::@echo off :: :: Usage: postBuild.cmd SourcePath DestFile DestExt {plugins} :: :: SourcePath - $(TargetPath) - Fully qualified path of the generated target file. :: DestFile - Base filename of the target/dest, without extension! :: DestExt - Extension of the target/dest! :: plugins - optional parameter used to generate plugins into the /plugins folder :: :: The destination file is determined by the PCSX2_TARGET_DIR environment var. SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS if defined PCSX2_TARGET_COPY CALL :TestAndCopy "%PCSX2_TARGET_COPY%" %1 %2 %3 %4 ENDLOCAL exit 0 :TestAndCopy :: Subroutine. First parameter is our Target Dir. Since it's a parameter into :: the subroutine, we can use tilda expansion to handle quotes correctly. :) if NOT EXIST "%~1" ( md "%~1" ) :: Error checking. Try to change to the dir. If it fails, it means the dir is :: actually a file, and we should cancel the script. set mycwd="%CD%" cd "%~1" if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto :eof cd %mycwd% set pcsxoutdir=%~1\%~5 set pcsxoutname=%pcsxoutdir%\%~3%4 set pcsxnewname=%pcsxoutdir%\%~3-r$WCREV$$WCMODS?m:$%4 IF NOT EXIST "%pcsxoutdir%" ( md "%pcsxoutdir%" ) copy /Y "%~2" "%pcsxoutname%" copy /Y "%~2" "%pcsxnewname%" if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( echo Target copied to %pcsxnewname% ) goto :eof :quit