/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see . */ #define MODULE(n) if (!strncmp(libname, #n, 8)) switch (index) { #define END_MODULE } #define EXPORT(i, n) case (i): return #n; // machine generated MODULE(cdvdman) EXPORT( 4, sceCdInit) EXPORT( 5, sceCdStandby) EXPORT( 6, sceCdRead) EXPORT( 7, sceCdSeek) EXPORT( 8, sceCdGetError) EXPORT( 9, sceCdGetToc) EXPORT( 10, sceCdSearchFile) EXPORT( 11, sceCdSync) EXPORT( 12, sceCdGetDiskType) EXPORT( 13, sceCdDiskReady) EXPORT( 14, sceCdTrayReq) EXPORT( 15, sceCdStop) EXPORT( 16, sceCdPosToInt) EXPORT( 17, sceCdIntToPos) EXPORT( 21, sceCdCheckCmd) EXPORT( 22, _sceCdRI) EXPORT( 24, sceCdReadClock) EXPORT( 28, sceCdStatus) EXPORT( 29, sceCdApplySCmd) EXPORT( 37, sceCdCallback) EXPORT( 38, sceCdPause) EXPORT( 39, sceCdBreak) EXPORT( 40, sceCdReadCDDA) EXPORT( 44, sceCdGetReadPos) EXPORT( 45, sceCdCtrlADout) EXPORT( 46, sceCdNop) EXPORT( 47, _sceGetFsvRbuf) EXPORT( 48, _sceCdstm0Cb) EXPORT( 49, _sceCdstm1Cb) EXPORT( 50, _sceCdSC) EXPORT( 51, _sceCdRC) EXPORT( 54, sceCdApplyNCmd) EXPORT( 56, sceCdStInit) EXPORT( 57, sceCdStRead) EXPORT( 58, sceCdStSeek) EXPORT( 59, sceCdStStart) EXPORT( 60, sceCdStStat) EXPORT( 61, sceCdStStop) EXPORT( 62, sceCdRead0) EXPORT( 63, _sceCdRV) EXPORT( 64, _sceCdRM) EXPORT( 66, sceCdReadChain) EXPORT( 67, sceCdStPause) EXPORT( 68, sceCdStResume) EXPORT( 74, sceCdPowerOff) EXPORT( 75, sceCdMmode) EXPORT( 77, sceCdStSeekF) EXPORT( 78, sceCdPOffCallback) EXPORT( 81, _sceCdSetTimeout) EXPORT( 83, sceCdReadDvdDualInfo) EXPORT( 84, sceCdLayerSearchFile) EXPORT(112, sceCdApplySCmd2) EXPORT(114, _sceCdRE) END_MODULE MODULE(deci2api) EXPORT( 4, sceDeci2Open) EXPORT( 5, sceDeci2Close) EXPORT( 6, sceDeci2ExRecv) EXPORT( 7, sceDeci2ExSend) EXPORT( 8, sceDeci2ReqSend) EXPORT( 9, sceDeci2ExReqSend) EXPORT( 10, sceDeci2ExLock) EXPORT( 11, sceDeci2ExUnLock) EXPORT( 12, sceDeci2ExPanic) EXPORT( 13, sceDeci2Poll) EXPORT( 14, sceDeci2ExPoll) EXPORT( 15, sceDeci2ExRecvSuspend) EXPORT( 16, sceDeci2ExRecvUnSuspend) EXPORT( 17, sceDeci2ExWakeupThread) EXPORT( 18, sceDeci2ExSignalSema) EXPORT( 19, sceDeci2ExSetEventFlag) END_MODULE MODULE(eenetctl) EXPORT( 4, sceEENetCtlSetConfiguration) EXPORT( 5, sceEENetCtlRegisterDialCnf) EXPORT( 6, sceEENetCtlUnRegisterDialCnf) EXPORT( 7, sceEENetCtlSetDialingData) EXPORT( 8, sceEENetCtlClearDialingData) END_MODULE MODULE(ent_devm) EXPORT( 4, sceEENetDevAttach) EXPORT( 5, sceEENetDevReady) EXPORT( 6, sceEENetDevDetach) EXPORT( 7, sceEENetSifAddCmdHandler) EXPORT( 8, sceEENetSifRemoveCmdHandler) EXPORT( 9, sceEENetSifSendCmd) EXPORT( 10, sceEENetSifBindRpc) EXPORT( 11, sceEENetSifCallRpc) EXPORT( 12, sceEENetCheckWaitingDriverList) EXPORT( 13, sceEENetCheckTerminatedDriverList) END_MODULE MODULE(excepman) EXPORT( 4, RegisterExceptionHandler) EXPORT( 5, RegisterPriorityExceptionHandler) EXPORT( 6, RegisterDefaultExceptionHandler) EXPORT( 7, ReleaseExceptionHandler) EXPORT( 8, ReleaseDefaultExceptionHandler) END_MODULE MODULE(heaplib) EXPORT( 4, CreateHeap) EXPORT( 5, DeleteHeap) EXPORT( 6, AllocHeapMemory) EXPORT( 7, FreeHeapMemory) EXPORT( 8, HeapTotalFreeSize) END_MODULE MODULE(ilink) EXPORT( 0, sce1394SetupModule) EXPORT( 2, sce1394ReleaseModule) EXPORT( 4, sce1394Initialize) EXPORT( 5, sce1394Destroy) EXPORT( 6, sce1394Debug) EXPORT( 7, sce1394ConfGet) EXPORT( 8, sce1394ConfSet) EXPORT( 9, sce1394ChangeThreadPriority) EXPORT( 12, sce1394UnitAdd) EXPORT( 13, sce1394UnitDelete) EXPORT( 17, sce1394GenerateCrc32) EXPORT( 18, sce1394GenerateCrc16) EXPORT( 19, sce1394ValidateCrc16) EXPORT( 23, sce1394SbControl) EXPORT( 24, sce1394SbEnable) EXPORT( 25, sce1394SbDisable) EXPORT( 26, sce1394SbReset) EXPORT( 27, sce1394SbEui64) EXPORT( 28, sce1394SbNodeId) EXPORT( 29, sce1394SbNodeCount) EXPORT( 30, sce1394SbSelfId) EXPORT( 31, sce1394SbGenNumber) EXPORT( 32, sce1394SbPhyPacket) EXPORT( 33, sce1394SbCycleTime) EXPORT( 36, sce1394EvAlloc) EXPORT( 37, sce1394EvFree) EXPORT( 38, sce1394EvWait) EXPORT( 39, sce1394EvPoll) EXPORT( 43, sce1394PbAlloc) EXPORT( 44, sce1394PbFree) EXPORT( 45, sce1394PbGet) EXPORT( 46, sce1394PbSet) EXPORT( 50, sce1394TrDataInd) EXPORT( 51, sce1394TrDataUnInd) EXPORT( 55, sce1394TrAlloc) EXPORT( 56, sce1394TrFree) EXPORT( 57, sce1394TrGet) EXPORT( 58, sce1394TrSet) EXPORT( 59, sce1394TrWrite) EXPORT( 60, sce1394TrWriteV) EXPORT( 61, sce1394TrRead) EXPORT( 62, sce1394TrReadV) EXPORT( 63, sce1394TrLock) EXPORT( 67, sce1394CrEui64) EXPORT( 68, sce1394CrGenNumber) EXPORT( 69, sce1394CrMaxRec) EXPORT( 70, sce1394CrMaxSpeed) EXPORT( 71, sce1394CrRead) EXPORT( 72, sce1394CrCapability) EXPORT( 73, sce1394CrFindNode) EXPORT( 74, sce1394CrFindUnit) EXPORT( 75, sce1394CrInvalidate) END_MODULE MODULE(ilsocket) EXPORT( 0, sceILsockModuleInit) EXPORT( 2, sceILsockModuleReset) EXPORT( 4, sceILsockInit) EXPORT( 5, sceILsockReset) EXPORT( 8, sceILsockOpen) EXPORT( 9, sceILsockClose) EXPORT( 10, sceILsockBind) EXPORT( 11, sceILsockConnect) EXPORT( 12, sceILsockSend) EXPORT( 13, sceILsockSendTo) EXPORT( 14, sceILsockRecv) EXPORT( 15, sceILsockRecvFrom) EXPORT( 18, sceILsockHtoNl) EXPORT( 19, sceILsockHtoNs) EXPORT( 20, sceILsockNtoHl) EXPORT( 21, sceILsockNtoHs) EXPORT( 22, sce1394GetCycleTimeV) END_MODULE MODULE(inet) EXPORT( 4, sceInetName2Address) EXPORT( 5, sceInetAddress2String) EXPORT( 6, sceInetCreate) EXPORT( 7, sceInetOpen) EXPORT( 8, sceInetClose) EXPORT( 9, sceInetRecv) EXPORT( 10, sceInetSend) EXPORT( 11, sceInetAbort) EXPORT( 12, sceInetRecvFrom) EXPORT( 13, sceInetSendTo) EXPORT( 14, sceInetAddress2Name) EXPORT( 15, sceInetControl) EXPORT( 16, sceInetPoll) EXPORT( 17, sceInetNtohs) EXPORT( 18, sceInetHtons) EXPORT( 19, sceInetNtohl) EXPORT( 20, sceInetHtonl) EXPORT( 21, sceInetGet4u) EXPORT( 22, sceInetPut4u) EXPORT( 24, sceInetGetInterfaceList) EXPORT( 25, sceInetInterfaceControl) EXPORT( 27, sceInetGetRoutingTable) EXPORT( 28, sceInetAddRouting) EXPORT( 29, sceInetDelRouting) EXPORT( 30, sceInetGetNameServers) EXPORT( 31, sceInetAddNameServer) EXPORT( 32, sceInetDelNameServer) EXPORT( 36, sceInetChangeThreadPriority) EXPORT( 38, sceInetGetLog) EXPORT( 39, sceInetWaitInterfaceEvent) EXPORT( 40, sceInetSignalInterfaceEvent) EXPORT( 41, sceInetAbortLog) END_MODULE MODULE(inetctl) EXPORT( 4, sceInetCtlSetConfiguration) EXPORT( 5, sceInetCtlUpInterface) EXPORT( 6, sceInetCtlDownInterface) EXPORT( 7, sceInetCtlSetAutoMode) EXPORT( 8, sceInetCtlRegisterEventHandler) EXPORT( 9, sceInetCtlUnregisterEventHandler) EXPORT( 10, sceInetCtlGetState) EXPORT( 11, sceInetCtlGetConfiguration) EXPORT( 12, sceInetCtlSetDialingData) EXPORT( 13, sceInetCtlClearDialingData) END_MODULE MODULE(intrman) EXPORT( 4, RegisterIntrHandler) EXPORT( 5, ReleaseIntrHandler) EXPORT( 6, EnableIntr) EXPORT( 7, DisableIntr) EXPORT( 8, CpuDisableIntr) EXPORT( 9, CpuEnableIntr) EXPORT( 17, CpuSuspendIntr) EXPORT( 18, CpuResumeIntr) EXPORT( 23, QueryIntrContext) EXPORT( 24, QueryIntrStack) EXPORT( 25, iCatchMultiIntr) END_MODULE MODULE(ioman) EXPORT( 4, open) EXPORT( 5, close) EXPORT( 6, read) EXPORT( 7, write) EXPORT( 8, lseek) EXPORT( 9, ioctl) EXPORT( 10, remove) EXPORT( 11, mkdir) EXPORT( 12, rmdir) EXPORT( 13, dopen) EXPORT( 14, dclose) EXPORT( 15, dread) EXPORT( 16, getstat) EXPORT( 17, chstat) EXPORT( 18, format) EXPORT( 20, AddDrv) EXPORT( 21, DelDrv) EXPORT( 23, StdioInit) EXPORT( 25, rename) EXPORT( 26, chdir) EXPORT( 27, sync) EXPORT( 28, mount) EXPORT( 29, umount) EXPORT( 30, lseek64) EXPORT( 31, devctl) EXPORT( 32, symlink) EXPORT( 33, readlink) EXPORT( 34, ioctl2) END_MODULE MODULE(libsd) EXPORT( 2, sceSdQuit) EXPORT( 4, sceSdInit) EXPORT( 5, sceSdSetParam) EXPORT( 6, sceSdGetParam) EXPORT( 7, sceSdSetSwitch) EXPORT( 8, sceSdGetSwitch) EXPORT( 9, sceSdSetAddr) EXPORT( 10, sceSdGetAddr) EXPORT( 11, sceSdSetCoreAttr) EXPORT( 12, sceSdGetCoreAttr) EXPORT( 13, sceSdNote2Pitch) EXPORT( 14, sceSdPitch2Note) EXPORT( 15, sceSdProcBatch) EXPORT( 16, sceSdProcBatchEx) EXPORT( 17, sceSdVoiceTrans) EXPORT( 18, sceSdBlockTrans) EXPORT( 19, sceSdVoiceTransStatus) EXPORT( 20, sceSdBlockTransStatus) EXPORT( 21, sceSdSetTransCallback) EXPORT( 22, sceSdSetIRQCallback) EXPORT( 23, sceSdSetEffectAttr) EXPORT( 24, sceSdGetEffectAttr) EXPORT( 25, sceSdClearEffectWorkArea) EXPORT( 26, sceSdSetTransIntrHandler) EXPORT( 27, sceSdSetSpu2IntrHandler) EXPORT( 28, sceSdGetTransIntrHandlerArgument) EXPORT( 29, sceSdGetSpu2IntrHandlerArgument) EXPORT( 30, sceSdStopTrans) EXPORT( 31, sceSdCleanEffectWorkArea) EXPORT( 32, sceSdSetEffectMode) EXPORT( 33, sceSdSetEffectModeParams) END_MODULE MODULE(loadcore) EXPORT( 4, FlushIcache) EXPORT( 5, FlushDcache) EXPORT( 6, RegisterLibraryEntries) EXPORT( 7, ReleaseLibraryEntries) EXPORT( 10, RegisterNonAutoLinkEntries) EXPORT( 11, QueryLibraryEntryTable) EXPORT( 12, QueryBootMode) EXPORT( 13, RegisterBootMode) EXPORT( 27, SetRebootTimeLibraryHandlingMode) END_MODULE MODULE(moddelay) EXPORT( 4, sceMidiDelay_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceMidiDelay_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceMidiDelay_Flush) END_MODULE MODULE(modem) EXPORT( 4, sceModemRegisterDevice) EXPORT( 5, sceModemUnregisterDevice) END_MODULE MODULE(modhsyn) EXPORT( 4, sceHSyn_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceHSyn_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceHSyn_Load) EXPORT( 7, sceHSyn_VoiceTrans) EXPORT( 8, sceHSyn_SetReservVoice) EXPORT( 9, sceHSyn_SetEffectAttr) EXPORT( 10, sceHSyn_SetVolume) EXPORT( 11, sceHSyn_GetVolume) EXPORT( 12, sceHSyn_AllNoteOff) EXPORT( 13, sceHSyn_AllSoundOff) EXPORT( 14, sceHSyn_ResetAllControler) EXPORT( 15, sceHSyn_SetVoiceStatBuffer) EXPORT( 16, sceHSyn_SetDebugInfoBuffer) EXPORT( 17, sceHSyn_GetChStat) EXPORT( 18, sceHSyn_SetOutputMode) EXPORT( 19, sceHSyn_SESetMaxVoices) EXPORT( 20, sceHSyn_SEAllNoteOff) EXPORT( 21, sceHSyn_SEAllSoundOff) EXPORT( 22, sceHSyn_SERetrieveVoiceNumberByID) EXPORT( 23, sceHSyn_MSGetVoiceStateByID) EXPORT( 24, sceHSyn_MSGetVoiceEnvelopeByID) EXPORT( 25, sceHSyn_SERetrieveAllSEMsgIDs) EXPORT( 26, sceHSyn_GetReservVoice) EXPORT( 27, sceHSyn_GetOutputMode) EXPORT( 28, sceHSyn_Unload) END_MODULE MODULE(modload) EXPORT( 4, ReBootStart) EXPORT( 5, LoadModuleAddress) EXPORT( 6, LoadModule) EXPORT( 7, LoadStartModule) EXPORT( 8, StartModule) EXPORT( 9, LoadModuleBufferAddress) EXPORT( 10, LoadModuleBuffer) EXPORT( 16, GetModuleIdList) EXPORT( 17, ReferModuleStatus) EXPORT( 18, GetModuleIdListByName) EXPORT( 19, LoadModuleWithOption) EXPORT( 20, StopModule) EXPORT( 21, UnloadModule) EXPORT( 22, SearchModuleByName) EXPORT( 23, SearchModuleByAddress) EXPORT( 26, SelfStopModule) EXPORT( 27, SelfUnloadModule) EXPORT( 28, AllocLoadMemory) EXPORT( 29, FreeLoadMemory) EXPORT( 30, SetModuleFlags) END_MODULE MODULE(modmidi) EXPORT( 4, sceMidi_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceMidi_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceMidi_Load) EXPORT( 7, sceMidi_SelectSong) EXPORT( 8, sceMidi_SongPlaySwitch) EXPORT( 9, sceMidi_SongSetVolume) EXPORT( 10, sceMidi_SongVolumeChange) EXPORT( 11, sceMidi_SongSetAbsoluteTempo) EXPORT( 12, sceMidi_SongSetRelativeTempo) EXPORT( 13, sceMidi_SongSetLocation) EXPORT( 14, sceMidi_SelectMidi) EXPORT( 15, sceMidi_MidiPlaySwitch) EXPORT( 16, sceMidi_MidiSetLocation) EXPORT( 17, sceMidi_MidiSetVolume) EXPORT( 18, sceMidi_MidiVolumeChange) EXPORT( 19, sceMidi_MidiSetAbsoluteTempo) EXPORT( 20, sceMidi_MidiGetAbsoluteTempo) EXPORT( 21, sceMidi_MidiSetRelativeTempo) EXPORT( 22, sceMidi_MidiGetRelativeTempo) EXPORT( 23, sceMidi_MidiSetUSecTempo) EXPORT( 24, sceMidi_MidiGetUSecTempo) EXPORT( 25, sceMidi_Unload) END_MODULE MODULE(modmono) EXPORT( 4, sceMidiMono_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceMidiMono_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceMidiMono_SetMono) END_MODULE MODULE(modmsin) EXPORT( 4, sceMSIn_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceMSIn_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceMSIn_Load) EXPORT( 7, sceMSIn_PutMsg) EXPORT( 8, sceMSIn_PutExcMsg) EXPORT( 9, sceMSIn_PutHsMsg) END_MODULE MODULE(modsein) EXPORT( 4, sceSEIn_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceSEIn_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceSEIn_Load) EXPORT( 7, sceSEIn_PutMsg) EXPORT( 8, sceSEIn_PutSEMsg) EXPORT( 9, sceSEIn_MakeNoteOn) EXPORT( 10, sceSEIn_MakePitchOn) EXPORT( 11, sceSEIn_MakeTimeVolume) EXPORT( 12, sceSEIn_MakeTimePanpot) EXPORT( 13, sceSEIn_MakeTimePitch) EXPORT( 14, sceSEIn_MakePitchLFO) EXPORT( 15, sceSEIn_MakeAmpLFO) EXPORT( 16, sceSEIn_MakeAllNoteOff) EXPORT( 17, sceSEIn_MakeAllNoteOffMask) EXPORT( 18, sceSEIn_MakeNoteOnZero) EXPORT( 19, sceSEIn_MakePitchOnZero) END_MODULE MODULE(modsesq) EXPORT( 4, sceSESq_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceSESq_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceSESq_Load) EXPORT( 7, sceSESq_SelectSeq) EXPORT( 8, sceSESq_UnselectSeq) EXPORT( 9, sceSESq_SeqPlaySwitch) EXPORT( 10, sceSESq_SeqGetStatus) EXPORT( 11, sceSESq_SeqIsInPlay) EXPORT( 12, sceSESq_SeqIsDataEnd) EXPORT( 13, sceSESq_SeqSetSEMsgID) EXPORT( 14, sceSESq_SeqTerminateVoice) END_MODULE MODULE(modssyn) EXPORT( 4, sceSSyn_Init) EXPORT( 5, sceSSyn_ATick) EXPORT( 6, sceSSyn_Load) END_MODULE MODULE(msifrpc) EXPORT( 4, sceSifMInitRpc) EXPORT( 16, sceSifMTermRpc) EXPORT( 17, sceSifMEntryLoop) END_MODULE MODULE(netcnf) EXPORT( 4, sceNetCnfGetCount) EXPORT( 5, sceNetCnfGetList) EXPORT( 6, sceNetCnfLoadEntry) EXPORT( 7, sceNetCnfAddEntry) EXPORT( 8, sceNetCnfDeleteEntry) EXPORT( 9, sceNetCnfSetLatestEntry) EXPORT( 10, sceNetCnfAllocMem) EXPORT( 11, sceNetCnfInitIFC) EXPORT( 12, sceNetCnfLoadConf) EXPORT( 13, sceNetCnfLoadDial) EXPORT( 14, sceNetCnfMergeConf) EXPORT( 15, sceNetCnfName2Address) EXPORT( 16, sceNetCnfAddress2String) EXPORT( 17, sceNetCnfEditEntry) EXPORT( 18, sceNetCnfDeleteAll) EXPORT( 19, sceNetCnfCheckCapacity) EXPORT( 20, sceNetCnfConvA2S) EXPORT( 21, sceNetCnfConvS2A) EXPORT( 22, sceNetCnfCheckSpecialProvider) EXPORT( 23, sceNetCnfSetCallback) END_MODULE MODULE(netdev) EXPORT( 4, sceInetRegisterNetDevice) EXPORT( 5, sceInetUnregisterNetDevice) EXPORT( 6, sceInetAllocMem) EXPORT( 7, sceInetFreeMem) EXPORT( 8, sceInetPktEnQ) EXPORT( 9, sceInetPktDeQ) EXPORT( 10, sceInetRand) EXPORT( 11, sceInetPrintf) EXPORT( 12, sceInetAllocPkt) EXPORT( 13, sceInetFreePkt) EXPORT( 14, sceInetRegisterPPPoE) EXPORT( 15, sceInetUnregisterPPPoE) END_MODULE MODULE(scrtpad) EXPORT( 4, AllocScratchPad) EXPORT( 5, FreeScratchPad) END_MODULE MODULE(sdhd) EXPORT( 4, sceSdHdGetMaxProgramNumber) EXPORT( 5, sceSdHdGetMaxSampleSetNumber) EXPORT( 6, sceSdHdGetMaxSampleNumber) EXPORT( 7, sceSdHdGetMaxVAGInfoNumber) EXPORT( 8, sceSdHdGetProgramParamAddr) EXPORT( 9, sceSdHdGetProgramParam) EXPORT( 10, sceSdHdGetSplitBlockAddr) EXPORT( 11, sceSdHdGetSplitBlock) EXPORT( 12, sceSdHdGetSampleSetParamAddr) EXPORT( 13, sceSdHdGetSampleSetParam) EXPORT( 14, sceSdHdGetSampleParamAddr) EXPORT( 15, sceSdHdGetSampleParam) EXPORT( 16, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamAddr) EXPORT( 17, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParam) EXPORT( 18, sceSdHdCheckProgramNumber) EXPORT( 19, sceSdHdGetSplitBlockCountByNote) EXPORT( 20, sceSdHdGetSplitBlockAddrByNote) EXPORT( 21, sceSdHdGetSplitBlockByNote) EXPORT( 22, sceSdHdGetSampleSetParamCountByNote) EXPORT( 23, sceSdHdGetSampleSetParamAddrByNote) EXPORT( 24, sceSdHdGetSampleSetParamByNote) EXPORT( 25, sceSdHdGetSampleParamCountByNoteVelocity) EXPORT( 26, sceSdHdGetSampleParamAddrByNoteVelocity) EXPORT( 27, sceSdHdGetSampleParamByNoteVelocity) EXPORT( 28, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamCountByNoteVelocity) EXPORT( 29, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamAddrByNoteVelocity) EXPORT( 30, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamByNoteVelocity) EXPORT( 31, sceSdHdGetSampleParamCountByVelocity) EXPORT( 32, sceSdHdGetSampleParamAddrByVelocity) EXPORT( 33, sceSdHdGetSampleParamByVelocity) EXPORT( 34, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamCountByVelocity) EXPORT( 35, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamAddrByVelocity) EXPORT( 36, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamByVelocity) EXPORT( 37, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamAddrBySampleNumber) EXPORT( 38, sceSdHdGetVAGInfoParamBySampleNumber) EXPORT( 39, sceSdHdGetSplitBlockNumberBySplitNumber) EXPORT( 40, sceSdHdGetVAGSize) EXPORT( 41, sceSdHdGetSplitBlockCount) EXPORT( 42, sceSdHdGetMaxSplitBlockCount) EXPORT( 43, sceSdHdGetMaxSampleSetParamCount) EXPORT( 44, sceSdHdGetMaxSampleParamCount) EXPORT( 45, sceSdHdGetMaxVAGInfoParamCount) EXPORT( 46, sceSdHdModifyVelocity) EXPORT( 47, sceSdHdModifyVelocityLFO) EXPORT( 48, sceSdHdGetValidProgramNumberCount) EXPORT( 49, sceSdHdGetValidProgramNumber) EXPORT( 50, sceSdHdGetSampleNumberBySampleIndex) END_MODULE MODULE(sdrdrv) EXPORT( 4, sceSdrChangeThreadPriority) EXPORT( 5, sceSdrSetUserCommandFunction) END_MODULE MODULE(sdsq) EXPORT( 4, sceSdSqGetMaxMidiNumber) EXPORT( 5, sceSdSqGetMaxSongNumber) EXPORT( 6, sceSdSqInitMidiData) EXPORT( 7, sceSdSqReadMidiData) EXPORT( 8, sceSdSqInitSongData) EXPORT( 9, sceSdSqReadSongData) EXPORT( 10, sceSdSqGetMaxCompTableIndex) EXPORT( 11, sceSdSqGetCompTableOffset) EXPORT( 12, sceSdSqGetCompTableDataByIndex) EXPORT( 13, sceSdSqGetNoteOnEventByPolyKeyPress) EXPORT( 14, sceSdSqCopyMidiData) EXPORT( 15, sceSdSqCopySongData) END_MODULE MODULE(sifcmd) EXPORT( 4, sceSifInitCmd) EXPORT( 5, sceSifExitCmd) EXPORT( 6, sceSifGetSreg) EXPORT( 7, sceSifSetSreg) EXPORT( 8, sceSifSetCmdBuffer) EXPORT( 10, sceSifAddCmdHandler) EXPORT( 11, sceSifRemoveCmdHandler) EXPORT( 12, sceSifSendCmd) EXPORT( 13, isceSifSendCmd) EXPORT( 14, sceSifInitRpc) EXPORT( 15, sceSifBindRpc) EXPORT( 16, sceSifCallRpc) EXPORT( 17, sceSifRegisterRpc) EXPORT( 18, sceSifCheckStatRpc) EXPORT( 19, sceSifSetRpcQueue) EXPORT( 20, sceSifGetNextRequest) EXPORT( 21, sceSifExecRequest) EXPORT( 22, sceSifRpcLoop) EXPORT( 23, sceSifGetOtherData) EXPORT( 24, sceSifRemoveRpc) EXPORT( 25, sceSifRemoveRpcQueue) EXPORT( 28, sceSifSendCmdIntr) EXPORT( 29, isceSifSendCmdIntr) END_MODULE MODULE(sifman) EXPORT( 5, sceSifInit) EXPORT( 6, sceSifSetDChain) EXPORT( 7, sceSifSetDma) EXPORT( 8, sceSifDmaStat) EXPORT( 29, sceSifCheckInit) EXPORT( 32, sceSifSetDmaIntr) END_MODULE MODULE(spucodec) EXPORT( 4, sceSpuCodecEncode) END_MODULE MODULE(stdio) EXPORT( 4, printf) EXPORT( 5, getchar) EXPORT( 6, putchar) EXPORT( 7, puts) EXPORT( 8, gets) EXPORT( 9, fdprintf) EXPORT( 10, fdgetc) EXPORT( 11, fdputc) EXPORT( 12, fdputs) EXPORT( 13, fdgets) EXPORT( 14, vfdprintf) END_MODULE MODULE(sysclib) EXPORT( 4, setjmp) EXPORT( 5, longjmp) EXPORT( 6, toupper) EXPORT( 7, tolower) EXPORT( 8, look_ctype_table) EXPORT( 9, get_ctype_table) EXPORT( 10, memchr) EXPORT( 11, memcmp) EXPORT( 12, memcpy) EXPORT( 13, memmove) EXPORT( 14, memset) EXPORT( 15, bcmp) EXPORT( 16, bcopy) EXPORT( 17, bzero) EXPORT( 18, prnt) EXPORT( 19, sprintf) EXPORT( 20, strcat) EXPORT( 21, strchr) EXPORT( 22, strcmp) EXPORT( 23, strcpy) EXPORT( 24, strcspn) EXPORT( 25, index) EXPORT( 26, rindex) EXPORT( 27, strlen) EXPORT( 28, strncat) EXPORT( 29, strncmp) EXPORT( 30, strncpy) EXPORT( 31, strpbrk) EXPORT( 32, strrchr) EXPORT( 33, strspn) EXPORT( 34, strstr) EXPORT( 35, strtok) EXPORT( 36, strtol) EXPORT( 37, atob) EXPORT( 38, strtoul) EXPORT( 40, wmemcopy) EXPORT( 41, wmemset) EXPORT( 42, vsprintf) EXPORT( 43, strtok_r) END_MODULE MODULE(sysmem) EXPORT( 4, AllocSysMemory) EXPORT( 5, FreeSysMemory) EXPORT( 6, QueryMemSize) EXPORT( 7, QueryMaxFreeMemSize) EXPORT( 8, QueryTotalFreeMemSize) EXPORT( 9, QueryBlockTopAddress) EXPORT( 10, QueryBlockSize) EXPORT( 14, Kprintf) END_MODULE MODULE(thbase) EXPORT( 4, CreateThread) EXPORT( 5, DeleteThread) EXPORT( 6, StartThread) EXPORT( 7, StartThreadArgs) EXPORT( 8, ExitThread) EXPORT( 9, ExitDeleteThread) EXPORT( 10, TerminateThread) EXPORT( 11, iTerminateThread) EXPORT( 12, DisableDispatchThread) EXPORT( 13, EnableDispatchThread) EXPORT( 14, ChangeThreadPriority) EXPORT( 15, iChangeThreadPriority) EXPORT( 16, RotateThreadReadyQueue) EXPORT( 17, iRotateThreadReadyQueue) EXPORT( 18, ReleaseWaitThread) EXPORT( 19, iReleaseWaitThread) EXPORT( 20, GetThreadId) EXPORT( 21, CheckThreadStack) EXPORT( 22, ReferThreadStatus) EXPORT( 23, iReferThreadStatus) EXPORT( 24, SleepThread) EXPORT( 25, WakeupThread) EXPORT( 26, iWakeupThread) EXPORT( 27, CancelWakeupThread) EXPORT( 28, iCancelWakeupThread) EXPORT( 29, SuspendThread) EXPORT( 30, iSuspendThread) EXPORT( 31, ResumeThread) EXPORT( 32, iResumeThread) EXPORT( 33, DelayThread) EXPORT( 34, GetSystemTime) EXPORT( 35, SetAlarm) EXPORT( 36, iSetAlarm) EXPORT( 37, CancelAlarm) EXPORT( 38, iCancelAlarm) EXPORT( 39, USec2SysClock) EXPORT( 40, SysClock2USec) EXPORT( 41, GetSystemStatusFlag) EXPORT( 42, GetThreadCurrentPriority) EXPORT( 43, GetSystemTimeLow) EXPORT( 44, ReferSystemStatus) EXPORT( 45, ReferThreadRunStatus) EXPORT( 46, GetThreadStackFreeSize) EXPORT( 47, GetThreadmanIdList) END_MODULE MODULE(thevent) EXPORT( 4, CreateEventFlag) EXPORT( 5, DeleteEventFlag) EXPORT( 6, SetEventFlag) EXPORT( 7, iSetEventFlag) EXPORT( 8, ClearEventFlag) EXPORT( 9, iClearEventFlag) EXPORT( 10, WaitEventFlag) EXPORT( 11, PollEventFlag) EXPORT( 13, ReferEventFlagStatus) EXPORT( 14, iReferEventFlagStatus) END_MODULE MODULE(thfpool) EXPORT( 4, CreateFpl) EXPORT( 5, DeleteFpl) EXPORT( 6, AllocateFpl) EXPORT( 7, pAllocateFpl) EXPORT( 8, ipAllocateFpl) EXPORT( 9, FreeFpl) EXPORT( 11, ReferFplStatus) EXPORT( 12, iReferFplStatus) END_MODULE MODULE(thmsgbx) EXPORT( 4, CreateMbx) EXPORT( 5, DeleteMbx) EXPORT( 6, SendMbx) EXPORT( 7, iSendMbx) EXPORT( 8, ReceiveMbx) EXPORT( 9, PollMbx) EXPORT( 11, ReferMbxStatus) EXPORT( 12, iReferMbxStatus) END_MODULE MODULE(thsemap) EXPORT( 4, CreateSema) EXPORT( 5, DeleteSema) EXPORT( 6, SignalSema) EXPORT( 7, iSignalSema) EXPORT( 8, WaitSema) EXPORT( 9, PollSema) EXPORT( 11, ReferSemaStatus) EXPORT( 12, iReferSemaStatus) END_MODULE MODULE(thvpool) EXPORT( 4, CreateVpl) EXPORT( 5, DeleteVpl) EXPORT( 6, AllocateVpl) EXPORT( 7, pAllocateVpl) EXPORT( 8, ipAllocateVpl) EXPORT( 9, FreeVpl) EXPORT( 11, ReferVplStatus) EXPORT( 12, iReferVplStatus) END_MODULE MODULE(timrman) EXPORT( 4, AllocHardTimer) EXPORT( 5, ReferHardTimer) EXPORT( 6, FreeHardTimer) EXPORT( 7, SetTimerMode) EXPORT( 8, GetTimerStatus) EXPORT( 9, SetTimerCounter) EXPORT( 10, GetTimerCounter) EXPORT( 11, SetTimerCompare) EXPORT( 12, GetTimerCompare) EXPORT( 16, GetHardTimerIntrCode) EXPORT( 20, SetTimerHandler) EXPORT( 21, SetOverflowHandler) EXPORT( 22, SetupHardTimer) EXPORT( 23, StartHardTimer) EXPORT( 24, StopHardTimer) END_MODULE MODULE(usbd) EXPORT( 4, sceUsbdRegisterLdd) EXPORT( 5, sceUsbdUnregisterLdd) EXPORT( 6, sceUsbdScanStaticDescriptor) EXPORT( 7, sceUsbdSetPrivateData) EXPORT( 8, sceUsbdGetPrivateData) EXPORT( 9, sceUsbdOpenPipe) EXPORT( 10, sceUsbdClosePipe) EXPORT( 11, sceUsbdTransferPipe) EXPORT( 12, sceUsbdOpenPipeAligned) EXPORT( 13, sceUsbdGetDeviceLocation) EXPORT( 16, sceUsbdChangeThreadPriority) EXPORT( 17, sceUsbdGetReportDescriptor) EXPORT( 18, sceUsbdMultiIsochronousTransfer) END_MODULE MODULE(usbmload) EXPORT( 4, sceUsbmlDisable) EXPORT( 5, sceUsbmlEnable) EXPORT( 6, sceUsbmlActivateCategory) EXPORT( 7, sceUsbmlInactivateCategory) EXPORT( 8, sceUsbmlRegisterLoadFunc) EXPORT( 9, sceUsbmlUnregisterLoadFunc) EXPORT( 10, sceUsbmlLoadConffile) EXPORT( 11, sceUsbmlRegisterDevice) EXPORT( 12, sceUsbmlChangeThreadPriority) END_MODULE MODULE(vblank) EXPORT( 4, WaitVblankStart) EXPORT( 5, WaitVblankEnd) EXPORT( 6, WaitVblank) EXPORT( 7, WaitNonVblank) EXPORT( 8, RegisterVblankHandler) EXPORT( 9, ReleaseVblankHandler) END_MODULE // undocumented functions from old list #if 0 MODULE(sysmem) EXPORT( 3, return_addr_of_memsize) EXPORT( 15, set_Kprintf) END_MODULE MODULE(loadcore) EXPORT( 3, return_LibraryEntryTable) EXPORT( 8, findFixImports) EXPORT( 9, restoreImports) EXPORT( 14, setFlag) EXPORT( 15, resetFlag) EXPORT( 16, linkModule) EXPORT( 17, unlinkModule) EXPORT( 20, registerFunc) EXPORT( 22, read_header) EXPORT( 23, load_module) EXPORT( 24, findImageInfo) END_MODULE MODULE(excepman) EXPORT( 3, getcommon) END_MODULE MODULE(intrman) EXPORT( 10, syscall04) EXPORT( 11, syscall08) EXPORT( 12, resetICTRL) EXPORT( 13, setICTRL) EXPORT( 14, syscall0C) EXPORT( 19, CpuSuspendIntr) EXPORT( 20, CpuResumeIntr) EXPORT( 21, syscall10) EXPORT( 22, syscall14) EXPORT( 28, set_h1) EXPORT( 29, reset_h1) EXPORT( 30, set_h2) EXPORT( 31, reset_h2) END_MODULE MODULE(ssbusc) EXPORT( 4, setTable1) EXPORT( 5, getTable1) EXPORT( 6, setTable2) EXPORT( 7, getTable2) EXPORT( 8, setCOM_DELAY_1st) EXPORT( 9, getCOM_DELAY_1st) EXPORT( 10, setCOM_DELAY_2nd) EXPORT( 11, getCOM_DELAY_2nd) EXPORT( 12, setCOM_DELAY_3rd) EXPORT( 13, getCOM_DELAY_3rd) EXPORT( 14, setCOM_DELAY_4th) EXPORT( 15, getCOM_DELAY_4th) EXPORT( 16, setCOM_DELAY) EXPORT( 16, getCOM_DELAY) END_MODULE MODULE(dmacman) EXPORT( 4, SetD_MADR) EXPORT( 5, GetD_MADR) EXPORT( 6, SetD_BCR) EXPORT( 7, GetD_BCR) EXPORT( 8, SetD_CHCR) EXPORT( 9, GetD_CHCR) EXPORT( 10, SetD_TADR) EXPORT( 11, GetD_TADR) EXPORT( 12, Set_4_9_A) EXPORT( 13, Get_4_9_A) EXPORT( 14, SetDPCR) EXPORT( 15, GetDPCR) EXPORT( 16, SetDPCR2) EXPORT( 17, GetDPCR2) EXPORT( 18, SetDPCR3) EXPORT( 19, GetDPCR3) EXPORT( 20, SetDICR) EXPORT( 21, GetDICR) EXPORT( 22, SetDICR2) EXPORT( 23, GetDICR2) EXPORT( 24, SetBF80157C) EXPORT( 25, GetBF80157C) EXPORT( 26, SetBF801578) EXPORT( 27, GetBF801578) EXPORT( 28, SetDMA) EXPORT( 29, SetDMA_chainedSPU_SIF0) EXPORT( 30, SetDMA_SIF0) EXPORT( 31, SetDMA_SIF1) EXPORT( 32, StartTransfer) EXPORT( 33, SetVal) EXPORT( 34, EnableDMAch) EXPORT( 35, DisableDMAch) END_MODULE MODULE(timrman) EXPORT( 13, SetHoldMode) EXPORT( 14, GetHoldMode) EXPORT( 15, GetHoldReg) END_MODULE MODULE(sifman) EXPORT( 4, sceSif2Init) EXPORT( 9, sceSifSend) EXPORT( 10, sceSifSendSync) EXPORT( 11, sceSifIsSending) EXPORT( 12, sceSifSetSIF0DMA) EXPORT( 13, sceSifSendSync0) EXPORT( 14, sceSifIsSending0) EXPORT( 15, sceSifSetSIF1DMA) EXPORT( 16, sceSifSendSync1) EXPORT( 17, sceSifIsSending1) EXPORT( 18, sceSifSetSIF2DMA) EXPORT( 19, sceSifSendSync2) EXPORT( 20, sceSifIsSending2) EXPORT( 21, getEEIOPflags) EXPORT( 22, setEEIOPflags) EXPORT( 23, getIOPEEflags) EXPORT( 24, setIOPEEflags) EXPORT( 25, getEErcvaddr) EXPORT( 26, getIOPrcvaddr) EXPORT( 27, setIOPrcvaddr) EXPORT( 30, setSif0CB) EXPORT( 31, resetSif0CB) END_MODULE MODULE(sifcmd) EXPORT( 9, sceSifSetSysCmdBuffer) EXPORT( 26, setSif1CB) EXPORT( 27, resetSif1CB) END_MODULE MODULE(cdvdman) EXPORT( 20, sceDvdRead) EXPORT( 23, sceCdWriteILinkID) EXPORT( 25, sceCdWriteRTC) EXPORT( 26, sceCdReadNVM) EXPORT( 27, sceCdWriteNVM) EXPORT( 30, setHDmode) EXPORT( 31, sceCdOpenConfig) EXPORT( 32, sceCdCloseConfig) EXPORT( 33, sceCdReadConfig) EXPORT( 34, sceCdWriteConfig) EXPORT( 35, sceCdReadKey) EXPORT( 36. sceCdDecSet) EXPORT( 41, sceCdReadConsoleID) EXPORT( 42, sceCdWriteConsoleID) EXPORT( 43, sceCdGetMecaconVersion) EXPORT( 52, sceCdForbidDVDP) EXPORT( 53, sceCdReadSubQ) EXPORT( 55, AutoAdjustCtrl) END_MODULE MODULE(sio2man) EXPORT( 4, set8268_ctrl) EXPORT( 5, get8268_ctrl) EXPORT( 6, get826C_recv1) EXPORT( 7, call7_send1) EXPORT( 8, call8_send1) EXPORT( 9, call9_send2) EXPORT( 10, call10_send2) EXPORT( 11, get8270_recv2) EXPORT( 12, call12_set_params) EXPORT( 13, call13_get_params) EXPORT( 14, get8274_recv3) EXPORT( 15, set8278) EXPORT( 16, get8278) EXPORT( 17, set827C) EXPORT( 18, get827C) EXPORT( 19, set8260_datain) EXPORT( 20, get8264_dataout) EXPORT( 21, set8280_intr) EXPORT( 22, get8280_intr) EXPORT( 23, signalExchange1) EXPORT( 24, signalExchange2) EXPORT( 25, packetExchange) END_MODULE #endif #undef MODULE #undef END_MODULE #undef EXPORT