# zerogs Plugin # plugin name set(Output zerogs) set(CommonFlags -Wall ) set(OptimizationFlags -O2 ) # Debug - Build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug) # add defines add_definitions(${CommonFlags} -g) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Debug) # Devel - Build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Devel) # add defines add_definitions(${CommonFlags} ${OptimizationFlags}) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Devel) # Release - Build if(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Release) # add defines add_definitions(${CommonFlags} ${OptimizationFlags}) endif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL Release) # zerogs sources set(zerogsSources GifTransfer.cpp glprocs.c GSmain.cpp GLWinX11.cpp Mem.cpp memcpy_amd.cpp rasterfont.cpp Regs.cpp targets.cpp x86.cpp zerogs.cpp zpipe.cpp) # zerogs headers set(zerogsHeaders common.h GifTransfer.h glprocs.h GS.h Mem.h rasterfont.h Regs.h targets.h x86.h zerogs.h zerogsmath.h zpipe.h) # zerogs S sources set(zerogsSSources x86-32.S) # zerogs shader sources set(zerogsShaderSources ctx0/ps2hw_ctx.fx ctx1/ps2hw_ctx.fx) # zerogs Linux sources set(zerogsLinuxSources # Linux/callbacks.c Linux/Conf.cpp Linux/interface.c Linux/Linux.cpp Linux/support.c) # zerogs Linux headers set(zerogsLinuxHeaders Linux/callbacks.h Linux/interface.h Linux/Linux.h Linux/support.h) # zerogs Windows sources set(zerogsWindowsSources Win32/Conf.cpp Win32/Win32.cpp Win32/zerogs.def Win32/zerogs.rc) # zerogs Windows headers set(zerogsWindowsHeaders aviUtil.h jcofig.h jmorecfg.h jpeglib.h resource.h resrc1.h Win32.h) # change language of .S-files to c++ set_source_files_properties(${zerogsSSources} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) # add additional include directories include_directories(.) # add library add_library(${Output} SHARED ${zerogsSources} ${zerogsHeaders} ${zerogsSSources} ${zerogsShaderSources} ${zerogsLinuxSources} ${zerogsLinuxHeaders}) # set output directory set_target_properties(${Output} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/plugins) # copy ps2hw.dat to plugins folder add_custom_command(TARGET ${Output} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins/zerogs/opengl/Win32/ps2hw.dat ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/bin/plugins) # link target with Cg target_link_libraries(${Output} ${CG_LIBRARIES}) # link target with glew target_link_libraries(${Output} ${GLEW_LIBRARY}) # link target with opengl target_link_libraries(${Output} ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES}) # link target with X11 target_link_libraries(${Output} ${X11_LIBRARIES}) # link target with X11 videomod target_link_libraries(${Output} ${X11_Xxf86vm_LIB}) # User flags options if(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "") target_link_libraries(${Output} "${USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS}") endif(NOT USER_CMAKE_LD_FLAGS STREQUAL "")