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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "Common.h"
#include "Vif_Dma.h"
#include "VUmicro.h"
#include "newVif.h"
u32 g_vif0Cycles = 0;
// Run VU0 until finish, don't add cycles to EE
// because its vif stalling not the EE core...
__fi void vif0FLUSH()
if(vif0Regs.stat.VEW == true)
vif0.waitforvu = true;
vif0.vifstalled.enabled = VifStallEnable(vif0ch);
vif0.vifstalled.value = VIF_TIMING_BREAK;
bool _VIF0chain()
u32 *pMem;
if (vif0ch.qwc == 0)
vif0.inprogress = 0;
return true;
pMem = (u32*)dmaGetAddr(vif0ch.madr, false);
if (pMem == NULL)
vif0.cmd = 0;
vif0.tag.size = 0;
vif0ch.qwc = 0;
return true;
VIF_LOG("VIF0chain size=%d, madr=%lx, tadr=%lx",
vif0ch.qwc, vif0ch.madr, vif0ch.tadr);
if (vif0.irqoffset.enabled)
return VIF0transfer(pMem + vif0.irqoffset.value, vif0ch.qwc * 4 - vif0.irqoffset.value);
return VIF0transfer(pMem, vif0ch.qwc * 4);
__fi void vif0SetupTransfer()
tDMA_TAG *ptag;
ptag = dmaGetAddr(vif0ch.tadr, false); //Set memory pointer to TADR
if (!(vif0ch.transfer("vif0 Tag", ptag))) return;
vif0ch.madr = ptag[1]._u32; //MADR = ADDR field + SPR
g_vif0Cycles += 1; // Add 1 g_vifCycles from the QW read for the tag
// Transfer dma tag if tte is set
VIF_LOG("vif0 Tag %8.8x_%8.8x size=%d, id=%d, madr=%lx, tadr=%lx",
ptag[1]._u32, ptag[0]._u32, vif0ch.qwc, ptag->ID, vif0ch.madr, vif0ch.tadr);
vif0.inprogress = 0;
if (vif0ch.chcr.TTE)
// Transfer dma tag if tte is set
bool ret;
static __aligned16 u128 masked_tag;
masked_tag._u64[0] = 0;
masked_tag._u64[1] = *((u64*)ptag + 1);
VIF_LOG("\tVIF0 SrcChain TTE=1, data = 0x%08x.%08x", masked_tag._u32[3], masked_tag._u32[2]);
if (vif0.irqoffset.enabled)
ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)&masked_tag + vif0.irqoffset.value, 4 - vif0.irqoffset.value, true); //Transfer Tag on stall
//ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)ptag + (2 + vif0.irqoffset), 2 - vif0.irqoffset); //Transfer Tag on stall
//Some games (like killzone) do Tags mid unpack, the nops will just write blank data
//to the VU's, which breaks stuff, this is where the 128bit packet will fail, so we ignore the first 2 words
vif0.irqoffset.value = 2;
vif0.irqoffset.enabled = true;
ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)&masked_tag + 2, 2, true); //Transfer Tag
//ret = VIF0transfer((u32*)ptag + 2, 2); //Transfer Tag
if (!ret && vif0.irqoffset.enabled)
vif0.inprogress = 0; //Better clear this so it has to do it again (Jak 1)
return; //IRQ set by VIFTransfer
vif0.irqoffset.value = 0;
vif0.irqoffset.enabled = false;
vif0.done |= hwDmacSrcChainWithStack(vif0ch, ptag->ID);
if(vif0ch.qwc > 0) vif0.inprogress = 1;
//Check TIE bit of CHCR and IRQ bit of tag
if (vif0ch.chcr.TIE && ptag->IRQ)
VIF_LOG("dmaIrq Set");
//End Transfer
vif0.done = true;
__fi void vif0VUFinish()
if ((VU0.VI[REG_VPU_STAT].UL & 1))
int _cycles = VU0.cycle;
//DevCon.Warning("Finishing VU0");
_cycles = VU0.cycle - _cycles;
//DevCon.Warning("Finishing VU0 %d cycles", _cycles);
vif0Regs.stat.VEW = false;
VIF_LOG("VU0 finished");
if(vif0.waitforvu == true)
vif0.waitforvu = false;
//Make sure VIF0 isnt already scheduled to spin.
if(!(cpuRegs.interrupt & 0x1) && vif0ch.chcr.STR == true && !vif0Regs.stat.INT)
//DevCon.Warning("VU0 state cleared");
__fi void vif0Interrupt()
VIF_LOG("vif0Interrupt: %8.8x", cpuRegs.cycle);
g_vif0Cycles = 0;
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = min(vif0ch.qwc, (u16)8);
if (!(vif0ch.chcr.STR)) Console.WriteLn("vif0 running when CHCR == %x", vif0ch.chcr._u32);
if (vif0.irq && vif0.tag.size == 0 && vif0.cmd == 0)
vif0Regs.stat.INT = true;
//Yakuza watches VIF_STAT so lets do this here.
if (((vif0Regs.code >> 24) & 0x7f) != 0x7) {
vif0Regs.stat.VIS = true;
if (vif0Regs.stat.test(VIF0_STAT_VSS | VIF0_STAT_VIS | VIF0_STAT_VFS))
//vif0Regs.stat.FQC = 0;
// One game doesn't like vif stalling at end, can't remember what. Spiderman isn't keen on it tho
//vif0ch.chcr.STR = false;
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = min((u16)0x8, vif0ch.qwc);
if(vif0ch.qwc > 0 || !vif0.done)
VIF_LOG("VIF0 Stalled");
if(vif0.waitforvu == true)
//DevCon.Warning("Waiting on VU0");
vif0.vifstalled.enabled = false;
//Must go after the Stall, incase it's still in progress, GTC africa likes to see it still transferring.
if (vif0.cmd)
if(vif0.done == true && vif0ch.qwc == 0) vif0Regs.stat.VPS = VPS_WAITING;
vif0Regs.stat.VPS = VPS_IDLE;
if (vif0.inprogress & 0x1)
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = min(vif0ch.qwc, (u16)8);
CPU_INT(DMAC_VIF0, g_vif0Cycles);
if (!vif0.done)
if (!(dmacRegs.ctrl.DMAE))
Console.WriteLn("vif0 dma masked");
if ((vif0.inprogress & 0x1) == 0) vif0SetupTransfer();
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = min(vif0ch.qwc, (u16)8);
CPU_INT(DMAC_VIF0, g_vif0Cycles);
if (vif0.vifstalled.enabled && vif0.done)
DevCon.WriteLn("VIF0 looping on stall at end\n");
return; //Dont want to end if vif is stalled.
if (vif0ch.qwc > 0) Console.WriteLn("vif0 Ending with %x QWC left", vif0ch.qwc);
if (vif0.cmd != 0) Console.WriteLn("vif0.cmd still set %x tag size %x", vif0.cmd, vif0.tag.size);
vif0ch.chcr.STR = false;
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = min((u16)0x8, vif0ch.qwc);
vif0.vifstalled.enabled = false;
vif0.irqoffset.enabled = false;
if(vif0.queued_program == true) vifExecQueue(0);
g_vif0Cycles = 0;
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = 0;
void dmaVIF0()
VIF_LOG("dmaVIF0 chcr = %lx, madr = %lx, qwc = %lx\n"
" tadr = %lx, asr0 = %lx, asr1 = %lx",
vif0ch.chcr._u32, vif0ch.madr, vif0ch.qwc,
vif0ch.tadr, vif0ch.asr0, vif0ch.asr1);
g_vif0Cycles = 0;
if (vif0ch.qwc > 0) // Normal Mode
if (vif0ch.chcr.MOD == CHAIN_MODE)
vif0.dmamode = VIF_CHAIN_MODE;
if ((vif0ch.chcr.tag().ID == TAG_REFE) || (vif0ch.chcr.tag().ID == TAG_END) || (vif0ch.chcr.tag().IRQ && vif0ch.chcr.TIE))
vif0.done = true;
vif0.done = false;
else //Assume Normal mode.
vif0.dmamode = VIF_NORMAL_FROM_MEM_MODE;
if (vif0.irqoffset.enabled == true && vif0.done == false) DevCon.Warning("Warning! VIF0 starting a Normal transfer with vif offset set (Possible force stop?)");
vif0.done = true;
vif0.inprogress |= 1;
if (vif0.irqoffset.enabled == true && vif0.done == false) DevCon.Warning("Warning! VIF0 starting a new Chain transfer with vif offset set (Possible force stop?)");
vif0.dmamode = VIF_CHAIN_MODE;
vif0.done = false;
vif0.inprogress &= ~0x1;
vif0Regs.stat.FQC = min((u16)0x8, vif0ch.qwc);
//Using a delay as Beyond Good and Evil does the DMA twice with 2 different TADR's (no checks in the middle, all one block of code),
//the first bit it sends isnt required for it to work.
//Also being an end chain it ignores the second lot, this causes infinite loops ;p
// Chain Mode