/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "common/WindowInfo.h" #include #include #include #include #include "Tools/InputRecording/InputRecordingViewer.h" #include "Settings/ControllerSettingsDialog.h" #include "Settings/SettingsDialog.h" #include "Debugger/DebuggerWindow.h" #include "ui_MainWindow.h" class QProgressBar; class AutoUpdaterDialog; class DisplayWidget; class DisplayContainer; class GameListWidget; class ControllerSettingsDialog; class EmuThread; namespace GameList { struct Entry; } enum class CDVD_SourceType : uint8_t; class MainWindow final : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: /// This class is a scoped lock on the VM, which prevents it from running while /// the object exists. Its purpose is to be used for blocking/modal popup boxes, /// where the VM needs to exit fullscreen temporarily. class VMLock { public: VMLock(VMLock&& lock); VMLock(const VMLock&) = delete; ~VMLock(); /// Returns the parent widget, which can be used for any popup dialogs. __fi QWidget* getDialogParent() const { return m_dialog_parent; } /// Cancels any pending unpause/fullscreen transition. /// Call when you're going to destroy the VM anyway. void cancelResume(); private: VMLock(QWidget* dialog_parent, bool was_paused, bool was_fullscreen); friend MainWindow; QWidget* m_dialog_parent; bool m_was_paused; bool m_was_fullscreen; }; /// Default theme name for the platform. static const char* DEFAULT_THEME_NAME; /// Default filter for opening a file. static const char* OPEN_FILE_FILTER; /// Default filter for opening a disc image. static const char* DISC_IMAGE_FILTER; public: MainWindow(); ~MainWindow(); /// Sets application theme according to settings. static void updateApplicationTheme(); void initialize(); void connectVMThreadSignals(EmuThread* thread); void startupUpdateCheck(); void resetSettings(bool ui); /// Locks the VM by pausing it, while a popup dialog is displayed. VMLock pauseAndLockVM(); /// Accessors for the status bar widgets, updated by the emulation thread. __fi QLabel* getStatusVerboseWidget() const { return m_status_verbose_widget; } __fi QLabel* getStatusRendererWidget() const { return m_status_renderer_widget; } __fi QLabel* getStatusResolutionWidget() const { return m_status_resolution_widget; } __fi QLabel* getStatusFPSWidget() const { return m_status_fps_widget; } __fi QLabel* getStatusVPSWidget() const { return m_status_vps_widget; } /// Rescans a single file. NOTE: Happens on UI thread. void rescanFile(const std::string& path); void openDebugger(); public Q_SLOTS: void checkForUpdates(bool display_message, bool force_check); void refreshGameList(bool invalidate_cache); void cancelGameListRefresh(); void reportError(const QString& title, const QString& message); bool confirmMessage(const QString& title, const QString& message); void runOnUIThread(const std::function& func); bool requestShutdown(bool allow_confirm = true, bool allow_save_to_state = true, bool default_save_to_state = true); void requestExit(bool allow_confirm = true); void checkForSettingChanges(); std::optional getWindowInfo(); private Q_SLOTS: void onUpdateCheckComplete(); DisplayWidget* createDisplay(bool fullscreen, bool render_to_main); DisplayWidget* updateDisplay(bool fullscreen, bool render_to_main, bool surfaceless); void displayResizeRequested(qint32 width, qint32 height); void relativeMouseModeRequested(bool enabled); void destroyDisplay(); void focusDisplayWidget(); void onGameListRefreshComplete(); void onGameListRefreshProgress(const QString& status, int current, int total); void onGameListSelectionChanged(); void onGameListEntryActivated(); void onGameListEntryContextMenuRequested(const QPoint& point); void onStartFileActionTriggered(); void onStartDiscActionTriggered(); void onStartBIOSActionTriggered(); void onChangeDiscFromFileActionTriggered(); void onChangeDiscFromGameListActionTriggered(); void onChangeDiscFromDeviceActionTriggered(); void onRemoveDiscActionTriggered(); void onChangeDiscMenuAboutToShow(); void onChangeDiscMenuAboutToHide(); void onLoadStateMenuAboutToShow(); void onSaveStateMenuAboutToShow(); void onViewToolbarActionToggled(bool checked); void onViewLockToolbarActionToggled(bool checked); void onViewStatusBarActionToggled(bool checked); void onViewGameListActionTriggered(); void onViewGameGridActionTriggered(); void onViewSystemDisplayTriggered(); void onViewGamePropertiesActionTriggered(); void onGitHubRepositoryActionTriggered(); void onSupportForumsActionTriggered(); void onDiscordServerActionTriggered(); void onAboutActionTriggered(); void onToolsOpenDataDirectoryTriggered(); void onToolsCoverDownloaderTriggered(); void updateTheme(); void onScreenshotActionTriggered(); void onSaveGSDumpActionTriggered(); void onBlockDumpActionToggled(bool checked); void onShowAdvancedSettingsToggled(bool checked); void onToolsVideoCaptureToggled(bool checked); // Input Recording void onInputRecNewActionTriggered(); void onInputRecPlayActionTriggered(); void onInputRecStopActionTriggered(); void onInputRecOpenSettingsTriggered(); void onInputRecOpenViewer(); void onVMStarting(); void onVMStarted(); void onVMPaused(); void onVMResumed(); void onVMStopped(); void onGameChanged(const QString& path, const QString& elf_override, const QString& serial, const QString& name, quint32 crc); protected: void showEvent(QShowEvent* event) override; void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) override; void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent* event) override; void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event) override; #ifdef _WIN32 bool nativeEvent(const QByteArray& eventType, void* message, qintptr* result) override; #endif private: static void setStyleFromSettings(); static void setIconThemeFromStyle(); void setupAdditionalUi(); void connectSignals(); void recreate(); void recreateSettings(); void registerForDeviceNotifications(); void unregisterForDeviceNotifications(); void saveStateToConfig(); void restoreStateFromConfig(); void updateEmulationActions(bool starting, bool running); void updateDisplayRelatedActions(bool has_surface, bool render_to_main, bool fullscreen); void updateStatusBarWidgetVisibility(); void updateWindowTitle(); void updateWindowState(bool force_visible = false); void setProgressBar(int current, int total); void clearProgressBar(); bool isShowingGameList() const; bool isRenderingFullscreen() const; bool isRenderingToMain() const; bool shouldHideMouseCursor() const; bool shouldHideMainWindow() const; void switchToGameListView(); void switchToEmulationView(); QWidget* getContentParent(); QWidget* getDisplayContainer() const; void saveDisplayWindowGeometryToConfig(); void restoreDisplayWindowGeometryFromConfig(); void createDisplayWidget(bool fullscreen, bool render_to_main, bool is_exclusive_fullscreen); void destroyDisplayWidget(bool show_game_list); void updateDisplayWidgetCursor(); void setDisplayFullscreen(const std::string& fullscreen_mode); SettingsDialog* getSettingsDialog(); void doSettings(const char* category = nullptr); InputRecordingViewer* getInputRecordingViewer(); void updateInputRecordingActions(bool started); DebuggerWindow* getDebuggerWindow(); ControllerSettingsDialog* getControllerSettingsDialog(); void doControllerSettings(ControllerSettingsDialog::Category category = ControllerSettingsDialog::Category::Count); QString getDiscDevicePath(const QString& title); void startGameListEntry( const GameList::Entry* entry, std::optional save_slot = std::nullopt, std::optional fast_boot = std::nullopt); void setGameListEntryCoverImage(const GameList::Entry* entry); void clearGameListEntryPlayTime(const GameList::Entry* entry); std::optional promptForResumeState(const QString& save_state_path); void loadSaveStateSlot(s32 slot); void loadSaveStateFile(const QString& filename, const QString& state_filename); void populateLoadStateMenu(QMenu* menu, const QString& filename, const QString& serial, quint32 crc); void populateSaveStateMenu(QMenu* menu, const QString& serial, quint32 crc); void updateSaveStateMenusEnableState(bool enable); void doStartFile(std::optional source, const QString& path); void doDiscChange(CDVD_SourceType source, const QString& path); Ui::MainWindow m_ui; GameListWidget* m_game_list_widget = nullptr; DisplayWidget* m_display_widget = nullptr; DisplayContainer* m_display_container = nullptr; SettingsDialog* m_settings_dialog = nullptr; InputRecordingViewer* m_input_recording_viewer = nullptr; ControllerSettingsDialog* m_controller_settings_dialog = nullptr; AutoUpdaterDialog* m_auto_updater_dialog = nullptr; DebuggerWindow* m_debugger_window = nullptr; QProgressBar* m_status_progress_widget = nullptr; QLabel* m_status_verbose_widget = nullptr; QLabel* m_status_renderer_widget = nullptr; QLabel* m_status_fps_widget = nullptr; QLabel* m_status_vps_widget = nullptr; QLabel* m_status_resolution_widget = nullptr; QString m_current_disc_path; QString m_current_elf_override; QString m_current_game_serial; QString m_current_game_name; quint32 m_current_game_crc; bool m_display_created = false; bool m_relative_mouse_mode = false; bool m_was_paused_on_surface_loss = false; bool m_was_disc_change_request = false; bool m_is_closing = false; QString m_last_fps_status; #ifdef _WIN32 void* m_device_notification_handle = nullptr; #endif }; extern MainWindow* g_main_window;