// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2025 PCSX2 Dev Team // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0+ #include "MemoryCardConvertDialog.h" #include #include #include #include "common/Console.h" #include "common/Error.h" #include "common/Path.h" #include "common/StringUtil.h" MemoryCardConvertDialog::MemoryCardConvertDialog(QWidget* parent, QString selectedCard) : QDialog(parent) { m_ui.setupUi(this); // For some reason, setting these in the .ui doesn't work.. m_ui.conversionTypeDescription->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Sunken); m_ui.conversionTypeDescription->setFrameShape(QFrame::WinPanel); m_ui.note->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Sunken); m_ui.note->setFrameShape(QFrame::WinPanel); m_selectedCard = selectedCard; std::optional srcCardInfo = FileMcd_GetCardInfo(m_selectedCard.toStdString()); if (srcCardInfo.has_value()) { m_srcCardInfo = srcCardInfo.value(); } isSetup = SetupPicklist(); setWindowFlags(windowFlags() & ~Qt::WindowContextHelpButtonHint); m_ui.progressBar->setRange(0, 100); m_ui.progressBar->setValue(0); connect(m_ui.conversionTypeSelect, &QComboBox::currentIndexChanged, this, [this]() { switch (m_srcCardInfo.type) { case MemoryCardType::File: SetType(MemoryCardType::Folder, MemoryCardFileType::Unknown, tr("Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.")); break; case MemoryCardType::Folder: switch (m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->currentData().toInt()) { case 8: SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_8MB, tr("A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity.")); break; case 16: SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_16MB, tr("2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues.")); break; case 32: SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_32MB, tr("4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.")); break; case 64: SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_64MB, tr("8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.")); break; default: //: MemoryCardType should be left as-is. QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Convert Memory Card Failed"), tr("Invalid MemoryCardType")); return; } break; default: //: MemoryCardType should be left as-is. QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Convert Memory Card Failed"), tr("Invalid MemoryCardType")); return; } } ); disconnect(m_ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, nullptr); connect(m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok), &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MemoryCardConvertDialog::ConvertCard); connect(m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel), &QPushButton::clicked, this, &MemoryCardConvertDialog::close); } MemoryCardConvertDialog::~MemoryCardConvertDialog() = default; bool MemoryCardConvertDialog::IsSetup() { return isSetup; } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::onStatusUpdated() { } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::onProgressUpdated(int value, int range) { m_ui.progressBar->setRange(0, range); m_ui.progressBar->setValue(value); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::onThreadFinished() { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Conversion Complete"), tr("Memory Card \"%1\" converted to \"%2\"").arg(m_selectedCard).arg(m_destCardName)); accept(); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::StartThread() { m_thread = std::make_unique(this, m_srcCardInfo.type, m_fileType, m_selectedCard.toStdString(), m_destCardName.toStdString()); connect(m_thread.get(), &MemoryCardConvertWorker::statusUpdated, this, &MemoryCardConvertDialog::onStatusUpdated); connect(m_thread.get(), &MemoryCardConvertWorker::progressUpdated, this, &MemoryCardConvertDialog::onProgressUpdated); connect(m_thread.get(), &MemoryCardConvertWorker::threadFinished, this, &MemoryCardConvertDialog::onThreadFinished); m_thread->start(); UpdateEnabled(); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::CancelThread() { if (!m_thread) { return; } m_thread->requestInterruption(); m_thread->join(); m_thread.reset(); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::UpdateEnabled() { if (m_thread) { m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Ok)->setEnabled(false); m_ui.buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)->setEnabled(false); } } bool MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetupPicklist() { FileSystem::FindResultsArray rootDir; size_t sizeBytes = 0; bool typeSet = false; m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->clear(); switch (m_srcCardInfo.type) { case MemoryCardType::File: m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->addItems({"Folder"}); SetType(MemoryCardType::Folder, MemoryCardFileType::Unknown, tr("Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.")); break; case MemoryCardType::Folder: // Compute which file types should be allowed. FileSystem::FindFiles(m_srcCardInfo.path.c_str(), "*", FLAGS, &rootDir); for (auto dirEntry : rootDir) { const std::string_view fileName = Path::GetFileName(dirEntry.FileName); if (fileName.size() >= 7 && fileName.substr(0, 7).compare("_pcsx2_") == 0) { continue; } else if (dirEntry.Attributes & FILESYSTEM_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { sizeBytes += 512; } else { size_t toAdd = static_cast(dirEntry.Size + (1024 - (dirEntry.Size % 1024))); sizeBytes += toAdd + 512; // The file content needs to be added, PLUS a directory entry } } // Finally, round up to the nearest erase block. sizeBytes += (512 * 16) - (sizeBytes % (512 * 16)); if (sizeBytes < CardCapacity::_8_MB) { m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->addItem(tr("8 MB File"), 8); if (!typeSet) { SetType_8(); typeSet = true; } } if (sizeBytes < CardCapacity::_16_MB) { m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->addItem(tr("16 MB File"), 16); if (!typeSet) { SetType_16(); typeSet = true; } } if (sizeBytes < CardCapacity::_32_MB) { m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->addItem(tr("32 MB File"), 32); if (!typeSet) { SetType_32(); typeSet = true; } } if (sizeBytes < CardCapacity::_64_MB) { m_ui.conversionTypeSelect->addItem(tr("64 MB File"), 64); if (!typeSet) { SetType_64(); typeSet = true; } } if (!typeSet) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot Convert Memory Card"), tr("Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less.")); return false; } break; default: //: MemoryCardType should be left as-is. QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Convert Memory Card Failed"), tr("Invalid MemoryCardType")); return false; } return true; } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::ConvertCard() { if (m_thread) { CancelThread(); } else { QString baseName = m_selectedCard; // Get our destination file name size_t extensionPos = baseName.lastIndexOf(".ps2", -1); // Strip the extension off of it baseName.replace(extensionPos, 4, ""); // Add _converted to the end of it baseName.append("_converted"); size_t num = 0; QString destName = baseName; destName.append(".ps2"); // If a match is found, revert back to the base name, add a number and the extension, and try again. // Keep incrementing the number until we get a unique result. while (m_srcCardInfo.type == MemoryCardType::File ? FileSystem::DirectoryExists(Path::Combine(EmuFolders::MemoryCards, destName.toStdString()).c_str()) : FileSystem::FileExists(Path::Combine(EmuFolders::MemoryCards, destName.toStdString()).c_str())) { destName = baseName; destName.append(StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat("_%02zd.ps2", ++num).c_str()); } // Check if we have write permission in the memory card directory const std::string destPath = Path::Combine(EmuFolders::MemoryCards, destName.toStdString()); Error error; FILE* tmpFile = FileSystem::OpenCFile(destPath.c_str(), "w", &error); if (tmpFile == nullptr) { FileOpenError(error.GetDescription().c_str()); return; } else { fclose(tmpFile); FileSystem::DeleteFilePath(destPath.c_str()); } m_destCardName = destName; StartThread(); } } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::ConvertCallback() { Console.WriteLn("%s() Finished", __FUNCTION__); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetType(MemoryCardType type, MemoryCardFileType fileType, const QString& description) { m_type = type; m_fileType = fileType; m_ui.conversionTypeDescription->setText(QStringLiteral("
").arg(description)); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetType_8() { SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_8MB, tr("A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity.")); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetType_16() { SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_16MB, tr("2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues.")); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetType_32() { SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_32MB, tr("4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.")); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetType_64() { SetType(MemoryCardType::File, MemoryCardFileType::PS2_64MB, tr("8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.")); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::SetType_Folder() { SetType(MemoryCardType::Folder, MemoryCardFileType::Unknown, tr("Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.")); } void MemoryCardConvertDialog::FileOpenError(const QString errmsg) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("Cannot Convert Memory Card"),tr("There was an error when accessing the memory card directory. Error message: %0").arg(errmsg)); }