 *  This file was generated by glsl2h.pl script
 *  This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA USA.
 *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

#pragma once

#include "stdafx.h"

static const char* convert_glsl =
	"//#version 420 // Keep it for editor detection\n"
	"struct vertex_basic\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
	"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
	"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
	"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 POSITION;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec2 TEXCOORD0;\n"
	"// FIXME set the interpolation (don't know what dx do)\n"
	"// flat means that there is no interpolation. The value given to the fragment shader is based on the provoking vertex conventions.\n"
	"// noperspective means that there will be linear interpolation in window-space. This is usually not what you want, but it can have its uses.\n"
	"// smooth, the default, means to do perspective-correct interpolation.\n"
	"// The centroid qualifier only matters when multisampling. If this qualifier is not present, then the value is interpolated to the pixel's center, anywhere in the pixel, or to one of the pixel's samples. This sample may lie outside of the actual primitive being rendered, since a primitive can cover only part of a pixel's area. The centroid qualifier is used to prevent this; the interpolation point must fall within both the pixel's area and the primitive's area.\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"out SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"} VSout;\n"
	"#define VSout_p (VSout.p)\n"
	"#define VSout_t (VSout.t)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"out vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"out vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) out vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"#define VSout_p SHADERp\n"
	"#define VSout_t SHADERt\n"
	"void vs_main()\n"
	"    VSout_p = POSITION;\n"
	"    VSout_t = TEXCOORD0;\n"
	"    gl_Position = POSITION; // NOTE I don't know if it is possible to merge POSITION_OUT and gl_Position\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"} PSin;\n"
	"#define PSin_p (PSin.p)\n"
	"#define PSin_t (PSin.t)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"#define PSin_p SHADERp\n"
	"#define PSin_t SHADERt\n"
	"// Give a different name so I remember there is a special case!\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main1\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out uint SV_Target1;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"vec4 sample_c()\n"
	"    return texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t );\n"
	"//uniform vec4 mask[4] = vec4[4]\n"
	"//		vec4(1, 0, 0, 0),\n"
	"//		vec4(0, 1, 0, 0),\n"
	"//		vec4(0, 0, 1, 0),\n"
	"//		vec4(1, 1, 1, 0)\n"
	"vec4 ps_crt(uint i)\n"
	"    vec4 mask[4] = vec4[4]\n"
	"        (\n"
	"         vec4(1, 0, 0, 0),\n"
	"         vec4(0, 1, 0, 0),\n"
	"         vec4(0, 0, 1, 0),\n"
	"         vec4(1, 1, 1, 0)\n"
	"        );\n"
	"	return sample_c() * clamp((mask[i] + 0.5f), 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main0\n"
	"void ps_main0()\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = sample_c();\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main1\n"
	"void ps_main1()\n"
	"    vec4 c = sample_c();\n"
	"	c.a *= 256.0f / 127.0f; // hm, 0.5 won't give us 1.0 if we just multiply with 2\n"
	"	highp uvec4 i = uvec4(c * vec4(uint(0x001f), uint(0x03e0), uint(0x7c00), uint(0x8000)));\n"
	"    SV_Target1 = (i.x & uint(0x001f)) | (i.y & uint(0x03e0)) | (i.z & uint(0x7c00)) | (i.w & uint(0x8000));\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main7\n"
	"void ps_main7()\n"
	"    vec4 c = sample_c();\n"
	"	c.a = dot(c.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main5\n"
	"void ps_main5() // triangular\n"
	"	highp uvec4 p = uvec4(PSin_p);\n"
	"	vec4 c = ps_crt(((p.x + ((p.y >> 1u) & 1u) * 3u) >> 1u) % 3u);\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main6\n"
	"void ps_main6() // diagonal\n"
	"	uvec4 p = uvec4(PSin_p);\n"
	"	vec4 c = ps_crt((p.x + (p.y % 3u)) % 3u);\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"// Used for DATE (stencil)\n"
	"// DATM == 1\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main2\n"
	"void ps_main2()\n"
	"    if(sample_c().a < 127.5f / 255.0f) // >= 0x80 pass\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
	"// Used for DATE (stencil)\n"
	"// DATM == 0\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main3\n"
	"void ps_main3()\n"
	"    if(127.5f / 255.0f < sample_c().a) // < 0x80 pass (== 0x80 should not pass)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);\n"
	"#ifdef ps_main4\n"
	"void ps_main4()\n"
	"    // FIXME mod and fmod are different when value are negative\n"
	"    // 	output.c = fmod(sample_c(input.t) * 255 + 0.5f, 256) / 255;\n"
	"    vec4 c = mod(sample_c() * 255.0f + 0.5f, 256.0f) / 255.0f;\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"

static const char* interlace_glsl =
	"//#version 420 // Keep it for editor detection\n"
	"struct vertex_basic\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"} PSin;\n"
	"#define PSin_p (PSin.p)\n"
	"#define PSin_t (PSin.t)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"#define PSin_p SHADERp\n"
	"#define PSin_t SHADERt\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"layout(std140) uniform cb11\n"
	"layout(std140, binding = 11) uniform cb11\n"
	"    vec2 ZrH;\n"
	"    float hH;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"// TODO ensure that clip (discard) is < 0 and not <= 0 ???\n"
	"void ps_main0()\n"
	"    if (fract(PSin_t.y * hH) - 0.5 < 0.0)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"    // I'm not sure it impact us but be safe to lookup texture before conditional if\n"
	"    // see: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Sampler#Non-uniform_flow_control\n"
	"    vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"void ps_main1()\n"
	"    if (0.5 - fract(PSin_t.y * hH) < 0.0)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"    // I'm not sure it impact us but be safe to lookup texture before conditional if\n"
	"    // see: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Sampler#Non-uniform_flow_control\n"
	"    vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"void ps_main2()\n"
	"    vec4 c0 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t - ZrH);\n"
	"    vec4 c1 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"
	"    vec4 c2 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t + ZrH);\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = (c0 + c1 * 2.0f + c2) / 4.0f;\n"
	"void ps_main3()\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"

static const char* merge_glsl =
	"//#version 420 // Keep it for editor detection\n"
	"struct vertex_basic\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"} PSin;\n"
	"#define PSin_p (PSin.p)\n"
	"#define PSin_t (PSin.t)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"#define PSin_p SHADERp\n"
	"#define PSin_t SHADERt\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"layout(std140) uniform cb10\n"
	"layout(std140, binding = 10) uniform cb10\n"
	"    vec4 BGColor;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"void ps_main0()\n"
	"    vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"
	"	c.a = min(c.a * 2.0, 1.0);\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"void ps_main1()\n"
	"    vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"
	"	c.a = BGColor.a;\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"

static const char* shadeboost_glsl =
	"//#version 420 // Keep it for editor detection\n"
	"** Contrast, saturation, brightness\n"
	"** Code of this function is from TGM's shader pack\n"
	"** http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=21057\n"
	"struct vertex_basic\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"} PSin;\n"
	"#define PSin_p (PSin.p)\n"
	"#define PSin_t (PSin.t)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"#define PSin_p SHADERp\n"
	"#define PSin_t SHADERt\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"layout(std140) uniform cb12\n"
	"layout(std140, binding = 12) uniform cb12\n"
	"    vec4 BGColor;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"// For all settings: 1.0 = 100% 0.5=50% 1.5 = 150% \n"
	"vec4 ContrastSaturationBrightness(vec4 color)\n"
	"	const float sat = SB_SATURATION / 50.0;\n"
	"	const float brt = SB_BRIGHTNESS / 50.0;\n"
	"	const float con = SB_CONTRAST / 50.0;\n"
	"	\n"
	"	// Increase or decrease theese values to adjust r, g and b color channels seperately\n"
	"	const float AvgLumR = 0.5;\n"
	"	const float AvgLumG = 0.5;\n"
	"	const float AvgLumB = 0.5;\n"
	"	\n"
	"	const vec3 LumCoeff = vec3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);\n"
	"	\n"
	"	vec3 AvgLumin = vec3(AvgLumR, AvgLumG, AvgLumB);\n"
	"	vec3 brtColor = color.rgb * brt;\n"
	"    float dot_intensity = dot(brtColor, LumCoeff);\n"
	"	vec3 intensity = vec3(dot_intensity, dot_intensity, dot_intensity);\n"
	"	vec3 satColor = mix(intensity, brtColor, sat);\n"
	"	vec3 conColor = mix(AvgLumin, satColor, con);\n"
	"	color.rgb = conColor;	\n"
	"	return color;\n"
	"void ps_main()\n"
	"    vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin_t);\n"
	"	SV_Target0 = ContrastSaturationBrightness(c);\n"

static const char* tfx_glsl =
	"//#version 420 // Keep it for text editor detection\n"
	"// note lerp => mix\n"
	"#define FMT_32 0\n"
	"#define FMT_24 1\n"
	"#define FMT_16 2\n"
	"#define FMT_PAL 4 /* flag bit */\n"
	"// Not sure we have same issue on opengl. Doesn't work anyway on ATI card\n"
	"// And I say this as an ATI user.\n"
	"#define ATI_SUCKS 0\n"
	"#ifndef VS_BPPZ\n"
	"#define VS_BPPZ 0\n"
	"#define VS_TME 1\n"
	"#define VS_FST 1\n"
	"#define VS_LOGZ 0\n"
	"#ifndef PS_FST\n"
	"#define PS_FST 0\n"
	"#define PS_WMS 0\n"
	"#define PS_WMT 0\n"
	"#define PS_FMT FMT_32\n"
	"#define PS_AEM 0\n"
	"#define PS_TFX 0\n"
	"#define PS_TCC 1\n"
	"#define PS_ATST 1\n"
	"#define PS_FOG 0\n"
	"#define PS_CLR1 0\n"
	"#define PS_FBA 0\n"
	"#define PS_AOUT 0\n"
	"#define PS_LTF 1\n"
	"#define PS_COLCLIP 0\n"
	"#define PS_DATE 0\n"
	"#define PS_SPRITEHACK 0\n"
	"#define PS_POINT_SAMPLER 0\n"
	"#define PS_TCOFFSETHACK 0\n"
	"#define PS_IIP 1\n"
	"struct vertex\n"
	"    vec4 t;\n"
	"    vec4 c;\n"
	"	vec4 fc;\n"
	"#ifdef VERTEX_SHADER\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec2  i_st;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec4  i_c;\n"
	"layout(location = 2) in float i_q;\n"
	"layout(location = 3) in uvec2 i_p;\n"
	"layout(location = 4) in uint  i_z;\n"
	"layout(location = 5) in uvec2 i_uv;\n"
	"layout(location = 6) in vec4  i_f;\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"out SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 t;\n"
	"    vec4 c;\n"
	"	flat vec4 fc;\n"
	"} VSout;\n"
	"#define VSout_t (VSout.t)\n"
	"#define VSout_c (VSout.c)\n"
	"#define VSout_fc (VSout.fc)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"out vec4 SHADERt;\n"
	"out vec4 SHADERc;\n"
	"flat out vec4 SHADERfc;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) out vec4 SHADERc;\n"
	"flat layout(location = 2) out vec4 SHADERfc;\n"
	"#define VSout_t SHADERt\n"
	"#define VSout_c SHADERc\n"
	"#define VSout_fc SHADERfc\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
	"    invariant vec4 gl_Position;\n"
	"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
	"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"layout(std140) uniform cb20\n"
	"layout(std140, binding = 20) uniform cb20\n"
	"    vec2 VertexScale;\n"
	"    vec2 VertexOffset;\n"
	"    vec2 TextureScale;\n"
	"const float exp_min32 = exp2(-32.0f);\n"
	"#ifdef SUBROUTINE_GL40\n"
	"// Function pointer type\n"
	"subroutine void TextureCoordType(void);\n"
	"// a function pointer variable\n"
	"layout(location = 0) subroutine uniform TextureCoordType texture_coord;\n"
	"layout(index = 0) subroutine(TextureCoordType)\n"
	"void tme_0()\n"
	"    VSout_t.xy = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
	"    VSout_t.w = 1.0f;\n"
	"layout(index = 1) subroutine(TextureCoordType)\n"
	"void tme_1_fst_0()\n"
	"    VSout_t.xy = i_st;\n"
	"    VSout_t.w = i_q;\n"
	"layout(index = 2) subroutine(TextureCoordType)\n"
	"void tme_1_fst_1()\n"
	"    VSout_t.xy = vec2(i_uv) * TextureScale;\n"
	"    VSout_t.w = 1.0f;\n"
	"void texture_coord()\n"
	"    if(VS_TME != 0)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if(VS_FST != 0)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            VSout_t.xy = vec2(i_uv) * TextureScale;\n"
	"            VSout_t.w = 1.0f;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            VSout_t.xy = i_st;\n"
	"            VSout_t.w = i_q;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        VSout_t.xy = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
	"        VSout_t.w = 1.0f;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"void vs_main()\n"
	"    uint z;\n"
	"    if(VS_BPPZ == 1) // 24\n"
	"        z = i_z & uint(0xffffff);\n"
	"    else if(VS_BPPZ == 2) // 16\n"
	"        z = i_z & uint(0xffff);\n"
	"    else\n"
	"        z = i_z;\n"
	"    // pos -= 0.05 (1/320 pixel) helps avoiding rounding problems (integral part of pos is usually 5 digits, 0.05 is about as low as we can go)\n"
	"    // example: ceil(afterseveralvertextransformations(y = 133)) => 134 => line 133 stays empty\n"
	"    // input granularity is 1/16 pixel, anything smaller than that won't step drawing up/left by one pixel\n"
	"    // example: 133.0625 (133 + 1/16) should start from line 134, ceil(133.0625 - 0.05) still above 133\n"
	"    vec3 p = vec3(i_p, z) - vec3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.0f);\n"
	"    p = p * vec3(VertexScale, exp_min32) - vec3(VertexOffset, 0.0f);\n"
	"    if(VS_LOGZ == 1)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        p.z = log2(1.0f + float(z)) / 32.0f;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    gl_Position = vec4(p, 1.0f); // NOTE I don't know if it is possible to merge POSITION_OUT and gl_Position\n"
	"    texture_coord();\n"
	"    VSout_c = i_c;\n"
	"	VSout_fc = i_c;\n"
	"    VSout_t.z = i_f.r;\n"
	"in gl_PerVertex {\n"
	"    invariant vec4 gl_Position;\n"
	"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
	"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
	"} gl_in[];\n"
	"//in int gl_PrimitiveIDIn;\n"
	"out gl_PerVertex {\n"
	"    vec4 gl_Position;\n"
	"    float gl_PointSize;\n"
	"    float gl_ClipDistance[];\n"
	"//out int gl_PrimitiveID;\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 t;\n"
	"    vec4 c;\n"
	"    flat vec4 fc;\n"
	"} GSin[];\n"
	"out SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 t;\n"
	"    vec4 c;\n"
	"    flat vec4 fc;\n"
	"} GSout;\n"
	"void out_vertex(in vertex v)\n"
	"    GSout.t = v.t;\n"
	"    GSout.c = v.c;\n"
	"    GSout.fc = v.fc;\n"
	"    gl_PrimitiveID = gl_PrimitiveIDIn;\n"
	"    EmitVertex();\n"
	"layout(lines) in;\n"
	"layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 6) out;\n"
	"void gs_main()\n"
	"    // left top     => GSin[0];\n"
	"    // right bottom => GSin[1];\n"
	"    vertex rb = vertex(GSin[1].t, GSin[1].c, GSin[1].fc);\n"
	"    vertex lt = vertex(GSin[0].t, GSin[0].c, GSin[0].fc);\n"
	"    vec4 rb_p = gl_in[1].gl_Position;\n"
	"    vec4 lb_p = gl_in[1].gl_Position;\n"
	"    vec4 rt_p = gl_in[1].gl_Position;\n"
	"    vec4 lt_p = gl_in[0].gl_Position;\n"
	"    // flat depth\n"
	"    lt_p.z = rb_p.z;\n"
	"    // flat fog and texture perspective\n"
	"    lt.t.zw = rb.t.zw;\n"
	"    // flat color\n"
	"    lt.c = rb.c;\n"
	"	// Swap texture and position coordinate\n"
	"    vertex lb = rb;\n"
	"    lb_p.x = lt_p.x;\n"
	"    lb.t.x = lt.t.x;\n"
	"    vertex rt = rb;\n"
	"    rt_p.y = lt_p.y;\n"
	"    rt.t.y = lt.t.y;\n"
	"    // Triangle 1\n"
	"    gl_Position = lt_p;\n"
	"    out_vertex(lt);\n"
	"    gl_Position = lb_p;\n"
	"    out_vertex(lb);\n"
	"    gl_Position = rt_p;\n"
	"    out_vertex(rt);\n"
	"    EndPrimitive();\n"
	"    // Triangle 2\n"
	"    gl_Position = lb_p;\n"
	"    out_vertex(lb);\n"
	"    gl_Position = rt_p;\n"
	"    out_vertex(rt);\n"
	"    gl_Position = rb_p;\n"
	"    out_vertex(rb);\n"
	"    EndPrimitive();\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 t;\n"
	"    vec4 c;\n"
	"    flat vec4 fc;\n"
	"} PSin;\n"
	"#define PSin_t (PSin.t)\n"
	"#define PSin_c (PSin.c)\n"
	"#define PSin_fc (PSin.fc)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERt;\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERc;\n"
	"flat in vec4 SHADERfc;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec4 SHADERc;\n"
	"flat layout(location = 2) in vec4 SHADERfc;\n"
	"#define PSin_t SHADERt\n"
	"#define PSin_c SHADERc\n"
	"#define PSin_fc SHADERfc\n"
	"// Same buffer but 2 colors for dual source blending\n"
	"#if GL_ES\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"layout(location = 0, index = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"layout(location = 0, index = 1) out vec4 SV_Target1;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 1) uniform sampler2D PaletteSampler;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"uniform sampler2D PaletteSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 1) uniform sampler2D PaletteSampler;\n"
	"#ifndef DISABLE_GL42_image\n"
	"#if PS_DATE > 0\n"
	"// FIXME how to declare memory access\n"
	"layout(r32i, binding = 2) coherent uniform iimage2D img_prim_min;\n"
	"// use basic stencil\n"
	"#ifndef DISABLE_GL42_image\n"
	"#if PS_DATE > 0\n"
	"// origin_upper_left\n"
	"layout(pixel_center_integer) in vec4 gl_FragCoord;\n"
	"//in int gl_PrimitiveID;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"layout(std140) uniform cb21\n"
	"layout(std140, binding = 21) uniform cb21\n"
	"    vec3 FogColor;\n"
	"    float AREF;\n"
	"    vec4 HalfTexel;\n"
	"    vec4 WH;\n"
	"    vec4 MinMax;\n"
	"    vec2 MinF;\n"
	"    vec2 TA;\n"
	"    uvec4 MskFix;\n"
	"    vec4 TC_OffsetHack;\n"
	"vec4 sample_c(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    // FIXME: check the issue on openGL\n"
	"	if (ATI_SUCKS == 1 && PS_POINT_SAMPLER == 1)\n"
	"	{\n"
	"		// Weird issue with ATI cards (happens on at least HD 4xxx and 5xxx),\n"
	"		// it looks like they add 127/128 of a texel to sampling coordinates\n"
	"		// occasionally causing point sampling to erroneously round up.\n"
	"		// I'm manually adjusting coordinates to the centre of texels here,\n"
	"		// though the centre is just paranoia, the top left corner works fine.\n"
	"		uv = (trunc(uv * WH.zw) + vec2(0.5, 0.5)) / WH.zw;\n"
	"	}\n"
	"    return texture(TextureSampler, uv);\n"
	"vec4 sample_p(float u)\n"
	"    //FIXME do we need a 1D sampler. Big impact on opengl to find 1 dim\n"
	"    // So for the moment cheat with 0.0f dunno if it work\n"
	"    return texture(PaletteSampler, vec2(u, 0.0f));\n"
	"#if 0\n"
	"vec4 sample_rt(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    return texture(RTCopySampler, uv);\n"
	"// FIXME crash nvidia\n"
	"#if 0\n"
	"// Function pointer type\n"
	"subroutine vec4 WrapType(vec4 uv);\n"
	"// a function pointer variable\n"
	"layout(location = 4) subroutine uniform WrapType wrapuv;\n"
	"layout(index = 24) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wms_wmt_2(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out = clamp(uv, MinMax.xyxy, MinMax.zwzw);\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 25) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wms_wmt3(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out = vec4((ivec4(uv * WH.xyxy) & ivec4(MskFix.xyxy)) | ivec4(MskFix.zwzw)) / WH.xyxy;\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 26) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wms2_wmt3(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.xz = clamp(uv.xz, MinMax.xx, MinMax.zz);\n"
	"    uv_out.yw = vec2((ivec2(uv.yw * WH.yy) & ivec2(MskFix.yy)) | ivec2(MskFix.ww)) / WH.yy;\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 27) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wms3_wmt2(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.xz = vec2((ivec2(uv.xz * WH.xx) & ivec2(MskFix.xx)) | ivec2(MskFix.zz)) / WH.xx;\n"
	"    uv_out.yw = clamp(uv.yw, MinMax.yy, MinMax.ww);\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 28) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wms2_wmtx(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.xz = clamp(uv.xz, MinMax.xx, MinMax.zz);\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 29) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wmsx_wmt3(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.yw = vec2((ivec2(uv.yw * WH.yy) & ivec2(MskFix.yy)) | ivec2(MskFix.ww)) / WH.yy;\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 30) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wms3_wmtx(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.xz = vec2((ivec2(uv.xz * WH.xx) & ivec2(MskFix.xx)) | ivec2(MskFix.zz)) / WH.xx;\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 31) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_wmsx_wmt2(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.yw = clamp(uv.yw, MinMax.yy, MinMax.ww);\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 32) subroutine(WrapType)\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv_dummy(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    return uv;\n"
	"vec4 wrapuv(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    if(PS_WMS == PS_WMT)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if(PS_WMS == 2)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv_out = clamp(uv, MinMax.xyxy, MinMax.zwzw);\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else if(PS_WMS == 3)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv_out = vec4((ivec4(uv * WH.xyxy) & ivec4(MskFix.xyxy)) | ivec4(MskFix.zwzw)) / WH.xyxy;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if(PS_WMS == 2)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv_out.xz = clamp(uv.xz, MinMax.xx, MinMax.zz);\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else if(PS_WMS == 3)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv_out.xz = vec2((ivec2(uv.xz * WH.xx) & ivec2(MskFix.xx)) | ivec2(MskFix.zz)) / WH.xx;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        if(PS_WMT == 2)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv_out.yw = clamp(uv.yw, MinMax.yy, MinMax.ww);\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else if(PS_WMT == 3)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv_out.yw = vec2((ivec2(uv.yw * WH.yy) & ivec2(MskFix.yy)) | ivec2(MskFix.ww)) / WH.yy;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"// FIXME crash nvidia\n"
	"#if 0\n"
	"// Function pointer type\n"
	"subroutine vec2 ClampType(vec2 uv);\n"
	"// a function pointer variable\n"
	"layout(location = 3) subroutine uniform ClampType clampuv;\n"
	"layout(index = 20) subroutine(ClampType)\n"
	"vec2 clampuv_wms2_wmt2(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    return clamp(uv, MinF, MinMax.zw);\n"
	"layout(index = 21) subroutine(ClampType)\n"
	"vec2 clampuv_wms2(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    vec2 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.x = clamp(uv.x, MinF.x, MinMax.z);\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 22) subroutine(ClampType)\n"
	"vec2 clampuv_wmt2(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    vec2 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    uv_out.y = clamp(uv.y, MinF.y, MinMax.w);\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 23) subroutine(ClampType)\n"
	"vec2 clampuv_dummy(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    return uv;\n"
	"vec2 clampuv(vec2 uv)\n"
	"    vec2 uv_out = uv;\n"
	"    if(PS_WMS == 2 && PS_WMT == 2) \n"
	"    {\n"
	"        uv_out = clamp(uv, MinF, MinMax.zw);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_WMS == 2)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        uv_out.x = clamp(uv.x, MinF.x, MinMax.z);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_WMT == 2)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        uv_out.y = clamp(uv.y, MinF.y, MinMax.w);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    return uv_out;\n"
	"mat4 sample_4c(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    mat4 c;\n"
	"    c[0] = sample_c(uv.xy);\n"
	"    c[1] = sample_c(uv.zy);\n"
	"    c[2] = sample_c(uv.xw);\n"
	"    c[3] = sample_c(uv.zw);\n"
	"    return c;\n"
	"vec4 sample_4a(vec4 uv)\n"
	"    vec4 c;\n"
	"    // Dx used the alpha channel.\n"
	"    // Opengl is only 8 bits on red channel.\n"
	"    c.x = sample_c(uv.xy).r;\n"
	"    c.y = sample_c(uv.zy).r;\n"
	"    c.z = sample_c(uv.xw).r;\n"
	"    c.w = sample_c(uv.zw).r;\n"
	"	return c * 255.0/256.0 + 0.5/256.0;\n"
	"mat4 sample_4p(vec4 u)\n"
	"    mat4 c;\n"
	"    c[0] = sample_p(u.x);\n"
	"    c[1] = sample_p(u.y);\n"
	"    c[2] = sample_p(u.z);\n"
	"    c[3] = sample_p(u.w);\n"
	"    return c;\n"
	"vec4 sample_color(vec2 st, float q)\n"
	"    if(PS_FST == 0) st /= q;\n"
	"    if(PS_TCOFFSETHACK == 1) st += TC_OffsetHack.xy;\n"
	"    vec4 t;\n"
	"    mat4 c;\n"
	"    vec2 dd;\n"
	"    if (PS_LTF == 0 && PS_FMT <= FMT_16 && PS_WMS < 3 && PS_WMT < 3)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        c[0] = sample_c(clampuv(st));\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        vec4 uv;\n"
	"        if(PS_LTF != 0)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv = st.xyxy + HalfTexel;\n"
	"            dd = fract(uv.xy * WH.zw);\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            uv = st.xyxy;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        uv = wrapuv(uv);\n"
	"        if((PS_FMT & FMT_PAL) != 0)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c = sample_4p(sample_4a(uv));\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c = sample_4c(uv);\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    // PERF: see the impact of the exansion before/after the interpolation\n"
	"    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if((PS_FMT & ~FMT_PAL) == FMT_24)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            // FIXME GLSL any only support bvec so try to mix it with notEqual\n"
	"            bvec3 rgb_check = notEqual( c[i].rgb, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );\n"
	"            c[i].a = ( (PS_AEM == 0) || any(rgb_check)  ) ? TA.x : 0.0f;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else if((PS_FMT & ~FMT_PAL) == FMT_16)\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            // FIXME GLSL any only support bvec so try to mix it with notEqual\n"
	"            bvec3 rgb_check = notEqual( c[i].rgb, vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) );\n"
	"            c[i].a = c[i].a >= 0.5 ? TA.y : ( (PS_AEM == 0) || any(rgb_check) ) ? TA.x : 0.0f;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    if(PS_LTF != 0)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        t = mix(mix(c[0], c[1], dd.x), mix(c[2], c[3], dd.x), dd.y);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        t = c[0];\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    return t;\n"
	"#ifdef SUBROUTINE_GL40\n"
	"// Function pointer type\n"
	"subroutine vec4 TfxType(vec4 t, vec4 c);\n"
	"// a function pointer variable\n"
	"layout(location = 2) subroutine uniform TfxType tfx;\n"
	"layout(index = 11) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_0_tcc_0(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 12) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_1_tcc_0(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out.rgb = t.rgb;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 13) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_2_tcc_0(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f + c.a;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 14) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_3_tcc_0(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f + c.a;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 15) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_0_tcc_1(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out = c * t * 255.0f / 128.0f;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 16) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_1_tcc_1(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out = t;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 17) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_2_tcc_1(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f + c.a;\n"
	"    c_out.a += t.a;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 18) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_3_tcc_1(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f + c.a;\n"
	"    c_out.a = t.a;\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"layout(index = 19) subroutine(TfxType)\n"
	"vec4 tfx_dummy(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    return c;\n"
	"vec4 tfx(vec4 t, vec4 c)\n"
	"    vec4 c_out = c;\n"
	"    if(PS_TFX == 0)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if(PS_TCC != 0) \n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c_out = c * t * 255.0f / 128.0f;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_TFX == 1)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if(PS_TCC != 0) \n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c_out = t;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        else\n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c_out.rgb = t.rgb;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_TFX == 2)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f + c.a;\n"
	"        if(PS_TCC != 0) \n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c_out.a += t.a;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_TFX == 3)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        c_out.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128.0f + c.a;\n"
	"        if(PS_TCC != 0) \n"
	"        {\n"
	"            c_out.a = t.a;\n"
	"        }\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    return c_out;\n"
	"#if 0\n"
	"void datst()\n"
	"#if PS_DATE > 0\n"
	"    float alpha = sample_rt(PSin_tp.xy).a;\n"
	"    float alpha0x80 = 128.0 / 255;\n"
	"    if (PS_DATE == 1 && alpha >= alpha0x80)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"    else if (PS_DATE == 2 && alpha < alpha0x80)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"#ifdef SUBROUTINE_GL40\n"
	"// Function pointer type\n"
	"subroutine void AlphaTestType(vec4 c);\n"
	"// a function pointer variable\n"
	"layout(location = 0) subroutine uniform AlphaTestType atst;\n"
	"layout(index = 0) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_never(vec4 c)\n"
	"    discard;\n"
	"layout(index = 1) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_always(vec4 c)\n"
	"    // Nothing to do\n"
	"layout(index = 2) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_l(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if (PS_SPRITEHACK == 0)\n"
	"        if ((AREF - a - 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"            discard;\n"
	"layout(index = 3) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_le(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if ((AREF - a + 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"layout(index = 4) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_e(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if ((0.5f - abs(a - AREF)) < 0.0f)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"layout(index = 5) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_ge(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if ((a-AREF + 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"layout(index = 6) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_g(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if ((a-AREF - 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"layout(index = 7) subroutine(AlphaTestType)\n"
	"void atest_ne(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if ((abs(a - AREF) - 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"void atst(vec4 c)\n"
	"    float a = trunc(c.a * 255.0 + 0.01);\n"
	"    if(PS_ATST == 0) // never\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 1) // always\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        // nothing to do\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 2 ) // l\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if (PS_SPRITEHACK == 0)\n"
	"            if ((AREF - a - 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"                discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 3 ) // le\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if ((AREF - a + 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"            discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 4) // e\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if ((0.5f - abs(a - AREF)) < 0.0f)\n"
	"            discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 5) // ge\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if ((a-AREF + 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"            discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 6) // g\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if ((a-AREF - 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"            discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_ATST == 7) // ne\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if ((abs(a - AREF) - 0.5f) < 0.0f)\n"
	"            discard;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"// Note layout stuff might require gl4.3\n"
	"#ifdef SUBROUTINE_GL40\n"
	"// Function pointer type\n"
	"subroutine void ColClipType(inout vec4 c);\n"
	"// a function pointer variable\n"
	"layout(location = 1) subroutine uniform ColClipType colclip;\n"
	"layout(index = 8) subroutine(ColClipType)\n"
	"void colclip_0(inout vec4 c)\n"
	"	// nothing to do\n"
	"layout(index = 9) subroutine(ColClipType)\n"
	"void colclip_1(inout vec4 c)\n"
	"	// FIXME !!!!\n"
	"	//c.rgb *= c.rgb < 128./255;\n"
	"	bvec3 factor = bvec3(128.0f/255.0f, 128.0f/255.0f, 128.0f/255.0f);\n"
	"	c.rgb *= vec3(factor);\n"
	"layout(index = 10) subroutine(ColClipType)\n"
	"void colclip_2(inout vec4 c)\n"
	"	c.rgb = 256.0f/255.0f - c.rgb;\n"
	"	// FIXME !!!!\n"
	"	//c.rgb *= c.rgb < 128./255;\n"
	"	bvec3 factor = bvec3(128.0f/255.0f, 128.0f/255.0f, 128.0f/255.0f);\n"
	"	c.rgb *= vec3(factor);\n"
	"void colclip(inout vec4 c)\n"
	"    if (PS_COLCLIP == 2)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        c.rgb = 256.0f/255.0f - c.rgb;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    if (PS_COLCLIP > 0)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        // FIXME !!!!\n"
	"        //c.rgb *= c.rgb < 128./255;\n"
	"        bvec3 factor = bvec3(128.0f/255.0f, 128.0f/255.0f, 128.0f/255.0f);\n"
	"        c.rgb *= vec3(factor);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"void fog(vec4 c, float f)\n"
	"    if(PS_FOG != 0)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        c.rgb = mix(FogColor, c.rgb, f);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"vec4 ps_color()\n"
	"    vec4 t = sample_color(PSin_t.xy, PSin_t.w);\n"
	"    vec4 zero = vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);\n"
	"    vec4 one = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\n"
	"#if PS_IIP == 1\n"
	"    vec4 c = clamp(tfx(t, PSin_c), zero, one);\n"
	"    vec4 c = clamp(tfx(t, PSin_fc), zero, one);\n"
	"    atst(c);\n"
	"    fog(c, PSin_t.z);\n"
	"	colclip(c);\n"
	"    if(PS_CLR1 != 0) // needed for Cd * (As/Ad/F + 1) blending modes\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        c.rgb = vec3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); \n"
	"    }\n"
	"    return c;\n"
	"#if GL_ES\n"
	"void ps_main()\n"
	"    vec4 c = ps_color();\n"
	"    c.a *= 2.0;\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"#if !GL_ES\n"
	"void ps_main()\n"
	"#if PS_DATE == 3 && !defined(DISABLE_GL42_image)\n"
	"    int stencil_ceil = imageLoad(img_prim_min, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy));\n"
	"    // Note gl_PrimitiveID == stencil_ceil will be the primitive that will update\n"
	"    // the bad alpha value so we must keep it.\n"
	"	if (gl_PrimitiveID > stencil_ceil) {\n"
	"		discard;\n"
	"	}\n"
	"    vec4 c = ps_color();\n"
	"    float alpha = c.a * 2.0;\n"
	"    if(PS_AOUT != 0) // 16 bit output\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        float a = 128.0f / 255.0; // alpha output will be 0x80\n"
	"        c.a = (PS_FBA != 0) ? a : step(0.5, c.a) * a;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    else if(PS_FBA != 0)\n"
	"    {\n"
	"        if(c.a < 0.5) c.a += 0.5;\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    // Get first primitive that will write a failling alpha value\n"
	"#if PS_DATE == 1 && !defined(DISABLE_GL42_image)\n"
	"    // DATM == 0\n"
	"    // Pixel with alpha equal to 1 will failed\n"
	"    if (c.a > 127.5f / 255.0f) {\n"
	"        imageAtomicMin(img_prim_min, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), gl_PrimitiveID);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    //memoryBarrier();\n"
	"#elif PS_DATE == 2 && !defined(DISABLE_GL42_image)\n"
	"    // DATM == 1\n"
	"    // Pixel with alpha equal to 0 will failed\n"
	"    if (c.a < 127.5f / 255.0f) {\n"
	"        imageAtomicMin(img_prim_min, ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy), gl_PrimitiveID);\n"
	"    }\n"
	"#if (PS_DATE == 2 || PS_DATE == 1) && !defined(DISABLE_GL42_image)\n"
	"    // Don't write anything on the framebuffer\n"
	"    // Note: you can't use discard because it will also drop\n"
	"    // image operation\n"
	"    SV_Target0 = c;\n"
	"    SV_Target1 = vec4(alpha, alpha, alpha, alpha);\n"
	"#endif // !GL_ES\n"

static const char* fxaa_fx =
	"#if defined(SHADER_MODEL) || defined(FXAA_GLSL_130) // make safe to include in resource file to enforce dependency\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_GLSL_130\n"
	"    #define FXAA_GLSL_130 0\n"
	"#define FXAA_PC 1\n"
	"#define FXAA_QUALITY_SUBPIX 0.0\n"
	"#ifdef SHADER_MODEL\n"
	"#if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400\n"
	"#if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x500\n"
	"	#define FXAA_HLSL_5 1\n"
	"#else \n"
	"	#define FXAA_HLSL_4 1\n"
	"Texture2D Texture;\n"
	"SamplerState TextureSampler;\n"
	"cbuffer cb0\n"
	"	float4 _rcpFrame;\n"
	"	float4 _rcpFrameOpt;\n"
	"struct PS_INPUT\n"
	"	float4 p : SV_Position;\n"
	"	float2 t : TEXCOORD0;\n"
	"struct PS_OUTPUT\n"
	"	float4 c : SV_Target0;\n"
	"#elif SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300\n"
	"#define FXAA_HLSL_3 1\n"
	"sampler Texture : register(s0);\n"
	"float4 _rcpFrame : register(c0);\n"
	"float4 _rcpFrameOpt : register(c1);\n"
	"struct PS_INPUT\n"
	"#if SHADER_MODEL < 0x300\n"
	"	float4 p : TEXCOORD1;\n"
	"	float4 p : VPOS;\n"
	"	float2 t : TEXCOORD0;\n"
	"struct PS_OUTPUT\n"
	"	float4 c : COLOR;\n"
	"#if (FXAA_GLSL_130 == 1)\n"
	"struct vertex_basic\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"layout(std140) uniform cb13\n"
	"layout(std140, binding = 13) uniform cb13\n"
	"	vec4 _rcpFrame;\n"
	"	vec4 _rcpFrameOpt;\n"
	"layout(bindless_sampler, location = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_GL42\n"
	"uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"layout(binding = 0) uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;\n"
	"#if !GL_ES && __VERSION__ > 140\n"
	"in SHADER\n"
	"    vec4 p;\n"
	"    vec2 t;\n"
	"} PSin;\n"
	"#define PSin_p (PSin.p)\n"
	"#define PSin_t (PSin.t)\n"
	"#ifdef DISABLE_SSO\n"
	"in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"layout(location = 0) in vec4 SHADERp;\n"
	"layout(location = 1) in vec2 SHADERt;\n"
	"#define PSin_p SHADERp\n"
	"#define PSin_t SHADERt\n"
	"layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;\n"
	"                    NVIDIA FXAA 3.10 by TIMOTHY LOTTES\n"
	"                           INTEGRATION CHECKLIST\n"
	"In the shader source,\n"
	"setup defines for the desired configuration.\n"
	"  #define FXAA_PC 1\n"
	"  #define FXAA_HLSL_3 1\n"
	"  #define FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET 12\n"
	"  #define FXAA_QUALITY_EDGE_THRESHOLD (1.0/6.0)\n"
	"  #define FXAA_QUALITY_EDGE_THRESHOLD_MIN (1.0/12.0)\n"
	"Then include this file,\n"
	"  #include \"Fxaa3.h\"\n"
	"Then call the FXAA pixel shader from within your desired shader,\n"
	"  return FxaaPixelShader(pos, posPos, tex, rcpFrame, rcpFrameOpt);\n"
	"Insure pass prior to FXAA outputs RGBL.\n"
	"See next section.\n"
	"Setup engine to provide \"rcpFrame\" and \"rcpFrameOpt\" constants.\n"
	"Not using constants will result in a performance loss.\n"
	"  // {x_} = 1.0/screenWidthInPixels\n"
	"  // {_y} = 1.0/screenHeightInPixels\n"
	"  float2 rcpFrame\n"
	"  // This must be from a constant/uniform.\n"
	"  // {x___} = 2.0/screenWidthInPixels\n"
	"  // {_y__} = 2.0/screenHeightInPixels\n"
	"  // {__z_} = 0.5/screenWidthInPixels\n"
	"  // {___w} = 0.5/screenHeightInPixels\n"
	"  float4 rcpFrameOpt\n"
	"(5.a.) \n"
	"Optionally change to this for sharper FXAA Console,\n"
	"  // This must be from a constant/uniform.\n"
	"  // {x___} = 2.0/screenWidthInPixels\n"
	"  // {_y__} = 2.0/screenHeightInPixels\n"
	"  // {__z_} = 0.333/screenWidthInPixels\n"
	"  // {___w} = 0.333/screenHeightInPixels\n"
	"  float4 rcpFrameOpt\n"
	"Have FXAA vertex shader run as a full screen triangle,\n"
	"and output \"pos\" and \"posPos\" such that inputs in the pixel shader provide,\n"
	"  // {xy} = center of pixel\n"
	"  float2 pos,\n"
	"  // {xy__} = upper left of pixel\n"
	"  // {__zw} = lower right of pixel\n"
	"  float4 posPos,\n"
	"Insure the texture sampler used by FXAA is set to bilinear filtering.\n"
	"                    INTEGRATION - RGBL AND COLORSPACE\n"
	"FXAA3 requires RGBL as input.\n"
	"RGB should be LDR (low dynamic range).\n"
	"Specifically do FXAA after tonemapping.\n"
	"RGB data as returned by a texture fetch can be linear or non-linear.\n"
	"Note an \"sRGB format\" texture counts as linear,\n"
	"because the result of a texture fetch is linear data.\n"
	"Regular \"RGBA8\" textures in the sRGB colorspace are non-linear.\n"
	"Luma must be stored in the alpha channel prior to running FXAA.\n"
	"This luma should be in a perceptual space (could be gamma 2.0).\n"
	"Example pass before FXAA where output is gamma 2.0 encoded,\n"
	"  color.rgb = ToneMap(color.rgb); // linear color output\n"
	"  color.rgb = sqrt(color.rgb);    // gamma 2.0 color output\n"
	"  return color;\n"
	"To use FXAA,\n"
	"  color.rgb = ToneMap(color.rgb);  // linear color output\n"
	"  color.rgb = sqrt(color.rgb);     // gamma 2.0 color output\n"
	"  color.a = dot(color.rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); // compute luma\n"
	"  return color;\n"
	"Another example where output is linear encoded,\n"
	"say for instance writing to an sRGB formated render target,\n"
	"where the render target does the conversion back to sRGB after blending,\n"
	"  color.rgb = ToneMap(color.rgb); // linear color output\n"
	"  return color;\n"
	"To use FXAA,\n"
	"  color.rgb = ToneMap(color.rgb); // linear color output\n"
	"  color.a = sqrt(dot(color.rgb, float3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114))); // compute luma\n"
	"  return color;\n"
	"Getting luma correct is required for the algorithm to work correctly.\n"
	"                          BEING LINEARLY CORRECT?\n"
	"Applying FXAA to a framebuffer with linear RGB color will look worse.\n"
	"This is very counter intuitive, but happends to be true in this case.\n"
	"The reason is because dithering artifacts will be more visiable \n"
	"in a linear colorspace.\n"
	"                             COMPLEX INTEGRATION\n"
	"Q. What if the engine is blending into RGB before wanting to run FXAA?\n"
	"A. In the last opaque pass prior to FXAA,\n"
	"   have the pass write out luma into alpha.\n"
	"   Then blend into RGB only.\n"
	"   FXAA should be able to run ok\n"
	"   assuming the blending pass did not any add aliasing.\n"
	"   This should be the common case for particles and common blending passes.\n"
	"                           INTEGRATION KNOBS\n"
	"// FXAA_PS3 and FXAA_360 choose the console algorithm (FXAA3 CONSOLE).\n"
	"// FXAA_360_OPT is a prototype for the new optimized 360 version.\n"
	"// 1 = Use API.\n"
	"// 0 = Don't use API.\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_PS3\n"
	"    #define FXAA_PS3 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_360\n"
	"    #define FXAA_360 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_360_OPT\n"
	"    #define FXAA_360_OPT 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_PC\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // FXAA Quality\n"
	"    // The high quality PC algorithm.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_PC 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_PC_CONSOLE\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // The console algorithm for PC is included\n"
	"    // for developers targeting really low spec machines.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_PC_CONSOLE 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_GLSL_120\n"
	"    #define FXAA_GLSL_120 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_GLSL_130\n"
	"    #define FXAA_GLSL_130 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_HLSL_3\n"
	"    #define FXAA_HLSL_3 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_HLSL_4\n"
	"    #define FXAA_HLSL_4 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_HLSL_5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_HLSL_5 0\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_EARLY_EXIT\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Controls algorithm's early exit path.\n"
	"    // On PS3 turning this on adds 2 cycles to the shader.\n"
	"    // On 360 turning this off adds 10ths of a millisecond to the shader.\n"
	"    // Turning this off on console will result in a more blurry image.\n"
	"    // So this defaults to on.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1 = On.\n"
	"    // 0 = Off.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_EARLY_EXIT 1\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_DISCARD\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Only valid for PC OpenGL currently.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1 = Use discard on pixels which don't need AA.\n"
	"    //     For APIs which enable concurrent TEX+ROP from same surface.\n"
	"    // 0 = Return unchanged color on pixels which don't need AA.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_DISCARD 0\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Used for GLSL 120 only.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1 = GL API supports fast pixel offsets\n"
	"    // 0 = do not use fast pixel offsets\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #ifdef GL_EXT_gpu_shader4\n"
	"        #define FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET 1\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #ifdef GL_NV_gpu_shader5\n"
	"        #define FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET 1\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #ifdef GL_ARB_gpu_shader5\n"
	"        #define FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET 1\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #ifndef FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET\n"
	"        #define FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET 0\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"#ifndef FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1 = API supports gather4 on alpha channel.\n"
	"    // 0 = API does not support gather4 on alpha channel.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_HLSL_5 == 1)\n"
	"        #define FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA 1\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #ifdef GL_ARB_gpu_shader5\n"
	"        #define FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA 1\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #ifdef GL_NV_gpu_shader5\n"
	"        #define FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA 1\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #ifndef FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA\n"
	"        #define FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA 0\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"                        FXAA CONSOLE - TUNING KNOBS\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Consoles the sharpness of edges.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Due to the PS3 being ALU bound,\n"
	"    // there are only two safe values here: 4 and 8.\n"
	"    // These options use the shaders ability to a free *|/ by 4|8.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 8.0 is sharper\n"
	"    // 4.0 is softer\n"
	"    // 2.0 is really soft (good for vector graphics inputs)\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #if 1\n"
	"        #define FXAA_CONSOLE_EDGE_SHARPNESS 8.0\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #if 0\n"
	"        #define FXAA_CONSOLE_EDGE_SHARPNESS 4.0\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #if 0\n"
	"        #define FXAA_CONSOLE_EDGE_SHARPNESS 2.0\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm.\n"
	"    // The console setting has a different mapping than the quality setting.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // This only applies when FXAA_EARLY_EXIT is 1.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Due to the PS3 being ALU bound,\n"
	"    // there are only two safe values here: 0.25 and 0.125.\n"
	"    // These options use the shaders ability to a free *|/ by 4|8.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 0.125 leaves less aliasing, but is softer\n"
	"    // 0.25 leaves more aliasing, and is sharper\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #if 1\n"
	"        #define FXAA_CONSOLE_EDGE_THRESHOLD 0.125\n"
	"    #else\n"
	"        #define FXAA_CONSOLE_EDGE_THRESHOLD 0.25\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Trims the algorithm from processing darks.\n"
	"    // The console setting has a different mapping than the quality setting.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // This only applies when FXAA_EARLY_EXIT is 1.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // This does not apply to PS3.\n"
	"    // PS3 was simplified to avoid more shader instructions.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"                        FXAA QUALITY - TUNING KNOBS\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // The minimum amount of local contrast required to apply algorithm.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1/3 - too little\n"
	"    // 1/4 - low quality\n"
	"    // 1/6 - default\n"
	"    // 1/8 - high quality (default)\n"
	"    // 1/16 - overkill\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_EDGE_THRESHOLD (1.0/6.0)\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Trims the algorithm from processing darks.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1/32 - visible limit\n"
	"    // 1/16 - high quality\n"
	"    // 1/12 - upper limit (default, the start of visible unfiltered edges)\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_EDGE_THRESHOLD_MIN (1.0/12.0)\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Choose the amount of sub-pixel aliasing removal.\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // 1   - upper limit (softer)\n"
	"    // 3/4 - default amount of filtering\n"
	"    // 1/2 - lower limit (sharper, less sub-pixel aliasing removal)\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_SUBPIX (3.0/4.0)\n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // Choose the quality preset.\n"
	"    // \n"
	"    // OPTIONS\n"
	"    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
	"    // 10 to 15 - default medium dither (10=fastest, 15=highest quality)\n"
	"    // 20 to 29 - less dither, more expensive (20=fastest, 29=highest quality)\n"
	"    // 39       - no dither, very expensive \n"
	"    //\n"
	"    // NOTES\n"
	"    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
	"    // 12 = slightly faster then FXAA 3.9 and higher edge quality (default)\n"
	"    // 13 = about same speed as FXAA 3.9 and better than 12\n"
	"    // 23 = closest to FXAA 3.9 visually and performance wise\n"
	"    //  _ = the lowest digit is directly related to performance\n"
	"    // _  = the highest digit is directly related to style\n"
	"    // \n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET 12\n"
	"                           FXAA QUALITY - PRESETS\n"
	"                     FXAA QUALITY - MEDIUM DITHER PRESETS\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 10)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 3\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 3.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 12.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 11)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 4\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 3.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 12.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 12)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 12.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 13)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 6\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 12.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 14)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 7\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 12.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 15)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 8\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 12.0\n"
	"                     FXAA QUALITY - LOW DITHER PRESETS\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 20)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 3\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 21)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 4\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 22)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 23)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 6\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 24)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 7\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 3.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 25)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 8\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 26)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 9\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P8 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 27)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 10\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P8 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P9 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 28)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 11\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P8 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P9 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P10 8.0\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 29)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 12\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P8 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P9 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P10 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P11 8.0\n"
	"                     FXAA QUALITY - EXTREME QUALITY\n"
	"#if (FXAA_QUALITY_PRESET == 39)\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_PS 12\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P0 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P1 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P2 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P3 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P4 1.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P5 1.5\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P6 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P7 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P8 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P9 2.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P10 4.0\n"
	"    #define FXAA_QUALITY_P11 8.0\n"
	"                                API PORTING\n"
	"#if (FXAA_GLSL_120 == 1)\n"
	"    // Requires,\n"
	"    //  #version 120\n"
	"    // And at least,\n"
	"    //  #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 : enable\n"
	"    //  (or set FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET 1 to work like DX9)\n"
	"    #define half float\n"
	"    #define half2 vec2\n"
	"    #define half3 vec3\n"
	"    #define half4 vec4\n"
	"    #define int2 ivec2\n"
	"    #define float2 vec2\n"
	"    #define float3 vec3\n"
	"    #define float4 vec4\n"
	"    #define FxaaInt2 ivec2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat2 vec2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat3 vec3\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat4 vec4\n"
	"    #define FxaaDiscard discard\n"
	"    #define FxaaDot3(a, b) dot(a, b)\n"
	"    #define FxaaSat(x) clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0)\n"
	"    #define FxaaLerp(x,y,s) mix(x,y,s)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTex sampler2D\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexTop(t, p) texture2DLod(t, p, 0.0)\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_FAST_PIXEL_OFFSET == 1)\n"
	"        #define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) texture2DLodOffset(t, p, 0.0, o)\n"
	"    #else\n"
	"        #define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) texture2DLod(t, p + (o * r), 0.0)\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA == 1)\n"
	"        // use #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n"
	"        #define FxaaTexAlpha4(t, p, r) textureGather(t, p, 3)\n"
	"        #define FxaaTexOffAlpha4(t, p, o, r) textureGatherOffset(t, p, o, 3)\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"#if (FXAA_GLSL_130 == 1)\n"
	"    // Requires \"#version 130\" or better\n"
	"    #define half float\n"
	"    #define half2 vec2\n"
	"    #define half3 vec3\n"
	"    #define half4 vec4\n"
	"    #define int2 ivec2\n"
	"    #define float2 vec2\n"
	"    #define float3 vec3\n"
	"    #define float4 vec4\n"
	"    #define FxaaInt2 ivec2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat2 vec2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat3 vec3\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat4 vec4\n"
	"    #define FxaaDiscard discard\n"
	"    #define FxaaDot3(a, b) dot(a, b)\n"
	"    #define FxaaSat(x) clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0)\n"
	"    #define FxaaLerp(x,y,s) mix(x,y,s)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTex sampler2D\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexTop(t, p) textureLod(t, p, 0.0)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) textureLodOffset(t, p, 0.0, o)\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA == 1)\n"
	"        // use #extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 : enable\n"
	"        #define FxaaTexAlpha4(t, p, r) textureGather(t, p, 3)\n"
	"        #define FxaaTexOffAlpha4(t, p, o, r) textureGatherOffset(t, p, o, 3)\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"#if (FXAA_HLSL_3 == 1) || (FXAA_360 == 1)\n"
	"    #define int2 float2\n"
	"    #define FxaaInt2 float2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat2 float2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat3 float3\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat4 float4\n"
	"    #define FxaaDiscard clip(-1)\n"
	"    #define FxaaDot3(a, b) dot(a, b)\n"
	"    #define FxaaSat(x) saturate(x)\n"
	"    #define FxaaLerp(x,y,s) lerp(x,y,s)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTex sampler2D\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexTop(t, p) tex2Dlod(t, float4(p, 0.0, 0.0))\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) tex2Dlod(t, float4(p + (o * r), 0, 0))\n"
	"#if (FXAA_HLSL_4 == 1)\n"
	"    #define FxaaInt2 int2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat2 float2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat3 float3\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat4 float4\n"
	"    #define FxaaDiscard clip(-1)\n"
	"    #define FxaaDot3(a, b) dot(a, b)\n"
	"    #define FxaaSat(x) saturate(x)\n"
	"    #define FxaaLerp(x,y,s) lerp(x,y,s)\n"
	"    struct FxaaTex { SamplerState smpl; Texture2D tex; };\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexTop(t, p) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0, o)\n"
	"#if (FXAA_HLSL_5 == 1)\n"
	"    #define FxaaInt2 int2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat2 float2\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat3 float3\n"
	"    #define FxaaFloat4 float4\n"
	"    #define FxaaDiscard clip(-1)\n"
	"    #define FxaaDot3(a, b) dot(a, b)\n"
	"    #define FxaaSat(x) saturate(x)\n"
	"    #define FxaaLerp(x,y,s) lerp(x,y,s)\n"
	"    struct FxaaTex { SamplerState smpl; Texture2D tex; };\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexTop(t, p) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexOff(t, p, o, r) t.tex.SampleLevel(t.smpl, p, 0.0, o)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexAlpha4(t, p, r) t.tex.GatherAlpha(t.smpl, p)\n"
	"    #define FxaaTexOffAlpha4(t, p, o, r) t.tex.GatherAlpha(t.smpl, p, o)\n"
	"                             FXAA3 QUALITY - PC\n"
	"#if (FXAA_PC == 1)\n"
	"float4 FxaaPixelShader(\n"
	"    // {xy} = center of pixel\n"
	"    float2 pos,\n"
	"    // {xyzw} = not used on FXAA3 Quality\n"
	"    float4 posPos,\n"
	"    // {rgb_} = color in linear or perceptual color space\n"
	"    // {___a} = luma in perceptual color space (not linear)\n"
	"    FxaaTex tex,\n"
	"    // This must be from a constant/uniform.\n"
	"    // {x_} = 1.0/screenWidthInPixels\n"
	"    // {_y} = 1.0/screenHeightInPixels\n"
	"    float2 rcpFrame,\n"
	"    // {xyzw} = not used on FXAA3 Quality\n"
	"    float4 rcpFrameOpt\n"
	") {\n"
	"    float2 posM;\n"
	"    posM.x = pos.x;\n"
	"    posM.y = pos.y;\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA == 1)\n"
	"        #if (FXAA_DISCARD == 0)\n"
	"            float4 rgbyM = FxaaTexTop(tex, posM);\n"
	"            #define lumaM rgbyM.w\n"
	"        #endif\n"
	"        float4 luma4A = FxaaTexAlpha4(tex, posM, rcpFrame.xy);\n"
	"        float4 luma4B = FxaaTexOffAlpha4(tex, posM, FxaaInt2(-1, -1), rcpFrame.xy);\n"
	"        #if (FXAA_DISCARD == 1)\n"
	"            #define lumaM luma4A.w\n"
	"        #endif\n"
	"        #define lumaE luma4A.z\n"
	"        #define lumaS luma4A.x\n"
	"        #define lumaSE luma4A.y\n"
	"        #define lumaNW luma4B.w\n"
	"        #define lumaN luma4B.z\n"
	"        #define lumaW luma4B.x\n"
	"    #else\n"
	"        float4 rgbyM = FxaaTexTop(tex, posM);\n"
	"        #define lumaM rgbyM.w\n"
	"        float lumaS = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2( 0, 1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaE = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2( 1, 0), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaN = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2( 0,-1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaW = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2(-1, 0), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    float maxSM = max(lumaS, lumaM);\n"
	"    float minSM = min(lumaS, lumaM);\n"
	"    float maxESM = max(lumaE, maxSM);\n"
	"    float minESM = min(lumaE, minSM);\n"
	"    float maxWN = max(lumaN, lumaW);\n"
	"    float minWN = min(lumaN, lumaW);\n"
	"    float rangeMax = max(maxWN, maxESM);\n"
	"    float rangeMin = min(minWN, minESM);\n"
	"    float rangeMaxScaled = rangeMax * FXAA_QUALITY_EDGE_THRESHOLD;\n"
	"    float range = rangeMax - rangeMin;\n"
	"    float rangeMaxClamped = max(FXAA_QUALITY_EDGE_THRESHOLD_MIN, rangeMaxScaled);\n"
	"    bool earlyExit = range < rangeMaxClamped;\n"
	"    if(earlyExit)\n"
	"        #if (FXAA_DISCARD == 1)\n"
	"            FxaaDiscard;\n"
	"        #else\n"
	"            return rgbyM;\n"
	"        #endif\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_GATHER4_ALPHA == 0)\n"
	"        float lumaNW = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2(-1,-1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaSE = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2( 1, 1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaNE = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2( 1,-1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaSW = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2(-1, 1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"    #else\n"
	"        float lumaNE = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2(1, -1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"        float lumaSW = FxaaTexOff(tex, posM, FxaaInt2(-1, 1), rcpFrame.xy).w;\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"    float lumaNS = lumaN + lumaS;\n"
	"    float lumaWE = lumaW + lumaE;\n"
	"    float subpixRcpRange = 1.0/range;\n"
	"    float subpixNSWE = lumaNS + lumaWE;\n"
	"    float edgeHorz1 = (-2.0 * lumaM) + lumaNS;\n"
	"    float edgeVert1 = (-2.0 * lumaM) + lumaWE;\n"
	"    float lumaNESE = lumaNE + lumaSE;\n"
	"    float lumaNWNE = lumaNW + lumaNE;\n"
	"    float edgeHorz2 = (-2.0 * lumaE) + lumaNESE;\n"
	"    float edgeVert2 = (-2.0 * lumaN) + lumaNWNE;\n"
	"    float lumaNWSW = lumaNW + lumaSW;\n"
	"    float lumaSWSE = lumaSW + lumaSE;\n"
	"    float edgeHorz4 = (abs(edgeHorz1) * 2.0) + abs(edgeHorz2);\n"
	"    float edgeVert4 = (abs(edgeVert1) * 2.0) + abs(edgeVert2);\n"
	"    float edgeHorz3 = (-2.0 * lumaW) + lumaNWSW;\n"
	"    float edgeVert3 = (-2.0 * lumaS) + lumaSWSE;\n"
	"    float edgeHorz = abs(edgeHorz3) + edgeHorz4;\n"
	"    float edgeVert = abs(edgeVert3) + edgeVert4;\n"
	"    float subpixNWSWNESE = lumaNWSW + lumaNESE;\n"
	"    float lengthSign = rcpFrame.x;\n"
	"    bool horzSpan = edgeHorz >= edgeVert;\n"
	"    float subpixA = subpixNSWE * 2.0 + subpixNWSWNESE;\n"
	"    if(!horzSpan) lumaN = lumaW;\n"
	"    if(!horzSpan) lumaS = lumaE;\n"
	"    if(horzSpan) lengthSign = rcpFrame.y;\n"
	"    float subpixB = (subpixA * (1.0/12.0)) - lumaM;\n"
	"    float gradientN = lumaN - lumaM;\n"
	"    float gradientS = lumaS - lumaM;\n"
	"    float lumaNN = lumaN + lumaM;\n"
	"    float lumaSS = lumaS + lumaM;\n"
	"    bool pairN = abs(gradientN) >= abs(gradientS);\n"
	"    float gradient = max(abs(gradientN), abs(gradientS));\n"
	"    if(pairN) lengthSign = -lengthSign;\n"
	"    float subpixC = FxaaSat(abs(subpixB) * subpixRcpRange);\n"
	"    float2 posB;\n"
	"    posB.x = posM.x;\n"
	"    posB.y = posM.y;\n"
	"    float2 offNP;\n"
	"    offNP.x = (!horzSpan) ? 0.0 : rcpFrame.x;\n"
	"    offNP.y = ( horzSpan) ? 0.0 : rcpFrame.y;\n"
	"    if(!horzSpan) posB.x += lengthSign * 0.5;\n"
	"    if( horzSpan) posB.y += lengthSign * 0.5;\n"
	"    float2 posN;\n"
	"    posN.x = posB.x - offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P0;\n"
	"    posN.y = posB.y - offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P0;\n"
	"    float2 posP;\n"
	"    posP.x = posB.x + offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P0;\n"
	"    posP.y = posB.y + offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P0;\n"
	"    float subpixD = ((-2.0)*subpixC) + 3.0;\n"
	"    float lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN).w;\n"
	"    float subpixE = subpixC * subpixC;\n"
	"    float lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP).w;\n"
	"    if(!pairN) lumaNN = lumaSS;\n"
	"    float gradientScaled = gradient * 1.0/4.0;\n"
	"    float lumaMM = lumaM - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"    float subpixF = subpixD * subpixE;\n"
	"    bool lumaMLTZero = lumaMM < 0.0;\n"
	"    lumaEndN -= lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"    lumaEndP -= lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"    bool doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"    bool doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"    if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P1;\n"
	"    if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P1;\n"
	"    bool doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"    if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P1;\n"
	"    if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P1;\n"
	"    if(doneNP) {\n"
	"        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"        doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"        doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"        if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P2;\n"
	"        if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P2;\n"
	"        doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"        if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P2;\n"
	"        if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P2;\n"
	"        #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 3)\n"
	"        if(doneNP) {\n"
	"            if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"            if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"            if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"            if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"            doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"            doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"            if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P3;\n"
	"            if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P3;\n"
	"            doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"            if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P3;\n"
	"            if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P3;\n"
	"            #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 4)\n"
	"            if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P4;\n"
	"                if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P4;\n"
	"                doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P4;\n"
	"                if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P4;\n"
	"                #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 5)\n"
	"                if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                    doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                    doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P5;\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P5;\n"
	"                    doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P5;\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P5;\n"
	"                    #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 6)\n"
	"                    if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                        doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                        doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P6;\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P6;\n"
	"                        doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P6;\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P6;\n"
	"                        #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 7)\n"
	"                        if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                            if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                            if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                            if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                            if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                            doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                            doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                            if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P7;\n"
	"                            if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P7;\n"
	"                            doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                            if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P7;\n"
	"                            if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P7;\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 8)\n"
	"    if(doneNP) {\n"
	"        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"        doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"        doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"        if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P8;\n"
	"        if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P8;\n"
	"        doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"        if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P8;\n"
	"        if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P8;\n"
	"        #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 9)\n"
	"        if(doneNP) {\n"
	"            if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"            if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"            if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"            if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"            doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"            doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"            if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P9;\n"
	"            if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P9;\n"
	"            doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"            if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P9;\n"
	"            if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P9;\n"
	"            #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 10)\n"
	"            if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P10;\n"
	"                if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P10;\n"
	"                doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P10;\n"
	"                if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P10;\n"
	"                #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 11)\n"
	"                if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                    doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                    doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P11;\n"
	"                    if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P11;\n"
	"                    doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P11;\n"
	"                    if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P11;\n"
	"                    #if (FXAA_QUALITY_PS > 12)\n"
	"                    if(doneNP) {\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = FxaaTexTop(tex, posN.xy).w;\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = FxaaTexTop(tex, posP.xy).w;\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) lumaEndN = lumaEndN - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) lumaEndP = lumaEndP - lumaNN * 0.5;\n"
	"                        doneN = abs(lumaEndN) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                        doneP = abs(lumaEndP) >= gradientScaled;\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) posN.x -= offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P12;\n"
	"                        if(!doneN) posN.y -= offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P12;\n"
	"                        doneNP = (!doneN) || (!doneP);\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) posP.x += offNP.x * FXAA_QUALITY_P12;\n"
	"                        if(!doneP) posP.y += offNP.y * FXAA_QUALITY_P12;\n"
	"                    }\n"
	"                    #endif\n"
	"                }\n"
	"                #endif\n"
	"            }\n"
	"            #endif\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        #endif\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"                        }\n"
	"                        #endif\n"
	"                    }\n"
	"                    #endif\n"
	"                }\n"
	"                #endif\n"
	"            }\n"
	"            #endif\n"
	"        }\n"
	"        #endif\n"
	"    }\n"
	"    float dstN = posM.x - posN.x;\n"
	"    float dstP = posP.x - posM.x;\n"
	"    if(!horzSpan) dstN = posM.y - posN.y;\n"
	"    if(!horzSpan) dstP = posP.y - posM.y;\n"
	"    bool goodSpanN = (lumaEndN < 0.0) != lumaMLTZero;\n"
	"    float spanLength = (dstP + dstN);\n"
	"    bool goodSpanP = (lumaEndP < 0.0) != lumaMLTZero;\n"
	"    float spanLengthRcp = 1.0/spanLength;\n"
	"    bool directionN = dstN < dstP;\n"
	"    float dst = min(dstN, dstP);\n"
	"    bool goodSpan = directionN ? goodSpanN : goodSpanP;\n"
	"    float subpixG = subpixF * subpixF;\n"
	"    float pixelOffset = (dst * (-spanLengthRcp)) + 0.5;\n"
	"    float subpixH = subpixG * FXAA_QUALITY_SUBPIX;\n"
	"    float pixelOffsetGood = goodSpan ? pixelOffset : 0.0;\n"
	"    float pixelOffsetSubpix = max(pixelOffsetGood, subpixH);\n"
	"    if(!horzSpan) posM.x += pixelOffsetSubpix * lengthSign;\n"
	"    if( horzSpan) posM.y += pixelOffsetSubpix * lengthSign;\n"
	"    #if (FXAA_DISCARD == 1)\n"
	"        return FxaaTexTop(tex, posM);\n"
	"    #else\n"
	"        return float4(FxaaTexTop(tex, posM).xyz, lumaM);\n"
	"    #endif\n"
	"#ifdef SHADER_MODEL\n"
	"PS_OUTPUT ps_main(PS_INPUT input)\n"
	"	PS_OUTPUT output;\n"
	"	float2 pos = input.t;\n"
	"	float4 posPos = (float4)0;\n"
	"	FxaaTex tex;\n"
	"	#if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400\n"
	"	tex.tex = Texture;\n"
	"	tex.smpl = TextureSampler;\n"
	"	#else\n"
	"	tex = Texture;\n"
	"	#endif\n"
	"	output.c = FxaaPixelShader(pos, posPos, tex, _rcpFrame.xy, _rcpFrameOpt);\n"
	"	return output;\n"
	"#if (FXAA_GLSL_130 == 1)\n"
	"void ps_main()\n"
	"	vec2 pos = PSin_t;\n"
	"	vec4 posPos = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n"
	"	SV_Target0 = FxaaPixelShader(pos, posPos, TextureSampler, _rcpFrame.xy, _rcpFrameOpt);\n"