/* SPU2-X, A plugin for Emulating the Sound Processing Unit of the Playstation 2 * Developed and maintained by the Pcsx2 Development Team. * * Original portions from SPU2ghz are (c) 2008 by David Quintana [gigaherz] * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along * with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 * Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #include "Spu2.h" static LPF_data lowpass_left( 11000, SampleRate ); static LPF_data lowpass_right( 11000, SampleRate ); static __forceinline s32 RevbGetIndexer( V_Core& thiscore, s32 offset ) { u32 pos = thiscore.ReverbX + offset; // Need to use modulus here, because games can and will drop the buffer size // without notice, and it leads to offsets several times past the end of the buffer. if( pos > thiscore.EffectsEndA ) { //pos = thiscore.EffectsStartA + ((thiscore.ReverbX + offset) % (u32)thiscore.EffectsBufferSize); pos -= thiscore.EffectsEndA+1; pos += thiscore.EffectsStartA; } return pos; } void Reverb_AdvanceBuffer( V_Core& thiscore ) { if( (Cycles & 1) && (thiscore.EffectsBufferSize > 0) ) { //thiscore.ReverbX = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, 1 ); thiscore.ReverbX += 1; if( thiscore.ReverbX >= (u32)thiscore.EffectsBufferSize ) thiscore.ReverbX = 0; //thiscore.ReverbX += 1; //if(thiscore.ReverbX >= (u32)thiscore.EffectsBufferSize ) // thiscore.ReverbX %= (u32)thiscore.EffectsBufferSize; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StereoOut32 DoReverb( V_Core& thiscore, const StereoOut32& Input ) { // Reverb processing occurs at 24khz, so we skip processing every other sample, // and use the previous calculation for this core instead. if( (Cycles&1)==0 ) { StereoOut32 retval( thiscore.LastEffect ); // Make sure and pass input through the LPF. The result can be discarded. // This gives the LPF a better sampling from which to kill offending frequencies. lowpass_left.sample( Input.Left / 32768.0 ); lowpass_right.sample( Input.Right / 32768.0 ); //thiscore.LastEffect = Input; return retval; } else { if( thiscore.RevBuffers.NeedsUpdated ) thiscore.UpdateEffectsBufferSize(); if( thiscore.EffectsBufferSize <= 0 ) { // StartA is past EndA, so effects are disabled. //ConLog( " * SPU2: Effects disabled due to leapfrogged EffectsStart." ); // Should we return zero here, or the input sample? // Because reverb gets an *2 mul, returning input seems dangerous, so I opt for silence. //return Input; return StereoOut32::Empty; } // Advance the current reverb buffer pointer, and cache the read/write addresses we'll be // needing for this session of reverb. const u32 src_a0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_SRC_A0 ); const u32 src_a1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_SRC_A1 ); const u32 src_b0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_SRC_B0 ); const u32 src_b1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_SRC_B1 ); const u32 dest_a0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_A0 ); const u32 dest_a1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_A1 ); const u32 dest_b0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_B0 ); const u32 dest_b1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_B1 ); const u32 dest2_a0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_A0 + 1 ); const u32 dest2_a1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_A1 + 1 ); const u32 dest2_b0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_B0 + 1 ); const u32 dest2_b1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.IIR_DEST_B1 + 1 ); const u32 acc_src_a0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_A0 ); const u32 acc_src_b0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_B0 ); const u32 acc_src_c0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_C0 ); const u32 acc_src_d0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_D0 ); const u32 acc_src_a1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_A1 ); const u32 acc_src_b1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_B1 ); const u32 acc_src_c1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_C1 ); const u32 acc_src_d1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.ACC_SRC_D1 ); const u32 fb_src_a0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.FB_SRC_A0 ); const u32 fb_src_a1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.FB_SRC_A1 ); const u32 fb_src_b0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.FB_SRC_B0 ); const u32 fb_src_b1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.FB_SRC_B1 ); const u32 mix_dest_a0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.MIX_DEST_A0 ); const u32 mix_dest_a1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.MIX_DEST_A1 ); const u32 mix_dest_b0 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.MIX_DEST_B0 ); const u32 mix_dest_b1 = RevbGetIndexer( thiscore, thiscore.RevBuffers.MIX_DEST_B1 ); // ----------------------------------------- // End Buffer Pointers, Begin Reverb! // ----------------------------------------- //StereoOut32 INPUT_SAMPLE( thiscore.LastEffect + Input ); // Note: LowPass on the input! Very important. Some games like DDS get terrible feedback otherwise. // Decisions, Decisions! Should we mix in the 22khz sample skipped, or not? // First one mixes in the 22hkz sample. Second one does not. /*StereoOut32 INPUT_SAMPLE( (s32)(lowpass_left.sample( (Input.Left+thiscore.LastEffect.Left) / 32768.0 ) * 32768.0), (s32)(lowpass_right.sample( (Input.Right+thiscore.LastEffect.Right) / 32768.0 ) * 32768.0) );*/ StereoOut32 INPUT_SAMPLE( (s32)(lowpass_left.sample( Input.Left / 32768.0 ) * 32768.0), (s32)(lowpass_right.sample( Input.Right / 32768.0 ) * 32768.0) ); const s32 IIR_INPUT_A0 = ((_spu2mem[src_a0] * thiscore.Revb.IIR_COEF) + (INPUT_SAMPLE.Left * thiscore.Revb.IN_COEF_L))>>16; const s32 IIR_INPUT_A1 = ((_spu2mem[src_a1] * thiscore.Revb.IIR_COEF) + (INPUT_SAMPLE.Right * thiscore.Revb.IN_COEF_R))>>16; const s32 IIR_INPUT_B0 = ((_spu2mem[src_b0] * thiscore.Revb.IIR_COEF) + (INPUT_SAMPLE.Left * thiscore.Revb.IN_COEF_L))>>16; const s32 IIR_INPUT_B1 = ((_spu2mem[src_b1] * thiscore.Revb.IIR_COEF) + (INPUT_SAMPLE.Right * thiscore.Revb.IN_COEF_R))>>16; const s32 IIR_A0 = (IIR_INPUT_A0 * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA) + (_spu2mem[dest_a0] * (0x7fff - thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)); const s32 IIR_A1 = (IIR_INPUT_A1 * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA) + (_spu2mem[dest_a1] * (0x7fff - thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)); const s32 IIR_B0 = (IIR_INPUT_B0 * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA) + (_spu2mem[dest_b0] * (0x7fff - thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)); const s32 IIR_B1 = (IIR_INPUT_B1 * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA) + (_spu2mem[dest_b1] * (0x7fff - thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)); _spu2mem[dest2_a0] = clamp_mix( IIR_A0 >> 16 ); _spu2mem[dest2_a1] = clamp_mix( IIR_A1 >> 16 ); _spu2mem[dest2_b0] = clamp_mix( IIR_B0 >> 16 ); _spu2mem[dest2_b1] = clamp_mix( IIR_B1 >> 16 ); // Faster single-mul approach to interpolation: // (doesn't work yet -- breaks Digital Devil Saga badly) /*const s32 IIR_A0 = IIR_INPUT_A0 + (((_spu2mem[dest_a0]-IIR_INPUT_A0) * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)>>16); const s32 IIR_A1 = IIR_INPUT_A1 + (((_spu2mem[dest_a1]-IIR_INPUT_A1) * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)>>16); const s32 IIR_B0 = IIR_INPUT_B0 + (((_spu2mem[dest_b0]-IIR_INPUT_B0) * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)>>16); const s32 IIR_B1 = IIR_INPUT_B1 + (((_spu2mem[dest_b1]-IIR_INPUT_B1) * thiscore.Revb.IIR_ALPHA)>>16); _spu2mem[dest2_a0] = clamp_mix( IIR_A0 ); _spu2mem[dest2_a1] = clamp_mix( IIR_A1 ); _spu2mem[dest2_b0] = clamp_mix( IIR_B0 ); _spu2mem[dest2_b1] = clamp_mix( IIR_B1 );*/ const s32 ACC0 = ((_spu2mem[acc_src_a0] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_A)) + ((_spu2mem[acc_src_b0] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_B)) + ((_spu2mem[acc_src_c0] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_C)) + ((_spu2mem[acc_src_d0] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_D)); const s32 ACC1 = ((_spu2mem[acc_src_a1] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_A)) + ((_spu2mem[acc_src_b1] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_B)) + ((_spu2mem[acc_src_c1] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_C)) + ((_spu2mem[acc_src_d1] * thiscore.Revb.ACC_COEF_D)); const s32 FB_A0 = (_spu2mem[fb_src_a0] * thiscore.Revb.FB_ALPHA); const s32 FB_A1 = (_spu2mem[fb_src_a1] * thiscore.Revb.FB_ALPHA); const s32 fb_xor_a0 = _spu2mem[fb_src_a0] * ( thiscore.Revb.FB_ALPHA ^ 0x8000 ); const s32 fb_xor_a1 = _spu2mem[fb_src_a1] * ( thiscore.Revb.FB_ALPHA ^ 0x8000 ); _spu2mem[mix_dest_a0] = clamp_mix( (ACC0 - FB_A0) >> 16 ); _spu2mem[mix_dest_a1] = clamp_mix( (ACC1 - FB_A1) >> 16 ); _spu2mem[mix_dest_b0] = clamp_mix( (MulShr32(thiscore.Revb.FB_ALPHA<<16, ACC0) - fb_xor_a0 - (_spu2mem[fb_src_b0] * thiscore.Revb.FB_X)) >> 16 ); _spu2mem[mix_dest_b1] = clamp_mix( (MulShr32(thiscore.Revb.FB_ALPHA<<16, ACC1) - fb_xor_a1 - (_spu2mem[fb_src_b1] * thiscore.Revb.FB_X)) >> 16 ); thiscore.LastEffect.Left = _spu2mem[mix_dest_a0] + _spu2mem[mix_dest_b0]; thiscore.LastEffect.Right = _spu2mem[mix_dest_a1] + _spu2mem[mix_dest_b1]; clamp_mix( thiscore.LastEffect ); //thiscore.LastEffect.Left = (s32)(lowpass_left.sample( thiscore.LastEffect.Left / 32768.0 ) * 32768.0); //thiscore.LastEffect.Right = (s32)(lowpass_right.sample( thiscore.LastEffect.Right / 32768.0 ) * 32768.0); return thiscore.LastEffect; } }