/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE // Builds all possible shader files from ps2hw.fx and stores them in // a preprocessed database #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <assert.h> #ifdef _WIN32 # include <zlib/zlib.h> #else # include <zlib.h> #endif #include "zpipe.h" #include <Cg/cg.h> #include <Cg/cgGL.h> #define SAFE_RELEASE(x) { if( (x) != NULL ) { (x)->Release(); x = NULL; } } #include <map> #include <vector> using namespace std; #include "zerogsshaders.h" char* srcfilename = "ps2hw.fx"; char* dstfilename = "ps2hw.dat"; #ifndef ArraySize #define ArraySize(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) #endif struct SHADERINFO { int type; vector<char> buf; }; map<int, SHADERINFO> mapShaders; CGcontext g_cgcontext; void LoadShader(int index, const char* pshader, CGprofile prof, vector<const char*>& vargs, int context) { vector<const char*> realargs; realargs.reserve(16); realargs.resize(vargs.size()); if( vargs.size() > 0 ) memcpy(&realargs[0], &vargs[0], realargs.size() * sizeof(realargs[0])); realargs.push_back(context ? "-Ictx1" : "-Ictx0"); realargs.push_back(NULL); CGprogram prog = cgCreateProgramFromFile(g_cgcontext, CG_SOURCE, srcfilename, prof, pshader, &realargs[0]); if( !cgIsProgram(prog) ) { printf("Failed to load shader %s: \n%s\n", pshader, cgGetLastListing(g_cgcontext)); return; } if( mapShaders.find(index) != mapShaders.end() ) { printf("error: two shaders share the same index %d\n", index); exit(0); } if( !cgIsProgramCompiled(prog) ) cgCompileProgram(prog); const char* pstr = cgGetProgramString(prog, CG_COMPILED_PROGRAM); const char* pprog = strstr(pstr, "#program"); if( pprog == NULL ) { printf("program field not found!\n"); return; } pprog += 9; const char* progend = strchr(pprog, '\r'); if( progend == NULL ) progend = strchr(pprog, '\n'); if( progend == NULL ) { printf("prog end not found!\n"); return; } const char* defname = "main"; SHADERINFO info; info.type = 0; info.buf.resize(strlen(pstr)+1); // change the program name to main memset(&info.buf[0], 0, info.buf.size()); memcpy(&info.buf[0], pstr, pprog-pstr); memcpy(&info.buf[pprog-pstr], defname, 4); memcpy(&info.buf[pprog-pstr+4], progend, strlen(pstr)-(progend-pstr)); if( mapShaders.find(index) != mapShaders.end() ) printf("same shader\n"); assert( mapShaders.find(index) == mapShaders.end() ); mapShaders[index] = info; cgDestroyProgram(prog); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { printf("usage: [src] [dst] [opts]\n"); if( argc >= 2 ) srcfilename = argv[1]; if( argc >= 3 ) dstfilename = argv[2]; FILE* fsrc = fopen(srcfilename, "r"); if( fsrc == NULL ) { printf("cannot open %s\n", srcfilename); return 0; } fclose(fsrc); g_cgcontext = cgCreateContext(); if( !cgIsContext(g_cgcontext) ) { printf("failed to create cg context\n"); return -1; } CGprofile cgvProf = CG_PROFILE_ARBVP1; CGprofile cgfProf = CG_PROFILE_ARBFP1; if( !cgGLIsProfileSupported(cgvProf) != CG_TRUE ) { printf("arbvp1 not supported\n"); return 0; } if( !cgGLIsProfileSupported(cgfProf) != CG_TRUE ) { printf("arbfp1 not supported\n"); return 0; } cgGLEnableProfile(cgvProf); cgGLEnableProfile(cgfProf); cgGLSetOptimalOptions(cgvProf); cgGLSetOptimalOptions(cgfProf); vector<const char*> vmacros; LoadShader(SH_BITBLTVS, "BitBltVS", cgvProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_BITBLTPS, "BitBltPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_BITBLTDEPTHPS, "BitBltDepthPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_BITBLTDEPTHMRTPS, "BitBltDepthMRTPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTCTARGPS, "CRTCTargPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTCPS, "CRTCPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTC_NEARESTPS, "CRTCPS_Nearest", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTC24PS, "CRTC24PS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_ZEROPS, "ZeroPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_BASETEXTUREPS, "BaseTexturePS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_BITBLTAAPS, "BitBltPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTCTARGINTERPS, "CRTCTargInterPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTCINTERPS, "CRTCInterPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTCINTER_NEARESTPS, "CRTCInterPS_Nearest", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CRTC24INTERPS, "CRTC24InterPS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CONVERT16TO32PS, "Convert16to32PS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(SH_CONVERT32TO16PS, "Convert32to16PS", cgfProf, vmacros, 0); const int vsshaders[4] = { SH_REGULARVS, SH_TEXTUREVS, SH_REGULARFOGVS, SH_TEXTUREFOGVS }; const char* pvsshaders[4] = { "RegularVS", "TextureVS", "RegularFogVS", "TextureFogVS" }; // load the texture shaders char str[255], strdir[255]; strcpy(strdir, srcfilename); int i = (int)strlen(strdir); while(i > 0) { if( strdir[i-1] == '/' || strdir[i-1] == '\\' ) break; --i; } strdir[i] = 0; for(i = 0; i < ArraySize(vsshaders); ++i) { for(int writedepth = 0; writedepth < 2; ++writedepth ) { if( writedepth ) vmacros.push_back("-DWRITE_DEPTH"); LoadShader(vsshaders[i]|(writedepth?SH_WRITEDEPTH:0), pvsshaders[i], cgvProf, vmacros, 0); LoadShader(vsshaders[i]|(writedepth?SH_WRITEDEPTH:0)|SH_CONTEXT1, pvsshaders[i], cgvProf, vmacros, 1); if( writedepth ) vmacros.pop_back(); } } const int psshaders[2] = { SH_REGULARPS, SH_REGULARFOGPS }; const char* ppsshaders[2] = { "RegularPS", "RegularFogPS" }; for(i = 0; i < ArraySize(psshaders); ++i) { for(int writedepth = 0; writedepth < 2; ++writedepth ) { if( writedepth ) vmacros.push_back("-DWRITE_DEPTH"); LoadShader(psshaders[i]|(writedepth?SH_WRITEDEPTH:0), ppsshaders[i], cgfProf, vmacros, 0); if( writedepth ) vmacros.pop_back(); } } printf("creating shaders, note that ctx0/ps2hw_ctx.fx, and ctx1/ps2hw_ctx.fx are required\n"); vmacros.resize(0); for(int texwrap = 0; texwrap < NUM_TEXWRAPS; ++texwrap ) { if( g_pPsTexWrap[texwrap] != NULL ) vmacros.push_back(g_pPsTexWrap[texwrap]); for(int context = 0; context < 2; ++context) { for(int texfilter = 0; texfilter < NUM_FILTERS; ++texfilter) { for(int fog = 0; fog < 2; ++fog ) { for(int writedepth = 0; writedepth < 2; ++writedepth ) { if( writedepth ) vmacros.push_back("-DWRITE_DEPTH"); for(int testaem = 0; testaem < 2; ++testaem ) { if( testaem ) vmacros.push_back("-DTEST_AEM"); for(int exactcolor = 0; exactcolor < 2; ++exactcolor ) { if( exactcolor ) vmacros.push_back("-DEXACT_COLOR"); // 32 sprintf(str, "Texture%s%d_32PS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter); vmacros.push_back("-DACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION"); LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(0, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, SHADER_ACCURATE), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); vmacros.pop_back(); LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(0, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, 0), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); if( texfilter == 0 ) { // tex32 sprintf(str, "Texture%s%d_tex32PS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter); // vmacros.push_back("-DACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION"); // LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(1, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, SHADER_ACCURATE), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // vmacros.pop_back(); LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(1, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, 0), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // clut32 sprintf(str, "Texture%s%d_clut32PS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter); // vmacros.push_back("-DACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION"); // LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(2, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, SHADER_ACCURATE), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // vmacros.pop_back(); LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(2, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, 0), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // tex32to16 sprintf(str, "Texture%s%d_tex32to16PS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter); // vmacros.push_back("-DACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION"); // LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(3, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, SHADER_ACCURATE), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // vmacros.pop_back(); LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(3, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, 0), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // tex16to8h sprintf(str, "Texture%s%d_tex16to8hPS", fog?"Fog":"", texfilter); // vmacros.push_back("-DACCURATE_DECOMPRESSION"); // LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(4, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, SHADER_ACCURATE), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); // vmacros.pop_back(); LoadShader(GET_SHADER_INDEX(4, texfilter, texwrap, fog, writedepth, testaem, exactcolor, context, 0), str, cgfProf, vmacros, context); } if( exactcolor ) vmacros.pop_back(); } if( testaem ) vmacros.pop_back(); } if( writedepth ) vmacros.pop_back(); } } } } if( g_pPsTexWrap[texwrap] != NULL ) vmacros.pop_back(); } if( vmacros.size() != 0 ) printf("error with macros!\n"); // create the database int num = (int)mapShaders.size(); // first compress vector<char> buffer; buffer.reserve(10000000); // 10mb buffer.resize(sizeof(SHADERHEADER)*num); i = 0; for(map<int, SHADERINFO>::iterator it = mapShaders.begin(); it != mapShaders.end(); ++it, ++i) { SHADERHEADER h; h.index = it->first | it->second.type; h.offset = (int)buffer.size(); h.size = (int)it->second.buf.size(); memcpy(&buffer[0] + i*sizeof(SHADERHEADER), &h, sizeof(SHADERHEADER)); size_t cur = buffer.size(); buffer.resize(cur + it->second.buf.size()); memcpy(&buffer[cur], &it->second.buf[0], it->second.buf.size()); } int compressed_size; int real_size = (int)buffer.size(); vector<char> dst; dst.resize(buffer.size()); def(&buffer[0], &dst[0], (int)buffer.size(), &compressed_size); // write to file // fmt: num shaders, size of compressed, compressed data FILE* fdst = fopen(dstfilename, "wb"); if( fdst == NULL ) { printf("failed to open %s\n", dstfilename); return 0; } fwrite(&num, 4, 1, fdst); fwrite(&compressed_size, 4, 1, fdst); fwrite(&real_size, 4, 1, fdst); fwrite(&dst[0], compressed_size, 1, fdst); fclose(fdst); printf("wrote %s\n", dstfilename); cgDestroyContext(g_cgcontext); return 0; }