//#version 420 // Keep it for editor detection in SHADER { vec4 p; vec2 t; } PSin; #ifdef FRAGMENT_SHADER layout(std140, binding = 11) uniform cb11 { vec2 ZrH; float hH; }; layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0; // TODO ensure that clip (discard) is < 0 and not <= 0 ??? void ps_main0() { if (fract(PSin.t.y * hH) - 0.5 < 0.0) discard; // I'm not sure it impact us but be safe to lookup texture before conditional if // see: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Sampler#Non-uniform_flow_control vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin.t); SV_Target0 = c; } void ps_main1() { if (0.5 - fract(PSin.t.y * hH) < 0.0) discard; // I'm not sure it impact us but be safe to lookup texture before conditional if // see: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/GLSL_Sampler#Non-uniform_flow_control vec4 c = texture(TextureSampler, PSin.t); SV_Target0 = c; } void ps_main2() { vec4 c0 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin.t - ZrH); vec4 c1 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin.t); vec4 c2 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin.t + ZrH); SV_Target0 = (c0 + c1 * 2.0f + c2) / 4.0f; } void ps_main3() { SV_Target0 = texture(TextureSampler, PSin.t); } #endif