mirror of https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2.git
632 lines
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632 lines
16 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest
* http://www.gabest.org
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA.
* http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GSRenderer.h"
#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <X11/keysym.h>
const unsigned int s_interlace_nb = 8;
const unsigned int s_post_shader_nb = 5;
const unsigned int s_aspect_ratio_nb = 3;
const unsigned int s_mipmap_nb = 3;
: m_shader(0)
, m_shift_key(false)
, m_control_key(false)
, m_texture_shuffle(false)
, m_real_size(0, 0)
, m_wnd()
, m_dev(NULL)
m_GStitleInfoBuffer[0] = 0;
m_interlace = theApp.GetConfigI("interlace") % s_interlace_nb;
m_aspectratio = theApp.GetConfigI("AspectRatio") % s_aspect_ratio_nb;
m_shader = theApp.GetConfigI("TVShader") % s_post_shader_nb;
m_vsync = theApp.GetConfigI("vsync");
m_aa1 = theApp.GetConfigB("aa1");
m_fxaa = theApp.GetConfigB("fxaa");
m_shaderfx = theApp.GetConfigB("shaderfx");
m_shadeboost = theApp.GetConfigB("ShadeBoost");
m_dithering = theApp.GetConfigI("dithering_ps2"); // 0 off, 1 auto, 2 auto no scale
m_dev->Reset(1, 1, GSDevice::Windowed);
delete m_dev;
bool GSRenderer::CreateDevice(GSDevice* dev)
if (!dev->Create(m_wnd))
return false;
m_dev = dev;
return true;
void GSRenderer::ResetDevice()
if (m_dev)
m_dev->Reset(1, 1);
bool GSRenderer::Merge(int field)
bool en[2];
GSVector4i fr[2];
GSVector4i dr[2];
GSVector2i display_baseline = {INT_MAX, INT_MAX};
GSVector2i frame_baseline = {INT_MAX, INT_MAX};
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
en[i] = IsEnabled(i);
if (en[i])
fr[i] = GetFrameRect(i);
dr[i] = GetDisplayRect(i);
display_baseline.x = std::min(dr[i].left, display_baseline.x);
display_baseline.y = std::min(dr[i].top, display_baseline.y);
frame_baseline.x = std::min(fr[i].left, frame_baseline.x);
frame_baseline.y = std::min(fr[i].top, frame_baseline.y);
//printf("[%d]: %d %d %d %d, %d %d %d %d\n", i, fr[i].x,fr[i].y,fr[i].z,fr[i].w , dr[i].x,dr[i].y,dr[i].z,dr[i].w);
if (!en[0] && !en[1])
return false;
GL_PUSH("Renderer Merge %d (0: enabled %d 0x%x, 1: enabled %d 0x%x)", s_n, en[0], m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.Block(), en[1], m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.Block());
// try to avoid fullscreen blur, could be nice on tv but on a monitor it's like double vision, hurts my eyes (persona 4, guitar hero)
// NOTE: probably the technique explained in graphtip.pdf (Antialiasing by Supersampling / 4. Reading Odd/Even Scan Lines Separately with the PCRTC then Blending)
bool samesrc =
en[0] && en[1] &&
m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.FBP == m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.FBP &&
m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.FBW == m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.FBW &&
m_regs->DISP[0].DISPFB.PSM == m_regs->DISP[1].DISPFB.PSM;
if (samesrc /*&& m_regs->PMODE.SLBG == 0 && m_regs->PMODE.MMOD == 1 && m_regs->PMODE.ALP == 0x80*/)
// persona 4:
// fr[0] = 0 0 640 448
// fr[1] = 0 1 640 448
// dr[0] = 159 50 779 498
// dr[1] = 159 50 779 497
// second image shifted up by 1 pixel and blended over itself
// god of war:
// fr[0] = 0 1 512 448
// fr[1] = 0 0 512 448
// dr[0] = 127 50 639 497
// dr[1] = 127 50 639 498
// same just the first image shifted
// These kinds of cases are now fixed by the more generic frame_diff code below, as the code here was too specific and has become obsolete.
// NOTE: Persona 4 and God Of War are not rare exceptions, many games have the same(or very similar) offsets.
int topDiff = fr[0].top - fr[1].top;
if (dr[0].eq(dr[1]) && (fr[0].eq(fr[1] + GSVector4i(0, topDiff, 0, topDiff)) || fr[1].eq(fr[0] + GSVector4i(0, topDiff, 0, topDiff))))
// dq5:
// fr[0] = 0 1 512 445
// fr[1] = 0 0 512 444
// dr[0] = 127 50 639 494
// dr[1] = 127 50 639 494
int top = std::min(fr[0].top, fr[1].top);
int bottom = std::min(fr[0].bottom, fr[1].bottom);
fr[0].top = fr[1].top = top;
fr[0].bottom = fr[1].bottom = bottom;
GSVector2i fs(0, 0);
GSVector2i ds(0, 0);
GSTexture* tex[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
int y_offset[3] = {0, 0, 0};
bool feedback_merge = m_regs->EXTWRITE.WRITE == 1;
if (samesrc && fr[0].bottom == fr[1].bottom && !feedback_merge)
tex[0] = GetOutput(0, y_offset[0]);
tex[1] = tex[0]; // saves one texture fetch
y_offset[1] = y_offset[0];
if (en[0])
tex[0] = GetOutput(0, y_offset[0]);
if (en[1])
tex[1] = GetOutput(1, y_offset[1]);
if (feedback_merge)
tex[2] = GetFeedbackOutput();
GSVector4 src[2];
GSVector4 src_hw[2];
GSVector4 dst[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (!en[i] || !tex[i])
GSVector4i r = fr[i];
GSVector4 scale = GSVector4(tex[i]->GetScale()).xyxy();
src[i] = GSVector4(r) * scale / GSVector4(tex[i]->GetSize()).xyxy();
src_hw[i] = (GSVector4(r) + GSVector4(0, y_offset[i], 0, y_offset[i])) * scale / GSVector4(tex[i]->GetSize()).xyxy();
GSVector2 off(0);
GSVector2i display_diff(dr[i].left - display_baseline.x, dr[i].top - display_baseline.y);
GSVector2i frame_diff(fr[i].left - frame_baseline.x, fr[i].top - frame_baseline.y);
// Time Crisis 2/3 uses two side by side images when in split screen mode.
// Though ignore cases where baseline and display rectangle offsets only differ by 1 pixel, causes blurring and wrong resolution output on FFXII
if (display_diff.x > 2)
off.x = tex[i]->GetScale().x * display_diff.x;
// If the DX offset is too small then consider the status of frame memory offsets, prevents blurring on Tenchu: Fatal Shadows, Worms 3D
else if (display_diff.x != frame_diff.x)
off.x = tex[i]->GetScale().x * frame_diff.x;
if (display_diff.y >= 4) // Shouldn't this be >= 2?
off.y = tex[i]->GetScale().y * display_diff.y;
if (m_regs->SMODE2.INT && m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD)
off.y /= 2;
else if (display_diff.y != frame_diff.y)
off.y = tex[i]->GetScale().y * frame_diff.y;
dst[i] = GSVector4(off).xyxy() + scale * GSVector4(r.rsize());
fs.x = std::max(fs.x, (int)(dst[i].z + 0.5f));
fs.y = std::max(fs.y, (int)(dst[i].w + 0.5f));
ds = fs;
if (m_regs->SMODE2.INT && m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD)
ds.y *= 2;
m_real_size = ds;
bool slbg = m_regs->PMODE.SLBG;
if (tex[0] || tex[1])
if (tex[0] == tex[1] && !slbg && (src[0] == src[1] & dst[0] == dst[1]).alltrue())
// the two outputs are identical, skip drawing one of them (the one that is alpha blended)
tex[0] = NULL;
GSVector4 c = GSVector4((int)m_regs->BGCOLOR.R, (int)m_regs->BGCOLOR.G, (int)m_regs->BGCOLOR.B, (int)m_regs->PMODE.ALP) / 255;
m_dev->Merge(tex, src_hw, dst, fs, m_regs->PMODE, m_regs->EXTBUF, c);
if (m_regs->SMODE2.INT && m_interlace > 0)
if (m_interlace == 7 && m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD) // Auto interlace enabled / Odd frame interlace setting
int field2 = 0;
int mode = 2;
m_dev->Interlace(ds, field ^ field2, mode, tex[1] ? tex[1]->GetScale().y : tex[0]->GetScale().y);
int field2 = 1 - ((m_interlace - 1) & 1);
int mode = (m_interlace - 1) >> 1;
m_dev->Interlace(ds, field ^ field2, mode, tex[1] ? tex[1]->GetScale().y : tex[0]->GetScale().y);
if (m_shadeboost)
if (m_shaderfx)
if (m_fxaa)
return true;
GSVector2i GSRenderer::GetInternalResolution()
return m_real_size;
void GSRenderer::SetVSync(int vsync)
m_vsync = vsync;
if (m_dev)
void GSRenderer::VSync(int field)
GSPerfMonAutoTimer pmat(&m_perfmon);
if (s_dump && s_n >= s_saven)
m_regs->Dump(root_sw + format("%05d_f%lld_gs_reg.txt", s_n, m_perfmon.GetFrame()));
if (!m_dev->IsLost(true))
if (!Merge(field ? 1 : 0))
// osd
if ((m_perfmon.GetFrame() & 0x1f) == 0)
double fps = 1000.0f / m_perfmon.Get(GSPerfMon::Frame);
std::string s;
if (1) //force verbose reply
if (m_wnd->IsManaged())
//GSdx owns the window's title, be verbose.
std::string s2 = m_regs->SMODE2.INT ? (std::string("Interlaced ") + (m_regs->SMODE2.FFMD ? "(frame)" : "(field)")) : "Progressive";
s = format(
"%lld | %d x %d | %.2f fps (%d%%) | %s - %s | %s | %d S/%d P/%d D | %d%% CPU | %.2f | %.2f",
m_perfmon.GetFrame(), GetInternalResolution().x, GetInternalResolution().y, fps, (int)(100.0 * fps / GetTvRefreshRate()),
m_perfmon.Get(GSPerfMon::Swizzle) / 1024,
m_perfmon.Get(GSPerfMon::Unswizzle) / 1024);
double fillrate = m_perfmon.Get(GSPerfMon::Fillrate);
if (fillrate > 0)
s += format(" | %.2f mpps", fps * fillrate / (1024 * 1024));
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
sum += m_perfmon.CPU(GSPerfMon::WorkerDraw0 + i);
s += format(" | %d%% CPU", sum);
// Satisfy PCSX2's request for title info: minimal verbosity due to more external title text
s = format("%dx%d | %s", GetInternalResolution().x, GetInternalResolution().y, theApp.m_gs_interlace[m_interlace].name.c_str());
if (m_capture.IsCapturing())
s += " | Recording...";
if (m_wnd->IsManaged())
// note: do not use TryEnterCriticalSection. It is unnecessary code complication in
// an area that absolutely does not matter (even if it were 100 times slower, it wouldn't
// be noticeable). Besides, these locks are extremely short -- overhead of conditional
// is way more expensive than just waiting for the CriticalSection in 1 of 10,000,000 tries. --air
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_pGSsetTitle_Crit);
strncpy(m_GStitleInfoBuffer, s.c_str(), countof(m_GStitleInfoBuffer) - 1);
m_GStitleInfoBuffer[sizeof(m_GStitleInfoBuffer) - 1] = 0; // make sure null terminated even if text overflows
// [TODO]
// We don't have window title rights, or the window has no title,
// so let's use actual OSD!
if (m_frameskip)
// present
// This will scale the OSD to the window's size.
// Will maintiain the font size no matter what size the window is.
GSVector4i window_size = m_wnd->GetClientRect();
m_dev->m_osd.m_real_size.x = window_size.v[2];
m_dev->m_osd.m_real_size.y = window_size.v[3];
m_dev->Present(m_wnd->GetClientRect().fit(m_aspectratio), m_shader);
// snapshot
if (!m_snapshot.empty())
if (!m_dump && m_shift_key)
GSFreezeData fd = {0, nullptr};
Freeze(&fd, true);
fd.data = new uint8[fd.size];
Freeze(&fd, false);
if (m_control_key)
m_dump = std::unique_ptr<GSDumpBase>(new GSDump(m_snapshot, m_crc, fd, m_regs));
m_dump = std::unique_ptr<GSDumpBase>(new GSDumpXz(m_snapshot, m_crc, fd, m_regs));
delete[] fd.data;
if (GSTexture* t = m_dev->GetCurrent())
t->Save(m_snapshot + ".png");
else if (m_dump)
if (m_dump->VSync(field, !m_control_key, m_regs))
// capture
if (m_capture.IsCapturing())
if (GSTexture* current = m_dev->GetCurrent())
GSVector2i size = m_capture.GetSize();
if (GSTexture* offscreen = m_dev->CopyOffscreen(current, GSVector4(0, 0, 1, 1), size.x, size.y))
GSTexture::GSMap m;
if (offscreen->Map(m))
m_capture.DeliverFrame(m.bits, m.pitch, !m_dev->IsRBSwapped());
bool GSRenderer::MakeSnapshot(const std::string& path)
if (m_snapshot.empty())
// Allows for providing a complete path
if (path.substr(path.size() - 4, 4) == ".png")
m_snapshot = path.substr(0, path.size() - 4);
time_t cur_time = time(nullptr);
static time_t prev_snap;
// The variable 'n' is used for labelling the screenshots when multiple screenshots are taken in
// a single second, we'll start using this variable for naming when a second screenshot request is detected
// at the same time as the first one. Hence, we're initially setting this counter to 2 to imply that
// the captured image is the 2nd image captured at this specific time.
static int n = 2;
char local_time[16];
if (strftime(local_time, sizeof(local_time), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime(&cur_time)))
if (cur_time == prev_snap)
m_snapshot = format("%s_%s_(%d)", path.c_str(), local_time, n++);
n = 2;
m_snapshot = format("%s_%s", path.c_str(), local_time);
prev_snap = cur_time;
return true;
bool GSRenderer::BeginCapture(std::string& filename)
GSVector4i disp = m_wnd->GetClientRect().fit(m_aspectratio);
float aspect = (float)disp.width() / std::max(1, disp.height());
return m_capture.BeginCapture(GetTvRefreshRate(), GetInternalResolution(), aspect, filename);
void GSRenderer::EndCapture()
void GSRenderer::KeyEvent(GSKeyEventData* e)
#ifdef _WIN32
m_shift_key = !!(::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000);
m_control_key = !!(::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000);
switch (e->key)
case XK_Shift_L:
case XK_Shift_R:
m_shift_key = (e->type == KEYPRESS);
case XK_Control_L:
case XK_Control_R:
m_control_key = (e->type == KEYPRESS);
if (e->type == KEYPRESS)
int step = m_shift_key ? -1 : 1;
#if defined(__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#define VK_F5 XK_F5
#define VK_F6 XK_F6
#define VK_DELETE XK_Delete
#define VK_INSERT XK_Insert
#define VK_PRIOR XK_Prior
#define VK_NEXT XK_Next
#define VK_HOME XK_Home
switch (e->key)
case VK_F5:
m_interlace = (m_interlace + s_interlace_nb + step) % s_interlace_nb;
theApp.SetConfig("interlace", m_interlace);
printf("GSdx: Set deinterlace mode to %d (%s).\n", m_interlace, theApp.m_gs_interlace.at(m_interlace).name.c_str());
case VK_F6:
if (m_wnd->IsManaged())
m_aspectratio = (m_aspectratio + s_aspect_ratio_nb + step) % s_aspect_ratio_nb;
m_aa1 = !m_aa1;
theApp.SetConfig("aa1", m_aa1);
printf("GSdx: (Software) Edge anti-aliasing is now %s.\n", m_aa1 ? "enabled" : "disabled");
m_mipmap = (m_mipmap + s_mipmap_nb + step) % s_mipmap_nb;
theApp.SetConfig("mipmap_hw", m_mipmap);
printf("GSdx: Mipmapping is now %s.\n", theApp.m_gs_hack.at(m_mipmap).name.c_str());
case VK_PRIOR:
m_fxaa = !m_fxaa;
theApp.SetConfig("fxaa", m_fxaa);
printf("GSdx: FXAA anti-aliasing is now %s.\n", m_fxaa ? "enabled" : "disabled");
case VK_HOME:
m_shaderfx = !m_shaderfx;
theApp.SetConfig("shaderfx", m_shaderfx);
printf("GSdx: External post-processing is now %s.\n", m_shaderfx ? "enabled" : "disabled");
case VK_NEXT: // As requested by Prafull, to be removed later
char dither_msg[3][16] = {"disabled", "auto", "auto unscaled"};
m_dithering = (m_dithering + 1) % 3;
printf("GSdx: Dithering is now %s.\n", dither_msg[m_dithering]);
void GSRenderer::PurgePool()