aliasing is enabled,
// the output alpha is Coverage (which we force to 128) so DATE will fail/pass guaranteed on second pass.
else if (m_conf.colormask.wa && (m_context->FBA.FBA || IsCoverageAlpha()) && features.stencil_buffer)
GL_PERF("DATE: Fast with FBA, all pixels will be >= 128");
DATE_one = !m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM;
else if (m_conf.colormask.wa && !m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE && !(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0x80000000))
// Performance note: check alpha range with GetAlphaMinMax()
// Note: all my dump are already above 120fps, but it seems to reduce GPU load
// with big upscaling
if (m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM && GetAlphaMinMax().max < 128 && features.stencil_buffer)
// Only first pixel (write 0) will pass (alpha is 1)
GL_PERF("DATE: Fast with alpha %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max);
DATE_one = true;
else if (!m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM && GetAlphaMinMax().min >= 128 && features.stencil_buffer)
// Only first pixel (write 1) will pass (alpha is 0)
GL_PERF("DATE: Fast with alpha %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max);
DATE_one = true;
else if (features.texture_barrier && ((m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS && m_drawlist.size() < 10) || (m_index.tail < 30)))
// texture barrier will split the draw call into n draw call. It is very efficient for
// few primitive draws. Otherwise it sucks.
GL_PERF("DATE: Accurate with alpha %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max);
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
else if (features.primitive_id)
GL_PERF("DATE: Accurate with alpha %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max);
else if (features.texture_barrier)
GL_PERF("DATE: Accurate with alpha %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max);
m_conf.require_full_barrier = true;
else if (features.stencil_buffer)
// Might be inaccurate in some cases but we shouldn't hit this path.
GL_PERF("DATE: Fast with alpha %d-%d", GetAlphaMinMax().min, GetAlphaMinMax().max);
DATE_one = true;
else if (!m_conf.colormask.wa && !m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE)
GL_PERF("DATE: Accurate with no alpha write");
if (g_gs_device->Features().texture_barrier)
m_conf.require_one_barrier = true;
// Will save my life !
// Before emulateblending, dither will be used
m_conf.ps.dither = GSConfig.Dithering > 0 && m_conf.ps.dfmt == 2 && env.DTHE.DTHE;
if (m_conf.ps.dfmt == 1)
// Disable writing of the alpha channel
m_conf.colormask.wa = 0;
// Not gonna spend too much time with this, it's not likely to be used much, can't be less accurate than it was.
if (ds)
ds->m_alpha_max = std::max(ds->m_alpha_max, static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_max.p.z) >> 24);
ds->m_alpha_min = std::min(ds->m_alpha_min, static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_min.p.z) >> 24);
GL_INS("New DS Alpha Range: %d-%d", ds->m_alpha_min, ds->m_alpha_max);
if (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[ds->m_TEX0.PSM].bpp == 16)
ds->m_alpha_max &= 128;
ds->m_alpha_min &= 128;
bool blending_alpha_pass = false;
if ((!IsOpaque() || m_context->ALPHA.IsBlack()) && rt && (m_conf.colormask.wrgba & 0x7))
EmulateBlending(blend_alpha_min, blend_alpha_max, DATE_PRIMID, DATE_BARRIER, blending_alpha_pass);
m_conf.blend = {}; // No blending please
m_conf.ps.no_color1 = true;
// No point outputting colours if we're just writing depth.
// We might still need the framebuffer for DATE, though.
if (!rt || m_conf.colormask.wrgba == 0)
m_conf.colormask.wrgba = 0;
if (m_conf.ps.scanmsk & 2)
DATE_PRIMID = false; // to have discard in the shader work correctly
// DATE setup, no DATE_BARRIER please
if (!DATE)
m_conf.destination_alpha = GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::Off;
else if (DATE_one)
m_conf.destination_alpha = GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::StencilOne;
else if (DATE_PRIMID)
m_conf.destination_alpha = GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::PrimIDTracking;
else if (DATE_BARRIER)
m_conf.destination_alpha = GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::Full;
else if (features.stencil_buffer)
m_conf.destination_alpha = GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::Stencil;
m_conf.datm = m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM;
// If we're doing stencil DATE and we don't have a depth buffer, we need to allocate a temporary one.
GSTexture* temp_ds = nullptr;
if (m_conf.destination_alpha >= GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::Stencil &&
m_conf.destination_alpha <= GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::StencilOne && !m_conf.ds)
temp_ds = g_gs_device->CreateDepthStencil(m_conf.rt->GetWidth(), m_conf.rt->GetHeight(), GSTexture::Format::DepthStencil, false);
m_conf.ds = temp_ds;
// vs
m_conf.vs.tme = PRIM->TME;
m_conf.vs.fst = PRIM->FST;
// FIXME D3D11 and GL support half pixel center. Code could be easier!!!
const GSVector2i rtsize = m_conf.ds ? m_conf.ds->GetSize() : m_conf.rt->GetSize();
const float rtscale = (ds ? ds->GetScale() : rt->GetScale());
const float sx = 2.0f * rtscale / (rtsize.x << 4);
const float sy = 2.0f * rtscale / (rtsize.y << 4);
const float ox = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX));
const float oy = static_cast<float>(static_cast<int>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY));
float ox2 = -1.0f / rtsize.x;
float oy2 = -1.0f / rtsize.y;
float mod_xy = 0.0f;
//This hack subtracts around half a pixel from OFX and OFY.
//The resulting shifted output aligns better with common blending / corona / blurring effects,
//but introduces a few bad pixels on the edges.
if (!rt)
mod_xy = GetModXYOffset();
mod_xy = rt->OffsetHack_modxy;
if (mod_xy > 1.0f)
ox2 *= mod_xy;
oy2 *= mod_xy;
m_conf.cb_vs.vertex_scale = GSVector2(sx, sy);
m_conf.cb_vs.vertex_offset = GSVector2(ox * sx + ox2 + 1, oy * sy + oy2 + 1);
// GS_SPRITE_CLASS are already flat (either by CPU or the GS)
m_conf.ps.iip = (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS) ? 0 : PRIM->IIP;
m_conf.vs.iip = m_conf.ps.iip;
m_conf.ps.date = 5 + m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM;
else if (DATE_one)
if (features.texture_barrier)
m_conf.require_one_barrier = true;
m_conf.ps.date = 5 + m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM;
m_conf.depth.date = 1;
m_conf.depth.date_one = 1;
else if (DATE_PRIMID)
m_conf.ps.date = 1 + m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATM;
else if (DATE)
m_conf.depth.date = 1;
m_conf.ps.fba = m_context->FBA.FBA;
if (m_conf.ps.dither)
const GIFRegDIMX& DIMX = m_draw_env->DIMX;
GL_DBG("DITHERING mode ENABLED (%d)", GSConfig.Dithering);
m_conf.ps.dither = GSConfig.Dithering;
m_conf.cb_ps.DitherMatrix[0] = GSVector4(DIMX.DM00, DIMX.DM01, DIMX.DM02, DIMX.DM03);
m_conf.cb_ps.DitherMatrix[1] = GSVector4(DIMX.DM10, DIMX.DM11, DIMX.DM12, DIMX.DM13);
m_conf.cb_ps.DitherMatrix[2] = GSVector4(DIMX.DM20, DIMX.DM21, DIMX.DM22, DIMX.DM23);
m_conf.cb_ps.DitherMatrix[3] = GSVector4(DIMX.DM30, DIMX.DM31, DIMX.DM32, DIMX.DM33);
if (PRIM->FGE)
m_conf.ps.fog = 1;
const GSVector4 fc = GSVector4::rgba32(m_draw_env->FOGCOL.U32[0]);
// Blend AREF to avoid to load a random value for alpha (dirty cache)
m_conf.cb_ps.FogColor_AREF = fc.blend32<8>(m_conf.cb_ps.FogColor_AREF);
// Warning must be done after EmulateZbuffer
// Depth test is always true so it can be executed in 2 passes (no order required) unlike color.
// The idea is to compute first the color which is independent of the alpha test. And then do a 2nd
// pass to handle the depth based on the alpha test.
bool ate_RGBA_then_Z = false;
bool ate_RGB_then_ZA = false;
if (ate_first_pass && ate_second_pass)
GL_DBG("Complex Alpha Test");
const bool commutative_depth = (m_conf.depth.ztst == ZTST_GEQUAL && m_vt.m_eq.z) || (m_conf.depth.ztst == ZTST_ALWAYS);
const bool commutative_alpha = (m_context->ALPHA.C != 1); // when either Alpha Src or a constant
ate_RGBA_then_Z = m_cached_ctx.TEST.GetAFAIL(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM) == AFAIL_FB_ONLY && commutative_depth;
ate_RGB_then_ZA = m_cached_ctx.TEST.GetAFAIL(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM) == AFAIL_RGB_ONLY && commutative_depth && commutative_alpha;
if (ate_RGBA_then_Z)
GL_DBG("Alternate ATE handling: ate_RGBA_then_Z");
// Render all color but don't update depth
// ATE is disabled here
m_conf.depth.zwe = false;
else if (ate_RGB_then_ZA)
GL_DBG("Alternate ATE handling: ate_RGB_then_ZA");
// Render RGB color but don't update depth/alpha
// ATE is disabled here
m_conf.depth.zwe = false;
m_conf.colormask.wa = false;
float aref = m_conf.cb_ps.FogColor_AREF.a;
EmulateATST(aref, m_conf.ps, false);
// avoid redundant cbuffer updates
m_conf.cb_ps.FogColor_AREF.a = aref;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps_aref = aref;
GSTexture* tex_copy = nullptr;
if (tex)
EmulateTextureSampler(rt, ds, tex, tmm, tex_copy);
m_conf.ps.tfx = 4;
if (features.framebuffer_fetch)
// Intel GPUs on Metal lock up if you try to use DSB and framebuffer fetch at once
// We should never need to do that (since using framebuffer fetch means you should be able to do all blending in shader), but sometimes it slips through
if (m_conf.require_one_barrier || m_conf.require_full_barrier)
// Barriers aren't needed with fbfetch.
m_conf.require_one_barrier = false;
m_conf.require_full_barrier = false;
// Multi-pass algorithms shouldn't be needed with full barrier and backends may not handle this correctly
ASSERT(!m_conf.require_full_barrier || !m_conf.ps.hdr);
// Swap full barrier for one barrier when there's no overlap.
if (m_conf.require_full_barrier && m_prim_overlap == PRIM_OVERLAP_NO)
m_conf.require_full_barrier = false;
m_conf.require_one_barrier = true;
// rs
const GSVector4i hacked_scissor = m_channel_shuffle ? GSVector4i::cxpr(0, 0, 1024, 1024) : m_context->scissor.in;
const GSVector4i scissor(GSVector4i(GSVector4(rtscale) * GSVector4(hacked_scissor)).rintersect(GSVector4i::loadh(rtsize)));
m_conf.drawarea = m_channel_shuffle ? scissor : scissor.rintersect(ComputeBoundingBox(rtsize, rtscale));
m_conf.scissor = (DATE && !DATE_BARRIER) ? m_conf.drawarea : scissor;
SetupIA(rtscale, sx, sy);
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.enable = ate_second_pass;
if (ate_second_pass)
memcpy(&m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps, &m_conf.ps, sizeof(m_conf.ps));
memcpy(&m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask, &m_conf.colormask, sizeof(m_conf.colormask));
memcpy(&m_conf.alpha_second_pass.depth, &m_conf.depth, sizeof(m_conf.depth));
if (ate_RGBA_then_Z || ate_RGB_then_ZA)
// Enable ATE as first pass to update the depth
// of pixels that passed the alpha test
EmulateATST(m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps_aref, m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps, false);
// second pass will process the pixels that failed
// the alpha test
EmulateATST(m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps_aref, m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps, true);
bool z = m_conf.depth.zwe;
bool r = m_conf.colormask.wr;
bool g = m_conf.colormask.wg;
bool b = m_conf.colormask.wb;
bool a = m_conf.colormask.wa;
const int fail_type = m_cached_ctx.TEST.GetAFAIL(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
switch (fail_type)
case AFAIL_KEEP: z = r = g = b = a = false; break; // none
case AFAIL_FB_ONLY: z = false; break; // rgba
case AFAIL_ZB_ONLY: r = g = b = a = false; break; // z
case AFAIL_RGB_ONLY: z = a = false; break; // rgb
default: __assume(0);
// Depth test should be disabled when depth writes are masked and similarly, Alpha test must be disabled
// when writes to all of the alpha bits in the Framebuffer are masked.
if (ate_RGBA_then_Z)
z = !m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK;
r = g = b = a = false;
else if (ate_RGB_then_ZA)
z = !m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK;
a = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & 0xFF000000) != 0xFF000000;
r = g = b = false;
if (z || r || g || b || a)
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.depth.zwe = z;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wr = r;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wg = g;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wb = b;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wa = a;
if (m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wrgba == 0)
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.enable = false;
if (!ate_first_pass)
if (!m_conf.alpha_second_pass.enable)
// RenderHW always renders first pass, replace first pass with second
memcpy(&m_conf.ps, &m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps, sizeof(m_conf.ps));
memcpy(&m_conf.colormask, &m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask, sizeof(m_conf.colormask));
memcpy(&m_conf.depth, &m_conf.alpha_second_pass.depth, sizeof(m_conf.depth));
m_conf.cb_ps.FogColor_AREF.a = m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps_aref;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.enable = false;
if (blending_alpha_pass)
// write alpha blend as the single alpha output
m_conf.ps.no_ablend = true;
// there's a case we can skip this: RGB_then_ZA alternate handling.
// but otherwise, we need to write alpha separately.
if (m_conf.colormask.wa)
m_conf.colormask.wa = false;
m_conf.separate_alpha_pass = true;
// do we need to do this for the failed alpha fragments?
if (m_conf.alpha_second_pass.enable)
// there's also a case we can skip here: when we're not writing RGB, there's
// no blending, so we can just write the normal alpha!
const u8 second_pass_wrgba = m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wrgba;
if ((second_pass_wrgba & (1 << 3)) != 0 && second_pass_wrgba != (1 << 3))
// this sucks. potentially up to 4 passes. but no way around it when we don't have dual-source blend.
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.ps.no_ablend = true;
m_conf.alpha_second_pass.colormask.wa = false;
m_conf.second_separate_alpha_pass = true;
m_conf.drawlist = (m_conf.require_full_barrier && m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS) ? &m_drawlist : nullptr;
if (tex_copy)
if (temp_ds)
// If the EE uploaded a new CLUT since the last draw, use that.
bool GSRendererHW::HasEEUpload(GSVector4i r)
for (auto iter = m_draw_transfers.begin(); iter != m_draw_transfers.end(); ++iter)
if (iter->draw == (s_n - 1) && iter->blit.DBP == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 && GSUtil::HasSharedBits(iter->blit.DPSM, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM))
GSVector4i rect = r;
if (!GSUtil::HasCompatibleBits(iter->blit.DPSM, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM))
GSTextureCache::SurfaceOffsetKey sok;
sok.elems[0].bp = iter->blit.DBP;
sok.elems[0].bw = iter->blit.DBW;
sok.elems[0].psm = iter->blit.DPSM;
sok.elems[0].rect = iter->rect;
sok.elems[1].bp = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0;
sok.elems[1].bw = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW;
sok.elems[1].psm = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM;
sok.elems[1].rect = r;
rect = g_texture_cache->ComputeSurfaceOffset(sok).b2a_offset;
if (rect.rintersect(r).eq(r))
return true;
return false;
GSRendererHW::CLUTDrawTestResult GSRendererHW::PossibleCLUTDraw()
// No shuffles.
if (m_channel_shuffle || m_texture_shuffle)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Keep the draws simple, no alpha testing, blending, mipmapping, Z writes, and make sure it's flat.
const bool fb_only = m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE && m_cached_ctx.TEST.GetAFAIL(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM) == AFAIL_FB_ONLY && m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATST == ATST_NEVER;
// No Z writes, unless it's points, then it's quite likely to be a palette and they left it on.
if (!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK && !fb_only && !(m_vt.m_primclass == GS_POINT_CLASS))
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Make sure it's flat.
if (m_vt.m_eq.z != 0x1)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// No mipmapping, please never be any mipmapping...
if (m_context->TEX1.MXL)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Writing to the framebuffer for output. We're not interested. - Note: This stops NFS HP2 Busted screens working, but they're glitchy anyway
// what NFS HP2 really needs is a kind of shuffle with mask, 32bit target is interpreted as 16bit and masked.
if ((m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.Block() == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()) || (m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.Block() == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()) ||
(PRIM->TME && ((m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.Block() == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0) || (m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.Block() == m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0)) && !(m_mem.m_clut.IsInvalid() & 2)))
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Ignore large render targets, make sure it's staying in page width.
if (PRIM->TME && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW != 1 && m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW))
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Hopefully no games draw a CLUT with a CLUT, that would be evil, most likely a channel shuffle.
if (PRIM->TME && GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM].pal > 0)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM];
// Make sure the CLUT formats are matching.
if (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_mem.m_clut.GetCLUTCPSM()].bpp != psm.bpp)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Max size for a CLUT/Current page size.
constexpr float min_clut_width = 7.0f;
constexpr float min_clut_height = 1.0f;
const float page_width = static_cast<float>(psm.pgs.x);
const float page_height = static_cast<float>(psm.pgs.y);
// If the coordinates aren't starting within the page, it's likely not a CLUT draw.
if (floor(m_vt.m_min.p.x) < 0 || floor(m_vt.m_min.p.y) < 0 || floor(m_vt.m_min.p.x) > page_width || floor(m_vt.m_min.p.y) > page_height)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Make sure it's a division of 8 in width to avoid bad draws. Points will go from 0-7 inclusive, but sprites etc will do 0-16 exclusive.
int draw_divder_match = false;
const int valid_sizes[] = {8, 16, 32, 64};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
draw_divder_match = ((m_vt.m_primclass == GS_POINT_CLASS) ? ((static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_max.p.x + 1) & ~1) == valid_sizes[i]) : (static_cast<int>(m_vt.m_max.p.x) == valid_sizes[i]));
if (draw_divder_match)
// Make sure it's kinda CLUT sized, at least. Be wary, it can draw a line at a time (Guitar Hero - Metallica)
// Driver Parallel Lines draws a bunch of CLUT's at once, ending up as a 64x256 draw, very annoying.
const float draw_width = (m_vt.m_max.p.x - m_vt.m_min.p.x);
const float draw_height = (m_vt.m_max.p.y - m_vt.m_min.p.y);
const bool valid_size = ((draw_width >= min_clut_width || draw_height >= min_clut_height))
&& (((draw_width < page_width && draw_height <= page_height) || (draw_width == page_width)) && draw_divder_match); // Make sure draw is multiples of 8 wide (AC5 midetection).
// Make sure the draw hits the next CLUT and it's marked as invalid (kind of a sanity check).
// We can also allow draws which are of a sensible size within the page, as they could also be CLUT draws (or gradients for the CLUT).
if (!valid_size)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (PRIM->TME)
// If we're using a texture to draw our CLUT/whatever, we need the GPU to write back dirty data we need.
const GSVector4i r = GetTextureMinMax(m_cached_ctx.TEX0, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP, m_vt.IsLinear(), false).coverage;
// If we have GPU CLUT enabled, don't do a CPU draw when it would result in a download.
if (GSConfig.UserHacks_GPUTargetCLUTMode != GSGPUTargetCLUTMode::Disabled)
if (HasEEUpload(r))
return CLUTDrawTestResult::CLUTDrawOnCPU;
const GSTextureCache::Target* tgt = g_texture_cache->FindOverlappingTarget(
m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM, r);
if (tgt)
bool is_dirty = false;
for (const GSDirtyRect& rc : tgt->m_dirty)
if (!rc.GetDirtyRect(m_cached_ctx.TEX0).rintersect(r).rempty())
is_dirty = true;
if (!is_dirty)
GL_INS("GPU clut is enabled and this draw would readback, leaving on GPU");
return CLUTDrawTestResult::CLUTDrawOnGPU;
if (HasEEUpload(r))
return CLUTDrawTestResult::CLUTDrawOnCPU;
BITBLTBUF.SBP = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0;
BITBLTBUF.SBW = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW;
BITBLTBUF.SPSM = m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM;
InvalidateLocalMem(BITBLTBUF, r);
// Debugging stuff..
//const u32 startbp = psm.info.bn(m_vt.m_min.p.x, m_vt.m_min.p.y, m_FRAME.Block(), m_FRAME.FBW);
//const u32 endbp = psm.info.bn(m_vt.m_max.p.x, m_vt.m_max.p.y, m_FRAME.Block(), m_FRAME.FBW);
//DevCon.Warning("Draw width %f height %f page width %f height %f TPSM %x TBP0 %x FPSM %x FBP %x CBP %x valid size %d Invalid %d DISPFB0 %x DISPFB1 %x start %x end %x draw %d", draw_width, draw_height, page_width, page_height, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0, m_FRAME.PSM, m_FRAME.Block(), m_mem.m_clut.GetCLUTCBP(), valid_size, m_mem.m_clut.IsInvalid(), m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.Block(), m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.Block(), startbp, endbp, s_n);
return CLUTDrawTestResult::CLUTDrawOnCPU;
// Slight more aggressive version that kinda YOLO's it if the draw is anywhere near the CLUT or is point/line (providing it's not too wide of a draw and a few other parameters.
// This is pretty much tuned for the Sega Model 2 games, which draw a huge gradient, then pick lines out of it to make up CLUT's for about 4000 draws...
GSRendererHW::CLUTDrawTestResult GSRendererHW::PossibleCLUTDrawAggressive()
// Avoid any shuffles.
if (m_channel_shuffle || m_texture_shuffle)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Keep the draws simple, no alpha testing, blending, mipmapping, Z writes, and make sure it's flat.
if (m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (PRIM->ABE)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (m_context->TEX1.MXL)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW != 1)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (m_vt.m_eq.z != 0x1)
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
if (!((m_vt.m_primclass == GS_POINT_CLASS || m_vt.m_primclass == GS_LINE_CLASS) || ((m_mem.m_clut.GetCLUTCBP() >> 5) >= m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP + 1U) >= (m_mem.m_clut.GetCLUTCBP() >> 5) && m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS)))
return CLUTDrawTestResult::NotCLUTDraw;
// Avoid invalidating anything here, we just want to avoid the thing being drawn on the GPU.
return CLUTDrawTestResult::CLUTDrawOnCPU;
bool GSRendererHW::CanUseSwPrimRender(bool no_rt, bool no_ds, bool draw_sprite_tex)
// Master enable.
const int bw = GSConfig.UserHacks_CPUSpriteRenderBW;
const int level = GSConfig.UserHacks_CPUSpriteRenderLevel;
if (bw == 0)
return false;
// We don't ever want to do this when we have a depth buffer, and only for textured sprites.
if (no_rt || !no_ds || (level == 0 && !draw_sprite_tex))
return false;
// Check the size threshold. Spider-man 2 uses a FBW of 32 for some silly reason...
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW > static_cast<u32>(bw) && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW != 32)
return false;
// We shouldn't be using mipmapping, and this shouldn't be a blended draw.
if (level < 2 && (IsMipMapActive() || !IsOpaque()))
return false;
// Make sure this isn't something we've actually rendered to (e.g. a texture shuffle).
if (PRIM->TME)
GSTextureCache::Target* src_target = g_texture_cache->GetTargetWithSharedBits(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0, m_cached_ctx.TEX0.PSM);
if (src_target)
// If the EE has written over our sample area, we're fine to do this on the CPU, despite the target.
if (!src_target->m_dirty.empty())
const GSVector4i tr(GetTextureMinMax(m_cached_ctx.TEX0, m_cached_ctx.CLAMP, m_vt.IsLinear(), false).coverage);
for (GSDirtyRect& rc : src_target->m_dirty)
if (!rc.GetDirtyRect(m_cached_ctx.TEX0).rintersect(tr).rempty())
return true;
return false;
// We can use the sw prim render path!
return true;
void GSRendererHW::SetNewFRAME(u32 bp, u32 bw, u32 psm)
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP = bp >> 5;
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW = bw;
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM = psm;
m_context->offset.fb = m_mem.GetOffset(bp, bw, psm);
void GSRendererHW::SetNewZBUF(u32 bp, u32 psm)
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP = bp >> 5;
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM = psm;
m_context->offset.zb = m_mem.GetOffset(bp, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, psm);
bool GSRendererHW::DetectStripedDoubleClear(bool& no_rt, bool& no_ds)
const bool single_page_offset =
std::abs(static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP) - static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP)) == 1;
const bool z_is_frame = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP == m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP ||
(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW > 1 && single_page_offset)) && // GT4O Public Beta
!m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK &&
(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM & 0x30) != (m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM & 0x30) &&
(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM & 0xF) == (m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM & 0xF) && m_vt.m_eq.z == 1 &&
m_vertex.buff[1].XYZ.Z == m_vertex.buff[1].RGBAQ.U32[0];
// Z and color must be constant and the same and must be drawing strips.
if (!z_is_frame || m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xFFFF)
return false;
const GSVector2i page_size = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].pgs;
const int strip_size = ((single_page_offset) ? page_size.x : (page_size.x / 2));
// Find the biggest gap out of all the verts, most of the time games are nice and do strips,
// however Lord of the Rings - The Third Age draws the strips 8x8 per sprite, until it makes up 32x8, then does the next 32x8 below.
// I know, unneccesary, but that's what they did. But this loop should calculate the largest gap, then we can confirm it.
// LOTR has 4096 verts, so this isn't going to be super fast on that game, most games will be just 16 verts so they should be ok,
// and I could cheat and stop when we get a size that matches, but that might be a lucky misdetection, I don't wanna risk it.
int vertex_offset = 0;
int last_vertex = m_vertex.buff[0].XYZ.X;
for (u32 i = 1; i < m_vertex.tail; i++)
vertex_offset = std::max(static_cast<int>((m_vertex.buff[i].XYZ.X - last_vertex) >> 4), vertex_offset);
last_vertex = m_vertex.buff[i].XYZ.X;
// Found a gap which is much bigger, no point continuing to scan.
if (vertex_offset > strip_size)
const bool is_strips = vertex_offset == strip_size;
if (!is_strips)
return false;
// Half a page extra width is written through Z.
// When the FRAME is lower or the same and including offset matches the frame width, it will be set back 64/32 pixels.
// When the FRAME is higher, that means ZBUF is ahead behind 1 page, so the beginning will be 1 page in
if (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP < m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP || m_r.x == 0)
m_r.z += vertex_offset;
m_r.x -= vertex_offset;
GL_INS("DetectStripedDoubleClear(): %d,%d => %d,%d @ FBP %x FBW %u ZBP %x", m_r.x, m_r.y, m_r.z, m_r.w,
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block());
// And replace the vertex with a fullscreen quad.
ReplaceVerticesWithSprite(m_r, GSVector2i(1, 1));
// Remove Z, we'll write it through colour.
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK = true;
no_rt = false;
no_ds = true;
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::DetectDoubleHalfClear(bool& no_rt, bool& no_ds)
if (m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST != ZTST_ALWAYS || m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK)
return false;
// Block when any bits are masked. Too many false positives if we don't.
// Siren does a C32+Z24 clear with A masked, GTA:LCS does C32+Z24 but doesn't set FBMSK, leaving half
// of the alpha channel untouched (no effect because it uses Z24 elsewhere).
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& frame_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM];
const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& zbuf_psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM];
if (((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & frame_psm.fmsk) != 0 && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & zbuf_psm.fmsk) != 0))
return false;
// Z and color must be constant and the same
GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
if (m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xFFFF || !m_vt.m_eq.z || v[1].XYZ.Z != v[1].RGBAQ.U32[0])
return false;
// Frame and depth pointer can be inverted
const bool clear_depth = (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP > m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP);
const u32 base = clear_depth ? m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP : m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP;
const u32 half = clear_depth ? m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBP : m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZBP;
const bool enough_bits = clear_depth ? (frame_psm.trbpp >= zbuf_psm.trbpp) : (zbuf_psm.trbpp >= frame_psm.trbpp);
// Size of the current draw
const u32 w_pages = (m_r.z + (frame_psm.pgs.x - 1)) / frame_psm.pgs.x;
const u32 h_pages = (m_r.w + (frame_psm.pgs.y - 1)) / frame_psm.pgs.y;
const u32 written_pages = w_pages * h_pages;
// If both buffers are side by side we can expect a fast clear in on-going
if (half > (base + written_pages) || half <= base)
return false;
GSTextureCache::Target* half_point = g_texture_cache->GetExactTarget(half << 5, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, clear_depth ? GSTextureCache::RenderTarget : GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, half << 5);
if (half_point)
half_point = nullptr;
return false;
// Don't allow double half clear to go through when the number of bits written through FRAME and Z are different.
// GTA: LCS does this setup, along with a few other games. Thankfully if it's a zero clear, we'll clear both
// separately, and the end result is the same because it gets invalidated. That's better than falsely detecting
// double half clears, and ending up with 1024 high render targets which really shouldn't be.
if ((!enough_bits && frame_psm.fmt != zbuf_psm.fmt && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK != ((zbuf_psm.fmt == 1) ? 0xFF000000u : 0)) ||
!GSUtil::HasCompatibleBits(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM & ~0x30, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM & ~0x30)) // Bit depth is not the same (i.e. 32bit + 16bit).
GL_INS("Inconsistent FRAME [%s, %08x] and ZBUF [%s] formats, not using double-half clear.",
psm_str(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK, psm_str(m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM));
return false;
// Try peeking ahead to confirm whether this is a "normal" clear, where the two buffers just happen to be
// bang up next to each other, or a double half clear. The two are really difficult to differentiate.
// Have to check both contexts, because God of War 2 likes to do this in-between setting TRXDIR, which
// causes a flush, and we don't have the next context backed up index set.
bool horizontal = false;
const bool ctx0_match = ((((m_env.CTXT[0].FRAME.FBW + 1) & ~1) == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 2) || (m_env.CTXT[0].FRAME.FBW == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW)) &&
((m_env.CTXT[0].FRAME.FBP == base &&
(!m_env.CTXT[0].ZBUF.ZMSK || (m_env.CTXT[0].TEST.ZTE && m_env.CTXT[0].TEST.ZTST >= ZTST_GEQUAL)) &&
m_env.CTXT[0].ZBUF.ZBP != half) ||
(m_env.CTXT[0].ZBUF.ZBP == base && m_env.CTXT[0].FRAME.FBP != half));
const bool ctx1_match = ((((m_env.CTXT[1].FRAME.FBW + 1) & ~1) == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 2) || (m_env.CTXT[1].FRAME.FBW == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW)) &&
((m_env.CTXT[1].FRAME.FBP == base && m_env.CTXT[1].ZBUF.ZBP != half) ||
(m_env.CTXT[1].ZBUF.ZBP == base &&
(!m_env.CTXT[1].ZBUF.ZMSK || (m_env.CTXT[1].TEST.ZTE && m_env.CTXT[1].TEST.ZTST >= ZTST_GEQUAL)) &&
m_env.CTXT[1].FRAME.FBP != half));
if (ctx0_match || ctx1_match)
// Needed for Spider-Man 2 (target was previously half size, double half cleared at new size).
GL_INS("Confirmed double-half clear by next FBP/ZBP");
const int ctx = ctx1_match ? 1 : 0;
if (((m_env.CTXT[ctx].FRAME.FBW + 1) & ~1) == m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 2)
horizontal = true;
// Check for a target matching the starting point. It might be in Z or FRAME...
GSTextureCache::Target* tgt = g_texture_cache->GetTargetWithSharedBits(
base * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, clear_depth ? m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM : m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
if (!tgt)
tgt = g_texture_cache->GetTargetWithSharedBits(
base * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, clear_depth ? m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM : m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM);
u32 end_block = ((half + written_pages) * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE) - 1;
if (tgt)
// If the full size is an odd width and it's trying to do half (in the case of FF7 DoC it goes from 7 to 4), we need to recalculate our end check.
if ((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW * 2) == (tgt->m_TEX0.TBW + 1))
end_block = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(tgt->m_TEX0.TBP0, tgt->m_TEX0.TBW + 1, tgt->m_TEX0.PSM, tgt->GetUnscaledRect());
end_block = GSLocalMemory::GetUnwrappedEndBlockAddress(tgt->m_TEX0.TBP0, tgt->m_TEX0.TBW, tgt->m_TEX0.PSM, tgt->GetUnscaledRect());
// Are we clearing over the middle of this target?
if (!tgt || (((half + written_pages) * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE) - 1) > end_block)
return false;
// Siren double half clears horizontally with half FBW instead of vertically.
// We could use the FBW here, but using the rectangle seems a bit safer, because changing FBW
// from one RT to another isn't uncommon.
const GSVector4 vr = GSVector4(m_r.rintersect(tgt->m_valid)) / GSVector4(tgt->m_valid);
horizontal = (vr.z < vr.w);
GL_INS("DetectDoubleHalfClear(): Clearing %s %s, fbp=%x, zbp=%x, pages=%u, base=%x, half=%x, rect=(%d,%d=>%d,%d)",
clear_depth ? "depth" : "color", horizontal ? "horizontally" : "vertically", m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(),
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), written_pages, base * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, half * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, m_r.x, m_r.y, m_r.z,
// Double the clear rect.
if (horizontal)
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW *= 2;
m_r.z += m_r.x + m_r.width();
m_r.w += m_r.y + m_r.height();
ReplaceVerticesWithSprite(m_r, GSVector2i(1, 1));
// Prevent wasting time looking up and creating the target which is getting blown away.
if (!clear_depth)
SetNewFRAME(base * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.ZMSK = true;
no_rt = false;
no_ds = true;
SetNewZBUF(base * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM);
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK = 0xFFFFFFFF;
no_rt = true;
no_ds = false;
// Remove any targets at the half-buffer point, they're getting overwritten.
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::RenderTarget, half * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE);
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMemType(GSTextureCache::DepthStencil, half * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE);
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::TryTargetClear(GSTextureCache::Target* rt, GSTextureCache::Target* ds, bool preserve_rt_color, bool preserve_depth)
if (m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xFFFF || !m_vt.m_eq.z)
return false;
bool skip = true;
if (rt)
if (!preserve_rt_color && !IsReallyDithered() && m_r.rintersect(rt->m_valid).eq(rt->m_valid))
const u32 c = GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearColor();
GL_INS("TryTargetClear(): RT at %x <= %08X", rt->m_TEX0.TBP0, c);
g_gs_device->ClearRenderTarget(rt->m_texture, c);
rt->m_alpha_max = c >> 24;
rt->m_alpha_min = c >> 24;
if (!rt->m_32_bits_fmt)
rt->m_alpha_max &= 128;
rt->m_alpha_min &= 128;
skip = false;
if (ds)
if (ds && !preserve_depth && m_r.rintersect(ds->m_valid).eq(ds->m_valid))
const u32 max_z = 0xFFFFFFFF >> (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM].fmt * 8);
const u32 z = std::min(max_z, m_vertex.buff[1].XYZ.Z);
const float d = static_cast<float>(z) * (g_gs_device->Features().clip_control ? 0x1p-32f : 0x1p-24f);
GL_INS("TryTargetClear(): DS at %x <= %f", ds->m_TEX0.TBP0, d);
g_gs_device->ClearDepth(ds->m_texture, d);
ds->m_alpha_max = z >> 24;
ds->m_alpha_min = z >> 24;
if (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[ds->m_TEX0.PSM].bpp == 16)
ds->m_alpha_max &= 128;
ds->m_alpha_min &= 128;
skip = false;
return skip;
bool GSRendererHW::TryGSMemClear(bool no_rt, bool preserve_rt, bool invalidate_rt, u32 rt_end_bp,
bool no_ds, bool preserve_z, bool invalidate_z, u32 ds_end_bp)
if (!PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps())
return false;
// Limit the hack to a single full buffer clear. Some games might use severals column to clear a screen
// but hopefully it will be enough.
if (m_r.width() < ((static_cast<int>(m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW) - 1) * 64))
return false;
if (!no_rt && !preserve_rt)
ClearGSLocalMemory(m_context->offset.fb, m_r, GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearColor());
if (invalidate_rt)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(m_context->offset.fb, m_r, false);
m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM, m_r),
rt_end_bp, m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM);
GSUploadQueue clear_queue;
clear_queue.draw = s_n;
clear_queue.rect = m_r;
clear_queue.blit.DBP = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block();
clear_queue.blit.DBW = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
clear_queue.blit.DPSM = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM;
clear_queue.zero_clear = true;
if (!no_ds && !preserve_z)
ClearGSLocalMemory(m_context->offset.zb, m_r, m_vertex.buff[1].XYZ.Z);
if (invalidate_z)
g_texture_cache->InvalidateVideoMem(m_context->offset.zb, m_r, false);
m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.Block(), m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM, m_r),
ds_end_bp, m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM);
return ((invalidate_rt || no_rt) && (invalidate_z || no_ds));
void GSRendererHW::ClearGSLocalMemory(const GSOffset& off, const GSVector4i& r, u32 vert_color)
GL_INS("ClearGSLocalMemory(): %08X %d,%d => %d,%d @ BP %x BW %u %s", vert_color, r.x, r.y, r.z, r.w, off.bp(),
off.bw(), psm_str(off.psm()));
const u32 psm = (off.psm() == PSMCT32 && m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK == 0xFF000000u) ? PSMCT24 : off.psm();
const int format = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[psm].fmt;
const int left = r.left;
const int right = r.right;
const int bottom = r.bottom;
int top = r.top;
// Process the page aligned region first, then fall back to anything which is not.
// Since pages are linear in memory, we can do it basically with a vector memset.
// If the draw area is greater than the FBW.. I don't want to deal with that here..
const u32 fbw = m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBW;
const u32 pages_wide = r.z / 64u;
const GSVector2i& pgs = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[psm].pgs;
if (left == 0 && top == 0 && (right & (pgs.x - 1)) == 0 && pages_wide <= fbw)
const u32 pixels_per_page = pgs.x * pgs.y;
const int page_aligned_bottom = (bottom & ~(pgs.y - 1));
if (format == 0)
const GSVector4i vcolor = GSVector4i(vert_color);
const u32 iterations_per_page = (pages_wide * pixels_per_page) / 4;
pxAssert((off.bp() & (BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1)) == 0);
for (u32 current_page = off.bp() >> 5; top < page_aligned_bottom; top += pgs.y, current_page += fbw)
GSVector4i* ptr = reinterpret_cast<GSVector4i*>(m_mem.vm8() + current_page * PAGE_SIZE);
GSVector4i* const ptr_end = ptr + iterations_per_page;
while (ptr != ptr_end)
*(ptr++) = vcolor;
else if (format == 1)
const GSVector4i mask = GSVector4i::xff000000();
const GSVector4i vcolor = GSVector4i(vert_color & 0x00ffffffu);
const u32 iterations_per_page = (pages_wide * pixels_per_page) / 4;
pxAssert((off.bp() & (BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1)) == 0);
for (u32 current_page = off.bp() >> 5; top < page_aligned_bottom; top += pgs.y, current_page += fbw)
GSVector4i* ptr = reinterpret_cast<GSVector4i*>(m_mem.vm8() + current_page * PAGE_SIZE);
GSVector4i* const ptr_end = ptr + iterations_per_page;
while (ptr != ptr_end)
*ptr = (*ptr & mask) | vcolor;
else if (format == 2)
const u16 converted_color = ((vert_color >> 16) & 0x8000) | ((vert_color >> 9) & 0x7C00) |
((vert_color >> 6) & 0x7E0) | ((vert_color >> 3) & 0x1F);
const GSVector4i vcolor = GSVector4i::broadcast16(converted_color);
const u32 iterations_per_page = (pages_wide * pixels_per_page) / 8;
pxAssert((off.bp() & (BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1)) == 0);
for (u32 current_page = off.bp() >> 5; top < page_aligned_bottom; top += pgs.y, current_page += fbw)
GSVector4i* ptr = reinterpret_cast<GSVector4i*>(m_mem.vm8() + current_page * PAGE_SIZE);
GSVector4i* const ptr_end = ptr + iterations_per_page;
while (ptr != ptr_end)
*(ptr++) = vcolor;
if (format == 0)
// Based on WritePixel32
u32* vm = m_mem.vm32();
for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++)
GSOffset::PAHelper pa = off.assertSizesMatch(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32).paMulti(0, y);
for (int x = left; x < right; x++)
vm[pa.value(x)] = vert_color;
else if (format == 1)
// Based on WritePixel24
u32* vm = m_mem.vm32();
const u32 write_color = vert_color & 0xffffffu;
for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++)
GSOffset::PAHelper pa = off.assertSizesMatch(GSLocalMemory::swizzle32).paMulti(0, y);
for (int x = left; x < right; x++)
vm[pa.value(x)] = (vm[pa.value(x)] & 0xff000000u) | write_color;
else if (format == 2)
const u16 converted_color = ((vert_color >> 16) & 0x8000) | ((vert_color >> 9) & 0x7C00) | ((vert_color >> 6) & 0x7E0) | ((vert_color >> 3) & 0x1F);
// Based on WritePixel16
u16* vm = m_mem.vm16();
for (int y = top; y < bottom; y++)
GSOffset::PAHelper pa = off.assertSizesMatch(GSLocalMemory::swizzle16).paMulti(0, y);
for (int x = left; x < right; x++)
vm[pa.value(x)] = converted_color;
bool GSRendererHW::OI_BlitFMV(GSTextureCache::Target* _rt, GSTextureCache::Source* tex, const GSVector4i& r_draw)
if (r_draw.w > 1024 && (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS) && (m_vertex.next == 2) && PRIM->TME && !PRIM->ABE && tex && !tex->m_target && m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW > 0)
// The draw is done past the RT at the location of the texture. To avoid various upscaling mess
// We will blit the data from the top to the bottom of the texture manually.
// Expected memory representation
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// RT (2 half frame)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Top of Texture (full height frame)
// Bottom of Texture (half height frame, will be the copy of Top texture after the draw)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
const int tw = static_cast<int>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TW);
const int th = static_cast<int>(1 << m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TH);
// Compute the Bottom of texture rectangle
ASSERT(m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 > m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block());
const int offset = (m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBP0 - m_cached_ctx.FRAME.Block()) / m_cached_ctx.TEX0.TBW;
GSVector4i r_texture(r_draw);
r_texture.y -= offset;
r_texture.w -= offset;
if (GSTexture* rt = g_gs_device->CreateRenderTarget(tw, th, GSTexture::Format::Color))
// sRect is the top of texture
const GSVector4 sRect(m_vt.m_min.t.x / tw, m_vt.m_min.t.y / th, m_vt.m_max.t.x / tw, m_vt.m_max.t.y / th);
const GSVector4 dRect(r_texture);
const GSVector4i r_full(0, 0, tw, th);
g_gs_device->CopyRect(tex->m_texture, rt, r_full, 0, 0);
g_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::TextureCopies, 1);
g_gs_device->StretchRect(tex->m_texture, sRect, rt, dRect);
g_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::TextureCopies, 1);
g_gs_device->CopyRect(rt, tex->m_texture, r_full, 0, 0);
g_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::TextureCopies, 1);
// Copy back the texture into the GS mem. I don't know why but it will be
// reuploaded again later
g_texture_cache->Read(tex, r_texture.rintersect(tex->m_texture->GetRect()));
return false; // skip current draw
// Nothing to see keep going
return true;
bool GSRendererHW::AreAnyPixelsDiscarded() const
return ((m_draw_env->SCANMSK.MSK & 2) || // skipping rows
m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE || // testing alpha (might discard some pixels)
m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE); // reading alpha
bool GSRendererHW::IsDiscardingDstColor()
return ((!PRIM->ABE || IsOpaque() || m_context->ALPHA.IsBlack()) && // no blending or writing black
!AreAnyPixelsDiscarded() && (m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk) == 0); // no channels masked
bool GSRendererHW::IsDiscardingDstRGB()
return ((!PRIM->ABE || IsOpaque() || m_context->ALPHA.IsBlack()) && // no blending or writing black
((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk) & 0xFFFFFFu) == 0); // RGB isn't masked
bool GSRendererHW::IsDiscardingDstAlpha() const
return ((!PRIM->ABE || m_context->ALPHA.C != 1) && // not using Ad
((m_cached_ctx.FRAME.FBMSK & GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmsk) & 0xFF000000u) == 0); // alpha isn't masked
bool GSRendererHW::PrimitiveCoversWithoutGaps()
if (m_primitive_covers_without_gaps.has_value())
return m_primitive_covers_without_gaps.value();
// Draw shouldn't be offset.
if (((m_r.eq32(GSVector4i::zero())).mask() & 0xff) != 0xff)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = false;
return false;
if (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_POINT_CLASS)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = (m_vertex.next < 2);
return m_primitive_covers_without_gaps.value();
else if (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = (m_index.tail == 6 && TrianglesAreQuads());
return m_primitive_covers_without_gaps.value();
else if (m_vt.m_primclass != GS_SPRITE_CLASS)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = false;
return false;
// Simple case: one sprite.
if (m_index.tail == 2)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = true;
return true;
// Check that the height matches. Xenosaga 3 draws a letterbox around
// the FMV with a sprite at the top and bottom of the framebuffer.
const GSVertex* v = &m_vertex.buff[0];
const u32 first_dpY = v[1].XYZ.Y - v[0].XYZ.Y;
const u32 first_dpX = v[1].XYZ.X - v[0].XYZ.X;
// Horizontal Match.
if ((first_dpX >> 4) == m_r.z)
// Borrowed from MergeSprite() modified to calculate heights.
u32 last_pY = v[1].XYZ.Y;
for (u32 i = 2; i < m_vertex.next; i += 2)
const u32 dpY = v[i + 1].XYZ.Y - v[i].XYZ.Y;
if (dpY != first_dpY || v[i].XYZ.Y != last_pY)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = false;
return false;
last_pY = v[i + 1].XYZ.Y;
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = true;
return true;
// Vertical Match.
if ((first_dpY >> 4) == m_r.w)
// Borrowed from MergeSprite().
u32 last_pX = v[1].XYZ.X;
for (u32 i = 2; i < m_vertex.next; i += 2)
if (v[i].XYZ.X < v[i-2].XYZ.X)
const u32 dpX = v[i + 1].XYZ.X - v[i].XYZ.X;
const u32 prev_X = v[i - 2].XYZ.X - m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX;
if (dpX != prev_X || v[i].XYZ.X != m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = false;
return false;
const u32 dpX = v[i + 1].XYZ.X - v[i].XYZ.X;
if (dpX != first_dpX || v[i].XYZ.X != last_pX)
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = false;
return false;
last_pX = v[i + 1].XYZ.X;
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = true;
return true;
m_primitive_covers_without_gaps = false;
return false;
bool GSRendererHW::IsConstantDirectWriteMemClear()
const bool direct_draw = (m_vt.m_primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS) || (m_index.tail == 6 && m_vt.m_primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS);
// Constant Direct Write without texture/test/blending (aka a GS mem clear)
if (direct_draw && !PRIM->TME // Direct write
&& !(m_draw_env->SCANMSK.MSK & 2)
&& !m_cached_ctx.TEST.ATE // no alpha test
&& !m_cached_ctx.TEST.DATE // no destination alpha test
&& (!m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTE || m_cached_ctx.TEST.ZTST == ZTST_ALWAYS) // no depth test
&& (m_vt.m_eq.rgba == 0xFFFF || m_vertex.next == 2) // constant color write
&& m_r.x == 0 && m_r.y == 0) // Likely full buffer write
return true;
return false;
u32 GSRendererHW::GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearColor() const
// Take the vertex colour, but check if the blending would make it black.
u32 vert_color = m_vertex.buff[1].RGBAQ.U32[0];
if (PRIM->ABE && m_context->ALPHA.IsBlack())
vert_color &= 0xFF000000u;
// 24-bit format? Otherwise, FBA sets the high bit in alpha.
const u32 cfmt = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmt;
if (cfmt == 1)
vert_color &= 0xFFFFFFu;
vert_color |= m_context->FBA.FBA << 31;
// Apply mask for 16-bit formats.
if (cfmt == 2)
vert_color &= 0x80F8F8F8u;
return vert_color;
u32 GSRendererHW::GetConstantDirectWriteMemClearDepth() const
const u32 max_z = (0xFFFFFFFF >> (GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.ZBUF.PSM].fmt * 8));
return std::min(m_vertex.buff[1].XYZ.Z, max_z);
bool GSRendererHW::IsReallyDithered() const
// Must have dither on, not disabled in config, and using 16-bit.
const GSDrawingEnvironment* env = m_draw_env;
if (!env->DTHE.DTHE || GSConfig.Dithering == 0 || GSLocalMemory::m_psm[m_cached_ctx.FRAME.PSM].fmt != 2)
return false;
// Dithering is still on, but if the matrix is all-zero, it has no effect.
if ((env->DIMX.U64 & UINT64_C(0x7777777777777777)) == 0)
return false;
return true;
void GSRendererHW::ReplaceVerticesWithSprite(const GSVector4i& unscaled_rect, const GSVector4i& unscaled_uv_rect,
const GSVector2i& unscaled_size, const GSVector4i& scissor)
const GSVector4i fpr = unscaled_rect.sll32(4);
const GSVector4i fpuv = unscaled_uv_rect.sll32(4);
GSVertex* v = m_vertex.buff;
v[0].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX + fpr.x);
v[0].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY + fpr.y);
v[0].XYZ.Z = v[1].XYZ.Z;
v[0].RGBAQ = v[1].RGBAQ;
v[0].FOG = v[1].FOG;
v[1].XYZ.X = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFX + fpr.z);
v[1].XYZ.Y = static_cast<u16>(m_context->XYOFFSET.OFY + fpr.w);
if (PRIM->FST)
v[0].U = fpuv.x;
v[0].V = fpuv.y;
v[1].U = fpuv.z;
v[1].V = fpuv.w;
const GSVector4 st = GSVector4(unscaled_uv_rect) / GSVector4(GSVector4i(unscaled_size).xyxy());
GSVector4::storel(&v[0].ST.S, st);
GSVector4::storeh(&v[1].ST.S, st);
// Fix up vertex trace.
m_vt.m_min.p.x = unscaled_rect.x;
m_vt.m_min.p.y = unscaled_rect.y;
m_vt.m_min.p.z = v[0].XYZ.Z;
m_vt.m_max.p.x = unscaled_rect.z;
m_vt.m_max.p.y = unscaled_rect.w;
m_vt.m_max.p.z = v[0].XYZ.Z;
m_vt.m_min.t.x = unscaled_uv_rect.x;
m_vt.m_min.t.y = unscaled_uv_rect.y;
m_vt.m_max.t.x = unscaled_uv_rect.z;
m_vt.m_max.t.y = unscaled_uv_rect.w;
m_vt.m_min.c = GSVector4i(v[0].RGBAQ.U32[0]).u8to32();
m_vt.m_max.c = m_vt.m_min.c;
m_vt.m_eq.rgba = 0xFFFF;
m_vt.m_eq.z = true;
m_vt.m_eq.f = true;
m_vertex.head = m_vertex.tail = m_vertex.next = 2;
m_index.tail = 2;
m_r = unscaled_rect;
m_context->scissor.in = scissor;
void GSRendererHW::ReplaceVerticesWithSprite(const GSVector4i& unscaled_rect, const GSVector2i& unscaled_size)
ReplaceVerticesWithSprite(unscaled_rect, unscaled_rect, unscaled_size, unscaled_rect);
GSHWDrawConfig& GSRendererHW::BeginHLEHardwareDraw(
GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, float rt_scale, GSTexture* tex, float tex_scale, const GSVector4i& unscaled_rect)
// Bit gross, but really no other way to ensure there's nothing of the last draw left over.
GSHWDrawConfig& config = m_conf;
std::memset(&config.cb_vs, 0, sizeof(config.cb_vs));
std::memset(&config.cb_ps, 0, sizeof(config.cb_ps));
// Reused between draws, since the draw config is shared, you can't have multiple draws in flight anyway.
static GSVertex vertices[4];
static constexpr u16 indices[6] = {0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3};
#define V(i, x, y, u, v) \
do \
{ \
vertices[i].XYZ.X = x; \
vertices[i].XYZ.Y = y; \
vertices[i].U = u; \
vertices[i].V = v; \
} while (0)
const GSVector4i fp_rect = unscaled_rect.sll32(4);
V(0, fp_rect.x, fp_rect.y, fp_rect.x, fp_rect.y); // top-left
V(1, fp_rect.z, fp_rect.y, fp_rect.z, fp_rect.y); // top-right
V(2, fp_rect.x, fp_rect.w, fp_rect.x, fp_rect.w); // bottom-left
V(3, fp_rect.z, fp_rect.w, fp_rect.z, fp_rect.w); // bottom-right
#undef V
GSTexture* rt_or_ds = rt ? rt : ds;
config.rt = rt;
config.ds = ds;
config.tex = tex;
config.pal = nullptr;
config.indices = indices;
config.verts = vertices;
config.nverts = static_cast<u32>(std::size(vertices));
config.nindices = static_cast<u32>(std::size(indices));
config.indices_per_prim = 3;
config.drawlist = nullptr;
config.scissor = rt_or_ds->GetRect().rintersect(GSVector4i(GSVector4(rt->GetRect()) * tex_scale));
config.drawarea = config.scissor;
config.topology = GSHWDrawConfig::Topology::Triangle;
config.blend = GSHWDrawConfig::BlendState();
config.depth = GSHWDrawConfig::DepthStencilSelector::NoDepth();
config.colormask = GSHWDrawConfig::ColorMaskSelector();
config.colormask.wrgba = 0xf;
config.require_one_barrier = false;
config.require_full_barrier = false;
config.destination_alpha = GSHWDrawConfig::DestinationAlphaMode::Off;
config.datm = false;
config.line_expand = false;
config.separate_alpha_pass = false;
config.second_separate_alpha_pass = false;
config.alpha_second_pass.enable = false;
config.vs.key = 0;
config.vs.tme = tex != nullptr;
config.vs.iip = true;
config.vs.fst = true;
config.ps.key_lo = 0;
config.ps.key_hi = 0;
config.ps.tfx = tex ? TFX_DECAL : TFX_NONE;
config.ps.iip = true;
config.ps.fst = true;
if (tex)
const GSVector2i texsize = tex->GetSize();
config.cb_ps.WH = GSVector4(static_cast<float>(texsize.x) / tex_scale,
static_cast<float>(texsize.y) / tex_scale, static_cast<float>(texsize.x), static_cast<float>(texsize.y));
config.cb_ps.STScale = GSVector2(1.0f);
config.cb_vs.texture_scale = GSVector2((1.0f / 16.0f) / config.cb_ps.WH.x, (1.0f / 16.0f) / config.cb_ps.WH.y);
const GSVector2i rtsize = rt_or_ds->GetSize();
config.cb_vs.vertex_scale = GSVector2(2.0f * rt_scale / (rtsize.x << 4), 2.0f * rt_scale / (rtsize.y << 4));
config.cb_vs.vertex_offset = GSVector2(-1.0f / rtsize.x + 1.0f, -1.0f / rtsize.y + 1.0f);
return config;
void GSRendererHW::EndHLEHardwareDraw(bool force_copy_on_hazard /* = false */)
GSHWDrawConfig& config = m_conf;
GL_PUSH("HLE hardware draw in %d,%d => %d,%d", config.drawarea.left, config.drawarea.top, config.drawarea.right,
GSTexture* copy = nullptr;
if (config.tex && (config.tex == config.rt || config.tex == config.ds))
const GSDevice::FeatureSupport features = g_gs_device->Features();
if (!force_copy_on_hazard && config.tex == config.rt && features.texture_barrier)
// Sample RT 1:1.
config.require_one_barrier = !features.framebuffer_fetch;
config.ps.tex_is_fb = true;
else if (!force_copy_on_hazard && config.tex == config.ds && !config.depth.zwe &&
// Safe to read depth buffer.
// Have to copy texture. Assume the whole thing is read, in all the cases this is used, it is.
GSTexture* src = (config.tex == config.rt) ? config.rt : config.ds;
copy = g_gs_device->CreateTexture(src->GetWidth(), src->GetHeight(), 1, src->GetFormat(), true);
if (!copy)
Console.Error("Texture allocation failure in EndHLEHardwareDraw()");
// DX11 can't partial copy depth textures.
const GSVector4i copy_rect = (src->IsDepthStencil() && !features.test_and_sample_depth) ?
src->GetRect() :
g_gs_device->CopyRect(src, copy, copy_rect - copy_rect.xyxy(), copy_rect.x, copy_rect.y);
config.tex = copy;
// Drop color1 if dual-source is not being used.
config.ps.no_color = !config.rt;
config.ps.no_color1 = !config.rt || !config.blend.enable ||
(!GSDevice::IsDualSourceBlendFactor(config.blend.src_factor) &&
if (copy)