/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "GSRendererSW.h" const GSVector4 g_pos_scale(1.0f / 16, 1.0f / 16, 1.0f, 128.0f); GSRendererSW::GSRendererSW() : GSRendererT() { m_tc = new GSTextureCacheSW(this); memset(m_texture, 0, sizeof(m_texture)); m_rl.Create(this, theApp.GetConfig("swthreads", 1)); InitVertexKick(); } GSRendererSW::~GSRendererSW() { delete m_tc; for(int i = 0; i < countof(m_texture); i++) { delete m_texture[i]; } } void GSRendererSW::Reset() { // TODO: GSreset can come from the main thread too => crash // m_tc->RemoveAll(); m_reset = true; __super::Reset(); } void GSRendererSW::VSync(int field) { __super::VSync(field); m_tc->IncAge(); if(m_reset) { m_tc->RemoveAll(); m_reset = false; } // if((m_perfmon.GetFrame() & 255) == 0) m_rl.PrintStats(); } void GSRendererSW::ResetDevice() { for(int i = 0; i < countof(m_texture); i++) { delete m_texture[i]; m_texture[i] = NULL; } } GSTexture* GSRendererSW::GetOutput(int i) { const GSRegDISPFB& DISPFB = m_regs->DISP[i].DISPFB; int w = DISPFB.FBW * 64; int h = GetFrameRect(i).bottom; // TODO: round up bottom if(m_dev->ResizeTexture(&m_texture[i], w, h)) { uint8* buff = GetTextureBufferLock(); static int pitch = 1024 * 4; GSVector4i r(0, 0, w, h); const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[DISPFB.PSM]; (m_mem.*psm.rtx)(m_mem.GetOffset(DISPFB.Block(), DISPFB.FBW, DISPFB.PSM), r.ralign(psm.bs), buff, pitch, m_env.TEXA); m_texture[i]->Update(r, buff, pitch); if(s_dump) { if(s_save && s_n >= s_saven) { m_texture[i]->Save(format("c:\\temp1\\_%05d_f%I64d_fr%d_%05x_%d.bmp", s_n, m_perfmon.GetFrame(), i, (int)DISPFB.Block(), (int)DISPFB.PSM)); } s_n++; } ReleaseTextureBufferLock(); } return m_texture[i]; } void GSRendererSW::Draw() { if(m_dump) { m_dump.Object(m_vertices, m_count, m_vt.m_primclass); } GSScanlineParam p; GetScanlineParam(p, m_vt.m_primclass); if((p.fm & p.zm) == 0xffffffff) { return; } if(s_dump) { uint64 frame = m_perfmon.GetFrame(); string s; if(s_save && s_n >= s_saven && PRIM->TME) { s = format("c:\\temp1\\_%05d_f%I64d_tex_%05x_%d.bmp", s_n, frame, (int)m_context->TEX0.TBP0, (int)m_context->TEX0.PSM); m_mem.SaveBMP(s, m_context->TEX0.TBP0, m_context->TEX0.TBW, m_context->TEX0.PSM, 1 << m_context->TEX0.TW, 1 << m_context->TEX0.TH); } s_n++; if(s_save && s_n >= s_saven) { s = format("c:\\temp1\\_%05d_f%I64d_rt0_%05x_%d.bmp", s_n, frame, m_context->FRAME.Block(), m_context->FRAME.PSM); m_mem.SaveBMP(s, m_context->FRAME.Block(), m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_context->FRAME.PSM, GetFrameRect().width(), 512);//GetFrameSize(1).cy); } if(s_savez && s_n >= s_saven) { s = format("c:\\temp1\\_%05d_f%I64d_rz0_%05x_%d.bmp", s_n, frame, m_context->ZBUF.Block(), m_context->ZBUF.PSM); m_mem.SaveBMP(s, m_context->ZBUF.Block(), m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_context->ZBUF.PSM, GetFrameRect().width(), 512); } s_n++; } GSRasterizerData data; data.scissor = GSVector4i(m_context->scissor.in); data.scissor.z = min(data.scissor.z, (int)m_context->FRAME.FBW * 64); // TODO: find a game that overflows and check which one is the right behaviour data.primclass = m_vt.m_primclass; data.vertices = m_vertices; data.count = m_count; data.param = &p; m_rl.Draw(&data); GSRasterizerStats stats; m_rl.GetStats(stats); m_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::Prim, stats.prims); m_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::Fillrate, stats.pixels); GSVector4i r = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_min.p.xyxy(m_vt.m_max.p)).rintersect(data.scissor); if(p.fm != 0xffffffff) { m_tc->InvalidateVideoMem(m_context->offset.fb, r); } if(p.zm != 0xffffffff) { m_tc->InvalidateVideoMem(m_context->offset.zb, r); } if(s_dump) { uint64 frame = m_perfmon.GetFrame(); string s; if(s_save && s_n >= s_saven) { s = format("c:\\temp1\\_%05d_f%I64d_rt1_%05x_%d.bmp", s_n, frame, m_context->FRAME.Block(), m_context->FRAME.PSM); m_mem.SaveBMP(s, m_context->FRAME.Block(), m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_context->FRAME.PSM, GetFrameRect().width(), 512);//GetFrameSize(1).cy); } if(s_savez && s_n >= s_saven) { s = format("c:\\temp1\\_%05d_f%I64d_rz1_%05x_%d.bmp", s_n, frame, m_context->ZBUF.Block(), m_context->ZBUF.PSM); m_mem.SaveBMP(s, m_context->ZBUF.Block(), m_context->FRAME.FBW, m_context->ZBUF.PSM, GetFrameRect().width(), 512); } s_n++; } if(0)//stats.ticks > 5000000) { printf("* [%I64d | %012I64x] ticks %I64d prims %d (%d) pixels %d (%d)\n", m_perfmon.GetFrame(), p.sel.key, stats.ticks, stats.prims, stats.prims > 0 ? (int)(stats.ticks / stats.prims) : -1, stats.pixels, stats.pixels > 0 ? (int)(stats.ticks / stats.pixels) : -1); } } void GSRendererSW::InvalidateVideoMem(const GIFRegBITBLTBUF& BITBLTBUF, const GSVector4i& r) { m_tc->InvalidateVideoMem(m_mem.GetOffset(BITBLTBUF.DBP, BITBLTBUF.DBW, BITBLTBUF.DPSM), r); } void GSRendererSW::GetScanlineParam(GSScanlineParam& p, GS_PRIM_CLASS primclass) { const GSDrawingEnvironment& env = m_env; const GSDrawingContext* context = m_context; p.vm = m_mem.m_vm8; p.fbo = context->offset.fb; p.zbo = context->offset.zb; p.fzbo = context->offset.fzb; p.sel.key = 0; p.sel.fpsm = 3; p.sel.zpsm = 3; p.sel.atst = ATST_ALWAYS; p.sel.tfx = TFX_NONE; p.sel.ababcd = 255; p.sel.sprite = primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS ? 1 : 0; p.fm = context->FRAME.FBMSK; p.zm = context->ZBUF.ZMSK || context->TEST.ZTE == 0 ? 0xffffffff : 0; if(context->TEST.ZTE && context->TEST.ZTST == ZTST_NEVER) { p.fm = 0xffffffff; p.zm = 0xffffffff; } if(PRIM->TME) { m_mem.m_clut.Read32(context->TEX0, env.TEXA); } if(context->TEST.ATE) { if(!TryAlphaTest(p.fm, p.zm)) { p.sel.atst = context->TEST.ATST; p.sel.afail = context->TEST.AFAIL; } } bool fwrite = p.fm != 0xffffffff; bool ftest = p.sel.atst != ATST_ALWAYS || context->TEST.DATE && context->FRAME.PSM != PSM_PSMCT24; p.sel.fwrite = fwrite; p.sel.ftest = ftest; if(fwrite || ftest) { p.sel.fpsm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[context->FRAME.PSM].fmt; if((primclass == GS_LINE_CLASS || primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS) && m_vt.m_eq.rgba != 0xffff) { p.sel.iip = PRIM->IIP; } if(PRIM->TME) { p.sel.tfx = context->TEX0.TFX; p.sel.tcc = context->TEX0.TCC; p.sel.fst = PRIM->FST; p.sel.ltf = IsLinear(); p.sel.tlu = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[context->TEX0.PSM].pal > 0; p.sel.wms = context->CLAMP.WMS; p.sel.wmt = context->CLAMP.WMT; if(p.sel.tfx == TFX_MODULATE && p.sel.tcc && m_vt.m_eq.rgba == 0xffff && m_vt.m_min.c.eq(GSVector4i(128))) { // modulate does not do anything when vertex color is 0x80 p.sel.tfx = TFX_DECAL; } if(p.sel.fst == 0) { // skip per pixel division if q is constant GSVertexSW* v = m_vertices; if(m_vt.m_eq.q) { p.sel.fst = 1; if(v[0].t.z != 1.0f) { GSVector4 w = v[0].t.zzzz().rcpnr(); for(int i = 0, j = m_count; i < j; i++) { v[i].t *= w; } } } else if(primclass == GS_SPRITE_CLASS) { p.sel.fst = 1; for(int i = 0, j = m_count; i < j; i += 2) { GSVector4 w = v[i + 1].t.zzzz().rcpnr(); v[i + 0].t *= w; v[i + 1].t *= w; } } } if(p.sel.ltf) { GSVector4 half(0x8000, 0x8000); if(p.sel.fst) { // if q is constant we can do the half pel shift for bilinear sampling on the vertices GSVertexSW* v = m_vertices; for(int i = 0, j = m_count; i < j; i++) { v[i].t -= half; } } } GSVector4i r; GetTextureMinMax(r, p.sel.ltf); const GSTextureCacheSW::GSTexture* t = m_tc->Lookup(context->TEX0, env.TEXA, r); if(!t) {ASSERT(0); return;} p.tex = t->m_buff; p.clut = m_mem.m_clut; p.tw = t->m_tw; } p.sel.fge = PRIM->FGE; if(context->FRAME.PSM != PSM_PSMCT24) { p.sel.date = context->TEST.DATE; p.sel.datm = context->TEST.DATM; } if(!IsOpaque()) { p.sel.abe = PRIM->ABE; p.sel.ababcd = context->ALPHA.u32[0]; if(env.PABE.PABE) { p.sel.pabe = 1; } if(m_aa1 && PRIM->AA1 && (primclass == GS_LINE_CLASS || primclass == GS_TRIANGLE_CLASS)) { p.sel.aa1 = 1; } } if(p.sel.date || p.sel.aba == 1 || p.sel.abb == 1 || p.sel.abc == 1 || p.sel.abd == 1 || p.sel.atst != ATST_ALWAYS && p.sel.afail == AFAIL_RGB_ONLY || p.sel.fpsm == 0 && p.fm != 0 && p.fm != 0xffffffff || p.sel.fpsm == 1 && (p.fm & 0x00ffffff) != 0 && (p.fm & 0x00ffffff) != 0x00ffffff || p.sel.fpsm == 2 && (p.fm & 0x80f8f8f8) != 0 && (p.fm & 0x80f8f8f8) != 0x80f8f8f8) { p.sel.rfb = 1; } p.sel.colclamp = env.COLCLAMP.CLAMP; p.sel.fba = context->FBA.FBA; p.sel.dthe = env.DTHE.DTHE; } bool zwrite = p.zm != 0xffffffff; bool ztest = context->TEST.ZTE && context->TEST.ZTST > ZTST_ALWAYS; p.sel.zwrite = zwrite; p.sel.ztest = ztest; if(zwrite || ztest) { p.sel.zpsm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[context->ZBUF.PSM].fmt; p.sel.ztst = ztest ? context->TEST.ZTST : ZTST_ALWAYS; p.sel.zoverflow = GSVector4i(m_vt.m_max.p).z == 0x80000000; } } void GSRendererSW::DoVertexKick() { const bool tme = PRIM->TME; const bool fst = PRIM->FST; const GSDrawingContext& context = *m_context; GSVector4i xy = GSVector4i::load((int)m_v.XYZ.u32[0]); xy = xy.insert16<3>(m_v.FOG.F); xy = xy.upl16(); xy -= context.XYOFFSET; GSVertexSW& dst = m_vl.AddTail(); dst.p = GSVector4(xy) * g_pos_scale; dst.c = GSVector4(GSVector4i::load((int)m_v.RGBAQ.u32[0]).u8to32() << 7); if(tme) { float q; if(fst) { dst.t = GSVector4(((GSVector4i)m_v.UV).upl16() << (16 - 4)); q = 1.0f; } else { dst.t = GSVector4(m_v.ST.S, m_v.ST.T); dst.t *= GSVector4(0x10000 << context.TEX0.TW, 0x10000 << context.TEX0.TH); q = m_v.RGBAQ.Q; } dst.t = dst.t.xyxy(GSVector4::load(q)); } dst.p.z = (float)min(m_v.XYZ.Z, 0xffffff00); // max value which can survive the uint32 => float => uint32 conversion } template< uint32 prim > void GSRendererSW::DrawingKick( bool skip ) { int count; // BaseDrawingKick can never return NULL here because the DrawingKick function // tables route to DrawingKickNull for GS_INVLALID prim types (and that's the only // condition where this function would return NULL). GSVertexSW* v = BaseDrawingKick(count); if (skip || !v) return; if(!m_dump) { GSVector4 pmin, pmax; switch(prim) { case GS_POINTLIST: pmin = v[0].p; pmax = v[0].p; break; case GS_LINELIST: case GS_LINESTRIP: case GS_SPRITE: pmin = v[0].p.min(v[1].p); pmax = v[0].p.max(v[1].p); break; case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: pmin = v[0].p.min(v[1].p).min(v[2].p); pmax = v[0].p.max(v[1].p).max(v[2].p); break; } GSVector4 scissor = m_context->scissor.ex; GSVector4 test = (pmax < scissor) | (pmin > scissor.zwxy()); switch(prim) { case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: case GS_SPRITE: test |= pmin.ceil() == pmax.ceil(); break; } switch(prim) { case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: // are in line or just two of them are the same (cross product == 0) GSVector4 tmp = (v[1].p - v[0].p) * (v[2].p - v[0].p).yxwz(); test |= tmp == tmp.yxwz(); break; } if(test.mask() & 3) { return; } } switch(prim) { case GS_POINTLIST: break; case GS_LINELIST: case GS_LINESTRIP: if(PRIM->IIP == 0) {v[0].c = v[1].c;} break; case GS_TRIANGLELIST: case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: if(PRIM->IIP == 0) {v[0].c = v[2].c; v[1].c = v[2].c;} break; case GS_SPRITE: break; } if(m_count < 30 && m_count >= 3) { GSVertexSW* v = &m_vertices[m_count - 3]; int tl = 0; int br = 0; bool isquad = false; switch(prim) { case GS_TRIANGLESTRIP: case GS_TRIANGLEFAN: case GS_TRIANGLELIST: isquad = GSVertexSW::IsQuad(v, tl, br); break; } if(isquad) { m_count -= 3; if(m_count > 0) { tl += m_count; br += m_count; Flush(); } if(tl != 0) m_vertices[0] = m_vertices[tl]; if(br != 1) m_vertices[1] = m_vertices[br]; m_count = 2; uint32 tmp = PRIM->PRIM; PRIM->PRIM = GS_SPRITE; Flush(); PRIM->PRIM = tmp; m_perfmon.Put(GSPerfMon::Quad, 1); return; } } m_count += count; }