
39 lines
709 B

@echo off
echo Configuring...
set RAREXE="C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rar.exe"
echo Checking files...
if not exist %RAREXE% goto error_1
if not exist .\bin\spu2ghz.dll goto error_2
if not exist .\changelog.txt goto error_3
echo Preparing files...
copy changelog.txt .\bin\
cd bin
echo Packing...
if exist spu2ghz.rar del spu2ghz.rar
%RAREXE% a -m5 spu2ghz.rar spu2ghz.dll changelog.txt >null
if errorlevel 1 (
echo ERROR: %rarexe% returned an error code.
exit 4
echo Finished.
echo ERROR: Cannot find the rar executable. Change %0 to point it to rar.exe.
exit /B 1
echo ERROR: Cannot find spu2ghz.dll
exit /B 2
echo ERROR: Cannot find changelog.txt
exit /B 3