// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2024 PCSX2 Dev Team // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ #include "GameListModel.h" #include "QtHost.h" #include "QtUtils.h" #include "common/FileSystem.h" #include "common/Path.h" #include "common/StringUtil.h" #include "fmt/format.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static constexpr std::array s_column_names = { {"Type", "Code", "Title", "File Title", "CRC", "Time Played", "Last Played", "Size", "Region", "Compatibility", "Cover"}}; static constexpr int COVER_ART_WIDTH = 350; static constexpr int COVER_ART_HEIGHT = 512; static constexpr int COVER_ART_SPACING = 32; static constexpr int MIN_COVER_CACHE_SIZE = 256; static int DPRScale(int size, float dpr) { return static_cast(static_cast(size) * dpr); } static int DPRUnscale(int size, float dpr) { return static_cast(static_cast(size) / dpr); } static void resizeAndPadPixmap(QPixmap* pm, int expected_width, int expected_height, float dpr) { const int dpr_expected_width = DPRScale(expected_width, dpr); const int dpr_expected_height = DPRScale(expected_height, dpr); if (pm->width() == dpr_expected_width && pm->height() == dpr_expected_height) return; *pm = pm->scaled(dpr_expected_width, dpr_expected_height, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); if (pm->width() == dpr_expected_width && pm->height() == dpr_expected_height) return; // QPainter works in unscaled coordinates. int xoffs = 0; int yoffs = 0; if (pm->width() < dpr_expected_width) xoffs = DPRUnscale((dpr_expected_width - pm->width()) / 2, dpr); if (pm->height() < dpr_expected_height) yoffs = DPRUnscale((dpr_expected_height - pm->height()) / 2, dpr); QPixmap padded_image(dpr_expected_width, dpr_expected_height); padded_image.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); padded_image.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter; if (painter.begin(&padded_image)) { painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter.drawPixmap(xoffs, yoffs, *pm); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Destination); painter.fillRect(padded_image.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); painter.end(); } *pm = padded_image; } static QPixmap createPlaceholderImage(const QPixmap& placeholder_pixmap, int width, int height, float scale, const std::string& title) { const float dpr = qApp->devicePixelRatio(); QPixmap pm(placeholder_pixmap.copy()); pm.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); if (pm.isNull()) return QPixmap(); resizeAndPadPixmap(&pm, width, height, dpr); QPainter painter; if (painter.begin(&pm)) { QFont font; font.setPointSize(std::max(static_cast(32.0f * scale), 1)); painter.setFont(font); painter.setPen(Qt::white); const QRect text_rc(0, 0, static_cast(static_cast(width)), static_cast(static_cast(height))); painter.drawText(text_rc, Qt::AlignCenter | Qt::TextWordWrap, QString::fromStdString(title)); painter.end(); } return pm; } std::optional GameListModel::getColumnIdForName(std::string_view name) { for (int column = 0; column < Column_Count; column++) { if (name == s_column_names[column]) return static_cast(column); } return std::nullopt; } const char* GameListModel::getColumnName(Column col) { return s_column_names[static_cast(col)]; } GameListModel::GameListModel(float cover_scale, bool show_cover_titles, QObject* parent /* = nullptr */) : QAbstractTableModel(parent) , m_show_titles_for_covers(show_cover_titles) { loadSettings(); loadCommonImages(); setCoverScale(cover_scale); setColumnDisplayNames(); } GameListModel::~GameListModel() = default; void GameListModel::reloadThemeSpecificImages() { loadThemeSpecificImages(); refresh(); } void GameListModel::setCoverScale(float scale) { if (m_cover_scale == scale) return; m_cover_pixmap_cache.Clear(); m_cover_scale = scale; m_cover_scale_counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_release); m_loading_pixmap = QPixmap(getCoverArtWidth(), getCoverArtHeight()); m_loading_pixmap.fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); emit coverScaleChanged(); } void GameListModel::refreshCovers() { m_cover_pixmap_cache.Clear(); refresh(); } void GameListModel::updateCacheSize(int width, int height) { // This is a bit conversative, since it doesn't consider padding, but better to be over than under. const int cover_width = getCoverArtWidth(); const int cover_height = getCoverArtHeight(); const int num_columns = ((width + (cover_width - 1)) / cover_width); const int num_rows = ((height + (cover_height - 1)) / cover_height); m_cover_pixmap_cache.SetMaxCapacity(static_cast(std::max(num_columns * num_rows, MIN_COVER_CACHE_SIZE))); } void GameListModel::loadOrGenerateCover(const GameList::Entry* ge) { // Why this counter: Every time we change the cover scale, we increment the counter variable. This way if the scale is changed // while there's outstanding jobs, the old jobs won't proceed (at the wrong size), or get added into the grid. const u32 counter = m_cover_scale_counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire); QFuture future = QtConcurrent::run([this, entry = *ge, counter]() -> QPixmap { QPixmap image; if (m_cover_scale_counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == counter) { const std::string cover_path(GameList::GetCoverImagePathForEntry(&entry)); if (!cover_path.empty()) { const float dpr = qApp->devicePixelRatio(); image = QPixmap(QString::fromStdString(cover_path)); if (!image.isNull()) { image.setDevicePixelRatio(dpr); resizeAndPadPixmap(&image, getCoverArtWidth(), getCoverArtHeight(), dpr); } } } const std::string& title = entry.GetTitle(m_prefer_english_titles); if (image.isNull()) image = createPlaceholderImage(m_placeholder_pixmap, getCoverArtWidth(), getCoverArtHeight(), m_cover_scale, title); if (m_cover_scale_counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != counter) image = {}; return image; }); // Context must be 'this' so we run on the UI thread. future.then(this, [this, path = ge->path, counter](QPixmap pm) { if (m_cover_scale_counter.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != counter) return; m_cover_pixmap_cache.Insert(std::move(path), std::move(pm)); invalidateCoverForPath(path); }); } void GameListModel::invalidateCoverForPath(const std::string& path) { // This isn't ideal, but not sure how else we can get the row, when it might change while scanning... auto lock = GameList::GetLock(); const u32 count = GameList::GetEntryCount(); std::optional row; for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (GameList::GetEntryByIndex(i)->path == path) { row = i; break; } } if (!row.has_value()) { // Game removed? return; } const QModelIndex mi(index(static_cast(row.value()), Column_Cover)); emit dataChanged(mi, mi, {Qt::DecorationRole}); } int GameListModel::getCoverArtWidth() const { return std::max(static_cast(static_cast(COVER_ART_WIDTH) * m_cover_scale), 1); } int GameListModel::getCoverArtHeight() const { return std::max(static_cast(static_cast(COVER_ART_HEIGHT) * m_cover_scale), 1); } int GameListModel::getCoverArtSpacing() const { return std::max(static_cast(static_cast(COVER_ART_SPACING) * m_cover_scale), 1); } int GameListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return 0; return static_cast(GameList::GetEntryCount()); } int GameListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex& parent) const { if (parent.isValid()) return 0; return Column_Count; } QString GameListModel::formatTimespan(time_t timespan) { // avoid an extra string conversion const u32 hours = static_cast(timespan / 3600); const u32 minutes = static_cast((timespan % 3600) / 60); if (hours > 0) return qApp->translate("GameList", "%n hours", "", hours); else return qApp->translate("GameList", "%n minutes", "", minutes); } QVariant GameListModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { if (!index.isValid()) return {}; const int row = index.row(); if (row < 0 || row >= static_cast(GameList::GetEntryCount())) return {}; const auto lock = GameList::GetLock(); const GameList::Entry* ge = GameList::GetEntryByIndex(row); if (!ge) return {}; switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: { switch (index.column()) { case Column_Serial: return QString::fromStdString(ge->serial); case Column_Title: return QString::fromStdString(ge->GetTitle(m_prefer_english_titles)); case Column_FileTitle: return QtUtils::StringViewToQString(Path::GetFileTitle(ge->path)); case Column_CRC: return QString::fromStdString(fmt::format("{:08X}", ge->crc)); case Column_TimePlayed: { if (ge->total_played_time == 0) return {}; else return formatTimespan(ge->total_played_time); } case Column_LastPlayed: return QString::fromStdString(GameList::FormatTimestamp(ge->last_played_time)); case Column_Size: return QString("%1 MB").arg(static_cast(ge->total_size) / 1048576.0, 0, 'f', 2); case Column_Cover: { if (m_show_titles_for_covers) return QString::fromStdString(ge->GetTitle(m_prefer_english_titles)); else return {}; } default: return {}; } } case Qt::InitialSortOrderRole: { switch (index.column()) { case Column_Type: return static_cast(ge->type); case Column_Serial: return QString::fromStdString(ge->serial); case Column_Title: case Column_Cover: return QString::fromStdString(ge->GetTitleSort(m_prefer_english_titles)); case Column_FileTitle: return QtUtils::StringViewToQString(Path::GetFileTitle(ge->path)); case Column_CRC: return static_cast(ge->crc); case Column_TimePlayed: return static_cast(ge->total_played_time); case Column_LastPlayed: return static_cast(ge->last_played_time); case Column_Region: return static_cast(ge->region); case Column_Compatibility: return static_cast(ge->compatibility_rating); case Column_Size: return static_cast(ge->total_size); default: return {}; } } case Qt::DecorationRole: { switch (index.column()) { case Column_Type: { return m_type_pixmaps[static_cast(ge->type)]; } case Column_Region: { return m_region_pixmaps[static_cast(ge->region)]; } case Column_Compatibility: { return m_compatibility_pixmaps[static_cast( (static_cast(ge->compatibility_rating) >= GameList::CompatibilityRatingCount) ? GameList::CompatibilityRating::Unknown : ge->compatibility_rating)]; } case Column_Cover: { QPixmap* pm = m_cover_pixmap_cache.Lookup(ge->path); if (pm) return *pm; // We insert the placeholder into the cache, so that we don't repeatedly // queue loading jobs for this game. const_cast(this)->loadOrGenerateCover(ge); return *m_cover_pixmap_cache.Insert(ge->path, m_loading_pixmap); } break; default: return {}; } default: return {}; } } } QVariant GameListModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation != Qt::Horizontal || role != Qt::DisplayRole || section < 0 || section >= Column_Count) return {}; return m_column_display_names[section]; } void GameListModel::refresh() { beginResetModel(); loadSettings(); endResetModel(); } bool GameListModel::titlesLessThan(int left_row, int right_row) const { if (left_row < 0 || left_row >= static_cast(GameList::GetEntryCount()) || right_row < 0 || right_row >= static_cast(GameList::GetEntryCount())) { return false; } const GameList::Entry* left = GameList::GetEntryByIndex(left_row); const GameList::Entry* right = GameList::GetEntryByIndex(right_row); return QtHost::LocaleSensitiveCompare(QString::fromStdString(left->GetTitleSort(m_prefer_english_titles)), QString::fromStdString(right->GetTitleSort(m_prefer_english_titles))) < 0; } bool GameListModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex& left_index, const QModelIndex& right_index, int column) const { if (!left_index.isValid() || !right_index.isValid()) return false; const int left_row = left_index.row(); const int right_row = right_index.row(); if (left_row < 0 || left_row >= static_cast(GameList::GetEntryCount()) || right_row < 0 || right_row >= static_cast(GameList::GetEntryCount())) { return false; } const auto lock = GameList::GetLock(); const GameList::Entry* left = GameList::GetEntryByIndex(left_row); const GameList::Entry* right = GameList::GetEntryByIndex(right_row); if (!left || !right) return false; switch (column) { case Column_Type: { if (left->type == right->type) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return static_cast(left->type) < static_cast(right->type); } case Column_Serial: { if (left->serial == right->serial) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (StringUtil::Strcasecmp(left->serial.c_str(), right->serial.c_str()) < 0); } case Column_Title: { return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); } case Column_FileTitle: { const std::string_view file_title_left(Path::GetFileTitle(left->path)); const std::string_view file_title_right(Path::GetFileTitle(right->path)); if (file_title_left == file_title_right) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); const std::size_t smallest = std::min(file_title_left.size(), file_title_right.size()); return (StringUtil::Strncasecmp(file_title_left.data(), file_title_right.data(), smallest) < 0); } case Column_Region: { if (left->region == right->region) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (static_cast(left->region) < static_cast(right->region)); } case Column_Compatibility: { if (left->compatibility_rating == right->compatibility_rating) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (static_cast(left->compatibility_rating) < static_cast(right->compatibility_rating)); } case Column_Size: { if (left->total_size == right->total_size) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (left->total_size < right->total_size); } case Column_CRC: { if (left->crc == right->crc) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (left->crc < right->crc); } case Column_TimePlayed: { if (left->total_played_time == right->total_played_time) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (left->total_played_time < right->total_played_time); } case Column_LastPlayed: { if (left->last_played_time == right->last_played_time) return titlesLessThan(left_row, right_row); return (left->last_played_time < right->last_played_time); } default: return false; } } void GameListModel::loadSettings() { m_prefer_english_titles = Host::GetBaseBoolSettingValue("UI", "PreferEnglishGameList", false); } QIcon GameListModel::getIconForType(GameList::EntryType type) { switch (type) { case GameList::EntryType::PS2Disc: case GameList::EntryType::PS1Disc: return QIcon(QStringLiteral(":/icons/media-optical-24.png")); case GameList::EntryType::ELF: default: return QIcon(QStringLiteral(":/icons/applications-system-24.png")); } } QIcon GameListModel::getIconForRegion(GameList::Region region) { return QIcon( QStringLiteral("%1/icons/flags/%2.png").arg(QtHost::GetResourcesBasePath()).arg(GameList::RegionToString(region))); } void GameListModel::loadThemeSpecificImages() { for (u32 type = 0; type < static_cast(GameList::EntryType::Count); type++) m_type_pixmaps[type] = getIconForType(static_cast(type)).pixmap(QSize(24, 24)); for (u32 i = 0; i < static_cast(GameList::Region::Count); i++) m_region_pixmaps[i] = getIconForRegion(static_cast(i)).pixmap(QSize(42, 30)); } void GameListModel::loadCommonImages() { loadThemeSpecificImages(); const QString base_path(QtHost::GetResourcesBasePath()); for (u32 i = 1; i < GameList::CompatibilityRatingCount; i++) m_compatibility_pixmaps[i].load(QStringLiteral("%1/icons/star-%2.png").arg(base_path).arg(i - 1)); m_placeholder_pixmap.load(QStringLiteral("%1/cover-placeholder.png").arg(base_path)); } void GameListModel::setColumnDisplayNames() { m_column_display_names[Column_Type] = tr("Type"); m_column_display_names[Column_Serial] = tr("Code"); m_column_display_names[Column_Title] = tr("Title"); m_column_display_names[Column_FileTitle] = tr("File Title"); m_column_display_names[Column_CRC] = tr("CRC"); m_column_display_names[Column_TimePlayed] = tr("Time Played"); m_column_display_names[Column_LastPlayed] = tr("Last Played"); m_column_display_names[Column_Size] = tr("Size"); m_column_display_names[Column_Region] = tr("Region"); m_column_display_names[Column_Compatibility] = tr("Compatibility"); }