Over PCSX2
SCM= Source Code Management
SCM versie
<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 is een gratis en open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Het doel ervan is om de PS2'hardware te emuleren, met behulp van een combinatie van MIPS CPU Interpreters, Aanbevolen en en een virtuele machine die de hardware-toestand en het PS2-systeemgeheugen beheert. Dit stelt je in staat om PS2 spellen te spelen op je PC, met veel extra functies en voordelen.</p></body></html>
<html><head/><body><p>PlayStation 2 en PS2 zijn geregistreerde handelsmerken van Sony Interactive Entertainment. Deze aanvraag is op geen enkele manier geassocieerd met Sony Interactive Entertainment.</p></body></html>
Licenties van derden
Document bekijken
Bestand is niet gevonden: %1
Window title
Header text
Geef hieronder de gebruikersnaam en het wachtwoord voor retroachievements.org op. Uw wachtwoord wordt niet opgeslagen in PCSX2, in plaats daarvan wordt er een toegangstoken gegenereerd en gebruikt.
<strong>Je Retro prestaties login token is niet langer geldig.</strong> Je moet opnieuw je referenties invoeren om je prestaties te kunnen volgen. Jouw wachtwoord wordt niet opgeslagen in PCSX2, er wordt een toegangstoken gegenereerd en gebruikt.
Fout bij inloggen
Aanmelding mislukt.
Fout: %1
Controleer uw gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord en probeer het opnieuw.
Aanmelden mislukt.
Achievements inschakelen
Achievement tracking is op dit moment niet ingeschakeld. Uw login zal geen effect hebben totdat de tracking is ingeschakeld.
Wilt u het volgen nu inschakelen?
Schakel Hardcore-modus in
Hardcore-modus is momenteel niet ingeschakeld. Hardcore modus inschakelen maakt het mogelijk om recordtijden, scores en om deel te nemen aan spelspecifieke leidersborden.
Echter, hardcore modus voorkomt ook het gebruik van spelstaten, cheats en vertraagde functionaliteit.
Wilt u hardcore modus inschakelen?
Systeem Herstarten
Hardcore-modus zal niet worden ingeschakeld totdat het systeem is gereset. Wilt u het systeem nu herstarten?
Prestaties ingeschakeld
Hardcore modus inschakelen
Test Onofficiele Achievements
Geluidseffecten inschakelen
5 seconden
Profiel bekijken...
Schakel Kijkersmodus in
Schakel Herhalingsmodus in
Toon Prestatiemeldingen
Toon Scorebord meldingen
Schakel In-Spel Overlays in
Aanmeldingstoken gegenereerd op:
Game informatie
<html><head/><body><p align="justify">PCSX2 maakt gebruik van RetroAchievements als een prestatiesdatabase en voor het bijhouden van de vooruitgang. Om prestaties te gebruiken, meld u aan voor een account bij <a href="https://retroachievements.org/">retroachievements.org</a>.</p><p align="justify">De prestatielijst in-game bekijken. Druk op de sneltoets voor <span style=" font-weight:600;">Open Pause Menu</span> en selecteer <span style=" font-weight:600;">Prestaties</span> uit het menu.</p></body></html>
Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal PCSX2 ervan uitgaan dat alle prestaties vergrendeld zijn en geen ontgrendelmeldingen naar de server sturen.
Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal PCSX2 prestaties weergeven uit niet-officiƫle sets. Houd er rekening mee dat deze prestaties niet worden bijgehouden door RetroAchievements, dus ze ontgrendelen elke keer.
"Uitdaging" modus voor prestaties, inclusief het volgen van het scorebord. Schakelt het opslaan van staat, cheats en vertragingfuncties.
Speelt geluidseffecten af voor evenementen zoals prestatie-ontgrendelingen en het scorebord.
Toont pictogrammen in de rechterbenedenhoek van het scherm wanneer een uitdagings/voorbereid prestatie actief is.
Wanneer ingeschakeld en ingelogd, zal PCSX2 bij het opstarten scannen naar prestaties.
Toont pop-upberichten bij gebeurtenissen zoals het ontgrendelen van prestaties en het voltooien van het spel.
Toont pop-upberichten bij het starten, indienen of mislukken van een scoreborduitdaging.
Wanneer ingeschakeld, zal elke sessie zich voordoen alsof er geen prestaties zijn ontgrendeld.
Systeem Herstarten
Hardcore modus zal niet worden ingeschakeld totdat het systeem is gereset. Wilt u het systeem nu resetten?
%n seconden
%n seconds
Gebruikersnaam: %1
Aanmeldingstoken gegenereerd op %2.
Niet ingelogd.
Hardcore modus zal worden ingeschakeld bij een systeem reset.
{0} kan niet worden uitgevoerd wanneer de hardcore modus actief is. Wil je de hardcore modus uitschakelen? {0} zal worden geannuleerd als je voor Nee kiest.
Hardcore modus is nu ingeschakeld.
{} (Hardcore Mode)
{0}, {1}.
Achievement popup
You have unlocked {} of %n achievements
You have unlocked {} of %n achievements
Achievement popup
and earned {} of %n points
and earned {} of %n points
{} (Onofficieel)
Voltooid {} in Hardcore Modus
{0}, {1}
Mastery popup
%n achievements
%n achievements
Mastery popup
%n points
%n points
Scorebord poging gestart.
Scorebord poging mislukt.
Je tijd: {} {}
Je score: {}{}
Je waarde: {}{}
(Aan het indienen)
Prestaties Verbroken
Een ontgrendelverzoek kon niet worden voltooid. We zullen blijven proberen om dit verzoek in te dienen.
Prestaties Hersteld
Alle openstaande ontgrendel verzoeken zijn voltooid.
Hardcore modus is nu uitgeschakeld.
Score: {0} ({1} softcore)
Ongelezen berichten: {2}
Bevestig Hardcore Modus
Prestaties voor Actieve Uitdagingen
(Hardcore Modus)
Je hebt alle prestaties ontgrendeld en {} punten verdiend!
Je Tijd: {0} (Beste: {1})
Je Score{0} (Beste: {1})
Je Score{0} (Beste: {1})
Leiderbord Positie: {1} of {2}
Serverfout in {0}:
Je hebt {0} van de {1} prestaties ontgrendeld en {2} van de {3} mogelijke punten verdiend.
Niet ondersteund
Onlangs ontgrendeld
Actieve Uitdagingen
Bijna Voltooid
{} punten
{} punt
XXX punten
Ontgrendeld: {}
Dit spel heeft {} scoreborden.
Het indienen van scores is uitgeschakeld omdat de hardcore-modus uit staat. Scoreborden zijn alleen-lezen.
Toon De Beste
Toon Vlakbij
Datum Ingediend
Scorebord gegevens worden gedownload, even geduld alstublieft...
Scorebord download mislukt
Dit spel heeft geen verdienbare prestaties.
Kan uitvoerbaar bestand niet lezen van disc. Verdienbare prestaties uitgeschakeld.
Gebruik Algemene Instellingen [%1]
Chop/Zero (Standaard)
Verandert hoe PCSX2 de afrondingen afhandelt tijdens het emuleren van de Emotion Engine's Floating Point Unit (EE FPU). Omdat de verschillende FPU's in de PS2 niet voldoen aan internationale normen, hebben sommige spellen verschillende modi nodig om wiskunde correct te doen. De standaardwaarde behandelt de overgrote meerderheid van spellen; <b>deze instelling wijzigen als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit en andere problemen veroorzaken.</b>
Dichtstbijzijnde (Standaard)
Bepaalt hoe de resultaten van zwevende-punt deling worden afgerond. Sommige spellen hebben specifieke instellingen nodig; <b>het wijzigen van deze instelling als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit veroorzaken.</b>
Klemmende modus
Normaal (Standaard)
Verandert hoe PCSX2 de floats in een standaard x86-bereik behandelt. De standaardwaarde behandelt de overgrote meerderheid van spellen; <b>het wijzigen van deze instelling als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit veroorzaken.</b>
Recompiler Inschakelen
Voert just-in-time binaire vertaling uit van 64-bit MIPS-IV machinecode naar oorspronkelijke code.
Wait loop: When the game makes the CPU do nothing (loop/spin) while it waits for something to happen (usually an interrupt).
Wachtende Lus Detectie
Matige versnelling voor sommige spellen, zonder bekende bijwerkingen.
Cache Inschakelen (Langzaam)
Interpreter alleen, voorzien voor diagnostiek.
INTC = Name of a PS2 register, leave as-is. "spin" = to make a cpu (or gpu) actively do nothing while you wait for something. Like spinning in a circle, you're moving but not actually going anywhere.
INTC Spin Detectie
Enorme versnelling voor sommige spellen, met bijna geen compatibiliteit bijeffecten.
Schakel snelle geheugentoegang in
"Backpatching" = To edit previously generated code to change what it does (in this case, we generate direct memory accesses, then backpatch them to jump to a fancier handler function when we realize they need the fancier handler function)
Maakt gebruik van terug patching om te voorkomen dat elke geheugentoegang wordt doorgespoeld.
Pauzeer op TLB Missers
Pauzeert de virtuele machine wanneer een TLB mis gaat, in plaats van het te negeren en verder te zetten. Merk op dat de VM gepauzeerd wordt na het einde van het blok, niet op de instructie die de uitzondering veroorzaakt. Raadpleeg de console om te zien waar de ongeldige toegang heeft plaatsgevonden.
Enable 128MB RAM (Dev Console)
Exposes an additional 96MB of memory to the virtual machine.
VU0 afrondingsmodus
Verandert hoe PCSX2 de afrondingen afhandelt tijdens het emuleren van de Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). Omdat de verschillende FPU's in de PS2 niet voldoen aan internationale normen, hebben sommige spellen verschillende modi nodig om wiskunde correct te doen. De standaardwaarde behandelt de overgrote meerderheid van spellen; <b>deze instelling wijzigen als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit en andere problemen veroorzaken.</b>
VU1 afrondingsmodus
Verandert hoe PCSX2 de afrondingen afhandelt tijdens het emuleren van de Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). Omdat de verschillende FPU's in de PS2 niet voldoen aan internationale normen, hebben sommige spellen verschillende modi nodig om wiskunde correct te doen. De standaardwaarde behandelt de overgrote meerderheid van spellen; <b>deze instelling wijzigen als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit en andere problemen veroorzaken.</b>
VU0 Klemmodus
Verandert hoe PCSX2 de afrondingen afhandelt tijdens het emuleren van de Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 0 (EE VU0). Omdat de verschillende FPU's in de PS2 niet voldoen aan internationale normen, hebben sommige spellen verschillende modi nodig om wiskunde correct te doen. De standaardwaarde behandelt de overgrote meerderheid van spellen; <b>deze instelling wijzigen als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit en andere problemen veroorzaken.</b>
VU1 klemmodus
Verandert hoe PCSX2 de afrondingen afhandelt tijdens het emuleren van de Emotion Engine's Vector Unit 1 (EE VU1). Omdat de verschillende FPU's in de PS2 niet voldoen aan internationale normen, hebben sommige spellen verschillende modi nodig om wiskunde correct te doen. De standaardwaarde behandelt de overgrote meerderheid van spellen; <b>deze instelling wijzigen als een spel geen zichtbaar probleem heeft kan instabiliteit en andere problemen veroorzaken.</b>
Enable Instant VU1
Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.
VU0 = Vector Unit 0. One of the PS2's processors.
VU0 Recompiler (Micro Modus) Inschakelen
VU0 Recompiler Inschakelen.
VU1 = Vector Unit 1. One of the PS2's processors.
VU1 Recompiler Inschakelen
VU1 Recompiler Inschakelen.
mVU = PCSX2's recompiler for VU (Vector Unit) code (full name: microVU)
mVU vlag Hack
Een goede versnelling en hoge compatibiliteit, kan grafische fouten veroorzaken.
Voert net op tijd binaire vertaling uit van 32-bit MIPS-I machinecode naar x86.
Schakel Spel reparaties in
Laad automatisch fixes en past deze automatisch toe bij de start van spellen met dat issue.
Compatibiliteitspatches inschakelen
Laadt en past automatisch compatibiliteitspatches toe bij bekende problematische spellen.
Het veranderen van deze opties kan ervoor zorgen dat spellen niet functioneren. Wijzig op eigen risico, het PCSX2-team biedt geen ondersteuning voor configuraties met deze instelling.
Emotion Engine = Commercial name of one of PS2's processors. Leave as-is unless there's an official name (like for Japanese).
EmotionEngine (MIPS-IV)
Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.
Clamping: Forcing out of bounds things in bounds by changing them to the closest possible value. In this case, this refers to clamping large PS2 floating point values (which map to infinity or NaN in PCs' IEEE754 floats) to non-infinite ones.
Clamping modus:
Normaal (Standaard)
Chop/Zero (Standaard)
Rounding refers here to the mathematical term.
Dichtstbijzijnde (Standaard)
Sign: refers here to the mathematical meaning (plus/minus).
Extra + Behoud Teken
Wachtlus detectie
Recompiler Inschakelen
Schakel snelle geheugentoegang in
Cache Inschakelen (Langzaam)
INTC-Spin Detectie
Pauzeer bij TLB Missers
Enable 128MB RAM (Dev Console)
Vector Unit/VU: refers to two of PS2's processors. Do not translate the full text or do so as a comment. Leave the acronym as-is.
Vector eenheden (VU)
VU1 afrondingsmodus:
mVU Vlag Hack
VU1 Recompiler Inschakelen
VU0 Recompiler (Micro Modus) Inschakelen
Enable Instant VU1
VU0 Klemmodus:
VU0 Afrondingsmodus:
VU1 Klemmodus:
I/O-verwerker (IOP, MIPS-I)
Schakel Spel-Fixes in
Compatibiliteitspatches inschakelen
Frame Rate Controle
hz=Hertz, as in the measuring unit. Shown after the corresponding number. Those languages who'd need to remove the space or do something in between should do so.
PAL Frame Rate:
NTSC Frame Rate:
Audio Expansion Settings
Circular Wrap:
Center Image:
Front Separation:
Rear Separation:
Low Cutoff:
High Cutoff:
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Expansion Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.</p></body></html>
Block Size:
Expansion Settings
Stretch Settings
Buffer Size:
Maximum latency: 0 frames (0.00ms)
0 ms
Output Volume:
Fast Forward Volume:
Mute All Sound
Tijdsuitrekking (Aanbevolen)
Wanneer je buiten de 100% snelheid om draait, pas het tempo aan op audio in plaats van het neerzetten van frames. Produceert sneller vooruit/vertragende audio.
Bepaalt de buffergrootte die de time-stretcher probeert vol te houden. Het selecteert effectief de gemiddelde latentie, omdat audio wordt uitgerekt/compressed om de buffergrootte binnen het bereik te houden.
Bepaalt de vetraging van de buffer naar de audio-uitvoer van de host. Dit kan lager worden ingesteld dan de doelvertraging om de audiovertraging te verminderen.
Resets output volume back to the global/inherited setting.
Resets output volume back to the default.
Resets fast forward volume back to the global/inherited setting.
Resets fast forward volume back to the default.
Preserve the %1 variable, adapt the latter ms (and/or any possible spaces in between) to your language's ruleset.
Audio Backend
The audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host. Cubeb provides the lowest latency, if you encounter issues, try the SDL backend. The null backend disables all host audio output.
%1 ms
Buffer Size
Output Volume
Controls the volume of the audio played on the host.
Fast Forward Volume
Controls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.
Prevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.
Expansion Mode
Disabled (Stereo)
Determines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games. This includes games that support Dolby Pro Logic/Pro Logic II.
These settings fine-tune the behavior of the FreeSurround-based channel expander.
These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.
Reset Volume
Reset Fast Forward Volume
Unknown Device "%1"
Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms expand + %4 ms output)
Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms buffer + %3 ms output)
Maximum Latency: %1 ms (%2 ms expand, minimum output latency unknown)
Maximum Latency: %1 ms (minimum output latency unknown)
Null (No Output)
Disabled (Stereo)
Stereo with LFE
Quadraphonic with LFE
5.1 Surround
7.1 Surround
Audio Stretch Settings
Sequence Length:
Seekwindow Size:
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Audio Stretch Settings</span><br/>These settings fine-tune the behavior of the SoundTouch audio time stretcher when running outside of 100% speed.</p></body></html>
Use Quickseek
Use Anti-Aliasing Filter
Automatische Updater
Update beschikbaar
Huidige versie:
Nieuwe versie:
Download en installeer...
Update overslaan
Herinner mij later
Updater fout
<h2>Waarschuwing voor spelstatus</h2><p>Als u deze update installeert, worden uw opslagstatussen <b>incompatibel</b>. Zorg ervoor dat je je games op een (virtueel) geheugenkaart hebt opgeslagen voordat je deze update installeert, anders verlies je de voortgang.</p>
<h2>Instellingswaarschuwingen</h2><p>Het installeren van deze update zal uw programma-configuratie resetten. Houd er rekening mee dat u uw instellingen na deze update opnieuw moet configureren.</p>
Savestate Waarschuwing
<h1>WAARSCHUWING</h1><p style='font-size:12pt;'>Als u deze update installeert, zal uw <b>spelopslagstaten opslaan incompatibel maken</b>, <i>weet u zeker dat u alle voortgang in uw geheugenkaarten opslaat voordat u verdergaat</i>.</p><p>Wilt u doorgaan?</p>
%1 downloaden...
Er zijn momenteel geen updates beschikbaar. Probeer het later opnieuw.
Huidige versie: %1 (%2)
Nieuwe versie: %1 (%2)
Download grootte: %1 MB
Aan het laden...
Verwijderen van updater exe mislukt na de update.
BIOS map
PCSX2 zoekt naar BIOS afbeeldingen in deze map.
BIOS Selectie
BIOS-map openen...
Lijst verversen
Opties en patches
Snel Opstarten
Snelle Voorwaartse Opstart
Hiermee verbetert u de BIOS om de console'de opstartanimatie over te slaan.
Verwijdert emulatiesnelheid beperking tot het spel de opstarttijd begint te verminderen.
Creƫer / wijzig Breekpunt
Ongeldig adres "%1"
Ongeldige staat "%1"
Ongeldige grootte "%1"
(C) = changes, as in "look for changes".
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: limited space available. Abbreviate if needed.
De locatie van de gamedisc bevindt zich op een verwijderbare schijf, prestatieproblemen zoals haperingen en bevriezingen kunnen optreden.
CDVD blok dump opslaan naar '{}'.
Precaching CDVD
Modus 1
Modus 2
Precaching is not supported for discs.
Required memory ({}GB) is the above the maximum allowed ({}GB).
Selecteer LED-kleur
Virtueel Controller Type
Automatische Toewijzing
Toewijzing wissen
Controller poort %1
Geen apparaten beschikbaar
Binding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).
Verwijder Verbindingen
Binding: A pair of (host button, target button); Mapping: A list of bindings covering an entire controller. These are two different things (which might be the same in your language, please make sure to verify this).
Weet je zeker dat je alle logboeken voor deze configuratie wilt wissen? Deze actie kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden.
Automatische Toewijzing
Er werden geen algemene sneltoetsbindingen gegenereerd voor apparaat '%1'. De controller/bron ondersteunt mogelijk geen automatische toewijzing.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Linkse Analoge Stick
Grote Motor
Leave this button name as-is.
Leave this button name as-is.
Leave this button name as-is.
Leave this button name as-is.
Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.
Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Rechter Analoge Joystick
Kleine Motor
Leave this button name as-is.
Leave this button name as-is.
Druk wijzigen
Druk op Knop
Tokkel Omhoog
Tokkel naar beneden
Whammy Bar
Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.
Geel (Links)
Geel (Rechts)
Blauw (Rechts)
Blauw (Links)
Leave this button name as-is or uppercase it entirely.
Groen (Rechts)
Wit (Links)
Groen (Links)
Wit (Rechts)
Herstel Standaard instellingen
Kies een bestand
SDL invoerbron
De SDL invoerbron ondersteunt de meeste controllers en biedt geavanceerde functionaliteit voor DualShock 4 / DualSense pads in Bluetooth-modus (Trillen / LED aansturing).
Schakel SDL invoerbron in
DualShock 4 / DualSense Verbeterde modus
XInput bron
XInput bron inschakelen
DInput Bron
De DInput bron biedt ondersteuning voor oudere controllers welke XInput niet ondersteunen. Toegang tot deze controllers via SDL in plaats van wordt aanbevolen, maar DirectInput kan worden gebruikt als ze niet compatibel zijn met SDL.
Schakel Dinput invoerbron in
Profiel instellingen
Als deze optie is ingeschakeld, kunnen sneltoetsen worden ingesteld in dit invoerprofiel en worden gebruikt in plaats van de globale sneltoetsen. Standaard worden sneltoetsen altijd over alle profielen gedeeld.
Gebruik Per-Profile Sneltoetsen
Controller LED instellingen
Schakel SDL Rauwe invoer in
Activeer IOKit Driver
MFI Driver inschakelen
De XInput bron biedt ondersteuning voor Xbox 360 / Xbox One / Xbox Series controllers, en derde partijen controllers die het XInput protocol implementeren.
Controller Multi-tap
De multi-tap maakt het mogelijk om tot 8 controllers te verbinden met de console. Elke multi-tap levert 4 poorten. Multi-tap wordt niet door alle spellen ondersteund.
Multi-tap op Console Poort 1
Multi-tap op Console Poort 2
Muis/Aanwijzer Bron
Met PCSX2 kunt u de muis als analoge stick gebruiken.
Muismapping Inschakelen
Gevonden apparaten
Controller LED instellingen
DualSense Speler LED Inschakelen
Selecteer de knoppen die je wilt activeren met deze macro. Alle knoppen worden gelijktijdig geactiveerd.
Voor knoppen die druk gevoelig zijn, bepaalt deze schuifregelaar hoeveel kracht zal worden gesimuleerd wanneer de macro actief is.
Selecteer de trigger om deze macro te activeren. Dit kan een enkele knop zijn of een combinatie van knoppen (akkoord). Shift-klik voor meerdere triggers.
Press To Toggle
Macro schakelt elke zoveelste beeld.
Niet geconfigureerd
Frequentie instellen
Macro zal zich niet herhalen.
Macro schakelt knoppen aan voor elke %1 beelden.
Controller Poort %1 Macros
This is the full text that appears in each option of the 16 available macros, and reads like this:
Macro 1
Not Configured/Buttons configured
Macro %1
Controller Bindingsinstellingen
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Controller Toewijzing Instellingen</span><br/>Deze instellingen verfijnen het gedrag bij het toewijzen van fysieke controllers aan de geƫmuleerde controllers.</p></body></html>
Negeer Omgekeerde Waarden
<html><head/><body><p>Sommige controllers van derde fabrikanten markeren hun analoge sticks onjuist als omgekeerd op het positieve component, maar niet de negatieve waarden.</p><p>Als gevolg daarvan zal de analoge stick "blijven hangen op&; zelfs terwijl hij op neutrale positie rust. </p><p>Deze instelling inschakelen zal PCSX2 vertellen om inversievlaggen te negeren bij het maken van sneltoetsbindingen, waardoor dergelijke controllers normaal kunnen functioneren.</p></body></html>
Muismapping instellingen
X Snelheid
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Muis MappinInstellingen</span><br/>Deze instellingen veranderen hoe je een muis aan de controller geeft.</p></body></html>
X Dead Zone
Y Dead Zone
PCSX2 Controller Instellingen
Profiel bewerken:
Nieuw Profiel
Apply Profile
Profiel verwijderen
Terug Naar Standaardinstellingen
Invoerprofiel aanmaken
Aangepaste invoerprofielen worden gebruikt om het gedeelde invoerprofiel voor specifieke spellen te overschrijven.
Om een aangepast invoerprofiel toe te passen op een spel, ga naar de Speleigenschappen, vervolgens het Profiel 'Invoer Profiel' wijzigen op het tabblad Overzicht.
Voer de naam in voor het nieuwe invoerprofiel:
Een profiel met de naam '%1' bestaat al.
Wilt u alle sneltoetsbindingen van het momenteel geselecteerde profiel naar het nieuwe profiel kopiƫren? Door Nee te selecteren, wordt een volledig leeg profiel aangemaakt.
Do you want to copy the current hotkey bindings from global settings to the new input profile?
Het opslaan van het nieuwe profiel naar '%1' is mislukt.
Invoerprofiel Laden
Weet je zeker dat je het invoerprofiel genaamd '%1' wilt laden?
Alle huidige globale sneltoetsbindingen worden verwijderd en de profielsbindingen zijn geladen.
Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.
Invoerprofiel Verwijderen
Weet je zeker dat je het invoerprofiel '%1' wilt verwijderen?
Je kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.
Verwijderen van '%1' is mislukt.
Weet u zeker dat u de standaard controllerconfiguratie wilt herstellen?
Alle gedeelde sneltoetsverbindingen en configuratie zullen verloren gaan, maar je invoerprofielen blijven bestaan.
U kunt deze actie niet ongedaan maken.
Algemene instellingen
Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.
Controller Poort %1%2
Controller Port is an official term from Sony. Find the official translation for your language inside the console's manual.
Controller Poort %1
USB Poort %1
"Shared" refers here to the shared input profile.
Universeel Gedeeld
Het invoerprofiel genaamd '%1' kon niet gevonden worden.
Covers downloaden
PCSX2 kan automatisch covers downloaden voor spellen die momenteel geen cover hebben ingesteld. Wij hosten geen coverafbeeldingen, de gebruiker moet zelf een bron voor afbeeldingen aanleveren.
<html><head/><body><p>Geef in het vakje hieronder de URL's op waar u de covers wilt downloaden, met Ć©Ć©n sjabloon URL per regel. De volgende variabelen zijn beschikbaar:</p><p><span style=" font-style:italic;">${title}:</span> Titel van het spel.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${filetitle}:</span> Naam component van het spel's bestandsnaam.<br/><span style=" font-style:italic;">${serial}:</span> Serie van het spel.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Voorbeeld:</span> https://www.example-not-a-real-domain.com/covers/${serial}.jpg</p></body></html> </html>
Standaard zullen de gedownloade spellencovers opgeslagen worden volgens de aangegeven titel. Indien dit niet gewenst is kunt u "Gebruik Seriƫle Bestandsnamen" aanduiden beneden in het vierkantje. Het gebruik van de seriecodes in plaats van de spellentitel voorkomt botsingen met andere versies van spellen in andere of gelijke regios.
Gebruik Seriƫle Bestandsnamen
Bezig met te starten...
Download voltooid.
Geheugen doorzoeken
Actieve Oproepstack
Opgeslagen adressen
Breekpunt Lijst Context Menu
Alles kopiƫren als CSV
Plakken vanuit CSV
Thread List Context Menu
"Demangling" is the opposite of "Name mangling", which is a process where a compiler takes function names and combines them with other characteristics of the function (e.g. what types of data it accepts) to ensure they stay unique even when multiple functions exist with the same name (but different inputs / const-ness). See here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_mangling#C++
Demangle Symbolen
Kopieer Functienaam
Kopieer Functie-adres
Ga naar Disassembly
Laad vanuit instellingen
Instellingen Opslaan
Ga binnen de Geheugensweergave
Adres Kopiƫren
Tekst Kopiƫren
Module Boomstructuur
Stack Lijst Context Menu
Netwerk DNS Hosts Importeren/Exporteren
Selecteer hosts
Host Naam
Ethernet apparaat:
Ethernet Apparaat Type:
Onderschep DHCP
Subnet Mask:
Gateway Adres:
Onderschep DHCP:
DNS1 Adres:
DNS2 Adres:
Interne DNS
Per spel
Interne DNS kan worden geselecteerd met behulp van de DNS1/2 vervolgkeuzes, of door ze in te stellen op
Harde Schijf
48-Bit LBA Inschakelen
HDD-Grootte (GiB):
Image Aanmaken
PCAP Bridged
PCAP Switched
Gebruik Algemene Instellingen [%1]
Host Naam
ini (*.ini)
DNS Hosts
Met Succes Geƫxporteerd
Bestand openen mislukt
Geen Hosts in bestand
Met Succes GeĆÆmporteerd
Per-spel Host-lijst
Algemene instellingen kopiƫren?
Per-spel host-lijst verwijderen?
Harde Schijf Image
HDD (*.raw)
Bestand Overschrijven?
HDD image "%1" bestaat al.
Wilt u deze overschrijven?
HDD Maker
HDD virtuele bestand aangemaakt
Gebruik Globaal
Beeldframes Exporteren
GS Beeldframes Exporteren
RT Opslaan
Bewaar Frame
Textuur Opslaan
Diepte Opslaan
Begin Beeldnummer:
Hardware Dump Map:
Software Dump Map:
PCSX2 Debugger
Stap Naar
Stap Voorbij
Stap Uit
Altijd op voorgrond
Toon dit venster bovenaan
Adres kopiƫren
Kopieer Instructie Hex
NOP Instructie(s)
Loop naar Muiscursor
Volg filiaal
Ga naar in Geheugen Weergave
Functie toevoegen
Hernoem Functie
Verwijder Functie
Assembleer fout
Kan assemblage niet wijzigen terwijl de core bezig is
Assembleer Instructie
Ga naar adres
Ga naar adres fout
Ongeldig address
Functiefout toevoegen
Er bestaat al een functie-invoerpunt hier. Overweeg een andere naam te geven.
Functie zal (0x%1) instructies lang zijn.
Enter functienaam
Functie naam
Hernoem Functie Fout
Functienaam mag niet leeg zijn.
Er is momenteel geen functie / symbool geselecteerd.
Herstelfunctie Fout
Kan het geselecteerde tijdelijke adres niet plaatsen.
&Kopieer Instructietekst
Kopieer Functienaam
Instructie(s) Terugzetten
Nieuwe instructie(s) sa&menvoegen
&Spring naar Muiscursor
&Breekpunt in-/uitschakelen
&Ga naar Adres
De Functie Herstellen
Stub (NOP) Functie
Toon &Opcode
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Er zijn geen spellen gevonden in ondersteunde formaten.</span></p><p>Voeg een map met spellen toe om te beginnen.</p><p>Spel dumps in de volgende formaten worden gescand en opgesomd:</p></body></html> </html>
Spelmap toevoegen...
Scan Voor Nieuwe Spellen
Slot: %1 | %2 | EE: %3% | VU: %4% | GS: %5%
Slot: %1 | %2 | EE: %3% | GS: %4%
Geen Beeldbestand
Spel: %1 FPS
Video: %1 FPS (%2%)
Spel: %1 (%2)
Rich presence is inactief of niet ondersteund.
Spel niet geladen of er zijn geen RetroAchievements beschikbaar.
Kan HTTPDownloader niet aanmaken.
%1 aan het downloaden...
Downloaden mislukt met HTTP-statuscode %1.
Download mislukt: Gegevens zijn leeg.
Verwijderen van '%1' is mislukt.
Normale Snelheid:
Cheats Inschakelen
Slow-Motion Snelheid:
Fast-Forward Snelheid:
Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU) Inschakelen
Host-bestandssysteem Inschakelen
Snelle CDVD inschakelen
Enable CDVD Precaching
Enable Thread Pinning
EE Cyclus Overslaan:
Matige Underclock
Gematigd Onderklokken
Maximaal Onderklokken
EE cyclussnelheid:
50% (Underclock)
60% (Underclock)
75% (Underclock)
100% (Normale Snelheid)
130% (Overclock)
180% (Overclock)
300% (Overclock)
Frame pacing / Latency Control
This string will appear next to the amount of frames selected, in a dropdown box.
Maximale Beeldvertraging:
Use Host VSync Timing
Sync to Host Refresh Rate
Optimale Frame Pacing
Vertical Sync (VSync)
Gebruik Globale Instellingen [%1]
Normale Snelheid
Stelt de emulatie snelheid van het doel in. Het is niet gegarandeerd dat deze snelheid zal bereikt worden, wanneer deze niet bereikt wordt zal de emulator de zo snel draaien als mogelijk.
Hogere waarden kunnen interne framerate in spellen vergroten, maar zullen de CPU-vereisten aanzienlijk verhogen. Lagere waarden zullen de CPU-belasting verminderen, waardoor lichtgewicht spellen de volledige snelheid op zwakkere CPU's kunnen gebruiken.
SOTC = Shadow of the Colossus. A game's title, should not be translated unless an official translation exists.
Maakt de geƫmuleerdeEmotion Engine overslaan van cycli. Helpt een klein deel van spellen zoals SOTC. Meestal is het schadelijk voor prestaties'.
Niet Aangevinkt
Snelle disc toegang, minder laadtijden. Controleer de HDLoader compatibiliteitslijsten voor bekende spellen die hier problemen mee hebben.
Automatisch laden en toepassen van cheats bij het starten van het spel.
Sta spellen en homebrew toe om direct toegang te krijgen tot bestanden / mappen op de host computer.
The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"
Stelt de doorspoel-snelheid in. Deze snelheid zal worden gebruikt wanneer de snel-vooruit sneltoets wordt ingedrukt/ingedrukt.
The "User Preference" string will appear after the text "Recommended Value:"
Slow-Motion Snelheid
Stelt de langzame bewegingssnelheid in. Deze snelheid zal worden gebruikt wanneer de trage bewegingssneltoets wordt ingedrukt/omgeschakeld.
EE Cyclustarief
EE Cyclus Overslaan
P-Core = Performance Core, E-Core = Efficiency Core. See if Intel has official translations for these terms.
Stel de prioriteit in voor specifieke threads in een specifieke volgorde waarbij de systeemplanner wordt genegeerd. Kan CPU's helpen met grote (P) en kleine (E) cores (bijv. Intel 12e of nieuwere generatie CPU's van Intel of andere leveranciers zoals AMD).
Multithreaded VU1 (MTVU) Inschakelen
Over het algemeen een versnelling op CPUs met 4 of meer kernen. Veilig voor de meeste spellen, maar een paar zijn niet compatibel en kunnen vastlopen.
Loads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine. Can reduce stutter on systems with hard drives that have long wake times, but significantly increases boot times.
Stelt de wachtrijgrootte van VSync in op 0, waarbij elk frame wordt voltooid en gepresenteerd door de GS voordat de input wordt opgevraagd en het volgende frame begint. Met deze instelling kan invoervertraging worden verminderd ten koste van meetbaar hogere CPU en GPU eisen.
Maximale Beeldvertraging
2 Beelden
Stelt het maximum aantal frames in dat in de wachtrij kan worden gezet tot het GS, voordat de CPU thread zal wachten tot een van hen voltooid zal zijn voordat u verder gaat. Hogere waarden kunnen helpen bij het vereffenen van onregelmatige frame tijden, maar voegen extra invoervertraging toe.
Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host. This results in the smoothest animations possible, at the cost of potentially increasing the emulation speed by less than 1%. Sync to Host Refresh Rate will not take effect if the console's refresh rate is too far from the host's refresh rate. Users with variable refresh rate displays should disable this option.
Enable this option to match PCSX2's refresh rate with your current monitor or screen. VSync is automatically disabled when it is not possible (eg. running at non-100% speed).
When synchronizing with the host refresh rate, this option disable's PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses the host instead. Can result in smoother frame pacing, <strong>but at the cost of increased input latency</strong>.
Gebruik Globale Instellingen [%1%]
%1% [%2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]
Every case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.
Every case that uses this particular string seems to refer to speeds: Normal Speed/Fast Forward Speed/Slow Motion Speed.
Aangepast [%1% / %2 FPS (NTSC) / %3 FPS (PAL)]
Aangepaste Snelheid
Voer Aangepaste Snelheid In
Kon bestand niet weergeven
Kon bestand niet weergeven in bestandsverkenner.
Het bestand was: %1
Windows action to show a file in Windows Explorer
Toon in Map
macOS action to show a file in Finder
Weergeven in Finder
Opens the system file manager to the directory containing a selected file
Configuratiemap Openen
Kan URL niet openen
Kan URL niet openen.
De URL was: %1
Wordt gebruikt voor het opslaan van shaders, spellijst en prestatiegegevens.
Cheats Map
Gebruikt voor het opslaan van .pnach bestanden met spelcheats.
Omslagen Map
Gebruikt voor het opslaan van omslagen in de game-grid/Big Picture UIs.
Snapshots Map
Gebruikt voor screenshots en het opslaan van GS dumps.
Opslaan States Directory
Gebruikt voor het opslaan van spaarstaten.
Kon geen CD/DVD-ROM apparaten vinden. Zorg ervoor dat u een schijf verbonden hebt en voldoende machtigingen heeft om deze te openen.
Gebruik Globale Instellingen
Automatische koppeling mislukt, er zijn geen apparaten beschikbaar.
Speltitel gekopieerd naar klembord.
Spelcode gekopieerd naar klembord.
Spel CRC gekopieerd naar klembord.
Speltype gekopieerd naar klembord.
Spelgebied gekopieerd naar klembord.
Spelcompatibiliteit gekopieerd naar klembord.
Spelpad gekopieerd naar klembord.
Per-game controller configuration initialized with global settings.
Controller settings reset to default.
No input profiles available.
Create New...
Enter the name of the input profile you wish to create.
Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any preferences will be lost.
Settings reset to defaults.
No save present in this slot.
No save states found.
Failed to delete save state.
Failed to copy text to clipboard.
This game has no achievements.
This game has no leaderboards.
Reset System
Hardcore mode will not be enabled until the system is reset. Do you want to reset the system now?
Launch a game from images scanned from your game directories.
Launch a game by selecting a file/disc image.
Start the console without any disc inserted.
Start a game from a disc in your PC's DVD drive.
No Binding
Setting %s binding %s.
Push a controller button or axis now.
Timing out in %.0f seconds...
Select Device
Copies the current global settings to this game.
Clears all settings set for this game.
Prevents the screen saver from activating and the host from sleeping while emulation is running.
Shows the game you are currently playing as part of your profile on Discord.
Pauses the emulator when a game is started.
Pauses the emulator when you minimize the window or switch to another application, and unpauses when you switch back.
Pauses the emulator when you open the quick menu, and unpauses when you close it.
Determines whether a prompt will be displayed to confirm shutting down the emulator/game when the hotkey is pressed.
Automatically saves the emulator state when powering down or exiting. You can then resume directly from where you left off next time.
Uses a light coloured theme instead of the default dark theme.
Game Display
Schakelt tussen volledig scherm en venster wanneer dubbel wordt geklikt.
Hides the mouse pointer/cursor when the emulator is in fullscreen mode.
Bepaalt hoe groot de schermberichten zijn en hoe groot de monitor is.
Toont op het scherm berichten wanneer gebeurtenissen plaatsvinden zoals het opslaan van spelstaten die worden gemaakt/geladen, schermafbeelding gemaakt, enz.
Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.
Shows the number of video frames (or v-syncs) displayed per second by the system in the top-right corner of the display.
Shows the CPU usage based on threads in the top-right corner of the display.
Shows the host's GPU usage in the top-right corner of the display.
Shows statistics about GS (primitives, draw calls) in the top-right corner of the display.
Shows indicators when fast forwarding, pausing, and other abnormal states are active.
Shows the current configuration in the bottom-right corner of the display.
Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.
Shows a visual history of frame times in the upper-left corner of the display.
Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.
Resets configuration to defaults (excluding controller settings).
Changes the BIOS image used to start future sessions.
WARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD. It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.
Do you wish to shutdown anyways and IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?
Automatically switches to fullscreen mode when a game is started.
Weergave op het scherm
Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.
BIOS instellingen
BIOS Selection
Opties en patches
Skips the intro screen, and bypasses region checks.
Speed Control
Normal Speed
Sets the speed when running without fast forwarding.
Fast Forward Speed
Sets the speed when using the fast forward hotkey.
Slow Motion Speed
Sets the speed when using the slow motion hotkey.
System Settings
EE Cycle Rate
Underclocks or overclocks the emulated Emotion Engine CPU.
EE Cycle Skipping
Pins emulation threads to CPU cores to potentially improve performance/frame time variance.
Enable MTVU (Multi-Threaded VU1)
Enable Instant VU1
Enable Cheats
Enables loading cheats from pnach files.
Enable Host Filesystem
Enables access to files from the host: namespace in the virtual machine.
Enable Fast CDVD
Fast disc access, less loading times. Not recommended.
Frame Pacing/Latency Control
Maximum Frame Latency
Sets the number of frames which can be queued.
Optimal Frame Pacing
Synchronize EE and GS threads after each frame. Lowest input latency, but increases system requirements.
Speeds up emulation so that the guest refresh rate matches the host.
Selects the API used to render the emulated GS.
Synchronizes frame presentation with host refresh.
Aspect Ratio
Selects the aspect ratio to display the game content at.
FMV Aspect Ratio
Selects the aspect ratio for display when a FMV is detected as playing.
Selects the algorithm used to convert the PS2's interlaced output to progressive for display.
Screenshot Size
Determines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved.
Screenshot Format
Selects the format which will be used to save screenshots.
Screenshot Quality
Selects the quality at which screenshots will be compressed.
Vertical Stretch
Increases or decreases the virtual picture size vertically.
Crops the image, while respecting aspect ratio.
Enable Widescreen Patches
Enables loading widescreen patches from pnach files.
Enable No-Interlacing Patches
Enables loading no-interlacing patches from pnach files.
Bilinear Upscaling
Smooths out the image when upscaling the console to the screen.
Integer Upscaling
Adds padding to the display area to ensure that the ratio between pixels on the host to pixels in the console is an integer number. May result in a sharper image in some 2D games.
Screen Offsets
Enables PCRTC Offsets which position the screen as the game requests.
Show Overscan
Enables the option to show the overscan area on games which draw more than the safe area of the screen.
Enables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.
Internal Resolution
Multiplies the render resolution by the specified factor (upscaling).
Bilinear Filtering
Selects where bilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.
Trilinear Filtering
Selects where trilinear filtering is utilized when rendering textures.
Anisotropic Filtering
Selects the type of dithering applies when the game requests it.
Blending Accuracy
Determines the level of accuracy when emulating blend modes not supported by the host graphics API.
Texture Preloading
Uploads full textures to the GPU on use, rather than only the utilized regions. Can improve performance in some games.
Software Rendering Threads
Number of threads to use in addition to the main GS thread for rasterization.
Auto Flush (Software)
Force a primitive flush when a framebuffer is also an input texture.
Edge AA (AA1)
Enables emulation of the GS's edge anti-aliasing (AA1).
Enables emulation of the GS's texture mipmapping.
Hardware Fixes
Manual Hardware Fixes
Disables automatic hardware fixes, allowing you to set fixes manually.
CPU Sprite Render Size
Uses software renderer to draw texture decompression-like sprites.
CPU Sprite Render Level
Determines filter level for CPU sprite render.
Software CLUT Render
Uses software renderer to draw texture CLUT points/sprites.
Skip Draw Start
Object range to skip drawing.
Skip Draw End
Auto Flush (Hardware)
CPU Framebuffer Conversion
Disable Depth Conversion
Disable Safe Features
This option disables multiple safe features.
This option disables game-specific render fixes.
Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.
Disable Partial Invalidation
Removes texture cache entries when there is any intersection, rather than only the intersected areas.
Allows the texture cache to reuse as an input texture the inner portion of a previous framebuffer.
Read Targets When Closing
Flushes all targets in the texture cache back to local memory when shutting down.
Estimate Texture Region
Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).
GPU Palette Conversion
Opschaling correcties
Adjusts vertices relative to upscaling.
Round Sprite
Adjusts sprite coordinates.
Bilinear Upscale
Can smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.
Adjusts target texture offsets.
Align Sprite
Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in some games.
Merge Sprite
Replaces multiple post-processing sprites with a larger single sprite.
Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.
Unscaled Palette Texture Draws
Can fix some broken effects which rely on pixel perfect precision.
Texture Replacement
Load Textures
Loads replacement textures where available and user-provided.
Asynchronous Texture Loading
Loads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.
Precache Replacements
Preloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.
Replacements Directory
Texture Dumping
Dump Textures
Dump Mipmaps
Includes mipmaps when dumping textures.
Dump FMV Textures
Allows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.
Enables FXAA post-processing shader.
Contrast Adaptive Sharpening
Enables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.
CAS Sharpness
Determines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.
Shade Boost
Enables brightness/contrast/saturation adjustment.
Shade Boost Brightness
Adjusts brightness. 50 is normal.
Shade Boost Contrast
Adjusts contrast. 50 is normal.
Shade Boost Saturation
Adjusts saturation. 50 is normal.
TV Shaders
Skip Presenting Duplicate Frames
Hardware Download Mode
Changes synchronization behavior for GS downloads.
Allow Exclusive Fullscreen
Overrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.
Override Texture Barriers
Forces texture barrier functionality to the specified value.
GS Dump Compression
Sets the compression algorithm for GS dumps.
Disable Framebuffer Fetch
Prevents the usage of framebuffer fetch when supported by host GPU.
Disable Shader Cache
Prevents the loading and saving of shaders/pipelines to disk.
Disable Vertex Shader Expand
Falls back to the CPU for expanding sprites/lines.
Changes when SPU samples are generated relative to system emulation.
%d ms
Settings and Operations
Creates a new memory card file or folder.
Simulates a larger memory card by filtering saves only to the current game.
If not set, this card will be considered unplugged.
The selected memory card image will be used for this slot.
Enable/Disable the Player LED on DualSense controllers.
Toggles the macro when the button is pressed, instead of held.
Slot {}
Change Selection
Parent Directory
Enter Value
Toggle Fullscreen
Load Global State
Change Page
Return To Game
Select State
Select Game
Change View
Launch Options
Create Save State Backups
Create Memory Card
Start Game
Launch a game from a file, disc, or starts the console without any disc inserted.
Changes settings for the application.
Return to desktop mode, or exit the application.
Return to the previous menu.
Exit PCSX2
Completely exits the application, returning you to your desktop.
Desktop Mode
Exits Big Picture mode, returning to the desktop interface.
Uses game-specific settings for controllers for this game.
Copies the global controller configuration to this game.
Resets all configuration to defaults (including bindings).
Replaces these settings with a previously saved input profile.
Stores the current settings to an input profile.
Input Sources
The SDL input source supports most controllers.
Provides vibration and LED control support over Bluetooth.
Allow SDL to use raw access to input devices.
The XInput source provides support for XBox 360/XBox One/XBox Series controllers.
Enables an additional three controller slots. Not supported in all games.
Attempts to map the selected port to a chosen controller.
Determines how much pressure is simulated when macro is active.
Determines the pressure required to activate the macro.
Toggle every %d frames
Clears all bindings for this USB controller.
Data Save Locations
Show Advanced Settings
Changing these options may cause games to become non-functional. Modify at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will not provide support for configurations with these settings changed.
System Console
Writes log messages to the system console (console window/standard output).
File Logging
Writes log messages to emulog.txt.
Verbose Logging
Writes dev log messages to log sinks.
Log Timestamps
Writes timestamps alongside log messages.
EE Console
Writes debug messages from the game's EE code to the console.
IOP Console
Writes debug messages from the game's IOP code to the console.
CDVD Verbose Reads
Logs disc reads from games.
Emotion Engine
Rounding Mode
Determines how the results of floating-point operations are rounded. Some games need specific settings.
Division Rounding Mode
Determines how the results of floating-point division is rounded. Some games need specific settings.
Clamping Mode
Determines how out-of-range floating point numbers are handled. Some games need specific settings.
Enable EE Recompiler
Performs just-in-time binary translation of 64-bit MIPS-IV machine code to native code.
Enable EE Cache
Enables simulation of the EE's cache. Slow.
Enable INTC Spin Detection
Huge speedup for some games, with almost no compatibility side effects.
Enable Wait Loop Detection
Moderate speedup for some games, with no known side effects.
Enable Fast Memory Access
Uses backpatching to avoid register flushing on every memory access.
Vector Units
VU0 Rounding Mode
VU0 Clamping Mode
VU1 Rounding Mode
VU1 Clamping Mode
Enable VU0 Recompiler (Micro Mode)
New Vector Unit recompiler with much improved compatibility. Recommended.
Enable VU1 Recompiler
Enable VU Flag Optimization
Good speedup and high compatibility, may cause graphical errors.
I/O Processor
Enable IOP Recompiler
Performs just-in-time binary translation of 32-bit MIPS-I machine code to native code.
Use Debug Device
No cheats are available for this game.
Cheat Codes
No patches are available for this game.
Game Patches
Activating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.
Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games.
Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.
Game Fixes
Game fixes should not be modified unless you are aware of what each option does and the implications of doing so.
FPU Multiply Hack
For Tales of Destiny.
Preload TLB Hack
Needed for some games with complex FMV rendering.
Skip MPEG Hack
Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.
OPH Flag Hack
EE Timing Hack
Instant DMA Hack
Known to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.
For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.
VU Add Hack
Full VU0 Synchronization
Forces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.
VU Overflow Hack
To check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).
Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).
Load State
Makes the emulated Emotion Engine skip cycles. Helps a small subset of games like SOTC. Most of the time it's harmful to performance.
Generally a speedup on CPUs with 4 or more cores. Safe for most games, but a few are incompatible and may hang.
Runs VU1 instantly. Provides a modest speed improvement in most games. Safe for most games, but a few games may exhibit graphical errors.
Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache.
Disable Render Fixes
Preload Frame Data
Texture Inside RT
When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.
Half Pixel Offset
Texture Offset X
Texture Offset Y
Dumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.
Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.
Skips displaying frames that don't change in 25/30fps games. Can improve speed, but increase input lag/make frame pacing worse.
Enables API-level validation of graphics commands.
Use Software Renderer For FMVs
To avoid TLB miss on Goemon.
General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.
Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.
Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.
Emulate GIF FIFO
Correct but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.
DMA Busy Hack
Delay VIF1 Stalls
Emulate VIF FIFO
Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.
VU I Bit Hack
Avoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.
For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.
VU Sync
Run behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.
VU XGKick Sync
Force Blit Internal FPS Detection
Save State
Load Resume State
A resume save state created at %s was found.
Do you want to load this save and continue?
No Game Selected
Search Directories
Adds a new directory to the game search list.
Scanning Subdirectories
Not Scanning Subdirectories
List Settings
Sets which view the game list will open to.
Determines which field the game list will be sorted by.
Reverses the game list sort order from the default (usually ascending to descending).
Cover Settings
Downloads covers from a user-specified URL template.
Selects where anisotropic filtering is utilized when rendering textures.
Gebruik een alternatieve methode om interne FPS te berekenen om onjuiste metingen in sommige spellen te voorkomen.
Identifies any new files added to the game directories.
Forces a full rescan of all games previously identified.
Download Covers
About PCSX2
PCSX2 is a free and open-source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator. Its purpose is to emulate the PS2's hardware, using a combination of MIPS CPU Interpreters, Recompilers and a Virtual Machine which manages hardware states and PS2 system memory. This allows you to play PS2 games on your PC, with many additional features and benefits.
PlayStation 2 and PS2 are registered trademarks of Sony Interactive Entertainment. This application is not affiliated in any way with Sony Interactive Entertainment.
When enabled and logged in, PCSX2 will scan for achievements on startup.
"Challenge" mode for achievements, including leaderboard tracking. Disables save state, cheats, and slowdown functions.
Displays popup messages on events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.
Plays sound effects for events such as achievement unlocks and leaderboard submissions.
Shows icons in the lower-right corner of the screen when a challenge/primed achievement is active.
When enabled, PCSX2 will list achievements from unofficial sets. These achievements are not tracked by RetroAchievements.
When enabled, PCSX2 will assume all achievements are locked and not send any unlock notifications to the server.
Pauses the emulator when a controller with bindings is disconnected.
Creates a backup copy of a save state if it already exists when the save is created. The backup copy has a .backup suffix
Enable CDVD Precaching
Loads the disc image into RAM before starting the virtual machine.
Vertical Sync (VSync)
Sync to Host Refresh Rate
Use Host VSync Timing
Disables PCSX2's internal frame timing, and uses host vsync instead.
Disable Mailbox Presentation
Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.
Audio Control
Controls the volume of the audio played on the host.
Fast Forward Volume
Controls the volume of the audio played on the host when fast forwarding.
Mute All Sound
Prevents the emulator from producing any audible sound.
Backend Settings
Audio Backend
The audio backend determines how frames produced by the emulator are submitted to the host.
Determines how audio is expanded from stereo to surround for supported games.
Buffer Size
Determines the amount of audio buffered before being pulled by the host API.
Output Latency
Determines how much latency there is between the audio being picked up by the host API, and played through speakers.
Minimal Output Latency
When enabled, the minimum supported output latency will be used for the host API.
Thread Pinning
Force Even Sprite Position
Displays popup messages when starting, submitting, or failing a leaderboard challenge.
When enabled, each session will behave as if no achievements have been unlocked.
Logs out of RetroAchievements.
Logs in to RetroAchievements.
Huidig spel
An error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
An error occurred while saving game settings:
{} is not a valid disc image.
Automatic mapping completed for {}.
Automatic mapping failed for {}.
Game settings initialized with global settings for '{}'.
Game settings have been cleared for '{}'.
{} (Current)
{} (Folder)
Failed to load '{}'.
Input profile '{}' loaded.
Input profile '{}' saved.
Failed to save input profile '{}'.
Port {} Controller Type
Select Macro {} Binds
Port {} Device
Port {} Subtype
{} unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.
{} unlabelled patch codes found but not enabled.
This Session: {}
All Time: {}
Save Slot {0}
Saved {}
{} does not exist.
{} deleted.
Failed to delete {}.
File: {}
CRC: {:08X}
Time Played: {}
Last Played: {}
Size: {:.2f} MB
Interface Settings
BIOS Settings
Emulation Settings
Graphics Settings
Audio Settings
Memory Card Settings
Controller Settings
Hotkey Settings
Achievements Settings
Folder Settings
Advanced Settings
2% [1 FPS (NTSC) / 1 FPS (PAL)]
10% [6 FPS (NTSC) / 5 FPS (PAL)]
25% [15 FPS (NTSC) / 12 FPS (PAL)]
50% [30 FPS (NTSC) / 25 FPS (PAL)]
75% [45 FPS (NTSC) / 37 FPS (PAL)]
90% [54 FPS (NTSC) / 45 FPS (PAL)]
100% [60 FPS (NTSC) / 50 FPS (PAL)]
110% [66 FPS (NTSC) / 55 FPS (PAL)]
120% [72 FPS (NTSC) / 60 FPS (PAL)]
150% [90 FPS (NTSC) / 75 FPS (PAL)]
175% [105 FPS (NTSC) / 87 FPS (PAL)]
200% [120 FPS (NTSC) / 100 FPS (PAL)]
300% [180 FPS (NTSC) / 150 FPS (PAL)]
400% [240 FPS (NTSC) / 200 FPS (PAL)]
500% [300 FPS (NTSC) / 250 FPS (PAL)]
1000% [600 FPS (NTSC) / 500 FPS (PAL)]
50% Speed
60% Speed
75% Speed
100% Speed (Default)
130% Speed
180% Speed
300% Speed
Normal (Default)
Mild Underclock
Moderate Underclock
Maximum Underclock
0 Frames (Hard Sync)
1 Frame
2 Frames
3 Frames
Extra + Preserve Sign
Automatic (Default)
Direct3D 11
Direct3D 12
Bilinear (Smooth)
Bilinear (Sharp)
Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)
Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)
Bob (Top Field First)
Bob (Bottom Field First)
Blend (Top Field First, Half FPS)
Blend (Bottom Field First, Half FPS)
Adaptive (Top Field First)
Adaptive (Bottom Field First)
Native (PS2)
1.25x Native
1.5x Native
1.75x Native
2x Native (~720p)
2.25x Native
2.5x Native
2.75x Native
3x Native (~1080p)
3.5x Native
4x Native (~1440p/2K)
5x Native (~1620p)
6x Native (~2160p/4K)
7x Native (~2520p)
8x Native (~2880p)
Bilinear (Forced)
Bilinear (PS2)
Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)
Off (None)
Trilinear (PS2)
Trilinear (Forced)
Unscaled (Default)
Basic (Recommended)
Full (Slow)
Maximum (Very Slow)
Off (Default)
Full (Hash Cache)
Force Disabled
Force Enabled
Accurate (Recommended)
Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)
Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)
Disabled (Ignore Transfers)
Screen Resolution
Internal Resolution (Aspect Uncorrected)
WARNING: Memory Card Busy
Cannot show details for games which were not scanned in the game list.
Pause On Controller Disconnection
SDL DualSense Player LED
Press To Toggle
Full Boot
Achievement Notifications
Leaderboard Notifications
Enable In-Game Overlays
Encore Mode
Spectator Mode
Convert 4-bit and 8-bit framebuffer on the CPU instead of the GPU.
Removes the current card from the slot.
Determines the frequency at which the macro will toggle the buttons on and off (aka auto fire).
{} Frames
No Deinterlacing
Force 32bit
0 (Disabled)
1 (64 Max Width)
2 (128 Max Width)
3 (192 Max Width)
4 (256 Max Width)
5 (320 Max Width)
6 (384 Max Width)
7 (448 Max Width)
8 (512 Max Width)
9 (576 Max Width)
10 (640 Max Width)
Sprites Only
Blended Sprites/Triangles
1 (Normal)
2 (Aggressive)
Inside Target
Merge Targets
Normal (Vertex)
Special (Texture)
Special (Texture - Aggressive)
Align To Native
Force Bilinear
Force Nearest
Disabled (Default)
Enabled (Sprites Only)
Enabled (All Primitives)
None (Default)
Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)
Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)
Scanline Filter
Diagonal Filter
Triangular Filter
Wave Filter
Lottes CRT
LZMA (xz)
Zstandard (zst)
PS2 (8MB)
PS2 (16MB)
PS2 (32MB)
PS2 (64MB)
Chop/Zero (Default)
Game Grid
Game List
Game List Settings
File Title
Time Played
Last Played
Select Disc Image
Select Disc Drive
Start File
Start BIOS
Start Disc
Set Input Binding
Compatibility Rating
Disc Path
Select Disc Path
Copy Settings
Clear Settings
Inhibit Screensaver
Enable Discord Presence
Pause On Start
Pause On Focus Loss
Pause On Menu
Confirm Shutdown
Save State On Shutdown
Use Light Theme
Start Fullscreen
Double-Click Toggles Fullscreen
Hide Cursor In Fullscreen
OSD Scale
Show Messages
Show Speed
Show FPS
Show CPU Usage
Show GPU Usage
Show Resolution
Show GS Statistics
Show Status Indicators
Show Settings
Show Inputs
Show Frame Times
Warn About Unsafe Settings
Reset Settings
Change Search Directory
Fast Boot
Output Volume
Memory Card Directory
Folder Memory Card Filter
Load Profile
Save Profile
Per-Game Configuration
Copy Global Settings
Enable SDL Input Source
SDL DualShock 4 / DualSense Enhanced Mode
SDL Raw Input
Enable XInput Input Source
Enable Console Port 1 Multitap
Enable Console Port 2 Multitap
Controller Port {}{}
Controller Port {}
Controller Type
Automatic Mapping
Controller Port {}{} Macros
Controller Port {} Macros
Macro Button {}
Controller Port {}{} Settings
Controller Port {} Settings
USB Port {}
Device Type
Device Subtype
{} Bindings
Clear Bindings
{} Settings
Cache Directory
Covers Directory
Snapshots Directory
Save States Directory
Game Settings Directory
Input Profile Directory
Cheats Directory
Patches Directory
Texture Replacements Directory
Video Dumping Directory
Resume Game
Toggle Frame Limit
Game Properties
Save Screenshot
Switch To Software Renderer
Switch To Hardware Renderer
Change Disc
Close Game
Exit Without Saving
Back To Pause Menu
Exit And Save State
Delete Save
Close Menu
Delete State
Default Boot
Reset Play Time
Add Search Directory
Open in File Browser
Disable Subdirectory Scanning
Enable Subdirectory Scanning
Remove From List
Default View
Sort By
Sort Reversed
Scan For New Games
Rescan All Games
Support Forums
GitHub Repository
RAIntegration is being used instead of the built-in achievements implementation.
Enable Achievements
Hardcore Mode
Sound Effects
Test Unofficial Achievements
Username: {}
Login token generated on {}
Not Logged In
Game: {0} ({1})
Rich presence inactive or unsupported.
Game not loaded or no RetroAchievements available.
Card Enabled
Card Name
Eject Card
Failed to reopen, restoring old configuration.
Failed to create render device. This may be due to your GPU not supporting the chosen renderer ({}), or because your graphics drivers need to be updated.
Upscale multiplier set to {}x.
Saving screenshot to '{}'.
Saved screenshot to '{}'.
Failed to save screenshot to '{}'.
Host GPU device encountered an error and was recovered. This may have broken rendering.
CAS is not available, your graphics driver does not support the required functionality.
with no compression
with LZMA compression
with Zstandard compression
Saving {0} GS dump {1} to '{2}'
single frame
Failed to render/download screenshot.
Saved GS dump to '{}'.
Hash cache has used {:.2f} MB of VRAM, disabling.
Disabling autogenerated mipmaps on one or more compressed replacement textures. Please generate mipmaps when compressing your textures.
Stencil buffers and texture barriers are both unavailable, this will break some graphical effects.
Spin GPU During Readbacks is enabled, but calibrated timestamps are unavailable. This might be really slow.
Your system has the "OpenCL, OpenGL, and Vulkan Compatibility Pack" installed.
This Vulkan driver crashes PCSX2 on some GPUs.
To use the Vulkan renderer, you should remove this app package.
The Vulkan renderer was automatically selected, but no compatible devices were found.
You should update all graphics drivers in your system, including any integrated GPUs
to use the Vulkan renderer.
Switching to Software Renderer...
Switching to Hardware Renderer...
The Direct3D renderer is running at feature level 10.0. This is an UNSUPPORTED configuration.
Do not request support, please upgrade your hardware/drivers first.
Failed to load FFmpeg
You may be missing one or more files, or are using the incorrect version. This build of PCSX2 requires:
libavcodec: {}
libavformat: {}
libavutil: {}
libswscale: {}
libswresample: {}
Activating cheats can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use cheats at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled cheats.
Enable Cheats
Enable All
Disable All
All CRCs
Reload Cheats
Show Cheats For All CRCs
Toggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.
%1 unlabelled patch codes will automatically activate.
{0} Current Blending Accuracy is {1}.
Recommended Blending Accuracy for this game is {2}.
You can adjust the blending level in Game Properties to improve
graphical quality, but this will increase system requirements.
Manual GS hardware renderer fixes are enabled, automatic fixes were not applied:
No tracks provided.
Hash {} is not in database.
Data track number does not match data track in database.
Track {0} with hash {1} is not found in database.
Track {0} with hash {1} is for a different game ({2}).
Track {0} with hash {1} does not match database track.
Game Fixes (NOT recommended to change globally)
FPU = Floating Point Unit. A part of the PS2's CPU. Do not translate.\nMultiply: mathematical term.\nTales of Destiny: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.
FPU Multiply Hack
MPEG: video codec, leave as-is. FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.
Skip MPEG Hack
TLB: Translation Lookaside Buffer. Leave as-is. Goemon: name of a character from the series with his name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.
Preload TLB Hack
EE: Emotion Engine. Leave as-is.
EE Timing Hack
DMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.
Instant DMA Hack
OPH: Name of a flag (Output PatH) in the GIF_STAT register in the EE. Leave as-is.\nBleach Blade Battles: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.
OPH Flag Hack
GIF = GS (Graphics Synthesizer, the GPU) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.
Emulate GIF FIFO
DMA: Direct Memory Access. Leave as-is.
DMA Busy Hack
VIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is. SOCOM 2 and Spy Hunter: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.\nHUD = Heads-Up Display. The games' interfaces.
Delay VIF1 Stalls
VIF = VU (Vector Unit) Interface. Leave as-is.\nFIFO = First-In-First-Out, a type of buffer. Leave as-is.
Emulate VIF FIFO
VU0 = VU (Vector Unit) 0. Leave as-is.
Full VU0 Synchronization
VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nI Bit = A bit referred as I, not as 1.\nScarface The World is Yours and Crash Tag Team Racing: names of two different games. Leave as-is or use an official translation.
VU I Bit Hack
VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nTri-Ace: a game development company name. Leave as-is.
VU Add Hack
VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nSuperman Returns: a game's name. Leave as-is or use an official translation.
VU Overflow Hack
VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nRun Behind: watch out for misleading capitalization for non-English: this refers to making the VUs run behind (delayed relative to) the EE.\nM-Bit: a bitflag in VU instructions that tells VU0 to synchronize with the EE. M-Bit Game: A game that uses instructions with the M-Bit enabled (unofficial PCSX2 name).
VU Sync
VU = Vector Unit. Leave as-is.\nXGKick: the name of one of the VU's instructions. Leave as-is.
VU XGKick Sync
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit This option tells PCSX2 to estimate internal FPS by detecting blits (image copies) onto visible display memory.
Force Blit Internal FPS Detection
FMV: Full Motion Video. Find the common used term in your language.
Use Software Renderer For FMVs
For Tales of Destiny.
To avoid TLB miss on Goemon.
Needed for some games with complex FMV rendering.
Skips videos/FMVs in games to avoid game hanging/freezes.
Known to affect following games: Bleach Blade Battlers, Growlanser II and III, Wizardry.
General-purpose timing hack. Known to affect following games: Digital Devil Saga, SSX.
Good for cache emulation problems. Known to affect following games: Fire Pro Wrestling Z.
Known to affect following games: Mana Khemia 1, Metal Saga, Pilot Down Behind Enemy Lines.
Correct but slower. Known to affect the following games: Fifa Street 2.
Simulate VIF1 FIFO read ahead. Known to affect following games: Test Drive Unlimited, Transformers.
For SOCOM 2 HUD and Spy Hunter loading hang.
For Tri-Ace Games: Star Ocean 3, Radiata Stories, Valkyrie Profile 2.
Avoids constant recompilation in some games. Known to affect the following games: Scarface The World is Yours, Crash Tag Team Racing.
Forces tight VU0 sync on every COP2 instruction.
Run behind. To avoid sync problems when reading or writing VU registers.
To check for possible float overflows (Superman Returns).
Use accurate timing for VU XGKicks (slower).
Use alternative method to calculate internal FPS to avoid false readings in some games.
Scanning directory {} (recursively)...
Scanning directory {}...
Scanning {}...
{}h {}m
{}h {}m {}s
{}m {}s
%n hours
%n hours
%n minutes
%n minutes
Downloading cover for {0} [{1}]...
File Title
Time Played
Last Played
Game Scanning
Search Directories (will be scanned for games)
Search Directory
Scan Recursively
Excluded Paths (will not be scanned)
Scan For New Games
Rescan All Games
Prefer English Titles
For games with both a title in the game's native language and one in English, prefer the English title.
Open Directory...
Select Search Directory
Scan Recursively?
Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.
Select File
Select Directory
Game List
Game Grid
Show Titles
All Types
All Regions
Patch Title
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Author: </span>Patch Author</p><p>Description would go here</p></body></html>
<strong>Author: </strong>%1<br>%2
No description provided.
Activating game patches can cause unpredictable behavior, crashing, soft-locks, or broken saved games. Use patches at your own risk, the PCSX2 team will provide no support for users who have enabled game patches.
Any patches bundled with PCSX2 for this game will be disabled since you have unlabeled patches loaded.
All CRCs
Reload Patches
Show Patches For All CRCs
Toggles scanning patch files for all CRCs of the game. With this enabled available patches for the game serial with different CRCs will also be loaded.
There are no patches available for this game.
Clear the line to restore the original title...
Name for use in sorting (e.g. "XXX, The" for a game called "The XXX")
Sorting Title:
English Title:
PS2 Disc
PS1 Disc
ELF (PS2 Executable)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
NTSC-B (Brazil)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
NTSC-C (China)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
NTSC-HK (Hong Kong)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
NTSC-J (Japan)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
NTSC-K (Korea)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
NTSC-T (Taiwan)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-A (Australia)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-AF (South Africa)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-AU (Austria)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-BE (Belgium)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-E (Europe/Australia)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-F (France)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-FI (Finland)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-G (Germany)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-GR (Greece)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-I (Italy)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-IN (India)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-M (Europe/Australia)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-NL (Netherlands)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-NO (Norway)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-P (Portugal)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-PL (Poland)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-R (Russia)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-S (Spain)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-SC (Scandinavia)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-SW (Sweden)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-SWI (Switzerland)
Leave the code as-is, translate the country's name.
PAL-UK (United Kingdom)
Not Bootable
Reaches Intro
Reaches Menu
Input Profile:
Refers to the shared settings profile.
Disc Path:
Search on Redump.org...
Select Disc Path
Game is not a CD/DVD.
Track list unavailable while virtual machine is running.
<not computed>
Cannot verify image while a game is running.
One or more tracks is missing.
Verified as %1 [%2] (Version %3).
Verified as %1 [%2].
Fullscreen Mode:
Aspect Ratio:
Fit to Window / Fullscreen
Auto Standard (4:3 Interlaced / 3:2 Progressive)
Standard (4:3)
Widescreen (16:9)
FMV Aspect Ratio:
Off (Default)
Automatic (Default)
Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.
Weave (Top Field First, Sawtooth)
Weave: deinterlacing method that can be translated or left as-is in English. Sawtooth: refers to the jagged effect weave deinterlacing has on motion.
Weave (Bottom Field First, Sawtooth)
Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.
Bob (Top Field First, Full Frames)
Bob: deinterlacing method that refers to the way it makes video look like it's bobbing up and down.
Bob (Bottom Field First, Full Frames)
Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.
Blend (Top Field First, Merge 2 Fields)
Blend: deinterlacing method that blends the colors of the two frames, can be translated or left as-is in English.
Blend (Bottom Field First, Merge 2 Fields)
Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.
Adaptive (Top Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)
Adaptive: deinterlacing method that should be translated.
Adaptive (Bottom Field First, Similar to Bob + Weave)
Bilinear Filtering:
Smooth: Refers to the texture clarity.
Bilinear (Smooth)
Sharp: Refers to the texture clarity.
Bilinear (Sharp)
Vertical Stretch:
Percentage sign that shows next to a value. You might want to add a space before if your language requires it.
Percentage sign that will appear next to a number. Add a space or whatever is needed before depending on your language.
Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.
Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.
Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.
Warning: short space constraints. Abbreviate if necessary.
Screen Offsets
Show Overscan
Enable Widescreen Patches
Enable No-Interlacing Patches
Disable Interlace Offset
Screenshot Size:
Screen Resolution
Internal Resolution
Internal Resolution:
Texture Filtering:
Bilinear (Forced)
Bilinear (PS2)
Bilinear (Forced excluding sprite)
Trilinear Filtering:
Off (None)
Trilinear (PS2)
Trilinear (Forced)
Anisotropic Filtering:
Unscaled (Default)
Blending Accuracy:
Basic (Recommended)
Full (Slow)
Maximum (Very Slow)
Texture Preloading:
Full (Hash Cache)
Software Rendering Threads:
Skip Draw Range:
Disable Depth Conversion
GPU Palette Conversion
Manual Hardware Renderer Fixes
Spin GPU During Readbacks
Spin CPU During Readbacks
Auto Flush
Hardware Fixes
Force Disabled
Force Enabled
CPU Sprite Render Size:
0 (Disabled)
0 (Disabled)
1 (64 Max Width)
2 (128 Max Width)
3 (192 Max Width)
4 (256 Max Width)
5 (320 Max Width)
6 (384 Max Width)
7 (448 Max Width)
8 (512 Max Width)
9 (576 Max Width)
10 (640 Max Width)
Disable Safe Features
Preload Frame Data
Texture Inside RT
1 (Normal)
2 (Aggressive)
Software CLUT Render:
CLUT: Color Look Up Table, often referred to as a palette in non-PS2 things. GPU Target CLUT: GPU handling of when a game uses data from a render target as a CLUT.
GPU Target CLUT:
Disabled (Default)
Enabled (Exact Match)
Enabled (Check Inside Target)
Upscaling Fixes
Half Pixel Offset:
Normal (Vertex)
Special (Texture)
Special (Texture - Aggressive)
Round Sprite:
Texture Offsets:
Merge Sprite
Align Sprite
No Deinterlacing
Apply Widescreen Patches
Apply No-Interlacing Patches
Window Resolution (Aspect Corrected)
Internal Resolution (Aspect Corrected)
Internal Resolution (No Aspect Correction)
Force 32bit
Sprites Only
Blended Sprites/Triangles
Auto Flush:
Enabled (Sprites Only)
Enabled (All Primitives)
Texture Inside RT:
Inside Target
Merge Targets
Disable Partial Source Invalidation
Read Targets When Closing
Estimate Texture Region
Disable Render Fixes
Align To Native
Unscaled Palette Texture Draws
Bilinear Dirty Upscale:
Force Bilinear
Force Nearest
Texture Replacement
Search Directory
PCSX2 will dump and load texture replacements from this directory.
Dump Textures
Dump Mipmaps
Dump FMV Textures
Load Textures
Native Scaling
Force Even Sprite Position
Precache Textures
You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfx
Contrast Adaptive Sharpening:
None (Default)
Sharpen Only (Internal Resolution)
Sharpen and Resize (Display Resolution)
TV Shader:
Scanline Filter
Diagonal Filter
Triangular Filter
Wave Filter
Lottes = Timothy Lottes, the creator of the shader filter. Leave as-is. CRT= Cathode Ray Tube, an old type of television technology.
Lottes CRT
4xRGSS downsampling (4x Rotated Grid SuperSampling)
NxAGSS downsampling (Nx Automatic Grid SuperSampling)
Shade Boost
On-Screen Display
OSD Scale:
Show Indicators
Show Resolution
Show Inputs
Show GPU Usage
Show Settings
Show FPS
Disable Mailbox Presentation
Disable Shader Cache
Disable Vertex Shader Expand
Show Statistics
Asynchronous Texture Loading
Show CPU Usage
Warn About Unsafe Settings
Show Frame Times
Video Dumping Directory
Capture Setup
Extra Arguments
Capture Audio
Capture Video
Advanced here refers to the advanced graphics options.
Advanced Options
Hardware Download Mode:
Accurate (Recommended)
Disable Readbacks (Synchronize GS Thread)
Unsynchronized (Non-Deterministic)
Disabled (Ignore Transfers)
GS Dump Compression:
LZMA (xz)
Zstandard (zst)
Overslaan Van Dubbele Beelden
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit \nSwap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit
Swap chain: see Microsoft's Terminology Portal.
Use Blit Swap Chain
Unit that will appear next to a number. Alter the space or whatever is needed before the text depending on your language.
Allow Exclusive Fullscreen:
Debugging Options
Override Texture Barriers:
Use Debug Device
Show Speed Percentages
Disable Framebuffer Fetch
Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.
Direct3D 11
Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.
Direct3D 12
Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.
Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.
Graphics backend/engine type. Leave as-is.
Graphics backend/engine type (refers to emulating the GS in software, on the CPU). Translate accordingly.
Null here means that this is a graphics backend that will show nothing.
Use Global Setting [%1]
Laden en automatisch toepassen van breedbeeldpatches bij het starten van het spel. Kan problemen veroorzaken.
Laden en automatisch toepassen van geen-interlacingpatches bij het starten van het spel. Kan problemen veroorzaken.
Schakelt interlacing-offset uit, wat vervaging in sommige situaties kan verminderen.
Bilinear Filtering
Schakelt bilineaire post-processingsfilter in. Maakt het algehele beeld gladder zoals het op het scherm wordt weergegeven. Corrigeert de positionering tussen pixels.
PCRTC: Programmable CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) Controller.
Schakelt PCRTC-offsets in die het scherm positioneren zoals het spel verzoekt. Handig voor sommige spellen zoals WipEout Fusion vanwege het schudeffect van het scherm, maar kan het beeld wazig maken.
Schakelt de optie in om het overscan-gebied te tonen bij spellen die meer tekenen dan het veilige gebied van het scherm.
FMV Aspect Ratio
Overrides the full-motion video (FMV) aspect ratio.
Determines the deinterlacing method to be used on the interlaced screen of the emulated console. Automatic should be able to correctly deinterlace most games, but if you see visibly shaky graphics, try one of the available options.
Control the texture's trilinear filtering of the emulation.
Control the accuracy level of the GS blending unit emulation.<br> The higher the setting, the more blending is emulated in the shader accurately, and the higher the speed penalty will be.<br> Do note that Direct3D's blending is reduced in capability compared to OpenGL/Vulkan.
Software Rendering Threads
CPU Sprite Render Size
Software CLUT Render
Try to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it on the GPU with special handling.
Deze optie schakelt game-specifieke renderfixes uit.
Normaal gesproken behandelt de textuurcache gedeeltelijke ongeldigverklaringen. Helaas is dit erg kostbaar qua CPU-berekeningen. Deze aanpassing vervangt de gedeeltelijke ongeldigverklaring door een volledige verwijdering van de textuur om de CPU-belasting te verminderen. Het helpt bij spellen die de Snowblind-engine gebruiken.
Framebuffer Conversion
Converteert het 4-bits en 8-bits framebuffer op de CPU in plaats van de GPU. Helpt bij Harry Potter- en Stuntmanspellen. Heeft een grote invloed op de prestaties.
Remove Unsupported Settings
You currently have the <strong>Enable Widescreen Patches</strong> or <strong>Enable No-Interlacing Patches</strong> options enabled for this game.<br><br>We no longer support these options, instead <strong>you should select the "Patches" section, and explicitly enable the patches you want.</strong><br><br>Do you want to remove these options from your game configuration now?
Reduces banding between colors and improves the perceived color depth.<br> Off: Disables any dithering.<br> Scaled: Upscaling-aware / Highest dithering effect.<br> Unscaled: Native Dithering / Lowest dithering effect does not increase size of squares when upscaling.<br> Force 32bit: Treat all draws as if they were 32bit to avoid banding and dithering.
Does useless work on the CPU during readbacks to prevent it from going to into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.
Submits useless work to the GPU during readbacks to prevent it from going into powersave modes. May improve performance during readbacks but with a significant increase in power usage.
Number of rendering threads: 0 for single thread, 2 or more for multithread (1 is for debugging). 2 to 4 threads is recommended, any more than that is likely to be slower instead of faster.
Disable the support of depth buffers in the texture cache. Will likely create various glitches and is only useful for debugging.
Stelt de textuurcache in staat om het binnenste gedeelte van een vorige framebuffer opnieuw te gebruiken als invoertextuur.
Maakt alle doelen in de textuurcache leeg terug naar het lokale geheugen bij het afsluiten. Kan voorkomen dat visuals verloren gaan bij het opslaan van de status of het wisselen van renderers, maar kan ook grafische corruptie veroorzaken.
Attempts to reduce the texture size when games do not set it themselves (e.g. Snowblind games).
Namco: a game publisher and development company. Leave the name as-is. Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur: game names. Leave as-is or use official translations.
Fixes issues with upscaling (vertical lines) in Namco games like Ace Combat, Tekken, Soul Calibur, etc.
Dumps replaceable textures to disk. Will reduce performance.
Includes mipmaps when dumping textures.
Allows texture dumping when FMVs are active. You should not enable this.
Loads replacement textures on a worker thread, reducing microstutter when replacements are enabled.
Loads replacement textures where available and user-provided.
Preloads all replacement textures to memory. Not necessary with asynchronous loading.
Enables FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening.
Determines the intensity the sharpening effect in CAS post-processing.
Adjusts brightness. 50 is normal.
Adjusts contrast. 50 is normal.
Adjusts saturation. 50 is normal.
Scales the size of the onscreen OSD from 50% to 500%.
Shows OSD icon indicators for emulation states such as Pausing, Turbo, Fast-Forward, and Slow-Motion.
Displays various settings and the current values of those settings, useful for debugging.
Displays a graph showing the average frametimes.
Video Codec
Selects which Video Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>
Video Bitrate
6000 kbps
Sets the video bitrate to be used. Larger bitrate generally yields better video quality at the cost of larger resulting file size.
Automatic Resolution
When checked, the video capture resolution will follows the internal resolution of the running game.<br><br><b>Be careful when using this setting especially when you are upscaling, as higher internal resolution (above 4x) can results in very large video capture and can cause system overload.</b>
Enable Extra Video Arguments
Allows you to pass arguments to the selected video codec.
Extra Video Arguments
Audio Codec
Selects which Audio Codec to be used for Video Capture. <b>If unsure, leave it on default.<b>
Audio Bitrate
Enable Extra Audio Arguments
Allows you to pass arguments to the selected audio codec.
Extra Audio Arguments
Allow Exclusive Fullscreen
Overrides the driver's heuristics for enabling exclusive fullscreen, or direct flip/scanout.<br>Disallowing exclusive fullscreen may enable smoother task switching and overlays, but increase input latency.
Enables internal Anti-Blur hacks. Less accurate to PS2 rendering but will make a lot of games look less blurry.
Integer Scaling
Voegt padding toe aan het weergavegebied om ervoor te zorgen dat de verhouding tussen pixels op de host en pixels in de console een geheel getal is. Dit kan leiden tot een scherper beeld in sommige 2D-spellen.
Aspect Ratio
Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive)
Changes the aspect ratio used to display the console's output to the screen. The default is Auto Standard (4:3/3:2 Progressive) which automatically adjusts the aspect ratio to match how a game would be shown on a typical TV of the era.
Screenshot Size
Determines the resolution at which screenshots will be saved. Internal resolutions preserve more detail at the cost of file size.
Screenshot Format
Selects the format which will be used to save screenshots. JPEG produces smaller files, but loses detail.
Screenshot Quality
Selecteert de kwaliteit waarmee schermafbeeldingen worden gecomprimeerd. Hogere waarden behouden meer detail voor JPEG en verminderen de bestandsgrootte voor PNG.
Vertical Stretch
Stretches (< 100%) or squashes (> 100%) the vertical component of the display.
Fullscreen Mode
Randloos Volledig Scherm
Chooses the fullscreen resolution and frequency.
Changes the number of pixels cropped from the left side of the display.
Changes the number of pixels cropped from the top of the display.
Changes the number of pixels cropped from the right side of the display.
Changes the number of pixels cropped from the bottom of the display.
Natief (PS2) (Standaard)
Control the resolution at which games are rendered. High resolutions can impact performance on older or lower-end GPUs.<br>Non-native resolution may cause minor graphical issues in some games.<br>FMV resolution will remain unchanged, as the video files are pre-rendered.
Texture Filtering
Control the texture filtering of the emulation.
Trilinear Filtering
Anisotropic Filtering
Reduces texture aliasing at extreme viewing angles.
Blending Accuracy
Texture Preloading
Uploadt hele texturen tegelijk in plaats van kleine stukjes, vermijdt redundante uploads wanneer mogelijk. Verbetert de prestaties in de meeste spellen, maar kan een kleine selectie langzamer maken.
When enabled GPU converts colormap-textures, otherwise the CPU will. It is a trade-off between GPU and CPU.
Het inschakelen van deze optie geeft je de mogelijkheid om de renderer en upscaling-fixes voor je spellen aan te passen. Echter, ALS je dit HEBT INGESCHAKELD, WORDEN AUTOMATISCHE INSTELLINGEN UITGESCHAKELD en kun je automatische instellingen opnieuw inschakelen door deze optie uit te schakelen.
2 threads
Dwingt een primitieve flush af wanneer een framebuffer ook een invoertextuur is. Dit lost enkele verwerkingseffecten op, zoals de schaduwen in de Jak-serie en radiosity in GTA:SA.
Enables mipmapping, which some games require to render correctly.
The maximum target memory width that will allow the CPU Sprite Renderer to activate on.
Tries to detect when a game is drawing its own color palette and then renders it in software, instead of on the GPU.
Skipdraw Range Start
Completely skips drawing surfaces from the surface in the left box up to the surface specified in the box on the right.
Skipdraw Range End
Deze optie schakelt meerdere veilige functies uit. Het schakelt nauwkeurige Unscale Point en Line rendering uit, wat kan helpen bij Xenosaga-spellen. Het schakelt nauwkeurige GS Memory Clearing uit om door de CPU te worden gedaan, en laat alleen de GPU het afhandelen, wat Kingdom Hearts-spellen kan helpen.
Uploads GS data when rendering a new frame to reproduce some effects accurately.
Half Pixel Offset
Might fix some misaligned fog, bloom, or blend effect.
Round Sprite
Corrects the sampling of 2D sprite textures when upscaling. Fixes lines in sprites of games like Ar tonelico when upscaling. Half option is for flat sprites, Full is for all sprites.
Texture Offsets X
ST and UV are different types of texture coordinates, like XY would be spatial coordinates.
Offset for the ST/UV texture coordinates. Fixes some odd texture issues and might fix some post processing alignment too.
Texture Offsets Y
Wild Arms: name of a game series. Leave as-is or use an official translation.
Lowers the GS precision to avoid gaps between pixels when upscaling. Fixes the text on Wild Arms games.
Bilinear Upscale
Can smooth out textures due to be bilinear filtered when upscaling. E.g. Brave sun glare.
Vervangt post-processing van meerdere plaveisel-sprites door een enkele dikke sprite. Vermindert verschillende upscaling-lijnen.
Force palette texture draws to render at native resolution.
You might find an official translation for this on AMD's website (Spanish version linked): https://www.amd.com/es/technologies/radeon-software-fidelityfx
Contrast Adaptive Sharpening
Verzadiging, contrast en helderheid kunnen worden aangepast. De standaardwaarde voor helderheid, verzadiging en contrast is ingesteld op 50.
Applies the FXAA anti-aliasing algorithm to improve the visual quality of games.
TV Shader
Applies a shader which replicates the visual effects of different styles of television set.
OSD Scale
Show OSD Messages
Shows on-screen-display messages when events occur such as save states being created/loaded, screenshots being taken, etc.
Shows the internal frame rate of the game in the top-right corner of the display.
Shows the current emulation speed of the system in the top-right corner of the display as a percentage.
Shows the resolution of the game in the top-right corner of the display.
Shows host's CPU utilization.
Shows host's GPU utilization.
Shows counters for internal graphical utilization, useful for debugging.
Shows the current controller state of the system in the bottom-left corner of the display.
Displays warnings when settings are enabled which may break games.
Leave It Blank
Parameters passed to the selected video codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "crf = 21 : preset = veryfast"
Sets the audio bitrate to be used.
160 kbps
Parameters passed to the selected audio codec.<br><b>You must use '=' to separate key from value and ':' to separate two pairs from each other.</b><br>For example: "compression_level = 4 : joint_stereo = 1"
GS Dump Compression
Change the compression algorithm used when creating a GS dump.
Blit = a data operation. You might want to write it as-is, but fully uppercased. More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bit_blit
Uses a blit presentation model instead of flipping when using the Direct3D 11 renderer. This usually results in slower performance, but may be required for some streaming applications, or to uncap framerates on some systems.
Detecteert wanneer inactieve frames worden gepresenteerd in 25/30fps spellen, en slaat het presenteren van die frames over. De frame wordt nog steeds gerenderd, het betekent gewoon dat de GPU meer tijd heeft om het te voltooien (dit is NIET frames overslaan). Kan de frametijd fluctuaties gladstrijken wanneer de CPU/GPU bijna maximaal worden gebruikt, maar maakt de frame pacing inconsistenter en kan de invoervertraging verhogen.
Enable Debug Device
Enables API-level validation of graphics commands.
GS Download Mode
Slaat het synchroniseren met de GS-thread en host-GPU voor GS-downloads over. Kan leiden tot een grote snelheidsboost op tragere systemen, ten koste van veel gebroken grafische effecten. Als games kapot zijn en je hebt deze optie ingeschakeld, schakel deze dan eerst uit.
This string refers to a default codec, whether it's an audio codec or a video codec.
Forces the use of FIFO over Mailbox presentation, i.e. double buffering instead of triple buffering. Usually results in worse frame pacing.
Save Screenshot
Toggle Video Capture
Save Single Frame GS Dump
Save Multi Frame GS Dump
Toggle Software Rendering
Increase Upscale Multiplier
Decrease Upscale Multiplier
Toggle On-Screen Display
Cycle Aspect Ratio
Aspect ratio set to '{}'.
Toggle Hardware Mipmapping
Hardware mipmapping is now enabled.
Hardware mipmapping is now disabled.
Cycle Deinterlace Mode
Deinterlace mode set to '{}'.
Toggle Texture Dumping
Texture dumping is now enabled.
Texture dumping is now disabled.
Toggle Texture Replacements
Texture replacements are now enabled.
Texture replacements are now disabled.
Reload Texture Replacements
Texture replacements are not enabled.
Reloading texture replacements...
Target speed set to {:.0f}%.
Volume: Muted
Volume: {}%
No save state found in slot {}.
Open Pause Menu
Open Achievements List
Open Leaderboards List
Toggle Pause
Toggle Fullscreen
Toggle Frame Limit
Toggle Turbo / Fast Forward
Toggle Slow Motion
Turbo / Fast Forward (Hold)
Increase Target Speed
Decrease Target Speed
Increase Volume
Decrease Volume
Toggle Mute
Frame Advance
Shut Down Virtual Machine
Reset Virtual Machine
Toggle Input Recording Mode
Save States
Select Previous Save Slot
Select Next Save Slot
Save State To Selected Slot
Load State From Selected Slot
Save State and Select Next Slot
Save State To Slot 1
Load State From Slot 1
Save State To Slot 2
Load State From Slot 2
Save State To Slot 3
Load State From Slot 3
Save State To Slot 4
Load State From Slot 4
Save State To Slot 5
Load State From Slot 5
Save State To Slot 6
Load State From Slot 6
Save State To Slot 7
Load State From Slot 7
Save State To Slot 8
Load State From Slot 8
Save State To Slot 9
Load State From Slot 9
Save State To Slot 10
Load State From Slot 10
Save slot {0} selected ({1}).
{} Recording Input
{} Replaying
Input Recording Active: {}
Frame: {}/{} ({})
Undo Count: {}
Saved at {0:%H:%M} on {0:%a} {0:%Y/%m/%d}.
Save state selector is unavailable without a valid game serial.
Select Previous
Select Next
Save Slot {0}
No save present in this slot.
no save yet
Edit Bindings
Bindings for Controller0/ButtonCircle
Add Binding
Remove Binding
Clear Bindings
Bindings for %1 %2
Push Button/Axis... [%1]
Left click to assign a new button
Shift + left click for additional bindings
Right click to clear binding
No bindings registered
%n bindings
%n bindings
Push Button/Axis... [%1]
Input Recording Viewer
%1 %2
%1 [%2]
Left Analog
Right Analog
D-Pad Down
D-Pad Right
D-Pad Up
D-Pad Left
Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)
Opening Recording Failed
Failed to open file: %1
No devices with vibration motors were detected.
Select vibration motor for %1.
Pause On Focus Loss
Inhibit Screensaver
Save State On Shutdown
Pause On Start
Confirm Shutdown
Create Save State Backups
Enable Discord Presence
Pause On Controller Disconnection
Game Display
Start Fullscreen
Double-Click Toggles Fullscreen
Render To Separate Window
Hide Main Window When Running
Disable Window Resizing
Hide Cursor In Fullscreen
Automatic Updater
Update Channel:
Current Version:
Enable Automatic Update Check
Check for Updates...
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Classic Windows
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Dark Fusion (Gray) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Dark Fusion (Blue) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Grey Matter (Gray) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Untouched Lagoon (Grayish Green/-Blue ) [Light]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Baby Pastel (Pink) [Light]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Pizza Time! (Brown-ish/Creamy White) [Light]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
PCSX2 (White/Blue) [Light]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Scarlet Devil (Red/Purple) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Violet Angel (Blue/Purple) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Cobalt Sky (Blue) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Ruby (Black/Red) [Dark]
Ignore what Crowdin says in this string about "[Light]/[Dark]" being untouchable here, these are not variables in this case and must be translated.
Sapphire (Black/Blue) [Dark]
"Custom.qss" must be kept as-is.
Custom.qss [Drop in PCSX2 Folder]
Controleert automatisch op updates voor het programma bij het opstarten. Updates kunnen worden uitgesteld of volledig worden overgeslagen.
Variable %1 shows the version number and variable %2 shows a timestamp.
%1 (%2)
Voorkomt dat de screensaver activeert en de host in slaapstand gaat terwijl de emulatie draait.
Bepaalt of er een prompt wordt weergegeven om het afsluiten van de virtuele machine te bevestigen wanneer de sneltoets wordt ingedrukt.
Slaat automatisch de emulatorstatus op bij het uitschakelen of afsluiten. Je kunt dan de volgende keer direct verdergaan waar je gebleven was.
Pauses the emulator when a controller with bindings is disconnected.
Staat het in- en uitschakelen van de volledige schermmodus toe door dubbel te klikken op het spelvenster.
Voorkomt dat het hoofdvenster wordt aangepast in grootte.
Niet aangevinkt
Fusie [Licht/Donker]
Pauzeert de emulator wanneer een spel wordt gestart.
Pauzeert de emulator wanneer je het venster minimaliseert of naar een andere applicatie overschakelt, en hervat wanneer je terugkeert.
Do not translate the ".backup" extension.
Maakt een back-upkopie van een opslagstatus als deze al bestaat wanneer de opslag wordt gemaakt. De back-upkopie heeft een .backup-extensie.
Schakelt automatisch over naar de volledige schermmodus wanneer een spel wordt gestart.
Verbergt de muisaanwijzer/cursor wanneer de emulator in de volledige schermmodus is.
Rendert het spel naar een apart venster, in plaats van het hoofdvenster. Als dit niet is aangevinkt, wordt het spel weergegeven boven de lijst met spellen.
Verbergt het hoofdvenster (met de spellenlijst) wanneer een spel draait, vereist dat Render To Separate Window is ingeschakeld.
Toont het spel dat je momenteel speelt als onderdeel van je profiel in Discord.
Systeem Taal [Default]
Log Window - %1 [%2]
Log Window
Log To &System Console
Log To &Debug Console
Log To &File
Attach To &Main Window
Show &Timestamps
Select Log File
Log Files (*.txt)
Failed to open file for writing.
Log was written to %1.
Hide %1
Hide Others
Show All
Quit %1
About %1
Change Disc
Load State
Save State
Switch Renderer
&Window Size
Input Recording
Start &File...
Start &Disc...
Start &BIOS
&Scan Voor Nieuwe Spellen
&Opnieuw scannen van Games Scannen
Shut &Down
Shut Down &Without Saving
&Post-Processing Settings...
Resolution Scale
&GitHub Repository...
Support &Forums...
&Discord Server...
Check for &Updates...
About &Qt...
&About PCSX2...
In Toolbar
In Toolbar
Change Disc...
Game List
Add Game Directory...
From File...
From Device...
From Game List...
Remove Disc
Global State
In Toolbar
Start File
In Toolbar
Start Disc
In Toolbar
Start BIOS
In Toolbar
Shut Down
In Toolbar
In Toolbar
In Toolbar
Load State
In Toolbar
Save State
In Toolbar
In Toolbar
In Toolbar
&Memory Cards
&Network && HDD
Lock Toolbar
&Status Bar
Verbose Status
Game &List
This grayed-out at first option will become available while there is a game emulated and the game list is displayed over the actual emulation, to let users display the system emulation once more.
System &Display
Game &Properties
Game &Grid
Show Titles (Grid View)
Zoom &In (Grid View)
Zoom &Out (Grid View)
Refresh &Covers (Grid View)
Open Memory Card Directory...
Open Data Directory...
Toggle Software Rendering
Open Debugger
Reload Cheats/Patches
Enable System Console
Enable Debug Console
Enable Log Window
Enable Verbose Logging
Enable EE Console Logging
Enable IOP Console Logging
Save Single Frame GS Dump
This section refers to the Input Recording submenu.
This section refers to the Input Recording submenu.
This section refers to the Input Recording submenu.
This section refers to the Input Recording submenu.
Input Recording Logs
Controller Logs
Enable &File Logging
Enable CDVD Read Logging
Save CDVD Block Dump
Enable Log Timestamps
Start Big Picture Mode
In Toolbar
Big Picture
Cover Downloader...
Show Advanced Settings
Recording Viewer
Video Capture
Edit Cheats...
Edit Patches...
Internal Resolution
%1x Scale
Select location to save block dump:
Do not show again
Changing advanced settings can have unpredictable effects on games, including graphical glitches, lock-ups, and even corrupted save files. We do not recommend changing advanced settings unless you know what you are doing, and the implications of changing each setting.
The PCSX2 team will not provide any support for configurations that modify these settings, you are on your own.
Are you sure you want to continue?
%1 Files (*.%2)
WARNING: Memory Card Busy
Confirm Shutdown
Are you sure you want to shut down the virtual machine?
Save State For Resume
You must select a disc to change discs.
Set Cover Image...
Exclude From List
Reset Play Time
Default Boot
Fast Boot
Full Boot
Boot and Debug
Add Search Directory...
Start File
Start Disc
Select Disc Image
Updater Error
<p>Sorry, you are trying to update a PCSX2 version which is not an official GitHub release. To prevent incompatibilities, the auto-updater is only enabled on official builds.</p><p>To obtain an official build, please download from the link below:</p><p><a href="https://pcsx2.net/downloads/">https://pcsx2.net/downloads/</a></p>
Automatic updating is not supported on the current platform.
Confirm File Creation
The pnach file '%1' does not currently exist. Do you want to create it?
Failed to create '%1'.
Input Recording Failed
Failed to create file: {}
Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)
Input Playback Failed
Failed to open file: {}
Load State Failed
Cannot load a save state without a running VM.
The new ELF cannot be loaded without resetting the virtual machine. Do you want to reset the virtual machine now?
Cannot change from game to GS dump without shutting down first.
Failed to get window info from widget
Stop Big Picture Mode
In Toolbar
Exit Big Picture
Game Properties
Game properties is unavailable for the current game.
Could not find any CD/DVD-ROM devices. Please ensure you have a drive connected and sufficient permissions to access it.
Select disc drive:
This save state does not exist.
Select Cover Image
Cover Already Exists
A cover image for this game already exists, do you wish to replace it?
Copy Error
Failed to remove existing cover '%1'
Failed to copy '%1' to '%2'
Failed to remove '%1'
Confirm Reset
All Cover Image Types (*.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.webp)
You must select a different file to the current cover image.
Are you sure you want to reset the play time for '%1'?
This action cannot be undone.
Load Resume State
A resume save state was found for this game, saved at:
Do you want to load this state, or start from a fresh boot?
Fresh Boot
Delete And Boot
Failed to delete save state file '%1'.
Load State File...
Load From File...
Select Save State File
Save States (*.p2s)
Delete Save States...
All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.elf *.irx *.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;ELF Executables (*.elf);;IRX Executables (*.irx);;GS Dumps (*.gs *.gs.xz *.gs.zst);;Block Dumps (*.dump)
All File Types (*.bin *.iso *.cue *.mdf *.chd *.cso *.zso *.gz *.dump);;Single-Track Raw Images (*.bin *.iso);;Cue Sheets (*.cue);;Media Descriptor File (*.mdf);;MAME CHD Images (*.chd);;CSO Images (*.cso);;ZSO Images (*.zso);;GZ Images (*.gz);;Block Dumps (*.dump)
WARNING: Your memory card is still writing data. Shutting down now <b>WILL IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD.</b> It is strongly recommended to resume your game and let it finish writing to your memory card.<br><br>Do you wish to shutdown anyways and <b>IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY YOUR MEMORY CARD?</b>
Save States (*.p2s *.p2s.backup)
Undo Load State
Resume (%2)
Load Slot %1 (%2)
Delete Save States
Are you sure you want to delete all save states for %1?
The saves will not be recoverable.
%1 save states deleted.
Save To File...
Save Slot %1 (%2)
Confirm Disc Change
Do you want to swap discs or boot the new image (via system reset)?
Swap Disc
Missing Font File
The font file '%1' is required for the On-Screen Display and Big Picture Mode to show messages in your language.<br><br>Do you want to download this file now? These files are usually less than 10 megabytes in size.<br><br><strong>If you do not download this file, on-screen messages will not be readable.</strong>
Downloading Files
Memory Card Creation Failed
Could not create the memory card:
Memory Card Read Failed
Unable to access memory card:
Another instance of PCSX2 may be using this memory card or the memory card is stored in a write-protected folder.
Close any other instances of PCSX2, or restart your computer.
Memory Card '{}' was saved to storage.
Failed to create memory card. The error was:
Memory Cards reinserted.
Force ejecting all Memory Cards. Reinserting in 1 second.
Convert Memory Card
Conversion Type
8 MB File
16 MB File
32 MB File
64 MB File
<center><strong>Note:</strong> Converting a Memory Card creates a <strong>COPY</strong> of your existing Memory Card. It does <strong>NOT delete, modify, or replace</strong> your existing Memory Card.</center>
Uses a folder on your PC filesystem, instead of a file. Infinite capacity, while keeping the same compatibility as an 8 MB Memory Card.
A standard, 8 MB Memory Card. Most compatible, but smallest capacity.
2x larger than a standard Memory Card. May have some compatibility issues.
4x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.
8x larger than a standard Memory Card. Likely to have compatibility issues.
MemoryCardType should be left as-is.
Convert Memory Card Failed
Invalid MemoryCardType
Conversion Complete
Memory Card "%1" converted to "%2"
Your folder Memory Card has too much data inside it to be converted to a file Memory Card. The largest supported file Memory Card has a capacity of 64 MB. To convert your folder Memory Card, you must remove game folders until its size is 64 MB or less.
Cannot Convert Memory Card
Create Memory Card
<html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:700;">Create Memory Card</span><br />Enter the name of the Memory Card you wish to create, and choose a size. We recommend either using 8MB Memory Cards, or folder Memory Cards for best compatibility.</p></body></html>
Memory Card Name:
8 MB [Most Compatible]
This is the standard Sony-provisioned size, and is supported by all games and BIOS versions.
16 MB
A typical size for third-party Memory Cards which should work with most games.
32 MB
64 MB
Low compatibility warning: yes, it's very big, but may not work with many games.
Folder [Recommended]
Store Memory Card contents in the host filesystem instead of a file.
128 KB (PS1)
This is the standard Sony-provisioned size PS1 Memory Card, and only compatible with PS1 games.
Use NTFS Compression
NTFS compression is built-in, fast, and completely reliable. Typically compresses Memory Cards (highly recommended).
Failed to create the Memory Card, because the name '%1' contains one or more invalid characters.
Failed to create the Memory Card, because another card with the name '%1' already exists.
Failed to create the Memory Card, the log may contain more information.
Memory Card '%1' created.
Memory Card Slots
Memory Cards
Last Modified
Automatically manage saves based on running game
(Folder type only / Card size: Auto) Loads only the relevant booted game saves, ignoring others. Avoids running out of space for saves.
Swap Memory Cards
Eject Memory Card
Delete Memory Card
Rename Memory Card
New Card Name
New name is invalid, it must end with .ps2
New name is invalid, a card with this name already exists.
Slot %1
This Memory Card cannot be recognized or is not a valid file type.
Are you sure you wish to delete the Memory Card '%1'?
This action cannot be reversed, and you will lose any saves on the card.
Failed to delete the Memory Card. The log may have more information.
Failed to rename Memory Card. The log may contain more information.
Use for Slot %1
Both slots must have a card selected to swap.
PS2 (8MB)
PS2 (16MB)
PS2 (32MB)
PS2 (64MB)
PS1 (128KB)
PS2 (Folder)
%1 [%2]
Ignore Crowdin's warning for [Missing], the text should be translated.
%1 [Missing]
1 Byte (8 bits)
2 Bytes (16 bits)
4 Bytes (32 bits)
8 Bytes (64 bits)
Array of byte
Filter Search
Not Equals
Greater Than
Greater Than Or Equal
Less Than
Less Than Or Equal
Search Results List Context Menu
Copy Address
Go to in Disassembly
Add to Saved Memory Addresses
Remove Result
Invalid start address
Invalid end address
Start address can't be equal to or greater than the end address
Invalid search value
Value is larger than type
This search comparison can only be used with filter searches.
%0 results found
Increased By
Decreased By
Changed By
Not Changed
Copy Address
Go to in Disassembly
Go to address
Show as 1 byte
Show as 2 bytes
Show as 4 bytes
Show as 8 bytes
Add to Saved Memory Addresses
Copy Byte
Copy Segment
Copy Character
New Input Recording
Select Recording Type
Indicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded from the moment the emulation boots on/starts.
Power On
Indicates that the input recording that is about to be started will be recorded when an accompanying save state is saved.
Save State
<html><head/><body><p align="center"><span style=" color:#ff0000;">Be Warned! Making an input recording that starts from a save-state will fail to work on future versions due to save-state versioning.</span></p></body></html>
Select File Path
Enter Author Name
Input Recording Files (*.p2m2)
Select a File
D-Pad Up
D-Pad Right
D-Pad Down
D-Pad Left
L1 (Left Bumper)
L2 (Left Trigger)
R1 (Right Bumper)
R2 (Right Trigger)
L3 (Left Stick Button)
R3 (Right Stick Button)
Analog Toggle
Apply Pressure
Left Stick Up
Left Stick Right
Left Stick Down
Left Stick Left
Right Stick Up
Right Stick Right
Right Stick Down
Right Stick Left
Large (Low Frequency) Motor
Small (High Frequency) Motor
Not Inverted
Invert Left/Right
Invert Up/Down
Invert Left/Right + Up/Down
Invert Left Stick
Inverts the direction of the left analog stick.
Invert Right Stick
Inverts the direction of the right analog stick.
Analog Deadzone
Sets the analog stick deadzone, i.e. the fraction of the stick movement which will be ignored.
Button/Trigger Deadzone
Sets the deadzone for activating buttons/triggers, i.e. the fraction of the trigger which will be ignored.
Analog light is now on for port {0} / slot {1}
Analog light is now off for port {0} / slot {1}
Analog Sensitivity
Sets the analog stick axis scaling factor. A value between 130% and 140% is recommended when using recent controllers, e.g. DualShock 4, Xbox One Controller.
Large Motor Vibration Scale
Increases or decreases the intensity of low frequency vibration sent by the game.
Small Motor Vibration Scale
Increases or decreases the intensity of high frequency vibration sent by the game.
Modifier Pressure
Sets the pressure when the modifier button is held.
Not Connected
DualShock 2
Strum Up
Strum Down
Green Fret
Red Fret
Yellow Fret
Blue Fret
Orange Fret
Whammy Bar
Tilt Up
Whammy Bar Deadzone
Sets the whammy bar deadzone. Inputs below this value will not be sent to the PS2.
Whammy Bar Sensitivity
Sets the whammy bar axis scaling factor.
Controller port {0}, slot {1} has a {2} connected, but the save state has a {3}.
Ejecting {3} and replacing it with {2}.
Yellow (Left)
Yellow (Right)
Blue (Left)
Blue (Right)
White (Left)
White (Right)
Green (Left)
Green (Right)
Pop'n Music
Failed to open {}. Built-in game patches are not available.
OSD Message
%n GameDB patches are active.
%n GameDB patches are active.
OSD Message
%n game patches are active.
%n game patches are active.
OSD Message
%n cheat patches are active.
%n cheat patches are active.
No cheats or patches (widescreen, compatibility or others) are found / enabled.
Disabled (Noisy)
TimeStretch (Recommended)
PCSX2 uses your camera to emulate an EyeToy camera plugged into the virtual PS2.
PCSX2 uses your microphone to emulate a USB microphone plugged into the virtual PS2.
HDD Creator
Failed to create HDD image
Creating HDD file
%1 / %2 MiB
RA: Logged in as %1 (%2 pts, softcore: %3 pts). %4 unread messages.
An error occurred while deleting empty game settings:
An error occurred while saving game settings:
Controller {} connected.
System paused because controller {} was disconnected.
Controller {} disconnected.
Register View
View as hex
View as float
Copy Top Half
Copy Bottom Half
Copy Segment
Copy Value
Change Top Half
Change Bottom Half
Change Segment
Change Value
Go to in Disassembly
Go to in Memory View
Changing the value in a CPU register (e.g. "Change t0")
Change %1
Invalid register value
Invalid hexadecimal register value.
Invalid floating-point register value.
Invalid target address
This save state is outdated and is no longer compatible with the current version of PCSX2.
If you have any unsaved progress on this save state, you can download the compatible version (PCSX2 {}) from pcsx2.net, load the save state, and save your progress to the memory card.
Confirm Folder
The chosen directory does not currently exist:
Do you want to create this directory?
Folder path cannot be empty.
Select folder for %1
THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Enabled]: the text must be translated.
Use Global Setting [Enabled]
THIS STRING IS SHARED ACROSS MULTIPLE OPTIONS. Be wary about gender/number. Also, ignore Crowdin's warning regarding [Disabled]: the text must be translated.
Use Global Setting [Disabled]
Use Global Setting [%1]
PCSX2 Settings
Restore Defaults
Copy Global Settings
Clear Settings
<strong>Summary</strong><hr>This page shows details about the selected game. Changing the Input Profile will set the controller binding scheme for this game to whichever profile is chosen, instead of the default (Shared) configuration. The track list and dump verification can be used to determine if your disc image matches a known good dump. If it does not match, the game may be broken.
Summary is unavailable for files not present in game list.
Game List
<strong>Game List Settings</strong><hr>The list above shows the directories which will be searched by PCSX2 to populate the game list. Search directories can be added, removed, and switched to recursive/non-recursive.
<strong>Patches</strong><hr>This section allows you to select optional patches to apply to the game, which may provide performance, visual, or gameplay improvements.
<strong>Cheats</strong><hr>This section allows you to select which cheats you wish to enable. You cannot enable/disable cheats without labels for old-format pnach files, those will automatically activate if the main cheat enable option is checked.
Game Fixes
<strong>Game Fixes Settings</strong><hr>Game Fixes can work around incorrect emulation in some titles.<br>However, they can also cause problems in games if used incorrectly.<br>It is best to leave them all disabled unless advised otherwise.
Memory Cards
Network & HDD
<strong>Folder Settings</strong><hr>These options control where PCSX2 will save runtime data files.
<strong>Achievements Settings</strong><hr>These options control the RetroAchievements implementation in PCSX2, allowing you to earn achievements in your games.
RAIntegration is being used, built-in RetroAchievements support is disabled.
Are you sure you want to restore the default settings? Any existing preferences will be lost.
<strong>Interface Settings</strong><hr>These options control how the software looks and behaves.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>BIOS Settings</strong><hr>Configure your BIOS here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Emulation Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of frame pacing and game settings.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Graphics Settings</strong><hr>These options determine the configuration of the graphical output.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Audio Settings</strong><hr>These options control the audio output of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Memory Card Settings</strong><hr>Create and configure Memory Cards here.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Network & HDD Settings</strong><hr>These options control the network connectivity and internal HDD storage of the console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Advanced Settings</strong><hr>These are advanced options to determine the configuration of the simulated console.<br><br>Mouse over an option for additional information, and Shift+Wheel to scroll this panel.
<strong>Debug Settings</strong><hr>These are options which can be used to log internal information about the application. <strong>Do not modify unless you know what you are doing</strong>, it will cause significant slowdown, and can waste large amounts of disk space.
Confirm Restore Defaults
Reset UI Settings
The configuration for this game will be replaced by the current global settings.
Any current setting values will be overwritten.
Do you want to continue?
Per-game configuration copied from global settings.
The configuration for this game will be cleared.
Any current setting values will be lost.
Do you want to continue?
Per-game configuration cleared.
Recommended Value
PCSX2 Setup Wizard
BIOS Image
Game Directories
Controller Setup
Enable Automatic Updates
BIOS Directory:
Open BIOS Folder...
Refresh List
Search Directories (will be scanned for games)
Search Directory
Scan Recursively
<html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Welcome to PCSX2!</span></h1><p>This wizard will help guide you through the configuration steps required to use the application. It is recommended if this is your first time installing PCSX2 that you view the setup guide <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/">here</a>.</p><p>By default, PCSX2 will connect to the server at <a href="https://pcsx2.net/">pcsx2.net</a> to check for updates, and if available and confirmed, download update packages from <a href="https://github.com/">github.com</a>. If you do not wish for PCSX2 to make any network connections on startup, you should uncheck the Automatic Updates option now. The Automatic Update setting can be changed later at any time in Interface Settings.</p><p>Please choose a language and theme to begin.</p></body></html>
<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.</p><p>For legal reasons, you must obtain a BIOS <strong>from an actual PS2 unit that you own</strong> (borrowing doesn't count).</p><p>Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory shown below, or you can instruct PCSX2 to scan an alternative directory.</p><p>A guide for dumping your BIOS can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/gather#how-to-dump-your-ps2-bios">here</a>.</p></body></html>
<html><head/><body><p>PCSX2 will automatically scan and identify games from the selected directories below, and populate the game list.<br>These games should be dumped from discs you own. Guides for dumping discs can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/setup/gather#dumping-ps2-discs-via-imgburn">here</a>.</p><p>Supported formats for dumps include:</p><p><ul><li>.bin/.iso (ISO Disc Images)</li><li>.mdf (Media Descriptor File)</li><li>.chd (Compressed Hunks of Data)</li><li>.cso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.zso (Compressed ISO)</li><li>.gz (Gzip Compressed ISO)</li></ul></p></p></body></html>
<html><head/><body><p>By default, PCSX2 will map your keyboard to the virtual PS2 controller.</p><p><span style=" font-weight:704;">To use an external controller, you must map it first. </span>On this screen, you can automatically map any controller which is currently connected. If your controller is not currently connected, you can plug it in now.</p><p>To change controller bindings in more detail, or use multi-tap, open the Settings menu and choose Controllers once you have completed the Setup Wizard.</p><p>Guides for configuring controllers can be found <a href="https://pcsx2.net/docs/post/controllers/"><span style="">here</span></a>.</p></body></html>
Controller Port 1
Controller Mapped To:
Controller Type:
Default (Keyboard)
Automatic Mapping
Controller Port 2
<html><head/><body><h1 style=" margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:12px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;"><span style=" font-size:xx-large; font-weight:700;">Setup Complete!</span></h1><p>You are now ready to run games.</p><p>Further options are available under the settings menu. You can also use the Big Picture UI for navigation entirely with a gamepad.</p><p>We hope you enjoy using PCSX2.</p></body></html>
A BIOS image has not been selected. PCSX2 <strong>will not</strong> be able to run games without a BIOS image.<br><br>Are you sure you wish to continue without selecting a BIOS image?
No game directories have been selected. You will have to manually open any game dumps you want to play, PCSX2's list will be empty.
Are you sure you want to continue?
Cancel Setup
Are you sure you want to cancel PCSX2 setup?
Any changes have been saved, and the wizard will run again next time you start PCSX2.
Open Directory...
Select Search Directory
Scan Recursively?
Would you like to scan the directory "%1" recursively?
Scanning recursively takes more time, but will identify files in subdirectories.
Default (None)
No devices available
Automatic Binding
No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed. PC = Program Counter (location where the CPU is executing).
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Warning: short space limit. Abbreviate if needed.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Refers to a Thread Wait State in the Debugger.
Webcam (EyeToy)
Sony EyeToy
Konami Capture Eye
Device Name
Selects the device to capture images from.
HID Keyboard
HID Mouse
Left Button
Right Button
Middle Button
Konami Keyboard
GunCon 2
D-Pad Up
D-Pad Down
D-Pad Left
D-Pad Right
Shoot Offscreen
Calibration Shot
Relative Left
Relative Right
Relative Up
Relative Down
Cursor Path
Sets the crosshair image that this lightgun will use. Setting a crosshair image will disable the system cursor.
Cursor Scale
Scales the crosshair image set above.
Cursor Color
Applies a color to the chosen crosshair images, can be used for multiple players. Specify in HTML/CSS format (e.g. #aabbcc)
Manual Screen Configuration
Forces the use of the screen parameters below, instead of automatic parameters if available.
X Scale (Sensitivity)
Scales the position to simulate CRT curvature.
Y Scale (Sensitivity)
Center X
Sets the horizontal center position of the simulated screen.
Center Y
Sets the vertical center position of the simulated screen.
Screen Width
Sets the width of the simulated screen.
Screen Height
Sets the height of the simulated screen.
Logitech USB Headset
Input Device
Selects the device to read audio from.
Output Device
Selects the device to output audio to.
Input Latency
Specifies the latency to the host input device.
Output Latency
Specifies the latency to the host output device.
USB-Mic: Neither player 1 nor 2 is connected.
USB-Mic: Failed to start player {} audio stream.
Player 1 Device
Selects the input for the first player.
Player 2 Device
Selects the input for the second player.
Logitech USB Mic
usb-msd: Could not open image file '{}'
Mass Storage Device
Modification time to USB mass storage image changed, reattaching.
Image Path
Sets the path to image which will back the virtual mass storage device.
Steering Left
Steering Right
Force Feedback
Shift Up / R1
Shift Down / L1
Menu Up
Menu Down
Steering Smoothing
Smooths out changes in steering to the specified percentage per poll. Needed for using keyboards.
Steering Deadzone
Steering axis deadzone for pads or non self centering wheels.
Steering Damping
Applies power curve filter to steering axis values. Dampens small inputs.
Wheel Device
Driving Force
Driving Force Pro
Driving Force Pro (rev11.02)
GT Force
Rock Band Drum Kit
Buzz Controller
Player 1 Red
Player 1 Blue
Player 1 Orange
Player 1 Green
Player 1 Yellow
Player 2 Red
Player 2 Blue
Player 2 Orange
Player 2 Green
Player 2 Yellow
Player 3 Red
Player 3 Blue
Player 3 Orange
Player 3 Green
Player 3 Yellow
Player 4 Red
Player 4 Blue
Player 4 Orange
Player 4 Green
Player 4 Yellow
C 1
C# 1
D 1
D# 1
E 1
F 1
F# 1
G 1
G# 1
A 1
A# 1
B 1
C 2
C# 2
D 2
D# 2
E 2
F 2
F# 2
G 2
G# 2
A 2
A# 2
B 2
Wheel Up
Wheel Down
Sega Seamic
Stick Left
Stick Right
Stick Up
Stick Down
Failed to open '{}' for printing.
Printer saving to '{}'...
Not Connected
Default Input Device
Default Output Device
DJ Hero Turntable
Triangle / Euphoria
Crossfader Left
Crossfader Right
Left Turntable Clockwise
Left Turntable Counterclockwise
Right Turntable Clockwise
Right Turntable Counterclockwise
Left Turntable Green
Left Turntable Red
Left Turntable Blue
Right Turntable Green
Right Turntable Red
Right Turntable Blue
Apply a multiplier to the turntable
Effects Knob Left
Effects Knob Right
Turntable Multiplier
To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.
Force Feedback
Steering Left
Steering Right
Face Buttons
To bind steering for most modern 900 degree wheels, turn the wheel one rotation in the desired direction, then back again to center.
Force Feedback
Steering Left
Steering Right
Left Paddle
Right Paddle
Pointer Setup
<p>By default, GunCon2 will use the mouse pointer. To use the mouse, you <strong>do not</strong> need to configure any bindings apart from the trigger and buttons.</p>
<p>If you want to use a controller, or lightgun which simulates a controller instead of a mouse, then you should bind it to Relative Aiming. Otherwise, Relative Aiming should be <strong>left unbound</strong>.</p>
Try to use Sony's official terminology for this. A good place to start would be in the console or the DualShock 2's manual. If this element was officially translated to your language by Sony in later DualShocks, you may use that term.
Relative Aiming
Shoot Offscreen
Calibration Shot
Calibration shot is required to pass the setup screen in some games.
Device Type
Automatic Mapping
Clear Mapping
USB Port %1
No devices available
Clear Bindings
Are you sure you want to clear all bindings for this device? This action cannot be undone.
Automatic Binding
No generic bindings were generated for device '%1'. The controller/source may not support automatic mapping.
Failed to back up old save state {}.
Failed to save save state: {}.
PS2 BIOS ({})
Unknown Game
CDVD precaching was cancelled.
CDVD precaching failed: {}
PCSX2 requires a PS2 BIOS in order to run.
For legal reasons, you *must* obtain a BIOS from an actual PS2 unit that you own (borrowing doesn't count).
Once dumped, this BIOS image should be placed in the bios folder within the data directory (Tools Menu -> Open Data Directory).
Please consult the FAQs and Guides for further instructions.
Resuming state
Boot and Debug
Failed to load save state
State saved to slot {}.
Failed to save save state to slot {}.
Loading state
Failed to load state (Memory card is busy)
There is no save state in slot {}.
Failed to load state from slot {} (Memory card is busy)
Loading state from slot {}...
Failed to save state (Memory card is busy)
Failed to save state to slot {} (Memory card is busy)
Saving state to slot {}...
Frame advancing
Disc removed.
Disc changed to '{}'.
Failed to open new disc image '{}'. Reverting to old image.
Error was: {}
Failed to switch back to old disc image. Removing disc.
Error was: {}
Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.
Fast CDVD is enabled, this may break games.
Cycle rate/skip is not at default, this may crash or make games run too slow.
Upscale multiplier is below native, this will break rendering.
Mipmapping is disabled. This may break rendering in some games.
Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games.
Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games.
Blending Accuracy is below Basic, this may break effects in some games.
Hardware Download Mode is not set to Accurate, this may break rendering in some games.
EE FPU Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.
EE FPU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.
VU0 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.
VU1 Round Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.
VU Clamp Mode is not set to default, this may break some games.
128MB RAM is enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.
Game Fixes are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.
Compatibility Patches are not enabled. Compatibility with some games may be affected.
Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.
Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games.
EE Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.
VU0 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.
VU1 Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.
IOP Recompiler is not enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.
EE Cache is enabled, this will significantly reduce performance.
EE Wait Loop Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.
INTC Spin Detection is not enabled, this may reduce performance.
Fastmem is not enabled, this will reduce performance.
Instant VU1 is disabled, this may reduce performance.
mVU Flag Hack is not enabled, this may reduce performance.
GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance.
Texture Preloading is not Full, this may reduce performance.
Estimate texture region is enabled, this may reduce performance.
Texture dumping is enabled, this will continually dump textures to disk.