/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Gabest * http://www.gabest.org * * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html * */ #pragma once #include "GSRendererHW.h" #include "GSTextureFX.h" template class GSRendererDX : public GSRendererHW { GSTextureFX* m_tfx; bool m_logz; bool m_fba; protected: int m_topology; GSVector2 m_pixelcenter; virtual void SetupDATE(GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds) {} virtual void UpdateFBA(GSTexture* rt) {} public: GSRendererDX(uint8* base, bool mt, void (*irq)(), GSDevice* dev, GSTextureCache* tc, GSTextureFX* tfx) : GSRendererHW(base, mt, irq, dev, tc) , m_tfx(tfx) , m_topology(-1) , m_pixelcenter(0, 0) { m_logz = !!theApp.GetConfig("logz", 0); m_fba = !!theApp.GetConfig("fba", 1); } virtual ~GSRendererDX() { delete m_tfx; } bool Create(const string& title) { if(!__super::Create(title)) return false; if(!m_tfx->Create(m_dev)) return false; return true; } void Draw(GS_PRIM_CLASS primclass, GSTexture* rt, GSTexture* ds, GSTextureCache::Source* tex) { GSDrawingEnvironment& env = m_env; GSDrawingContext* context = m_context; // SetupDATE(rt, ds); // m_dev->BeginScene(); // om GSTextureFX::OMDepthStencilSelector om_dssel; om_dssel.zte = context->TEST.ZTE; om_dssel.ztst = context->TEST.ZTST; om_dssel.zwe = !context->ZBUF.ZMSK; om_dssel.date = context->FRAME.PSM != PSM_PSMCT24 ? context->TEST.DATE : 0; om_dssel.fba = m_fba ? context->FBA.FBA : 0; GSTextureFX::OMBlendSelector om_bsel; om_bsel.abe = !IsOpaque(); if(om_bsel.abe) { om_bsel.a = context->ALPHA.A; om_bsel.b = context->ALPHA.B; om_bsel.c = context->ALPHA.C; om_bsel.d = context->ALPHA.D; if(env.PABE.PABE) { if(om_bsel.a == 0 && om_bsel.b == 1 && om_bsel.c == 0 && om_bsel.d == 1) { // this works because with PABE alpha blending is on when alpha >= 0x80, but since the pixel shader // cannot output anything over 0x80 (== 1.0) blending with 0x80 or turning it off gives the same result om_bsel.abe = 0; } else { ASSERT(0); } } } om_bsel.wr = (context->FRAME.FBMSK & 0x000000ff) != 0x000000ff; om_bsel.wg = (context->FRAME.FBMSK & 0x0000ff00) != 0x0000ff00; om_bsel.wb = (context->FRAME.FBMSK & 0x00ff0000) != 0x00ff0000; om_bsel.wa = (context->FRAME.FBMSK & 0xff000000) != 0xff000000; // vs GSTextureFX::VSSelector vs_sel; vs_sel.bppz = 0; vs_sel.tme = PRIM->TME; vs_sel.fst = PRIM->FST; vs_sel.logz = m_logz ? 1 : 0; vs_sel.prim = primclass; if(om_dssel.zte && om_dssel.ztst > 0 && om_dssel.zwe) { if(context->ZBUF.PSM == PSM_PSMZ24) { if(m_vt.m_max.p.z > 0xffffff) { ASSERT(m_vt.m_min.p.z > 0xffffff); vs_sel.bppz = 1; om_dssel.ztst = 1; } } else if(context->ZBUF.PSM == PSM_PSMZ16 || context->ZBUF.PSM == PSM_PSMZ16S) { if(m_vt.m_max.p.z > 0xffff) { ASSERT(m_vt.m_min.p.z > 0xffff); // sfex capcom logo vs_sel.bppz = 2; om_dssel.ztst = 1; } } } GSTextureFX::VSConstantBuffer vs_cb; float sx = 2.0f * rt->m_scale.x / (rt->GetWidth() * 16); float sy = 2.0f * rt->m_scale.y / (rt->GetHeight() * 16); float ox = (float)(int)context->XYOFFSET.OFX; float oy = (float)(int)context->XYOFFSET.OFY; float ox2 = 2.0f * m_pixelcenter.x / rt->GetWidth(); float oy2 = 2.0f * m_pixelcenter.y / rt->GetHeight(); vs_cb.VertexScale = GSVector4(sx, -sy, 1.0f / UINT_MAX, 0.0f); vs_cb.VertexOffset = GSVector4(ox * sx + ox2 + 1, -(oy * sy + oy2 + 1), 0.0f, -1.0f); if(PRIM->TME) { if(PRIM->FST) { vs_cb.TextureScale.x = 1.0f / (16 << context->TEX0.TW); vs_cb.TextureScale.y = 1.0f / (16 << context->TEX0.TH); } else { vs_cb.TextureScale = GSVector2(1.0f, 1.0f); } } // gs GSTextureFX::GSSelector gs_sel; gs_sel.iip = PRIM->IIP; gs_sel.prim = primclass; // ps GSTextureFX::PSSelector ps_sel; ps_sel.fst = PRIM->FST; ps_sel.wms = context->CLAMP.WMS; ps_sel.wmt = context->CLAMP.WMT; ps_sel.aem = env.TEXA.AEM; ps_sel.tfx = context->TEX0.TFX; ps_sel.tcc = context->TEX0.TCC; ps_sel.ate = context->TEST.ATE; ps_sel.atst = context->TEST.ATST; ps_sel.fog = PRIM->FGE; ps_sel.clr1 = om_bsel.abe && om_bsel.a == 1 && om_bsel.b == 2 && om_bsel.d == 1; ps_sel.fba = context->FBA.FBA; ps_sel.aout = context->FRAME.PSM == PSM_PSMCT16 || context->FRAME.PSM == PSM_PSMCT16S || (context->FRAME.FBMSK & 0xff000000) == 0x7f000000 ? 1 : 0; ps_sel.ltf = m_filter == 2 ? IsLinear() : m_filter; GSTextureFX::PSSamplerSelector ps_ssel; ps_ssel.tau = 0; ps_ssel.tav = 0; ps_ssel.ltf = ps_sel.ltf; GSTextureFX::PSConstantBuffer ps_cb; if(ps_sel.fog) { ps_cb.FogColor_AREF = GSVector4((int)env.FOGCOL.FCR, (int)env.FOGCOL.FCG, (int)env.FOGCOL.FCB, 0) / 255; } if(ps_sel.ate) { switch(ps_sel.atst) { case ATST_LESS: ps_cb.FogColor_AREF.a = (float)((int)context->TEST.AREF - 1); break; case ATST_GREATER: ps_cb.FogColor_AREF.a = (float)((int)context->TEST.AREF + 1); break; default: ps_cb.FogColor_AREF.a = (float)(int)context->TEST.AREF; break; } } if(tex) { ps_sel.fmt = tex->m_fmt; ps_sel.rt = tex->m_target; int w = tex->m_texture->GetWidth(); int h = tex->m_texture->GetHeight(); ps_cb.WH = GSVector4((int)(1 << context->TEX0.TW), (int)(1 << context->TEX0.TH), w, h); ps_cb.HalfTexel = GSVector4(-0.5f, 0.5f).xxyy() / GSVector4(w, h).xyxy(); ps_cb.MinF_TA.z = (float)(int)env.TEXA.TA0 / 255; ps_cb.MinF_TA.w = (float)(int)env.TEXA.TA1 / 255; switch(context->CLAMP.WMS) { case CLAMP_REPEAT: ps_ssel.tau = 1; break; case CLAMP_CLAMP: ps_ssel.tau = 0; break; case CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP: ps_cb.MinMax.x = ((float)(int)context->CLAMP.MINU) / (1 << context->TEX0.TW); ps_cb.MinMax.z = ((float)(int)context->CLAMP.MAXU) / (1 << context->TEX0.TW); ps_cb.MinF_TA.x = ((float)(int)context->CLAMP.MINU + 0.5f) / (1 << context->TEX0.TW); ps_ssel.tau = 0; break; case CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT: ps_cb.MskFix.x = context->CLAMP.MINU; ps_cb.MskFix.z = context->CLAMP.MAXU; ps_ssel.tau = 1; break; default: __assume(0); } switch(context->CLAMP.WMT) { case CLAMP_REPEAT: ps_ssel.tav = 1; break; case CLAMP_CLAMP: ps_ssel.tav = 0; break; case CLAMP_REGION_CLAMP: ps_cb.MinMax.y = ((float)(int)context->CLAMP.MINV) / (1 << context->TEX0.TH); ps_cb.MinMax.w = ((float)(int)context->CLAMP.MAXV) / (1 << context->TEX0.TH); ps_cb.MinF_TA.y = ((float)(int)context->CLAMP.MINV + 0.5f) / (1 << context->TEX0.TH); ps_ssel.tav = 0; break; case CLAMP_REGION_REPEAT: ps_cb.MskFix.y = context->CLAMP.MINV; ps_cb.MskFix.w = context->CLAMP.MAXV; ps_ssel.tav = 1; break; default: __assume(0); } } else { ps_sel.tfx = 4; } // rs int w = rt->GetWidth(); int h = rt->GetHeight(); GSVector4i scissor = GSVector4i(GSVector4(rt->m_scale).xyxy() * context->scissor.in).rintersect(GSVector4i(0, 0, w, h)); // uint8 afix = context->ALPHA.FIX; m_tfx->SetupOM(om_dssel, om_bsel, afix, rt, ds); m_tfx->SetupIA(m_vertices, m_count, m_topology); m_tfx->SetupVS(vs_sel, &vs_cb); m_tfx->SetupGS(gs_sel); m_tfx->SetupPS(ps_sel, &ps_cb, ps_ssel, tex ? tex->m_texture : NULL, tex ? tex->m_palette : NULL); m_tfx->SetupRS(w, h, scissor); // draw if(context->TEST.DoFirstPass()) { m_dev->DrawPrimitive(); } if(context->TEST.DoSecondPass()) { ASSERT(!env.PABE.PABE); static const uint32 iatst[] = {1, 0, 5, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4}; ps_sel.atst = iatst[ps_sel.atst]; switch(ps_sel.atst) { case ATST_LESS: ps_cb.FogColor_AREF.a = (float)((int)context->TEST.AREF - 1); break; case ATST_GREATER: ps_cb.FogColor_AREF.a = (float)((int)context->TEST.AREF + 1); break; default: ps_cb.FogColor_AREF.a = (float)(int)context->TEST.AREF; break; } m_tfx->UpdatePS(ps_sel, &ps_cb, ps_ssel); bool z = om_dssel.zwe; bool r = om_bsel.wr; bool g = om_bsel.wg; bool b = om_bsel.wb; bool a = om_bsel.wa; switch(context->TEST.AFAIL) { case 0: z = r = g = b = a = false; break; // none case 1: z = false; break; // rgba case 2: r = g = b = a = false; break; // z case 3: z = a = false; break; // rgb default: __assume(0); } if(z || r || g || b || a) { om_dssel.zwe = z; om_bsel.wr = r; om_bsel.wg = g; om_bsel.wb = b; om_bsel.wa = a; m_tfx->UpdateOM(om_dssel, om_bsel, afix); m_dev->DrawPrimitive(); } } m_dev->EndScene(); if(om_dssel.fba) UpdateFBA(rt); } };