#if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400 #ifndef VS_BPPZ #define VS_BPPZ 0 #define VS_TME 1 #define VS_FST 1 #define VS_PRIM 0 #endif #ifndef GS_IIP #define GS_IIP 0 #define GS_PRIM 3 #endif #ifndef PS_FST #define PS_FST 0 #define PS_WMS 3 #define PS_WMT 3 #define PS_BPP 0 #define PS_AEM 0 #define PS_TFX 0 #define PS_TCC 1 #define PS_ATE 0 #define PS_ATST 4 #define PS_FOG 0 #define PS_CLR1 0 #define PS_FBA 0 #define PS_AOUT 0 #define PS_LTF 1 #endif struct VS_INPUT { uint2 p : POSITION0; uint z : POSITION1; float2 t : TEXCOORD0; float q : TEXCOORD1; float4 c : COLOR0; float4 f : COLOR1; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 p : SV_Position; float4 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; }; struct PS_INPUT { float4 p : SV_Position; float4 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; }; struct PS_OUTPUT { float4 c0 : SV_Target0; float4 c1 : SV_Target1; }; Texture2D Texture; Texture2D Palette; SamplerState TextureSampler; SamplerState PaletteSampler; cbuffer cb0 { float4 VertexScale; float4 VertexOffset; float2 TextureScale; }; cbuffer cb1 { float3 FogColor; float AREF; float4 HalfTexel; float4 WH; float4 MinMax; float2 MinF; float2 TA; uint4 MskFix; }; #elif SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300 #ifndef VS_BPPZ #define VS_BPPZ 0 #define VS_TME 1 #define VS_FST 1 #define VS_LOGZ 1 #endif #ifndef PS_FST #define PS_FST 0 #define PS_WMS 3 #define PS_WMT 3 #define PS_BPP 0 #define PS_AEM 0 #define PS_TFX 0 #define PS_TCC 1 #define PS_ATE 0 #define PS_ATST 4 #define PS_FOG 0 #define PS_CLR1 0 #define PS_RT 0 #define PS_LTF 0 #endif struct VS_INPUT { float4 p : POSITION0; float2 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; float4 f : COLOR1; }; struct VS_OUTPUT { float4 p : POSITION; float4 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; }; struct PS_INPUT { float4 t : TEXCOORD0; float4 c : COLOR0; }; sampler Texture : register(s0); sampler1D Palette : register(s1); sampler1D UMSKFIX : register(s2); sampler1D VMSKFIX : register(s3); float4 vs_params[3]; #define VertexScale vs_params[0] #define VertexOffset vs_params[1] #define TextureScale vs_params[2].xy float4 ps_params[5]; #define FogColor ps_params[0].bgr #define AREF ps_params[0].a #define HalfTexel ps_params[1] #define WH ps_params[2] #define MinMax ps_params[3] #define MinF ps_params[4].xy #define TA0 ps_params[4].z #define TA1 ps_params[4].w #endif float4 wrapuv(float4 uv) { if(PS_WMS == PS_WMT) { if(PS_WMS == 0) { uv = frac(uv); } else if(PS_WMS == 1) { uv = saturate(uv); } else if(PS_WMS == 2) { uv = clamp(uv, MinMax.xyxy, MinMax.zwzw); } else if(PS_WMS == 3) { #if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400 uv = (float4)(((int4)(uv * WH.xyxy) & MskFix.xyxy) | MskFix.zwzw) / WH.xyxy; #elif SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300 uv.x = tex1D(UMSKFIX, uv.x); uv.y = tex1D(VMSKFIX, uv.y); uv.z = tex1D(UMSKFIX, uv.z); uv.w = tex1D(VMSKFIX, uv.w); #endif } } else { if(PS_WMS == 0) { uv.xz = frac(uv.xz); } else if(PS_WMS == 1) { uv.xz = saturate(uv.xz); } else if(PS_WMS == 2) { uv.xz = clamp(uv.xz, MinMax.xx, MinMax.zz); } else if(PS_WMS == 3) { #if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400 uv.xz = (float2)(((int2)(uv * WH.xyxy).xz & MskFix.xx) | MskFix.zz) / WH.xy; #elif SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300 uv.x = tex1D(UMSKFIX, uv.x); uv.z = tex1D(UMSKFIX, uv.z); #endif } if(PS_WMT == 0) { uv.yw = frac(uv.yw); } else if(PS_WMT == 1) { uv.yw = saturate(uv.yw); } else if(PS_WMT == 2) { uv.yw = clamp(uv.yw, MinMax.yy, MinMax.ww); } else if(PS_WMT == 3) { #if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400 uv.yw = (float2)(((int2)(uv * WH.xyxy).yw & MskFix.yy) | MskFix.ww) / WH.xy; #elif SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300 uv.y = tex1D(VMSKFIX, uv.y); uv.w = tex1D(VMSKFIX, uv.w); #endif } } return uv; } float2 clampuv(float2 uv) { if(PS_WMS == 2 && PS_WMT == 2) { uv = clamp(uv, MinF, MinMax.zw); } else if(PS_WMS == 2) { uv.x = clamp(uv.x, MinF.x, MinMax.z); } else if(PS_WMT == 2) { uv.y = clamp(uv.y, MinF.y, MinMax.w); } return uv; } float4 tfx(float4 t, float4 c) { if(PS_TFX == 0) { if(PS_TCC == 0) { c.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128; } else { c = c * t * 255.0f / 128; } } else if(PS_TFX == 1) { if(PS_TCC == 0) { c.rgb = t.rgb; } else { c = t; } } else if(PS_TFX == 2) { c.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128 + c.a; if(PS_TCC == 1) { c.a += t.a; } } else if(PS_TFX == 3) { c.rgb = c.rgb * t.rgb * 255.0f / 128 + c.a; if(PS_TCC == 1) { c.a = t.a; } } return saturate(c); } void atst(float4 c) { if(PS_ATE == 1) { if(PS_ATST == 0) { discard; } else if(PS_ATST == 2 || PS_ATST == 3) // l, le { clip(AREF - c.a); } else if(PS_ATST == 4) // e { clip(0.6f / 255 - abs(c.a - AREF)); // FIXME: 0.5f is too small } else if(PS_ATST == 5 || PS_ATST == 6) // ge, g { clip(c.a - AREF); } else if(PS_ATST == 7) // ne { clip(abs(c.a - AREF) - 0.4f / 255); // FIXME: 0.5f is too much } } } float4 fog(float4 c, float f) { if(PS_FOG == 1) { c.rgb = lerp(FogColor, c.rgb, f); } return c; } #if SHADER_MODEL >= 0x400 VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT input) { if(VS_BPPZ == 1) // 24 { input.z = input.z & 0xffffff; } else if(VS_BPPZ == 2) // 16 { input.z = input.z & 0xffff; } if(VS_PRIM == 3) // sprite { //input.p.xy = (input.p.xy + 15) & ~15; // HACK } VS_OUTPUT output; // pos -= 0.05 (1/320 pixel) helps avoiding rounding problems (integral part of pos is usually 5 digits, 0.05 is about as low as we can go) // example: ceil(afterseveralvertextransformations(y = 133)) => 134 => line 133 stays empty // input granularity is 1/16 pixel, anything smaller than that won't step drawing up/left by one pixel // example: 133.0625 (133 + 1/16) should start from line 134, ceil(133.0625 - 0.05) still above 133 float4 p = float4(input.p, input.z, 0) - float4(0.05f, 0.05f, 0, 0); output.p = p * VertexScale - VertexOffset; if(VS_TME == 1) { if(VS_FST == 1) { output.t.xy = input.t * TextureScale; output.t.w = 1.0f; } else { output.t.xy = input.t; output.t.w = input.q; } } else { output.t.xy = 0; output.t.w = 1.0f; } output.c = input.c; output.t.z = input.f.a; return output; } #if GS_PRIM == 0 [maxvertexcount(1)] void gs_main(point VS_OUTPUT input[1], inout PointStream stream) { stream.Append(input[0]); } #elif GS_PRIM == 1 [maxvertexcount(2)] void gs_main(line VS_OUTPUT input[2], inout LineStream stream) { #if GS_IIP == 0 input[0].c = input[1].c; #endif stream.Append(input[0]); stream.Append(input[1]); } #elif GS_PRIM == 2 [maxvertexcount(3)] void gs_main(triangle VS_OUTPUT input[3], inout TriangleStream stream) { #if GS_IIP == 0 input[0].c = input[2].c; input[1].c = input[2].c; #endif stream.Append(input[0]); stream.Append(input[1]); stream.Append(input[2]); } #elif GS_PRIM == 3 [maxvertexcount(4)] void gs_main(line VS_OUTPUT input[2], inout TriangleStream stream) { input[0].p.z = input[1].p.z; input[0].t.zw = input[1].t.zw; #if GS_IIP == 0 input[0].c = input[1].c; #endif VS_OUTPUT lb = input[1]; lb.p.x = input[0].p.x; lb.t.x = input[0].t.x; VS_OUTPUT rt = input[1]; rt.p.y = input[0].p.y; rt.t.y = input[0].t.y; stream.Append(input[0]); stream.Append(lb); stream.Append(rt); stream.Append(input[1]); } #endif float4 sample(float2 tc, float w) { if(PS_FST == 0) { tc /= w; } float4 t; /* if(PS_BPP < 3 && PS_WMS < 2 && PS_WMT < 2) { t = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, tc); } */ if(PS_BPP < 3 && PS_WMS < 3 && PS_WMT < 3) { t = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, clampuv(tc)); } else { float w, h; Texture.GetDimensions(w, h); float4 uv2 = tc.xyxy + HalfTexel; float2 dd = frac(uv2.xy * float2(w, h)); // * WH.zw float4 uv = wrapuv(uv2); float4 t00, t01, t10, t11; if(PS_BPP == 3) // 8HP { float4 a; a.x = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.xy).a; a.y = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.zy).a; a.z = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.xw).a; a.w = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.zw).a; t00 = Palette.Sample(PaletteSampler, a.x); t01 = Palette.Sample(PaletteSampler, a.y); t10 = Palette.Sample(PaletteSampler, a.z); t11 = Palette.Sample(PaletteSampler, a.w); } else { t00 = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.xy); t01 = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.zy); t10 = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.xw); t11 = Texture.Sample(TextureSampler, uv.zw); } if(PS_LTF) { t = lerp(lerp(t00, t01, dd.x), lerp(t10, t11, dd.x), dd.y); } else { t = t00; } } if(PS_BPP == 1) // 24 { t.a = PS_AEM == 0 || any(t.rgb) ? TA.x : 0; } else if(PS_BPP == 2) // 16 { // a bit incompatible with up-scaling because the 1 bit alpha is interpolated t.a = t.a >= 0.5 ? TA.y : PS_AEM == 0 || any(t.rgb) ? TA.x : 0; } return t; } PS_OUTPUT ps_main(PS_INPUT input) { float4 t = sample(input.t.xy, input.t.w); float4 c = tfx(t, input.c); atst(c); c = fog(c, input.t.z); if(PS_CLR1 == 1) // needed for Cd * (As/Ad/F + 1) blending modes { c.rgb = 1; } PS_OUTPUT output; output.c1 = c.a * 2; // used for alpha blending if(PS_AOUT == 1) // 16 bit output { float a = 128.0f / 255; // alpha output will be 0x80 c.a = PS_FBA == 1 ? a : step(0.5, c.a) * a; } else if(PS_FBA == 1) { if(c.a < 0.5) c.a += 0.5; } output.c0 = c; return output; } #elif SHADER_MODEL <= 0x300 VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT input) { if(VS_BPPZ == 1) // 24 { input.p.z = fmod(input.p.z, 0x1000000); } else if(VS_BPPZ == 2) // 16 { input.p.z = fmod(input.p.z, 0x10000); } VS_OUTPUT output; // pos -= 0.05 (1/320 pixel) helps avoiding rounding problems (integral part of pos is usually 5 digits, 0.05 is about as low as we can go) // example: ceil(afterseveralvertextransformations(y = 133)) => 134 => line 133 stays empty // input granularity is 1/16 pixel, anything smaller than that won't step drawing up/left by one pixel // example: 133.0625 (133 + 1/16) should start from line 134, ceil(133.0625 - 0.05) still above 133 float4 p = input.p - float4(0.05f, 0.05f, 0, 0); output.p = p * VertexScale - VertexOffset; if(VS_LOGZ == 1) { output.p.z = log2(1.0f + input.p.z) / 32; } if(VS_TME == 1) { if(VS_FST == 1) { output.t.xy = input.t * TextureScale; output.t.w = 1.0f; } else { output.t.xy = input.t; output.t.w = input.p.w; } } else { output.t.xy = 0; output.t.w = 1.0f; } output.c = input.c; output.t.z = input.f.a; return output; } float4 sample(float2 tc, float w) { if(PS_FST == 0) { tc /= w; } float4 t; /* if(PS_BPP < 3 && PS_WMS < 2 && PS_WMT < 2) { t = tex2D(Texture, tc); } */ if(PS_BPP < 3 && PS_WMS < 3 && PS_WMT < 3) { t = tex2D(Texture, clampuv(tc)); } else { float4 uv2 = tc.xyxy + HalfTexel; float2 dd = frac(uv2.xy * WH.zw); float4 uv = wrapuv(uv2); float4 t00, t01, t10, t11; if(PS_BPP == 3) // 8HP { float4 a; a.x = tex2D(Texture, uv.xy).a; a.y = tex2D(Texture, uv.zy).a; a.z = tex2D(Texture, uv.xw).a; a.w = tex2D(Texture, uv.zw).a; if(PS_RT == 1) a *= 0.5; t00 = tex1D(Palette, a.x); t01 = tex1D(Palette, a.y); t10 = tex1D(Palette, a.z); t11 = tex1D(Palette, a.w); } else { t00 = tex2D(Texture, uv.xy); t01 = tex2D(Texture, uv.zy); t10 = tex2D(Texture, uv.xw); t11 = tex2D(Texture, uv.zw); } if(PS_LTF) { t = lerp(lerp(t00, t01, dd.x), lerp(t10, t11, dd.x), dd.y); } else { t = t00; } } if(PS_BPP == 0) // 32 { if(PS_RT == 1) t.a *= 0.5; } else if(PS_BPP == 1) // 24 { t.a = PS_AEM == 0 || any(t.rgb) ? TA0 : 0; } else if(PS_BPP == 2) // 16 { // a bit incompatible with up-scaling because the 1 bit alpha is interpolated t.a = t.a >= 0.5 ? TA1 : PS_AEM == 0 || any(t.rgb) ? TA0 : 0; } return t; } float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT input) : COLOR { float4 t = sample(input.t.xy, input.t.w); float4 c = tfx(t, input.c); atst(c); c = fog(c, input.t.z); if(PS_CLR1 == 1) // needed for Cd * (As/Ad/F + 1) blending modes { c.rgb = 1; } c.a *= 2; return c; } #endif