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362 lines
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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "IopCommon.h"
#include "IsoFileFormats.h"
#include <errno.h>
static const char* nameFromType(int type)
case ISOTYPE_CD: return "CD";
case ISOTYPE_DVD: return "DVD";
case ISOTYPE_AUDIO: return "Audio CD";
case ISOTYPE_DVDDL: return "DVD9 (dual-layer)";
case ISOTYPE_ILLEGAL: return "Illegal media";
default: return "Unknown or corrupt";
int InputIsoFile::ReadSync(u8* dst, uint lsn)
if (lsn >= m_blocks)
FastFormatUnicode msg;
msg.Write("isoFile error: Block index is past the end of file! (%u >= %u).", lsn, m_blocks);
pxAssertDev(false, msg);
return -1;
return m_reader->ReadSync(dst+m_blockofs, lsn, 1);
void InputIsoFile::BeginRead2(uint lsn)
m_current_lsn = lsn;
if (lsn >= m_blocks)
// While this usually indicates that the ISO is corrupted, some games do attempt
// to read past the end of the disc, so don't error here.
DevCon.Warning("isoFile error: Block index is past the end of file! (%u >= %u).", lsn, m_blocks);
if(lsn >= m_read_lsn && lsn < (m_read_lsn+m_read_count))
// Already buffered
m_read_lsn = lsn;
m_read_count = 1;
if(ReadUnit > 1)
//m_read_lsn = lsn - (lsn % ReadUnit);
m_read_count = std::min(ReadUnit, m_blocks - m_read_lsn);
m_reader->BeginRead(m_readbuffer, m_read_lsn, m_read_count);
m_read_inprogress = true;
int InputIsoFile::FinishRead3(u8* dst, uint mode)
// Do nothing for out of bounds disc sector reads. It prevents some games
// from hanging (All-Star Baseball 2005, Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue,
// Hot Wheels: Beat That! (NTSC), Ratchet & Clank 3 (PAL),
// Test Drive: Eve of Destruction, etc.).
if (m_current_lsn >= m_blocks)
return 0;
int _offset = 0;
int length = 0;
int ret = 0;
ret = m_reader->FinishRead();
m_read_inprogress = false;
if(ret < 0)
return ret;
switch (mode)
case CDVD_MODE_2352:
_offset = 0;
length = 2352;
case CDVD_MODE_2340:
_offset = 12;
length = 2340;
case CDVD_MODE_2328:
_offset = 24;
length = 2328;
case CDVD_MODE_2048:
_offset = 24;
length = 2048;
int end1 = m_blockofs + m_blocksize;
int end2 = _offset + length;
int end = std::min(end1, end2);
int diff = m_blockofs - _offset;
int ndiff = 0;
if(diff > 0)
memset(dst, 0, diff);
_offset = m_blockofs;
ndiff = -diff;
diff = 0;
length = end - _offset;
uint read_offset = (m_current_lsn - m_read_lsn) * m_blocksize;
memcpy(dst + diff, m_readbuffer + ndiff + read_offset, length);
if (m_type == ISOTYPE_CD && diff >= 12)
lsn_to_msf(dst + diff - 12, m_current_lsn);
dst[diff - 9] = 2;
return 0;
void InputIsoFile::_init()
m_flags = 0;
m_offset = 0;
m_blockofs = 0;
m_blocksize = 0;
m_blocks = 0;
m_read_inprogress = false;
m_read_count = 0;
ReadUnit = 0;
m_current_lsn = -1;
m_read_lsn = -1;
m_reader = NULL;
// Tests the specified filename to see if it is a supported ISO type. This function typically
// executes faster than IsoFile::Open since it does not do the following:
// * check for multi-part ISOs. I tests for header info in the main/root ISO only.
// * load blockdump indexes.
// Note that this is a member method, and that it will clobber any existing ISO state.
// (assertions are generated in debug mode if the object state is not already closed).
bool InputIsoFile::Test( const wxString& srcfile )
m_filename = srcfile;
return Open(srcfile, true);
bool InputIsoFile::Open( const wxString& srcfile, bool testOnly )
m_filename = srcfile;
m_reader = NULL;
bool isBlockdump = false;
bool isCompressed = false;
// First try using a compressed reader. If it works, go with it.
m_reader = CompressedFileReader::GetNewReader(m_filename);
isCompressed = m_reader != NULL;
// If it wasn't compressed, let's open it has a FlatFileReader.
if (!isCompressed)
// Allow write sharing of the iso based on the ini settings.
// Mostly useful for romhacking, where the disc is frequently
// changed and the emulator would block modifications
m_reader = new FlatFileReader(EmuConfig.CdvdShareWrite);
// It might actually be a blockdump file.
// Check that before continuing with the FlatFileReader.
isBlockdump = BlockdumpFileReader::DetectBlockdump(m_reader);
if (isBlockdump)
delete m_reader;
BlockdumpFileReader *bdr = new BlockdumpFileReader();
m_blockofs = bdr->GetBlockOffset();
m_blocksize = bdr->GetBlockSize();
m_reader = bdr;
ReadUnit = 1;
bool detected = Detect();
return detected;
if (!detected)
throw Exception::BadStream()
.SetUserMsg(_("Unrecognized ISO image file format"))
.SetDiagMsg(L"ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type.");
if(!isBlockdump && !isCompressed)
ReadUnit = MaxReadUnit;
// Returns the original reader if single-part or a Multipart reader otherwise
AsyncFileReader* m_reader_old = m_reader;
m_reader = MultipartFileReader::DetectMultipart(m_reader);
if (m_reader != m_reader_old) // Not the same object the old one need to be deleted
delete m_reader_old;
m_blocks = m_reader->GetBlockCount();
Console.WriteLn(Color_StrongBlue, L"isoFile open ok: %s", WX_STR(m_filename));
ConsoleIndentScope indent;
Console.WriteLn("Image type = %s", nameFromType(m_type));
//Console.WriteLn("Fileparts = %u", m_numparts); // Pointless print, it's 1 unless it says otherwise above
DevCon.WriteLn ("blocks = %u", m_blocks);
DevCon.WriteLn ("offset = %d", m_offset);
DevCon.WriteLn ("blocksize = %u", m_blocksize);
DevCon.WriteLn ("blockoffset = %d", m_blockofs);
return true;
void InputIsoFile::Close()
delete m_reader;
m_reader = NULL;
bool InputIsoFile::IsOpened() const
return m_reader != NULL;
bool InputIsoFile::tryIsoType(u32 _size, s32 _offset, s32 _blockofs)
static u8 buf[2456];
m_blocksize = _size;
m_offset = _offset;
m_blockofs = _blockofs;
if(ReadSync(buf, 16) < 0)
return false;
if (strncmp((char*)(buf+25), "CD001", 5)) // Not ISO 9660 compliant
return false;
m_type = (*(u16*)(buf+190) == 2048) ? ISOTYPE_CD : ISOTYPE_DVD;
return true; // We can deal with this.
// based on florin's CDVDbin detection code :)
// Parameter:
// Returns true if the image is valid/known/supported, or false if not (type == ISOTYPE_ILLEGAL).
bool InputIsoFile::Detect( bool readType )
AsyncFileReader* headpart = m_reader;
// First sanity check: no sane CD image has less than 16 sectors, since that's what
// we need simply to contain a TOC. So if the file size is not large enough to
// accommodate that, it is NOT a CD image --->
int sectors = headpart->GetBlockCount();
if (sectors < 17)
return false;
m_blocks = 17;
if (tryIsoType(2048, 0, 24)) return true; // ISO 2048
if (tryIsoType(2336, 0, 16)) return true; // RAW 2336
if (tryIsoType(2352, 0, 0)) return true; // RAW 2352
if (tryIsoType(2448, 0, 0)) return true; // RAWQ 2448
if (tryIsoType(2048, 150 * 2048, 24)) return true; // NERO ISO 2048
if (tryIsoType(2352, 150 * 2048, 0)) return true; // NERO RAW 2352
if (tryIsoType(2448, 150 * 2048, 0)) return true; // NERO RAWQ 2448
if (tryIsoType(2048, -8, 24)) return true; // ISO 2048
if (tryIsoType(2352, -8, 0)) return true; // RAW 2352
if (tryIsoType(2448, -8, 0)) return true; // RAWQ 2448
m_offset = 0;
m_blocksize = CD_FRAMESIZE_RAW;
m_blockofs = 0;
//BUG: This also detects a memory-card-file as a valid Audio-CD ISO... -avih
return true;