// ========== // pgert@130626 // http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-PCSX2-Widescreen-Game-Patches?pid=240786#pid240786 // ========== ; ========== gametitle=Tomb Raider - Legend * SLES-53908 * PAL/Europe * 05177ECE comment=Tomb Raider - Legend * SLES-53908 * PAL/Europe * 05177ECE comment=- Widescreen enforcement by pgert. patch=1,EE,203921F0,extended,3F800000 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,203B9080,extended,00000001 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,2046ED64,extended,3F800000 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,20977390,extended,00000001 // 00000000 patch=1,EE,2098EFA0,extended,00000001 // 00000000 ; ========== patch=1,EE,0016C688,word,3C01BF55 // 3C01BF40 - upper blackbar of Cinematics. patch=1,EE,8016C688,word,3C01BF55 // 3C01BF40 - a clone from 0016C688. patch=1,EE,A016C688,word,3C01BF55 // 3C01BF40 - a clone from 0016C688. // patch=1,EE,0016C694,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - lower blackbar of Cinematics. patch=1,EE,8016C694,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - a clone from 0016C694. patch=1,EE,A016C694,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - a clone from 0016C694. ; ========== // comment=- 16:10 support by pgert. // // // patch=1,EE,0014E2B0,word,3C013F8E // 3C013F80 - fontsize of most text. // patch=1,EE,8014E2B0,word,3C013F8E // 3C013F80 - a clone from 0014E2B0. // patch=1,EE,A014E2B0,word,3C013F8E // 3C013F80 - a clone from 0014E2B0. // patch=1,EE,20964BBC,extended,3F8E38E4 // 3F800000 - HOW set from 0014E2B0. // patch=1,EE,20964BC0,extended,3F8E38E4 // 3F800000 - HOW set from 0014E2B0. // // // patch=1,EE,0014EF28,word,3C013F95 // 3C013F80 - max width of some "Checking Memory Card" text. // patch=1,EE,8014EF28,word,3C013F95 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 0014EF28. // patch=1,EE,A014EF28,word,3C013F95 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 0014EF28. // // // patch=1,EE,0018B56C,word,3C013F53 // 3C013F49 - Y-axis placement of Subtitles & SubtitlesBackground. // patch=1,EE,8018B56C,word,3C013F53 // 3C013F49 - a clone from 0018B56C. // patch=1,EE,A018B56C,word,3C013F53 // 3C013F49 - a clone from 0018B56C. // // // patch=1,EE,0018B584,word,3C013F40 // 3C013EE6 - HOW - removes the SubtitlesBackground in GamePlay // patch=1,EE,0018B588,word,3C010000 // 34216666 - LOW - (incorrect but better). // patch=1,EE,8018B584,word,3C013F40 // 3C013EE6 - a clone from 0018B584. // patch=1,EE,A018B584,word,3C013F40 // 3C013EE6 - a clone from 0018B584. // patch=1,EE,8018B588,word,3C010000 // 34216666 - a clone from 0018B588. // patch=1,EE,A018B588,word,3C010000 // 34216666 - a clone from 0018B588. // // // patch=1,EE,0018B598,word,3C013F40 // 3C013F59 - HOW - removes the SubtitlesBackground of Cinematics // patch=1,EE,0018B59C,word,3C010000 // 3421999A - LOW - (incorrect but better). // patch=1,EE,8018B598,word,3C013F40 // 3C013F59 - a clone from 0018B598. // patch=1,EE,A018B598,word,3C013F40 // 3C013F59 - a clone from 0018B598. // patch=1,EE,8018B59C,word,3C010000 // 3421999A - a clone from 0018B59C. // patch=1,EE,A018B59C,word,3C010000 // 3421999A - a clone from 0018B59C. // // // patch=1,EE,001B67F4,word,3C013F68 // 3C013F80 - GameMenu & GamePlay Zoom - 001B67E8 can be used as alternative. // patch=1,EE,801B67F4,word,3C013F68 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 001B67F4. // patch=1,EE,A01B67F4,word,3C013F68 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 001B67F4. // patch=1,EE,204A4C6C,extended,3F680000 // 3F800000 - HOW set from 001B67F4. // patch=1,EE,204A4D2C,extended,3F680000 // 3F800000 - HOW set from 001B67F4. // patch=1,EE,204A4D6C,extended,3F680000 // 3F800000 - HOW set from 001B67F4. // // // patch=1,EE,001B6B3C,word,3C013F66 // 3C013F80 - Y-axis of GamePlay. // patch=1,EE,801B6B3C,word,3C013F66 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 001B6B3C. // patch=1,EE,A01B6B3C,word,3C013F66 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 001B6B3C. // patch=1,EE,204A4E14,extended,3F666666 // 3F800000 - HOW set from 001B6B3C. // // // patch=1,EE,00362650,word,3C013F20 // 3C013F00 - Y-axis placement of Lara on GameMenu. // patch=1,EE,80362650,word,3C013F20 // 3C013F00 - a clone from 00362650. // patch=1,EE,A0362650,word,3C013F20 // 3C013F00 - a clone from 00362650. // // // patch=1,EE,00362660,word,3C013F83 // 3C013F80 - pos of Lara on GameMenu. // patch=1,EE,80362660,word,3C013F83 // 3C013F00 - a clone from 00362660. // patch=1,EE,A0362660,word,3C013F83 // 3C013F00 - a clone from 00362660. ; ========== ; ========== // Notes (by pgert) - do not use. // Additional Widescreen enforcement patches, // constant, but assumably superfluous: // patch=1,EE,21FDD21C,extended,43CB374B // 42890000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD260,extended,4344DD2F // 69656874 // patch=1,EE,21FDD2AC,extended,43CA774B // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD2E4,extended,01006E4F // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD2F0,extended,4344DD2F // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD348,extended,43C9574B // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD38C,extended,4344DD2F // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD3E8,extended,43C9574B // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD42C,extended,42BE703C // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD474,extended,432EB7CF // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD4B8,extended,42BE703C // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD500,extended,432EB7CF // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD544,extended,42BE703C // 00000000 // patch=1,EE,21FDD590,extended,432EB7CF // 00000000 ; ========== // Notes (by pgert) - do not use. // 16:10 support without Y-axis hack: // patch=1,EE,001B6B34,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - source HOW - GamePlay X-axis. // patch=1,EE,204A4E10,extended,3F555555 // 3F800000\3F400000 - HOW set from 001B6B34. // patch=1,EE,204A4E18,extended,3F555555 // 3F800000\3F400000 - HOW set from 001B6B34. // patch=1,EE,001401D4,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,0014EA44,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - width of letters // patch=1,EE,0014ED00,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,0014EE34,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - width of TextScreen // patch=1,EE,0018E804,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,001C8518,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002163D8,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,0021845C,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002402E0,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,0027D3B0,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002ADBBC,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002C64C4,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002DF170,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002F41C0,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 // patch=1,EE,002F995C,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 ; ========== // Notes (by pgert) - do not use. // Possible 16:10 improvements: // patch=1,EE,00107A80,word,3C014400 // 3C014400 - width of the PDA frame & the BackgroundPicture under Loading. // patch=1,EE,00107A9C,word,3C0143CA // 3C0143E0 - height of the PDA frame & the BackgroundPicture under Loading - 43C9999A. // patch=1,EE,00122178,word,3C013F4C // 3C013F2A - ? // patch=1,EE,0012217C,word,3421CCCD // 3421AAAB - ? // patch=1,EE,0012219C,word,3C01BF55 // 3C01BF40 - ? // patch=1,EE,0018B55C,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - width of SubtitlesBackground. // patch=1,EE,0018B570,word,3C019437 // 3421BA5E - LOW of 0018B56C. // - Modifying this value sets Subtitles & SubtitlesBackground close to the top of the screen. // patch=1,EE,0018B578,word,3C013F40 // 3C013D49 - HOW - Distance between SubTitle lines. // patch=1,EE,0018B57C,word,3C010000 // 34212493 - LOW - Modifying this value sets the distance to 0. // patch=1,EE,0018DF20,word,3C01BF55 // 3C01BF40 - ? // patch=1,EE,0018DF24,word,34218000 // 34218000 - ? // patch=1,EE,001AAE98,word,3C01440E // 3C014400 - GamePlay Zoom. // patch=1,EE,204A4E08,extended,440E38E4 // 44000000 - HOW set from 001AAE98. // - 001AAE98 & Jr also affects the binoculars. // patch=1,EE,001B67E8,word,3C01BF8C // 3C01BF80 - GameMenu & GamePlay Zoom - alternative to 001B67F4 & Co. // patch=1,EE,00226960,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - X-axis placement of the PDA frame & the BackgroundPicture under Loading. // patch=1,EE,002269A0,word,3C013EE4 // 3C013F00 // - Y-axis placement of the PDA frame & the BackgroundPicture under Loading - *0.88888888 = 3EE38E39 (*0.9 = 3EE66666). // patch=1,EE,002296EC,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - X-axis placement of the "Tomb Raider Legend" logo in GameMenu. // patch=1,EE,00229744,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - pos of the "Tomb Raider Legend" logo in GameMenu. // patch=1,EE,00229774,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 // - Y-axis placement of the "Tomb Raider Legend" logo in GameMenu, and some objects in GamePlay. // patch=1,EE,00229E48,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - Text\Background - ? // patch=1,EE,00229EA8,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - X-axis placement of the TextBackground. // patch=1,EE,00229ED8,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - Y-axis placement of the TextBackground. // patch=1,EE,0022AB28,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - pos of menu SelectionFrame. // patch=1,EE,0022AB90,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - X-axis placement of menu SelectionFrame. // patch=1,EE,0022ABC0,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - Y-axis placement of menu SelectionFrame. // patch=1,EE,002348CC,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - width & height of Text. // patch=1,EE,00234B4C,word,3C013F00 // 3C013F00 - X-axis placement of some MenuText & Subtitles. // patch=1,EE,00234B70,word,3C014400 // 3C014400 - X-axis of TextScreen. // patch=1,EE,00234B78,word,3C0143E0 // 3C0143E0 - Y-axis of TextScreen. // patch=1,EE,301E859C,extended,43E00000 // DD880FC1\43E00000 - HOW set from 00234B78. ; ==========