#include <Cg/cg.h> #include <Cg/cgGL.h> #define NUM_FILTERS 2 // texture filtering #define NUM_TYPES 5 // types of texture read modes #define NUM_TEXWRAPS 4 // texture wrapping #define SHADER_REDUCED 1 // equivalent to ps2.0 #define SHADER_ACCURATE 2 // for older cards with less accurate math (ps2.x+) #define NUM_SHADERS (NUM_FILTERS*NUM_TYPES*NUM_TEXWRAPS*32) // # shaders for a given ps const static char* g_pShaders[] = { "full", "reduced", "accurate", "accurate-reduced" }; const static char* g_pPsTexWrap[] = { "-DREPEAT", "-DCLAMP", "-DREGION_REPEAT", NULL }; const static char* g_pTexTypes[] = { "32", "tex32", "clut32", "tex32to16", "tex16to8h" }; #define TEXWRAP_REPEAT 0 #define TEXWRAP_CLAMP 1 #define TEXWRAP_REGION_REPEAT 2 #define TEXWRAP_REPEAT_CLAMP 3 inline int GET_SHADER_INDEX(int type, int texfilter, int texwrap, int fog, int writedepth, int testaem, int exactcolor, int context, int ps) { return type + texfilter*NUM_TYPES + NUM_FILTERS*NUM_TYPES*texwrap + NUM_TEXWRAPS*NUM_FILTERS*NUM_TYPES*(fog+2*writedepth+4*testaem+8*exactcolor+16*context+32*ps); } extern CGcontext g_cgcontext; static CGprogram LoadShaderFromType(const char* srcdir, const char* srcfile, int type, int texfilter, int texwrap, int fog, int writedepth, int testaem, int exactcolor, int ps, int context) { assert( texwrap < NUM_TEXWRAPS); assert( type < NUM_TYPES ); char str[255], strctx[255]; sprintf(str, "Texture%s%d_%sPS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter, g_pTexTypes[type]); sprintf(strctx, "-I%s%s", srcdir, context?"ctx1":"ctx0"); vector<const char*> macros; macros.push_back(strctx); #ifdef _DEBUG macros.push_back("-bestprecision"); #endif if( g_pPsTexWrap[texwrap] != NULL ) macros.push_back(g_pPsTexWrap[texwrap]); if( writedepth ) macros.push_back("-DWRITE_DEPTH"); if( testaem ) macros.push_back("-DTEST_AEM"); if( exactcolor ) macros.push_back("-DEXACT_COLOR"); if( ps & SHADER_ACCURATE ) macros.push_back("-DACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION"); macros.push_back(NULL); CGprogram prog = cgCreateProgramFromFile(g_cgcontext, CG_SOURCE, srcfile, CG_PROFILE_ARBFP1, str, ¯os[0]); if( !cgIsProgram(prog) ) { printf("Failed to load shader %s: \n%s\n", str, cgGetLastListing(g_cgcontext)); return NULL; } return prog; } struct SHADERHEADER { unsigned int index, offset, size; // if highest bit of index is set, pixel shader }; #define SH_WRITEDEPTH 0x2000 // depth is written #define SH_CONTEXT1 0x1000 // context1 is used #define SH_REGULARVS 0x8000 #define SH_TEXTUREVS 0x8001 #define SH_REGULARFOGVS 0x8002 #define SH_TEXTUREFOGVS 0x8003 #define SH_REGULARPS 0x8004 #define SH_REGULARFOGPS 0x8005 #define SH_BITBLTVS 0x8006 #define SH_BITBLTPS 0x8007 #define SH_BITBLTDEPTHPS 0x8009 #define SH_CRTCTARGPS 0x800a #define SH_CRTCPS 0x800b #define SH_CRTC24PS 0x800c #define SH_ZEROPS 0x800e #define SH_BASETEXTUREPS 0x800f #define SH_BITBLTAAPS 0x8010 #define SH_CRTCTARGINTERPS 0x8012 #define SH_CRTCINTERPS 0x8013 #define SH_CRTC24INTERPS 0x8014 #define SH_BITBLTDEPTHMRTPS 0x8016 #define SH_CONVERT16TO32PS 0x8020 #define SH_CONVERT32TO16PS 0x8021 #define SH_CRTC_NEARESTPS 0x8022 #define SH_CRTCINTER_NEARESTPS 0x8023