/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright (c)2009-2010 zeydlitz@gmail.com, arcum42@gmail.com * Based on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "ZZKick.h" #include "targets.h" const u32 g_primmult[8] = { 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0xff }; const u32 g_primsub[8] = { 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 0 }; extern float fiTexWidth[2], fiTexHeight[2]; // current tex width and height DrawFn drawfn[8] = { KickDummy, KickDummy, KickDummy, KickDummy, KickDummy, KickDummy, KickDummy, KickDummy }; void init_drawfn() { drawfn[0] = KickPoint; drawfn[1] = KickLine; drawfn[2] = KickLine; drawfn[3] = KickTriangle; drawfn[4] = KickTriangle; drawfn[5] = KickTriangleFan; drawfn[6] = KickSprite; drawfn[7] = KickDummy; } void clear_drawfn() { drawfn[0] = KickDummy; drawfn[1] = KickDummy; drawfn[2] = KickDummy; drawfn[3] = KickDummy; drawfn[4] = KickDummy; drawfn[5] = KickDummy; drawfn[6] = KickDummy; drawfn[7] = KickDummy; } __forceinline void MOVZ(VertexGPU *p, u32 gsz, const VB& curvb) { p->z = (curvb.zprimmask == 0xffff) ? min((u32)0xffff, gsz) : gsz; } __forceinline void MOVFOG(VertexGPU *p, Vertex gsf) { p->f = ((s16)(gsf).f << 7) | 0x7f; } // return true if triangle SHOULD be painted. // Hackish and should be replaced. bool __forceinline NoHighlights(int i) { // This is hack-code, I still in search of correct reason, why some triangles should not be drawn. int dummy = 0; u32 resultA = prim->iip + (2 * (prim->tme)) + (4 * (prim->fge)) + (8 * (prim->abe)) + (16 * (prim->aa1)) + (32 * (prim->fst)) + (64 * (prim->ctxt)) + (128 * (prim->fix)); const pixTest curtest = vb[i].test; u32 result = curtest.ate + ((curtest.atst) << 1) +((curtest.afail) << 4) + ((curtest.date) << 6) + ((curtest.datm) << 7) + ((curtest.zte) << 8) + ((curtest.ztst)<< 9); if ((resultA == 0x310a) && (result == 0x0)) return false; // Radiata Stories //Old code return (!(conf.settings().xenosaga_spec) || !vb[i].zbuf.zmsk || prim->iip) ; } void __forceinline KICK_VERTEX2() { FUNCLOG if (++gs.primC >= (int)g_primmult[prim->prim]) { if (NoHighlights(prim->ctxt)) (*drawfn[prim->prim])(); gs.primC -= g_primsub[prim->prim]; } } void __forceinline KICK_VERTEX3() { FUNCLOG if (++gs.primC >= (int)g_primmult[prim->prim]) { gs.primC -= g_primsub[prim->prim]; if (prim->prim == 5) { /* tri fans need special processing */ if (gs.nTriFanVert == gs.primIndex) gs.primIndex = gs.primNext(); } } } void __forceinline KickVertex(bool adc) { FUNCLOG if (++gs.primC >= (int)g_primmult[prim->prim]) { if (!adc && NoHighlights(prim->ctxt)) (*drawfn[prim->prim])(); gs.primC -= g_primsub[prim->prim]; if (adc && prim->prim == 5) { /* tri fans need special processing */ if (gs.nTriFanVert == gs.primIndex) gs.primIndex = gs.primNext(); } } } inline void SET_VERTEX(VertexGPU *p, int Index, const VB& curvb) { int index = Index; p->x = ((((int)gs.gsvertex[index].x - curvb.offset.x) >> 1) & 0xffff); p->y = ((((int)gs.gsvertex[index].y - curvb.offset.y) >> 1) & 0xffff); p->f = ((s16)gs.gsvertex[index].f << 7) | 0x7f; MOVZ(p, gs.gsvertex[index].z, curvb); p->rgba = prim->iip ? gs.gsvertex[index].rgba : gs.rgba; // This code is somehow incorrect // if ((gs.texa.aem) && ((p->rgba & 0xffffff ) == 0)) // p->rgba = 0; if (conf.settings().texa) { u32 B = ((p->rgba & 0xfe000000) >> 1) + (0x01000000 * curvb.fba.fba) ; p->rgba = (p->rgba & 0xffffff) + B; } if (prim->tme) { if (prim->fst) { p->s = (float)gs.gsvertex[index].u * fiTexWidth[prim->ctxt]; p->t = (float)gs.gsvertex[index].v * fiTexHeight[prim->ctxt]; p->q = 1; } else { p->s = gs.gsvertex[index].s; p->t = gs.gsvertex[index].t; p->q = gs.gsvertex[index].q; } } } static __forceinline void OUTPUT_VERT(VertexGPU vert, u32 id) { #ifdef WRITE_PRIM_LOGS ZZLog::Prim_Log("%c%d(%d): xyzf=(%4d,%4d,0x%x,%3d), rgba=0x%8.8x, stq = (%2.5f,%2.5f,%2.5f)\n", id == 0 ? '*' : ' ', id, prim->prim, vert.x / 8, vert.y / 8, vert.z, vert.f / 128, vert.rgba, Clamp(vert.s, -10, 10), Clamp(vert.t, -10, 10), Clamp(vert.q, -10, 10)); #endif } void KickPoint() { FUNCLOG assert(gs.primC >= 1); VB& curvb = vb[prim->ctxt]; curvb.FlushTexData(); if ((vb[!prim->ctxt].nCount > 0) && (vb[prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp == vb[!prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp)) { assert(vb[prim->ctxt].nCount == 0); Flush(!prim->ctxt); } curvb.NotifyWrite(1); int last = gs.primNext(2); VertexGPU* p = curvb.pBufferData + curvb.nCount; SET_VERTEX(&p[0], last, curvb); curvb.nCount++; OUTPUT_VERT(p[0], 0); } void KickLine() { FUNCLOG assert(gs.primC >= 2); VB& curvb = vb[prim->ctxt]; curvb.FlushTexData(); if ((vb[!prim->ctxt].nCount > 0) && (vb[prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp == vb[!prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp)) { assert(vb[prim->ctxt].nCount == 0); Flush(!prim->ctxt); } curvb.NotifyWrite(2); int next = gs.primNext(); int last = gs.primNext(2); VertexGPU* p = curvb.pBufferData + curvb.nCount; SET_VERTEX(&p[0], next, curvb); SET_VERTEX(&p[1], last, curvb); curvb.nCount += 2; OUTPUT_VERT(p[0], 0); OUTPUT_VERT(p[1], 1); } void KickTriangle() { FUNCLOG assert(gs.primC >= 3); VB& curvb = vb[prim->ctxt]; curvb.FlushTexData(); if ((vb[!prim->ctxt].nCount > 0) && (vb[prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp == vb[!prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp)) { assert(vb[prim->ctxt].nCount == 0); Flush(!prim->ctxt); } curvb.NotifyWrite(3); VertexGPU* p = curvb.pBufferData + curvb.nCount; SET_VERTEX(&p[0], 0, curvb); SET_VERTEX(&p[1], 1, curvb); SET_VERTEX(&p[2], 2, curvb); curvb.nCount += 3; OUTPUT_VERT(p[0], 0); OUTPUT_VERT(p[1], 1); OUTPUT_VERT(p[2], 2); } void KickTriangleFan() { FUNCLOG assert(gs.primC >= 3); VB& curvb = vb[prim->ctxt]; curvb.FlushTexData(); if ((vb[!prim->ctxt].nCount > 0) && (vb[prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp == vb[!prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp)) { assert(vb[prim->ctxt].nCount == 0); Flush(!prim->ctxt); } curvb.NotifyWrite(3); VertexGPU* p = curvb.pBufferData + curvb.nCount; SET_VERTEX(&p[0], 0, curvb); SET_VERTEX(&p[1], 1, curvb); SET_VERTEX(&p[2], 2, curvb); curvb.nCount += 3; // add 1 to skip the first vertex if (gs.primIndex == gs.nTriFanVert) gs.primIndex = gs.primNext(); OUTPUT_VERT(p[0], 0); OUTPUT_VERT(p[1], 1); OUTPUT_VERT(p[2], 2); } void SetKickVertex(VertexGPU *p, Vertex v, int next, const VB& curvb) { SET_VERTEX(p, next, curvb); MOVZ(p, v.z, curvb); MOVFOG(p, v); } void KickSprite() { FUNCLOG assert(gs.primC >= 2); VB& curvb = vb[prim->ctxt]; curvb.FlushTexData(); if ((vb[!prim->ctxt].nCount > 0) && (vb[prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp == vb[!prim->ctxt].gsfb.fbp)) { assert(vb[prim->ctxt].nCount == 0); Flush(!prim->ctxt); } curvb.NotifyWrite(6); int next = gs.primNext(); int last = gs.primNext(2); // sprite is too small and AA shows lines (tek4, Mana Khemia) gs.gsvertex[last].x += (4 * AA.x); gs.gsvertex[last].y += (4 * AA.y); // might be bad sprite (KH dialog text) //if( gs.gsvertex[next].x == gs.gsvertex[last].x || gs.gsvertex[next].y == gs.gsvertex[last].y ) //return; VertexGPU* p = curvb.pBufferData + curvb.nCount; SetKickVertex(&p[0], gs.gsvertex[last], next, curvb); SetKickVertex(&p[3], gs.gsvertex[last], next, curvb); SetKickVertex(&p[1], gs.gsvertex[last], last, curvb); SetKickVertex(&p[4], gs.gsvertex[last], last, curvb); SetKickVertex(&p[2], gs.gsvertex[last], next, curvb); p[2].s = p[1].s; p[2].x = p[1].x; SetKickVertex(&p[5], gs.gsvertex[last], last, curvb); p[5].s = p[0].s; p[5].x = p[0].x; curvb.nCount += 6; OUTPUT_VERT(p[0], 0); OUTPUT_VERT(p[1], 1); } void KickDummy() { FUNCLOG //ZZLog::Greg_Log("Kicking bad primitive: %.8x\n", *(u32*)prim); }