if (OpenSuse) # OpenSuse don't install wx in a standard library system # path. Let's bypass the dynamic linker and hardcode the path. set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH ON) endif() # Check that people use the good file if(NOT TOP_CMAKE_WAS_SOURCED) message(FATAL_ERROR " You did not 'cmake' the good CMakeLists.txt file. Use the one in the top dir. It is advice to delete all wrongly generated cmake stuff => CMakeFiles & CMakeCache.txt") endif(NOT TOP_CMAKE_WAS_SOURCED) # Allow to build the shader files if(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/zzogl-pg/opengl/ZeroGSShaders" AND REBUILD_SHADER AND NOT GLSL_API) add_subdirectory(ZeroGSShaders) endif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/zzogl-pg/opengl/ZeroGSShaders" AND REBUILD_SHADER AND NOT GLSL_API) # plugin name set(Output zzogl-0.4.0) set(CommonFlags -pthread -DZEROGS_SSE2 -fno-strict-aliasing -Wstrict-aliasing # Allow to track strict aliasing issue. -Wunused-variable ) set(OptimizationFlags -O2 -DNDEBUG ) #Clang doesn't support a few common flags that GCC does. if(NOT USE_CLANG) set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} ${CommonFlags} -fno-regmove ) endif(NOT USE_CLANG) # Debug - Build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug) # add defines set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} ${CommonFlags} -g -Wall -D_DEBUG ) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug) # Devel - Build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Devel) # add defines set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} ${CommonFlags} ${OptimizationFlags} -g -W -DZEROGS_DEVBUILD ) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Devel) # Release - Build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Release) # add defines set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} ${CommonFlags} ${OptimizationFlags} -W ) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Release) # Select the shader API if(GLSL_API) set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} -DGLSL4_API -DOGL4_LOG ) #-DGLSL_API else(GLSL_API) set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} -DNVIDIA_CG_API ) endif(GLSL_API) # Select the EGL API if(EGL_API AND EGL_FOUND) if (EGL_GL_CONTEXT_SUPPORT) set(zzoglFinalFlags ${zzoglFinalFlags} -DEGL_API ) else() message(WARNING "Current EGL implementation doesn't support openGL context. Fallback to standard GLX.") endif() endif() # zzogl sources set(zzoglSources GifTransfer.cpp GLWin32.cpp GLWinX11.cpp GSDump.cpp GSmain.cpp HostMemory.cpp Mem.cpp Mem_Swizzle.cpp Mem_Tables.cpp Profile.cpp rasterfont.cpp Regs.cpp targets.cpp zerogs.cpp zpipe.cpp ZZDepthTargets.cpp ZZMemoryTargets.cpp ZZRenderTargets.cpp ZZClut.cpp ZZHacks.cpp ZZKeyboard.cpp ZZoglDrawing.cpp ZZLog.cpp ZZoglCreate.cpp ZZoglCRTC.cpp ZZoglFlush.cpp ZZoglFlushHack.cpp ZZoglMem.cpp ZZoglSave.cpp ZZoglShaders.cpp ZZoglShadersGLSL.cpp ZZoglShadersGLSL4.cpp ZZoglShoots.cpp ZZoglVB.cpp ) # zzogl headers set(zzoglHeaders common.h CRC.h GifTransfer.h # glprocs.h GS.h GSDump.h HostMemory.h ps2hw_gl4.h Mem.h Mem_Swizzle.h Mem_Transmit.h Profile.h rasterfont.h Regs.h targets.h Util.h x86.h zerogs.h zpipe.h ZZClut.h ZZoglFlush.h ZZGl.h ZZHacks.h ZZoglDrawing.h ZZLog.h ZZoglCRTC.h ZZoglMath.h ZZoglMem.h ZZoglShaders.h ZZoglShoots.h ZZoglVB.h ) # zzogl shader sources set(zzoglShaderSources ctx0/ps2hw_ctx.fx ctx1/ps2hw_ctx.fx) # zzogl Linux sources set(zzoglLinuxSources Linux/Conf.cpp Linux/Linux.cpp) # zzogl Linux headers set(zzoglLinuxHeaders Linux/Linux.h) set(zzoglFinalSources ${zzoglSources} ${zzoglHeaders} ${zzoglShaderSources} ${zzoglLinuxSources} ${zzoglLinuxHeaders} ) set(zzoglFinalLibs Utilities ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ) # add additional include directories include_directories(Linux) # Generate Glsl header file. Protect with REBUILD_SHADER to avoid build-dependency on PERL if (REBUILD_SHADER) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ps2hw_gl4.h COMMAND perl ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/linux_various/glsl2h.pl) endif() if(EGL_API AND EGL_FOUND AND EGL_GL_CONTEXT_SUPPORT) set(zzoglFinalLibs ${zzoglFinalLibs} ${EGL_LIBRARIES} ) endif() if(NOT GLSL_API) set(zzoglFinalLibs ${zzoglFinalLibs} ${CG_LIBRARIES} ) endif(NOT GLSL_API) set(zzoglFinalLibs ${zzoglFinalLibs} ${GLEW_LIBRARY} ${X11_LIBRARIES} ${JPEG_LIBRARIES} ${GTK2_LIBRARIES} ${ZLIB_LIBRARIES} ${LIBC_LIBRARIES} ) add_pcsx2_plugin(${Output} "${zzoglFinalSources}" "${zzoglFinalLibs}" "${zzoglFinalFlags}") # Trick that allow to compile zzogl with GSOPEN2 and the replayer with GSOPEN set_target_properties(${Output} PROPERTIES COMPILE_DEFINITIONS USE_GSOPEN2) if(NOT GLSL_API AND NOT REBUILD_SHADER) if(PACKAGE_MODE) install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/zzogl-pg/opengl/ps2hw.dat DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_DIR}) else() install(FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/zzogl-pg/opengl/ps2hw.dat DESTINATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/plugins) endif() endif() ################################### Replay Loader if(BUILD_REPLAY_LOADERS) set(Replay pcsx2_ZZReplayLoader) set(zzoglReplayLoaderFinalSources ${zzoglFinalSources} linux_replay.cpp ) add_pcsx2_executable(${Replay} "${zzoglReplayLoaderFinalSources}" "${zzoglFinalLibs}" "${zzoglFinalFlags}") endif(BUILD_REPLAY_LOADERS)