/* zip_dirent.c -- read directory entry (local or central), clean dirent Copyright (C) 1999-2024 Dieter Baron and Thomas Klausner This file is part of libzip, a library to manipulate ZIP archives. The authors can be contacted at Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "zip.h" #include "zipint.h" static zip_string_t *_zip_dirent_process_ef_utf_8(const zip_dirent_t *de, zip_uint16_t id, zip_string_t *str, bool check_consistency); static zip_extra_field_t *_zip_ef_utf8(zip_uint16_t, zip_string_t *, zip_error_t *); static bool _zip_dirent_process_winzip_aes(zip_dirent_t *de, zip_error_t *error); void _zip_cdir_free(zip_cdir_t *cd) { zip_uint64_t i; if (cd == NULL) { return; } for (i = 0; i < cd->nentry; i++) _zip_entry_finalize(cd->entry + i); free(cd->entry); _zip_string_free(cd->comment); free(cd); } zip_cdir_t * _zip_cdir_new(zip_error_t *error) { zip_cdir_t *cd; if ((cd = (zip_cdir_t *)malloc(sizeof(*cd))) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return NULL; } cd->entry = NULL; cd->nentry = cd->nentry_alloc = 0; cd->size = cd->offset = 0; cd->comment = NULL; cd->is_zip64 = false; return cd; } bool _zip_cdir_grow(zip_cdir_t *cd, zip_uint64_t additional_entries, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint64_t i, new_alloc; zip_entry_t *new_entry; if (additional_entries == 0) { return true; } new_alloc = cd->nentry_alloc + additional_entries; if (new_alloc < additional_entries || new_alloc > SIZE_MAX / sizeof(*(cd->entry))) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return false; } if ((new_entry = (zip_entry_t *)realloc(cd->entry, sizeof(*(cd->entry)) * (size_t)new_alloc)) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return false; } cd->entry = new_entry; for (i = cd->nentry; i < new_alloc; i++) { _zip_entry_init(cd->entry + i); } cd->nentry = cd->nentry_alloc = new_alloc; return true; } zip_int64_t _zip_cdir_write(zip_t *za, const zip_filelist_t *filelist, zip_uint64_t survivors) { zip_uint64_t offset, size; zip_string_t *comment; zip_uint8_t buf[EOCDLEN + EOCD64LEN + EOCD64LOCLEN]; zip_buffer_t *buffer; zip_int64_t off; zip_uint64_t i; zip_uint32_t cdir_crc; if ((off = zip_source_tell_write(za->src)) < 0) { zip_error_set_from_source(&za->error, za->src); return -1; } offset = (zip_uint64_t)off; if (ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { cdir_crc = (zip_uint32_t)crc32(0, NULL, 0); za->write_crc = &cdir_crc; } for (i = 0; i < survivors; i++) { zip_entry_t *entry = za->entry + filelist[i].idx; if (_zip_dirent_write(za, entry->changes ? entry->changes : entry->orig, ZIP_FL_CENTRAL) < 0) { za->write_crc = NULL; return -1; } } za->write_crc = NULL; if ((off = zip_source_tell_write(za->src)) < 0) { zip_error_set_from_source(&za->error, za->src); return -1; } size = (zip_uint64_t)off - offset; if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new(buf, sizeof(buf))) == NULL) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return -1; } if (survivors > ZIP_UINT16_MAX || offset > ZIP_UINT32_MAX || size > ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put(buffer, EOCD64_MAGIC, 4); _zip_buffer_put_64(buffer, EOCD64LEN - 12); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, 45); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, 45); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, 0); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, 0); _zip_buffer_put_64(buffer, survivors); _zip_buffer_put_64(buffer, survivors); _zip_buffer_put_64(buffer, size); _zip_buffer_put_64(buffer, offset); _zip_buffer_put(buffer, EOCD64LOC_MAGIC, 4); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, 0); _zip_buffer_put_64(buffer, offset + size); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, 1); } _zip_buffer_put(buffer, EOCD_MAGIC, 4); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, 0); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, (zip_uint16_t)(survivors >= ZIP_UINT16_MAX ? ZIP_UINT16_MAX : survivors)); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, (zip_uint16_t)(survivors >= ZIP_UINT16_MAX ? ZIP_UINT16_MAX : survivors)); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX ? ZIP_UINT32_MAX : (zip_uint32_t)size); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, offset >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX ? ZIP_UINT32_MAX : (zip_uint32_t)offset); comment = za->comment_changed ? za->comment_changes : za->comment_orig; if (ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, TORRENTZIP_SIGNATURE_LENGTH + TORRENTZIP_CRC_LENGTH); } else { _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, (zip_uint16_t)(comment ? comment->length : 0)); } if (!_zip_buffer_ok(buffer)) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return -1; } if (_zip_write(za, _zip_buffer_data(buffer), _zip_buffer_offset(buffer)) < 0) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return -1; } _zip_buffer_free(buffer); if (ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { char torrentzip_comment[TORRENTZIP_SIGNATURE_LENGTH + TORRENTZIP_CRC_LENGTH + 1]; snprintf(torrentzip_comment, sizeof(torrentzip_comment), TORRENTZIP_SIGNATURE "%08X", cdir_crc); if (_zip_write(za, torrentzip_comment, strlen(torrentzip_comment)) < 0) { return -1; } } else if (comment != NULL) { if (_zip_write(za, comment->raw, comment->length) < 0) { return -1; } } return (zip_int64_t)size; } zip_dirent_t * _zip_dirent_clone(const zip_dirent_t *sde) { zip_dirent_t *tde; if ((tde = (zip_dirent_t *)malloc(sizeof(*tde))) == NULL) return NULL; if (sde) (void)memcpy_s(tde, sizeof(*tde), sde, sizeof(*sde)); else _zip_dirent_init(tde); tde->changed = 0; tde->cloned = 1; return tde; } void _zip_dirent_finalize(zip_dirent_t *zde) { if (!zde->cloned || zde->changed & ZIP_DIRENT_FILENAME) { _zip_string_free(zde->filename); zde->filename = NULL; } if (!zde->cloned || zde->changed & ZIP_DIRENT_EXTRA_FIELD) { _zip_ef_free(zde->extra_fields); zde->extra_fields = NULL; } if (!zde->cloned || zde->changed & ZIP_DIRENT_COMMENT) { _zip_string_free(zde->comment); zde->comment = NULL; } if (!zde->cloned || zde->changed & ZIP_DIRENT_PASSWORD) { if (zde->password) { _zip_crypto_clear(zde->password, strlen(zde->password)); } free(zde->password); zde->password = NULL; } } void _zip_dirent_free(zip_dirent_t *zde) { if (zde == NULL) return; _zip_dirent_finalize(zde); free(zde); } void _zip_dirent_init(zip_dirent_t *de) { de->changed = 0; de->local_extra_fields_read = 0; de->cloned = 0; de->crc_valid = true; de->version_madeby = 63 | (ZIP_OPSYS_DEFAULT << 8); de->version_needed = 10; /* 1.0 */ de->bitflags = 0; de->comp_method = ZIP_CM_DEFAULT; de->last_mod.date = 0; de->last_mod.time = 0; de->crc = 0; de->comp_size = 0; de->uncomp_size = 0; de->filename = NULL; de->extra_fields = NULL; de->comment = NULL; de->disk_number = 0; de->int_attrib = 0; de->ext_attrib = ZIP_EXT_ATTRIB_DEFAULT; de->offset = 0; de->compression_level = 0; de->encryption_method = ZIP_EM_NONE; de->password = NULL; } bool _zip_dirent_needs_zip64(const zip_dirent_t *de, zip_flags_t flags) { if (de->uncomp_size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX || de->comp_size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX || ((flags & ZIP_FL_CENTRAL) && de->offset >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX)) return true; return false; } zip_dirent_t * _zip_dirent_new(void) { zip_dirent_t *de; if ((de = (zip_dirent_t *)malloc(sizeof(*de))) == NULL) return NULL; _zip_dirent_init(de); return de; } /* Fills the zip directory entry zde. If buffer is non-NULL, data is taken from there; otherwise data is read from fp as needed. If local is true, it reads a local header instead of a central directory entry. Returns size of dirent read if successful. On error, error is filled in and -1 is returned. */ zip_int64_t _zip_dirent_read(zip_dirent_t *zde, zip_source_t *src, zip_buffer_t *buffer, bool local, zip_uint64_t central_compressed_size, bool check_consistency, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint8_t buf[CDENTRYSIZE]; zip_uint32_t size, variable_size; zip_uint16_t filename_len, comment_len, ef_len; zip_string_t *utf8_string; bool is_zip64 = false; bool from_buffer = (buffer != NULL); size = local ? LENTRYSIZE : CDENTRYSIZE; if (buffer) { if (_zip_buffer_left(buffer) < size) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); return -1; } } else { if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new_from_source(src, size, buf, error)) == NULL) { return -1; } } if (memcmp(_zip_buffer_get(buffer, 4), (local ? LOCAL_MAGIC : CENTRAL_MAGIC), 4) != 0) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOZIP, 0); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } /* convert buffercontents to zip_dirent */ _zip_dirent_init(zde); if (!local) zde->version_madeby = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); else zde->version_madeby = 0; zde->version_needed = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->bitflags = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->comp_method = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); /* convert to time_t */ zde->last_mod.time = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->last_mod.date = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->crc = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); zde->comp_size = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); zde->uncomp_size = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); filename_len = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); ef_len = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); if (local) { comment_len = 0; zde->disk_number = 0; zde->int_attrib = 0; zde->ext_attrib = 0; zde->offset = 0; } else { comment_len = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->disk_number = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->int_attrib = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); zde->ext_attrib = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); zde->offset = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); } if (!_zip_buffer_ok(buffer)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } if (zde->bitflags & ZIP_GPBF_ENCRYPTED) { if (zde->bitflags & ZIP_GPBF_STRONG_ENCRYPTION) { /* TODO */ zde->encryption_method = ZIP_EM_UNKNOWN; } else { zde->encryption_method = ZIP_EM_TRAD_PKWARE; } } else { zde->encryption_method = ZIP_EM_NONE; } zde->filename = NULL; zde->extra_fields = NULL; zde->comment = NULL; variable_size = (zip_uint32_t)filename_len + (zip_uint32_t)ef_len + (zip_uint32_t)comment_len; if (from_buffer) { if (_zip_buffer_left(buffer) < variable_size) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_VARIABLE_SIZE_OVERFLOW); return -1; } } else { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new_from_source(src, variable_size, NULL, error)) == NULL) { return -1; } } if (filename_len) { zde->filename = _zip_read_string(buffer, src, filename_len, 1, error); if (zde->filename == NULL) { if (zip_error_code_zip(error) == ZIP_ER_EOF) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_VARIABLE_SIZE_OVERFLOW); } if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } if (zde->bitflags & ZIP_GPBF_ENCODING_UTF_8) { if (_zip_guess_encoding(zde->filename, ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN) == ZIP_ENCODING_ERROR) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_INVALID_UTF8_IN_FILENAME); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } } } if (ef_len) { zip_uint8_t *ef = _zip_read_data(buffer, src, ef_len, 0, error); if (ef == NULL) { if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } if (!_zip_ef_parse(ef, ef_len, local ? ZIP_EF_LOCAL : ZIP_EF_CENTRAL, &zde->extra_fields, error)) { free(ef); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } free(ef); if (local) zde->local_extra_fields_read = 1; } if (comment_len) { zde->comment = _zip_read_string(buffer, src, comment_len, 0, error); if (zde->comment == NULL) { if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } if (zde->bitflags & ZIP_GPBF_ENCODING_UTF_8) { if (_zip_guess_encoding(zde->comment, ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN) == ZIP_ENCODING_ERROR) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_INVALID_UTF8_IN_COMMENT); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } } } if ((utf8_string = _zip_dirent_process_ef_utf_8(zde, ZIP_EF_UTF_8_NAME, zde->filename, check_consistency)) == NULL && zde->filename != NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_UTF8_FILENAME_MISMATCH); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } zde->filename = utf8_string; if (!local) { if ((utf8_string = _zip_dirent_process_ef_utf_8(zde, ZIP_EF_UTF_8_COMMENT, zde->comment, check_consistency)) == NULL && zde->comment != NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_UTF8_COMMENT_MISMATCH); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } zde->comment = utf8_string; } /* Zip64 */ if (zde->uncomp_size == ZIP_UINT32_MAX || zde->comp_size == ZIP_UINT32_MAX || zde->offset == ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { zip_uint16_t got_len; const zip_uint8_t *ef = _zip_ef_get_by_id(zde->extra_fields, &got_len, ZIP_EF_ZIP64, 0, local ? ZIP_EF_LOCAL : ZIP_EF_CENTRAL, error); if (ef != NULL) { if (!zip_dirent_process_ef_zip64(zde, ef, got_len, local, error)) { if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } } is_zip64 = true; } if (!_zip_buffer_ok(buffer)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } return -1; } if (!from_buffer) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); } if (local && zde->bitflags & ZIP_GPBF_DATA_DESCRIPTOR) { zip_uint32_t df_crc; zip_uint64_t df_comp_size, df_uncomp_size; if (zip_source_seek(src, central_compressed_size, SEEK_CUR) != 0 || (buffer = _zip_buffer_new_from_source(src, MAX_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_LENGTH, buf, error)) == NULL) { return -1; } if (memcmp(_zip_buffer_peek(buffer, MAGIC_LEN), DATADES_MAGIC, MAGIC_LEN) == 0) { _zip_buffer_skip(buffer, MAGIC_LEN); } df_crc = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); df_comp_size = is_zip64 ? _zip_buffer_get_64(buffer) : _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); df_uncomp_size = is_zip64 ? _zip_buffer_get_64(buffer) : _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); if (!_zip_buffer_ok(buffer)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return -1; } _zip_buffer_free(buffer); if ((zde->crc != 0 && zde->crc != df_crc) || (zde->comp_size != 0 && zde->comp_size != df_comp_size) || (zde->uncomp_size != 0 && zde->uncomp_size != df_uncomp_size)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MISMATCH); return -1; } zde->crc = df_crc; zde->comp_size = df_comp_size; zde->uncomp_size = df_uncomp_size; } /* zip_source_seek / zip_source_tell don't support values > ZIP_INT64_MAX */ if (zde->offset > ZIP_INT64_MAX) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_SEEK, EFBIG); return -1; } if (!_zip_dirent_process_winzip_aes(zde, error)) { return -1; } zde->extra_fields = _zip_ef_remove_internal(zde->extra_fields); return (zip_int64_t)size + (zip_int64_t)variable_size; } bool zip_dirent_process_ef_zip64(zip_dirent_t *zde, const zip_uint8_t *ef, zip_uint64_t got_len, bool local, zip_error_t *error) { zip_buffer_t *ef_buffer; if ((ef_buffer = _zip_buffer_new((zip_uint8_t *)ef, got_len)) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return false; } if (zde->uncomp_size == ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { zde->uncomp_size = _zip_buffer_get_64(ef_buffer); } else if (local) { /* From appnote.txt: This entry in the Local header MUST include BOTH original and compressed file size fields. */ (void)_zip_buffer_skip(ef_buffer, 8); /* error is caught by _zip_buffer_eof() call */ } if (zde->comp_size == ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { zde->comp_size = _zip_buffer_get_64(ef_buffer); } if (!local) { if (zde->offset == ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { zde->offset = _zip_buffer_get_64(ef_buffer); } if (zde->disk_number == ZIP_UINT16_MAX) { zde->disk_number = _zip_buffer_get_32(ef_buffer); } } if (!_zip_buffer_eof(ef_buffer)) { /* accept additional fields if values match */ bool ok = true; switch (got_len) { case 28: _zip_buffer_set_offset(ef_buffer, 24); if (zde->disk_number != _zip_buffer_get_32(ef_buffer)) { ok = false; } /* fallthrough */ case 24: _zip_buffer_set_offset(ef_buffer, 0); if ((zde->uncomp_size != _zip_buffer_get_64(ef_buffer)) || (zde->comp_size != _zip_buffer_get_64(ef_buffer)) || (zde->offset != _zip_buffer_get_64(ef_buffer))) { ok = false; } break; default: ok = false; } if (!ok) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_INVALID_ZIP64_EF); _zip_buffer_free(ef_buffer); return false; } } _zip_buffer_free(ef_buffer); return true; } static zip_string_t * _zip_dirent_process_ef_utf_8(const zip_dirent_t *de, zip_uint16_t id, zip_string_t *str, bool check_consistency) { zip_uint16_t ef_len; zip_uint32_t ef_crc; zip_buffer_t *buffer; const zip_uint8_t *ef = _zip_ef_get_by_id(de->extra_fields, &ef_len, id, 0, ZIP_EF_BOTH, NULL); if (ef == NULL || ef_len < 5 || ef[0] != 1) { return str; } if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new((zip_uint8_t *)ef, ef_len)) == NULL) { return str; } _zip_buffer_get_8(buffer); ef_crc = _zip_buffer_get_32(buffer); if (_zip_string_crc32(str) == ef_crc) { zip_uint16_t len = (zip_uint16_t)_zip_buffer_left(buffer); zip_string_t *ef_str = _zip_string_new(_zip_buffer_get(buffer, len), len, ZIP_FL_ENC_UTF_8, NULL); if (ef_str != NULL) { if (check_consistency) { if (!_zip_string_equal(str, ef_str) && _zip_string_is_ascii(ef_str)) { _zip_string_free(ef_str); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return NULL; } } _zip_string_free(str); str = ef_str; } } _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return str; } static bool _zip_dirent_process_winzip_aes(zip_dirent_t *de, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint16_t ef_len; zip_buffer_t *buffer; const zip_uint8_t *ef; bool crc_valid; zip_uint16_t enc_method; if (de->comp_method != ZIP_CM_WINZIP_AES) { return true; } ef = _zip_ef_get_by_id(de->extra_fields, &ef_len, ZIP_EF_WINZIP_AES, 0, ZIP_EF_BOTH, NULL); if (ef == NULL || ef_len < 7) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_INVALID_WINZIPAES_EF); return false; } if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new((zip_uint8_t *)ef, ef_len)) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); return false; } /* version */ crc_valid = true; switch (_zip_buffer_get_16(buffer)) { case 1: break; case 2: crc_valid = false; /* TODO: When checking consistency, check that crc is 0. */ break; default: zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_ENCRNOTSUPP, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return false; } /* vendor */ if (memcmp(_zip_buffer_get(buffer, 2), "AE", 2) != 0) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_ENCRNOTSUPP, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return false; } /* mode */ switch (_zip_buffer_get_8(buffer)) { case 1: enc_method = ZIP_EM_AES_128; break; case 2: enc_method = ZIP_EM_AES_192; break; case 3: enc_method = ZIP_EM_AES_256; break; default: zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_ENCRNOTSUPP, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return false; } if (ef_len != 7) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INCONS, ZIP_ER_DETAIL_INVALID_WINZIPAES_EF); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return false; } de->crc_valid = crc_valid; de->encryption_method = enc_method; de->comp_method = _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return true; } zip_int32_t _zip_dirent_size(zip_source_t *src, zip_uint16_t flags, zip_error_t *error) { zip_int32_t size; bool local = (flags & ZIP_EF_LOCAL) != 0; int i; zip_uint8_t b[6]; zip_buffer_t *buffer; size = local ? LENTRYSIZE : CDENTRYSIZE; if (zip_source_seek(src, local ? 26 : 28, SEEK_CUR) < 0) { zip_error_set_from_source(error, src); return -1; } if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new_from_source(src, local ? 4 : 6, b, error)) == NULL) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < (local ? 2 : 3); i++) { size += _zip_buffer_get_16(buffer); } if (!_zip_buffer_eof(buffer)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return -1; } _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return size; } /* _zip_dirent_write Writes zip directory entry. If flags & ZIP_EF_LOCAL, it writes a local header instead of a central directory entry. If flags & ZIP_EF_FORCE_ZIP64, a ZIP64 extra field is written, even if not needed. Returns 0 if successful, 1 if successful and wrote ZIP64 extra field. On error, error is filled in and -1 is returned. */ int _zip_dirent_write(zip_t *za, zip_dirent_t *de, zip_flags_t flags) { zip_dostime_t dostime; zip_encoding_type_t com_enc, name_enc; zip_extra_field_t *ef; zip_extra_field_t *ef64; zip_uint32_t ef_total_size; bool is_zip64; bool is_really_zip64; bool is_winzip_aes; zip_uint8_t buf[CDENTRYSIZE]; zip_buffer_t *buffer; ef = NULL; name_enc = _zip_guess_encoding(de->filename, ZIP_ENCODING_UNKNOWN); com_enc = _zip_guess_encoding(de->comment, ZIP_ENCODING_UNKNOWN); if ((name_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN && com_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_ASCII) || (name_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_ASCII && com_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN) || (name_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN && com_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN)) de->bitflags |= ZIP_GPBF_ENCODING_UTF_8; else { de->bitflags &= (zip_uint16_t)~ZIP_GPBF_ENCODING_UTF_8; if (name_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN) { ef = _zip_ef_utf8(ZIP_EF_UTF_8_NAME, de->filename, &za->error); if (ef == NULL) return -1; } if ((flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) == 0 && com_enc == ZIP_ENCODING_UTF8_KNOWN) { zip_extra_field_t *ef2 = _zip_ef_utf8(ZIP_EF_UTF_8_COMMENT, de->comment, &za->error); if (ef2 == NULL) { _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } ef2->next = ef; ef = ef2; } } if (de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_NONE) { de->bitflags &= (zip_uint16_t)~ZIP_GPBF_ENCRYPTED; } else { de->bitflags |= (zip_uint16_t)ZIP_GPBF_ENCRYPTED; } is_really_zip64 = _zip_dirent_needs_zip64(de, flags); is_zip64 = (flags & (ZIP_FL_LOCAL | ZIP_FL_FORCE_ZIP64)) == (ZIP_FL_LOCAL | ZIP_FL_FORCE_ZIP64) || is_really_zip64; is_winzip_aes = de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_AES_128 || de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_AES_192 || de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_AES_256; if (is_zip64) { zip_uint8_t ef_zip64[EFZIP64SIZE]; zip_buffer_t *ef_buffer = _zip_buffer_new(ef_zip64, sizeof(ef_zip64)); if (ef_buffer == NULL) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } if (flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) { if ((flags & ZIP_FL_FORCE_ZIP64) || de->comp_size > ZIP_UINT32_MAX || de->uncomp_size > ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put_64(ef_buffer, de->uncomp_size); _zip_buffer_put_64(ef_buffer, de->comp_size); } } else { if ((flags & ZIP_FL_FORCE_ZIP64) || de->comp_size > ZIP_UINT32_MAX || de->uncomp_size > ZIP_UINT32_MAX || de->offset > ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { if (de->uncomp_size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put_64(ef_buffer, de->uncomp_size); } if (de->comp_size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put_64(ef_buffer, de->comp_size); } if (de->offset >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put_64(ef_buffer, de->offset); } } } if (!_zip_buffer_ok(ef_buffer)) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(ef_buffer); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } ef64 = _zip_ef_new(ZIP_EF_ZIP64, (zip_uint16_t)(_zip_buffer_offset(ef_buffer)), ef_zip64, ZIP_EF_BOTH); _zip_buffer_free(ef_buffer); ef64->next = ef; ef = ef64; } if (is_winzip_aes) { zip_uint8_t data[EF_WINZIP_AES_SIZE]; zip_buffer_t *ef_buffer = _zip_buffer_new(data, sizeof(data)); zip_extra_field_t *ef_winzip; if (ef_buffer == NULL) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } _zip_buffer_put_16(ef_buffer, 2); _zip_buffer_put(ef_buffer, "AE", 2); _zip_buffer_put_8(ef_buffer, (zip_uint8_t)(de->encryption_method & 0xff)); _zip_buffer_put_16(ef_buffer, (zip_uint16_t)de->comp_method); if (!_zip_buffer_ok(ef_buffer)) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(ef_buffer); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } ef_winzip = _zip_ef_new(ZIP_EF_WINZIP_AES, EF_WINZIP_AES_SIZE, data, ZIP_EF_BOTH); _zip_buffer_free(ef_buffer); ef_winzip->next = ef; ef = ef_winzip; } if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new(buf, sizeof(buf))) == NULL) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } _zip_buffer_put(buffer, (flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) ? LOCAL_MAGIC : CENTRAL_MAGIC, 4); if ((flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) == 0) { _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, de->version_madeby); } _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, ZIP_MAX(is_really_zip64 ? 45 : 0, de->version_needed)); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, de->bitflags); if (is_winzip_aes) { _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, ZIP_CM_WINZIP_AES); } else { _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, (zip_uint16_t)de->comp_method); } if (ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { dostime.time = 0xbc00; dostime.date = 0x2198; } else { dostime = de->last_mod; } _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, dostime.time); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, dostime.date); if (is_winzip_aes && de->uncomp_size < 20) { _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, 0); } else { _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, de->crc); } if (((flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) == ZIP_FL_LOCAL) && ((de->comp_size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX) || (de->uncomp_size >= ZIP_UINT32_MAX))) { /* In local headers, if a ZIP64 EF is written, it MUST contain * both compressed and uncompressed sizes (even if one of the * two is smaller than 0xFFFFFFFF); on the other hand, those * may only appear when the corresponding standard entry is * 0xFFFFFFFF. (appnote.txt 4.5.3) */ _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, ZIP_UINT32_MAX); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, ZIP_UINT32_MAX); } else { if (de->comp_size < ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, (zip_uint32_t)de->comp_size); } else { _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, ZIP_UINT32_MAX); } if (de->uncomp_size < ZIP_UINT32_MAX) { _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, (zip_uint32_t)de->uncomp_size); } else { _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, ZIP_UINT32_MAX); } } _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, _zip_string_length(de->filename)); ef_total_size = (zip_uint32_t)_zip_ef_size(ef, ZIP_EF_BOTH); if (!ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { /* TODO: check for overflow */ ef_total_size += (zip_uint32_t)_zip_ef_size(de->extra_fields, flags); } _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, (zip_uint16_t)ef_total_size); if ((flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) == 0) { _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za) ? 0 : _zip_string_length(de->comment)); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, (zip_uint16_t)de->disk_number); _zip_buffer_put_16(buffer, de->int_attrib); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, de->ext_attrib); if (de->offset < ZIP_UINT32_MAX) _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, (zip_uint32_t)de->offset); else _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, ZIP_UINT32_MAX); } if (!_zip_buffer_ok(buffer)) { zip_error_set(&za->error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } if (_zip_write(za, buf, _zip_buffer_offset(buffer)) < 0) { _zip_buffer_free(buffer); _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } _zip_buffer_free(buffer); if (de->filename) { if (_zip_string_write(za, de->filename) < 0) { _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } } if (ef) { if (_zip_ef_write(za, ef, ZIP_EF_BOTH) < 0) { _zip_ef_free(ef); return -1; } } _zip_ef_free(ef); if (de->extra_fields && !ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { if (_zip_ef_write(za, de->extra_fields, flags) < 0) { return -1; } } if ((flags & ZIP_FL_LOCAL) == 0 && !ZIP_WANT_TORRENTZIP(za)) { if (de->comment) { if (_zip_string_write(za, de->comment) < 0) { return -1; } } } return is_zip64; } time_t _zip_d2u_time(const zip_dostime_t *dtime) { struct tm tm; memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm)); /* let mktime decide if DST is in effect */ tm.tm_isdst = -1; tm.tm_year = ((dtime->date >> 9) & 127) + 1980 - 1900; tm.tm_mon = ((dtime->date >> 5) & 15) - 1; tm.tm_mday = dtime->date & 31; tm.tm_hour = (dtime->time >> 11) & 31; tm.tm_min = (dtime->time >> 5) & 63; tm.tm_sec = (dtime->time << 1) & 62; return mktime(&tm); } static zip_extra_field_t * _zip_ef_utf8(zip_uint16_t id, zip_string_t *str, zip_error_t *error) { const zip_uint8_t *raw; zip_uint32_t len; zip_buffer_t *buffer; zip_extra_field_t *ef; if ((raw = _zip_string_get(str, &len, ZIP_FL_ENC_RAW, NULL)) == NULL) { /* error already set */ return NULL; } if (len + 5 > ZIP_UINT16_MAX) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INVAL, 0); /* TODO: better error code? */ return NULL; } if ((buffer = _zip_buffer_new(NULL, len + 5)) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return NULL; } _zip_buffer_put_8(buffer, 1); _zip_buffer_put_32(buffer, _zip_string_crc32(str)); _zip_buffer_put(buffer, raw, len); if (!_zip_buffer_ok(buffer)) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INTERNAL, 0); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return NULL; } ef = _zip_ef_new(id, (zip_uint16_t)(_zip_buffer_offset(buffer)), _zip_buffer_data(buffer), ZIP_EF_BOTH); _zip_buffer_free(buffer); return ef; } zip_dirent_t * _zip_get_dirent(zip_t *za, zip_uint64_t idx, zip_flags_t flags, zip_error_t *error) { if (error == NULL) error = &za->error; if (idx >= za->nentry) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INVAL, 0); return NULL; } if ((flags & ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED) || za->entry[idx].changes == NULL) { if (za->entry[idx].orig == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INVAL, 0); return NULL; } if (za->entry[idx].deleted && (flags & ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED) == 0) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_DELETED, 0); return NULL; } return za->entry[idx].orig; } else return za->entry[idx].changes; } int _zip_u2d_time(time_t intime, zip_dostime_t *dtime, zip_error_t *ze) { struct tm *tpm; struct tm tm; tpm = zip_localtime(&intime, &tm); if (tpm == NULL) { /* if localtime fails, return an arbitrary date (1980-01-01 00:00:00) */ dtime->date = (1 << 5) + 1; dtime->time = 0; if (ze) { zip_error_set(ze, ZIP_ER_INVAL, errno); } return -1; } if (tpm->tm_year < 80) { tpm->tm_year = 80; } dtime->date = (zip_uint16_t)(((tpm->tm_year + 1900 - 1980) << 9) + ((tpm->tm_mon + 1) << 5) + tpm->tm_mday); dtime->time = (zip_uint16_t)(((tpm->tm_hour) << 11) + ((tpm->tm_min) << 5) + ((tpm->tm_sec) >> 1)); return 0; } void _zip_dirent_apply_attributes(zip_dirent_t *de, zip_file_attributes_t *attributes, bool force_zip64, zip_uint32_t changed) { zip_uint16_t length; if (attributes->valid & ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_GENERAL_PURPOSE_BIT_FLAGS) { zip_uint16_t mask = attributes->general_purpose_bit_mask & ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_GENERAL_PURPOSE_BIT_FLAGS_ALLOWED_MASK; de->bitflags = (de->bitflags & ~mask) | (attributes->general_purpose_bit_flags & mask); } if (attributes->valid & ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_ASCII) { de->int_attrib = (de->int_attrib & ~0x1) | (attributes->ascii ? 1 : 0); } /* manually set attributes are preferred over attributes provided by source */ if ((changed & ZIP_DIRENT_ATTRIBUTES) == 0 && (attributes->valid & ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_EXTERNAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)) { de->ext_attrib = attributes->external_file_attributes; } if (de->comp_method == ZIP_CM_LZMA) { de->version_needed = 63; } else if (de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_AES_128 || de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_AES_192 || de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_AES_256) { de->version_needed = 51; } else if (de->comp_method == ZIP_CM_BZIP2) { de->version_needed = 46; } else if (force_zip64 || _zip_dirent_needs_zip64(de, 0)) { de->version_needed = 45; } else if (de->comp_method == ZIP_CM_DEFLATE || de->encryption_method == ZIP_EM_TRAD_PKWARE) { de->version_needed = 20; } else if ((length = _zip_string_length(de->filename)) > 0 && de->filename->raw[length - 1] == '/') { de->version_needed = 20; } else { de->version_needed = 10; } if (attributes->valid & ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_VERSION_NEEDED) { de->version_needed = ZIP_MAX(de->version_needed, attributes->version_needed); } de->version_madeby = 63 | (de->version_madeby & 0xff00); if ((changed & ZIP_DIRENT_ATTRIBUTES) == 0 && (attributes->valid & ZIP_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_HOST_SYSTEM)) { de->version_madeby = (de->version_madeby & 0xff) | (zip_uint16_t)(attributes->host_system << 8); } } /* _zip_dirent_torrent_normalize(de); Set values suitable for torrentzip. */ void zip_dirent_torrentzip_normalize(zip_dirent_t *de) { de->version_madeby = 0; de->version_needed = 20; /* 2.0 */ de->bitflags = 2; /* maximum compression */ de->comp_method = ZIP_CM_DEFLATE; de->compression_level = TORRENTZIP_COMPRESSION_FLAGS; de->disk_number = 0; de->int_attrib = 0; de->ext_attrib = 0; /* last_mod, extra_fields, and comment are normalized in zip_dirent_write() directly */ } int zip_dirent_check_consistency(zip_dirent_t *dirent) { if (dirent->comp_method == ZIP_CM_STORE && dirent->comp_size != dirent->uncomp_size) { return ZIP_ER_DETAIL_STORED_SIZE_MISMATCH; } return 0; }