
533 lines
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// Name: wx/univ/textctrl.h
// Purpose: wxTextCtrl class
// Author: Vadim Zeitlin
// Modified by:
// Created: 15.09.00
// Copyright: (c) 2000 SciTech Software, Inc. (www.scitechsoft.com)
// Licence: wxWindows licence
class WXDLLIMPEXP_FWD_CORE wxTextCtrlCommandProcessor;
#include "wx/scrolwin.h" // for wxScrollHelper
#include "wx/univ/inphand.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTextCtrl actions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// cursor movement and also selection and delete operations
#define wxACTION_TEXT_GOTO wxT("goto") // to pos in numArg
#define wxACTION_TEXT_FIRST wxT("first") // go to pos 0
#define wxACTION_TEXT_LAST wxT("last") // go to last pos
#define wxACTION_TEXT_HOME wxT("home")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_END wxT("end")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_LEFT wxT("left")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_RIGHT wxT("right")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_UP wxT("up")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_DOWN wxT("down")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_WORD_LEFT wxT("wordleft")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_WORD_RIGHT wxT("wordright")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PAGE_UP wxT("pageup")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PAGE_DOWN wxT("pagedown")
// clipboard operations
#define wxACTION_TEXT_COPY wxT("copy")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_CUT wxT("cut")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PASTE wxT("paste")
// insert text at the cursor position: the text is in strArg of PerformAction
#define wxACTION_TEXT_INSERT wxT("insert")
// if the action starts with either of these prefixes and the rest of the
// string is one of the movement commands, it means to select/delete text from
// the current cursor position to the new one
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PREFIX_SEL wxT("sel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_PREFIX_DEL wxT("del")
// mouse selection
#define wxACTION_TEXT_ANCHOR_SEL wxT("anchorsel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_EXTEND_SEL wxT("extendsel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_SEL_WORD wxT("wordsel")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_SEL_LINE wxT("linesel")
// undo or redo
#define wxACTION_TEXT_UNDO wxT("undo")
#define wxACTION_TEXT_REDO wxT("redo")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxTextCtrl
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxTextCtrl : public wxTextCtrlBase,
public wxScrollHelper
// creation
// --------
wxTextCtrl() : wxScrollHelper(this) { Init(); }
wxTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxTextCtrlNameStr)
: wxScrollHelper(this)
Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxTextCtrlNameStr);
virtual ~wxTextCtrl();
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual int GetLineLength(wxTextCoord lineNo) const;
virtual wxString GetLineText(wxTextCoord lineNo) const;
virtual int GetNumberOfLines() const;
virtual bool IsModified() const;
virtual bool IsEditable() const;
// If the return values from and to are the same, there is no selection.
virtual void GetSelection(wxTextPos* from, wxTextPos* to) const;
// operations
// ----------
// editing
virtual void Clear();
virtual void Replace(wxTextPos from, wxTextPos to, const wxString& value);
virtual void Remove(wxTextPos from, wxTextPos to);
// sets/clears the dirty flag
virtual void MarkDirty();
virtual void DiscardEdits();
// writing text inserts it at the current position, appending always
// inserts it at the end
virtual void WriteText(const wxString& text);
virtual void AppendText(const wxString& text);
// translate between the position (which is just an index in the text ctrl
// considering all its contents as a single strings) and (x, y) coordinates
// which represent (logical, i.e. unwrapped) column and line.
virtual wxTextPos XYToPosition(wxTextCoord x, wxTextCoord y) const;
virtual bool PositionToXY(wxTextPos pos,
wxTextCoord *x, wxTextCoord *y) const;
// wxUniv-specific: find a screen position (in client coordinates) of the
// given text position or of the caret
bool PositionToLogicalXY(wxTextPos pos, wxCoord *x, wxCoord *y) const;
bool PositionToDeviceXY(wxTextPos pos, wxCoord *x, wxCoord *y) const;
wxPoint GetCaretPosition() const;
virtual void ShowPosition(wxTextPos pos);
// Clipboard operations
virtual void Copy();
virtual void Cut();
virtual void Paste();
// Undo/redo
virtual void Undo();
virtual void Redo();
virtual bool CanUndo() const;
virtual bool CanRedo() const;
// Insertion point
virtual void SetInsertionPoint(wxTextPos pos);
virtual void SetInsertionPointEnd();
virtual wxTextPos GetInsertionPoint() const;
virtual wxTextPos GetLastPosition() const;
virtual void SetSelection(wxTextPos from, wxTextPos to);
virtual void SetEditable(bool editable);
// wxUniv-specific methods
// -----------------------
// caret stuff
virtual void ShowCaret(bool show = true);
void HideCaret() { ShowCaret(false); }
void CreateCaret(); // for the current font size
// helpers for cursor movement
wxTextPos GetWordStart() const;
wxTextPos GetWordEnd() const;
// selection helpers
bool HasSelection() const
{ return m_selStart != -1 && m_selEnd > m_selStart; }
void ClearSelection();
void RemoveSelection();
wxString GetSelectionText() const;
virtual wxTextCtrlHitTestResult HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long *pos) const;
virtual wxTextCtrlHitTestResult HitTest(const wxPoint& pt,
wxTextCoord *col,
wxTextCoord *row) const;
// find the character at this position in the given line, return value as
// for HitTest()
// NB: x is the logical coord (client and unscrolled)
wxTextCtrlHitTestResult HitTestLine(const wxString& line,
wxCoord x,
wxTextCoord *colOut) const;
// bring the given position into view
void ShowHorzPosition(wxCoord pos);
// scroll the window horizontally so that the first character shown is in
// position pos
void ScrollText(wxTextCoord col);
// adjust the DC for horz text control scrolling too
virtual void DoPrepareDC(wxDC& dc);
// implementation only from now on
// -------------------------------
// override this to take into account our scrollbar-less scrolling
virtual void CalcUnscrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const;
virtual void CalcScrolledPosition(int x, int y, int *xx, int *yy) const;
// perform an action
virtual bool PerformAction(const wxControlAction& action,
long numArg = -1,
const wxString& strArg = wxEmptyString);
static wxInputHandler *GetStdInputHandler(wxInputHandler *handlerDef);
virtual wxInputHandler *DoGetStdInputHandler(wxInputHandler *handlerDef)
return GetStdInputHandler(handlerDef);
// override these methods to handle the caret
virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont &font);
virtual bool Enable(bool enable = true);
// more readable flag testing methods
bool IsPassword() const { return HasFlag(wxTE_PASSWORD); }
bool WrapLines() const { return m_wrapLines; }
// only for wxStdTextCtrlInputHandler
void RefreshSelection();
// override wxScrollHelper method to prevent (auto)scrolling beyond the end
// of line
virtual bool SendAutoScrollEvents(wxScrollWinEvent& event) const;
// idle processing
virtual void OnInternalIdle();
// ensure we have correct default border
virtual wxBorder GetDefaultBorder() const { return wxBORDER_SUNKEN; }
// override base class methods
virtual void DoDrawBorder(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect);
virtual void DoDraw(wxControlRenderer *renderer);
// calc the size from the text extent
virtual wxSize DoGetBestClientSize() const;
// implements Set/ChangeValue()
virtual void DoSetValue(const wxString& value, int flags = 0);
virtual wxString DoGetValue() const;
// common part of all ctors
void Init();
// drawing
// -------
// draw the text in the given rectangle
void DoDrawTextInRect(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rectUpdate);
// draw the line wrap marks in this rect
void DoDrawLineWrapMarks(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rectUpdate);
// line/row geometry calculations
// ------------------------------
// get the extent (width) of the text
wxCoord GetTextWidth(const wxString& text) const;
// get the logical text width (accounting for scrolling)
wxCoord GetTotalWidth() const;
// get total number of rows (different from number of lines if the lines
// can be wrapped)
wxTextCoord GetRowCount() const;
// find the number of rows in this line (only if WrapLines())
wxTextCoord GetRowsPerLine(wxTextCoord line) const;
// get the starting row of the given line
wxTextCoord GetFirstRowOfLine(wxTextCoord line) const;
// get the row following this line
wxTextCoord GetRowAfterLine(wxTextCoord line) const;
// refresh functions
// -----------------
// the text area is the part of the window in which the text can be
// displayed, i.e. part of it inside the margins and the real text area is
// the area in which the text *is* currently displayed: for example, in the
// multiline control case the text area can have extra space at the bottom
// which is not tall enough for another line and which is then not included
// into the real text area
wxRect GetRealTextArea() const;
// refresh the text in the given (in logical coords) rect
void RefreshTextRect(const wxRect& rect, bool textOnly = true);
// refresh the line wrap marks for the given range of lines (inclusive)
void RefreshLineWrapMarks(wxTextCoord rowFirst, wxTextCoord rowLast);
// refresh the text in the given range (in logical coords) of this line, if
// width is 0, refresh to the end of line
void RefreshPixelRange(wxTextCoord line, wxCoord start, wxCoord width);
// refresh the text in the given range (in text coords) in this line
void RefreshColRange(wxTextCoord line, wxTextPos start, size_t count);
// refresh the text from in the given line range (inclusive)
void RefreshLineRange(wxTextCoord lineFirst, wxTextCoord lineLast);
// refresh the text in the given range which can span multiple lines
// (this method accepts arguments in any order)
void RefreshTextRange(wxTextPos start, wxTextPos end);
// get the text to show: either the text itself or the text replaced with
// starts for wxTE_PASSWORD control
wxString GetTextToShow(const wxString& text) const;
// find the row in this line where the given position (counted from the
// start of line) is
wxTextCoord GetRowInLine(wxTextCoord line,
wxTextCoord col,
wxTextCoord *colRowStart = NULL) const;
// find the number of characters of a line before it wraps
// (and optionally also the real width of the line)
size_t GetPartOfWrappedLine(const wxChar* text,
wxCoord *widthReal = NULL) const;
// get the start and end of the selection for this line: if the line is
// outside the selection, both will be -1 and false will be returned
bool GetSelectedPartOfLine(wxTextCoord line,
wxTextPos *start, wxTextPos *end) const;
// update the text rect: the zone inside our client rect (its coords are
// client coords) which contains the text
void UpdateTextRect();
// calculate the last visible position
void UpdateLastVisible();
// move caret to the given position unconditionally
// (SetInsertionPoint() does nothing if the position didn't change)
void DoSetInsertionPoint(wxTextPos pos);
// move caret to the new position without updating the display (for
// internal use only)
void MoveInsertionPoint(wxTextPos pos);
// set the caret to its initial (default) position
void InitInsertionPoint();
// get the width of the longest line in pixels
wxCoord GetMaxWidth() const;
// force recalculation of the max line width
void RecalcMaxWidth();
// update the max width after the given line was modified
void UpdateMaxWidth(wxTextCoord line);
// hit testing
// -----------
// HitTest2() is more efficient than 2 consecutive HitTest()s with the same
// line (i.e. y) and it also returns the offset of the starting position in
// pixels
// as the last hack, this function accepts either logical or device (by
// default) coords depending on devCoords flag
wxTextCtrlHitTestResult HitTest2(wxCoord y,
wxCoord x1,
wxCoord x2,
wxTextCoord *row,
wxTextCoord *colStart,
wxTextCoord *colEnd,
wxTextCoord *colRowStart,
bool devCoords = true) const;
// HitTest() version which takes the logical text coordinates and not the
// device ones
wxTextCtrlHitTestResult HitTestLogical(const wxPoint& pos,
wxTextCoord *col,
wxTextCoord *row) const;
// get the line and the row in this line corresponding to the given row,
// return true if ok and false if row is out of range
// NB: this function can only be called for controls which wrap lines
bool GetLineAndRow(wxTextCoord row,
wxTextCoord *line,
wxTextCoord *rowInLine) const;
// get the height of one line (the same for all lines)
wxCoord GetLineHeight() const
// this one should be already precalculated
wxASSERT_MSG( m_heightLine != -1, wxT("should have line height") );
return m_heightLine;
// get the average char width
wxCoord GetAverageWidth() const { return m_widthAvg; }
// recalc the line height and char width (to call when the font changes)
void RecalcFontMetrics();
// vertical scrolling helpers
// --------------------------
// all these functions are for multi line controls only
// get the number of visible lines
size_t GetLinesPerPage() const;
// return the position above the cursor or INVALID_POS_VALUE
wxTextPos GetPositionAbove();
// return the position below the cursor or INVALID_POS_VALUE
wxTextPos GetPositionBelow();
// event handlers
// --------------
void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
// return the struct containing control-type dependent data
struct wxTextSingleLineData& SData() { return *m_data.sdata; }
struct wxTextMultiLineData& MData() { return *m_data.mdata; }
struct wxTextWrappedData& WData() { return *m_data.wdata; }
const wxTextSingleLineData& SData() const { return *m_data.sdata; }
const wxTextMultiLineData& MData() const { return *m_data.mdata; }
const wxTextWrappedData& WData() const { return *m_data.wdata; }
// clipboard operations (unlike the versions without Do prefix, they have a
// return code)
bool DoCut();
bool DoPaste();
// all these methods are for multiline text controls only
// update the scrollbars (only called from OnIdle)
void UpdateScrollbars();
// get read only access to the lines of multiline control
inline const wxArrayString& GetLines() const;
inline size_t GetLineCount() const;
// replace a line (returns true if the number of rows in thel ine changed)
bool ReplaceLine(wxTextCoord line, const wxString& text);
// remove a line
void RemoveLine(wxTextCoord line);
// insert a line at this position
void InsertLine(wxTextCoord line, const wxString& text);
// calculate geometry of this line
void LayoutLine(wxTextCoord line, class wxWrappedLineData& lineData) const;
// calculate geometry of all lines until the given one
void LayoutLines(wxTextCoord lineLast) const;
// the initially specified control size
wxSize m_sizeInitial;
// the global control text
wxString m_value;
// current position
wxTextPos m_curPos;
wxTextCoord m_curCol,
// last position (only used by GetLastPosition())
wxTextPos m_posLast;
// selection
wxTextPos m_selAnchor,
// flags
bool m_isModified:1,
m_wrapLines:1; // can't be changed after creation
// the rectangle (in client coordinates) to draw text inside
wxRect m_rectText;
// the height of one line (cached value of GetCharHeight)
wxCoord m_heightLine;
// and the average char width (cached value of GetCharWidth)
wxCoord m_widthAvg;
// we have some data which depends on the kind of control (single or multi
// line)
wxTextSingleLineData *sdata;
wxTextMultiLineData *mdata;
wxTextWrappedData *wdata;
void *data;
} m_data;
// the object to which we delegate our undo/redo implementation
wxTextCtrlCommandProcessor *m_cmdProcessor;
friend class wxWrappedLineData;
#endif // _WX_UNIV_TEXTCTRL_H_