/* device.c * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 PCSX2 Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * * PCSX2 members can be contacted through their website at www.pcsx2.net. */ #include <windows.h> #include <ddk/ntddcdrm.h> // IOCTL_CDROM..., IOCTL_STORAGE... #include <ddk/ntdddisk.h> // IOCTL_DISK... #include <stdio.h> // sprintf() #include <time.h> // time_t #define CDVDdefs #include "PS2Edefs.h" #include "logfile.h" #include "conf.h" #include "CD.h" #include "DVD.h" #include "device.h" HANDLE devicehandle; OVERLAPPED waitevent; time_t lasttime; s32 traystatus; int traystatusmethod; s32 disctype; char tocbuffer[2048]; void DeviceInit() { devicehandle = NULL; waitevent.hEvent = NULL; waitevent.Internal = 0; waitevent.InternalHigh = 0; waitevent.Offset = 0; waitevent.OffsetHigh = 0; lasttime = 0; InitDisc(); } // END DeviceInit() void InitDisc() { int i; InitCDInfo(); InitDVDInfo(); traystatus = CDVD_TRAY_OPEN; traystatusmethod = 0; // Poll all until one works disctype = CDVD_TYPE_NODISC; for(i = 0; i < 2048; i++) tocbuffer[i] = 0; } // END InitDisc() s32 DiscInserted() { if(traystatus != CDVD_TRAY_CLOSE) return(-1); if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_ILLEGAL) return(-1); // if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_UNKNOWN) return(-1); // Hmm. Let this one through? if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DETCTDVDD) return(-1); if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DETCTDVDS) return(-1); if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DETCTCD) return(-1); if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DETCT) return(-1); if(disctype == CDVD_TYPE_NODISC) return(-1); #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DiscInserted()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ return(0); } // END DiscInserted() // Returns errcode (or 0 if successful) DWORD FinishCommand(BOOL boolresult) { DWORD errcode; DWORD waitcode; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: FinishCommand()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ if(boolresult == TRUE) { ResetEvent(waitevent.hEvent); return(0); } // ENDIF- Device is ready? Say so. errcode = GetLastError(); if(errcode == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Waiting for completion."); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ waitcode = WaitForSingleObject(waitevent.hEvent, 10 * 1000); // 10 sec wait if((waitcode == WAIT_FAILED) || (waitcode == WAIT_ABANDONED)) { errcode = GetLastError(); } else if(waitcode == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { errcode = 21; CancelIo(devicehandle); // Speculative Line } else { ResetEvent(waitevent.hEvent); return(0); // Success! } // ENDIF- Trouble waiting? (Or doesn't finish in 5 seconds?) } // ENDIF- Should we wait for the call to finish? ResetEvent(waitevent.hEvent); return(errcode); } // END DeviceCommand() s32 DeviceOpen() { char tempname[256]; UINT drivetype; DWORD errcode; if(conf.devicename[0] == 0) return(-1); if(devicehandle != NULL) return(0); #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DeviceOpen()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ // InitConf(); // LoadConf(); // Should be done at least once before this call // Root Directory reference if(conf.devicename[1] == 0) { sprintf(tempname, "%s:\\", conf.devicename); } else if((conf.devicename[1] == ':') && (conf.devicename[2] == 0)) { sprintf(tempname, "%s\\", conf.devicename); } else { sprintf(tempname, "%s", conf.devicename); } // ENDIF- Not a single drive letter? (or a letter/colon?) Copy the name in. drivetype = GetDriveType(tempname); if(drivetype != DRIVE_CDROM) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Not a CD-ROM!"); PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: (Came back: %u)", drivetype); errcode = GetLastError(); if(errcode > 0) PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Not a CD-ROM? Say so! // Hmm. Do we want to include DRIVE_REMOVABLE... just in case? // Device Reference if(conf.devicename[1] == 0) { sprintf(tempname, "\\\\.\\%s:", conf.devicename); } else if((conf.devicename[1] == ':') && (conf.devicename[2] == 0)) { sprintf(tempname, "\\\\.\\%s", conf.devicename); } else { sprintf(tempname, "%s", conf.devicename); } // ENDIF- Not a single drive letter? (or a letter/colon?) Copy the name in. devicehandle = CreateFile(tempname, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't open device read-only! Read-Write perhaps?"); errcode = GetLastError(); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ devicehandle = CreateFile(tempname, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); } // ENDIF- Couldn't open for read? Try read/write (for those drives that insist) if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't open device!"); errcode = GetLastError(); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ devicehandle = NULL; return(-1); } // ENDIF- Couldn't open that way either? Abort. waitevent.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if(waitevent.hEvent == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't open event handler!"); errcode = GetLastError(); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ waitevent.hEvent = NULL; CloseHandle(devicehandle); devicehandle = NULL; } // ENDIF- Couldn't create an "Wait for I/O" handle? Abort. // More here... DeviceIoControl? for Drive Capabilities // DEVICE_CAPABILITIES? ////// Should be done just after the first DeviceOpen(); // InitDisc(); // ? // DeviceTrayStatus(); return(0); } // END DeviceOpen() void DeviceClose() { if(devicehandle == NULL) return; if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { devicehandle = NULL; return; } // ENDIF- Bad value? Just clear the value. #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DeviceClose()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ if(waitevent.hEvent != NULL) { if(waitevent.hEvent != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CancelIo(devicehandle); CloseHandle(waitevent.hEvent); } // ENDIF- Is this handle actually open? waitevent.hEvent = NULL; waitevent.Offset = 0; waitevent.OffsetHigh = 0; } // ENDIF- Reset the event handle? CloseHandle(devicehandle); devicehandle = NULL; return; } // END DeviceClose() s32 DeviceReadTrack(u32 lsn, int mode, u8 *buffer) { if(DiscInserted() == -1) return(-1); if((disctype == CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD) || (disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DVDV)) { return(DVDreadTrack(lsn, mode, buffer)); } else { return(CDreadTrack(lsn, mode, buffer)); } // ENDIF- Is this a DVD? } // END DeviceReadTrack() s32 DeviceBufferOffset() { if(DiscInserted() == -1) return(-1); if((disctype == CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD) || (disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DVDV)) { return(0); } else { return(CDgetBufferOffset()); } // ENDIF- Is this a DVD? return(-1); } // END DeviceBufferOffset() s32 DeviceGetTD(u8 track, cdvdTD *cdvdtd) { if(DiscInserted() == -1) return(-1); if((disctype == CDVD_TYPE_PS2DVD) || (disctype == CDVD_TYPE_DVDV)) { return(DVDgetTD(track, cdvdtd)); } else { return(CDgetTD(track, cdvdtd)); } // ENDIF- Is this a DVD? return(-1); } // END DeviceGetTD() s32 DeviceGetDiskType() { s32 s32result; if(devicehandle == NULL) return(-1); if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(-1); if(traystatus == CDVD_TRAY_OPEN) return(disctype); if(disctype != CDVD_TYPE_NODISC) return(disctype); #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DeviceGetDiskType()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ disctype = CDVD_TYPE_DETCT; s32result = DVDgetDiskType(); if(s32result != -1) return(disctype); s32result = CDgetDiskType(); if(s32result != -1) return(disctype); disctype = CDVD_TYPE_UNKNOWN; return(disctype); } // END DeviceGetDiskType() BOOL DeviceTrayStatusStorage() { BOOL boolresult; DWORD byteswritten; DWORD errcode; boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_CHECK_VERIFY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &byteswritten, NULL); errcode = FinishCommand(boolresult); if(errcode == 0) return(TRUE); if(errcode == 21) return(FALSE); // Device not ready? (Valid error) #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Trouble detecting drive status (STORAGE)!"); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ return(FALSE); } // END DeviceTrayStatusStorage() BOOL DeviceTrayStatusCDRom() { BOOL boolresult; DWORD byteswritten; DWORD errcode; boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, IOCTL_CDROM_CHECK_VERIFY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &byteswritten, NULL); errcode = FinishCommand(boolresult); if(errcode == 0) return(TRUE); if(errcode == 21) return(FALSE); // Device not ready? (Valid error) #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Trouble detecting drive status (CDROM)!"); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ return(FALSE); } // END DeviceTrayStatusCDRom() BOOL DeviceTrayStatusDisk() { BOOL boolresult; DWORD byteswritten; DWORD errcode; boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, IOCTL_DISK_CHECK_VERIFY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &byteswritten, NULL); errcode = FinishCommand(boolresult); if(errcode == 0) return(TRUE); if(errcode == 21) return(FALSE); // Device not ready? (Valid error) #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Trouble detecting drive status (DISK)!"); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ return(FALSE); } // END DeviceTrayStatusDisk() s32 DeviceTrayStatus() { BOOL boolresult; if(devicehandle == NULL) return(-1); if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(-1); #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DeviceTrayStatus()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ switch(traystatusmethod) { case 1: boolresult = DeviceTrayStatusStorage(); break; case 2: boolresult = DeviceTrayStatusCDRom(); break; case 3: boolresult = DeviceTrayStatusDisk(); break; default: boolresult = FALSE; break; } // ENDSWITCH traystatusmethod- One method already working? Try it again. if(boolresult == FALSE) { traystatusmethod = 0; boolresult = DeviceTrayStatusStorage(); if(boolresult == TRUE) { traystatusmethod = 1; } else { boolresult = DeviceTrayStatusCDRom(); if(boolresult == TRUE) { traystatusmethod = 2; } else { boolresult = DeviceTrayStatusDisk(); if(boolresult == TRUE) traystatusmethod = 3; } // ENDIF- Did we succeed with CDRom? } // ENDIF- Did we succeed with Storage? } // Single call to already working test just failed? Test them all. if(boolresult == FALSE) { if(traystatus == CDVD_TRAY_CLOSE) { #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Tray just opened!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ traystatus = CDVD_TRAY_OPEN; DeviceClose(); DeviceOpen(); InitDisc(); } // ENDIF- Just opened? clear disc info return(traystatus); } // ENDIF- Still failed? Assume no disc in drive then. if(traystatus == CDVD_TRAY_OPEN) { traystatus = CDVD_TRAY_CLOSE; #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Tray just closed!"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ DeviceGetDiskType(); return(traystatus); } // ENDIF- Just closed? Get disc information return(traystatus); } // END DeviceTrayStatus() s32 DeviceTrayOpen() { BOOL boolresult; DWORD byteswritten; DWORD errcode; if(devicehandle == NULL) return(-1); if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(-1); if(traystatus == CDVD_TRAY_OPEN) return(0); #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DeviceOpenTray()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_EJECT_MEDIA, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &byteswritten, &waitevent); errcode = FinishCommand(boolresult); if(errcode != 0) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't signal media to eject! (STORAGE)"); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ // boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, // IOCTL_DISK_EJECT_MEDIA, // NULL, // 0, // NULL, // 0, // &byteswritten, // NULL); // } // ENDIF- Storage Call failed? Try Disk call. // if(boolresult == FALSE) { // #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE // PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't signal media to eject! (DISK)"); // PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); // #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Disk Call failed as well? Give it up. return(0); } // END DeviceTrayOpen() s32 DeviceTrayClose() { BOOL boolresult; DWORD byteswritten; DWORD errcode; if(devicehandle == NULL) return(-1); if(devicehandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return(-1); if(traystatus == CDVD_TRAY_CLOSE) return(0); #ifdef VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: DeviceCloseTray()"); #endif /* VERBOSE_FUNCTION_DEVICE */ boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, IOCTL_STORAGE_LOAD_MEDIA, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &byteswritten, NULL); errcode = FinishCommand(boolresult); if(errcode != 0) { #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't signal media to load! (STORAGE)"); PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ // boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, // IOCTL_CDROM_LOAD_MEDIA, // NULL, // 0, // NULL, // 0, // &byteswritten, // NULL); // } // ENDIF- Storage call failed. CDRom call? // if(boolresult == FALSE) { // errcode = GetLastError(); // #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE // PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't signal media to load! (CDROM)"); // PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); // #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ // boolresult = DeviceIoControl(devicehandle, // IOCTL_DISK_LOAD_MEDIA, // NULL, // 0, // NULL, // 0, // &byteswritten, // NULL); // } // ENDIF- CDRom call failed. Disk call? // if(boolresult == FALSE) { // #ifdef VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE // PrintLog("CDVDlinuz device: Couldn't signal media to load! (DISK)"); // PrintError("CDVDlinuz device", errcode); // #endif /* VERBOSE_WARNING_DEVICE */ return(-1); } // ENDIF- Media not available? return(0); } // END DeviceTrayClose()