#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # detectOperatingSystem #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This function detects on which OS cmake is run and set a flag to control the # build process. Supported OS: Linux, MacOSX, Windows # # On linux, it also set a flag for specific distribution (ie Fedora) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function(detectOperatingSystem) if(WIN32) set(Windows TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(UNIX AND APPLE) # No easy way to filter out iOS. message(WARNING "OS X/iOS isn't supported, the build will most likely fail") set(MacOSX TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(UNIX) if(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Linux") set(Linux TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) if (EXISTS /etc/os-release) # Read the file without CR character file(STRINGS /etc/os-release OS_RELEASE) if("${OS_RELEASE}" MATCHES "^.*ID=fedora.*$") set(Fedora TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) message(STATUS "Build Fedora specific") elseif("${OS_RELEASE}" MATCHES "^.*ID=.*suse.*$") set(openSUSE TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) add_definitions(-DopenSUSE) message(STATUS "Build openSUSE specific") endif() endif() elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "kFreeBSD") set(kFreeBSD TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) elseif(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME STREQUAL "GNU") set(GNU TRUE PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() function(write_svnrev_h) find_package(Git) set(PCSX2_WC_TIME 0) if (GIT_FOUND) EXECUTE_PROCESS(WORKING_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} show -s --format=%ci HEAD OUTPUT_VARIABLE PCSX2_WC_TIME OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # Output: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS +HHMM" (last part is time zone, offset from UTC) string(REGEX REPLACE "[%:\\-]" "" PCSX2_WC_TIME "${PCSX2_WC_TIME}") string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]+) ([0-9]+).*" "\\1\\2" PCSX2_WC_TIME "${PCSX2_WC_TIME}") endif() if ("${PCSX2_WC_TIME}" STREQUAL "") set(PCSX2_WC_TIME 0) endif() file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/common/include/svnrev.h "#define SVN_REV ${PCSX2_WC_TIME}ll \n#define SVN_MODS 0") endfunction() function(check_compiler_version version_warn version_err) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} -dumpversion OUTPUT_VARIABLE GCC_VERSION) string(STRIP "${GCC_VERSION}" GCC_VERSION) if(GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${version_err}) message(FATAL_ERROR "PCSX2 doesn't support your old GCC ${GCC_VERSION}! Please upgrade it! The minimum supported version is ${version_err} but ${version_warn} is warmly recommended") else() if(GCC_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${version_warn}) message(WARNING "PCSX2 will stop supporting GCC ${GCC_VERSION} in the near future. Please upgrade to at least GCC ${version_warn}.") endif() endif() endif() endfunction() function(check_no_parenthesis_in_path) if ("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" MATCHES "[()]" OR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" MATCHES "[()]") message(FATAL_ERROR "Your path contains some parenthesis. Unfortunately Cmake doesn't support them correctly.\nPlease rename your directory to avoid '(' and ')' characters\n") endif() endfunction() #NOTE: this macro is used to get rid of whitespace and newlines. macro(append_flags target flags) if(flags STREQUAL "") set(flags " ") # set to space to avoid error endif() get_target_property(TEMP ${target} COMPILE_FLAGS) if(TEMP STREQUAL "TEMP-NOTFOUND") set(TEMP "") # set to empty string else() set(TEMP "${TEMP} ") # a space to cleanly separate from existing content endif() # append our values set(TEMP "${TEMP}${flags}") # fix arg list set(TEMP2 "") foreach(_arg ${TEMP}) set(TEMP2 "${TEMP2} ${_arg}") endforeach() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${TEMP2}") endmacro(append_flags) macro(add_pcsx2_plugin lib srcs libs flags) include_directories(.) add_library(${lib} MODULE ${srcs}) target_link_libraries(${lib} ${libs}) append_flags(${lib} "${flags}") if(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") target_link_libraries(${lib} "${USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS}") endif(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") if(PACKAGE_MODE) install(TARGETS ${lib} DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_DIR}) else(PACKAGE_MODE) install(TARGETS ${lib} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/plugins) endif(PACKAGE_MODE) endmacro(add_pcsx2_plugin) macro(add_pcsx2_lib lib srcs libs flags) include_directories(.) add_library(${lib} STATIC ${srcs}) target_link_libraries(${lib} ${libs}) append_flags(${lib} "${flags}") if(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") target_link_libraries(${lib} "${USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS}") endif(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") endmacro(add_pcsx2_lib) macro(add_pcsx2_executable exe srcs libs flags) add_definitions(${flags}) include_directories(.) add_executable(${exe} ${srcs}) target_link_libraries(${exe} ${libs}) append_flags(${exe} "${flags}") if(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") target_link_libraries(${lib} "${USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS}") endif(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") if(PACKAGE_MODE) install(TARGETS ${exe} DESTINATION ${BIN_DIR}) else(PACKAGE_MODE) install(TARGETS ${exe} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin) endif(PACKAGE_MODE) endmacro(add_pcsx2_executable)