// cdvdmisc.cpp: implementation of the cdvdmisc class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "cdvddraft.h" #include "cdvdmisc.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif extern int g_status [CDVD_NUM_BUFFERS]; // status of read to buffer-n extern HANDLE g_handle [CDVD_NUM_BUFFERS]; // handle used to read to buffer-n extern int g_sectstart[CDVD_NUM_BUFFERS]; // start of sector read to buffer-n extern BOOL g_filled [CDVD_NUM_BUFFERS]; // check if buffer-n was filled extern CDVD_BUFFER_MODE g_current_buffmode; extern CDVD_INTERFACE_TYPE g_current_intftype; extern int g_current_drivenum; extern CDVD_READ_MODE g_current_readmode; int init_buffersandflags() { for(int i=0; i int load_registrysettings() { CRegKey rKey; if(rKey.Create(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, PLUGIN_REG_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD val; g_current_readmode = CDVD_READ_UNKNOWN; if(rKey.QueryValue(val, _T("DriveNum")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) g_current_drivenum = val; if(rKey.QueryValue(val, _T("BuffMode")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) g_current_buffmode = (CDVD_BUFFER_MODE) val; TRACE("---- buffmode: %ld -----\n", g_current_buffmode); if(rKey.QueryValue(val, _T("Interface")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) g_current_intftype = (CDVD_INTERFACE_TYPE) val; if(rKey.QueryValue(val, _T("ReadMode")) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if(val == 0) g_current_readmode = CDVD_READ_UNKNOWN; else g_current_readmode = (CDVD_READ_MODE) (val - 1); } rKey.Close(); } else return CDVD_ERROR_FAIL; return CDVD_ERROR_SUCCESS; }