struct VS_INPUT { float4 p : POSITION0; float2 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; float4 f : COLOR1; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 p : POSITION; float4 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; }; float4 vs_params[3]; #define VertexScale vs_params[0] #define VertexOffset vs_params[1] #define TextureScale vs_params[2].xy #ifndef VS_BPPZ #define VS_BPPZ 0 #define VS_TME 1 #define VS_FST 1 #define VS_LOGZ 1 #endif VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT input) { if(VS_BPPZ == 1) // 24 { input.p.z = fmod(input.p.z, 0x1000000); } else if(VS_BPPZ == 2) // 16 { input.p.z = fmod(input.p.z, 0x10000); } VS_OUTPUT output; output.p = input.p * VertexScale - VertexOffset; if(VS_LOGZ == 1) { output.p.z = log2(1.0f + input.p.z) / 32; } if(VS_TME == 1) { if(VS_FST == 1) { output.t.xy = input.t * TextureScale; output.t.w = 1.0f; } else { output.t.xy = input.t; output.t.w = input.p.w; } } else { output.t.xy = 0; output.t.w = 1.0f; } output.c = input.c; output.t.z = input.f.a; return output; } float4 ps_params[5]; #define FogColor ps_params[0].bgra #define MINU ps_params[1].x #define MAXU ps_params[1].y #define MINV ps_params[1].z #define MAXV ps_params[1].w #define UMSK ps_params[2].x #define UFIX ps_params[2].y #define VMSK ps_params[2].z #define VFIX ps_params[2].w #define TA0 ps_params[3].x #define TA1 ps_params[3].y #define AREF ps_params[3].z #define WH ps_params[4].xy #define rWrH ps_params[4].zw struct PS_INPUT { float4 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; }; #ifndef FST #define FST 0 #define WMS 3 #define WMT 3 #define BPP 0 #define AEM 0 #define TFX 0 #define TCC 1 #define ATE 0 #define ATST 0 #define FOG 0 #define CLR1 0 #define RT 0 #endif sampler Texture : register(s0); sampler1D Palette : register(s1); sampler1D UMSKFIX : register(s2); sampler1D VMSKFIX : register(s3); float repeatu(float tc) { return WMS == 3 ? tex1D(UMSKFIX, tc) : tc; } float repeatv(float tc) { return WMT == 3 ? tex1D(VMSKFIX, tc) : tc; } float4 sample(float2 tc) { float4 t; // if(WMS >= 2 || WMT >= 2) if(WMS >= 3 || WMT >= 3) { tc -= rWrH / 2; int4 itc = tc.xyxy * WH.xyxy; float4 tc01; tc01.x = repeatu(itc.x); tc01.y = repeatv(itc.y); tc01.z = repeatu(itc.z + 1); tc01.w = repeatv(itc.w + 1); tc01 *= rWrH.xyxy; float4 t00 = tex2D(Texture, tc01.xy); float4 t01 = tex2D(Texture, tc01.zy); float4 t10 = tex2D(Texture, tc01.xw); float4 t11 = tex2D(Texture,; float2 dd = frac(tc * WH); t = lerp(lerp(t00, t01, dd.x), lerp(t10, t11, dd.x), dd.y); } else { t = tex2D(Texture, tc); } return t; } float4 sample8hp(float2 tc) { tc -= rWrH / 2; float4 tc01; tc01.x = tc.x; tc01.y = tc.y; tc01.z = tc.x + rWrH.x; tc01.w = tc.y + rWrH.y; float4 t; t.x = tex2D(Texture, tc01.xy).a; t.y = tex2D(Texture, tc01.zy).a; t.z = tex2D(Texture, tc01.xw).a; t.w = tex2D(Texture,; if(RT == 1) t *= 0.5; float4 t00 = tex1D(Palette, t.x); float4 t01 = tex1D(Palette, t.y); float4 t10 = tex1D(Palette, t.z); float4 t11 = tex1D(Palette, t.w); float2 dd = frac(tc * WH); return lerp(lerp(t00, t01, dd.x), lerp(t10, t11, dd.x), dd.y); } float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT input) : COLOR { float2 tc = input.t.xy; if(FST == 0) { tc /= input.t.w; } if(WMS == 2) { tc.x = clamp(tc.x, MINU, MAXU); } if(WMT == 2) { tc.y = clamp(tc.y, MINV, MAXV); } float4 t; if(BPP == 0) // 32 { t = sample(tc); if(RT == 1) t.a *= 0.5; } else if(BPP == 1) // 24 { t = sample(tc); t.a = AEM == 0 || any(t.rgb) ? TA0 : 0; } else if(BPP == 2) // 16 { t = sample(tc); t.a = t.a >= 0.5 ? TA1 : AEM == 0 || any(t.rgb) ? TA0 : 0; // a bit incompatible with up-scaling because the 1 bit alpha is interpolated } else if(BPP == 3) // 8HP ln { t = sample8hp(tc); } float4 c = input.c; if(TFX == 0) { if(TCC == 0) { c.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 2; } else { c = c * t * 2; } } else if(TFX == 1) { c = t; } else if(TFX == 2) { c.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 2 + c.a; if(TCC == 1) { c.a += t.a; } } else if(TFX == 3) { c.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 2 + c.a; if(TCC == 1) { c.a = t.a; } } c = saturate(c); if(ATE == 1) { if(ATST == 0) { discard; } else if(ATST == 2 || ATST == 3) // l, le { clip(AREF - c.a); } else if(ATST == 4) // e { clip(0.9f/256 - abs(c.a - AREF)); } else if(ATST == 5 || ATST == 6) // ge, g { clip(c.a - AREF); } else if(ATST == 7) // ne { clip(abs(c.a - AREF) - 0.9f/256); } } if(FOG == 1) { c.rgb = lerp(FogColor.rgb, c.rgb, input.t.z); } if(CLR1 == 1) // needed for Cd * (As/Ad/F + 1) blending modes { c.rgb = 1; } c.a *= 2; return c; }