
386 lines
12 KiB

// Name: wx/x11/textctrl.h
// Purpose:
// Author: Robert Roebling
// Created: 01/02/97
// Copyright: (c) 1998 Robert Roebling
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef __X11TEXTCTRLH__
#define __X11TEXTCTRLH__
// Set to 1 to use wxUniv's implementation, 0
// to use wxX11's.
#include "wx/univ/textctrl.h"
#include "wx/scrolwin.h"
#include "wx/arrstr.h"
// classes
// helpers
enum wxSourceUndo
class wxSourceUndoStep: public wxObject
wxSourceUndoStep( wxSourceUndo type, int y1, int y2, wxTextCtrl *owner );
void Undo();
wxSourceUndo m_type;
int m_y1;
int m_y2;
int m_cursorX;
int m_cursorY;
wxTextCtrl *m_owner;
wxString m_text;
wxArrayString m_lines;
class wxSourceLine
wxSourceLine( const wxString &text = wxEmptyString )
m_text = text;
wxString m_text;
WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY(wxSourceLine, wxSourceLineArray);
enum wxSourceLanguage
// wxTextCtrl
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTextCtrl: public wxTextCtrlBase, public wxScrollHelper
wxTextCtrl() { Init(); }
wxTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString &value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString &name = wxTextCtrlNameStr);
virtual ~wxTextCtrl();
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString &value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString &name = wxTextCtrlNameStr);
// required for scrolling with wxScrollHelper
// ------------------------------------------
virtual void PrepareDC(wxDC& dc) { DoPrepareDC(dc); }
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual void ChangeValue(const wxString &value);
virtual int GetLineLength(long lineNo) const;
virtual wxString GetLineText(long lineNo) const;
virtual int GetNumberOfLines() const;
virtual bool IsModified() const;
virtual bool IsEditable() const;
// more readable flag testing methods
// ----------------------------------
bool IsPassword() const { return (GetWindowStyle() & wxTE_PASSWORD) != 0; }
bool WrapLines() const { return false; }
// If the return values from and to are the same, there is no selection.
virtual void GetSelection(long* from, long* to) const;
// operations
// ----------
// editing
virtual void Clear();
virtual void Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value);
virtual void Remove(long from, long to);
// clears the dirty flag
virtual void DiscardEdits();
virtual void SetMaxLength(unsigned long len);
// writing text inserts it at the current position, appending always
// inserts it at the end
virtual void WriteText(const wxString& text);
virtual void AppendText(const wxString& text);
// apply text attribute to the range of text (only works with richedit
// controls)
virtual bool SetStyle(long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style);
// translate between the position (which is just an index in the text ctrl
// considering all its contents as a single strings) and (x, y) coordinates
// which represent column and line.
virtual long XYToPosition(long x, long y) const;
virtual bool PositionToXY(long pos, long *x, long *y) const;
virtual void ShowPosition(long pos);
// Clipboard operations
virtual void Copy();
virtual void Cut();
virtual void Paste();
// Undo/redo
virtual void Undo();
virtual void Redo() {}
virtual bool CanUndo() const { return (m_undos.GetCount() > 0); }
virtual bool CanRedo() const { return false; }
// Insertion point
virtual void SetInsertionPoint(long pos);
virtual void SetInsertionPointEnd();
virtual long GetInsertionPoint() const;
virtual wxTextPos GetLastPosition() const;
virtual void SetSelection(long from, long to);
virtual void SetEditable(bool editable);
virtual bool Enable( bool enable = true );
void OnCut(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnCopy(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnPaste(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnUndo(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnRedo(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnUpdateCut(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
void OnUpdateCopy(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
void OnUpdatePaste(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
void OnUpdateUndo(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
void OnUpdateRedo(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
bool SetFont(const wxFont& font);
bool SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour);
bool SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour);
void SetModified() { m_modified = true; }
// textctrl specific scrolling
virtual bool ScrollLines(int lines);
virtual bool ScrollPages(int pages);
// not part of the wxTextCtrl API from now on..
void SetLanguage( wxSourceLanguage lang = wxSOURCE_LANG_NONE );
void Delete();
void DeleteLine();
void Indent();
void Unindent();
bool HasSelection();
void ClearSelection();
int GetCursorX() { return m_cursorX; }
int GetCursorY() { return m_cursorY; }
bool IsModified() { return m_modified; }
bool OverwriteMode() { return m_overwrite; }
// implementation from now on...
int PosToPixel( int line, int pos );
int PixelToPos( int line, int pixel );
void SearchForBrackets();
void DoChar( char c );
void DoBack();
void DoDelete();
void DoReturn();
void DoDClick();
wxString GetNextToken( wxString &line, size_t &pos );
void DrawLinePart( wxDC &dc, int x, int y, const wxString &toDraw, const wxString &origin, const wxColour &colour);
void DrawLine( wxDC &dc, int x, int y, const wxString &line, int lineNum );
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
void OnEraseBackground( wxEraseEvent &event );
void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event );
void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event );
void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent& event );
void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event );
void OnInternalIdle();
void RefreshLine( int n );
void RefreshDown( int n );
void MoveCursor( int new_x, int new_y, bool shift = false, bool centre = false );
void MyAdjustScrollbars();
// common part of all ctors
void Init();
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
virtual void DoSetValue(const wxString& value, int flags = 0);
friend class wxSourceUndoStep;
wxSourceLineArray m_lines;
wxFont m_sourceFont;
wxColour m_sourceColour;
wxColour m_commentColour;
wxColour m_stringColour;
int m_cursorX;
int m_cursorY;
int m_selStartX,m_selStartY;
int m_selEndX,m_selEndY;
int m_lineHeight;
int m_charWidth;
int m_longestLine;
bool m_overwrite;
bool m_modified;
bool m_editable;
bool m_ignoreInput;
wxArrayString m_keywords;
wxColour m_keywordColour;
wxArrayString m_defines;
wxColour m_defineColour;
wxArrayString m_variables;
wxColour m_variableColour;
wxSourceLanguage m_lang;
wxList m_undos;
bool m_capturing;
int m_bracketX;
int m_bracketY;
// this is superfluous here but helps to compile
// cursor movement and also selection and delete operations
#define wxACTION_TEXT_GOTO wxT("goto") // to pos in numArg
#define wxACTION_TEXT_FIRST wxT("first") // go to pos 0
#define wxACTION_TEXT_LAST wxT("last") // go to last pos
#define wxACTION_TEXT_HOME wxT("home")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_END wxT("end")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_LEFT wxT("left")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_RIGHT wxT("right")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_UP wxT("up")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_DOWN wxT("down")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_WORD_LEFT wxT("wordleft")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_WORD_RIGHT wxT("wordright")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PAGE_UP wxT("pageup")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PAGE_DOWN wxT("pagedown")
// clipboard operations
#define wxACTION_TEXT_COPY wxT("copy")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_CUT wxT("cut")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PASTE wxT("paste")
// insert text at the cursor position: the text is in strArg of PerformAction
#define wxACTION_TEXT_INSERT wxT("insert")
// if the action starts with either of these prefixes and the rest of the
// string is one of the movement commands, it means to select/delete text from
// the current cursor position to the new one
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PREFIX_SEL wxT("sel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PREFIX_DEL wxT("del")
// mouse selection
#define wxACTION_TEXT_ANCHOR_SEL wxT("anchorsel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_EXTEND_SEL wxT("extendsel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_SEL_WORD wxT("wordsel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_SEL_LINE wxT("linesel")
// undo or redo
#define wxACTION_TEXT_UNDO wxT("undo")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_REDO wxT("redo")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTextCtrl types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxStdTextCtrlInputHandler : public wxStdInputHandler
wxStdTextCtrlInputHandler(wxInputHandler *inphand) : wxStdInputHandler(inphand) {}
virtual bool HandleKey(wxInputConsumer *consumer,
const wxKeyEvent& event,
bool pressed) { return false; }
virtual bool HandleMouse(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event) { return false; }
virtual bool HandleMouseMove(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxMouseEvent& event) { return false; }
virtual bool HandleFocus(wxInputConsumer *consumer, const wxFocusEvent& event) { return false; }
// get the position of the mouse click
static wxTextPos HitTest(const wxTextCtrl *text, const wxPoint& pos) { return 0; }
// capture data
wxTextCtrl *m_winCapture;
#endif // __X11TEXTCTRLH__