/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs * Copyright (C) 2002-2022 PCSX2 Dev Team * * PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found- * ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2. * If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "Updater.h" #include "common/Console.h" #include "common/FileSystem.h" #include "common/Path.h" #include "common/ScopedGuard.h" #include "common/StringUtil.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <memory> #include <set> #include <string> #include <vector> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <shellapi.h> #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include "7zAlloc.h" #include "7zCrc.h" #include "SZErrors.h" static constexpr size_t kInputBufSize = ((size_t)1 << 18); static constexpr ISzAlloc g_Alloc = {SzAlloc, SzFree}; #endif static std::FILE* s_file_console_stream; static constexpr IConsoleWriter s_file_console_writer = { [](const char* fmt) { // WriteRaw std::fputs(fmt, s_file_console_stream); std::fflush(s_file_console_stream); }, [](const char* fmt) { // DoWriteLn std::fputs(fmt, s_file_console_stream); std::fputc('\n', s_file_console_stream); std::fflush(s_file_console_stream); }, [](ConsoleColors) { // DoSetColor }, [](const char* fmt) { // DoWriteFromStdout std::fputs(fmt, s_file_console_stream); std::fflush(s_file_console_stream); }, []() { // Newline std::fputc('\n', s_file_console_stream); std::fflush(s_file_console_stream); }, [](const char*) { // SetTitle }}; static void CloseConsoleFile() { if (s_file_console_stream) std::fclose(s_file_console_stream); } Updater::Updater(ProgressCallback* progress) : m_progress(progress) { progress->SetTitle("PCSX2 Update Installer"); } Updater::~Updater() { CloseUpdateZip(); } void Updater::SetupLogging(ProgressCallback* progress, const std::string& destination_directory) { const std::string log_path(Path::Combine(destination_directory, "updater.log")); s_file_console_stream = FileSystem::OpenCFile(log_path.c_str(), "w"); if (!s_file_console_stream) { progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to open log file '%s'", log_path.c_str()); return; } Console_SetActiveHandler(s_file_console_writer); std::atexit(CloseConsoleFile); } bool Updater::Initialize(std::string destination_directory) { m_destination_directory = std::move(destination_directory); m_staging_directory = StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat("%s" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", m_destination_directory.c_str(), "UPDATE_STAGING"); m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Destination directory: '%s'", m_destination_directory.c_str()); m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Staging directory: '%s'", m_staging_directory.c_str()); return true; } bool Updater::OpenUpdateZip(const char* path) { #ifdef _WIN32 FileInStream_CreateVTable(&m_archive_stream); LookToRead2_CreateVTable(&m_look_stream, False); CrcGenerateTable(); m_zip_path = path; m_look_stream.buf = (Byte*)ISzAlloc_Alloc(&g_Alloc, kInputBufSize); if (!m_look_stream.buf) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedError("Failed to allocate input buffer?!"); return false; } m_look_stream.bufSize = kInputBufSize; m_look_stream.realStream = &m_archive_stream.vt; LookToRead2_Init(&m_look_stream); #ifdef _WIN32 WRes wres = InFile_OpenW(&m_archive_stream.file, StringUtil::UTF8StringToWideString(path).c_str()); #else WRes wres = InFile_Open(&m_archive_stream.file, path); #endif if (wres != 0) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to open '%s': %d", path, wres); return false; } m_file_opened = true; SzArEx_Init(&m_archive); SRes res = SzArEx_Open(&m_archive, &m_look_stream.vt, &g_Alloc, &g_Alloc); if (res != SZ_OK) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("SzArEx_Open() failed: %s [%d]", SZErrorToString(res), res); return false; } m_archive_opened = true; m_progress->SetStatusText("Parsing update zip..."); return ParseZip(); #else return false; #endif } void Updater::CloseUpdateZip() { #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_archive_opened) { SzArEx_Free(&m_archive, &g_Alloc); m_archive_opened = false; } if (m_look_stream.buf) { ISzAlloc_Free(&g_Alloc, m_look_stream.buf); m_look_stream.buf = nullptr; } if (m_file_opened) { File_Close(&m_archive_stream.file); m_file_opened = false; } #endif } bool Updater::RecursiveDeleteDirectory(const char* path) { #ifdef _WIN32 // making this safer on Win32... std::wstring wpath(StringUtil::UTF8StringToWideString(path)); wpath += L'\0'; SHFILEOPSTRUCTW op = {}; op.wFunc = FO_DELETE; op.pFrom = wpath.c_str(); op.fFlags = FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; return (SHFileOperationW(&op) == 0 && !op.fAnyOperationsAborted); #else return FileSystem::RecursiveDeleteDirectory(path); #endif } bool Updater::ParseZip() { #ifdef _WIN32 std::vector<UInt16> filename_buffer; for (u32 file_index = 0; file_index < m_archive.NumFiles; file_index++) { // skip directories, we handle them ourselves if (SzArEx_IsDir(&m_archive, file_index)) continue; size_t filename_len = SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&m_archive, file_index, nullptr); if (filename_len <= 1) continue; filename_buffer.resize(filename_len); SzArEx_GetFileNameUtf16(&m_archive, file_index, filename_buffer.data()); // TODO: This won't work on Linux (4-byte wchar_t). FileToUpdate entry; entry.file_index = file_index; entry.destination_filename = StringUtil::WideStringToUTF8String(reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(filename_buffer.data())); if (entry.destination_filename.empty()) continue; // replace forward slashes with backslashes for (size_t i = 0; i < entry.destination_filename.length(); i++) { if (entry.destination_filename[i] == '/' || entry.destination_filename[i] == '\\') entry.destination_filename[i] = FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER; } // should never have a leading slash. just in case. while (entry.destination_filename[0] == FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER) entry.destination_filename.erase(0, 1); // skip directories (we sort them out later) if (!entry.destination_filename.empty() && entry.destination_filename.back() != FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER) { // skip updater itself, since it was already pre-extracted. // also skips portable.ini to not mess with future non-portable installs. if (StringUtil::Strcasecmp(entry.destination_filename.c_str(), "updater.exe") != 0 && StringUtil::Strcasecmp(entry.destination_filename.c_str(), "portable.ini") != 0) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Found file in zip: '%s'", entry.destination_filename.c_str()); m_update_paths.push_back(std::move(entry)); } } } if (m_update_paths.empty()) { m_progress->ModalError("No files found in update zip."); return false; } for (const FileToUpdate& ftu : m_update_paths) { const size_t len = ftu.destination_filename.length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ftu.destination_filename[i] == FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER) { std::string dir(ftu.destination_filename.begin(), ftu.destination_filename.begin() + i); while (!dir.empty() && dir[dir.length() - 1] == FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER) dir.erase(dir.length() - 1); if (std::find(m_update_directories.begin(), m_update_directories.end(), dir) == m_update_directories.end()) m_update_directories.push_back(std::move(dir)); } } } std::sort(m_update_directories.begin(), m_update_directories.end()); for (const std::string& dir : m_update_directories) m_progress->DisplayFormattedDebugMessage("Directory: %s", dir.c_str()); return true; #else return false; #endif } bool Updater::PrepareStagingDirectory() { if (FileSystem::DirectoryExists(m_staging_directory.c_str())) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedWarning("Update staging directory already exists, removing"); if (!RecursiveDeleteDirectory(m_staging_directory.c_str()) || FileSystem::DirectoryExists(m_staging_directory.c_str())) { m_progress->ModalError("Failed to remove old staging directory"); return false; } } if (!FileSystem::CreateDirectoryPath(m_staging_directory.c_str(), false)) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to create staging directory %s", m_staging_directory.c_str()); return false; } // create subdirectories in staging directory for (const std::string& subdir : m_update_directories) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Creating subdirectory in staging: %s", subdir.c_str()); const std::string staging_subdir = StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat("%s" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", m_staging_directory.c_str(), subdir.c_str()); if (!FileSystem::CreateDirectoryPath(staging_subdir.c_str(), false)) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to create staging subdirectory %s", staging_subdir.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } bool Updater::StageUpdate() { m_progress->SetProgressRange(static_cast<u32>(m_update_paths.size())); m_progress->SetProgressValue(0); #ifdef _WIN32 UInt32 block_index = 0xFFFFFFFF; /* it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) */ Byte* out_buffer = 0; /* it must be 0 before first call for each new archive. */ size_t out_buffer_size = 0; /* it can have any value before first call (if outBuffer = 0) */ ScopedGuard out_buffer_guard([&out_buffer]() { if (out_buffer) ISzAlloc_Free(&g_Alloc, out_buffer); }); for (const FileToUpdate& ftu : m_update_paths) { m_progress->SetFormattedStatusText("Extracting '%s'...", ftu.destination_filename.c_str()); m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Decompressing '%s'...", ftu.destination_filename.c_str()); size_t out_offset = 0; size_t extracted_size = 0; SRes res = SzArEx_Extract(&m_archive, &m_look_stream.vt, ftu.file_index, &block_index, &out_buffer, &out_buffer_size, &out_offset, &extracted_size, &g_Alloc, &g_Alloc); if (res != SZ_OK) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to decompress file '%s' from 7z (file index=%u, error=%s)", ftu.destination_filename.c_str(), ftu.file_index, SZErrorToString(res)); return false; } m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Writing '%s' to staging (%zu bytes)...", ftu.destination_filename.c_str(), extracted_size); const std::string destination_file = StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat( "%s" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", m_staging_directory.c_str(), ftu.destination_filename.c_str()); std::FILE* fp = FileSystem::OpenCFile(destination_file.c_str(), "wb"); if (!fp) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to open staging output file '%s'", destination_file.c_str()); return false; } const bool wrote_completely = std::fwrite(out_buffer + out_offset, extracted_size, 1, fp) == 1 && std::fflush(fp) == 0; if (std::fclose(fp) != 0 || !wrote_completely) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to write output file '%s'", destination_file.c_str()); FileSystem::DeleteFilePath(destination_file.c_str()); return false; } m_progress->IncrementProgressValue(); } return true; #else return false; #endif } bool Updater::CommitUpdate() { m_progress->SetStatusText("Committing update..."); // create directories in target for (const std::string& subdir : m_update_directories) { const std::string dest_subdir = StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat("%s" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", m_destination_directory.c_str(), subdir.c_str()); if (!FileSystem::DirectoryExists(dest_subdir.c_str()) && !FileSystem::CreateDirectoryPath(dest_subdir.c_str(), false)) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to create target directory '%s'", dest_subdir.c_str()); return false; } } // move files to target for (const FileToUpdate& ftu : m_update_paths) { const std::string staging_file_name = StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat( "%s" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", m_staging_directory.c_str(), ftu.destination_filename.c_str()); const std::string dest_file_name = StringUtil::StdStringFromFormat( "%s" FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_STR "%s", m_destination_directory.c_str(), ftu.destination_filename.c_str()); m_progress->DisplayFormattedInformation("Moving '%s' to '%s'", staging_file_name.c_str(), dest_file_name.c_str()); #ifdef _WIN32 const bool result = MoveFileExW(StringUtil::UTF8StringToWideString(staging_file_name).c_str(), StringUtil::UTF8StringToWideString(dest_file_name).c_str(), MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING); #else const bool result = (rename(staging_file_name.c_str(), dest_file_name.c_str()) == 0); #endif if (!result) { m_progress->DisplayFormattedModalError("Failed to rename '%s' to '%s'", staging_file_name.c_str(), dest_file_name.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } void Updater::CleanupStagingDirectory() { // remove staging directory itself if (!RecursiveDeleteDirectory(m_staging_directory.c_str())) m_progress->DisplayFormattedError("Failed to remove staging directory '%s'", m_staging_directory.c_str()); } void Updater::RemoveUpdateZip() { if (m_zip_path.empty()) return; CloseUpdateZip(); if (!FileSystem::DeleteFilePath(m_zip_path.c_str())) m_progress->DisplayFormattedError("Failed to remove update zip '%s'", m_zip_path.c_str()); } std::string Updater::FindPCSX2Exe() const { for (const FileToUpdate& file : m_update_paths) { const std::string& name = file.destination_filename; if (name.find(FS_OSPATH_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER) != name.npos) continue; // Main exe is expected to be at the top level if (!StringUtil::StartsWithNoCase(name, "pcsx2")) continue; if (!StringUtil::EndsWithNoCase(name, "exe")) continue; return name; } return {}; }