#define DIRECTINPUT_VERSION 0x0800 #include "Global.h" #include "VKey.h" #include "DirectInput.h" #include #include "InputManager.h" #include "DeviceEnumerator.h" #include "PS2Etypes.h" #include // Aka htons, without the winsock dependency. inline static u16 flipShort(u16 s) { return (s>>8) | (s<<8); } // Aka htonl, without the winsock dependency. inline static u32 flipLong(u32 l) { return (((u32)flipShort((u16)l))<<16) | flipShort((u16)(l>>16)); } static void GUIDtoString(wchar_t *data, const GUID *pg) { wsprintfW(data, L"%08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%04X%08X", pg->Data1, (u32)pg->Data2, (u32)pg->Data3, flipShort(((u16*)pg->Data4)[0]), flipShort(((u16*)pg->Data4)[1]), flipLong(((u32*)pg->Data4)[1])); } struct DirectInput8Data { IDirectInput8* lpDI8; int refCount; int deviceCount; }; DirectInput8Data di8d = {0,0,0}; IDirectInput8* GetDirectInput() { if (!di8d.lpDI8) { if (FAILED(DirectInput8Create(hInst, 0x800, IID_IDirectInput8, (void**) &di8d.lpDI8, 0))) return 0; } di8d.refCount++; return di8d.lpDI8; } void ReleaseDirectInput() { if (di8d.refCount) { di8d.refCount--; if (!di8d.refCount) { di8d.lpDI8->Release(); di8d.lpDI8 = 0; } } else { di8d.refCount=di8d.refCount; } } static int StringToGUID(GUID *pg, wchar_t *dataw) { char data[100]; if (wcslen(dataw) > 50) return 0; int w = 0; while (dataw[w]) { data[w] = (char) dataw[w]; w++; } data[w] = 0; u32 temp[5]; sscanf(data, "%08X-%04X-%04X-%04X-%04X%08X", &pg->Data1, temp, temp+1, temp+2, temp+3, temp+4); pg->Data2 = (u16) temp[0]; pg->Data3 = (u16) temp[1]; ((u16*)pg->Data4)[0] = flipShort((u16)temp[2]); ((u16*)pg->Data4)[1] = flipShort((u16)temp[3]); ((u32*)pg->Data4)[1] = flipLong(temp[4]); return 1; } struct DI8Effect { IDirectInputEffect *die; int scale; }; BOOL CALLBACK EnumDeviceObjectsCallback (LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE lpddoi, LPVOID pvRef); BOOL CALLBACK EnumEffectsCallback(LPCDIEFFECTINFOW pdei, LPVOID pvRef); class DirectInputDevice : public Device { public: DI8Effect *diEffects; IDirectInputDevice8 *did; GUID guidInstance; DirectInputDevice(DeviceType type, IDirectInputDevice8* did, wchar_t *displayName, wchar_t *instanceID, wchar_t *productID, GUID guid) : Device(DI, type, displayName, instanceID, productID) { diEffects = 0; guidInstance = guid; this->did = 0; did->EnumEffects(EnumEffectsCallback, this, DIEFT_ALL); did->EnumObjects(EnumDeviceObjectsCallback, this, DIDFT_ALL); did->Release(); } void SetEffect(ForceFeedbackBinding *binding, unsigned char force) { int index = 0; for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { unsigned int diff = binding - pads[port][slot].ffBindings; if (diff < (unsigned int)pads[port][slot].numFFBindings) { index += diff; port = 2; break; } index += pads[port][slot].numFFBindings; } } IDirectInputEffect *die = diEffects[index].die; if (die) { DIEFFECT dieffect; memset(&dieffect, 0, sizeof(dieffect)); union { DIPERIODIC periodic; DIRAMPFORCE ramp; DICONSTANTFORCE constant; }; dieffect.dwSize = sizeof(dieffect); dieffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &periodic; int magnitude = abs((int)((force*10000*(__int64)diEffects[index].scale)/BASE_SENSITIVITY/255)); if (magnitude > 10000) magnitude = 10000; int type = ffEffectTypes[binding->effectIndex].type; if (type == EFFECT_CONSTANT) { dieffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE); constant.lMagnitude = magnitude; } else if (type == EFFECT_PERIODIC) { dieffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DIPERIODIC); periodic.dwMagnitude = 0; periodic.lOffset = magnitude; periodic.dwPhase = 0; periodic.dwPeriod = 2000000; } else if (type == EFFECT_RAMP) { dieffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DIRAMPFORCE); ramp.lEnd = ramp.lStart = magnitude; } dieffect.dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTIDS; dieffect.dwDuration = 2000000; die->SetParameters(&dieffect, DIEP_TYPESPECIFICPARAMS | DIEP_START); } } int Activate(void *d) { int i; IDirectInput8 *di8 = GetDirectInput(); Deactivate(); if (!di8) return 0; if (DI_OK != di8->CreateDevice(guidInstance, &did, 0)) { ReleaseDirectInput(); did = 0; return 0; } { DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT *formats = (DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT*)calloc(numPhysicalControls, sizeof(DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT)); for (i=0; iSetDataFormat(&format); for (i=0; iSetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &prop.diph); // May do something like this again, if there's any need. /* if (FAILED(DI->did->SetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &prop.diph))) { if (FAILED(DI->did->GetProperty(DIPROP_RANGE, &prop.diph))) { // ???? DI->objects[i].min = prop.lMin; DI->objects[i].max = prop.lMax; continue; } } DI->objects[i].min = prop.lMin; DI->objects[i].max = prop.lMax; //*/ } } free(formats); } InitInfo *info = (InitInfo*)d; // Note: Have to use hWndTop to properly hide cursor for mouse device. if (type == OTHER) { did->SetCooperativeLevel(info->hWndTop, DISCL_BACKGROUND | DISCL_EXCLUSIVE); } else if (type == KEYBOARD) { did->SetCooperativeLevel(info->hWndTop, DISCL_FOREGROUND); } else { did->SetCooperativeLevel(info->hWndTop, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_EXCLUSIVE); } if (did->Acquire() != DI_OK) { did->Release(); did = 0; ReleaseDirectInput(); return 0; } AllocState(); int count = GetFFBindingCount(); diEffects = (DI8Effect*) calloc(count, sizeof(DI8Effect)); i = 0; for (int port=0; port<2; port++) { for (int slot=0; slot<4; slot++) { int subIndex = i; for (int j=0; jeffectIndex; GUID guid; if (!StringToGUID(&guid, eff->effectID)) continue; DIEFFECT dieffect; memset(&dieffect, 0, sizeof(dieffect)); dieffect.dwSize = sizeof(dieffect); dieffect.dwFlags = DIEFF_CARTESIAN | DIEFF_OBJECTIDS; dieffect.dwDuration = 2000000; dieffect.dwGain = 10000; dieffect.dwTriggerButton = DIEB_NOTRIGGER; union { DIPERIODIC pediodic; DIRAMPFORCE ramp; DICONSTANTFORCE constant; } stuff = {0,0,0,0}; if (eff->type == EFFECT_CONSTANT) { dieffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DICONSTANTFORCE); } else if (eff->type == EFFECT_PERIODIC) { dieffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DIPERIODIC); } else if (eff->type == EFFECT_RAMP) { dieffect.cbTypeSpecificParams = sizeof(DIRAMPFORCE); } dieffect.lpvTypeSpecificParams = &stuff; int maxForce = 0; int numAxes = 0; int *axes = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * 3 * numFFAxes); DWORD *axisIDs = (DWORD*)(axes + numFFAxes); LONG *dirList = (LONG*)(axisIDs + numFFAxes); dieffect.rgdwAxes = axisIDs; dieffect.rglDirection = dirList; for (int k=0; kaxes[k].force) { int force = abs(b->axes[k].force); if (force > maxForce) { maxForce = force; } axes[numAxes] = k; axisIDs[numAxes] = ffAxes[k].id; dirList[numAxes] = b->axes[k].force; numAxes++; } } if (!numAxes) { free(axes); continue; } dieffect.cAxes = numAxes; diEffects[i].scale = maxForce; if (!SUCCEEDED(did->CreateEffect(guid, &dieffect, &diEffects[i].die, 0))) { diEffects[i].die = 0; diEffects[i].scale = 0; } free(axes); axes = 0; i++; } } } active = 1; return 1; } int Update() { if (!active) return 0; if (numPhysicalControls) { HRESULT res = did->Poll(); // ?? if ((res != DI_OK && res != DI_NOEFFECT) || DI_OK != did->GetDeviceState(4*numPhysicalControls, physicalControlState)) { Deactivate(); return 0; } for (int i=0; iStop(); diEffects[i].die->Release(); } } free(diEffects); diEffects = 0; } if (active) { did->Unacquire(); did->Release(); ReleaseDirectInput(); did = 0; active = 0; } } ~DirectInputDevice() { } }; BOOL CALLBACK EnumEffectsCallback(LPCDIEFFECTINFOW pdei, LPVOID pvRef) { DirectInputDevice * did = (DirectInputDevice*) pvRef; EffectType type; int diType = DIEFT_GETTYPE(pdei->dwEffType); if (diType == DIEFT_CONSTANTFORCE) { type = EFFECT_CONSTANT; } else if (diType == DIEFT_RAMPFORCE) { type = EFFECT_RAMP; } else if (diType == DIEFT_PERIODIC) { type = EFFECT_PERIODIC; } else { return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } wchar_t guidString[50]; GUIDtoString(guidString, &pdei->guid); did->AddFFEffectType(pdei->tszName, guidString, type); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } BOOL CALLBACK EnumDeviceObjectsCallback (LPCDIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE lpddoi, LPVOID pvRef) { DirectInputDevice * did = (DirectInputDevice*) pvRef; if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_FFACTUATOR) { did->AddFFAxis(lpddoi->tszName, lpddoi->dwType); } ControlType type; if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_POV) type = POV; else if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_ABSAXIS) type = ABSAXIS; else if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_RELAXIS) type = RELAXIS; else if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_PSHBUTTON) type = PSHBTN; else if (lpddoi->dwType & DIDFT_TGLBUTTON) type = TGLBTN; else return DIENUM_CONTINUE; // If too many objects, ignore extra buttons. if ((did->numPhysicalControls > 255 && DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(lpddoi->dwType) > 255) && (type & (DIDFT_PSHBUTTON | DIDFT_TGLBUTTON))) { int i; for (i = did->numPhysicalControls-1; i>did->numPhysicalControls-4; i--) { if (!lpddoi->tszName[0]) break; const wchar_t *s1 = lpddoi->tszName; const wchar_t *s2 = did->physicalControls[i].name; while (*s1 && *s1 == *s2) { s1++; s2++; } // If perfect match with one of last 4 names, break. if (!*s1 && !*s2) break; while (s1 != lpddoi->tszName && (s1[-1] >= '0' && s1[-1] <= '9')) s1--; int check = 0; while (*s1 >= '0' && *s1 <= '9') { check = check*10 + *s1 - '0'; s1++; } while (*s2 >= '0' && *s2 <= '9') { s2++; } // If perfect match other than final number > 30, then break. // takes care of "button xx" case without causing issues with F keys. if (!*s1 && !*s2 && check > 30) break; } if (i != did->numPhysicalControls-4) { return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } } int vkey = 0; if (lpddoi->tszName[0] && did->type == KEYBOARD) { for (u32 i = 0; i<256; i++) { wchar_t *t = GetVKStringW((u8)i); if (!wcsicmp(lpddoi->tszName, t)) { vkey = i; break; } } } did->AddPhysicalControl(type, DIDFT_GETINSTANCE(lpddoi->dwType), vkey, lpddoi->tszName); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } BOOL CALLBACK EnumCallback (LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef) { IDirectInput8* di8 = (IDirectInput8*)pvRef; const wchar_t *name; wchar_t temp[40]; if (lpddi->tszInstanceName[0]) { name = lpddi->tszInstanceName; } else if (lpddi->tszProductName[0]) { name = lpddi->tszProductName; } else { wsprintfW (temp, L"Device %i", di8d.deviceCount); name = temp; } di8d.deviceCount++; wchar_t *fullName = (wchar_t *) malloc((wcslen(name) + 4) * sizeof(wchar_t)); wsprintf(fullName, L"DX %s", name); wchar_t instanceID[100]; wchar_t productID[100]; GUIDtoString(instanceID, &lpddi->guidInstance); GUIDtoString(productID, &lpddi->guidProduct); DeviceType type = OTHER; if ((lpddi->dwDevType & 0xFF) == DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD) { type = KEYBOARD; } else if ((lpddi->dwDevType & 0xFF) == DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE) { type = MOUSE; } IDirectInputDevice8 *did; if (DI_OK == di8->CreateDevice(lpddi->guidInstance, &did, 0)) { dm->AddDevice(new DirectInputDevice(type, did, fullName, instanceID, productID, lpddi->guidInstance)); } free(fullName); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } void EnumDirectInputDevices() { IDirectInput8* di8 = GetDirectInput(); if (!di8) return; di8d.deviceCount = 0; di8->EnumDevices(DI8DEVCLASS_ALL, EnumCallback, di8, DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); ReleaseDirectInput(); }