#define TARGET_VIRTUAL_KEY 0x80000000 namespace ZeroGS { // manages render targets class CRenderTargetMngr { public: typedef map MAPTARGETS; enum TargetOptions { TO_DepthBuffer = 1, TO_StrictHeight = 2, // height returned has to be the same as requested TO_Virtual = 4 }; ~CRenderTargetMngr() { Destroy(); } void Destroy(); static MAPTARGETS::iterator GetOldestTarg(MAPTARGETS& m); CRenderTarget* GetTarg(const frameInfo& frame, DWORD Options, int maxposheight); inline CRenderTarget* GetTarg(int fbp, int fbw) { MAPTARGETS::iterator it = mapTargets.find(fbp|(fbw<<16)); return it != mapTargets.end() ? it->second : NULL; } // gets all targets with a range void GetTargs(int start, int end, list& listTargets) const; virtual void DestroyChildren(CRenderTarget* ptarg); // resolves all targets within a range __forceinline void Resolve(int start, int end); __forceinline void ResolveAll() { for(MAPTARGETS::iterator it = mapTargets.begin(); it != mapTargets.end(); ++it ) it->second->Resolve(); } void DestroyTarg(CRenderTarget* ptarg) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if( ptarg == vb[i].prndr ) { vb[i].prndr = NULL; vb[i].bNeedFrameCheck = 1; } if( ptarg == vb[i].pdepth ) { vb[i].pdepth = NULL; vb[i].bNeedZCheck = 1; } } DestroyChildren(ptarg); delete ptarg; } inline void DestroyAll(int start, int end, int fbw) { for(MAPTARGETS::iterator it = mapTargets.begin(); it != mapTargets.end();) { if( it->second->start < end && start < it->second->end ) { // if is depth, only resolve if fbw is the same if( !it->second->IsDepth() ) { // only resolve if the widths are the same or it->second has bit outside the range // shadow of colossus swaps between fbw=256,fbh=256 and fbw=512,fbh=448. This kills the game if doing || it->second->end > end // kh hack, sometimes kh movies do this to clear the target, so have a static count that periodically checks end static int count = 0; if( it->second->fbw == fbw || (it->second->fbw != fbw && (it->second->start < start || ((count++&0xf)?0:it->second->end > end) )) ) it->second->Resolve(); else { if( vb[0].prndr == it->second || vb[0].pdepth == it->second ) Flush(0); if( vb[1].prndr == it->second || vb[1].pdepth == it->second ) Flush(1); it->second->status |= CRenderTarget::TS_Resolved; } } else { if( it->second->fbw == fbw ) it->second->Resolve(); else { if( vb[0].prndr == it->second || vb[0].pdepth == it->second ) Flush(0); if( vb[1].prndr == it->second || vb[1].pdepth == it->second ) Flush(1); it->second->status |= CRenderTarget::TS_Resolved; } } for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if( it->second == vb[i].prndr ) { vb[i].prndr = NULL; vb[i].bNeedFrameCheck = 1; } if( it->second == vb[i].pdepth ) { vb[i].pdepth = NULL; vb[i].bNeedZCheck = 1; } } u32 dummykey = (it->second->fbw<<16)|it->second->fbh; if( it->second->pmimicparent != NULL && mapDummyTargs.find(dummykey) == mapDummyTargs.end() ) { DestroyChildren(it->second); mapDummyTargs[dummykey] = it->second; } else { DestroyChildren(it->second); delete it->second; } it = mapTargets.erase(it); } else ++it; } } inline void DestroyIntersecting(CRenderTarget* prndr) { assert( prndr != NULL ); int start, end; GetRectMemAddress(start, end, prndr->psm, 0, 0, prndr->fbw, prndr->fbh, prndr->fbp, prndr->fbw); for(MAPTARGETS::iterator it = mapTargets.begin(); it != mapTargets.end();) { if( it->second != prndr && it->second->start < end && start < it->second->end ) { it->second->Resolve(); for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if( it->second == vb[i].prndr ) { vb[i].prndr = NULL; vb[i].bNeedFrameCheck = 1; } if( it->second == vb[i].pdepth ) { vb[i].pdepth = NULL; vb[i].bNeedZCheck = 1; } } u32 dummykey = (it->second->fbw<<16)|it->second->fbh; if( it->second->pmimicparent != NULL && mapDummyTargs.find(dummykey) == mapDummyTargs.end() ) { DestroyChildren(it->second); mapDummyTargs[dummykey] = it->second; } else { DestroyChildren(it->second); delete it->second; } it = mapTargets.erase(it); } else ++it; } } // promotes a target from virtual to real inline CRenderTarget* Promote(u32 key) { assert( !(key & TARGET_VIRTUAL_KEY) ); // promote to regular targ CRenderTargetMngr::MAPTARGETS::iterator it = mapTargets.find(key|TARGET_VIRTUAL_KEY); assert( it != mapTargets.end() ); CRenderTarget* ptarg = it->second; mapTargets.erase(it); DestroyIntersecting(ptarg); it = mapTargets.find(key); if( it != mapTargets.end() ) { DestroyTarg(it->second); it->second = ptarg; } else mapTargets[key] = ptarg; if( g_GameSettings & GAME_RESOLVEPROMOTED ) ptarg->status = CRenderTarget::TS_Resolved; else ptarg->status = CRenderTarget::TS_NeedUpdate; return ptarg; } MAPTARGETS mapTargets, mapDummyTargs; }; class CMemoryTargetMngr { public: CMemoryTargetMngr() : curstamp(0) {} CMemoryTarget* GetMemoryTarget(const tex0Info& tex0, int forcevalidate); // pcbp is pointer to start of clut void Destroy(); // destroy all targs void ClearRange(int starty, int endy); // set all targets to cleared void DestroyCleared(); // flush all cleared targes void DestroyOldest(); list listTargets, listClearedTargets; u32 curstamp; private: list::iterator DestroyTargetIter(list::iterator& it); }; class CBitwiseTextureMngr { public: ~CBitwiseTextureMngr() { Destroy(); } void Destroy(); // since GetTex can delete textures to free up mem, it is dangerous if using that texture, so specify at least one other tex to save __forceinline LPD3DTEX GetTex(u32 bitvalue, LPD3DTEX ptexDoNotDelete) { map::iterator it = mapTextures.find(bitvalue); if( it != mapTextures.end() ) return it->second; return GetTexInt(bitvalue, ptexDoNotDelete); } private: LPD3DTEX GetTexInt(u32 bitvalue, LPD3DTEX ptexDoNotDelete); map mapTextures; }; // manages class CRangeManager { public: CRangeManager() { ranges.reserve(16); } // [start, end) struct RANGE { RANGE() {} inline RANGE(int start, int end) : start(start), end(end) {} int start, end; }; // works in semi logN void Insert(int start, int end); inline void Clear() { ranges.resize(0); } vector ranges; // organized in ascending order, non-intersecting }; extern CRenderTargetMngr s_RTs, s_DepthRTs; extern CBitwiseTextureMngr s_BitwiseTextures; extern CMemoryTargetMngr g_MemTargs; }