/* CD.c * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 PCSX2 Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * PCSX2 members can be contacted through their website at www.pcsx2.net. */ #include // errno #include // NULL #include // strerror() #include // open() #include // ioctl() #include // open() #include // lseek(), open() #include // close(), lseek(), (sleep()) #include // CD/DVD based ioctl() and defines. #include "../convert.h" #include "logfile.h" #include "device.h" #include "CD.h" // Constants u8 *playstationcdname = "PLAYSTATION\0"; u8 *ps1name = "CD-XA001\0"; // CD-ROM temp storage structures (see linux/cdrom.h for details) struct cdrom_tochdr cdheader; struct cdrom_tocentry cdtrack; struct cdrom_subchnl subchannel; u8 cdtempbuffer[2352]; int cdmode; // mode of last CDVDreadTrack call (important for CDs) // Internal Functions void InitCDSectorInfo() { cdmode = -1; } // END InitSectorInfo(); // Function Calls from CDVD.c void InitCDInfo() { InitCDSectorInfo(); } // END InitDiscType() s32 CDreadTrack(u32 lsn, int mode, u8 *buffer) { s32 s32result; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION PrintLog("CDVD driver: CDreadTrack(%i)", lsn); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION */ s32result = 0; if(buffer == NULL) return(-1); // The CD way of figuring out where to read. LBAtoMSF(lsn, buffer); switch(mode) { case CDVD_MODE_2048: case CDVD_MODE_2328: case CDVD_MODE_2340: case CDVD_MODE_2352: errno = 4; // Interrupted system call... (simulated the first time) while(errno == 4) { errno = 0; s32result = ioctl(devicehandle, CDROMREADRAW, buffer); } // ENDWHILE- Continually being interrupted by the system... break; case CDVD_MODE_2368: // Unimplemented... as yet. default: #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Unknown Mode %i", mode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(-1); // Illegal Read Mode? Abort break; } // ENDSWITCH- Which read mode should we choose? if((s32result == -1) || (errno != 0)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Error reading CD: %i:%s", errno, strerror(errno)); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ InitCDSectorInfo(); return(-1); } // ENDIF- Trouble getting a track count? cdmode = mode; // Save mode for buffer positioning later. return(0); // Call accomplished } // END CDreadTrack() s32 CDgetBufferOffset() { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION PrintLog("CDVD driver: CDgetBufferOffset()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION */ switch(cdmode) { case CDVD_MODE_2048: return(0+24); case CDVD_MODE_2328: return(0+24); case CDVD_MODE_2340: return(0+12); case CDVD_MODE_2352: return(0+0); case CDVD_MODE_2368: // Unimplemented... as yet. default: #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Unknown Mode %i", cdmode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(0); // Not to worry. for now. } // ENDSWITCH- where should we put the buffer pointer? } // END CDgetBuffer() // I, personally, don't see the big deal with SubQ // However, sooner or later I'll incorporate it into the Cache Buffer system // (backward compatibility, and all that) s32 CDreadSubQ(u32 lsn, cdvdSubQ *subq) { int tempmode; s32 s32result; s32result = 0; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION PrintLog("CDVD driver: CDreadSubQ()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION */ tempmode = cdmode; if(tempmode == -1) tempmode = CDVD_MODE_2352; CDreadTrack(lsn, tempmode, cdtempbuffer); if((s32result == -1) || (errno != 0)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Error prepping CD SubQ: %i:%s", errno, strerror(errno)); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(s32result); } // ENDIF- Trouble? subchannel.cdsc_format = CDROM_MSF; s32result = ioctl(devicehandle, CDROMSUBCHNL, &subchannel); if((s32result == -1) || (errno != 0)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Error reading CD SubQ: %i:%s", errno, strerror(errno)); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(s32result); } // ENDIF- Trouble? if(subq != NULL) { subq->mode = subchannel.cdsc_adr; subq->ctrl = subchannel.cdsc_ctrl; subq->trackNum = subchannel.cdsc_trk; subq->trackIndex = subchannel.cdsc_ind; subq->trackM = subchannel.cdsc_reladdr.msf.minute; subq->trackS = subchannel.cdsc_reladdr.msf.second; subq->trackF = subchannel.cdsc_reladdr.msf.frame; subq->discM = subchannel.cdsc_absaddr.msf.minute; subq->discS = subchannel.cdsc_absaddr.msf.second; subq->discF = subchannel.cdsc_absaddr.msf.frame; } // ENDIF- Did the caller want all this data? return(0); } // END CDVDreadSubQ() s32 CDgetTN(cdvdTN *cdvdtn) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION PrintLog("CDVD driver: CDgetTN()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION */ if(cdvdtn != NULL) { cdvdtn->strack = cdheader.cdth_trk0; cdvdtn->etrack = cdheader.cdth_trk1; } // ENDIF- programmer actually WANTS this info? return(0); // Call accomplished } // END CDVDgetTN() s32 CDgetTD(u8 newtrack, cdvdTD *cdvdtd) { u8 j; u16 k; char temptime[3]; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION PrintLog("CDVD driver: CDgetTD()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION */ j = newtrack; if(j == CDROM_LEADOUT) j = 0; if(j == 0) { k = 27; } else { k = j * 10 + 37; } // ENDIF- Where to start hunting for this number? if(cdvdtd != NULL) { cdvdtd->type = tocbuffer[j*10 + 30]; temptime[0] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[k]); temptime[1] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[k + 1]); temptime[2] = BCDTOHEX(tocbuffer[k + 2]); cdvdtd->lsn = MSFtoLBA(temptime); } // ENDIF- Does the caller REALLY want this data? return(0); // Call accomplished } // END CDVDgetTD() s32 CALLBACK CDgetDiskType(s32 ioctldisktype) { s32 offset; s32 s32result; int i; u8 j; int tempdisctype; offset = 0; errno = 0; i = 0; j = 0; tempdisctype = CDVD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION PrintLog("CDVD driver: CDgetDiskType()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION */ s32result = CDreadTrack(16, CDVD_MODE_2352, cdtempbuffer); if((s32result != 0) || (errno != 0)) { return(-1); } // ENDIF- Cannot read the CD's ISO9660 volume sector? Abort disctype = CDVD_TYPE_DETCTCD; switch(ioctldisktype) { case CDS_AUDIO: #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE PrintLog("CDVD driver: Detected CDDA Audio disc."); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE */ tempdisctype = CDVD_TYPE_CDDA; tocbuffer[0] = 0x01; break; case CDS_DATA_1: case CDS_MIXED: #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE PrintLog("CDVD driver: Detected CD disc."); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE */ tocbuffer[0] = 0x41; CDreadTrack(16, CDVD_MODE_2048, cdtempbuffer); offset = CDgetBufferOffset(); i = 0; while((*(playstationcdname + i) != 0) && (*(playstationcdname + i) == cdtempbuffer[offset + 8 + i])) i++; if(*(playstationcdname + i) == 0) { i = 0; while((*(ps1name + i) != 0) && (*(ps1name + i) == cdtempbuffer[offset + 1024 + i])) i++; if(*(ps1name + i) == 0) { #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE PrintLog("CDVD driver: Detected Playstation CD disc."); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE */ tempdisctype = CDVD_TYPE_PSCD; } else { #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE PrintLog("CDVD driver: Detected Playstation 2 CD disc."); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_TYPE */ tempdisctype = CDVD_TYPE_PS2CD; } // ENDIF- Did we find the CD ident? (For Playstation 1 CDs) } else { tempdisctype = CDVD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } // ENDIF- Did we find the Playstation name? break; default: return(-1); } // ENDSWITCH- What has ioctl disc type come up with? // Collect TN data cdheader.cdth_trk0 = 0; cdheader.cdth_trk1 = 0; s32result = ioctl(devicehandle, CDROMREADTOCHDR, &cdheader); if((s32result == -1) || (errno != 0)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Error reading TN: (%i) %i:%s", s32result, errno, strerror(errno)); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ cdheader.cdth_trk0 = 1; cdheader.cdth_trk1 = 1; } // ENDIF- Failed to read in track count? Assume 1 track. #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_INFO PrintLog("CDVD driver: Track Number Range: %i-%i", cdheader.cdth_trk0, cdheader.cdth_trk1); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_INFO */ tocbuffer[2] = 0xA0; tocbuffer[7] = HEXTOBCD(cdheader.cdth_trk0); tocbuffer[12] = 0xA1; tocbuffer[17] = HEXTOBCD(cdheader.cdth_trk1); // Collect disc TD data cdtrack.cdte_track = CDROM_LEADOUT; cdtrack.cdte_format = CDROM_LBA; s32result = ioctl(devicehandle, CDROMREADTOCENTRY, &cdtrack); if((s32result == -1) || (errno != 0)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Error reading TD for disc: (%i) %i:%s", s32result, errno, strerror(errno)); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Trouble getting a track count? LBAtoMSF(cdtrack.cdte_addr.lba, &tocbuffer[27]); #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_INFO PrintLog("CDVD driver: Total Time: %i:%i", tocbuffer[27], tocbuffer[28]); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_INFO */ tocbuffer[27] = HEXTOBCD(tocbuffer[27]); tocbuffer[28] = HEXTOBCD(tocbuffer[28]); tocbuffer[29] = HEXTOBCD(tocbuffer[29]); // Collect track TD data for(j = cdheader.cdth_trk0; j <= cdheader.cdth_trk1; j++) { cdtrack.cdte_track = j; // j-1? cdtrack.cdte_format = CDROM_LBA; s32result = ioctl(devicehandle, CDROMREADTOCENTRY, &cdtrack); if((s32result == -1) || (errno != 0)) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNINGS PrintLog("CDVD driver: Error reading TD for track %i: (%i) %i:%s", j, s32result, errno, strerror(errno)); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNINGS */ // No more here... } else { LBAtoMSF(cdtrack.cdte_addr.lba, &tocbuffer[j*10 + 37]); #ifdef VERBOSE_DISC_INFO PrintLog("CDVD driver: Track %i: Data Mode %i Disc Start Time:%i:%i.%i\n", j, cdtrack.cdte_datamode, tocbuffer[j*10+37], tocbuffer[j*10+38], tocbuffer[j*10+39]); #endif /* VERBOSE_DISC_INFO */ tocbuffer[j*10 + 30] = cdtrack.cdte_datamode; tocbuffer[j*10 + 32] = HEXTOBCD(j); tocbuffer[j*10 + 37] = HEXTOBCD(tocbuffer[j*10 + 37]); tocbuffer[j*10 + 38] = HEXTOBCD(tocbuffer[j*10 + 38]); tocbuffer[j*10 + 39] = HEXTOBCD(tocbuffer[j*10 + 39]); } // ENDIF- Trouble getting a track count? } // NEXT j- Reading each track's info in turn errno = 0; disctype = tempdisctype; // Trigger the fact we have the info (finally) return(disctype); } // END CDVDgetDiskType()