/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "GSdx.h" #include "GSUtil.h" #include "GSRendererSW.h" #include "GSRendererNull.h" #include "GSDeviceNull.h" #include "GSDeviceOGL.h" #include "GSRendererOGL.h" #include "GSRendererCL.h" #ifdef _WINDOWS #include "GSRendererDX9.h" #include "GSRendererDX11.h" #include "GSDevice9.h" #include "GSDevice11.h" #include "GSWndDX.h" #include "GSWndWGL.h" #include "GSRendererCS.h" #include "GSSettingsDlg.h" static HRESULT s_hr = E_FAIL; #else #include "GSWndOGL.h" #include "GSWndEGL.h" #include #include extern bool RunLinuxDialog(); #endif #define PS2E_LT_GS 0x01 #define PS2E_GS_VERSION 0x0006 #define PS2E_X86 0x01 // 32 bit #define PS2E_X86_64 0x02 // 64 bit static GSRenderer* s_gs = NULL; static void (*s_irq)() = NULL; static uint8* s_basemem = NULL; static int s_renderer = -1; static bool s_framelimit = true; static bool s_vsync = false; static bool s_exclusive = true; #ifdef _WINDOWS static bool s_isgsopen2 = false; // boolean to remove some stuff from the config panel in new PCSX2's/ #endif bool gsopen_done = false; // crash guard for GSgetTitleInfo2 EXPORT_C_(uint32) PS2EgetLibType() { return PS2E_LT_GS; } EXPORT_C_(const char*) PS2EgetLibName() { return GSUtil::GetLibName(); } EXPORT_C_(uint32) PS2EgetLibVersion2(uint32 type) { const uint32 revision = 0; const uint32 build = 1; return (build << 0) | (revision << 8) | (PS2E_GS_VERSION << 16) | (PLUGIN_VERSION << 24); } #ifdef _WINDOWS EXPORT_C_(void) PS2EsetEmuVersion(const char* emuId, uint32 version) { s_isgsopen2 = true; } #endif EXPORT_C_(uint32) PS2EgetCpuPlatform() { #ifdef _M_AMD64 return PS2E_X86_64; #else return PS2E_X86; #endif } EXPORT_C GSsetBaseMem(uint8* mem) { s_basemem = mem; if(s_gs) { s_gs->SetRegsMem(s_basemem); } } EXPORT_C GSsetSettingsDir(const char* dir) { theApp.SetConfigDir(dir); } EXPORT_C_(int) GSinit() { if(!GSUtil::CheckSSE()) { return -1; } #ifdef _WINDOWS s_hr = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(!GSUtil::CheckDirectX()) { return -1; } #endif return 0; } EXPORT_C GSshutdown() { gsopen_done = false; delete s_gs; s_gs = NULL; s_renderer = -1; #ifdef _WINDOWS if(SUCCEEDED(s_hr)) { ::CoUninitialize(); s_hr = E_FAIL; } #endif } EXPORT_C GSclose() { gsopen_done = false; if(s_gs == NULL) return; s_gs->ResetDevice(); // Opengl requirement: It must be done before the Detach() of // the context delete s_gs->m_dev; s_gs->m_dev = NULL; if (s_gs->m_wnd) { s_gs->m_wnd->Detach(); } } static int _GSopen(void** dsp, char* title, int renderer, int threads = -1) { // I really don't know the impact on windows! It could work #ifdef __linux__ if (theApp.GetConfig("enable_nvidia_multi_thread", 1)) { setenv("__GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS", "1", 0); } #endif GSDevice* dev = NULL; if(renderer == -1) { renderer = theApp.GetConfig("renderer", 0); } if(threads == -1) { threads = theApp.GetConfig("extrathreads", 0); } GSWnd* wnd[2]; try { if(s_renderer != renderer) { // Emulator has made a render change request, which requires a completely // new s_gs -- if the emu doesn't save/restore the GS state across this // GSopen call then they'll get corrupted graphics, but that's not my problem. delete s_gs; s_gs = NULL; } switch(renderer) { default: #ifdef _WINDOWS case 0: case 1: case 2: case 14: dev = new GSDevice9(); break; case 3: case 4: case 5: case 15: dev = new GSDevice11(); break; #endif case 9: case 10: case 11: case 16: dev = new GSDeviceNull(); break; case 12: case 13: case 17: dev = new GSDeviceOGL(); break; } if(dev == NULL) { return -1; } if(s_gs == NULL) { switch(renderer) { default: #ifdef _WINDOWS case 0: s_gs = (GSRenderer*)new GSRendererDX9(); break; case 3: s_gs = (GSRenderer*)new GSRendererDX11(); break; #endif case 12: s_gs = (GSRenderer*)new GSRendererOGL(); break; case 1: case 4: case 10: case 13: s_gs = new GSRendererSW(threads); break; case 2: case 5: case 11: s_gs = new GSRendererNull(); break; case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: #ifdef ENABLE_OPENCL s_gs = new GSRendererCL(); #else printf("GSdx error: opencl is disabled\n"); #endif break; } if (s_gs == NULL) return -1; s_renderer = renderer; } if (s_gs->m_wnd == NULL) { #ifdef _WINDOWS switch(renderer) { case 12: case 13: case 17: s_gs->m_wnd = new GSWndWGL(); break; default: s_gs->m_wnd = new GSWndDX(); break; } #else wnd[0] = new GSWndOGL(); #ifdef EGL_SUPPORTED wnd[1] = new GSWndEGL(); #else wnd[1] = NULL; #endif #endif } } catch(std::exception& ex) { // Allowing std exceptions to escape the scope of the plugin callstack could // be problematic, because of differing typeids between DLL and EXE compilations. // ('new' could throw std::alloc) printf("GSdx error: Exception caught in GSopen: %s", ex.what()); return -1; } s_gs->SetRegsMem(s_basemem); s_gs->SetIrqCallback(s_irq); s_gs->SetVSync(s_vsync); s_gs->SetFrameLimit(s_framelimit); if(*dsp == NULL) { // old-style API expects us to create and manage our own window: int w = theApp.GetConfig("ModeWidth", 0); int h = theApp.GetConfig("ModeHeight", 0); #ifdef __linux__ for(uint32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { if (wnd[i] == NULL) continue; wnd[i]->Create(title, w, h); s_gs->m_wnd = wnd[i]; if (i == 0) delete wnd[1]; break; } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { wnd[i]->Detach(); delete wnd[i]; } } if (s_gs->m_wnd == NULL) { GSclose(); return -1; } #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS if(!s_gs->CreateWnd(title, w, h)) { GSclose(); return -1; } #endif s_gs->m_wnd->Show(); *dsp = s_gs->m_wnd->GetDisplay(); } else { s_gs->SetMultithreaded(true); #ifdef __linux__ if (s_gs->m_wnd) { // A window was already attached to s_gs so we also // need to restore the window state (Attach) s_gs->m_wnd->Attach((void*)((uptr*)(dsp)+1), false); } else { // No window found, try to attach a GLX win and retry // with EGL win if failed. for(uint32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { try { if (wnd[i] == NULL) continue; wnd[i]->Attach((void*)((uptr*)(dsp)+1), false); s_gs->m_wnd = wnd[i]; if (i == 0) delete wnd[1]; break; } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { wnd[i]->Detach(); delete wnd[i]; } } } #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS try { s_gs->m_wnd->Attach(*dsp, false); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { s_gs->m_wnd->Detach(); delete s_gs->m_wnd; s_gs->m_wnd = NULL; } #endif if (s_gs->m_wnd == NULL) { return -1; } } if(!s_gs->CreateDevice(dev)) { // This probably means the user has DX11 configured with a video card that is only DX9 // compliant. Cound mean drivr issues of some sort also, but to be sure, that's the most // common cause of device creation errors. :) --air GSclose(); return -1; } return 0; } EXPORT_C_(int) GSopen2(void** dsp, uint32 flags) { #ifdef __linux__ // Use ogl renderer as default otherwise it crash at startup // GSRenderOGL only GSDeviceOGL (not GSDeviceNULL) int renderer = theApp.GetConfig("renderer", 12); #else int renderer = theApp.GetConfig("renderer", 0); #endif if(flags & 4) { #ifdef _WINDOWS int best_sw_renderer = GSUtil::CheckDirect3D11Level() >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 ? 4 : 1; // dx11 / dx9 sw switch(renderer){ // Use alternative renderer (SW if currently using HW renderer, and vice versa, keeping the same DX level) case 1: renderer = 0; break; // DX9: SW to HW case 0: renderer = 1; break; // DX9: HW to SW case 4: renderer = 3; break; // DX11: SW to HW case 3: renderer = 4; break; // DX11: HW to SW case 13: renderer = 12; break; // OGL: SW to HW case 12: renderer = 13; break; // OGL: HW to SW default: renderer = best_sw_renderer; // If wasn't using DX (e.g. SDL), use best SW renderer. } #endif #ifdef __linux__ switch(renderer) { case 13: renderer = 12; break; // OGL: SW to HW case 12: renderer = 13; break; // OGL: HW to SW } #endif } int retval = _GSopen(dsp, NULL, renderer); if (s_gs != NULL) s_gs->SetAspectRatio(0); // PCSX2 manages the aspect ratios gsopen_done = true; return retval; } EXPORT_C_(int) GSopen(void** dsp, char* title, int mt) { /* if(!XInitThreads()) return -1; Display* display = XOpenDisplay(0); XCloseDisplay(display); */ int renderer = 0; // Legacy GUI expects to acquire vsync from the configuration files. s_vsync = !!theApp.GetConfig("vsync", 0); if(mt == 2) { // pcsx2 sent a switch renderer request #ifdef _WINDOWS renderer = GSUtil::CheckDirect3D11Level() >= D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_10_0 ? 4 : 1; // dx11 / dx9 sw #endif mt = 1; } else { // normal init renderer = theApp.GetConfig("renderer", 0); } *dsp = NULL; int retval = _GSopen(dsp, title, renderer); if(retval == 0 && s_gs) { s_gs->SetMultithreaded(!!mt); } gsopen_done = true; return retval; } EXPORT_C GSreset() { try { s_gs->Reset(); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSgifSoftReset(uint32 mask) { try { s_gs->SoftReset(mask); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSwriteCSR(uint32 csr) { try { s_gs->WriteCSR(csr); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSinitReadFIFO(uint8* mem) { GL_PERF("Init Read FIFO1"); try { s_gs->InitReadFIFO(mem, 1); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSreadFIFO(uint8* mem) { try { s_gs->ReadFIFO(mem, 1); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSinitReadFIFO2(uint8* mem, uint32 size) { GL_PERF("Init Read FIFO2"); try { s_gs->InitReadFIFO(mem, size); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSreadFIFO2(uint8* mem, uint32 size) { try { s_gs->ReadFIFO(mem, size); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSgifTransfer(const uint8* mem, uint32 size) { try { s_gs->Transfer<3>(mem, size); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSgifTransfer1(uint8* mem, uint32 addr) { try { s_gs->Transfer<0>(const_cast(mem) + addr, (0x4000 - addr) / 16); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSgifTransfer2(uint8* mem, uint32 size) { try { s_gs->Transfer<1>(const_cast(mem), size); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSgifTransfer3(uint8* mem, uint32 size) { try { s_gs->Transfer<2>(const_cast(mem), size); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C GSvsync(int field) { try { #ifdef _WINDOWS if(s_gs->m_wnd->IsManaged()) { MSG msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); while(msg.message != WM_QUIT && PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } #endif s_gs->VSync(field); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C_(uint32) GSmakeSnapshot(char* path) { try { string s(path); if(!s.empty() && s[s.length() - 1] != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) { s = s + DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } return s_gs->MakeSnapshot(s + "gsdx"); } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { return false; } } EXPORT_C GSkeyEvent(GSKeyEventData* e) { try { if(gsopen_done) { s_gs->KeyEvent(e); } } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C_(int) GSfreeze(int mode, GSFreezeData* data) { try { if(mode == FREEZE_SAVE) { return s_gs->Freeze(data, false); } else if(mode == FREEZE_SIZE) { return s_gs->Freeze(data, true); } else if(mode == FREEZE_LOAD) { return s_gs->Defrost(data); } } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } return 0; } EXPORT_C GSconfigure() { try { if(!GSUtil::CheckSSE()) return; #ifdef _WINDOWS if(GSSettingsDlg(s_isgsopen2).DoModal() == IDOK) { if(s_gs != NULL && s_gs->m_wnd->IsManaged()) { // Legacy apps like gsdxgui expect this... GSshutdown(); } } #else if (RunLinuxDialog()) { theApp.ReloadConfig(); } #endif // Force a reload of the gs state s_renderer = -1; } catch (GSDXRecoverableError) { } } EXPORT_C_(int) GStest() { if(!GSUtil::CheckSSE()) { return -1; } #ifdef _WINDOWS s_hr = ::CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(!GSUtil::CheckDirectX()) { if(SUCCEEDED(s_hr)) { ::CoUninitialize(); } s_hr = E_FAIL; return -1; } if(SUCCEEDED(s_hr)) { ::CoUninitialize(); } s_hr = E_FAIL; #endif return 0; } EXPORT_C GSabout() { } EXPORT_C GSirqCallback(void (*irq)()) { s_irq = irq; if(s_gs) { s_gs->SetIrqCallback(s_irq); } } void pt(const char* str){ struct tm *current; time_t now; time(&now); current = localtime(&now); printf("%02i:%02i:%02i%s", current->tm_hour, current->tm_min, current->tm_sec, str); } EXPORT_C_(int) GSsetupRecording(int start, void* data) { if (s_gs == NULL) { printf("GSdx: no s_gs for recording\n"); return 0; } #ifdef __linux__ if (theApp.GetConfig("capture_enabled", 0)) { printf("GSdx: Recording is disabled\n"); return 0; } #endif if(start & 1) { printf("GSdx: Recording start command\n"); if( s_gs->BeginCapture() ) pt(" - Capture started\n"); } else { printf("GSdx: Recording end command\n"); s_gs->EndCapture(); pt(" - Capture ended\n"); } return 1; } EXPORT_C GSsetGameCRC(uint32 crc, int options) { s_gs->SetGameCRC(crc, options); } EXPORT_C GSgetLastTag(uint32* tag) { s_gs->GetLastTag(tag); } EXPORT_C GSgetTitleInfo2(char* dest, size_t length) { if (gsopen_done == false) { //printf("GSdx: GSgetTitleInfo but GSOpen not yet done. Ignoring\n"); return; } string s = "GSdx"; // TODO: this gets called from a different thread concurrently with GSOpen (on linux) if(s_gs == NULL) return; if(s_gs->m_GStitleInfoBuffer[0]) { #ifdef _CX11_ std::lock_guard lock(s_gs->m_pGSsetTitle_Crit); #else GSAutoLock lock(&s_gs->m_pGSsetTitle_Crit); #endif s = format("GSdx | %s", s_gs->m_GStitleInfoBuffer); if(s.size() > length - 1) { s = s.substr(0, length - 1); } } strcpy(dest, s.c_str()); } EXPORT_C GSsetFrameSkip(int frameskip) { s_gs->SetFrameSkip(frameskip); } EXPORT_C GSsetVsync(int enabled) { s_vsync = !!enabled; if(s_gs) { s_gs->SetVSync(s_vsync); } } EXPORT_C GSsetExclusive(int enabled) { s_exclusive = !!enabled; if(s_gs) { s_gs->SetVSync(s_vsync); } } EXPORT_C GSsetFrameLimit(int limit) { s_framelimit = !!limit; if(s_gs) { s_gs->SetFrameLimit(s_framelimit); } } #ifdef _WINDOWS #include #include class Console { HANDLE m_console; string m_title; public: Console::Console(LPCSTR title, bool open) : m_console(NULL) , m_title(title) { if(open) Open(); } Console::~Console() { Close(); } void Console::Open() { if(m_console == NULL) { CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbiInfo; AllocConsole(); SetConsoleTitle(m_title.c_str()); m_console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); COORD size; size.X = 100; size.Y = 300; SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(m_console, size); GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(m_console, &csbiInfo); SMALL_RECT rect; rect = csbiInfo.srWindow; rect.Right = rect.Left + 99; rect.Bottom = rect.Top + 64; SetConsoleWindowInfo(m_console, TRUE, &rect); *stdout = *_fdopen(_open_osfhandle((long)m_console, _O_TEXT), "w"); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); } } void Console::Close() { if(m_console != NULL) { FreeConsole(); m_console = NULL; } } }; // lpszCmdLine: // First parameter is the renderer. // Second parameter is the gs file to load and run. EXPORT_C GSReplay(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { int renderer = -1; { char* start = lpszCmdLine; char* end = NULL; long n = strtol(lpszCmdLine, &end, 10); if(end > start) {renderer = n; lpszCmdLine = end;} } while(*lpszCmdLine == ' ') lpszCmdLine++; ::SetPriorityClass(::GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS); if(FILE* fp = fopen(lpszCmdLine, "rb")) { Console console("GSdx", true); GSinit(); uint8 regs[0x2000]; GSsetBaseMem(regs); s_vsync = !!theApp.GetConfig("vsync", 0); HWND hWnd = NULL; _GSopen((void**)&hWnd, "", renderer); uint32 crc; fread(&crc, 4, 1, fp); GSsetGameCRC(crc, 0); GSFreezeData fd; fread(&fd.size, 4, 1, fp); fd.data = new uint8[fd.size]; fread(fd.data, fd.size, 1, fp); GSfreeze(FREEZE_LOAD, &fd); delete [] fd.data; fread(regs, 0x2000, 1, fp); long start = ftell(fp); GSvsync(1); struct Packet {uint8 type, param; uint32 size, addr; vector buff;}; list packets; vector buff; int type; while((type = fgetc(fp)) != EOF) { Packet* p = new Packet(); p->type = (uint8)type; switch(type) { case 0: p->param = (uint8)fgetc(fp); fread(&p->size, 4, 1, fp); switch(p->param) { case 0: p->buff.resize(0x4000); p->addr = 0x4000 - p->size; fread(&p->buff[p->addr], p->size, 1, fp); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: p->buff.resize(p->size); fread(&p->buff[0], p->size, 1, fp); break; } break; case 1: p->param = (uint8)fgetc(fp); break; case 2: fread(&p->size, 4, 1, fp); break; case 3: p->buff.resize(0x2000); fread(&p->buff[0], 0x2000, 1, fp); break; } packets.push_back(p); } Sleep(100); while(IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) { for(list::iterator i = packets.begin(); i != packets.end(); i++) { Packet* p = *i; switch(p->type) { case 0: switch(p->param) { case 0: GSgifTransfer1(&p->buff[0], p->addr); break; case 1: GSgifTransfer2(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 2: GSgifTransfer3(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 3: GSgifTransfer(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; } break; case 1: GSvsync(p->param); break; case 2: if(buff.size() < p->size) buff.resize(p->size); GSreadFIFO2(&buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 3: memcpy(regs, &p->buff[0], 0x2000); break; } } } for(list::iterator i = packets.begin(); i != packets.end(); i++) { delete *i; } packets.clear(); Sleep(100); /* vector buff; bool exit = false; int round = 0; while(!exit) { uint32 index; uint32 size; uint32 addr; int pos; switch(fgetc(fp)) { case EOF: fseek(fp, start, 0); exit = !IsWindowVisible(hWnd); //exit = ++round == 60; break; case 0: index = fgetc(fp); fread(&size, 4, 1, fp); switch(index) { case 0: if(buff.size() < 0x4000) buff.resize(0x4000); addr = 0x4000 - size; fread(&buff[addr], size, 1, fp); GSgifTransfer1(&buff[0], addr); break; case 1: if(buff.size() < size) buff.resize(size); fread(&buff[0], size, 1, fp); GSgifTransfer2(&buff[0], size / 16); break; case 2: if(buff.size() < size) buff.resize(size); fread(&buff[0], size, 1, fp); GSgifTransfer3(&buff[0], size / 16); break; case 3: if(buff.size() < size) buff.resize(size); fread(&buff[0], size, 1, fp); GSgifTransfer(&buff[0], size / 16); break; } break; case 1: GSvsync(fgetc(fp)); exit = !IsWindowVisible(hWnd); break; case 2: fread(&size, 4, 1, fp); if(buff.size() < size) buff.resize(size); GSreadFIFO2(&buff[0], size / 16); break; case 3: fread(regs, 0x2000, 1, fp); break; } } */ GSclose(); GSshutdown(); fclose(fp); } } EXPORT_C GSBenchmark(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { ::SetPriorityClass(::GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS); Console console("GSdx", true); if(1) { GSLocalMemory* mem = new GSLocalMemory(); static struct {int psm; const char* name;} s_format[] = { {PSM_PSMCT32, "32"}, {PSM_PSMCT24, "24"}, {PSM_PSMCT16, "16"}, {PSM_PSMCT16S, "16S"}, {PSM_PSMT8, "8"}, {PSM_PSMT4, "4"}, {PSM_PSMT8H, "8H"}, {PSM_PSMT4HL, "4HL"}, {PSM_PSMT4HH, "4HH"}, {PSM_PSMZ32, "32Z"}, {PSM_PSMZ24, "24Z"}, {PSM_PSMZ16, "16Z"}, {PSM_PSMZ16S, "16ZS"}, }; uint8* ptr = (uint8*)_aligned_malloc(1024 * 1024 * 4, 32); for(int i = 0; i < 1024 * 1024 * 4; i++) ptr[i] = (uint8)i; // for(int tbw = 5; tbw <= 10; tbw++) { int n = 256 << ((10 - tbw) * 2); int w = 1 << tbw; int h = 1 << tbw; printf("%d x %d\n\n", w, h); for(size_t i = 0; i < countof(s_format); i++) { const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[s_format[i].psm]; GSLocalMemory::writeImage wi = psm.wi; GSLocalMemory::readImage ri = psm.ri; GSLocalMemory::readTexture rtx = psm.rtx; GSLocalMemory::readTexture rtxP = psm.rtxP; GIFRegBITBLTBUF BITBLTBUF; BITBLTBUF.SBP = 0; BITBLTBUF.SBW = w / 64; BITBLTBUF.SPSM = s_format[i].psm; BITBLTBUF.DBP = 0; BITBLTBUF.DBW = w / 64; BITBLTBUF.DPSM = s_format[i].psm; GIFRegTRXPOS TRXPOS; TRXPOS.SSAX = 0; TRXPOS.SSAY = 0; TRXPOS.DSAX = 0; TRXPOS.DSAY = 0; GIFRegTRXREG TRXREG; TRXREG.RRW = w; TRXREG.RRH = h; GSVector4i r(0, 0, w, h); GIFRegTEX0 TEX0; TEX0.TBP0 = 0; TEX0.TBW = w / 64; GIFRegTEXA TEXA; TEXA.TA0 = 0; TEXA.TA1 = 0x80; TEXA.AEM = 0; int trlen = w * h * psm.trbpp / 8; int len = w * h * psm.bpp / 8; clock_t start, end; printf("[%4s] ", s_format[i].name); start = clock(); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { int x = 0; int y = 0; (mem->*wi)(x, y, ptr, trlen, BITBLTBUF, TRXPOS, TRXREG); } end = clock(); printf("%6d %6d | ", (int)((float)trlen * n / (end - start) / 1000), (int)((float)(w * h) * n / (end - start) / 1000)); start = clock(); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { int x = 0; int y = 0; (mem->*ri)(x, y, ptr, trlen, BITBLTBUF, TRXPOS, TRXREG); } end = clock(); printf("%6d %6d | ", (int)((float)trlen * n / (end - start) / 1000), (int)((float)(w * h) * n / (end - start) / 1000)); const GSOffset* off = mem->GetOffset(TEX0.TBP0, TEX0.TBW, TEX0.PSM); start = clock(); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { (mem->*rtx)(off, r, ptr, w * 4, TEXA); } end = clock(); printf("%6d %6d ", (int)((float)len * n / (end - start) / 1000), (int)((float)(w * h) * n / (end - start) / 1000)); if(psm.pal > 0) { start = clock(); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { (mem->*rtxP)(off, r, ptr, w, TEXA); } end = clock(); printf("| %6d %6d ", (int)((float)len * n / (end - start) / 1000), (int)((float)(w * h) * n / (end - start) / 1000)); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } _aligned_free(ptr); delete mem; } // if(0) { GSLocalMemory* mem = new GSLocalMemory(); uint8* ptr = (uint8*)_aligned_malloc(1024 * 1024 * 4, 32); for(int i = 0; i < 1024 * 1024 * 4; i++) ptr[i] = (uint8)i; const GSLocalMemory::psm_t& psm = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[PSM_PSMCT32]; GSLocalMemory::writeImage wi = psm.wi; GIFRegBITBLTBUF BITBLTBUF; BITBLTBUF.DBP = 0; BITBLTBUF.DBW = 32; BITBLTBUF.DPSM = PSM_PSMCT32; GIFRegTRXPOS TRXPOS; TRXPOS.DSAX = 0; TRXPOS.DSAY = 1; GIFRegTRXREG TRXREG; TRXREG.RRW = 256; TRXREG.RRH = 256; int trlen = 256 * 256 * psm.trbpp / 8; int x = 0; int y = 0; (mem->*wi)(x, y, ptr, trlen, BITBLTBUF, TRXPOS, TRXREG); delete mem; } // PostQuitMessage(0); } #endif #ifdef __linux__ #include #include // ftime(), struct timeb #include "GSLzma.h" inline unsigned long timeGetTime() { timeb t; ftime(&t); return (unsigned long)(t.time*1000 + t.millitm); } // Note EXPORT_C GSReplay(char* lpszCmdLine, int renderer) { GLLoader::in_replayer = true; // Allow to easyly switch between SW/HW renderer renderer = theApp.GetConfig("renderer", 12); if (renderer != 12 && renderer != 13) { fprintf(stderr, "wrong renderer selected %d\n", renderer); return; } struct Packet {uint8 type, param; uint32 size, addr; vector buff;}; list packets; vector buff; vector stats; stats.clear(); uint8 regs[0x2000]; GSinit(); GSsetBaseMem(regs); s_vsync = !!theApp.GetConfig("vsync", 0); void* hWnd = NULL; int err = _GSopen((void**)&hWnd, "", renderer); if (err != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error failed to GSopen\n"); return; } if (s_gs->m_wnd == NULL) return; { std::string f(lpszCmdLine); #ifdef LZMA_SUPPORTED GSDumpFile* file = (f.size() >= 4) && (f.compare(f.size()-3, 3, ".xz") == 0) ? (GSDumpFile*) new GSDumpLzma(lpszCmdLine) : (GSDumpFile*) new GSDumpRaw(lpszCmdLine); #else GSDumpFile* file = new GSDumpRaw(lpszCmdLine); #endif uint32 crc; file->Read(&crc, 4); GSsetGameCRC(crc, 0); GSFreezeData fd; file->Read(&fd.size, 4); fd.data = new uint8[fd.size]; file->Read(fd.data, fd.size); GSfreeze(FREEZE_LOAD, &fd); delete [] fd.data; file->Read(regs, 0x2000); GSvsync(1); while(!file->IsEof()) { uint8 type; file->Read(&type, 1); Packet* p = new Packet(); p->type = type; switch(type) { case 0: file->Read(&p->param, 1); file->Read(&p->size, 4); switch(p->param) { case 0: p->buff.resize(0x4000); p->addr = 0x4000 - p->size; file->Read(&p->buff[p->addr], p->size); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: p->buff.resize(p->size); file->Read(&p->buff[0], p->size); break; } break; case 1: file->Read(&p->param, 1); break; case 2: file->Read(&p->size, 4); break; case 3: p->buff.resize(0x2000); file->Read(&p->buff[0], 0x2000); break; } packets.push_back(p); } delete file; } sleep(1); //while(IsWindowVisible(hWnd)) //FIXME map? int finished = theApp.GetConfig("linux_replay", 1); if (theApp.GetConfig("dump", 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Dump is enabled. Replay will be disabled\n"); finished = 1; } unsigned long frame_number = 0; unsigned long total_frame_nb = 0; while(finished > 0) { frame_number = 0; unsigned long start = timeGetTime(); for(auto i = packets.begin(); i != packets.end(); i++) { Packet* p = *i; switch(p->type) { case 0: switch(p->param) { case 0: GSgifTransfer1(&p->buff[0], p->addr); break; case 1: GSgifTransfer2(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 2: GSgifTransfer3(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 3: GSgifTransfer(&p->buff[0], p->size / 16); break; } break; case 1: GSvsync(p->param); frame_number++; break; case 2: if(buff.size() < p->size) buff.resize(p->size); GSreadFIFO2(&buff[0], p->size / 16); break; case 3: memcpy(regs, &p->buff[0], 0x2000); break; } } unsigned long end = timeGetTime(); fprintf(stderr, "The %ld frames of the scene was render on %ldms\n", frame_number, end - start); fprintf(stderr, "A means of %fms by frame\n", (float)(end - start)/(float)frame_number); stats.push_back((float)(end - start)); sleep(1); finished--; total_frame_nb += frame_number; } if (theApp.GetConfig("linux_replay", 1) > 1) { // Print some nice stats // Skip first frame (shader compilation populate the result) // it divides by 10 the standard deviation... float n = (float)theApp.GetConfig("linux_replay", 1) - 1.0f; float mean = 0; float sd = 0; for (auto i = stats.begin()+1; i != stats.end(); i++) { mean += *i; } mean = mean/n; for (auto i = stats.begin()+1; i != stats.end(); i++) { sd += pow((*i)-mean, 2); } sd = sqrt(sd/n); fprintf(stderr, "\n\nMean: %fms\n", mean); fprintf(stderr, "Standard deviation: %fms\n", sd); fprintf(stderr, "Mean by frame: %fms (%ffps)\n", mean/(float)frame_number, 1000.0f*frame_number/mean); fprintf(stderr, "Standard deviatin by frame: %fms\n", sd/(float)frame_number); } #ifdef ENABLE_OGL_DEBUG_MEM_BW total_frame_nb *= 1024; fprintf(stderr, "memory bandwith. T: %f KB/f. V: %f KB/f. U: %f KB/f\n", (float)g_real_texture_upload_byte/(float)total_frame_nb, (float)g_vertex_upload_byte/(float)total_frame_nb, (float)g_uniform_upload_byte/(float)total_frame_nb ); #endif for(auto i = packets.begin(); i != packets.end(); i++) { delete *i; } packets.clear(); sleep(1); GSclose(); GSshutdown(); } #endif