/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #pragma once #include "common/FileSystem.h" #include "common/ScopedGuard.h" #include "common/StringUtil.h" #include "fmt/core.h" #if defined(_WIN32) #include "7z.h" #include "7zAlloc.h" #include "7zCrc.h" #include "7zFile.h" #include "SZErrors.h" #endif #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <vector> #ifdef _WIN32 static constexpr char UPDATER_EXECUTABLE[] = "updater.exe"; static constexpr char UPDATER_ARCHIVE_NAME[] = "update.7z"; #endif static inline bool ExtractUpdater(const char* archive_path, const char* destination_path, std::string* error) { #if defined(_WIN32) static constexpr size_t kInputBufSize = ((size_t)1 << 18); static constexpr ISzAlloc g_Alloc = {SzAlloc, SzFree}; CFileInStream instream = {}; CLookToRead2 lookstream = {}; CSzArEx archive = {}; FileInStream_CreateVTable(&instream); LookToRead2_CreateVTable(&lookstream, False); CrcGenerateTable(); lookstream.buf = (Byte*)ISzAlloc_Alloc(&g_Alloc, kInputBufSize); if (!lookstream.buf) { *error = "Failed to allocate input buffer?!"; return false; } lookstream.bufSize = kInputBufSize; lookstream.realStream = &instream.vt; LookToRead2_Init(&lookstream); ScopedGuard buffer_guard([&lookstream]() { ISzAlloc_Free(&g_Alloc, lookstream.buf); }); #ifdef _WIN32 WRes wres = InFile_OpenW(&instream.file, StringUtil::UTF8StringToWideString(archive_path).c_str()); #else WRes wres = InFile_Open(&instream.file, archive_path); #endif if (wres != 0) { *error = fmt::format("Failed to open '{0}': {1}", archive_path, wres); return false; } ScopedGuard file_guard([&instream]() { File_Close(&instream.file); }); SzArEx_Init(&archive); SRes res = SzArEx_Open(&archive, &lookstream.vt, &g_Alloc, &g_Alloc); if (res != SZ_OK) { *error = fmt::format("SzArEx_Open() failed: {0} [{1}]", SZErrorToString(res), res); return false; } ScopedGuard archive_guard([&archive]() { SzArEx_Free(&archive, &g_Alloc); }); std::vector<UInt16> filename_buffer; u32 updater_file_index = archive.NumFiles; for (u32 file_index = 0; file_index < archive.NumFiles; file_index++) { if (SzArEx_IsDir(&archive, file_index)) continue; size_t filename_len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&archive, file_index, nullptr); if (filename_len <= 1) continue; filename_buffer.resize(filename_len); filename_len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&archive, file_index, filename_buffer.data()); // TODO: This won't work on Linux (4-byte wchar_t). const std::string filename(StringUtil::WideStringToUTF8String(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(filename_buffer.data()))); if (filename != UPDATER_EXECUTABLE) continue; updater_file_index = file_index; break; } if (updater_file_index == archive.NumFiles) { *error = fmt::format("Updater executable ({}) not found in archive.", UPDATER_EXECUTABLE); return false; } UInt32 block_index = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) */ Byte* out_buffer = 0; /* it must be 0 before first call for each new archive. */ size_t out_buffer_size = 0; /* it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) */ ScopedGuard out_buffer_guard([&out_buffer]() { if (out_buffer) ISzAlloc_Free(&g_Alloc, out_buffer); }); size_t out_offset = 0; size_t extracted_size = 0; res = SzArEx_Extract(&archive, &lookstream.vt, updater_file_index, &block_index, &out_buffer, &out_buffer_size, &out_offset, &extracted_size, &g_Alloc, &g_Alloc); if (res != SZ_OK) { *error = fmt::format("Failed to decompress {0} from 7z (file index=%u, error=%s)", UPDATER_EXECUTABLE, updater_file_index, SZErrorToString(res)); return false; } std::FILE* fp = FileSystem::OpenCFile(destination_path, "wb"); if (!fp) { *error = fmt::format("Failed to open '{0}' for writing.", destination_path); return false; } const bool wrote_completely = std::fwrite(out_buffer + out_offset, extracted_size, 1, fp) == 1 && std::fflush(fp) == 0; if (std::fclose(fp) != 0 || !wrote_completely) { *error = fmt::format("Failed to write output file '{}'", destination_path); FileSystem::DeleteFilePath(destination_path); return false; } error->clear(); return true; #else *error = "Not supported on this platform"; return false; #endif }