/*++ BUILD Version: 0004    // Increment this if a change has global effects
   Copyright (c) 1992-1993  Microsoft Corporation
   Module Name:
   Revision History:
   -- */
// begin_winioctl
#ifndef _DEVIOCTL_
#define _DEVIOCTL_
// begin_ntddk begin_nthal begin_ntifs
// Define the various device type values.  Note that values used by Microsoft
// Corporation are in the range 0-32767, and 32768-65535 are reserved for use
// by customers.
#define FILE_DEVICE_BEEP                0x00000001
#define FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM              0x00000002
#define FILE_DEVICE_CD_ROM_FILE_SYSTEM  0x00000003
#define FILE_DEVICE_CONTROLLER          0x00000004
#define FILE_DEVICE_DATALINK            0x00000005
#define FILE_DEVICE_DFS                 0x00000006
#define FILE_DEVICE_DISK                0x00000007
#define FILE_DEVICE_DISK_FILE_SYSTEM    0x00000008
#define FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM         0x00000009
#define FILE_DEVICE_INPORT_PORT         0x0000000a
#define FILE_DEVICE_KEYBOARD            0x0000000b
#define FILE_DEVICE_MAILSLOT            0x0000000c
#define FILE_DEVICE_MIDI_IN             0x0000000d
#define FILE_DEVICE_MIDI_OUT            0x0000000e
#define FILE_DEVICE_MOUSE               0x0000000f
#define FILE_DEVICE_NAMED_PIPE          0x00000011
#define FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK             0x00000012
#define FILE_DEVICE_NETWORK_BROWSER     0x00000013
#define FILE_DEVICE_NULL                0x00000015
#define FILE_DEVICE_PARALLEL_PORT       0x00000016
#define FILE_DEVICE_PHYSICAL_NETCARD    0x00000017
#define FILE_DEVICE_PRINTER             0x00000018
#define FILE_DEVICE_SCANNER             0x00000019
#define FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_MOUSE_PORT   0x0000001a
#define FILE_DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT         0x0000001b
#define FILE_DEVICE_SCREEN              0x0000001c
#define FILE_DEVICE_SOUND               0x0000001d
#define FILE_DEVICE_STREAMS             0x0000001e
#define FILE_DEVICE_TAPE                0x0000001f
#define FILE_DEVICE_TAPE_FILE_SYSTEM    0x00000020
#define FILE_DEVICE_TRANSPORT           0x00000021
#define FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN             0x00000022
#define FILE_DEVICE_VIDEO               0x00000023
#define FILE_DEVICE_VIRTUAL_DISK        0x00000024
#define FILE_DEVICE_WAVE_IN             0x00000025
#define FILE_DEVICE_WAVE_OUT            0x00000026
#define FILE_DEVICE_8042_PORT           0x00000027
#define FILE_DEVICE_BATTERY             0x00000029
#define FILE_DEVICE_BUS_EXTENDER        0x0000002a
#define FILE_DEVICE_MODEM               0x0000002b
#define FILE_DEVICE_VDM                 0x0000002c
#define FILE_DEVICE_MASS_STORAGE        0x0000002d
// Macro definition for defining IOCTL and FSCTL function control codes.  Note
// that function codes 0-2047 are reserved for Microsoft Corporation, and
// 2048-4095 are reserved for customers.
#define CTL_CODE( DeviceType, Function, Method, Access ) (                 \
    ((DeviceType) << 16) | ((Access) << 14) | ((Function) << 2) | (Method) \
// Define the method codes for how buffers are passed for I/O and FS controls
#define METHOD_BUFFERED                 0
#define METHOD_IN_DIRECT                1
#define METHOD_OUT_DIRECT               2
#define METHOD_NEITHER                  3
// Define the access check value for any access
// The FILE_READ_ACCESS and FILE_WRITE_ACCESS constants are also defined in
// ntioapi.h as FILE_READ_DATA and FILE_WRITE_DATA. The values for these
// constants *MUST* always be in sync.
#define FILE_ANY_ACCESS                 0
#define FILE_READ_ACCESS          ( 0x0001 )	// file & pipe
#define FILE_WRITE_ACCESS         ( 0x0002 )	// file & pipe
// end_ntddk end_nthal end_ntifs
#endif				// _DEVIOCTL_
// end_winioctl