// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2023 PCSX2 Dev Team // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0+ #include "DisassemblyWidget.h" #include "DebugTools/DebugInterface.h" #include "DebugTools/DisassemblyManager.h" #include "DebugTools/Breakpoints.h" #include "DebugTools/MipsAssembler.h" #include "demangler/demangler.h" #include "QtUtils.h" #include "QtHost.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QtUtils; DisassemblyWidget::DisassemblyWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) { ui.setupUi(this); connect(this, &DisassemblyWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &DisassemblyWidget::customMenuRequested); } DisassemblyWidget::~DisassemblyWidget() = default; void DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyAddress() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(FetchSelectionInfo(SelectionInfo::ADDRESS)); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyInstructionHex() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(FetchSelectionInfo(SelectionInfo::INSTRUCTIONHEX)); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyInstructionText() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(FetchSelectionInfo(SelectionInfo::INSTRUCTIONTEXT)); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextAssembleInstruction() { if (!m_cpu->isCpuPaused()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Assemble Error"), tr("Unable to change assembly while core is running")); return; } DisassemblyLineInfo line; bool ok; m_disassemblyManager.getLine(m_selectedAddressStart, false, line); QString instruction = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Assemble Instruction"), "", QLineEdit::Normal, QString("%1 %2").arg(line.name.c_str()).arg(line.params.c_str()), &ok); if (!ok) return; u32 encodedInstruction; std::string errorText; bool valid = MipsAssembleOpcode(instruction.toLocal8Bit().constData(), m_cpu, m_selectedAddressStart, encodedInstruction, errorText); if (!valid) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Assemble Error"), QString::fromStdString(errorText)); return; } else { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, start = m_selectedAddressStart, end = m_selectedAddressEnd, cpu = m_cpu, val = encodedInstruction] { for (u32 i = start; i <= end; i += 4) { this->m_nopedInstructions.insert({i, cpu->read32(i)}); cpu->write32(i, val); } QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextNoopInstruction() { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, start = m_selectedAddressStart, end = m_selectedAddressEnd, cpu = m_cpu] { for (u32 i = start; i <= end; i += 4) { this->m_nopedInstructions.insert({i, cpu->read32(i)}); cpu->write32(i, 0x00); } QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextRestoreInstruction() { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, start = m_selectedAddressStart, end = m_selectedAddressEnd, cpu = m_cpu] { for (u32 i = start; i <= end; i += 4) { if (this->m_nopedInstructions.find(i) != this->m_nopedInstructions.end()) { cpu->write32(i, this->m_nopedInstructions[i]); this->m_nopedInstructions.erase(i); } } QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextRunToCursor() { Host::RunOnCPUThread([&] { CBreakPoints::AddBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), m_selectedAddressStart, true); m_cpu->resumeCpu(); }); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextJumpToCursor() { m_cpu->setPc(m_selectedAddressStart); this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextToggleBreakpoint() { if (!m_cpu->isAlive()) return; if (CBreakPoints::IsAddressBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), m_selectedAddressStart)) { Host::RunOnCPUThread([&] { CBreakPoints::RemoveBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), m_selectedAddressStart); }); } else { Host::RunOnCPUThread([&] { CBreakPoints::AddBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), m_selectedAddressStart); }); } breakpointsChanged(); this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextFollowBranch() { DisassemblyLineInfo line; m_disassemblyManager.getLine(m_selectedAddressStart, true, line); if (line.type == DISTYPE_OPCODE || line.type == DISTYPE_MACRO) { if (line.info.isBranch) gotoAddress(line.info.branchTarget); else if (line.info.hasRelevantAddress) gotoAddress(line.info.releventAddress); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextGoToAddress() { bool ok; const QString targetString = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Go to address"), "", QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok) return; const u32 targetAddress = targetString.toUInt(&ok, 16) & ~3; if (!ok) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Go to address error"), tr("Invalid address")); return; } gotoAddress(targetAddress); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextAddFunction() { // Get current function const u32 curAddress = m_selectedAddressStart; const u32 curFuncAddr = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(m_selectedAddressStart); QString optionaldlgText; if (curFuncAddr != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS) { if (curFuncAddr == curAddress) // There is already a function here { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Add Function Error"), tr("A function entry point already exists here. Consider renaming instead.")); } else { const u32 prevSize = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionSize(curFuncAddr); u32 newSize = curAddress - curFuncAddr; bool ok; QString funcName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Add Function"), tr("Function will be (0x%1) instructions long.\nEnter function name").arg(prevSize - newSize, 0, 16), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok) return; m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SetFunctionSize(curFuncAddr, newSize); // End the current function to where we selected newSize = prevSize - newSize; m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().AddFunction(funcName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), curAddress, newSize); m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SortSymbols(); } } else { bool ok; QString funcName = QInputDialog::getText(this, "Add Function", tr("Function will be (0x%1) instructions long.\nEnter function name").arg(m_selectedAddressEnd + 4 - m_selectedAddressStart, 0, 16), QLineEdit::Normal, "", &ok); if (!ok) return; m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().AddFunction(funcName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), m_selectedAddressStart, m_selectedAddressEnd + 4 - m_selectedAddressStart); m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SortSymbols(); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyFunctionName() { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString::fromStdString(m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetLabelName(m_selectedAddressStart))); } void DisassemblyWidget::contextRemoveFunction() { u32 curFuncAddr = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(m_selectedAddressStart); if (curFuncAddr != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS) { u32 previousFuncAddr = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(curFuncAddr - 4); if (previousFuncAddr != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS) { // Extend the previous function to replace the spot of the function that is going to be removed u32 expandedSize = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionSize(previousFuncAddr) + m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionSize(curFuncAddr); m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SetFunctionSize(previousFuncAddr, expandedSize); } m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().RemoveFunction(curFuncAddr); m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SortSymbols(); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextRenameFunction() { const u32 curFuncAddress = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(m_selectedAddressStart); if (curFuncAddress != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS) { bool ok; QString funcName = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("Rename Function"), tr("Function name"), QLineEdit::Normal, m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetLabelName(curFuncAddress).c_str(), &ok); if (!ok) return; if (funcName.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rename Function Error"), tr("Function name cannot be nothing.")); } else { m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SetLabelName(funcName.toLocal8Bit().constData(), curFuncAddress); m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().SortSymbols(); this->repaint(); } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Rename Function Error"), tr("No function / symbol is currently selected.")); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextStubFunction() { const u32 curFuncAddress = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(m_selectedAddressStart); if (curFuncAddress != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS) { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, curFuncAddress, cpu = m_cpu] { this->m_stubbedFunctions.insert({curFuncAddress, {cpu->read32(curFuncAddress), cpu->read32(curFuncAddress + 4)}}); cpu->write32(curFuncAddress, 0x03E00008); // jr $ra cpu->write32(curFuncAddress + 4, 0x00000000); // nop QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } else // Stub the current opcode instead { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, cpu = m_cpu] { this->m_stubbedFunctions.insert({m_selectedAddressStart, {cpu->read32(m_selectedAddressStart), cpu->read32(m_selectedAddressStart + 4)}}); cpu->write32(m_selectedAddressStart, 0x03E00008); // jr $ra cpu->write32(m_selectedAddressStart + 4, 0x00000000); // nop QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextRestoreFunction() { const u32 curFuncAddress = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(m_selectedAddressStart); if (curFuncAddress != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS && m_stubbedFunctions.find(curFuncAddress) != m_stubbedFunctions.end()) { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, curFuncAddress, cpu = m_cpu] { cpu->write32(curFuncAddress, std::get<0>(this->m_stubbedFunctions[curFuncAddress])); cpu->write32(curFuncAddress + 4, std::get<1>(this->m_stubbedFunctions[curFuncAddress])); this->m_stubbedFunctions.erase(curFuncAddress); QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } else if (m_stubbedFunctions.find(m_selectedAddressStart) != m_stubbedFunctions.end()) { Host::RunOnCPUThread([this, cpu = m_cpu] { cpu->write32(m_selectedAddressStart, std::get<0>(this->m_stubbedFunctions[m_selectedAddressStart])); cpu->write32(m_selectedAddressStart + 4, std::get<1>(this->m_stubbedFunctions[m_selectedAddressStart])); this->m_stubbedFunctions.erase(m_selectedAddressStart); QtHost::RunOnUIThread([this] { VMUpdate(); }); }); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Restore Function Error"), tr("Unable to stub selected address.")); } } void DisassemblyWidget::contextShowOpcode() { m_showInstructionOpcode = !m_showInstructionOpcode; this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::SetCpu(DebugInterface* cpu) { m_cpu = cpu; m_disassemblyManager.setCpu(cpu); } QString DisassemblyWidget::GetLineDisasm(u32 address) { DisassemblyLineInfo lineInfo; m_disassemblyManager.getLine(address, true, lineInfo); return QString("%1 %2").arg(lineInfo.name.c_str()).arg(lineInfo.params.c_str()); }; // Here we go! void DisassemblyWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { QPainter painter(this); const u32 w = painter.device()->width() - 1; const u32 h = painter.device()->height() - 1; // Get the current font size const QFontMetrics fm = painter.fontMetrics(); // Get the row height m_rowHeight = fm.height() + 2; // Find the amount of visible rows m_visibleRows = h / m_rowHeight; m_disassemblyManager.analyze(m_visibleStart, m_disassemblyManager.getNthNextAddress(m_visibleStart, m_visibleRows) - m_visibleStart); // Draw the rows bool inSelectionBlock = false; bool alternate = m_visibleStart % 8; const u32 curPC = m_cpu->getPC(); // Get the PC here, because it'll change when we are drawing and make it seem like there are two PCs for (u32 i = 0; i <= m_visibleRows; i++) { const u32 rowAddress = (i * 4) + m_visibleStart; // Row backgrounds if (inSelectionBlock || (m_selectedAddressStart <= rowAddress && rowAddress <= m_selectedAddressEnd)) { painter.fillRect(0, i * m_rowHeight, w, m_rowHeight, this->palette().highlight()); inSelectionBlock = m_selectedAddressEnd != rowAddress; } else { painter.fillRect(0, i * m_rowHeight, w, m_rowHeight, alternate ? this->palette().base() : this->palette().alternateBase()); } // Row text painter.setPen(GetAddressFunctionColor(rowAddress)); QString lineString = DisassemblyStringFromAddress(rowAddress, painter.font(), curPC, rowAddress == m_selectedAddressStart); painter.drawText(2, i * m_rowHeight, w, m_rowHeight, Qt::AlignLeft, lineString); // Breakpoint marker bool enabled; if (CBreakPoints::IsAddressBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), rowAddress, &enabled) && !CBreakPoints::IsTempBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), rowAddress)) { if (enabled) { painter.setPen(Qt::green); painter.drawText(2, i * m_rowHeight, w, m_rowHeight, Qt::AlignLeft, "\u25A0"); } else { painter.drawText(2, i * m_rowHeight, w, m_rowHeight, Qt::AlignLeft, "\u2612"); } } alternate = !alternate; } // Draw the branch lines // This is where it gets a little scary // It's been mostly copied from the wx implementation u32 visibleEnd = m_disassemblyManager.getNthNextAddress(m_visibleStart, m_visibleRows); std::vector branchLines = m_disassemblyManager.getBranchLines(m_visibleStart, visibleEnd - m_visibleStart); s32 branchCount = 0; for (const auto& branchLine : branchLines) { if (branchCount == (m_showInstructionOpcode ? 3 : 5)) break; const int winBottom = this->height(); const int x = this->width() - 10 - (branchCount * 10); int top, bottom; // If the start is technically 'above' our address view if (branchLine.first < m_visibleStart) { top = -1; } // If the start is technically 'below' our address view else if (branchLine.first >= visibleEnd) { top = winBottom + 1; } else { // Explaination // ((branchLine.first - m_visibleStart) -> Find the amount of bytes from the top of the view // / 4 -> Convert that into rowss in instructions // * m_rowHeight -> convert that into rows in pixels // + (m_rowHeight / 2) -> Add half a row in pixels to center the arrow top = (((branchLine.first - m_visibleStart) / 4) * m_rowHeight) + (m_rowHeight / 2); } if (branchLine.second < m_visibleStart) { bottom = -1; } else if (branchLine.second >= visibleEnd) { bottom = winBottom + 1; } else { bottom = (((branchLine.second - m_visibleStart) / 4) * m_rowHeight) + (m_rowHeight / 2); } branchCount++; if (branchLine.first == m_selectedAddressStart || branchLine.second == m_selectedAddressStart) { painter.setPen(QColor(0xFF257AFA)); } else { painter.setPen(QColor(0xFFFF3020)); } if (top < 0) // first is not visible, but second is { painter.drawLine(x - 2, bottom, x + 2, bottom); painter.drawLine(x + 2, bottom, x + 2, 0); if (branchLine.type == LINE_DOWN) { painter.drawLine(x, bottom - 4, x - 4, bottom); painter.drawLine(x - 4, bottom, x + 1, bottom + 5); } } else if (bottom > winBottom) // second is not visible, but first is { painter.drawLine(x - 2, top, x + 2, top); painter.drawLine(x + 2, top, x + 2, winBottom); if (branchLine.type == LINE_UP) { painter.drawLine(x, top - 4, x - 4, top); painter.drawLine(x - 4, top, x + 1, top + 5); } } else { // both are visible if (branchLine.type == LINE_UP) { painter.drawLine(x - 2, bottom, x + 2, bottom); painter.drawLine(x + 2, bottom, x + 2, top); painter.drawLine(x + 2, top, x - 4, top); painter.drawLine(x, top - 4, x - 4, top); painter.drawLine(x - 4, top, x + 1, top + 5); } else { painter.drawLine(x - 2, top, x + 2, top); painter.drawLine(x + 2, top, x + 2, bottom); painter.drawLine(x + 2, bottom, x - 4, bottom); painter.drawLine(x, bottom - 4, x - 4, bottom); painter.drawLine(x - 4, bottom, x + 1, bottom + 5); } } } // Draw a border painter.setPen(this->palette().shadow().color()); painter.drawRect(0, 0, w, h); } void DisassemblyWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { const u32 selectedAddress = (static_cast(event->position().y()) / m_rowHeight * 4) + m_visibleStart; if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { if (event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { if (selectedAddress < m_selectedAddressStart) { m_selectedAddressStart = selectedAddress; } else if (selectedAddress > m_visibleStart) { m_selectedAddressEnd = selectedAddress; } } else { m_selectedAddressStart = selectedAddress; m_selectedAddressEnd = selectedAddress; } } else if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { if (m_selectedAddressStart == m_selectedAddressEnd) { m_selectedAddressStart = selectedAddress; m_selectedAddressEnd = selectedAddress; } } this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event) { if (!m_cpu->isAlive()) return; const u32 selectedAddress = (static_cast(event->position().y()) / m_rowHeight * 4) + m_visibleStart; if (CBreakPoints::IsAddressBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), selectedAddress)) { Host::RunOnCPUThread([&] { CBreakPoints::RemoveBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), selectedAddress); }); } else { Host::RunOnCPUThread([&] { CBreakPoints::AddBreakPoint(m_cpu->getCpuType(), selectedAddress); }); } breakpointsChanged(); this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event) { if (event->angleDelta().y() < 0) // todo: max address bounds check? { m_visibleStart += 4; } else if (event->angleDelta().y() && m_visibleStart > 0) { m_visibleStart -= 4; } this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event) { switch (event->key()) { case Qt::Key_Up: { m_selectedAddressStart -= 4; if (!(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) m_selectedAddressEnd = m_selectedAddressStart; // Auto scroll if (m_visibleStart > m_selectedAddressStart) m_visibleStart -= 4; } break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: { m_selectedAddressStart -= m_visibleRows * 4; m_selectedAddressEnd = m_selectedAddressStart; m_visibleStart -= m_visibleRows * 4; } break; case Qt::Key_Down: { m_selectedAddressEnd += 4; if (!(event->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)) m_selectedAddressStart = m_selectedAddressEnd; // Purposely scroll on the second to last row. It's possible to // size the window so part of a row is visible and we don't want to have half a row selected and cut off! if (m_visibleStart + ((m_visibleRows - 1) * 4) < m_selectedAddressEnd) m_visibleStart += 4; break; } case Qt::Key_PageDown: { m_selectedAddressStart += m_visibleRows * 4; m_selectedAddressEnd = m_selectedAddressStart; m_visibleStart += m_visibleRows * 4; break; } case Qt::Key_G: contextGoToAddress(); break; case Qt::Key_J: contextJumpToCursor(); break; case Qt::Key_C: contextCopyInstructionText(); break; case Qt::Key_B: case Qt::Key_Space: contextToggleBreakpoint(); break; case Qt::Key_M: contextAssembleInstruction(); break; case Qt::Key_Right: contextFollowBranch(); break; case Qt::Key_Left: gotoAddress(m_cpu->getPC()); break; case Qt::Key_O: m_showInstructionOpcode = !m_showInstructionOpcode; break; } this->repaint(); } void DisassemblyWidget::customMenuRequested(QPoint pos) { if (!m_cpu->isAlive()) return; QMenu* contextMenu = new QMenu(this); QAction* action = 0; contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Copy Address"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyAddress); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Copy Instruction Hex"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyInstructionHex); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("&Copy Instruction Text"), this)); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_C)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyInstructionText); if (m_selectedAddressStart == m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(m_selectedAddressStart)) { contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Copy Function Name"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextCopyFunctionName); } contextMenu->addSeparator(); if (AddressCanRestore(m_selectedAddressStart, m_selectedAddressEnd)) { contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Restore Instruction(s)"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextRestoreInstruction); } contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Asse&mble new Instruction(s)"), this)); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_M)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextAssembleInstruction); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("NOP Instruction(s)"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextNoopInstruction); contextMenu->addSeparator(); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Run to Cursor"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextRunToCursor); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("&Jump to Cursor"), this)); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_J)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextJumpToCursor); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Toggle &Breakpoint"), this)); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_B)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextToggleBreakpoint); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Follow Branch"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextFollowBranch); contextMenu->addSeparator(); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("&Go to Address"), this)); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_G)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextGoToAddress); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Go to in Memory View"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, [this]() { gotoInMemory(m_selectedAddressStart); }); contextMenu->addSeparator(); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Add Function"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextAddFunction); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Rename Function"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextRenameFunction); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Remove Function"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextRemoveFunction); if (FunctionCanRestore(m_selectedAddressStart)) { contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Restore Function"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextRestoreFunction); } else { contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Stub (NOP) Function"), this)); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextStubFunction); } contextMenu->addSeparator(); contextMenu->addAction(action = new QAction(tr("Show &Opcode"), this)); action->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_O)); action->setCheckable(true); action->setChecked(m_showInstructionOpcode); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &DisassemblyWidget::contextShowOpcode); contextMenu->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); contextMenu->popup(this->mapToGlobal(pos)); } inline QString DisassemblyWidget::DisassemblyStringFromAddress(u32 address, QFont font, u32 pc, bool selected) { DisassemblyLineInfo line; if (!m_cpu->isValidAddress(address)) return tr("%1 NOT VALID ADDRESS").arg(address, 8, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper(); // Todo? support non symbol view? m_disassemblyManager.getLine(address, true, line); const bool isConditional = line.info.isConditional && m_cpu->getPC() == address; const bool isConditionalMet = line.info.conditionMet; const bool isCurrentPC = m_cpu->getPC() == address; bool isFunctionNoReturn = false; const std::string addressSymbol = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetLabelName(address); if(m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(address) == address) { isFunctionNoReturn = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionNoReturn(address); } const auto demangler = demangler::CDemangler::createGcc(); const bool showOpcode = m_showInstructionOpcode && m_cpu->isAlive(); QString lineString; if (showOpcode) { lineString = QString(" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7"); } else { lineString = QString(" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6"); } if(isFunctionNoReturn) { lineString = lineString.arg("NR"); } else { lineString = lineString.arg(" "); } if (addressSymbol.empty()) // The address wont have symbol text if it's the start of a function for example lineString = lineString.arg(address, 8, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper(); else { // We want this text elided QFontMetrics metric(font); QString symbolString; if (m_demangleFunctions) { symbolString = QString::fromStdString(demangler->demangleToString(addressSymbol)); if (symbolString.isEmpty()) { symbolString = QString::fromStdString(addressSymbol); } } else { symbolString = QString::fromStdString(addressSymbol); } lineString = lineString.arg(metric.elidedText(symbolString, Qt::ElideRight, (selected ? 32 : 7) * font.pointSize())); } if (showOpcode) { const u32 opcode = m_cpu->read32(address); lineString = lineString.arg(QtUtils::FilledQStringFromValue(opcode, 16)); } lineString = lineString.leftJustified(4, ' ') // Address / symbol .arg(line.name.c_str()) .arg(line.params.c_str()) // opcode + arguments .arg(isConditional ? (isConditionalMet ? "# true" : "# false") : "") .arg(isCurrentPC ? "<--" : ""); return lineString; } QColor DisassemblyWidget::GetAddressFunctionColor(u32 address) { // This is an attempt to figure out if the current palette is dark or light // We calculate the luminance of the alternateBase colour // and swap between our darker and lighter function colours std::array colors; const QColor base = this->palette().alternateBase().color(); const auto Y = (base.redF() * 0.33) + (0.5 * base.greenF()) + (0.16 * base.blueF()); if (Y > 0.5) { colors = { QColor::fromRgba(0xFFFA3434), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF206b6b), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF858534), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF378c37), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF783278), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF21214a), }; } else { colors = { QColor::fromRgba(0xFFe05555), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF55e0e0), QColor::fromRgba(0xFFe8e855), QColor::fromRgba(0xFF55e055), QColor::fromRgba(0xFFe055e0), QColor::fromRgba(0xFFC2C2F5), }; } const auto funNum = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionNum(address); if (funNum == -1) return this->palette().text().color(); return colors[funNum % 6]; } QString DisassemblyWidget::FetchSelectionInfo(SelectionInfo selInfo) { QString infoBlock; for (u32 i = m_selectedAddressStart; i <= m_selectedAddressEnd; i += 4) { if (i != m_selectedAddressStart) infoBlock += '\n'; if (selInfo == SelectionInfo::ADDRESS) { infoBlock += FilledQStringFromValue(i, 16); } else if (selInfo == SelectionInfo::INSTRUCTIONTEXT) { DisassemblyLineInfo line; m_disassemblyManager.getLine(i, true, line); infoBlock += QString("%1 %2").arg(line.name.c_str()).arg(line.params.c_str()); } else // INSTRUCTIONHEX { infoBlock += FilledQStringFromValue(m_cpu->read32(i), 16); } } return infoBlock; } void DisassemblyWidget::gotoAddress(u32 address, bool should_set_focus) { const u32 destAddress = address & ~3; // Center the address m_visibleStart = (destAddress - (m_visibleRows * 4 / 2)) & ~3; m_selectedAddressStart = destAddress; m_selectedAddressEnd = destAddress; this->repaint(); if (should_set_focus) this->setFocus(); } bool DisassemblyWidget::AddressCanRestore(u32 start, u32 end) { for (u32 i = start; i <= end; i += 4) { if (this->m_nopedInstructions.find(i) != this->m_nopedInstructions.end()) { return true; } } return false; } bool DisassemblyWidget::FunctionCanRestore(u32 address) { u32 funcStartAddress = m_cpu->GetSymbolMap().GetFunctionStart(address); if (funcStartAddress != SymbolMap::INVALID_ADDRESS) { if (m_stubbedFunctions.find(funcStartAddress) != this->m_stubbedFunctions.end()) { return true; } } else { if (m_stubbedFunctions.find(address) != this->m_stubbedFunctions.end()) { return true; } } return false; }