
408 lines
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// Name: wx/os2/dc.h
// Purpose: wxDC class
// Author: David Webster
// Modified by:
// Created: 08/26/99
// Copyright: (c) David Webster
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _WX_DC_H_
#define _WX_DC_H_
#include "wx/defs.h"
#include "wx/dc.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Logical to device
// Absolute
#define XLOG2DEV(x) (x)
#define YLOG2DEV(y) (y)
// Relative
#define XLOG2DEVREL(x) (x)
#define YLOG2DEVREL(y) (y)
// Device to logical
// Absolute
#define XDEV2LOG(x) (x)
#define YDEV2LOG(y) (y)
// Relative
#define XDEV2LOGREL(x) (x)
#define YDEV2LOGREL(y) (y)
* Have the same macros as for XView but not for every operation:
* just for calculating window/viewport extent (a better way of scaling).
// Logical to device
// Absolute
#define MS_XLOG2DEV(x) LogicalToDevice(x)
#define MS_YLOG2DEV(y) LogicalToDevice(y)
// Relative
#define MS_XLOG2DEVREL(x) LogicalToDeviceXRel(x)
#define MS_YLOG2DEVREL(y) LogicalToDeviceYRel(y)
// Device to logical
// Absolute
#define MS_XDEV2LOG(x) DeviceToLogicalX(x)
#define MS_YDEV2LOG(y) DeviceToLogicalY(y)
// Relative
#define MS_XDEV2LOGREL(x) DeviceToLogicalXRel(x)
#define MS_YDEV2LOGREL(y) DeviceToLogicalYRel(y)
#define YSCALE(y) (yorigin - (y))
#define wx_round(a) (int)((a)+.5)
* Cached blitting, maintaining a cache
* of bitmaps required for transparent blitting
* instead of constant creation/deletion
class wxDCCacheEntry : public wxObject
wxDCCacheEntry( WXHBITMAP hBitmap
,int nWidth
,int nHeight
,int nDepth
wxDCCacheEntry( HPS hPS
,int nDepth
virtual ~wxDCCacheEntry();
WXHBITMAP m_hBitmap;
HPS m_hPS;
int m_nWidth;
int m_nHeight;
int m_nDepth;
}; // end of CLASS wxDCCacheEntry
// this is an ABC: use one of the derived classes to create a DC associated
// with a window, screen, printer and so on
class WXDLLIMPEXP_CORE wxPMDCImpl : public wxDCImpl
wxPMDCImpl(wxDC *owner, WXHDC hDC);
virtual ~wxPMDCImpl();
// implement base class pure virtuals
// ----------------------------------
virtual void Clear();
virtual bool StartDoc(const wxString& rsMessage);
virtual void EndDoc();
virtual void StartPage();
virtual void EndPage();
virtual void SetFont(const wxFont& rFont);
virtual void SetPen(const wxPen& rPen);
virtual void SetBrush(const wxBrush& rBrush);
virtual void SetBackground(const wxBrush& rBrush);
virtual void SetBackgroundMode(int nMode);
virtual void SetPalette(const wxPalette& rPalette);
virtual void DestroyClippingRegion();
virtual wxCoord GetCharHeight() const;
virtual wxCoord GetCharWidth() const;
virtual bool CanDrawBitmap() const;
virtual bool CanGetTextExtent() const;
virtual int GetDepth() const;
virtual wxSize GetPPI() const;
virtual void SetMapMode(wxMappingMode nMode);
virtual void SetUserScale( double dX
,double dY
virtual void SetLogicalScale( double dX
,double dY
virtual void SetLogicalOrigin( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
virtual void SetDeviceOrigin( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
virtual void SetAxisOrientation( bool bXLeftRight
,bool bYBottomUp
virtual void SetLogicalFunction(wxRasterOperationMode nFunction);
// implementation from now on
// --------------------------
virtual void SetRop(WXHDC hCdc);
virtual void SelectOldObjects(WXHDC hDc);
wxWindow* GetWindow() const { return m_pCanvas; }
void SetWindow(wxWindow* pWin) { m_pCanvas = pWin; }
WXHDC GetHDC() const { return m_hDC; }
void SetHDC( WXHDC hDc
,bool bOwnsDC = FALSE
m_hDC = hDc;
m_bOwnsDC = bOwnsDC;
HPS GetHPS() const { return m_hPS; }
void SetHPS(HPS hPS)
m_hPS = hPS;
const wxBitmap& GetSelectedBitmap() const { return m_vSelectedBitmap; }
wxBitmap& GetSelectedBitmap() { return m_vSelectedBitmap; }
void UpdateClipBox();
static wxDCCacheEntry* FindBitmapInCache( HPS hPS
,int nWidth
,int nHeight
static wxDCCacheEntry* FindDCInCache( wxDCCacheEntry* pNotThis
static void AddToBitmapCache(wxDCCacheEntry* pEntry);
static void AddToDCCache(wxDCCacheEntry* pEntry);
static void ClearCache();
void Init()
m_pCanvas = NULL;
m_hOldBitmap = 0;
m_hOldPen = 0;
m_hOldBrush = 0;
m_hOldFont = 0;
m_hOldPalette = 0;
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
m_bOwnsDC = false;
m_hDC = 0;
m_hOldPS = NULL;
m_hPS = NULL;
m_bIsPaintTime = false; // True at Paint Time
// create an uninitialized DC: this should be only used by the derived
// classes
wxPMDCImpl( wxDC *owner ) : wxDCImpl( owner ) { Init(); }
virtual void DoGetTextExtent( const wxString& rsString
,wxCoord* pX
,wxCoord* pY
,wxCoord* pDescent = NULL
,wxCoord* pExternalLeading = NULL
,const wxFont* pTheFont = NULL
) const;
virtual bool DoFloodFill( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,const wxColour& rCol
,wxFloodFillStyle nStyle = wxFLOOD_SURFACE
virtual bool DoGetPixel( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxColour* pCol
) const;
virtual void DoDrawPoint( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
virtual void DoDrawLine( wxCoord vX1
,wxCoord vY1
,wxCoord vX2
,wxCoord vY2
virtual void DoDrawArc( wxCoord vX1
,wxCoord vY1
,wxCoord vX2
,wxCoord vY2
,wxCoord vXc
,wxCoord vYc
virtual void DoDrawCheckMark( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxCoord vWidth
,wxCoord vHeight
virtual void DoDrawEllipticArc( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxCoord vW
,wxCoord vH
,double dSa
,double dEa
virtual void DoDrawRectangle( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxCoord vWidth
,wxCoord vHeight
virtual void DoDrawRoundedRectangle( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxCoord vWidth
,wxCoord vHeight
,double dRadius
virtual void DoDrawEllipse( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxCoord vWidth
,wxCoord vHeight
virtual void DoCrossHair( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
virtual void DoDrawIcon( const wxIcon& rIcon
,wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
virtual void DoDrawBitmap( const wxBitmap& rBmp
,wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,bool bUseMask = FALSE
virtual void DoDrawText( const wxString& rsText
,wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
virtual void DoDrawRotatedText( const wxString& rsText
,wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,double dAngle
virtual bool DoBlit( wxCoord vXdest
,wxCoord vYdest
,wxCoord vWidth
,wxCoord vHeight
,wxDC* pSource
,wxCoord vXsrc
,wxCoord vYsrc
,wxRasterOperationMode nRop = wxCOPY
,bool bUseMask = FALSE
,wxCoord vXsrcMask = -1
,wxCoord vYsrcMask = -1
virtual void DoSetClippingRegion( wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
,wxCoord vWidth
,wxCoord vHeight
virtual void DoSetDeviceClippingRegion(const wxRegion& rRegion);
virtual void DoGetSize( int* pWidth
,int* pHeight
) const;
virtual void DoGetSizeMM( int* pWidth
,int* pHeight
) const;
virtual void DoDrawLines( int n
,const wxPoint vaPoints[]
,wxCoord vXoffset
,wxCoord yYoffset
virtual void DoDrawPolygon( int n
,const wxPoint vaPoints[]
,wxCoord vXoffset
,wxCoord vYoffset
,wxPolygonFillMode nFillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE
void DoSelectPalette(bool bRealize = FALSE);
void InitializePalette();
#endif // wxUSE_PALETTE
// common part of DoDrawText() and DoDrawRotatedText()
void DrawAnyText( const wxString& rsText
,wxCoord vX
,wxCoord vY
// OS2-specific member variables ?? do we even need this under OS/2?
int m_nWindowExtX;
int m_nWindowExtY;
// the window associated with this DC (may be NULL)
wxWindow* m_pCanvas;
wxBitmap m_vSelectedBitmap;
// PM specific stuff
HPS m_hPS;
HPS m_hOldPS; // old hPS, if any
bool m_bIsPaintTime;// True at Paint Time
RECTL m_vRclPaint; // Bounding rectangle at Paint time etc.
// TRUE => DeleteDC() in dtor, FALSE => only ReleaseDC() it
bool m_bOwnsDC:1;
// our HDC
// Store all old GDI objects when do a SelectObject, so we can select them
// back in (this unselecting user's objects) so we can safely delete the
// DC.
WXHBITMAP m_hOldBitmap;
WXHPEN m_hOldPen;
WXHBRUSH m_hOldBrush;
WXHFONT m_hOldFont;
WXHPALETTE m_hOldPalette;
static wxList m_svBitmapCache;
static wxList m_svDCCache;
}; // end of CLASS wxDC
// _WX_DC_H_