add_pcsx2_test(core_test StubHost.cpp ) set(multi_isa_sources GS/swizzle_test_main.cpp ) target_link_libraries(core_test PUBLIC PCSX2_FLAGS PCSX2 common ) if(DISABLE_ADVANCE_SIMD) if(WIN32) set(compile_options_avx2 /arch:AVX2) set(compile_options_avx /arch:AVX) elseif(USE_GCC) # GCC can't inline into multi-isa functions if we use march and mtune, but can if we use feature flags set(compile_options_avx2 -msse4.1 -mavx -mavx2 -mbmi -mbmi2 -mfma) set(compile_options_avx -msse4.1 -mavx) set(compile_options_sse4 -msse4.1) else() set(compile_options_avx2 -march=haswell -mtune=haswell) set(compile_options_avx -march=sandybridge -mtune=sandybridge) set(compile_options_sse4 -msse4.1 -mtune=nehalem) endif() # This breaks when running on Apple Silicon, because even though we skip the test itself, the # gtest constructor still generates AVX code, and that's a global object which gets constructed # at binary load time. So, for now, only compile SSE4 if running on ARM64. if (NOT APPLE OR "${CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}" STREQUAL "x86_64") set(isa_list "sse4" "avx" "avx2") else() set(isa_list "sse4") endif() # ODR violation time! # Everything would be fine if we only defined things in cpp files, but C++ tends to like inline functions (STL anyone?) # Each ISA will bring with it its own copies of these inline header functions, and the linker gets to choose whichever one it wants! Not fun if the linker chooses the avx2 version and uses it with everything # Thankfully, most linkers don't choose at random. When presented with a bunch of .o files, most linkers seem to choose the first implementation they see, so make sure you order these from oldest to newest # Note: ld64 (macOS's linker) does not act the same way when presented with .a files, unless linked with `-force_load` (cmake WHOLE_ARCHIVE). set(is_first_isa "1") foreach(isa IN LISTS isa_list) add_library(core_test_${isa} STATIC ${multi_isa_sources}) target_link_libraries(core_test_${isa} PRIVATE PCSX2_FLAGS gtest) target_compile_definitions(core_test_${isa} PRIVATE MULTI_ISA_UNSHARED_COMPILATION=isa_${isa} MULTI_ISA_IS_FIRST=${is_first_isa} ${pcsx2_defs_${isa}}) target_compile_options(core_test_${isa} PRIVATE ${compile_options_${isa}}) if (${CMAKE_VERSION} VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.24) target_link_libraries(core_test PRIVATE $) elseif(APPLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "MacOS builds with DISABLE_ADVANCE_SIMD=ON require CMake 3.24") else() target_link_libraries(core_test PRIVATE core_test_${isa}) endif() set(is_first_isa "0") endforeach() else() target_sources(core_test PRIVATE ${multi_isa_sources}) endif() if(WIN32 AND TARGET SDL2::SDL2) # Copy SDL2 DLL to binary directory. if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") get_property(SDL2_DLL_PATH TARGET SDL2::SDL2 PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG) else() get_property(SDL2_DLL_PATH TARGET SDL2::SDL2 PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE) endif() if(SDL2_DLL_PATH) add_custom_command(TARGET core_test POST_BUILD COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E make_directory "$" COMMAND "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" -E copy_if_different "${SDL2_DLL_PATH}" "$") endif() endif()