mirror of https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2.git
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636 lines
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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "App.h"
#include "GSFrame.h"
#include "AppAccelerators.h"
#include "AppSaveStates.h"
#include "GS.h"
#include "MSWstuff.h"
#include <wx/utils.h>
static const KeyAcceleratorCode FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE_ACCELERATOR_GSPANEL=KeyAcceleratorCode( WXK_RETURN ).Alt();
//#define GSWindowScaleDebug
void GSPanel::InitDefaultAccelerators()
// Note! These don't really work yet due to some hacks to get things working for
// old legacy PAD plugins. (the global accelerator tables are used instead) --air
typedef KeyAcceleratorCode AAC;
if( !m_Accels ) m_Accels = new AcceleratorDictionary;
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F1 ), "States_FreezeCurrentSlot" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F3 ), "States_DefrostCurrentSlot");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F3 ).Shift(), "States_DefrostCurrentSlotBackup");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F2 ), "States_CycleSlotForward" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F2 ).Shift(), "States_CycleSlotBackward" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F4 ), "Framelimiter_MasterToggle");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F4 ).Shift(), "Frameskip_Toggle");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_TAB ), "Framelimiter_TurboToggle" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_TAB ).Shift(), "Framelimiter_SlomoToggle" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F6 ), "GSwindow_CycleAspectRatio" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_ADD ).Cmd(), "GSwindow_ZoomIn" ); //CTRL on Windows/linux, CMD on OSX
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT ).Cmd(), "GSwindow_ZoomOut" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY ).Cmd(), "GSwindow_ZoomToggle" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_ADD ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_ZoomInY" ); //CTRL on Windows/linux, CMD on OSX
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_ZoomOutY" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_MULTIPLY ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_ZoomResetY" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_UP ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_OffsetYminus" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_DOWN ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_OffsetYplus" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_LEFT ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_OffsetXminus" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_RIGHT ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_OffsetXplus" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_NUMPAD_DIVIDE ).Cmd().Alt(), "GSwindow_OffsetReset" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_ESCAPE ), "Sys_Suspend" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F8 ), "Sys_TakeSnapshot" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F8 ).Shift(), "Sys_TakeSnapshot");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F8 ).Shift().Cmd(), "Sys_TakeSnapshot");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F9 ), "Sys_RenderswitchToggle");
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F10 ), "Sys_LoggingToggle" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F11 ), "Sys_FreezeGS" );
m_Accels->Map( AAC( WXK_F12 ), "Sys_RecordingToggle" );
GSPanel::GSPanel( wxWindow* parent )
: wxWindow()
, m_HideMouseTimer( this )
m_CursorShown = true;
m_HasFocus = false;
if ( !wxWindow::Create(parent, wxID_ANY) )
throw Exception::RuntimeError().SetDiagMsg( L"GSPanel constructor explode!!" );
SetName( L"GSPanel" );
if( g_Conf->GSWindow.AlwaysHideMouse )
SetCursor( wxCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK) );
m_CursorShown = false;
Connect(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxCloseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnCloseWindow));
Connect(wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler (GSPanel::OnResize));
Connect(wxEVT_KEY_UP, wxKeyEventHandler (GSPanel::OnKeyDown));
Connect(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, wxKeyEventHandler (GSPanel::OnKeyDown));
Connect(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler (GSPanel::OnFocus));
Connect(wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, wxFocusEventHandler (GSPanel::OnFocusLost));
Connect(m_HideMouseTimer.GetId(), wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler(GSPanel::OnHideMouseTimeout) );
// Any and all events which should result in the mouse cursor being made visible
// are connected here. If I missed one, feel free to add it in! --air
Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_RIGHT_UP, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnLeftDclick));
Connect(wxEVT_MIDDLE_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
Connect(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, wxMouseEventHandler (GSPanel::OnMouseEvent));
GSPanel::~GSPanel() throw()
//CoreThread.Suspend( false ); // Just in case...!
void GSPanel::DoShowMouse()
if( g_Conf->GSWindow.AlwaysHideMouse ) return;
if( !m_CursorShown )
SetCursor( wxCursor( wxCURSOR_DEFAULT ) );
m_CursorShown = true;
m_HideMouseTimer.Start( 1750, true );
void GSPanel::DoResize()
if( GetParent() == NULL ) return;
wxSize client = GetParent()->GetClientSize();
wxSize viewport = client;
if ( !client.GetHeight() || !client.GetWidth() )
double clientAr = (double)client.GetWidth()/(double)client.GetHeight();
double targetAr = clientAr;
if( g_Conf->GSWindow.AspectRatio == AspectRatio_4_3 )
targetAr = 4.0/3.0;
else if( g_Conf->GSWindow.AspectRatio == AspectRatio_16_9 )
targetAr = 16.0/9.0;
double arr = targetAr / clientAr;
if( arr < 1 )
viewport.x = (int)( (double)viewport.x*arr + 0.5);
else if( arr > 1 )
viewport.y = (int)( (double)viewport.y/arr + 0.5);
float zoom = g_Conf->GSWindow.Zoom.ToFloat()/100.0;
if( zoom == 0 )//auto zoom in untill black-bars are gone (while keeping the aspect ratio).
zoom = max( (float)arr, (float)(1.0/arr) );
viewport.Scale(zoom, zoom*g_Conf->GSWindow.StretchY.ToFloat()/100.0 );
SetSize( viewport );
int cx, cy;
GetPosition(&cx, &cy);
float unit = .01*(float)min(viewport.x, viewport.y);
SetPosition( wxPoint( cx + unit*g_Conf->GSWindow.OffsetX.ToFloat(), cy + unit*g_Conf->GSWindow.OffsetY.ToFloat() ) );
#ifdef GSWindowScaleDebug
Console.WriteLn(Color_Yellow, "GSWindowScaleDebug: zoom %f, viewport.x %d, viewport.y %d", zoom, viewport.GetX(), viewport.GetY());
void GSPanel::OnResize(wxSizeEvent& event)
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
//Console.Error( "Size? %d x %d", GetSize().x, GetSize().y );
void GSPanel::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& evt)
evt.Skip(); // and close it.
void GSPanel::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& evt )
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
// Do nothing for left-button event
if (!evt.Button(1)) {
#ifdef __LINUX__
// HACK2: In gsopen2 there is one event buffer read by both wx/gui and pad plugin. Wx deletes
// the event before the pad see it. So you send key event directly to the pad.
if( (PADWriteEvent != NULL) && (GSopen2 != NULL) ) {
keyEvent event;
// FIXME how to handle double click ???
if (evt.ButtonDown()) {
event.evt = 4; // X equivalent of ButtonPress
event.key = evt.GetButton();
} else if (evt.ButtonUp()) {
event.evt = 5; // X equivalent of ButtonRelease
event.key = evt.GetButton();
} else if (evt.Moving() || evt.Dragging()) {
event.evt = 6; // X equivalent of MotionNotify
long x,y;
evt.GetPosition(&x, &y);
wxCoord w, h;
wxWindowDC dc( this );
dc.GetSize(&w, &h);
// Special case to allow continuous mouvement near the border
if (x < 10)
x = 0;
else if (x > (w-10))
x = 0xFFFF;
if (y < 10)
y = 0;
else if (y > (w-10))
y = 0xFFFF;
// For compatibility purpose with the existing structure. I decide to reduce
// the position to 16 bits.
event.key = ((y & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (x & 0xFFFF);
} else {
event.key = 0;
event.evt = 0;
void GSPanel::OnHideMouseTimeout( wxTimerEvent& evt )
if( IsBeingDeleted() || !m_HasFocus ) return;
if( CoreThread.GetExecutionMode() != SysThreadBase::ExecMode_Opened ) return;
SetCursor( wxCursor( wxCURSOR_BLANK ) );
m_CursorShown = false;
void GSPanel::OnKeyDown( wxKeyEvent& evt )
// HACK: Legacy PAD plugins expect PCSX2 to ignore keyboard messages on the GS Window while
// the PAD plugin is open, so ignore here (PCSX2 will direct messages routed from PAD directly
// to the APP level message handler, which in turn routes them right back here -- yes it's
// silly, but oh well).
#ifdef __LINUX__
// HACK2: In gsopen2 there is one event buffer read by both wx/gui and pad plugin. Wx deletes
// the event before the pad see it. So you send key event directly to the pad.
if( (PADWriteEvent != NULL) && (GSopen2 != NULL) ) {
keyEvent event;
event.key = evt.GetRawKeyCode();
if (evt.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KEY_UP)
event.evt = 3; // X equivalent of KEYRELEASE;
else if (evt.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KEY_DOWN)
event.evt = 2; // X equivalent of KEYPRESS;
event.evt = 0;
if( (PADopen != NULL) && CoreThread.IsOpen() ) return;
DirectKeyCommand( evt );
void GSPanel::DirectKeyCommand( const KeyAcceleratorCode& kac )
const GlobalCommandDescriptor* cmd = NULL;
m_Accels->TryGetValue( kac.val32, cmd );
if( cmd == NULL ) return;
DbgCon.WriteLn( "(gsFrame) Invoking command: %s", cmd->Id );
if( cmd->AlsoApplyToGui && !g_ConfigPanelChanged)
void GSPanel::DirectKeyCommand( wxKeyEvent& evt )
DirectKeyCommand(KeyAcceleratorCode( evt ));
void GSPanel::OnFocus( wxFocusEvent& evt )
m_HasFocus = true;
if( g_Conf->GSWindow.AlwaysHideMouse )
SetCursor( wxCursor(wxCURSOR_BLANK) );
m_CursorShown = false;
#ifdef __LINUX__
// HACK2: In gsopen2 there is one event buffer read by both wx/gui and pad plugin. Wx deletes
// the event before the pad see it. So you send key event directly to the pad.
if( (PADWriteEvent != NULL) && (GSopen2 != NULL) ) {
keyEvent event = {0, 9}; // X equivalent of FocusIn;
//Console.Warning("GS frame > focus set");
void GSPanel::OnFocusLost( wxFocusEvent& evt )
m_HasFocus = false;
#ifdef __LINUX__
// HACK2: In gsopen2 there is one event buffer read by both wx/gui and pad plugin. Wx deletes
// the event before the pad see it. So you send key event directly to the pad.
if( (PADWriteEvent != NULL) && (GSopen2 != NULL) ) {
keyEvent event = {0, 10}; // X equivalent of FocusOut
//Console.Warning("GS frame > focus lost");
void GSPanel::AppStatusEvent_OnSettingsApplied()
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
Show( !EmuConfig.GS.DisableOutput );
void GSPanel::OnLeftDclick(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if( !g_Conf->GSWindow.IsToggleFullscreenOnDoubleClick )
//Console.WriteLn("GSPanel::OnDoubleClick: Invoking Fullscreen-Toggle accelerator.");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GSFrame Implementation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const uint TitleBarUpdateMs = 333;
GSFrame::GSFrame(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title)
: wxFrame(parent, wxID_ANY, title, g_Conf->GSWindow.WindowPos)
, m_timer_UpdateTitle( this )
SetIcons( wxGetApp().GetIconBundle() );
SetBackgroundColour( *wxBLACK );
wxStaticText* label = new wxStaticText( this, wxID_ANY, _("GS Output is Disabled!") );
m_id_OutputDisabled = label->GetId();
label->SetFont( wxFont( 20, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD ) );
label->SetForegroundColour( *wxWHITE );
GSPanel* gsPanel = new GSPanel( this );
gsPanel->Show( !EmuConfig.GS.DisableOutput );
m_id_gspanel = gsPanel->GetId();
// TODO -- Implement this GS window status window! Whee.
// (main concern is retaining proper client window sizes when closing/re-opening the window).
//m_statusbar = CreateStatusBar( 2 );
Connect( wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxCloseEventHandler (GSFrame::OnCloseWindow) );
Connect( wxEVT_MOVE, wxMoveEventHandler (GSFrame::OnMove) );
Connect( wxEVT_SIZE, wxSizeEventHandler (GSFrame::OnResize) );
Connect( wxEVT_ACTIVATE, wxActivateEventHandler (GSFrame::OnActivate) );
Connect(m_timer_UpdateTitle.GetId(), wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler(GSFrame::OnUpdateTitle) );
GSFrame::~GSFrame() throw()
void GSFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& evt)
sApp.OnGsFrameClosed( GetId() );
Hide(); // and don't close it.
bool GSFrame::ShowFullScreen(bool show, long style)
/*if( show != IsFullScreen() )
Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongMagenta, "(gsFrame) Switching to %s mode...", show ? "Fullscreen" : "Windowed" );*/
if( g_Conf->GSWindow.IsFullscreen != show )
g_Conf->GSWindow.IsFullscreen = show;
wxGetApp().PostIdleMethod( AppSaveSettings );
// IMPORTANT! On MSW platforms you must ALWAYS show the window prior to calling
// ShowFullscreen(), otherwise the window will be oddly unstable (lacking input and unable
// to properly flip back into fullscreen mode after alt-enter). I don't know if that
// also happens on Linux.
if( !IsShown() ) Show();
bool retval = _parent::ShowFullScreen( show );
return retval;
wxStaticText* GSFrame::GetLabel_OutputDisabled() const
return (wxStaticText*)FindWindowById( m_id_OutputDisabled );
void GSFrame::CoreThread_OnResumed()
m_timer_UpdateTitle.Start( TitleBarUpdateMs );
if( !IsShown() ) Show();
void GSFrame::CoreThread_OnSuspended()
if( !IsBeingDeleted() && g_Conf->GSWindow.CloseOnEsc ) Hide();
void GSFrame::CoreThread_OnStopped()
//if( !IsBeingDeleted() ) Destroy();
void GSFrame::CorePlugins_OnShutdown()
if( !IsBeingDeleted() ) Destroy();
// overrides base Show behavior.
bool GSFrame::Show( bool shown )
if( shown )
GSPanel* gsPanel = GetViewport();
if( !gsPanel || gsPanel->IsBeingDeleted() )
gsPanel = new GSPanel( this );
m_id_gspanel = gsPanel->GetId();
gsPanel->Show( !EmuConfig.GS.DisableOutput );
if( wxStaticText* label = GetLabel_OutputDisabled() )
label->Show( EmuConfig.GS.DisableOutput );
if( !m_timer_UpdateTitle.IsRunning() )
m_timer_UpdateTitle.Start( TitleBarUpdateMs );
return _parent::Show( shown );
void GSFrame::AppStatusEvent_OnSettingsApplied()
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
SetWindowStyle((g_Conf->GSWindow.DisableResizeBorders ? 0 : wxRESIZE_BORDER) | wxCAPTION | wxCLIP_CHILDREN |
if (!IsFullScreen() && !IsMaximized())
if( g_Conf->GSWindow.CloseOnEsc )
if( IsShown() && !CorePlugins.IsOpen(PluginId_GS) )
Show( false );
if( wxStaticText* label = GetLabel_OutputDisabled() )
label->Show( EmuConfig.GS.DisableOutput );
GSPanel* GSFrame::GetViewport()
return (GSPanel*)FindWindowById( m_id_gspanel );
void GSFrame::OnUpdateTitle( wxTimerEvent& evt )
#ifdef __LINUX__
// Important Linux note: When the title is set in fullscreen the window is redrawn. Unfortunately
// an intermediate white screen appears too which leads to a very annoying flickering.
if (IsFullScreen()) return;
double fps = wxGetApp().FpsManager.GetFramerate();
char gsDest[128];
GSgetTitleInfo2( gsDest, sizeof(gsDest) );
const wxChar* limiterStr = L"None";
if( g_Conf->EmuOptions.GS.FrameLimitEnable )
switch( g_LimiterMode )
case Limit_Nominal: limiterStr = L"Normal"; break;
case Limit_Turbo: limiterStr = L"Turbo"; break;
case Limit_Slomo: limiterStr = L"Slomo"; break;
FastFormatUnicode cpuUsage;
if (m_CpuUsage.IsImplemented()) {
if (THREAD_VU1) { // Display VU thread's usage
cpuUsage.Write(L" | EE: %3d%% | GS: %3d%% | VU: %3d%% | UI: %3d%%",
m_CpuUsage.GetEEcorePct(), m_CpuUsage.GetGsPct(),
m_CpuUsage.GetVUPct(), m_CpuUsage.GetGuiPct());
else {
cpuUsage.Write(L" | EE: %3d%% | GS: %3d%% | UI: %3d%%",
m_CpuUsage.GetEEcorePct(), m_CpuUsage.GetGsPct(),
const u64& smode2 = *(u64*)PS2GS_BASE(GS_SMODE2);
SetTitle( pxsFmt( L"%s | %s (%s) | Limiter: %s | fps: %6.02f%s | State %d",
(smode2 & 1) ? L"Interlaced" : L"Progressive",
(smode2 & 2) ? L"frame" : L"field",
limiterStr, fps, cpuUsage.c_str(), States_GetCurrentSlot() )
void GSFrame::OnActivate( wxActivateEvent& evt )
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
if( wxWindow* gsPanel = GetViewport() ) gsPanel->SetFocus();
void GSFrame::OnMove( wxMoveEvent& evt )
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
g_Conf->GSWindow.IsMaximized = IsMaximized();
// evt.GetPosition() returns the client area position, not the window frame position.
if( !g_Conf->GSWindow.IsMaximized && !IsFullScreen() && !IsIconized() && IsVisible() )
g_Conf->GSWindow.WindowPos = GetScreenPosition();
// wxGTK note: X sends gratuitous amounts of OnMove messages for various crap actions
// like selecting or deselecting a window, which muck up docking logic. We filter them
// out using 'lastpos' here. :)
//static wxPoint lastpos( wxDefaultCoord, wxDefaultCoord );
//if( lastpos == evt.GetPosition() ) return;
//lastpos = evt.GetPosition();
void GSFrame::SetFocus()
if( GSPanel* gsPanel = GetViewport() )
void GSFrame::OnResize( wxSizeEvent& evt )
if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
if( !IsFullScreen() && !IsMaximized() && IsVisible() )
g_Conf->GSWindow.WindowSize = GetClientSize();
if( wxStaticText* label = GetLabel_OutputDisabled() )
if( GSPanel* gsPanel = GetViewport() )
//wxPoint hudpos = wxPoint(-10,-10) + (GetClientSize() - m_hud->GetSize());
//m_hud->SetPosition( hudpos ); //+ GetScreenPosition() + GetClientAreaOrigin() );
// if we skip, the panel is auto-sized to fit our window anyway, which we do not want!