
710 lines
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// Name: wx/html/htmlcell.h
// Purpose: wxHtmlCell class is used by wxHtmlWindow/wxHtmlWinParser
// as a basic visual element of HTML page
// Author: Vaclav Slavik
// Copyright: (c) 1999-2003 Vaclav Slavik
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_HTMLCELL_H_
#define _WX_HTMLCELL_H_
#include "wx/defs.h"
#if wxUSE_HTML
#include "wx/html/htmltag.h"
#include "wx/html/htmldefs.h"
#include "wx/window.h"
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_HTML wxHtmlWindowInterface;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_HTML wxHtmlLinkInfo;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_HTML wxHtmlContainerCell;
// wxHtmlSelection is data holder with information about text selection.
// Selection is defined by two positions (beginning and end of the selection)
// and two leaf(!) cells at these positions.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlSelection
: m_fromPos(wxDefaultPosition), m_toPos(wxDefaultPosition),
m_fromCharacterPos(-1), m_toCharacterPos(-1),
m_fromCell(NULL), m_toCell(NULL) {}
// this version is used for the user selection defined with the mouse
void Set(const wxPoint& fromPos, const wxHtmlCell *fromCell,
const wxPoint& toPos, const wxHtmlCell *toCell);
void Set(const wxHtmlCell *fromCell, const wxHtmlCell *toCell);
const wxHtmlCell *GetFromCell() const { return m_fromCell; }
const wxHtmlCell *GetToCell() const { return m_toCell; }
// these values are in absolute coordinates:
const wxPoint& GetFromPos() const { return m_fromPos; }
const wxPoint& GetToPos() const { return m_toPos; }
// these are From/ToCell's private data
void ClearFromToCharacterPos() { m_toCharacterPos = m_fromCharacterPos = -1; }
bool AreFromToCharacterPosSet() const { return m_toCharacterPos != -1 && m_fromCharacterPos != -1; }
void SetFromCharacterPos (wxCoord pos) { m_fromCharacterPos = pos; }
void SetToCharacterPos (wxCoord pos) { m_toCharacterPos = pos; }
wxCoord GetFromCharacterPos () const { return m_fromCharacterPos; }
wxCoord GetToCharacterPos () const { return m_toCharacterPos; }
bool IsEmpty() const
{ return m_fromPos == wxDefaultPosition &&
m_toPos == wxDefaultPosition; }
wxPoint m_fromPos, m_toPos;
wxCoord m_fromCharacterPos, m_toCharacterPos;
const wxHtmlCell *m_fromCell, *m_toCell;
enum wxHtmlSelectionState
wxHTML_SEL_OUT, // currently rendered cell is outside the selection
wxHTML_SEL_IN, // ... is inside selection
wxHTML_SEL_CHANGING // ... is the cell on which selection state changes
// Selection state is passed to wxHtmlCell::Draw so that it can render itself
// differently e.g. when inside text selection or outside it.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlRenderingState
wxHtmlRenderingState() : m_selState(wxHTML_SEL_OUT) {}
void SetSelectionState(wxHtmlSelectionState s) { m_selState = s; }
wxHtmlSelectionState GetSelectionState() const { return m_selState; }
void SetFgColour(const wxColour& c) { m_fgColour = c; }
const wxColour& GetFgColour() const { return m_fgColour; }
void SetBgColour(const wxColour& c) { m_bgColour = c; }
const wxColour& GetBgColour() const { return m_bgColour; }
void SetBgMode(int m) { m_bgMode = m; }
int GetBgMode() const { return m_bgMode; }
wxHtmlSelectionState m_selState;
wxColour m_fgColour, m_bgColour;
int m_bgMode;
// HTML rendering customization. This class is used when rendering wxHtmlCells
// as a callback:
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlRenderingStyle
virtual ~wxHtmlRenderingStyle() {}
virtual wxColour GetSelectedTextColour(const wxColour& clr) = 0;
virtual wxColour GetSelectedTextBgColour(const wxColour& clr) = 0;
// Standard style:
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxDefaultHtmlRenderingStyle : public wxHtmlRenderingStyle
virtual wxColour GetSelectedTextColour(const wxColour& clr);
virtual wxColour GetSelectedTextBgColour(const wxColour& clr);
// Information given to cells when drawing them. Contains rendering state,
// selection information and rendering style object that can be used to
// customize the output.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlRenderingInfo
wxHtmlRenderingInfo() : m_selection(NULL), m_style(NULL) {}
void SetSelection(wxHtmlSelection *s) { m_selection = s; }
wxHtmlSelection *GetSelection() const { return m_selection; }
void SetStyle(wxHtmlRenderingStyle *style) { m_style = style; }
wxHtmlRenderingStyle& GetStyle() { return *m_style; }
wxHtmlRenderingState& GetState() { return m_state; }
wxHtmlSelection *m_selection;
wxHtmlRenderingStyle *m_style;
wxHtmlRenderingState m_state;
// Flags for wxHtmlCell::FindCellByPos
// Superscript/subscript/normal script mode of a cell
enum wxHtmlScriptMode
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxHtmlCell
// Internal data structure. It represents fragments of parsed
// HTML page - a word, picture, table, horizontal line and so
// on. It is used by wxHtmlWindow to represent HTML page in
// memory.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlCell : public wxObject
virtual ~wxHtmlCell();
void SetParent(wxHtmlContainerCell *p) {m_Parent = p;}
wxHtmlContainerCell *GetParent() const {return m_Parent;}
int GetPosX() const {return m_PosX;}
int GetPosY() const {return m_PosY;}
int GetWidth() const {return m_Width;}
// Returns the maximum possible length of the cell.
// Call Layout at least once before using GetMaxTotalWidth()
virtual int GetMaxTotalWidth() const { return m_Width; }
int GetHeight() const {return m_Height;}
int GetDescent() const {return m_Descent;}
void SetScriptMode(wxHtmlScriptMode mode, long previousBase);
wxHtmlScriptMode GetScriptMode() const { return m_ScriptMode; }
long GetScriptBaseline() { return m_ScriptBaseline; }
// Formatting cells are not visible on the screen, they only alter
// renderer's state.
bool IsFormattingCell() const { return m_Width == 0 && m_Height == 0; }
const wxString& GetId() const { return m_id; }
void SetId(const wxString& id) { m_id = id; }
// returns the link associated with this cell. The position is position
// within the cell so it varies from 0 to m_Width, from 0 to m_Height
virtual wxHtmlLinkInfo* GetLink(int WXUNUSED(x) = 0,
int WXUNUSED(y) = 0) const
{ return m_Link; }
// Returns cursor to be used when mouse is over the cell, can be
// overridden by the derived classes to use a different cursor whenever the
// mouse is over this cell.
virtual wxCursor GetMouseCursor(wxHtmlWindowInterface *window) const;
// Returns cursor to be used when mouse is over the given point, can be
// overridden if the cursor should change depending on where exactly inside
// the cell the mouse is.
virtual wxCursor GetMouseCursorAt(wxHtmlWindowInterface *window,
const wxPoint& relPos) const;
// this was replaced by GetMouseCursor, don't use in new code!
virtual wxCursor GetCursor() const;
// return next cell among parent's cells
wxHtmlCell *GetNext() const {return m_Next;}
// returns first child cell (if there are any, i.e. if this is container):
virtual wxHtmlCell* GetFirstChild() const { return NULL; }
// members writing methods
virtual void SetPos(int x, int y) {m_PosX = x, m_PosY = y;}
void SetLink(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& link);
void SetNext(wxHtmlCell *cell) {m_Next = cell;}
// 1. adjust cell's width according to the fact that maximal possible width
// is w. (this has sense when working with horizontal lines, tables
// etc.)
// 2. prepare layout (=fill-in m_PosX, m_PosY (and sometime m_Height)
// members) = place items to fit window, according to the width w
virtual void Layout(int w);
// renders the cell
virtual void Draw(wxDC& WXUNUSED(dc),
int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y),
int WXUNUSED(view_y1), int WXUNUSED(view_y2),
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& WXUNUSED(info)) {}
// proceed drawing actions in case the cell is not visible (scrolled out of
// screen). This is needed to change fonts, colors and so on.
virtual void DrawInvisible(wxDC& WXUNUSED(dc),
int WXUNUSED(x), int WXUNUSED(y),
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& WXUNUSED(info)) {}
// This method returns pointer to the FIRST cell for that
// the condition
// is true. It first checks if the condition is true for this
// cell and then calls m_Next->Find(). (Note: it checks
// all subcells if the cell is container)
// Condition is unique condition identifier (see htmldefs.h)
// (user-defined condition IDs should start from 10000)
// and param is optional parameter
// Example : m_Cell->Find(wxHTML_COND_ISANCHOR, "news");
// returns pointer to anchor news
virtual const wxHtmlCell* Find(int condition, const void* param) const;
// This function is called when mouse button is clicked over the cell.
// Returns true if a link is clicked, false otherwise.
// 'window' is pointer to wxHtmlWindowInterface of the window which
// generated the event.
// HINT: if this handling is not enough for you you should use
// wxHtmlWidgetCell
virtual bool ProcessMouseClick(wxHtmlWindowInterface *window,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxMouseEvent& event);
// this was replaced by ProcessMouseClick, don't use in new code!
virtual void OnMouseClick(wxWindow *window,
int x, int y, const wxMouseEvent& event);
// This method used to adjust pagebreak position. The parameter is variable
// that contains y-coordinate of page break (= horizontal line that should
// not be crossed by words, images etc.). If this cell cannot be divided
// into two pieces (each one on another page) then it moves the pagebreak
// few pixels up.
// Returned value : true if pagebreak was modified, false otherwise
// Usage : while (container->AdjustPagebreak(&p)) {}
virtual bool AdjustPagebreak(int *pagebreak,
const wxArrayInt& known_pagebreaks,
int pageHeight) const;
// Sets cell's behaviour on pagebreaks (see AdjustPagebreak). Default
// is true - the cell can be split on two pages
// If there is no way to fit a cell in the current page size, the cell
// is always split, ignoring this setting.
void SetCanLiveOnPagebreak(bool can) { m_CanLiveOnPagebreak = can; }
// Can the line be broken before this cell?
virtual bool IsLinebreakAllowed() const
{ return !IsFormattingCell(); }
// Returns true for simple == terminal cells, i.e. not composite ones.
// This if for internal usage only and may disappear in future versions!
virtual bool IsTerminalCell() const { return true; }
// Find a cell inside this cell positioned at the given coordinates
// (relative to this's positions). Returns NULL if no such cell exists.
// The flag can be used to specify whether to look for terminal or
// nonterminal cells or both. In either case, returned cell is deepest
// cell in cells tree that contains [x,y].
virtual wxHtmlCell *FindCellByPos(wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
unsigned flags = wxHTML_FIND_EXACT) const;
// Returns absolute position of the cell on HTML canvas.
// If rootCell is provided, then it's considered to be the root of the
// hierarchy and the returned value is relative to it.
wxPoint GetAbsPos(wxHtmlCell *rootCell = NULL) const;
// Returns root cell of the hierarchy (i.e. grand-grand-...-parent that
// doesn't have a parent itself)
wxHtmlCell *GetRootCell() const;
// Returns first (last) terminal cell inside this cell. It may return NULL,
// but it is rare -- only if there are no terminals in the tree.
virtual wxHtmlCell *GetFirstTerminal() const
{ return wxConstCast(this, wxHtmlCell); }
virtual wxHtmlCell *GetLastTerminal() const
{ return wxConstCast(this, wxHtmlCell); }
// Returns cell's depth, i.e. how far under the root cell it is
// (if it is the root, depth is 0)
unsigned GetDepth() const;
// Returns true if the cell appears before 'cell' in natural order of
// cells (= as they are read). If cell A is (grand)parent of cell B,
// then both A.IsBefore(B) and B.IsBefore(A) always return true.
bool IsBefore(wxHtmlCell *cell) const;
// Converts the cell into text representation. If sel != NULL then
// only part of the cell inside the selection is converted.
virtual wxString ConvertToText(wxHtmlSelection *WXUNUSED(sel)) const
{ return wxEmptyString; }
// pointer to the next cell
wxHtmlCell *m_Next;
// pointer to parent cell
wxHtmlContainerCell *m_Parent;
// dimensions of fragment (m_Descent is used to position text & images)
int m_Width, m_Height, m_Descent;
// position where the fragment is drawn:
int m_PosX, m_PosY;
// superscript/subscript/normal:
wxHtmlScriptMode m_ScriptMode;
long m_ScriptBaseline;
// destination address if this fragment is hypertext link, NULL otherwise
wxHtmlLinkInfo *m_Link;
// true if this cell can be placed on pagebreak, false otherwise
bool m_CanLiveOnPagebreak;
// unique identifier of the cell, generated from "id" property of tags
wxString m_id;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Inherited cells:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxHtmlWordCell
// Single word in input stream.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlWordCell : public wxHtmlCell
wxHtmlWordCell(const wxString& word, const wxDC& dc);
void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual wxCursor GetMouseCursor(wxHtmlWindowInterface *window) const;
virtual wxString ConvertToText(wxHtmlSelection *sel) const;
bool IsLinebreakAllowed() const { return m_allowLinebreak; }
void SetPreviousWord(wxHtmlWordCell *cell);
virtual wxString GetAllAsText() const
{ return m_Word; }
virtual wxString GetPartAsText(int begin, int end) const
{ return m_Word.Mid(begin, end - begin); }
void SetSelectionPrivPos(const wxDC& dc, wxHtmlSelection *s) const;
void Split(const wxDC& dc,
const wxPoint& selFrom, const wxPoint& selTo,
unsigned& pos1, unsigned& pos2) const;
wxString m_Word;
bool m_allowLinebreak;
// wxHtmlWordCell specialization for storing text fragments with embedded
// '\t's; these differ from normal words in that the displayed text is
// different from the text copied to clipboard
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlWordWithTabsCell : public wxHtmlWordCell
wxHtmlWordWithTabsCell(const wxString& word,
const wxString& wordOrig,
size_t linepos,
const wxDC& dc)
: wxHtmlWordCell(word, dc),
virtual wxString GetAllAsText() const;
virtual wxString GetPartAsText(int begin, int end) const;
wxString m_wordOrig;
size_t m_linepos;
// Container contains other cells, thus forming tree structure of rendering
// elements. Basic code of layout algorithm is contained in this class.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlContainerCell : public wxHtmlCell
wxHtmlContainerCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *parent);
virtual ~wxHtmlContainerCell();
virtual void Layout(int w);
virtual void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual void DrawInvisible(wxDC& dc, int x, int y,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual bool AdjustPagebreak(int *pagebreak,
const wxArrayInt& known_pagebreaks,
int pageHeight) const;
// insert cell at the end of m_Cells list
void InsertCell(wxHtmlCell *cell);
// sets horizontal/vertical alignment
void SetAlignHor(int al) {m_AlignHor = al; m_LastLayout = -1;}
int GetAlignHor() const {return m_AlignHor;}
void SetAlignVer(int al) {m_AlignVer = al; m_LastLayout = -1;}
int GetAlignVer() const {return m_AlignVer;}
// sets left-border indentation. units is one of wxHTML_UNITS_* constants
// what is combination of wxHTML_INDENT_*
void SetIndent(int i, int what, int units = wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS);
// returns the indentation. ind is one of wxHTML_INDENT_* constants
int GetIndent(int ind) const;
// returns type of value returned by GetIndent(ind)
int GetIndentUnits(int ind) const;
// sets alignment info based on given tag's params
void SetAlign(const wxHtmlTag& tag);
// sets floating width adjustment
// (examples : 32 percent of parent container,
// -15 pixels percent (this means 100 % - 15 pixels)
void SetWidthFloat(int w, int units) {m_WidthFloat = w; m_WidthFloatUnits = units; m_LastLayout = -1;}
void SetWidthFloat(const wxHtmlTag& tag, double pixel_scale = 1.0);
// sets minimal height of this container.
void SetMinHeight(int h, int align = wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP) {m_MinHeight = h; m_MinHeightAlign = align; m_LastLayout = -1;}
void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& clr) {m_BkColour = clr;}
// returns background colour (of wxNullColour if none set), so that widgets can
// adapt to it:
wxColour GetBackgroundColour();
void SetBorder(const wxColour& clr1, const wxColour& clr2, int border = 1) {m_Border = border; m_BorderColour1 = clr1, m_BorderColour2 = clr2;}
virtual wxHtmlLinkInfo* GetLink(int x = 0, int y = 0) const;
virtual const wxHtmlCell* Find(int condition, const void* param) const;
// this was replaced by ProcessMouseClick, don't use in new code!
virtual void OnMouseClick(wxWindow *window,
int x, int y, const wxMouseEvent& event);
virtual bool ProcessMouseClick(wxHtmlWindowInterface *window,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxMouseEvent& event);
virtual wxHtmlCell* GetFirstChild() const { return m_Cells; }
// returns last child cell:
wxHtmlCell* GetLastChild() const { return m_LastCell; }
// see comment in wxHtmlCell about this method
virtual bool IsTerminalCell() const { return false; }
virtual wxHtmlCell *FindCellByPos(wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
unsigned flags = wxHTML_FIND_EXACT) const;
virtual wxHtmlCell *GetFirstTerminal() const;
virtual wxHtmlCell *GetLastTerminal() const;
// Removes indentation on top or bottom of the container (i.e. above or
// below first/last terminal cell). For internal use only.
virtual void RemoveExtraSpacing(bool top, bool bottom);
// Returns the maximum possible length of the container.
// Call Layout at least once before using GetMaxTotalWidth()
virtual int GetMaxTotalWidth() const { return m_MaxTotalWidth; }
void UpdateRenderingStatePre(wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info,
wxHtmlCell *cell) const;
void UpdateRenderingStatePost(wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info,
wxHtmlCell *cell) const;
int m_IndentLeft, m_IndentRight, m_IndentTop, m_IndentBottom;
// indentation of subcells. There is always m_Indent pixels
// big space between given border of the container and the subcells
// it m_Indent < 0 it is in PERCENTS, otherwise it is in pixels
int m_MinHeight, m_MinHeightAlign;
// minimal height.
wxHtmlCell *m_Cells, *m_LastCell;
// internal cells, m_Cells points to the first of them, m_LastCell to the last one.
// (LastCell is needed only to speed-up InsertCell)
int m_AlignHor, m_AlignVer;
// alignment horizontal and vertical (left, center, right)
int m_WidthFloat, m_WidthFloatUnits;
// width float is used in adjustWidth
wxColour m_BkColour;
// background color of this container
int m_Border;
// border size. Draw only if m_Border > 0
wxColour m_BorderColour1, m_BorderColour2;
// borders color of this container
int m_LastLayout;
// if != -1 then call to Layout may be no-op
// if previous call to Layout has same argument
int m_MaxTotalWidth;
// Maximum possible length if ignoring line wrap
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxHtmlColourCell
// Color changer.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlColourCell : public wxHtmlCell
wxHtmlColourCell(const wxColour& clr, int flags = wxHTML_CLR_FOREGROUND) : wxHtmlCell() {m_Colour = clr; m_Flags = flags;}
virtual void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual void DrawInvisible(wxDC& dc, int x, int y,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
wxColour m_Colour;
unsigned m_Flags;
// wxHtmlFontCell
// Sets actual font used for text rendering
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlFontCell : public wxHtmlCell
wxHtmlFontCell(wxFont *font) : wxHtmlCell() { m_Font = (*font); }
virtual void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual void DrawInvisible(wxDC& dc, int x, int y,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
wxFont m_Font;
// wxHtmlwidgetCell
// This cell is connected with wxWindow object
// You can use it to insert windows into HTML page
// (buttons, input boxes etc.)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlWidgetCell : public wxHtmlCell
// !!! wnd must have correct parent!
// if w != 0 then the m_Wnd has 'floating' width - it adjust
// it's width according to parent container's width
// (w is percent of parent's width)
wxHtmlWidgetCell(wxWindow *wnd, int w = 0);
virtual ~wxHtmlWidgetCell() { m_Wnd->Destroy(); }
virtual void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual void DrawInvisible(wxDC& dc, int x, int y,
wxHtmlRenderingInfo& info);
virtual void Layout(int w);
wxWindow* m_Wnd;
int m_WidthFloat;
// width float is used in adjustWidth (it is in percents)
// wxHtmlLinkInfo
// Internal data structure. It represents hypertext link
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlLinkInfo : public wxObject
wxHtmlLinkInfo() : wxObject()
{ m_Href = m_Target = wxEmptyString; m_Event = NULL, m_Cell = NULL; }
wxHtmlLinkInfo(const wxString& href, const wxString& target = wxEmptyString) : wxObject()
{ m_Href = href; m_Target = target; m_Event = NULL, m_Cell = NULL; }
wxHtmlLinkInfo(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& l) : wxObject()
{ m_Href = l.m_Href, m_Target = l.m_Target, m_Event = l.m_Event;
m_Cell = l.m_Cell; }
wxHtmlLinkInfo& operator=(const wxHtmlLinkInfo& l)
{ m_Href = l.m_Href, m_Target = l.m_Target, m_Event = l.m_Event;
m_Cell = l.m_Cell; return *this; }
void SetEvent(const wxMouseEvent *e) { m_Event = e; }
void SetHtmlCell(const wxHtmlCell *e) { m_Cell = e; }
wxString GetHref() const { return m_Href; }
wxString GetTarget() const { return m_Target; }
const wxMouseEvent* GetEvent() const { return m_Event; }
const wxHtmlCell* GetHtmlCell() const { return m_Cell; }
wxString m_Href, m_Target;
const wxMouseEvent *m_Event;
const wxHtmlCell *m_Cell;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxHtmlTerminalCellsInterator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_HTML wxHtmlTerminalCellsInterator
wxHtmlTerminalCellsInterator(const wxHtmlCell *from, const wxHtmlCell *to)
: m_to(to), m_pos(from) {}
operator bool() const { return m_pos != NULL; }
const wxHtmlCell* operator++();
const wxHtmlCell* operator->() const { return m_pos; }
const wxHtmlCell* operator*() const { return m_pos; }
const wxHtmlCell *m_to, *m_pos;
#endif // wxUSE_HTML
#endif // _WX_HTMLCELL_H_