/* ZZ Open GL graphics plugin * Copyright (c)2009-2010 zeydlitz@gmail.com, arcum42@gmail.com * Based on Zerofrog's ZeroGS KOSMOS (c)2005-2008 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ //////////////////// // Small profiler // //////////////////// #include <list> #include <string> #include <map> #include "Profile.h" #include "Util.h" using namespace std; #define GET_PROFILE_TIME() GetCPUTicks() #if !defined(ZEROGS_DEVBUILD) #define g_bWriteProfile 0 #else bool g_bWriteProfile = 0; #endif u64 luPerfFreq; struct DVPROFSTRUCT; struct DVPROFSTRUCT { struct DATA { DATA(u64 time, u32 user = 0) : dwTime(time), dwUserData(user) {} DATA() : dwTime(0), dwUserData(0) {} u64 dwTime; u32 dwUserData; }; ~DVPROFSTRUCT() { list<DVPROFSTRUCT*>::iterator it = listpChild.begin(); while (it != listpChild.end()) { safe_delete(*it); ++it; } } list<DATA> listTimes; // before DVProfEnd is called, contains the global time it started // after DVProfEnd is called, contains the time it lasted // the list contains all the tracked times char pname[256]; list<DVPROFSTRUCT*> listpChild; // other profilers called during this profiler period }; struct DVPROFTRACK { u32 dwUserData; DVPROFSTRUCT::DATA* pdwTime; DVPROFSTRUCT* pprof; }; list<DVPROFTRACK> g_listCurTracking; // the current profiling functions, the back element is the // one that will first get popped off the list when DVProfEnd is called // the pointer is an element in DVPROFSTRUCT::listTimes list<DVPROFSTRUCT> g_listProfilers; // the current profilers, note that these are the parents // any profiler started during the time of another is held in // DVPROFSTRUCT::listpChild list<DVPROFSTRUCT*> g_listAllProfilers; // ignores the hierarchy, pointer to elements in g_listProfilers void DVProfRegister(char* pname) { if (!g_bWriteProfile) return; list<DVPROFSTRUCT*>::iterator it = g_listAllProfilers.begin(); // while(it != g_listAllProfilers.end() ) { // // if( _tcscmp(pname, (*it)->pname) == 0 ) { // (*it)->listTimes.push_back(timeGetTime()); // DVPROFTRACK dvtrack; // dvtrack.pdwTime = &(*it)->listTimes.back(); // dvtrack.pprof = *it; // g_listCurTracking.push_back(dvtrack); // return; // } // // ++it; // } // else add in a new profiler to the appropriate parent profiler DVPROFSTRUCT* pprof = NULL; if (g_listCurTracking.size() > 0) { assert(g_listCurTracking.back().pprof != NULL); g_listCurTracking.back().pprof->listpChild.push_back(new DVPROFSTRUCT()); pprof = g_listCurTracking.back().pprof->listpChild.back(); } else { g_listProfilers.push_back(DVPROFSTRUCT()); pprof = &g_listProfilers.back(); } strncpy(pprof->pname, pname, 256); // setup the profiler for tracking pprof->listTimes.push_back(DVPROFSTRUCT::DATA(GET_PROFILE_TIME())); DVPROFTRACK dvtrack; dvtrack.pdwTime = &pprof->listTimes.back(); dvtrack.pprof = pprof; dvtrack.dwUserData = 0; g_listCurTracking.push_back(dvtrack); // add to all profiler list g_listAllProfilers.push_back(pprof); } void DVProfEnd(u32 dwUserData) { if (!g_bWriteProfile) return; B_RETURN(g_listCurTracking.size() > 0); DVPROFTRACK dvtrack = g_listCurTracking.back(); assert(dvtrack.pdwTime != NULL && dvtrack.pprof != NULL); dvtrack.pdwTime->dwTime = 1000000 * (GET_PROFILE_TIME() - dvtrack.pdwTime->dwTime) / luPerfFreq; dvtrack.pdwTime->dwUserData = dwUserData; g_listCurTracking.pop_back(); } struct DVTIMEINFO { DVTIMEINFO() : uInclusive(0), uExclusive(0) {} u64 uInclusive, uExclusive; }; map<string, DVTIMEINFO> mapAggregateTimes; u64 DVProfWriteStruct(FILE* f, DVPROFSTRUCT* p, int ident) { fprintf(f, "%*s%s - ", ident, "", p->pname); list<DVPROFSTRUCT::DATA>::iterator ittime = p->listTimes.begin(); u64 utime = 0; while (ittime != p->listTimes.end()) { utime += (u32)ittime->dwTime; if (ittime->dwUserData) fprintf(f, "time: %d, user: 0x%8.8x", (u32)ittime->dwTime, ittime->dwUserData); else fprintf(f, "time: %d", (u32)ittime->dwTime); ++ittime; } mapAggregateTimes[p->pname].uInclusive += utime; fprintf(f, "\n"); list<DVPROFSTRUCT*>::iterator itprof = p->listpChild.begin(); u32 uex = utime; while (itprof != p->listpChild.end()) { uex -= (u32)DVProfWriteStruct(f, *itprof, ident + 4); ++itprof; } mapAggregateTimes[p->pname].uExclusive += uex; return utime; } void DVProfWrite(const char* pfilename, u32 frames) { assert(pfilename != NULL); FILE* f = fopen(pfilename, "wb"); mapAggregateTimes.clear(); list<DVPROFSTRUCT>::iterator it = g_listProfilers.begin(); while (it != g_listProfilers.end()) { DVProfWriteStruct(f, &(*it), 0); ++it; } { map<string, DVTIMEINFO>::iterator it; fprintf(f, "\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); u64 uTotal[2] = {0}; double fiTotalTime[2]; for (it = mapAggregateTimes.begin(); it != mapAggregateTimes.end(); ++it) { uTotal[0] += it->second.uExclusive; uTotal[1] += it->second.uInclusive; } fprintf(f, "total times (%d): ex: %Lu ", frames, uTotal[0] / frames); fprintf(f, "inc: %Lu\n", uTotal[1] / frames); fiTotalTime[0] = 1.0 / (double)uTotal[0]; fiTotalTime[1] = 1.0 / (double)uTotal[1]; // output the combined times for (it = mapAggregateTimes.begin(); it != mapAggregateTimes.end(); ++it) { fprintf(f, "%s - ex: %f inc: %f\n", it->first.c_str(), (double)it->second.uExclusive * fiTotalTime[0], (double)it->second.uInclusive * fiTotalTime[1]); } } fclose(f); } void DVProfClear() { g_listCurTracking.clear(); g_listProfilers.clear(); g_listAllProfilers.clear(); } void InitProfile() { luPerfFreq = GetCPUTicks(); }