// File: Activex.ver
// Desc: DirectShow base classes - common versioning information for 
//       ACTIVEX binaries.
// Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

#ifndef _ACTIVEX_VER_
#define _ACTIVEX_VER_

// NOTE: all string resources that will be used in ACTIVEX.RCV for the
// version resource information *MUST* have an explicit \0 terminator!

#define VERSION_RES_BUILD       0

#define VERSION_RES_STRING_D    "9.00 (Debug)\0"
#define VERSION_RES_STRING      "9.00\0"

#define VERSION_RES_PRODUCT_NAME  "DirectX 9.0 Sample\0"
#define VERSION_RES_COMMENT       "DirectShow Sample\0"
#define VERSION_RES_COMPANY_NAME  "Microsoft Corporation\0"
#define VERSION_RES_COPYRIGHT     "Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Microsoft Corporation\0"

// The following defines are required on a file-by-file basis
// #define VERSION_RES_BIN_NAME         "sample.ax\0"
// #define VERSION_RES_BIN_DESCRIPTION  "Sample Filter\0"
// Also required, if you don't want the defaults, are
// #define VERSION_RES_ACTIVEX  "Filter dll\0" (the default value)
// A string defining the type of component.
// #define VERSION_RES_TYPE     VFT_DLL (default)
//                              VFT_APP
//                              VFT_VXD
//                              VFT_DRV
//                              VFT_FONT
//                              VFT_STATIC_LIB
//                              VFT_UNKNOWN
// #define VERSION_RES_SUBTYPE  VFT2_UNKNOWN (default)
//                              VFT2_DRV_INSTALLABLE
//                              VFT2_DRV_SOUND
//                              <several other options>
// See winver.h for further details
