SSSPSX Pad - An Open Source Pad plugin for PSX and PS2 emulators Author: Nagisa Homepage: Overview: -Small executable program -Source code under 1000 step,20kb binary -Open Source,under the GPL Licence Features: For PS1 emulators - Force feedback support (PCSX only) Delete the following PCSX sorce code. File: sio.c Line: 138 --------------------- if (buf[parp] == 0x41) { switch (value) { case 0x43: buf[1] = 0x43; break; case 0x45: buf[1] = 0xf3; break; } } --------------------- For PCSX2 -Force feedback support (maybe) -PADKeyEvent API support -Using DirectInput 9 (game controller and keyboard) Thanks to: for the valuable info PCSX2 team for the PadWinKeyb source code bositman for some report Version History: v1.0: -Initial Release v1.1: -Changed to DirectInput 9 v1.2: -PADKeyEvent API support added v1.3: -DirectInput collision problem fixed v1.4: -Added timeout on settings dialog.If the countdown ends, the key will be set to "NONE". -Changed "ESC" key action on settings dialog.If you press the "ESC" key, the setting will keep the previous one. -Fixed silly bug. (dont ask me about it). v1.5: -Fixed 0x4D packet.