@echo off set source=DynaCrcHack.c set tcc=tcc\tcc pushd "%~dp0" if exist %tcc%.exe goto pre rem local tcc not found, try to invoke a global tcc set tcc=tcc %tcc% utils\ding.c -luser32 -o utils\ding.exe >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo. echo Using globally installed tcc ... echo. ) else ( echo. echo Missing ^<this-folder^>\tcc\tcc.exe echo. echo Please download TCC 0.9.25 for windows from http://bellard.org/tcc/ echo and extract the package to ^<this-folder^>\tcc echo. pause goto end ) :pre if not exist utils\waitForChange.exe %tcc% utils\waitForChange.c -o utils\waitForChange.exe if not exist utils\ding.exe %tcc% utils\ding.c -luser32 -o utils\ding.exe :start echo Compiling ... echo. %tcc% -shared -Wall %source% if %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo -^> OK utils\ding 2 ) else ( echo -^> ERROR utils\ding 1 utils\ding 1 ) if exist *.def del /Q *.def echo Waiting ... utils\waitForChange %source% echo. goto start :end popd