// ========== // pgert@130503 // http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-PCSX2-Widescreen-Game-Patches?pid=240786#pid240786 // ========== ; ========== gametitle=Legacy of Kain - Defiance * SLES-52150 * PAL/Europe * BCAD1E8A comment=Legacy of Kain - Defiance * SLES-52150 * PAL/Europe * BCAD1E8A comment=- Widescreen hack by nemesis2000 (pnach by nemesis2000) // Built in widescreen patch=1,EE,0011a644,word,00000000 patch=1,EE,0028E8C0,word,00000001 // Sub black background off patch=1,EE,0013d458,word,3c013b30 // Cutscenes black border fix patch=1,EE,001522e0,word,3c01bf80 // top value patch=1,EE,001522ec,word,3c013f80 // bottom value // Cutscenes render fix patch=1,EE,00119a34,word,3c01c340 // top value patch=1,EE,00119a50,word,3c014340 // bottom value // Partial font size fix patch=1,EE,0013bcac,word,3c013f40 // hor value patch=1,EE,0013bcd0,word,e4200d7c patch=1,EE,0013bcf8,word,46000003 patch=1,EE,0013bcfc,word,e4200d6c // HUD fix (not fully tested) patch=1,EE,0023d668,word,3c013b40 // hor value // FMV's fix patch=1,EE,00213588,word,24070156 // vertical aspect (int) ; ========== // Alternative hacks by pgert. // patch=1,EE,2033EC90,extended,3F400000 // 3F800000 - X-axis // patch=1,EE,2033EC94,extended,3F666666 // 3F800000 - Y-axis - 16:10 ; ==========