/* ecma119.h * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 PCSX2 Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * PCSX2 members can be contacted through their website at www.pcsx2.net. */ #ifndef ECMA119_H #define ECMA119_H // #ifndef __LINUX__ // #ifdef __linux__ // #define __LINUX__ // #endif /* __linux__ */ // #endif /* No __LINUX__ */ // #define CDVDdefs // #include "PS2Edefs.h" // ECMA119 was sent to ISO to be fast-tracked into ISO 9660 // ECMA119 can be found at http://www.ecma.ch, somewhere. // Throughout these definitions, number pairs in both big-endian and // little-endian varieties are stored next to each other. To separate // the pairs a 'le' suffix has been attached to little-endian numbers, and // a 'be' suffix to big-endian ones. // All 'unused' entries should be set to (or tested for) 0x00. #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma pack(1) #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct ECMA119ASCIITime { char year[4]; char month[2]; char day[2]; char hour[2]; char min[2]; char sec[2]; char hundredthsec[2]; char offsetgmt; // 15 min intervals, from -48 to +52 #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__ ((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct ECMA119DateTime { unsigned char year; // 1900+year, that is. unsigned char month; unsigned char day; unsigned char hour; unsigned char minute; unsigned char sec; signed char offsetgmt; // In 15 min intervals, from -48 to +52 #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__ ((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct ECMA119DirectoryRecord { unsigned char reclen; // Length of this record unsigned char attlen; // Extended Attribute Record Length unsigned long externlocle; // Location of Extent unsigned long externlocbe; struct ECMA119DateTime recorded; // Recording Date and Time unsigned char flags; // File Flags unsigned char interleave; // Interleave Gap Size unsigned short seqnole; // Volume Sequence No. unsigned short seqnobe; unsigned short idlen; char id[223]; // Note: sometimes a OS uses the end of this record for it's own use. #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__ ((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct ECMA119RootDirectoryRecord { unsigned char reclen; // Length of this record unsigned char attlen; // Extended Attribute Record Length unsigned long externlocle; // Location of Extent unsigned long externlocbe; struct ECMA119DateTime recorded; // Recording Date and Time unsigned char flags; // File Flags unsigned char interleave; // Interleave Gap Size unsigned short seqnole; // Volume Sequence No. unsigned short seqnobe; unsigned short idlen; char id[1]; // Probably for the '.' (But I'm just guessing :) #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__ ((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct ECMA119VolumeID { unsigned char voltype; // 0 = Boot Record // 1 = Primary Volume Descriptor (PrimaryVolume below) // 2 = Supplementary Volume Descriptor // 3 = Partition Descriptor (PartitionVolume below) // 4 - 254 Reserved // 255 = End-of-Descriptor-Set char stdid[5]; // Standard Identifier. Always "CD001" unsigned char version; #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__ ((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ struct ECMA119PrimaryVolume { struct ECMA119VolumeID id; // id.voltype should be 1 (for this type of volume) // id.version should be 1 (standard) char unused1; char systemid[32]; char volumeid[32]; char unused2[8]; unsigned long numblocksle; // Total logical blocks. (on Media? or just unsigned long numblocksbe; // in volume?) char unused3[32]; unsigned short volumesetsizele; // Volume Set size of the volume. (?) unsigned short volumesetsizebe; unsigned short ordinalle; // Count of which descriptor this is in the Volume unsigned short ordinalbe; // set. unsigned short blocksizele; // Size of a Logical Block unsigned short blocksizebe; unsigned long pathtablesizele; // Path Table Size unsigned long pathtablesizebe; unsigned long typelpathtablelocation; // (le) Location of a Type L Path Table unsigned long typelopttablelocation; // (le) Location of an Optional Type L unsigned long typempathtablelocation; // (be) Location of a Type M Path Table unsigned long typemopttablelocation; // (be) Location of an Optional Type M struct ECMA119RootDirectoryRecord root; char volumesetid[128]; // Volume Set ID char publisher[128]; // Publisher char datapreparer[128]; // Data Preparer char application[128]; // Application ID char copyrightfile[37]; // Copyright File Identifier char abstractfile[37]; // Abstract File Identifier char bibliograchicfile[37]; // Bibliographic File Identifier struct ECMA119ASCIITime volcreatedate; // Date Created struct ECMA119ASCIITime volmodifydate; // Last Date Modified struct ECMA119ASCIITime volexpiredate; // Date data expires struct ECMA119ASCIITime voleffectivedata; // Date data becomes accurate (effective) unsigned char filestructversion; // File Structure Version // Should be 1 = Standard char unused4; char applicationuse[512]; // For use by an application char unused5[653]; // Rounds this out to 2048 bytes... #ifdef _WIN32 }; #else } __attribute__ ((packed)); #endif /* _WIN32 */ // struct ECMA119PartitionVolume { // struct ECMA119VolumeID id; // #ifdef _WIN32 // }; // #else // } __attribute__ ((packed)); // #endif /* _WIN32 */ #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma pack() #endif /* _WIN32 */ extern int ValidateECMA119PrimaryVolume(struct ECMA119PrimaryVolume *volume); // extern int ValidateECMA119PartitionVolume(struct ECMA119PartitionVolume volume); #endif /* ECMA119_H */