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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2022 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <optional>
#include "common/Pcsx2Defs.h"
#include "Config.h"
enum class CDVD_SourceType : uint8_t;
enum class VMState
struct VMBootParameters
std::string filename;
std::string elf_override;
std::string save_state;
std::optional<s32> state_index;
std::optional<CDVD_SourceType> source_type;
std::optional<bool> fast_boot;
std::optional<bool> fullscreen;
namespace VMManager
/// The number of usable save state slots.
static constexpr s32 NUM_SAVE_STATE_SLOTS = 10;
/// Makes sure that AVX2 is available if we were compiled with it.
bool PerformEarlyHardwareChecks(const char** error);
/// Returns the current state of the VM.
VMState GetState();
/// Alters the current state of the VM.
void SetState(VMState state);
/// Returns true if there is an active virtual machine.
bool HasValidVM();
/// Returns the path of the disc currently running.
std::string GetDiscPath();
/// Returns the crc of the executable currently running.
u32 GetGameCRC();
/// Returns the serial of the disc/executable currently running.
std::string GetGameSerial();
/// Returns the name of the disc/executable currently running.
std::string GetGameName();
/// Loads global settings (i.e. EmuConfig).
void LoadSettings();
/// Initializes all system components.
bool Initialize(VMBootParameters boot_params);
/// Destroys all system components.
void Shutdown(bool save_resume_state);
/// Resets all subsystems to a cold boot.
void Reset();
/// Runs the VM until the CPU execution is canceled.
void Execute();
/// Changes the pause state of the VM, resetting anything needed when unpausing.
void SetPaused(bool paused);
/// Reloads settings, and applies any changes present.
void ApplySettings();
/// Reloads game specific settings, and applys any changes present.
bool ReloadGameSettings();
/// Reloads cheats/patches. If verbose is set, the number of patches loaded will be shown in the OSD.
void ReloadPatches(bool verbose, bool show_messages_when_disabled);
/// Returns the save state filename for the given game serial/crc.
std::string GetSaveStateFileName(const char* game_serial, u32 game_crc, s32 slot);
/// Returns the path to save state for the specified disc/elf.
std::string GetSaveStateFileName(const char* filename, s32 slot);
/// Returns true if there is a save state in the specified slot.
bool HasSaveStateInSlot(const char* game_serial, u32 game_crc, s32 slot);
/// Loads state from the specified file.
bool LoadState(const char* filename);
/// Loads state from the specified slot.
bool LoadStateFromSlot(s32 slot);
/// Saves state to the specified filename.
bool SaveState(const char* filename, bool zip_on_thread = true, bool backup_old_state = false);
/// Saves state to the specified slot.
bool SaveStateToSlot(s32 slot, bool zip_on_thread = true);
/// Waits until all compressing save states have finished saving to disk.
void WaitForSaveStateFlush();
/// Removes all save states for the specified serial and crc. Returns the number of files deleted.
u32 DeleteSaveStates(const char* game_serial, u32 game_crc, bool also_backups = true);
/// Returns the current limiter mode.
LimiterModeType GetLimiterMode();
/// Updates the host vsync state, as well as timer frequencies. Call when the speed limiter is adjusted.
void SetLimiterMode(LimiterModeType type);
/// Runs the virtual machine for the specified number of video frames, and then automatically pauses.
void FrameAdvance(u32 num_frames = 1);
/// Changes the disc in the virtual CD/DVD drive. Passing an empty will remove any current disc.
/// Returns false if the new disc can't be opened.
bool ChangeDisc(CDVD_SourceType source, std::string path);
/// Returns true if the specified path is an ELF.
bool IsElfFileName(const std::string_view& path);
/// Returns true if the specified path is a blockdump.
bool IsBlockDumpFileName(const std::string_view& path);
/// Returns true if the specified path is a GS Dump.
bool IsGSDumpFileName(const std::string_view& path);
/// Returns true if the specified path is a save state.
bool IsSaveStateFileName(const std::string_view& path);
/// Returns true if the specified path is a disc image.
bool IsDiscFileName(const std::string_view& path);
/// Returns true if the specified path is a disc/elf/etc.
bool IsLoadableFileName(const std::string_view& path);
/// Returns the serial to use when computing the game settings path for the current game.
std::string GetSerialForGameSettings();
/// Returns the path for the game settings ini file for the specified CRC.
std::string GetGameSettingsPath(const std::string_view& game_serial, u32 game_crc);
/// Returns the ISO override for an ELF via gamesettings.
std::string GetDiscOverrideFromGameSettings(const std::string& elf_path);
/// Returns the path for the input profile ini file with the specified name (may not exist).
std::string GetInputProfilePath(const std::string_view& name);
/// Resizes the render window to the display size, with an optional scale.
/// If the scale is set to 0, the internal resolution will be used, otherwise it is treated as a multiplier to 1x.
void RequestDisplaySize(float scale = 0.0f);
/// Initializes default configuration in the specified file.
void SetDefaultSettings(SettingsInterface& si);
/// Returns a list of processors in the system, and their corresponding affinity mask.
/// This list is ordered by most performant to least performant for pinning threads to.
const std::vector<u32>& GetSortedProcessorList();
/// Internal callbacks, implemented in the emu core.
namespace Internal
/// Performs early global initialization.
bool InitializeGlobals();
/// Releases resources allocated in InitializeGlobals().
void ReleaseGlobals();
/// Reserves memory for the virtual machines.
bool InitializeMemory();
/// Completely releases all memory for the virtual machine.
void ReleaseMemory();
const std::string& GetElfOverride();
bool IsExecutionInterrupted();
void EntryPointCompilingOnCPUThread();
void GameStartingOnCPUThread();
void VSyncOnCPUThread();
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace VMManager
namespace Host
/// Called with the settings lock held, when system settings are being loaded (should load input sources, etc).
void LoadSettings(SettingsInterface& si, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lock);
/// Called after settings are updated.
void CheckForSettingsChanges(const Pcsx2Config& old_config);
/// Called when the VM is starting initialization, but has not been completed yet.
void OnVMStarting();
/// Called when the VM is created.
void OnVMStarted();
/// Called when the VM is shut down or destroyed.
void OnVMDestroyed();
/// Called when the VM is paused.
void OnVMPaused();
/// Called when the VM is resumed after being paused.
void OnVMResumed();
/// Called when performance metrics are updated, approximately once a second.
void OnPerformanceMetricsUpdated();
/// Looks up the serial and CRC for a game in the most efficient manner possible.
/// Implemented in the host because it may have a game list cache.
bool GetSerialAndCRCForFilename(const char* filename, std::string* serial, u32* crc);
/// Called when a save state is loading, before the file is processed.
void OnSaveStateLoading(const std::string_view& filename);
/// Called after a save state is successfully loaded. If the save state was invalid, was_successful will be false.
void OnSaveStateLoaded(const std::string_view& filename, bool was_successful);
/// Called when a save state is being created/saved. The compression/write to disk is asynchronous, so this callback
/// just signifies that the save has started, not necessarily completed.
void OnSaveStateSaved(const std::string_view& filename);
/// Provided by the host; called when the running executable changes.
void OnGameChanged(const std::string& disc_path, const std::string& elf_override, const std::string& game_serial,
const std::string& game_name, u32 game_crc);
/// Provided by the host; called once per frame at guest vsync.
void CPUThreadVSync();
} // namespace Host